Newspaper Page Text
The. Conyers Weekly
J. H. WALLiS, Eoitor.
Entered at Hie postofBcc- at Conyers
second-class mail nnit’er.
Saturday Jan. 13, 1900.
Locals 5 cents per line h r dot inter
tiot Vi t'.ent* for each *.ih».q«e»t
Sm'iosertimI’afk-lir ’•.ub*er l »eMt
St Bit IttrriON BA I E:
One year, in ndvanc- .... .*! on
Hix irmiith**, in advance: ......•*'<«•
This is election year and the
people will be called upon to fid
all the offices from tne lowest to
the highest, l b're will t ean
KUJ kinds af candidates ' and there
will , be no difficulty , . in finding
the kind of man sou wish to
vote for. Borne of tin m wiii be
in the field early and late and
in Use final windup pome of
them will be “in the soup,”
11 is expected that
dates will he in a good
and ready at all times to grasp
Hands and lend "a fellow a do!
Jar. J J Such candidates stand a
goodfo.ii, 1 ° U ’ .
in Rockdale Um election is ex
people will wish lo keep posted
upon county affairs audio that
end wo invte them to subscribe
for The Weekly, the only
county paper that gives all the
news in the county.
The year win be one of
3 cljq - I
T3 w e O'
up. ;
Take tin's paper.
Wlmt A Fad Has Led To ;
The rage for ending i
names with *‘ie” has come to a
ridiculous conclusion. A Kent
county farmer, living near
Frederica, iwune Ake, christen
ed his dangluei Beil. Slie a
dopted the style of the Fannies
the MaMies, the Sadies, eio., 1
ami hud her calling cards prin
ted '•Bellie.” Now. the un ¬
sophisticated maiden appears
to a distracted wotld as “Miss
Bellie Ake.— Exchange.
Hub L 0 B ,, Norton., of r utiioma, i 1
|6 beins , . hientioned .
hon with Hie taro Mr bolic.-tm
Grim 1 • ■ .'b 'm'.Hf
T 1 i HI hi Cl - M)1 7 ( 1900 .
Dr. W. H. Lee b.yides keeping a full line of
pure K <lru«s will always have a |-r K e stock of
* j
f Uu, iny > 9 >...-A of the very bust quality and at
bottom prices, .Ml hr asks of his friends and cus
tom.TS is to s.c his v.->ods and ^et his prices be
fore buying.
Garden Goods,
House and Furniture Paints
Carriage and Wagon Paints •
Varnishes of all kinds.
Window Glass and Putty.
Cigars and Pipes.
Full lino of chewing tobacco.
All kinds of smoking tobacco.
Lamps and Lamp Oils.
. Toilet and Laundry soap.
Combs and Brushers.
School Books.
TruK*. Toik.t and Fancy Articles, a large and select
8tock **f perfumery Headquaiters for Spectacles, fine pocket
uutlevy. hooks, marbles, balla, tops, etc,, etc.
Dr. W. Hi. LEE.
The Coming-U. ». Census
the first of Juno, when the
of the enumerators must bo
The territory i- now being
divided intoenumeration districts.
which v.ill soon be completed,
then the matter of appointment
enumerators wjl! be takes, up.
Rockdale county will have
1 enumerators, oil.
| district 100.
One enumerator will be
: r>d for each enumeration district
1 who must live in the district for
which lie is appointed.
The subdivision of this county is
as follows, beginning with No. 93
and runn j ng np to n 0 . 9f, :
roukdale countv. T ^•
^ ^ Sheffield.
->o.- h. roan, exclusive exclusive of ox
Hoovers oonyers town tmui.
No. 95. Conyers town.
No. 90. Honey Creek and Lor
p ns on ' Passant. '
A New Tork correspondent
deplores the tendency of the
fashionable set “to raise hull
pups instead of babies.
The Birmingham Age alludes j
Tnhn n Titiip of
[L ef5 °j ° f Uo ' e " 10 ' Can lu
Ue0 '^‘ •
“The Hon. Bill Gober started
to run for governor of Jventucky
IV last year, -remarked the
Washington Post, “and he is
at it.
There cannot be too many
women. There should be e
nough women at least for every
man in the world, to have a ;
mother, sister and^ somebody
else s sister. New \oik Join ~ !
