Newspaper Page Text
Wise people will not wait until the rush is on to buy their Christmas goods for the children. T ks CM!
dren must be looked aiter, Santa Claus must be had and now is the time to buy while not so many are I '.ok
ing and cLaiming attention. We have a very-handsome stock of Christmas goods audit will gl r ve us plea surd
to show you through and gh e yOu the lOweSfc prices. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH.
__ J * 553 MMER8’ * i, fl i wiy* 3
lye Corners uieekr,
J. H. WALL'S, Editor.
Enletcd at the po-toflice at Cwivsrs as
s; pond-class mail matter.
Sat lid ay, Deo. 10. 1809. !
liue l«»r flr>t im-yr I
LochP' 5 centh per
tion ; 2!it ‘ cents Regular for adv. each 5'ic- nubscqnent hull tor in- j
nertion per j
first insertion; 25< for each subsequent
One year. In advance.....
Six in >nth“, in advance
The Weekly will not be pch
Jit lutl Christinas week. This
is our cuslctu.
The work of- taking the 12th
Census will lie started about
June 1 st, 1900. . The census L
purposed to lie tho most com¬
plete yet underlaKori. I n fur
motion as to tlie scope mid di¬
versity of the compilation will
be published in this paper from
time' to lime I hat the people
may know what to expect when
the enumerators call upon
tin ni.
Gotten in ( hulls and meal
for Fait in quantity. Do sure
and see me before von Imv
Mr Walter Bell, our clover de¬
pot agent, spent last Sunday with
ilia family at Hall.mi.
If yon will step in and pay your
obliged. subscript ion we will he greatly
This is no joke,
Rov. Mr. Brindte preached his
last sermon ns pastor of t lie Chris¬
tian church hero last Sunday,
lie goes to his home in North
Carolina to serve the church there.
This gentleman was much liked
by the i epic, here and their good
wishes follow him to his new field.
A Dastardly Act. i
H- misiTeant threw a
roc’ tit'o ihe ^ ’ovii -itmi nccomn.i r
lla Hon (min, r- mi mu mile west
i f L yers, on Thursday night,
wlii. it st ruck the trainman, Mr.
Cmwt Vi\. inflicting two Severn and
painful wounds on the left cheek
hone no .'the left of the eye. and
cuttir.,- side of his face with
shattered glass. I
Tit 1 rock was thrown with great
force, and era-bed {hr-medi the
window glass, striking Mr. Craw¬
ford, amt passing to the opposite , t
side of the car, where it rebounded 1
to middio aisle
Tlie rock was flat on one side*,
with sharp edges and angles on the
other liadthe edge struck Mr.
Crawford in the temple, it would
have pros 1 ml the skull and caused
his death.
The rock was thrown into tlie
smoking enr, where several gentle-,
men were seated, and it cane near
Btriking them.
It was a most dastardly act. and
we hope the Georgia railroad 1 ! 11 -
thorn ms will succeed in capturing
nnc iic« nsring the miscreant tojus
• s.-vpro punishment.—Guv
vngton btnv.
This rock was thrown near Mr.
Bectio 3 house and about the same
time that a rock was hurled with
groat force through his front door, i
Bliatteringth.'«a in it A
rock ■ in
gor train No. - 1 . ai '»r near tlie
•ama place and about the same,
The marriage of Miss Ruth AI
mand to Mr. Robert, A. Hewlett,
which was solemnized in the Meth
odist church in tin's city Thursday
evening at G o’clock, was one of the
most briiliant church weddings in
the history of the town.
The bride is the only daughter of
of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. H. Almand, and
1ms enjoyed all the advantages heart
could wish. To her sweet disposi
tion and beauty have been added the
graces of thorough educational and
musical training with other accom
pUnhitteiits which have made her a
social favorite.
The groom, ft native Alabamian,
is a handsome gentleman of splendid
business and social standing and the
event was of corresponding social in
tcp-st here anti in Alabama.
The decorations were in white
and green. Gracefully draped !es
toohs of f. Mayo wore fastened to the
wall with clusters of white flowers
and snlin ribbon. The altar was di¬
vided from the church by arched
gateways of white flowers and foli
age. the top of each arch being bril¬
liantly illuminated with white and
green wax tapers. In the center of
the altar was a canopy largely com¬
posed of white Hewers and lavishly
decorated with broad bands of satin
The bridal party entered the church
to the strains of Tantihouser’s wed
ding march heaufifully rendered by
Miss Fannie Jones, of Atlanta.
First came two lovely little girls,
Mary Me ford and Madge Melton,car¬
rying baskets of flowers, who open¬
ed the gates to the enchanted realm.
