Newspaper Page Text
- —HE N|\
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Finds me occupt insr » the olt! familiar corner store of 1). M, a ■a hiand’s S
5 . «*' T, J. A * nd & $ons and moved into jOO
J have l)oiigilt the stock of 3 } i P. f 11 si i'l it +h» '“*■**<; atorp
V f
above slated. M \ stock is large ana will be made still auger and 1 ©Xsto
to be able to furnish friends and customers with whatevertl i IIe y neec
a s
Prices. a on vile everybody to make my store their head* j
%] W 4 k/
cin a i hanking all for past patronage and wishing for all a happy new year.
am vo urs to serve.
A §> • K 3 ' a jl\~ S I. e-nods delivered free AJ ook out for thebeled ,/A t *
1 1 I SI $
A' n (fi I
i 1 / 5
msm s Sot
— ■mkjE . ATCTGW - -rrz!X*K*^z a^.v^^nrc'-aov/-jweua fv.*.
O XX S3 “X s G> m X A..
Bears Ilia ^ 'Ilia Kind Yo’J Have Always Bought
Ifllife 50 YEARS’
,;;v ■ uiiyyylJ£i L% 601 |KA
■i- 3k,
If ' Copyrights Trade Designs Marks &c.
An von© ascertain sending a elect oh and description whether may
quickly probably our patentahio. opinion free Conimnnica* un
Intention rlct.lvcoi'.fldontlal. is Handbook Patents
t ions hi on
sent free. Oldest npency through for socurinK patent*.
Patents taken Munn & Co. receive
tptflatnotice, witlioKfc ebaruo, lxitbo
Scientific Haserkaa.
A Jmrrtsoinely liUistrntciJ weoklv. I nrixe^t cir¬
culation of any ficlontlUo $L Journal. Terms, ?;i a
year; four months, fioltl by alMicwsdealers.
r^UNN & Co. 3G,Broa ^ flew York
Branch OlBco. G2f F 8t„ WasliloKtou. X). C.
one ilm S
1 yy
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on mo.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
M, h M Tl m
&mm j
Lm’jL'iLiij.T'T.'.'Lil LLLCT CLhL'/i'i Luoffi' m
^ Slid a ££■ I
slmilaling AVcgctablcPreparation the atidUegiila- for As
tiig tlie Stontadrs and Bowels oT
Pi'onwlfs Di^eslion,Cheerful¬
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral,
Not Nakc otic.
/&vr tfOditsttiCELPaxma
si Lx. Senna *
/mIi/A Sails - 1«
daise Sesd *
/Ijpmil J,i fastiana&SaJg llf - »
likem Seed -
C'/n hihbyre***' fod Super flavor .
A perfect Sour Remedy Stontach.Diarrhoea. for Constipa¬
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
• ii.
HiMii 0 ail Mala sta
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
Hearses free of
W. \'Y TViisjajti^.
UiHlcrt»kor At Kmlniiiispr
Si ®
Y -
Always Bought
ft In
ft SB
r For Over
Thirty Years
j j
A FRJCANA will cure Constipation and
l* ; s wonderful Liver Medicine. f ry it.
DROPSY CURED with vegetnhb
Remedies. Have cun d
many thoi.eand oa es
colled hope!cos In tea
d*78 at least two-thirds of ail symptoms reniov
od. Testimonials and TEN DAYS treatment free.
DR. U. R. GREEK’S SOrJS. Box K. Atlanta. Ga.
wmm 0® >¥5*3?.
-vs &
- <©»
fetk in
»# w Hg*
’* )
L n
“Sweet Bells Jangled
Out of Tune and Karsh.”
sands Sliakespeare’a o£ description They fits thou¬
pondent, women. sickly, are cross, des¬
themselves nervous—a burden to
and their families. Their
the sweet bells, dispositions are gone, and they, like
there ia remedy. seem sadly They out of tune. But
a can use
'9 9
» It brings health to the womanly
| Swell organism, poised nerves, and health calmness, there strength, means
a It-restores womanly vigor and power.
3 It tones up the nerves which suffer
ling | the and disease have shattered. It is
most perfect remedy ever devised
| to restore weak women to perfect
j]lealtli, and to make them attractive
Sand happy. $1.00 at all druggists,
j For advice in cases requiring spec¬
ial stoms, directions, “The Ladies’ address, Advisory giving symp- De
jpartment,” jcine Co., Chattanooga, The Chattanooga Tenn. Medi
J REV. J. W V. SMITH, Camden, S* C.|
| says-“My falling of wi ife the used womb Wine and of it Cardui at : home
j jor entirely cured
All work guaranteed to please,
Office up stairs over J. II. Al¬
ma ml & Co’s, store.
Conyers, . . . . l Ga
S 240 ft/.Lm A (doftfH ^ CjE 0R0‘i A
A 5ea" Am 'If Sf Agricultural collegb
„.0 Main ButLDiNC.
A collcsfo cincatioa iti Ilia reacli c f all. A.H..
Uooi Normal and Business Xian’s courses.
laboratories; heaiibful, invigoratiug’c!i
v.i religions te; military influences. discipline; Cheapest food moral a::d
board in the
State; abund ■ nee of country produce ; expe uses
from $75 to $150 a year; board i t dornntt orics
c-r private families. Special lice use course for
teachers; fall faculty of nine; all under the
w*ntr« l of tlie University, A collegre prepar¬
atory data*. Co-education of ©exes. Tl-einsti
tation founded specially for students of limited
means. Send for catalogue to the President.