81 ' j
A jack rabbit sausage factor y i
to he established at Eldorado
Kan., where the ninibie-footed
meteors of trie gr vsgv plains an
more plentiful andcheapei than
the bovine or canine raw mate
rial— Knoxville Seiltinal.
In nine rases out of ten the
woman who writes 1 Household
Huns for Happy Fami'hfi” lives
in a rented apart roent and takes
her meals around the cornet
in a cb* np n it am ant Wash
iogfoii t o-T.
I’ 1 . plea -nut to reflect that
, he controversy as , to when , the .
, ,j,j c< -ntury ends and the new
iugisi or. ’ 11 •- only once in 100
:!’■ • hit mutghuui News.
Hmtoricnl Slcetcli.
toricaj sketch by P. L. Hampton
which will prove of interest to
-In the year 1822, DeKalb
ty was .laid out anil named
or to Baron DeKulb, a German
officer, who lost his life in
<>f American freedom at the
of tarn den, b. L , Augu. c
D80 bhe same county
within its limits chosen forLenrv
continued their temiio..
As a considerable whito popnla
tion how began to. spread -over the
county (although sparse) it may
not be inappropriate to note the
character of thelnnds, theii adap
tation to agricultural purposes
the general estimation ]>laced
upon them by the first settlers.
It was then a very J general " impres- 1
Sion, ’ and for one I am very far
frora , the ,, arroganey to ,
ft 99 " 1 ” 11 ’?
arraign the judgment of the first
settlers upon the subject, as the
evidence still exists, that, away
from water courses, very Jit
tie of the ridge lands were worth
muc j 1< Any ordinary pony, good
unc j er a Bfu |dle or a t drawing a
. h< wag estimated to be worth
!T ,ore in round dollars and cents
t] lftn an y common lot of land con
, • • Vai,
sold were mtrvelonsly cheap, and
much below the ordinary price of
pony. Bill Terry, who then had
little store of goods in a log cab
j n near R 0 ck bridge, bought a lot
land, the same whereon Thos:
j.j Goddard now' lives in part, if
not in whole, for a fur hat which
he himself had worn one or twb
The owner of this dot
needed a hat and didnot want the
j a ,, f j ail( j g re ntly admired the hat
Bill SO gracefully wore, and a trade
some little talk was finally
made. Of course such a thing aV
paying a man to write a deedj or
a justice of the peace to
wr j( e jfia name in it officialiy as^v
witness was unheard of them. All
was done fer accommodation, andt
business nffairs glided along as
smoothly as now. The same lot
of land on which Jas. J. Kilgore
now has a mill, was someyearsaf
ter sold for $50, a price then
thought to be extravagant and out
0 f reason. Yet no one pretended
to doubt, ’ if the mill were removed
tholandtl)onumvorn,bycultiva- , ...
,. lion and , not , denuded , , , of , its prime
val forest growth would be worth
intrinsically double the amount
that it is to-day whether the pres¬
ent owner would be willing to ac¬
cept such an amount in consider
ation of a transfer or not. There
were in those days several other
transfers made in consideration of
mere pittances—sums much less
than are now annually paid aa
taxes on the same lands. A tract
,f C< "' n,r T e * t,ndi “ g
the town of Conyers now is,
few miles above the present site
"f *“ for
thought to be so poor, the soil so
thin, that if a man should settle
such ... lands and , attempt ., ,
on to
port himself and family, he would
either live upon the charities of
othei's or perish. An Irishman
once made the remark with ref
erence to these lands: “I have
traveled lrom Dungarven to the
Giant’s Causeway, and from Dura
frier to the High lands. I have
seen the Canadas and much of the
lands in the Northern and South
ern States and I do declare
Augusta to the Chattahoochee,
the lands are the poorest that ev»r
* “»*
ing the low estimation placed
on such lands by many of the first
j setlers of the country, and
j strangers at the present day,
are,many men at the present
| realizing handsome iucomes
- “-"T b T Miltivating tl>» self
lands. These lauds are in
ance deceptive. They are
better than a stranger at
would suppose them. They
capable of improvement, and
in reality better tliau many of
Texas lands. ‘ any of the
settler, who .old the led.
cheap only let others possess them
j again,
; Heie
j study a moral and profit by other
experiences. •*______M
j Barred PI-ymotH , ROCK p» i
)jen8 are dir. ct from
pj ' 0 > H .; r { ze winners and
• cock was Taylor’s Show
• # -Mr Dorsey wrote
me: l, Yon have as fine a
jj.irri of Barred Rocks as any
y C dy and ehould raise some
fine show birds next
Eggs, 15 for §125
' ‘ a *ei,
Conyers, ua.
