Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 06, 1900, Image 3

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    0 n rrs» r L-f 8 NEWS ITEMS.
P« ra r yphs f Personal and Otherwise, Gath¬
r ft for Readers.
ered our
p- Wednesday.
.-..’most effective troubles cure
’ liver
: “v>tM |
' known ns
li t.o s
tS>" ,S ilarly Itisers. • The
v. - I.ittD
well, of Oxford.
Mary Miss Florence
..... quality. r.aware
worthless salves
\tC -wb r’s Match Hazel
; :v^rs Dn.*
T Ip Norton, of Lithon
. ,.,, with Misa
; w days
r Austin.
T J G, 1 CG.
J.. says, u J)eWkfc ? s
the best pills
fecSs. Urination. Ki ^e C Vo use m>
Gailey Drug
L Aubey Aim and is now with
the grocer. He
L a good salesman.
IrTTva I ..TWs. Salem, Ino., says,
Cure diet me more
. j ever took.”
SiTspepsia veil eat and can not
K and stom
&. The Galley Drug Go.
L Ld Attention of legal our readers advertise # is
Lts to the new
if. this issue.
. « irup-k-eld. Health Inspector
“Kodol Dpspepsia
fc L. cannot he recoommended dys- too
yi enrrd me of severe
t;,'" ltd’ r ests vv!:at you ear and
IT Kwof ires non, heartburn The and Gniiey all
in, las C-rlfiy, who has been
fcdingsometilno with relatives
lie city, returned home y ester
iTTrwis. Agent Southern It R
L. Lfliinpur'.-ift 0 , 1 ., ivi'JTs, “I can net Cough say
I,inm.vcase it worked like a
pi." Sjivesinureiliate fiie only harmless remedy
results, (birrs
Ik eth. < onpi bronchi tics.
MStr-mt .'Hid lung troubles. The
iffiUraf young people were
piifij enterta inod nt the home
we fed AC McCalla Wednesday
this week.
lifevrv. Damn ton, pa., writes,
pvilli; . i o;ko my oath that J.
of pneumonia entire by
pot Myron- One Minute Cough Cure
failed. It also cured
[(Mdren pljrelieves of and whooping cough.” coughs,
d*.eroc.n. grinpc and throat and
iU'wi'.;, Children all like it.
N endorse it. The Galley
H Crus. Oiolfelter has re
Wt« M.-iriott-a to resume his
Gsiutin; schools at that place
I® imkhto'd to One Minute
■'M'v lor my health and life
f Kriiiv of hun r trouble follow
friqjf',’' Thousands owe their
flo feiiing th« jirompt action of this
" r remeday. It cures
Nma, c»hls, croup, bronclilties.
Itrounies. grippe and throat and
i s early use pro
I coiisunption. It is the only
p presaalts. ss remedy that gives im
The Galley Co.
A*Lavona Glenn expects to
E'iafev days f»»r KansasjCity
/-•tuotraining school at that
i. 1 '- l.aator and Stewards of the
Eiwtaiuetl jas. church with their wives
at dinner Mon
y’Hiioou by Mr. and Mrs, G
V’ ,;‘ ir Harman-, of Atlanta,
; .M c ; ! ’kd to serve the Chris
i-" 1 °ii here for the present
i s' .f ,;S «riH joe preach Second his first ser
pmth. Sunday in
Li'fi ? Hicks is now with Mr.
, air. Hicks is a clev
i E Iian p ; n d a splendid sales-
1*" iim tes his friends to
‘ ::m 'vhen in the city,
■V Simpkins
!„'■ a left Fri
. 'i to take charge of
Her many friends
’’“-bounded success
U -'^-mpanied a °°dy guard as far from as
J, kvllgf 'H’d spent Thurs
II 'VY °f the week in At
mice upon court.
u - '1'tunateenough ‘t to
,r ! on an electric
j a gu and suit be
■’ u;3 summoned as
ffmt the J H Al
& Manufacturing
Serialize at
The Emory- students
through Convers a fmv davsacoon
their way home for the holidays.
A deal lily silence reigned and
old warcry was not raised; couse
queutly nosonona resmts followed
Lxper.onco is a nard teacher nut
the.stunents have profited by its
instruction and are finally
jiug to realwe that prudence 18 the
oetter part of valor.
