Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 06, 1900, Image 2

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    Trie f-Giiyei's ilSeekl^,
J. H. WALLIS, Editor.
Entered at the postoffice mail at Conyers as
second-class matter.
Saturday, Jan. 0, 1900.
Locals 5 4 cent« per line for (lot '.user'
lion ; 2' 8 cents for each subsequent, in¬
sertion Regular aUv. 50c. per inch for
trut insertion; 25c for each subsequent
01a-year, in advance.................$ I 00
(Six months, in aihunco...............50c
IVh this issue The Week
upon its eighteenth
l'Yir lx piisf lour years
w liave owned and steered it
III '•evidence pel muting we
Ti o !h im during
i'tinoso friends and patrons
mliave ixlended to us pit
tionage and enceurageniKut in
tT.o past we give assvnauces of
our sincere gratitude and earn¬ |
est freirdship. They have not :
d< alt with us in a stinted man¬
ner but with that generous,
pubbeepirited fervor that clou
«< terizes good citizens and
makes prosperous communi
ti s—These the people of
whom we are justly pround,
and for whom we stand ready
ai all times to do such as may
be in our power for their fur¬
ther advancement.
The Weekly is proud to he
idebtified with this community
—It has labored here for 17
years and. it hopes to be able
to double and redouble its.ex
ietouce here.
To its numerous readers it
extends a hand of cordiul new
year greeting and hopes for
each and all of them a full por¬
tion of health, happiness and
In this year, which we be¬
lieve will end the 19th century,
we hope to tnako the paper
superior in every respect to its
past achievements and with the
dawn, of the new century—
should we be permitted, to see
it—we hope to be able to point
to, not oniy our success, but the
general growth and prosperity
of the people and the town and
lake the Wjswy this year,
The New Year,
The new year has started in
with a rush. A feeling of con¬
fidence pervades every line of
business, as far as we are able
to judge, and the prospect for
general prosperity has not been
brighter for a long lime, The
people owe less and have more
cash on hand and hotter assur¬
ances for making or securing
still more. The avenues of
trade >»ra still active and there is
a general activity that is vory
encouraging. The Weekly is
more than proud of this and
hopes that the people of tills
community may reap the full
benefits to he derived from the
conditions cited. We would sug
gest just here that the erection
of a cotton factory at this place
this year, so that it might be¬
gin opet iiious with the begin¬
ning of the new century would
be a lit ting close to the old one
and a'ing and beneficial
blessing to our people and city .
We bops (lust this suggestion
moo. be fruitful of good to (.Ion
■ ers before the close of the year.
We call the attention of our
readers to our advertisers—We
have a splendid collection of
reprosentat.ive business men in
our columns this weeic and
each of them commence the
new year with bright, prospects
ahead. They all have good
large stocks and are making
prices that no other county
Wo commend , our advertisers ,
to the trading public.
City Ordinances.
We are requested to call at¬
tention to the fact that there
are city ordinances prohibiting
fist- or reckless driving, hitch
| big to st ade trees, obstruction
to streets and sidewalks, nui¬
sances, jumping on and off
cars etc.
These ordinances are all of
much importance and will be
rigidly enforced during the pres
out year. It is also to he re¬
membered that there is an or¬
dinance to bo observed by all
bicycle riders, It defines the
limits and provides othetwise
for the public safety, A tte 11 -
tion is called to these ordinan¬
ces that the people may not
blindly violate them.
It is the intentioa of the pres¬
\ ent city officials to enforce the
laws of the city and othenvise
serve in their public capacity
We have decided to reduce our immense stock until February first
—If quantity, quality and low prices are any inducement we will
meet with success—*V 7 e will sell you goods for less than manufact¬
urers prices as we bought before the advance.
A, D» SUMMERS==Tfie Bag 1 Cash House,
honesty, fearlessly and to the
best of their skill.
• -'i *V»> ►- •
To Our Customers.
