Newspaper Page Text
poking Horses, Doll Carriages, Drums, 1 Vjtf « ‘ all
Eds ^jluloicl of T<>y goods, s 1 toilet article;
, work boxes, to ’ i £ i X i \
L kinds of books for young and old.
n't ' wait until the lusL
O now and be
0jj--CoB16 satisfactor,
ited upon
Galley iri Gcspany.
ja J 5 P 3 EE rowwsasasaswwj-"'"
C AL news stems.
paragraphs, Persona! and Otherwise, Gath¬
ered for our Readers.
Ubiyandthe fire crack
fff n the town Christmas aaj.
Minnie Cough Cure is the
'irRi^nrqra' used for coughs
L Children »N Gentryville, b*c
E‘y Lev Williams- If, is the only
Lmsedv fails. iimncm
tlmtpveB coughs, colds,
Lg, Cures pneumonia, h
croup, ! ro->
yall throat and lung
|is early Galley use preyents Drug Co. con
hi). The
Lhy tjsnmnstepped into our
evening and gave ns
les of six couples who will
tried within the next sixty
In's Itood.clean Little Early Risers invigor
the liver,
[fffltem. Motion and Famous liver troubles.— litfie pills
pejteg Co.
mml MeCnlla. has returned
kt'acted visit to friends -in
iik.Peoria. Ill., says: Bur
nM fet to oppi’iite on me
I on rod HiPin with D p Witts
pjdsulrp.” It is (infallible
nil! skin <lis»RSps. "Beware
ptfeits.-Tlie Gailey Drug Co.
pi (s hr It'S. Bartow. Hale will leave will in a
Fin. They
jome time there.
pnwly pm.visited dead mineral with dyspepsia springs,
pworse. «». That I cured used Kochi! me.” Ir T> vs- di
fet yon eat. Cures i nd iires
|r stomach, heartburn and all
d dyspepsia.—The Gailey
[HSigman py—he is going to
will not let bis family
pout the trip until he returns,
jAnnifi E Gunning, Tyre, Midi
fl sun (wed n, long time from
r ibst flesh and became very
koDol Dyspepsia Cure com
'cured me ” It digests what
■and cures all forms of stom
obles. Tt never fails to give
relief in the worst cases.
*»y Drug Co.
: S° to press—Friday evening
•ttes informs us that lie hopes
flight improvement in Mr.
h DC the use of One Minute
This remedy quickly
I ^crac P r ^ en ts consumption. A
for grippe a ud its af-
5 - Ine Gailey Drug Co.
f«e other marriges to occur
F s at an early day. The epi
‘ ave hit in
7AThis 0lIr °1:1 is a good time
batehelors to cn
• ina—perhaps good. their chances
A new^liat^wiirAiot^please a woman
unless it is a stylish hat. If you
®ant A new and stylish hat come to
Be. M millinery store leads m
stylish millinery goods as well as
Qualit and price. Don’t buy until
you examine my goods.
Mr ( Uhl n r. T [ r ;jwD 'OPD
'ion will find an unusually large stoc Mira c of Chris" i mas
» iron ;uu ns; °'
At prices that; can’t be d uplicated in this mar i e
I |M| W-‘ S sm&m 'SSSGajgr
“You don’t know me now, do you
Mrs. It.Churchill, Berlin, Vt,says:
“Our baby was covered with running
sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo
cured her.” A specific for piles and
skin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits.—TheGailey Drug Co.
Railroad travel is increasing as the
holidays draw near,
Mr..I Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved
his child’s life by Ono Minute Cmigh
Cure. Doctors had given her up to
die wit!) croup. It’s nil
cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneu¬ and
monia, bronchitis, and throat
lung troubles. Relieves at once-The
Gailey Drug Co.
We are glad to announce an im¬
provement in the condition of Mr
Chas A Argo. We hope lie may
continue to improve.