T <i. s. ST8WAHT, AiM,
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call vvherf you need
dressing up.
The following named Agents are pre¬
pared to furnish full and reliable
information regarding all sched¬
ules and rates to all points North,
South, East and West.
Information given regarding all
routs both as to Passenger and
Communicate with either of the
Agents named and you will re¬
ceive prompt reply,
JoeWWhite, AG J ackson
T. P. A. G. F. & P. A.
Frank W. Coffin. S. F. & P. A„
Augusta, Ga¬
S. W. Wilks, M. R. Hudson,
C. F. &P. A., T. F, & P. A.,
Atlanta, Ga.
S. E. Magill, W. W. Hardwick,
C, A, S. A.
Macon, Ga.
C. D. Cox. G. A., Athens Ga,
Also agents at Washington, Madi¬
son, Miiledgeville, Union Point and
IL E. Morgan, C A.,
Chattanooga. Tenn.,
Tim H Moore, C A-,
Nashville, Tenn
W W Lumpkin. T F A,
Columbia, S C-,
W, I, Cormier, C, A,
Charleston, S, C.
S^. r I.\ I lopldns.
Office in Night building. Will
be at office first fifteen days in
each month until I can find suita¬
ble residence for myself and fami
! ) 7 -
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companiea
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
For Infants and Children,
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Si^hature of
IT or* Di8nii8Sion.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:
J110. F King, administrator of
Win. F King, late of said county de¬
ceased, has filed his final return in
my office and made application for
letters of dismission from ! 1 is trust,
as such administrator, and I will
pass upon the same on the first Mon¬
day in March. 1900 . Given under
my hand and official signature, this
Dec. 14 , 1899 .
A M HELMS, Orel.
For Dismission.
Georgia, Rockdale Countv.
To whom it may concern :
L J Almand, Executor of Mrs.
Martha Baker, late of said county
deeeaeed, lias filed Isis final return
n my office and made application
for letters of dismission from his trust
as such executor, and I will pass up¬
on the same 011 the first Monday in
March, 1900 .
Given under my hand and official
signature this Dec 14 . 1899 .
A.M, HELMS, Ord.
INoTice to Debtors
an(I Creditors.
All who are indebted to Jas. P
Winburn, at and deceased, settle will please Also 1 call am j
once same.
authorized to settle all of Irs just :
debts. So don’t * delay but call at j
once. ;
Jno. C Stephenson. Ex’r. 1
Geoegia, To whom Rockdale it concernJohn County; j
may Robt L
D Scott administrator of
Scott, late of said county disc sec!
has filed his final return and made
application for letters of dismission
from his trust as such administrator
Audi Will pass upon the same on
the first Monday in April 1500.;
Given under my hand and official
signature, iliis Jan. 3 rd ISC 0 .
A M Hswts, Obd, i
a®RS3! ->?.,.=
n t rv
a mi i y s
I thank My friends' c and patrom
for past favors c-t-nd a I announce!;
the public that I maybe found a
my old stand where I am pm
ed to do yo ui* work on short roly
and in a satisfactory manner.
Those who are indebted, n m3 a
requested to come and settle %
need money me to enable to a|
commodate them another year.
We do first class work.
Geoegta, Rockdai.e County;,
To wlioin it may concern:-!!
A Almaiid. widow ofS 1) Aim
iato of said county deceased,hi
; made application fora deewased 1 welve 1110 ei
sup ort out cf said
P filed . .. the appraisers appointed office. hi I
their return in my interest
is to cite all persons
l will {>ass upon the same 0:1 tiia
Monday in February 1 f00. w
under my hand and official sa
ture, this Jan. 3rd 1 NO. I
A M Helms, 0|
Georgia, Kockdale County;
To whom it may concern!
vinue of an order of the Cot
O rdinary of said county will be
before the court house door in
yers, Ga., between lawful sale t
oif the first Tu c sday in reW
1900 one hundred acres of land
or Je^s being district part- of of hand Rockdale I®*, J
in the lltii Sout
ty and bounded on the'
lands of W H M Austin, L
lands West of R K by Sims, J ?! North Re f twich b.v^
river, and known the w
others as
Stanley place. Said lands to«
as the property of said B
Stanley late of said PffvmgdeM coiwtydcc
for the purpose of amon
making distribution 19W
heirs. This Jan. 3rd
cash J C Stan
Administrator of R Stanley
Georgia, Rockdale County;
viCuo VV of°an SrdH 5 S
yers Ga.-between lav fuis
the first Monday in Februa". ot
on and lot city
one house in ,
yers. Ga.. on sjou.n “ cre mi
^f/d'Cundad'on Georgia R 0 jYl> tlieSj
;ha a ' iHa
pinnket, South and I- by,w ast s .Joej
g Bryans "•
on. Also, two non , IT; ; ei inthl six‘ rT ]
1 eves of land of A'l m ,: f w V cc ,unty|
district land lo.s b'
parts of tl J^‘p tit
bounded on i0 j
son Overm ■; . ‘. ut WM
by by Ij \ J- ‘ Y NY a real! i ; e? Y.N
i.ailre-a r r! . e ««;.! 1
fe.n. as !i y : ' ^ rf ^ r d
une 1 x •“ ; \ >
purpose _‘ , v
i r ; :c -
elisti - " u;s case
-Jre: decess^-• L • -,S'ihnan *jjjji
Adntr. of » R *