Christ.'nns week is always a
iimeof iojoicing aiul a sea son ofgni
ety wiui our young people, Par
trom departing from the usual
custom, last week was one of extra
ordinary brilliance, Opportuni—
ties for enjoyment were numerous
and the festiyites were of a high
order. Six o’clock dinners, after
noon receptions and evening gath
ering, being tho order of th. day.
A fitting close to the gala Christ
mas weex was the reception given
in honoi of miss W inter of Madi
s°n, and 13 s \ oung of o-airoltoti
by Mi . and Mis. J J Langford at
then elegant homer 1 1 iday evening.
The host and hostess received w it h
tflieii accustomed coidlnhty. At a
seasonable lioui all v.eie invited
to the dining loom where dainty
refreshments were enjoyed- Choc
late was served in 'the reception
hall. All present spent a most en
joyable eyemng.
An occasion of great pleasure
was the reception at the home of
Mrs, Shaver, given to her Sunday
school class. The cards read from
three till five At the appointed
hour a large number of guests as
sembled; chocolate and other
refreshments were served; pleas¬
ure caused the lionrs to pass quicK
ly and the time of departure came
all to soon. At five those present,
reluctantly took their leave with
thanks to their hostess for her
generous hospitality.
After the Christmas tree at the
Methodistchureli on Monday even¬
ing, several couples were enter¬
tained at the hospitable home of
Miss Florede Tucker. The oc¬
casion was one of much pleasure,
delightful refreshments evening being further serv
ed while the was
enlivened with music both vocal
and instrumental. Despite the
chilling wii-d, late in the evening
the young people bravely gathered brilliant
in the front.yard whore a
display of fireworks was enjoyed
by all.
Reports from tho Institute prove
it to bo in excellent condition.
There is an unusually enrolled, large atten¬
dance, 207 being this'be¬
ing the largest Institution. nnmby in the tinder his¬
tory of the
t he excellent managementof Prof.
McLendon ably assisted by a
corps of highly competent teach¬
ers good work is being done. The
effects of these efficient instructors
is deeply appreciated and by the mark¬ pa¬
trons of the school, the
ed advance made is very gratify¬ in
ing to thfi people of the town
general. Conyers may well lie
proud of her splendid system of
public schools.
Miss Gladys Tilley entertained
Friday'evening, complimentary Daniell, to of
her cousin, Mies Berma
Atlanta, The younger set wore pres
ent and as usual spent a very gay
Miss Totsie Stewart has returned
to her home in Richmond Ky. a.ftet
a protracted visit to Miss Lucy Glea¬
Misses Florede Tucker and Flor¬
ence Austin spent. several days las!
week in Oxford, the guests of Mrs O
J Howell, During their stay a de¬
lightful reception was given in their
joy, of Decatur, Ga, who spent
day and Saturday with Miss Lucy
Miss Bertha-Dewberry, of Atlanta,
is in om-city, the guest of Miss Maud
Miss Lizzie Pickett, a beautiful
and accomplished young lady of
Covington, spent the holidays in
Conyers as the guest of Miss Tern
pie McDonald.
Afiss Allene Moon, of the Lenior
Class at Wesleyan, spent the lioli
days with lu-r parents liere, Miss
Moon is making an excellent record
in college anu will graduate in June.
She returned to Macon last Tuesday,
Air, J RobtDaniel!, of Atlanta, vis
ited relatives here last week return¬
ing to his home Tuesday, Later in
the week lie again paid our city a fly
ing'-aii* coming down for the pin pose
of attending the reception given at
the home of Mr, and Mrs J P Tilley
Bears tfeo The Kind You Have Always
cf % *■'
His numerous friends here will
hear with pleasure that Charley Al¬
mnnd lias recovered from his recent
illness. Tlie other members, of the
Conyers Cuban colony are well.
Mr. B (I Wilkins, n popular cotton !
buyer, returned h« ' -mlay after!
spending the hoi '< >■ ;-t his home in j
South Carolina.
Mr. C has. J. i gvi nns severed i
n!s eo,mPC,!on * hoflrm of Tm-k
! * r & ^ ill,Rlrl aUi s no ' v •'>
j Mr. HY McCord «111 he of j I
one a
party wlm-h wi.l leave in a tew days
j -or me famous fishing gr -imd on
I'Homosasseerher in Florida.
Mr. Parish E Smith, formerly of
i th! 8 phu . e , * mnv located in mm of
| the prominent cities of Indlnn Terri
for.™ hero.‘ho is engaged in the drug
Mr. Henry McCalla, member of the
Freshman class at the Univeritv is
at his home foi* his Christmas va
cation, Henry expresses himself as
being highly pleased with the work
done in that instition. He is study
ingv^itha view of entering the le
yal " world.
