Newspaper Page Text
qqAL pws ITEMS.
paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath- .. j
ered for our Readers.
rike at the Union Paper
|t ■ *; settled ait cl tno nanus
0 m
bn? *
turned towor.c.
Denims. Salem. lu<L. says.
t; I pyspeps a U me more
fejgfU i r took."
eat and cannot,
Tiie’liS.'’ . and st'un
VJg thousands Drnt? Co. of
ers lift® received and
of cotton seed this season
hey c° ine *
»!«!'”■ A”,", , ? ."iVwi.t's PM „
i£» *«’!■. rl v Vi«« areVl.e Keet i>ili
f - oHmtion. vXcares We use no
lforC all liver and
*•“ ul,les Galley Drug
hf° -
!n'\'Kverilt!>» ’»i, s opened Plunket a liw- s
shop in M H
taiici. Beware
doc s'f idieate worthless quality, salves
r fewSis . rfo n and
is the only or£l
j DLochridge left this week
Ldersville where he goes to
life insurance.
modern and most effective cure
ifetipation and all liver troubles
‘ n tie pdls known a n
famous Early Risers. Tli q
itt’s Little
yDrug Co.
joe [n A.C. McCalla spsnt,Sunday
B and night with friends in
L, i Thirkinlcl. Health Inspector
savs, “Kodol reccoinmended Dpspepsia
lewmot be t->o
| tii v it cured me of severe dys
ft digests what you ea t mid
i indigestion, heartburn and all
s of dyspepsia. The Gailey
is Pink Bc-stain, of Gainesville,
guest of her sister, Mrs, W. J.
rrnwist. Agent Southern Tv R
t G«... writes, “I can not say
hucb [ in in praise OneMInute Omgh
my case it worked like a
L," The only harmless remedy
Lives immediate results, Cures
ihs. colds, croup. bronehit'Vs.
fcWteat and lung troubles. The
wyBrag L Co. ^
Belie Jones, of Stone Moun
[i's visiting her sister, Mrs. Mor
Ificvrv, I Lognpton, oath Pa., writes. that I
feared willing to take my
of pneumonia entire by
be rdwtars of One Minute (lough (hire
failed. It also cured
[children illy relieves of and whooping cough.” coughs. j
s, croup, grippe and throat and
:troubles. Children all like it.
rers endorse it. Tlie Galley
b Co.
liss Hattie Simon ton has taken
be of the school at Redan.
lam kliCure indebted to One Minute
tor my health and life
pod [ grippe.” me of Thousands fline trouble follow- their
Mo the prompt action of ihis
t failing colds, remeday. bronchitics. It cures
w, croup,
ononia. grippe and throat and
N troucles. Its early use pre
consunption. It. is tlic only
pess remedy that gives im
|hte reseults. The Gailey Co.
fe Tellie McLendon has re¬
al after a pleasant visit to her
tot* in Alabama, and resumed
School duties.
bT" A Harper has moved with
kmily to the country. He will
in farming with his brother,
■'wk Harper. They with their
K have recently traded for sev
hnndreuacresof fine .land on the
Ibog bridge road.
bonninfn^i..... Pointer,. ha.e heen-gettmg V •
N>) work here this week. C.
"ilson, A. D. Summers, M. H
and others have new and
. *>gns as a result.
Ii.. 1! 9 been put 111
f ! ‘‘t the railroad i . sta
“iiead of pumping
the small one here
' used thpro
there TK The new cen
Wlt 1 t 6 ! arge bol ler
i r^ttly ■ a fi - increased j the capacity .
'’ !C lighter station ' and mil-L v the
* T J Alnmnd
, e'Ua partnership and will
viv equip aflouringmill with
‘ fflathinery.
p f, They will have
lor he las A oeen o'wst placed glade for of the n.*ur.
Tand new
; the mill will soon he
" work.
The sn'rit f Cntei *
Mv ■''bited hv -h.e anfwe .,
Mb. ! ^ndable a11 possible wish
i success '
, I
t- of convention of the Re
ti county will be
Ry courthouse to-day week
;‘iU ,r tbe purpose of e
‘ !e gutes to the district
" E- S' Mton lchis county, *0 be held Feb M
. on
Miss Eugene Wallis, of Augusta.
13 on a vueit to relatives here.
Farmers were turning the soil in
earnest before the last rain.
Mr. .T. IT. P.ihiroy, of Winder
was here several days this week.
If you owe for your paper please
pay up. We can’t do always on
*' W A «nd family, of
, f' 11 1'oniit. will move to Conyers id
an early,lay.