Next, the ushers, Messrs, fl Y Mc¬
Cord, \V J Hakes, T A Elliott and
C H Reagan.
Tho attendants entered in single
file through the aisles. The bride
came in with hi r maid of honor, Miss
Floiedo Tucker, and tho gvoim en¬
tered with his best, man, Mr. R. M.
Walker. 'They met tho minister,
Rev. J. L. Moon, under the floral
arch, and lie pronounced the cere¬
mony that unit; d their destinies for
Tin- at-teudaels were Misses Flo
rede Tucker. \\ ard Hardwick, Marv
Staiisell, Tiitsie Stewart, Bessie At
ttiaml and Mi ssis. R II Walker, (' K
Hailey, R .1 Heynolds, A J I.a.ij *rd
and James Corrigan.
The bride was lovc-ly in a gown of
white brocaded satin under white
telle. Her veil v as held in place by
orange t.lossoms
TI:o Lriui mu ds wore white organ
d : ; .I■ esses which were perfect mod¬
els of beauty and made over some
color to give additional loveliness to
the fair we lters. Their flowers were
immense bunches of white and pink
After the ceremony the party as
sembled in tlie handsome parlors of!
Air. and Mrs. Alin ami’s home and!
a flash-light photograph of tho bril-1
liaiit scene was secured.
The bnpi'.v couple with several of
their friends, left for Atlanta at 7:20 I
whm !l tender nl ,
' ’’- v v '" !> ' a rece P
fon ai the Hotel Marion by Mr. Sco
Tho hearty good wishes of a host
of friends go with them.
Alrnn j»il—Tow nsn ml.
Tho marriage of Air. P. G. Al- i
niatid a,)d Miss Alt. Vernon Toun
sand occurred last Sunday evening
4 o’clock, Elder Jno. F. Al
maml officialiug.
Mr. Almand is the son of Mr. N.
** Aimaud, of our oily, and a
young man of energy, sobriety and
splendid w n'lh. lie lias won ns a
bride, a young lady, of the county
, 10 " l ,, *’ Didecil, . , . , be helpmete , , to
him and who will make his home
a happy one. They have many
triends uh > extend to tliem good
wishes ami hope for (hem a long
happy We.
X.:t ng^f oi*<I—Cm t <g\
Mr. Claud 0. Langford and Miss
Fannie May Craig were married by
Dr. Landrum at tiie home of tlie
bride’s parants on
Cain Street, in Atlanta, Thursday
evening at 5 o’clock.
The bridal party came to Con¬
yers on the 7:48 accommodation
train, A reception was tendered
them at the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lang¬
ford, on South Railroad street;
These are prominent young
people of Atlanta and there many
friends are wishing for them hap¬
piness through life.
jN eel y—Mi! lei*.
The. marriage of Sr. F. A.
Neely and Miss Mattie Miller ac
curi’ed in At hm la yeStordiiyv
They arrived in Conyers at 4:4
yesterday evening and went im¬
mediately to the home of the
grbom‘s parents near low n.
The lnippy couple are natives : of
this county and have man'^friends
who will cungratuate them and ex¬
tend to them good wishes.
OASTG) S3. 21 .
Bears the Tlte Kind Von Hava Always Bought
Signature . .. _mm w mymrn<r<
Those who are indebted to me
are urgently requested to come in
and make settlements as I need
the money,
Mrs. G. .Haygoo 1.
AVilliams & Whitaker have sold
their stock of goods to Mr. N T Street
Mr. Street hat moved into their stand
and from now on "will broaden his
business in every way. He is a good
businessman and will continue to'do
Boars tke yjlhs Kind You Hayq,Always 3otiJ.ii; '
c O
Look for mv dray—white horse
<md bell. All goods delivered
promptly free of ohaige.
% II
m ; • a
/;j m No c. >%■ ji:
Ei im
Look in Your Mirros*
Do you sec sparkling eyes, a healthy,
tinted skin, a sweet expression and a grace¬
ful form ? These attractions are the result
of good health. If they are absent, there
is nearly always some disorder of the dis¬
tinctly feminine organs present. Healthy
menstrual organs mean heaith and beauty
IV/ne ef Garsiui
makes women beautiful and healthy.
It strikes at the root of all their
trouble. There is no menstrual dis¬
order, aeffe or pain which it will not
cure. It is for the budding girl, the
busy change wife and the life. matron approaching
the of At every trying
crisis in a woman’s life it brin ft
health, strength and happiness,
costs $ 1.00 of medicine dealers.