Prof . c „ lberl d „ ysof
last week at his home,
Miss Totsio Stewart, oflMchmond,
Ky., was the guest of honor at a re
ception tendered her by Miss Lucy
Gleaton Tuesday afternoon. The
] lonso wns elaborately decorated with
hatnboo and pine; the affair was
mos t delightful. In addition to
0 p, Pl . refreshments, chocolate was
served throughout the afternoon by
Miss sallie Fannie Gleaton and
Gladys Tilley. A largo number of
g lieS f S thronged the parlors
and at t i 10 hour 0 f p a rt
big were loath to bid adieu to their
hostess and her guest.
Messrs. MM Eakes and W S
Gleaton of the Senior Class nt
Emory, who were home for a vaca
t j otl returned to Oxford to resume
their duties,
Miss Fannie Stansell is in charge
of the school at the Gniiey Acade¬
my. School opened there last
Monday morning with a splendid
attendance, Miss Fannie is an
excellent, young lady and we wish
her success in her school.
The many friends of Mr, and
Mrs, J N Hale will be gratified fh
learn that they reached their des¬
tination safely, They are for the
present at Bartow, Fla- ThejtTopi¬
cal climate of tiie land of flowers
is proving beneficial to the health
of both.
And still they come—scarcely
have the echoes of recent wed¬
ding bells died away when it isan
nounced that on the loth of this
month they will again merily ring
out in celebration of.the mairiage
of one^/f our most popaxar and
accomplished bodies to u prosper¬
ous business man of a neighbor¬
ing town,
It, is with pleasure that we are •en¬
abled to report that Miss Hainbric
has recovered from her recent illness.
Mr J W Bell and family now
occupy Mrs. J A Reynold’s resi¬
dence on tGlade street. Mrs
Smith of Harlem, mother
Mrs. Boll., is their guest.
Don’t, think that it’s t’J° late
to pay your subscription.
j His friends here will
he pleased to know that Mr.
H P Ahnand. sr., of Engleside.
continues to improve.
Mr. and Mis. Hewlett left
last Saturday for th°ir home in
Atlanta, While bore they en¬
tertained handsomely Wednes¬
day ev ning at the home of Mr
John H Ahnand in compliment
to the attendants at their recent
We return thanks to our es¬
teemed friend, Rev. J 8 Tilley
for courtesies shown us this
j We are informed that Hailey
j f-‘i OS, Will open up a stock of
| goods in Mr N T Street s old
stand ou Commerce street.
The marriage of Aliss Arattie Wood
to AD\ W A Alin or, of DeKalb conn
ty, occrred at the home of the
bride’s brother, Air. M L Wood, in
tin's c ly, on Wednesday evening,
Dec.17, The ceremony was tieau
tifuily j-erforincd by the bride’s
brother, Eider JH Wood, of Wat
kins' die, in the presence of a num
be;-of invited guests.
The contracting parties are both
mine nt and popular in their re
tive communties and their nn
mf rous
'i -c happy couple left on tho 7:2 5
trj. the evening for the gror”-
Mrs. C E Reagan and Mrs. G M
Fakes, spent one day last week
with their brother Mr. Chess
Guinn, of Covington.
Miss Annie Mai Winter, of Mad
finn, and Miss Lola Young of
rollon were with Mrs. .1 J La tig
ford during the holidays.
Miss Hernia Dnnioll, of Atlanta.
spent several days last wehk with
|, Pr cousin, Miss Glad vs Tilley,
Mr. M II Plmiket has houghl
the stock of goods of T .T Almnnd
& Son and r.ow occupies the eor
nep slorft of p M A lmand‘s sons.
Uem ; ]lis advertisement in this
paper .
... w,th .. ...
? ur
Chris mas weelc wnh . retaUrcs find
[ v I"^od people oft h'b "town
i« not only pleasant but profitable
also. Jonesboro and her people
are very close to us and we areal
ways glad to return there
Mrs. II F Harper has traded her
house and lot on Mill street, to Col
Jno R Maddox and in turn pur¬
chased the farm of Mr. T G Swann
longingto and a tract of land adjoining, be
Col. Maddox, all on the
Pine Log road near the river.
