Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 13, 1900, Image 1

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    TH Q O k I S3 m HH
I PflS •I S 4 1 ■i --- “ * t LAST £ i i k ?.ssa t T Kg y * S'ESSES Y
Don’t niiss the opportunity of buying- shoes for less money than ever before.
are liable to close at any moment, Don’t wait until it is too late. We
e at
ust leave here soon so come once.
:hool board etc.
the information of our rentiers
or the names cn the
print this week
mbers of the School Board, the
hding committees of the hoard
I the school Act for the City of
Evers as follows:
members board.
u n H Alniand, President;
lUMeElvaney, Secretary;
f j Langford. McCord, Treasurer;
r y
|H W Hull. Tucker.
[pliesand School Chin., Property: II Y McCord,
lance Committee:
|H Hull, Chin., VM McElvany.
:t Books and Teachers:
[YMcCord, Chm., AM McElva¬
ny and Superintendent.
School Act.
/XT lN n 2 - 0 2 -
° '
Iectux 1. The General As
Ibljofthe State of Georgia
enact, That th"re shall be es
plished in the city of Cony era,
[Rockdale county, a system of
lie schools." to bo conducted
d maintained as hereinafter
fee. 2. Be it further enact
jby the authority aforesaid,
lat there shall he a hoard of
ihool Commissioners for said
ty, consisting of six members,
poshall he elected by the quai¬
nt! voters of said city on the
kSaturday in December, A.
1S89. The term of the two
piving Nesshall the highest number of
expire on the first
Way in January 1893; the
ptof the next two
Next number of votes
pe on the first Monday in
Fary 1892: the term of the
r” two to expire on the first
May in January, 1891, and
r ;r successors shall he elected
I lie legal voters of said city
|l'e rrtoen election for preceeditig May or and
next the
r ation of their several terms
r' fiie terms of the members
P^'d F be three hoard, after the first
1 years unless to
sn un expired term,) and on
‘ e tn elect at any regular
,!1 - they shall hold until
successors are elected and
!ied aa dfoi which a special
I' Mon “ay he ordered after
B1 "'y da s notice by
*1 Aide , the Mayor
nnan ofsri-J city. Said
‘ d School Commissioners
bare power to fill vacan
,‘ lheir b °dy- to hold until
,, tion
, is held: but
!* no one
' eli gibie to the office of
*fcoi 8 not twenty
ars of a ge and who
'in a bona fide citizen and
FN ‘- l of
; ‘ th
e same for twelve
it oext preceding his
CONYERS, r : ) SATURDAY, JAN. 13, 1900.
High Grade Clothing at wholesale
cost. This is something you should
investigate. We can’t duplicate the
stock at the price we offer it to you.
Sec. 3. Bo it further enacted,
That before the memheis of the
said Board of School Commis¬
sioners enter upon their duties
as such, they shall take and
subscribe to the oath required
of the members of the County
Board of Education,
Sec. 4. Be it further enacted,
That said School Board shall
keep a record of all their pro¬
ceedings; shall elect from their
own body a President, a Secre¬
tary and Treasurer. Said Treas¬
urer shall give bond in such a
mouut, with such securities as
said hoard may require, paya¬
ble to their body for the faithful
discharge of all his duties.
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted,
That the said board shall sttper
vise, regulate and make efficient
said school system, s.iad
power to make ,-ules for the
government of themselves, the
teachers and pupils of said
schools, to establish grades
therein, and prescribe the stud¬
ies thereof: employ, fix the sal
aries, and pay' the teachers
thereof, and to provide for the
necessary conveniences and ap¬
pliances of said schools, aud to
do all lawful acts
necessary 7 to ihe prop¬
er operation of said schools and,
are authorized to hold and ap¬
ply any grants - or donation of
money or property made by any
person or corporation for the
benefit of said schools.
