Newspaper Page Text
*£* *$* ?$? »jt t|? if ifc if if if if if if if if if if *i* *t? i* *t? 4 ? *f?
O U R mmm \\7 Q U A R T E R S.
JX£- x::. z=ii"cri'T^:^T. GOjfcT-srEssis, cs-Boisa-i^..
Oar friends and customers will hear in mind that we now
occupy the i) M A Imand corner store. We have more room
fl. %J _ before wish to do h
and a larger stock than evci ana a u-gei *
business. Don’t forget our new place. We envite all old
friends and new ones to visit ns. Yours for business,
(From first page.)
fe'i;c. It Be it further
ed That the Mayor and
in e n of the city of Conyers,
hereby impowered topa r s
and all ordinances,
rules and regulations for
carrying out the provisions
this Act in levying and
ing the taxes and in issuing
selecting the bonds, and in
bursing the same, mentioned in
this bill.
Sec. 15. Be it further enact
ed, That all laws and parts of
Jaws iu conflict with this Act
be, and the same are hereby
A ppioved September 11,1889.
SECTIOX S1X A8 A M EN1 > K1 >•
Sec. 6 Be it further enact
el,* That the said board shall
li tve power, and it thall lie
their duty, to establish under
this bill in said city,
schools foi the whites and
blacks, (and one or more
eaeh)outof thearigingfurn’s .t orn
t ixation bonds hereinafter
vided for with 'Much they are
to procure suitable lots, atu!
erect suitable buildings thereon.
and furnish and ( quip the same
for said schools, and ket p a reo
ord of said bonds which shall be
open to the inspection of theeH
izens of said city. They ahull
make a report to Mayor and
Council of said city of their re
ceipts and disbursements at
such time or times as said May
or and Aldermen may mu.r,
IS?- m i, ♦ *
Cl fm
“Sweet Bells Jangled
Out ot Tune and Harsh.”
sands Shakespeare’s of description They fits thou¬
women. are cross, des¬
pondent, themselves sickly, and their nervous—a burden to
families. Their
sweet bells, dispositions are gone, and they, like
the seem sadly out of tune. But
thero is a remedy. They can use
Wine of Cardui
It brings health to the
organism, and health there means
I well It poised nerves, calmness, strength.
It restores womanly the vigor and power.
ling tones up nerves which
and disease have shattered. It
j jto the restore most perfect weak remedy ever to devised perfect
! women
land health, and to make them attractive
For happy, advice fi.oo at all druggists.
in cases requiring spee
lial directions, address, giving
ltoms, jpartment.” “The Indies’ Advisory De
The Chattanooga Medi
Bcine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.
| I * a RE X^=7~“N '\J- , y wife M’- uwd S, UTB, Wine of Camden, Cardui *t S. home C.,
■ falling of Uie womb and it entirely cured
E2 V: -L;.-'ArlrY- ij mmf
| r mmm
wm C* \
: i. | h : 1 ! 1 I
/Yegelable Preparationfor As¬
similating (he Food andReguIa
tiijg the Stomachs and Bowels of
I NEW r i HtLDKENr “
Promotes and Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither
Opuim,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Htci/xt of Old UrSAt-iVELPnOSES
JPlanpkm Su£ m
JibjuUe dlx.Stnna -
Sato —
/Initt ffppcrmint Seed *
i Hi Curiaiiuit Seda. *
*» f form Seed *
tf.arifud iiiniuyrcAtt Sugar flayer .
A perfect Remedy for Constipa¬
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions,Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
I Facsimile Signature of
Livery is a
sm s r
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
r .mu
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
All work guaranteed to please.
Office up stairs over J. II. Al¬
mand & Go’s, store.
Conyers, . . . . : GJ
M irel do
Oysfi-f-ila Cure
DigcsU v*i\?kt you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recou
itructing the exhausted digestive or¬
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
s'antly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nausea.
4ck Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps, and
alt other results of imperfeetdigestioa
Prepor«4byt C D«VGU * Co,
C0O *i| Silk-PU it a l: 1
For Infants and Children.
Always Bought
Bears the i/ftU
a gnn waaiyvxaaR a
or over
Thirty Years
r fell 4
424°r^A^E0M»A a e -feff
m « pth: IL m Mr
C’£f tf
[T h p-Jriyjaffit,m ix-’, C3S
A college cTacation i*i tlsa rorch i f all. A.B.,
F5.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses.
Good laboratories; healthful, good invigorating moral and ell
mote; military discipline; Cheapest board in
religious influences. the
State; abundance of country produce; expenses
from $75 to $150 a veai^ board i:i dormitories
or private ia uiiii s.* Special license course for
teachers; of full University. faculty of nine; A coileffe all under the
control tlie prepar¬
atory clas”. Co-education of seres. The insti¬
tution founded siiecialiy for students of limitori
means. Send for catalogue to the President.
~ s. S. Stewart, A.M.
1 A FR1CANA will cur« Goustipation and
'Akia wouderfulLiveriisdicine. Try It,
Usfclaltlij ailitah
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
i my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
Hearses free of
TV. V. Amaiid,
Undertaker & Einbiuncr
• —
We represent some of the
best Fire Insnrance Companies
in existence and ask the \mblic
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their, risks.
Office in Banner office under
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
The following named Agents are pre¬
pared to furnish full and reliable
information regarding all sched¬
ules and rates to all points North,
South, East and West.