Dr. A D Janes is now occupying
the S D Almnnd residence on
South railroad street, next to the
mill. His patrons can find him
thereat night and in the day he
can be found at bis office at J C
Stephenson’s store. He answers
all calls promptly. The Doctor
says he is located here permently
andsolicits thepatronge of the peo
pie. Will try to give satisfaction
if called upon. ..
Costumes of varied character, some
antiquated and others redlculous,
some recalling the days of long ago
when our grandmothers tripped the
fantastic toe, ethers of a nature de¬
fying description ; all were on exhi¬
bition at the grand annual vacky par¬
ty celebrated at the Commercial on
Thursday evening of last week. A
few, It was thought, appeared to
greater advantage than ever before,
while the elaborate tailots of others
were not so becoming. Evidence
was not lacking that a raid had been
made on the rouge boxes while the
ability of local mddistes had
rently been taxed to tho utmost in
the preparation of the dazzling
tumes. Late In the evening great
terest was aroused when It Was
nounced that the prizes would
warded by Dr. C JI Turner. The
testants.had done well their part
the selection of the victors was
easy task. While a
prevailed, as the audience
in breathless suspense, the
crowned the victors. Miss McRea
Mr. Roy Elliott. Many striking
tumes'were noticeable; one
ally among the ladies was
of “ye olden times.” the dayS of aultl
lung syne, when with stately
and graceful courtesy our
and grandmothers filled the
we now occupy*. Air. Chas.
was radiant aim seemed a
picture of happiness: his broad
peeped out from beneath a huge
bat,which it seemed would but
the diminutive figure which
tained its weight and dignity.
Ed Po Guinn as he trotted
the rear of a giant
proved “perfectly irresistible.’’
Mike Hudson never appeared
greater advantage; while of Mr A
Blanket it was remarked that not
many days had he appeared quite
natural. To adequately describe
occasion or even to give the
conception of the appearance of
knights and ladies is beyond
power of your reporter Suffice it
say, the occasion was one long to
remembered for, in common
there was a warm time in the old
town that evening.
Professional IVoticc.
I have opened an office in Con
yers in in Commercial Hotel, Room 6,
connection with my Atlanta office
and will be in Conyers one week in
each month, commencing on the 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to make
an engagement with me can comm n
liicate with me at my Atlanta office,
12)£, N. Forsyth Seamans, street. D. D. S.
Dr. J. O,
Scott’s Dairy.
This is one of the most worthy in
stitutions in our midst and its pro
ducts were never better than at this
time. Our clever fellow-townsman,
Mr. L F Scott, is givinp- most of his
time and attention to dairying. He
is making it a study and, although
he has met many obstacles, is fasf
placing it upon a paying basis. His
patronage lias gradually increased
until now his capacity is heavily
taxed and his patrons are more and
more pleased with the very excel
lent quality of his butter and milk,
As time passes lie will more tlior
oughiy equip his business and ex
tinuo to encourage this enterprise by
availing theme' : v< s of the really
first-eiass products of Scott’s Dairy.
s ag” i my,',
0 0 0 0 0 0
have sought to estalt*
’ » iisli n reputation for rm
lijibiiity for our Ftoto and Iho
paironage of the people a coon L
ed us leads us to believe we are
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Jj \his belief will bo our safe
O gat'd in 1900 and people’a
prosperity —Wo will sustain
our reputation — Wo start new
year courageously and with tho
deterruitation to benefit all and
You tire welcome at
0 0 0 0 0 0
At his old stand—Thanks his friends and cus¬
tomers for past favors, and wishes for them a
happy new year.^—
I am ready to compete with anybody for cash
trade also to accommodate them on time. I am
Dress Goods, Hats, Clothing. Shoes >
Lace Trimmings
And a complete line of
Silk front Sliits, at 50 cent each.
Also eveyt.hing in heavy and fancy grocer¬ t
Farming Implements, Hardware
and Crockery
In fact every thing you will need. My prices -
cannot be beat. You will do well to call on
me and save money and time
We buy all country produce.
ii c, mm
■»— ...........
TlrHrrl? I AU s- J JJL'
To the people for past pat¬
ronage and enter tho new yeai
determined to merit more fin
ly a continance of the same—,
j Our stock will be k’eft well up
-and those who trade with us
may expect good goods and full
value for their money.
Wc wish for all a happy
and prosperous new year.
4*4*4* 4 * 4 * 4 .
Wood HollSogswortlh.
Exchange bought and Sold. Collections made OH all parts cf the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will m,t b. honored under any clrcum
stsru es.
Office hours from 8 A. H- till 4 P. M tiil further notice,