Capt. Huson says church wed¬
dings are beautiful affairs and he
always feels a peculiar interest in
them. The Capt. is a musician
by nature and practice & anything
of a poetical or sentimental turn
| strikes , hts fancy,
I will buy “Schnapps*' an 1 “R
JR“ tobacco tags. Bring the n to
me and get the money.
Many visitors are expected to
be in Conyers during Christmas.
You can git all kinds of fire-.
works at plumcet’s
I Mr. J. P. Tilley made a bnsi
ness trip to Atlanta last Monday.
Stop my dray and give the dri
ver your order. It will be filled
i promptly.
Mr. Fred Wallis, our foreman,
IS Oil the sick list this week.
Watch my counters next week.
I will have all kinds of toys, opal
and glassware. Don’t buy until
you see my line.
Plunket .
Prof. Seward, a noted Ventnlo
quist, gave an exhibition at the
dance His worK is of a lngh or
(]er 0 f excellence and those who
same. werer-ent He makes heartily a lit enjoy,,l t ^h,
riment from start to finis. i. B.'
request he has promised to give 1 ho
another entertainment at
courthouse here next Monday
Why go all over town when you
can find what you need at
Cotton is worth in this market j
today 7 1-4 cents. Conyers
ways has a good market if any
other place does.
Mr M H Plunket made a busi¬
ness trip to Atlanta this week.
You can find anything you need
in my store.
Editor E. II. Walker, of the
Limestone Democrat, Athens,
Ala., was here Thursday. He was
best man in the Hewlett—Almand
nuptials, and is a splendid young
gentleman. We enjoyed his call
at our office and hope to meet
witti him again.
I lead and ot hers follow, so come
to me and get what you need.
The gobble, gobble of j] 1H
Christmas turkey is now heard on
every hand.
Everybody go to Piunket’s
nuts, oranges, apples, raisons,
candies etc. Everything in Santa
Claus line will be in my store.
All indications point to a lively
Christmas in Conyers. The Week
t.y will bo pk-as'-d if its friends and
read ears enjoy the holidays.
Mr, W. L. Utiff, of
c umty, is on a visit to
here. *
Those people who are biassed with
plenty will not, we hopof forget their
poor neighbors in tho distribution of
their Christmas gifts. In them y u
will awaken a grateful appreciation,
Miss Virginia Thompson, of
Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. L F
Missies Ora Daniel and Eva
Motes-and Mr. Robt Daniel, of
Atlanta, were with friends here
Messrs John Hardin and Jim
McDonald, who have been at Dry
Tortugas, Fia., arrived home
last Wednesday afternoon at 4: 4.
Only a few of their friends expect¬
ed them and their appearance
hero was a pleasant surprise to
many. They are looking well.
Tho finest line of toys m town
at N. T. Streets.
Mr. H C Penn has movnl into
the house with Mr. I'd us Langley.
Goto N. T. Street’s for your
Christmas goods. He’s got ’em
into the lesulence on Glade s 3et
formerly occupied by Ml. H-.C
All five cents toys*to go at 8
cents, all ten cents toys to go at
seven cents, and twenty-five cents
toys at sixteen centss at N. T.
Mr, Calvin Webb’s new resi¬
dence on Decatur street is near¬
ing completion. Mr. WU Wal¬
lace is building it.
The most complete line of Cel¬
luloid goods ever seen in Conyers
at N. T. Streets.
Mr. Edgar Ewing spent several
days here this week with his pai
Everything in toys sold at
wholesale prices. If you buy be
fore you see my prices you will
lose money. N. T. STREET.
Mr. W D Win burn, of
is i ere at tie bedside of his father
„h„ is critically ,1L
Conyers has pa*d more than for cot
seed this season any
town in this section. The mar
ket to-day is ahead of any town
we know of,
Two thousand pounds of candy
is most too much. Come and let
me divide with you.
N. T. STREE 1’.
The new water tank is about
completed. It is a counterpart is
of the one recently burned and
a splendid tank.