Mayor M. nr nr M. George n and in Col. i
Norton, of Lithonia, were here a
short time this week.
Mr. Walter Wood has been sick
at his home in this city for the past
two weeks.
Mr. I). C. Albert has moved into
Mrs. Hollingsworth’s new cottage
on North street.
The Census enumerator will
soon be abroad in the land and
then the fun will begin.
Guano is being stored here al •
ready—The season will soon open
up with the agents.
Miss Cora Smith and Mrs.
Jenkins, of Atlanta, visited the
former’s parents here last week.
Miss Daisy’Lee, of Covington,
spent a portion of last week here
with her sister, Miss Florrie Leo.
Mr. Val Hall, of Atlanta, was
the, guest of Mr. J. M. Almnnd
from Sunday to Thursday of this
Your attention is called to the
advertisements in The Weekly.
It will pay any one to read these
Mr. B. F. Morris and family
now occupy the Huson residence
formerly occupied by Mr. L. T.
Bird hunters in this section are
not meeting with much success.
They go out and come in but
they bring in little game. ...
Garden seeds are being display¬
ed in some of the stores. This re¬
minds us that the planting sea¬
son is fast approaching.
The Georgia railroad is being
balasted from one end to theoth
ei , • It is first-class work and will
be of vast benefit to the road.
All kinds of drummers are hit¬
ting the old town now and all of
thejn are anxious to 1 do business
with our hustling merchants.
The wise busines man has no
“between seasons” in his adver¬
tising. He keeps his business and
public. his offerings always before the
Mrs. J. A. Guinn, Miss Clara
and Mr. Ilenry Graham have
gone to Lawrenceville to spend sev
era! days with relatives and
Mrs. ,T. D. Winburn has gone to
reside with her sister at Covington.
She has many friends who regret
that her place of residence is re¬
moved from them.
-Mr. and Mrs. \V V Almand
entertained a number of their
friends at a six o’clocx dining
Wednesday evening. It was an
elegant affair.
Anothea a nntta, car - i load .a \ .iy (In, line
cat-tie was shipped by Messrs. L.
J. and S. Iy, Almand to Atlanta
this week. There are 60 head yet
in the lot at the mill.
bob , The up cotton and ., down, rnnik-t^continm to , . the will , • of sto „ the ,
manipulators. The farmers,
however, however ham hive received received n a verv rei } feir fair
priCe f ° r t l<3 C1 ° P th ‘ 3 8ea80n *
Mr. Jno. r TT H. Almand . . , has , pur
chased Sheriff Austin,s residence
on Decatur street. He will re
move the old building end erect
a new and commodious cottage up
on the lot and when it is com pie
ted he will present it to his daugh
,, Mr du.,,,,! Kolan n n i, ff aas rmrehsed pu se 1
1Ilterest vlth . , Johnson & Goode ,, .
an '
and the firm style is now Johnson,
Goode & Huff. These are all
9 H 1 .f, did jo^g bmin^ men and
will do well. Their new store is
about completed and is one of the ,
handsomest in town. business, They have are ! [
well fitted up for a
large stock and cordially invite all
to see them.
of , Germanym- ^ -
The emperor
sifits . that he has entered the
twentieth century.
and Wo C opper. pay 12 to 18 cents for old Brass]
' nluostfl Brass or roundry Co.j
Valdosta, Ga.
Step in and pay tor your youfori paper, i
wewi,. be greatly obliged to
' ^
nit little , cotton i • - • «n brought j
to this market sb It « ' 4Ul1,S8, I
uiarkston, was ;
* ween,
t . ... , I
mg bis new law offieo on Commerce | j
The friends of MKs V.-mnie !,<>u j
Plunket will be pleased to know Hint]
sbe is improving.
Mr. George Malcom, of Atlanta,
several days Imre this week
with his parents.
Tlw K ; „„„.
exMcdaollc ll0usaml ii
y ou can get The Wekkly
The Weekly Constitution for $1,25.
Call at this office.
You can get Thk Weekly and
The Semi-Weekly Journal for$1.25.
Call at this office.
Ask your neighbor to suberibe for
The Weekly. We wish to increase
our subscription list.
Mrs. Stephenson and daughter,
Mrs. Fowler, were guests of Mrs.
J W Hollingsworth last Tuesday.
We regret to announce the illness
of our neighbor. Mr. W. B. Smith.
We hope be may soon be well.
Mr. Chas. Fulfill has moved to bis
farm above town and will try tilling
the soil this year.