Information given regarding all
routs both as to Passenger and
Communicate with either of the
Agents named and you will re¬
ceive prompt reply,
JoeWWhite, AGJackson
T. P, A. G. F. & P. A.
Frank W. Coffin, S. F. & P. A„
Augusta, Ga.
S. W. Wilks, M. R. Hudson,
C.F. &P. A., T. F. & P. A.,
Atlanta, Ga.
s. E. Magi 11, W. W. Hardwick,
C, A, S. A.
Macon, Ga.
C. D. Cox. G. A., Athens Ga,
Also agents at Washing-ton, Madi¬
son, Milledgeville, Union Point and
R. E. Morgan, C A.,
Chattanooga, Teun.,
Tim H Moore, C A-,
Nashville, Tenn
W W Lumpkin, TEA,
Columbia, S C
W, I. Cormier, C, A,
Charleston, S, C.
p p rmiiT Ij
I thank My friends and patron
for past favors and I announce tj
the public that 1 may be found al
my old stand where I am prepar,
ed to do your work on short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Those who are indebted to me an
requested to come and settle®!
need money to enable me to «,
commodate them another year.
We do first class work.
F. T. Hopkins,
Office in Night building. Will
be at office first fifteen days in
each month until I can find suita¬
ble residence for myself and fami
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S.
DROPSY CtTHED with vegetable
Remedies. Have cared
many thousand oa-p»
celled hopeless. In ten
4»ya at least two-thirds of all symptoms remov¬
ed Testimonials and TE5 PAYS treatment free.
OR. H. H. GREEK’S SOKS. Box K. Atlanta. Oa
For Dismission.
Geohgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:
Win. Jno. King, F King, late administrator of
F of said county de¬
ceased, lias filed liis final return iu
my office and made application for
letters of dismission from bis trust,
as such administrator, and I will
pass upon the same on the first Mon¬
day in March. 1900. Given under
mv iiand and official signature, this
Dec. 14, 1899.
A M HELMS, Ortl.
For Dismission.
Georgia. Rockoale Countv.
To whom it may concern:
L J Almand, Executor of Mrs.
Martha Baker, late of said county
deceaeed. has filed bis final return
n my office and made application
for letters of dismission from bis trust
as such executor, and I will pass up¬
on the same on the first Monday in
March, 1900.
Given under my hand and official
signature this Dec 14, 1899.
A.M, HELMS, Ord.
IVotice to Debtors
anil Creditors.
All who are indebted to Jas. D
Winburn, deceased, will please call
at once and settle same. Also I am
authorized to settle all of his just
debts. So don’t delay but call at
Jno. C Stephenson. Ex'r.
- •--^i a
Georgia, Rockdale County;
To whom it may concernJohn
D Scott administrator of Robt L
Scott, late of said county dise-.-sed
has filed bis final return and made
application for letters of dismission
from liis trust as such administrator
And I wilt pass upon the same on
the first Monday in April 1500.
Given under mv hand and official
.lunamre, U.U !».** J«. ^
For Infants and Children. !
The Kind Yon Have Always Bougl
Bears the
Si^hature of
(5 robot a, Rockdale County;
A To Almand, whom widow if may ofS concern i> i Almanj —Mrs.]
Into f»f said comity deceased, bavin
made application fora hvelveinontl
support and the out appraisers of said appointed deceased bavin estaj
filed their return in my interested office. Tlij thi
is to cite all persons firs
t will pas .3 upon the same on the
Monday in February 1900. (five
under my hand and official signs
ture, this Jan. 3rd 1900.
A M Helms. Okd.i
Georgia, Rockdale County;
To whom it may concern:-)?
virtue of an order of the Court n
Ordinary of said county will be sol
before the court house door in ton
yers, Ga., between lawful sale bout
on the first Tuesday in Februar
1900 one hundred acres of land mor
or leas being district part of of land Rockdale ]qf,fS°.-A conn
in tlie lltii the Smitu
tv and bounded on Austin, East ft
lands of W H M by Sou
lands of RS Sims, North
river. West by J M Le J tw, £ ’ "'
others and known as the Fig h
Stanley place. Said lands to )
as the property of said
Stanley late of said county dece
for the purpose of paying <-eb ■
making distribution ainong
heirs. This Jan. 3rd 1900. ™
cash j c Stanley,
Administrator of R Stanler.
Georgia, Rockdale County; I
To whom it order may of the |ou ;. t j
virtue of an county m
Ordinary of said <- ( 011 ,
before the court house*ooi ^
yers, Ga.. between laRfn.
on the first Monday t ci of ' Con j ,
one house and lot m Raffro^ stree
Ga.. on South q eol
consisting yers. of one-half a^ or bt
and bounded on the - Vorth j
less Railroad, M « r A
the Georgia South by H F. i H - an(1 fl
Plnnket, and East by Mis. H „ f
S Bryans
partV'of and bounded 9 ,1 t £*•'
Overby and n D u*Roberts- “ f ,,d " e ‘
S()1 i Hard" ic '. a Geore«
by H V >- tjjg
by Nelson l bie , r L a i estate to
Railroad, sold as the pr«l - , ^ p d Ajm*" for J
. ■
laie of said con. , eccase ®ud
. , er>ts
purpose of pay « fe t[ie heirs or »•
distribution a '= j )t Tin*
deceased. le g
‘ ‘
5rd 19<X>. p ^ AlH 18 11 :
Adnir ,»,SP*—■ .