Goto N. T. Street’s for your
°™”f‘ .Apple. Unisons Not., SUck
I £ U o! 011,1
V Ult , - •
• The povere illness of Mr. Jag. I),
j occasioned Win burn since much earley anxiety last week to lias his
family and friends. .He has been
unconscious for several days past,
| He is suffering " from pneumonia.
I The largest and by far the
j somesfc lot of Christmas goods ever
shown in Conyers may be seen in
the different store? of the city this
season. It will repay any one to
come to Conyers and view those
( ^
Revenue officers came down last
Wednesday and went out near
Sims’mili on South river and cap¬
tured a still and a negro. H is
Raid that preparations were being
made for a run just ns the officers
r he old depot lias been torn
down. This will be good news to
every citizen of the town, Fir
years it has been the desire of our
i people to have this eye—smo te
moved ftom the midst of the city
even at this late day, every
,)IU gntd to jjave this desiio
Our elegant line of Christmas
goods will be opened and ready
for the inspection of the public | !
after December the 5th. feelect
J v hav0 HienJ I
vrappr-d nod put aside before
they are picked over.
SANTA. CLADS lias made Dr. Lee’s
Drug Store his cl e positor y for the J ast 15
and will do so again this year.
Don’t, Fai: To 8:28 Our Elegant Xmas Géods.
You ara invited to come
noward make your £elec¬
tions from our Christmas
!li CTw Gailey Giiifi Crapsy
C«s;o Of JPoisoniug;.
!\! r. J. J. Langford, Mrs.
Langford, Mr. Author Langford
Miss Sadie Hale were all very
meatiest syck from eating pressed Physi¬
Tuesday night.
were called in and after sev¬
hours ot strong effort the
sick ones began to grow recovered, bettor.
They are now all about
hut at one time it was feared that
death would cl/iim them.
Just what caused the poisoning
is not known but it is attributed to
tin, [ r sse.l meat.
^ * ,e Christmas tiger” is being
vigorously pursued by too ynenuo
o®eer». d hey have been in this j
neckjof the woods several lliucs this,
The prospect for a cotton facto-j
ry to be erect el here Such next thing! veal* j
is very bright. a
would create wealth for the town.
It would bring about an activity
and push that would make this
indeed a now town. We hope to .
have it.
Mr. Mart Ewing liar, n;oved
family to Augusta. He "ill be con¬
nected with the Ga. railroad in
the yard at that place.
Revs. II. ,0. and J. C. Chris¬
tian aro on a visit to tliero
here, Mrs.Genie Haygood.
The Methodist Sunday school
has decided upon the evening of
December 25tli-for a Christmas
Mrs C. J. Howell, of Oxford,
spent Thursday wit h friends hero.
i <.
«. l 7 WTA it *9
< 'VX
' r-. ■s'- V <*•■**, C-
k:®MM0e Ay x
m /v 4 wl -j l WAW I II
Nsi Sifes aji
If any one should act so
wisely as to buy Holiday goods
before seeing and pricing our
immense stock they will cer
tainly regret . it. Come and see
fine assortment.
. W. I. Lee ■
Trade with our advertisers. They
give you the best for your mon¬
Mr and Mrs W V Almand, were
with Mr and Mrs E L Almand, at
Circle, last Sunday,
Mr W G Brown and family of
Circle, spent Sunday with
relatives here,
Since retiring from business
Mr Arthur Whitaker will devote
all his time to his farming inter
mzrsk .A A sx—-s 9 R u
n I
CHbm k "i
I i
First claps Fancy and Family
^ roctJ 'ies, . Goods a. ways fresh
new. You get the boat
when you trade with us.
All goods delivered
I promptly to city cus¬
tomers. Send us your
orders and tHey will
receive prompt atsen
" W
Largest, finest . 42.. .g Ww;_¢-: assortment eve"
szen in Conyers.
have presents to < v
ery taste and every purse.
Most of them both useful aud
ornamental, those who buy
early have the advantage of
people who wait until every
salesman is in a rush, they
have a better assortment to se¬
lect from, and the salesman can
devote more time to showing
them the different goods.