Rev. J. S. Tilley will be here un¬
til Febuary 1st. when lie will go to
Vanderbuilt University for a year.
When you want the best attention,
good goods, right prices etc., call on
M II Plunket. He delivers goods
We learn that Mr Charlie Demiard
of Covington, accidentally shot him¬
self in the foot while handling a
pistol last Tuesday.
Mr Veal the young man who was
shot at Veal’s store in this county on
Christmas day by a negro, is very
painfully hurt rikI bis condition has
improved but little since the shoot¬
Friend Anthony Norton is now
handling the yard stick for the
Gailey Dry Goods Co. Anthony
is with a good and popular firm
and we wish him luck.
iiis many friends will be glad to
know that Air. Tlios. H. Bryans is
gradually regaining bis health and
strength. He lias been sick for the
past six months.
Mr. W. H. Overby, the gonial rep-;
resentativ.e of that wide-awake dai¬
ly, the Constitution, was here this
week. The Constitution is very
popular with our people.
Mr. T. J. Almand has traded bis
home place on Almand street to Mr.
G W Warren for his home on Acade¬
my street. Later Mr Almand sold
the Warren home to Mr J M Huff.
Mr Almand, so we are informed, is
about to trade for some other prop¬
erty in the city.
Mr, L A Thomas, superintendent
of the Union Paper Mills, has resign¬
ed his position and will move to
Constitution, near Atlanta. Air,
Thomas is a splendid gentlemen and j ,
we regret ids removal from our
midst 1
Julia Morrison James, the ac-
1 1 ess, was acquited of the murder
of Frank Leidenheimer, at Chat¬
tanooga Wednesday. The verdict
of the jury was a great surprise to
many and lias been condemned se
veroly. , Mrs. ,, James , will lecture , . j
on “The Ot her Side ot Stage Life,” |
the remainder of the season, visit-i
11 8 a 1 ie nroniinent P ronunent southern s mtli rn
Clt ies. ■;
A party of rabbit hunters composed
of Messrs. C E Reagan, J M Almand,
Val HrII, of Atlanta, Otis Adair and
Rerto McCord, left town early j
w Wednesday »in« ( !m-m mointng. n i'nin P Mr. Mr H if v Y Me- Mr |
Cord s pack of Bea h rle bounds was a
lon ani some gre#t sport w^as had. I
Tiie party 1 was augmented from time
to . time .. as the cnase warmed up and ■
at the close about 16 or 20 men and
boys and dogs of every description I i
] ,an * vlil be repeated wlienconven ;
" f ' i
. -- |
ICitt Kltt BaS3ett Rnssett col col livinff Dving on on the 111 !
> -> -
Bryan „ plantation on yellow river t
was struck upon the head Thurs
day night or Friday morning and
left to die. He was found Friday .
afternoon and Dr. Guinn was sum
money. Sunday morning he dted
from his injuries. impanelled The coroner ju
was notified and a ,
ry for the investigation of the
After hearing all the ov
idence they rendered a verdict.
chn rgi, 1(! Walter Brown, col., with
t he crime. Brown has not yet
been located, 1
Mi S3 DelU St jnfin is on a
visit to relatives #t l.ithoni.i. 1
Mr. Hoy E liott, one <>f our
ptornimng young men was in
Augusta <m« day last week.
A winsome baby girl imp
$ 0 brighten the home of i
Mr. and Mrs. R P> Vaughn,
Mr KM V\ arren has moved
out to lits plantation. lie will:
mibSpd b >' uia,1 >' tne,uis in
* Bo fur this winter wo have!
escaped in Ibis sect ion without
snow, May wo continue to
hr so fortunate throughout the I
< >!'' ■
0»-'n» r y . ha* .he , l*ns,oii .
W ?" ks f or n l‘ th « s ") ,llerB and
, widows, who are on
the roll of pensions ‘ in this conn i
t ’.Z” , d 0 , V , , , , f ., rUI
to come, and have them filled
out soon.
b * fvelson, a oweedeti Oc- ;
ulist,, who has been in Newton 1
and Rockdale counties for the
past two years or more, lias I
improved, my eyes so much :
with his glasses that I want all
to see him that need glasses.
J. F. Stowers. I
The “Standard" is the name
of a new paper established at
Lit honja. by Mr. Tipton Coffee.
It is a six column, four page
paper and shows up well, We
welcome The Standard as an
exchange and wish the publish¬
er success. Mr J L Mills is the
Mr. J A Albert and bis bride,
came down for a visit to (be
former’s brother, last Friday.