We return thanks to our
many customers for their liber¬
al patronage in the past and by
fair dealings, with a large and
select stock, wo hope to merit
a continuance of the same for
the future.' We are carrying
a very lag* stock and can sup¬
ply the wants of our customers
at all tunes and at reasonable
We have all kinds of school
books stationery etc., and in¬
vite all to see us.
Dr. W. If. Leo.
What Shall \
Be Done :
You, have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin. Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per- <
haps rndlt"„o”ri“chSs she has a little hacking'
scors irnm\m
The oil will feed her wasting:
body; the glycerine will soothe
her cough,and the hypophos- and
phites will givenew'powcr and bram.
vrror to her nerves
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott’s Emulsion.
You will be obliged to Children change
your opinion at once. fond
especially become very
of it; and infants do not know
when it is added to their food.
50c. and It.oo ; all druggists.
SCOTT & BOVNE, Chemists, New York.
• -*■
Barred Pfymoth Rock
My hens are direct from
Dorsey’s prize winners and
my cock was Taylor’s show’
cockerel. Mr Dorsey wrote
me: “You have as fine a
yard of Barred Rocks as any¬
body and should raise some
fine show birds next season.’’
Eggs, 15 fov $1 25.
I. G. Walker,
Conyers, Ga.
O .A.» T O' 3?S. X -A. .
B«»r? the The Kind You Hate Always Bought
Kodo B mm
Dyspepsia €ure
Digests what yot s eat.
Nature Itartifieially digests tbefood and aids
in strengthening and recon¬
structing It the exhausted digestive or¬
gans. is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can stantly approach it in efficiency. It in¬
relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,,Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestioo.
Prepared by E. C DeWltt & Co., Chicago.
Mr. J. D. VVinburn Dead *
The death of Mr, J. D.
Winburn, which occurred at.
his home in this city. Monday
morning Dec. 25, removes one
of the oldest and most respect¬
ed citizens of the tow- from the
walks of life. In many ro
s P t?ct8 il° waS » "‘markable
man. Tie was blessed with
health at all times and lived
a life free from vices. He w is
^ V as a consec:ated Christain
a „d his church, the Baptist,
W as always i e ir his heart.
>'- !-“««• f a ”
meetings at hw church was
tue. He was about 74 years of
age, and enjoyed vigorous
health until the illness that,
brought his death Tie con¬
tracted cold about two weeks
previous to his demise which
terminated in pneumonia. He
became unconcious about one
week and remained so to the
He was one of the first set¬
tlers in Conyers and has noted
all the ups and downs of the
city from its infancy. He had
no enemies because he always
lived as neighbors should live.
He accorded to his fellow man
all that he asked for himself
and did “toothers as he would
be done by. ” His life was as
correct as he could make it and
he went to meet his God with
a clear conscience,
He is survied by a second
wife and children and grand¬
children wept around bis bier
for the departed patriarch,while
many friends mourned aud
are deeply grieved.
The funeral w-as preached at
the Baptist church on Tuesday
at 11 o’clock by the pastor af¬
ter which the remains were in¬
terred in Rockdale cemetery.
We extend sincere sympa- 1
thy to the bereaved.
Thanking our customers
and friends for patronage in
the past and wishing them
all prosperity in 1900, we
beg to announce that we are
better prepared than ever
hexore to serve you better ad J 1
vantage. We are at Williams i
& Whitaker's old stand-our j
stock is large but we are re
ceiying new goods daily. Our ,
prices will be just to each ‘
and all. We interest '
can you
in'our general store.
N. T, STREE *T i ;■
■o aHIIMIllllllllH vsmi U '■
> \£&S* XS 23 "
i ■ -2-s
The Gailey Drug Company expresses
its grateful appreciation for the generous
patronage accorded them in the past ami n
all that in the future they will be % fe
better prepared all advantages 1
to serve to ri
than ever before^ -^N : -
Wishing for all a happy new year . i
They beg to announce that all are welcome
to their store and bargains they offer in Pure
Drugs—Medicines and druggists. Sundries.
Sclooi Basts 8!fl SFBUiOT.
ton 7
ctcd BS s
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