Sec G. Be it further enacted,
That the said board shall have
and it shall be their du¬
ty to establish under this m
said city, seperate schools for
the w! ites and blacks, (and not
more than one for each) out of
the funds arising from taxition
bonds hereinafter provided for
with which they are to
suitable lots n d e r e c t
suit al be u i 1
ings thereon, and furnish
equip the same for said schools,
and keep a record of said
which shall be open to the in
spection of the citizens of said
city. They shall make a report
to the Mayor and Council
said city of their receipts and
disbursements at such time or
times as said Major aud Alder
men may require,
Sec. 7. Be it further enacted,
That the Mayor and Aldermen
of said city of Conyers. are
hereby authorized to levy
to collect annually a lax, in ad
dition to that now allowed bv
law, not to exceed five tenths
of one per cent, on the taxable
property of said city, for the
purpose of establishing
Jmaimaiaicgsaid public schools
Dress goods, Capes, and Shawls,
at marvelously low prices. You
can save money in our store if you
come now. Theseggoods are new.
not less than four, not longer
than ten months in each year,
said funds to be used only for
the purpose aforesaid.
Sec. 8. Be it further enacted,
That all children between the
ages of six and eighteen
whose paients, guardians, ci
natural protectors, bona
residing within the
limits of said city, shall be en¬
titled tothe benefitof said school
Provided, an admission fee
toexceed two dollars per annum
for each child, may be required
from the parents, guardian
natural protector of each child
attending said public school; and
the said Mayor and Aldermen
may also admit children of like
age 3 into said schools, whose
j parents, , guauU r ) „
the corporate hunts of said cty
the payment of such tui
t»on as they may deem reasona¬
ble and propei, and that the
said Mayor and Aldermen may
Drovid- for the admission of pu
pile over IS years of age in said
schools, whether residents of
said city or not on such terms
and rules as to tuition, etc., as
they may think proper and
right. Funds so raised under
this section shall be applied a
lone to the maintenance ef said
public schools in said city
Sec 9. Be it further enacted.
That- the County School Com¬
missioner of Rockdale county,
is hereby authorized and requir¬
ed to pay over to the Mayor and
. Aldermen of Conyers, for the
use ofsaut public schools there
i in. uncer such rules and regu
! itl0n8 as sa,d Ma >’ 01 and 2 er
jus't .
,nen may prescri je, t ie
and fui! proportion o tie com
nion school fund arising rain
any aad a!1 sources, he ongmg
j to or due 8a | L clty t0 ' e
them » said Mayor and A der
ni< - n > expended in tne estao h -
nient, aud maintenance o sat
P al), ‘ ,c ^ cn00,s m sai Cl! - V, as
!)9 authome y m t on
j raa > T
stitu'mn and laws o a ate
bEC 10 - And be l “ ut t ier en ‘
acted > Pbatbe oretns c s a
| become operative, it sna e
submitted lollie qiai t
ters “ abd c ' ty ' v%l ‘ Cl l ,UI
P OSt ' ^ a > or au ertuen
t, ' ere(> ‘. S al * °'. 6r ai1 ^ ectl0n ’
0 u liC tHl c .' °
| thereof shall be given in the
pu >,ic 0 " au Clt ''
, ..
j ” ‘ " 18 8 1 ', ln
d ^ the «ame rules and . regma
‘ rf fi lll,< a c r 1 *'’• (H
," a -. ; i>n ' shafi 6 h^the
g .-, ae Those in favor of public
shall have written or
V dedou their tickets. “For
Public Schools,” and those op
posed shall have written or prin
ted on their tickets the words,
• ‘ Against Public Schools.” The
managers of said election shall
make returns thereof to the
Mayor and Aldermen of
city, who shall, on the first
portunity, open, said returns
and declare the result thereof
and if two thirds of the
ed voters of said city, or
thirds of those voting shall
j for public schools, then ,the
j or and Aldermen shall
ately declare the result,
this Act shall take effect
mediately. Should this bill
of adoption, the said Mayor
A^dermen mjty submit the
to another election, under
same rules and regulations
the aftcr the expiration of
twelve months between said 0 -
lecfioM| th |rty of tllH
qualified voters of said city shall
petition the Mavor and Alder
men thoieof for the same.