Friend Arch is a splended young
man and we are pleased (o
know that he has won for him¬
self the hand and heart of a la¬
dy who is most worthy. We
join with their many friends in
wishing for them a happy life
with much prosperity.
Tlro Fhillipine situation lias
not changed materially in the
past .-few weeks, The insur
gent#, are scattered in small
numbers in remote sections of
thef siiind and it. is not expected
possible. that any severe fighting will he
Still it may be a
long: time before the rebels are
put-down. In the meantime
the American soldiers on the
am baring a hard time
them from place to
p dC0 ‘
Euiory of Long, a young white
man, Walton county, slu t and
killed Reeso M Hogan, <i bailiff of
Good IIopo District, last Friday
evening, theoth. Long Was twice
in the custody of the sheriff aifd
twice escaped. He is still at large :
and Governor Candler has offered l
a two hundred dollar reward for
his arrest. The murder is said to
have been a brutal one.
Professional Notice.
1 have opened an office in (Jon
yers in Commercial Hotel, Room 6,
in connection with my Atlanta office
and will be in Conyers one week in
each month, commencing on the 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to make
an engagement with me cun eommu
nicate with me at my Atlanta ofllco,
1N. Forsyth street.
Dr. J. O. Seamans, D. D. S.
Sheriff's Sale.
Georhia, Rockdale County:
Will he sold, on the first, Tuesday
in February nex-t, at public outcry
the courthouse in said county,
within the legal hours of sale, to the
highest which bidder the for cash, following certain Is prop full
ert.v, of a
HH ,j i. om plete description: ioth Thefol
lowing lands in the district con
'^less, 6 'In^bK
lots and parts of lots Nos. 302, 318,
303, and 301, and being the lands;
known as the home place of J \V
farmer. Deft, in fi. ta. and hounded
ontbe north by b yjandsof lands of Union GA Almand Paper
on the ea st
Mill property and Airs. W A E Peek,
on the south by S E Brodnax. and ;
on the west by : S E Brodnax, O W
Weavor and j R Irwin, said land
more fully described in deed from
Basel Wooliev to said Jas.. W Farm
clerk h offl(>0
February 6i 1873 in , 8 gakl
county, and also deed from Robt. A.
Guinn, Joel J Stansell and J W B
corf,ed 8:une da >' in hook “ V
e m ftn( , bej all (he lHn(is cov .
ered bv sai( , deeds except (36) thirty
six acres heretofore sold to G vv Wea
ver. Said property being In posses-;
outhy Plain- !
t]m Said property levied on as the
property of J W Farmer to satisfy (8) :
issued fr-.m the Justice
iV wEGo- J/lhLni,
h Aimmid & Co , The
Co., A 1) Summers, and J P
and agaicst said J W Farmer,
‘’gJS I)eft ’ f ‘ lhle
a „ ’ ’
W. H. M. Austid, yheriff.
a b II & £
U 25 m 8
( A. N. Pi.r.% J irir'np k i J i •
mom am now prcpai 1 a eel to
orders for rough saw¬
lumber in quantities to
suit the purchase \ .i •> r
prices on lumber are very
I also have two hue,
large you ng m ules for sale.
Call on me.
A. N. Plunket
i ■
At his old stand—-Thanks his friends and cus¬
tomers for past favors, and wishes for them a
happy new year.^^—
I am ready to compete with anybody for cash
trade also to accommodate them on time, I am
receiving large shipments evey day of
Dress Goods, Hats, Clothing. Shoes,
Lace Trimmings
And a complete line of
Silk front Shirts, at 50 cent each.
Also eveything in heavy and fancy grocer
FanUlUg* , IlHplOlHOXltS, —. - , ,
cTllvL Pp vl n UL-iVOl pTrA TnT y
In f ac t every thing you will need. My prices
oannot be beat# You will do well to call on
mo and save money and time
We buy all country produce.
«, t mm
To the people for pust p<>
ronage and enter tin- new
!determined I to merit more hd-l i
! Iy a continance of the sa I
J iOur stock will be k- (t well up j] j
and those who trade wish u
may expect good goods and fuii
| value for their money .
We wish for ail a happy
and prosperous new year.
^ Holliogswortfa. <0
g e boilgM and sold. Collections made on all „ parts , of . the
Accommodations , extended consistent with sound banking
eraraitS will Will not HOI bo OQ OD..orej honored und^r anv rirrnm CJrCUm
O^ce hours from , 8 a.m. till A Y. m uT further notice.