Smyrna News.
Dr. Quigg preached a very inter¬
esting sermon at-Smyrna last Sun¬
day to a large congregation.
Mr. Bob Sharp and wife, of De
Kalb county, were guests of Mr.
S. F. Rohanan’s family Sunday.
‘ Mr. Turner Sims he has
broken the ice and is now floating
on tlje sea of love.
Mr. and .Mrs. B. C. Grenade, of
Oak Grove,' spent Sunday here
with his daughter, Mrs.H.H. Dan
Mr. Charlie Plmiketcan be found
at Smyrna inMho week but if y m
wish to find him on Sunday go to
Oak Grove.
"VVe are glad to note that Mr.
Henry Sims is now able to be up
again after a severe spell of
.What’s.the matter with all the
correspondents? W r hy not have
one from-each community?
I. c. u.
OA SfroniA.
1 JB^ara-the - si The Kind You Have Always Bought
By investigating- our wonderful
' f . - remedy, ■.
The only absolute cure for Asthma.
Bronchitis, all’stages and forms cf
Catarrh and INCIPIENT CON¬
cine; NO FAILURES, safe for any
at all times.
ED COUGH. Write at once.
weekly payments taken.
are tile best ‘diseases oil earth. They speedily
cure all of the Heart, Liver,
Kidneys, and StoniHch KheumfitisiiT
Neuralgia, all NERVOUS TROU¬
We cure any curable disease—BY
MAIL—tell us of your trouble.
We want reliable, permanent
agents of both sexes and give most
liberal commissions.
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics . But she keeps
paIc and thin . Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per
haps she has a little head hacking aches
cough also. Her j
and she cannot study. Give her
Scott’s Emulsion
» The oil will feed her wasting
* body I the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos- and
1 phites will give new power
[ vigor Never to her nerves and cannot brain.
say you
, y 0 u will be obliged to Children change
i your opinion become at once. fond
• especially and infants do very know
1 of it; not
* when it is added to their food.
joc. and $1.00 ; all druggist*,
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
1 —-— ■■ - ■- —
( “Shall we pay $3,000,000 for
the Danish West Indies, ’
the World “or take them by
‘expansion ?
A^^J “* °"
Thanking our customers
and Mends for patronage in
the past and wishing them
all prosperity in 1900, we
beg to announce that we are
better prepared than ever ad
beiore to serve you better
vantage. We are at Williams
& Whitaker’s old stand-our
stock is large but we are re
ceiving new goods daily. Our
prices will be just to each
and all. We can interest you
in our general store.
j - • W- •
The Gailey Drug Company expresses
its grateful appreciation for the generous
j patronage accorded them in tbs past and
1 be
assures all that in the future they will
better prepared to serve all to advantages
»i than ever before^
i Wishing for all a happy new year.
They beg to announce that all are welcome
to their store and bargains they offer in I ure
i Drugs—Medicines and druggists Sundries.
; ! Scloni Snots asi Statnitf
Ths Sailey Drug CD •J
THE fiLAss fun
John-on, Goods & Huff, Proprietors.
Our new store is about complet
ed and we envite all t0 call and
inspect our goods.
For Furniture, Steves, Crock
ery, Glassware, Tinware, Granite
and Enameled ware, etc., we stand
without a rival. We buy as close
as possible in quantity and sell at
the smallest profit commensurate
with good business* We can make it
profitable for you to give, us your
We thank one and all f 0 r past
patronage and will merit a contin
uance of same in the future*
Jin* GooQe & iff.
.'()IEFWM¢PI\', (15¢): »H)l‘: «.‘C lllT',l4‘.l.<‘, ‘1’]{A()l’l{l[*J’J‘,‘(L-:.S-