Sec 11. Beit further enacted.
That should the ■*•.,!« ..I said
election favor said public school
system, the Mayor and Aider
men of said city shall, and t hey
are hereby authorized, to issue
bonds of said town, to he sign¬
ed by tne Mayor and
thereof, for a sum in the aggre¬
gate not to exceed ten thousand
dollars, and of denombacions
not. less than fifty, nor more
than one hundred d dlars, and
to bear interest at the rate of
not more than six per cent per
annum, and to be known as the
Conyers School Bonds, payable
annual}y on 01 . i)y the fifteenth
O oceraber of each year, or
such other time or times for
maturity of 8aid bon ^ s as sa i s
Mavor aud A iq errnan may di
r0(J J an( j a s to the amount of
as they may determine, so
that the last of said bonds may
fa „ cltl0 within thirty years af
their i88l|e an( ] that the
Mayor and AWennen shall be.
anc j are impowored at and
foi . e t h e issuing, Si id bonds,
QVide f 01 . t j 10 assessment and
collection of an annual tax suf
ficien ^ j n amoLmt to pay the
principal and interest of the
said t*ouds as the same may
severally fall du«, Provided, the
tax for said purpose eliall not
exceed for any one year the
sum of the principal and mtet
of §aid bonds falIing due
year. Said bonds shall
be turned over to the Board of
c , Jinmissloner3> ..
pl)e ; r Treasurer, as they may
order, to ha negotiated by
8 1 uot less than par, and with
out-expense to the city, and the
proceeds applied by eaid board
to procuring suitable lots, and
erecting suitable buildings there
on for said public schools, and
furnishing and equipping the
same, as provided for in section
s ’x of this Act, and for no oth
Skc 12. Bo it further enact
ed, That section eleven shall
not go into effect, nor said
i bonds isstied until the question
their issuance shall have
been submitted to the vote of
the qualified voters in said city
and approved by two thirds
same. Said qualification,
place and manner of said elec
as that prescribed m sec
tiou ten of this Act for the
Publishment of public
and return of said
shall be made and declared
in section ten. and result enter
ed on the book of
ProvicIed , that in said case stud
questions shall be decided :ieg
atireJy, the Mayor and Alder¬
are autlioriz d to order
elections upon Min
qu'-stiotia after the lapse
I wiR open up a shop for repaiing shoes, harness etc , in
the late Mr. J, D. Winhurn’s old stand on Mo: day morning
next, January 8. I promise to do work neatly at reasonable
prices and ask a share of the patronage of the public—I invite
to give me a tiiafi
19 J.M.GRAY. 00
s brow.
Extends new 7 year’s greetings to the people and
assures them of his wishes for their prosperity this
year, and calls to their minds that lie is prepared to
furnish them fancy aud family groceries, always
fresh, at lowest masket prices—
Satisfaction to all huye-8 and the best in quality
and greatest quanity for the money.
Try me—The Peoj le’s GTocer.
NO. 2.
months between the said
The ballots for said
shall h ive written or
printed "For the Issuing of
Bonds” or •' Against the Issuing
of Bonds.”
Sec. 13 Bait further enacted
Thut the tn liters embraced in
sections eleven and twelve may
he submitted to the voters of
said city as a seperate propo¬
sition before or simultaneous
with the matters embraced in
Section nine of this Act,
(Continued on fourth page.)
t 1
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anronasomllnj nscerliiln it akelrh and dsserlntlnn whether may
on!cl;ty prohnbly S oi:r opinion fr«o an
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Pntont* taken neoncy through Alarm sociirlnfr patent*.
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culation A immljomely of Ulilsfrittrd irientlHO Journal. ireeklr. I Terms. .urgent elr.
four months, liny Sold bjr all 13 a
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