For advice in cases requiring special
directions, address, giving symptoms,
“ The Ladies’ Advisory Department,'’
The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat¬
tanooga, Tean.
HKS. I.OZI!N \ 1.KW1?, of OcnovlUe,
Twos. Bays:—“I was troubl'd at monthly
Intervals with terrlbis pains in my head and
bscK. but have beea cntirtly relieved by Wiue
of CarduL”
DROPSY CURED with Testable cured
Remedies. Have
many thousand oa-ea
called hopeless. In tea
lays at least two-thirds of a.15 symptoms re mov¬
ed Testimonials and TEH DAYS t rnatm^nt Tree.
DR. H. R. GREKH*3 $0/?S. Box TC. Atlanta. Ga
Card of Thauks.
We desire to express our heartfelt
thanks to the kind friends and
neighbors who were with us during
the sicknesf ami death of our dear
little child. Sacli kindness comes
onlv from good people ant! we are du¬
ly grateful.
Mr. and Mrs. C A Argo.
A FRICANA will cure Constipation and i
is a wonderful Liver Medicine, t ry it,
The Grand old man is stopping at
my store this year and can be found
there from now on every day.
My stock of Christmas goods is im¬
mense and I invite all to come and
buy ofmeyMy prices are very Ow
and you get what you want.
ST.EP <->, m IN’" ^ W r 6 8.1 Cf O W
decs but mere isaiways ,
f oom tor one more.
STOP h A \ its MOM _ i i A—/ F X NT. v X
i .e are not many 3 ^ '
big blow about holiday
business but v .o put the
gE people on not : oe that
O- they can buy Confect ion- —
cries, Fruits, etc.,
Tr at onr place, We have
a new suplly in this . 4 ^’
S3»— —iSIjf
line ,ar4 will sell as j
<£>■'—■ ■
cheap _
as anybody^
CS5*~- Our family and fancy
<S 2 >—
groceries are ail new —
stock and bes quality feu
4Aj>— and prices r-J A.. - ***■?
Come to \1B Y-i A WS — -
($9— «sS»— will supply ye . prompt- ^
ly® All geed- deliv- - -. “
-- ere-d to city trade. -—40
Wood 1 .oliMai^s worth.
iMm tftULf £fgi&EXPERIENCE 50 YEARS’
1||||!|| I % -
A 1 m
mm iM SSPSlSa^
UPts «pp Trade Designs IVIarks
fl Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a sketch mi description whether may
quickly ascertain our opinion free an
invention is probably patentable. Communica¬
tions strict! y confidential. Handbook on Tat cats
sent free. Oldest agency for securing & Co. patents. receive
Patents taken through Munn
special notice, without c harg e, In the
Scientific: imerlcai.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. T.nrgsst ?3 cir¬
culation of ftP .7 scientific Journal. Terms, a
year; fiUHflIOo. four months, $1. Sold by all newEdooiers.
satBri)ad ^Newyorf(
Branch Office. G2f> F St., Washington, D. C.
e «
IVotiec to >ay Gin Csisto
I will giu only t ree i,{ 4J {
tach week, Thursdays, y
and Saturdays, as I cant
to keep a crowd of hands of
day in the week at this S( T C ’ U
the year. Those indebted 0 and ,
for knming will please coim
for bagging, ties and 8g
I need the money N- Pl« nket
A. '
TLjOSt. contain^
A red pocket book plain
about $225,00 in hills, some Lost
notes and cotton receipts.
either in Conyers or 011 t0
erailv rewarded. J F PiP er '
a. curra Rrd yrhi** « e / .. f 0 ^ f p».
AS«?OS.5; Tlte K!!id Ao
Be£?s tha Vou Hava step
F»i-oi'essiosial Notice.
I have opened an office i„ Con
yers in Commercial Hotel, Poomfi
in connection with my Atlanta office
and .will be in Conyers one week in
eac!) month, commencing on the 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to ina]e>
an engagement with me can commu
'■dcate with me at my Atlanta office
13Jf, N. Forsyth street. ’
Dr. J. O, Seamans, I), D, g,
All work guaranteed to please;
Office up stairs over J. H. Al.
maud & Go’s, store.
Conyers Gt
XT. rr. Hopkins.
Office in Night building. Will
be at office first fifteen days in
each month until I can find suita¬
ble residence for myself and fami
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S.
e -<«*►»» •
What Shall
Be Bone
You have tried iron and
ether tonics. But she keeps
T he oil will feed her wasting:
body; the glycerine v;i!l soothe
vigor to her nerves and brain.
Never say you u cannot
oiltiutil you
50 c. and $ 1.00 ,* a'l druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.