Newspaper Page Text
usmss 4* GROW II GI T IB $ M* i: Ql I
e close profit at which l sell ;;ood praxis, the completeness ol m> General
1 c
MNBaaaMf V the prompt attention given customers is doing for ray business that
8 ,
I •* * c I appreciate. My trade is growing dam * s md i hope tliat it may eontin
p to grow. To that end 1 envite all t Maw ■K*asn 7 O. : ray store their headquarters
r ■au V foots kneav they come to Conyers, and price my goods.
paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath«
ered for our Readers.
Money to Lend,
a prep
Conyers, Ga.
k\y V Ainvaud has been very
this week.
L,Dennis. Salem, 1ml., says,
Itisftii anything 1 eon tooK.
tests wlmt you eat and can not
■hit Ireu'oies. cure dyspepsia and stoni
Tiie Gailey Drug Go.
1/P |oAtlanta Tilley this made week, a business
E tprletnn, Justice of Pence.
Ktbuqr. Efh'ir.’y Ilisers N .1 •. says, the “DeWitt’s best pills
I are
for constipation. We use no
|s 1 tronoles. " Quickly flie cures Gailey all liver Drug and
I,J 1 If Evans has been confin -
his home this week.
Lm idle ate quality. Beware
and worthless salves
likWitt’s Witch lliizrl origi
U). witjidtillb Mitt's is is the only and
le en re fUr piles
■i/Ki’mses. Tht Galley Drug
■ |
■PRosser, Byers of Atlanta, was
Monday evening.
Btiiem and most effective cure
ptij,at.ion and all liver troubles
Itamius ■it’s H- tie pills known The ns
Little Early Risers.
■Drug Go.
I Hwell, of Oxford, was
■ friends here a short time
IIliirkield, bp, Health Inspector
says, “Kodol Teceommended Dpspepsia
munot. be t>>o
f. i." It cured me of severe dys
It digests what you eat and
indigestion, heartburn and Gailey all
i of dyspepsia. The
■Bertha [• Daniell of Atlanta
Miss Gladys Tilley this
Fwis. pa., Agent Southern R R
pin writes, “I can not Cough say
I In praise OneMinute
my ease it. worked like a
F The only harmless remedy
p3immediate f colds, results, Cures
Ethroat croup, bronchitics,
and lung troubles. The
pug Co.
h E Ray and little son, of
I- "as with relatives here
1 to Loganton, take Pa., writes, I
r ‘"" my oath that
I-nof i pneumonia entire by
■ : 'bne Minute Cough Cure
■p's ■p 1 '™ of failed. whooping It also cough.” cured
■'relieves and cures coughs,
B°"P’ B* les grippe Children and throat all like and
■ endorse - it.
it. The Gailey
J 11 a short Meal, time of Logansville, this week
I Mds.
i indphi-ou + n n.i M
Are i0 ,"r, te
torim* health | and life
A” tr ouble follow^
>Dr J° l lsanc s owe their
Sedav° t - n Tj 0f P nrI»
•eUs 1 ^? aut ea ^ rl throat J r use pro- and
"SfcS .- Umtinn kV" . J he °. nly
-teultU n, r , he 1a U Gailey S lves Co. im
“ s iv. ,has witnessed ° ua a strong svroog
: i U c „ °tton .
-At in this
c «nts per pound and
ttS !; u Paid 64 here in and the
uin v moving eheds
unoer iu
. > two or three years
'^nesday and Thurs
'•n'l, " goo<i r day of the
Frank McCalla and Maj J R
Invin spent last Monday in At¬
Mrs D W Almand has returned
from a visit to her parents at
Leesburg, Ga.
Mr Tifton Coffee, of the Lithon
ia ,Standard, was here last Thurs¬
Mr Monroe Bentley, of Atlanta,
was in the city fora short time
this week.
The carromparty at the home of
Dr J A Guinn Inst Tuesday even¬
ing was a pleasant affair at which
a number of the friends of Dr and
Mrs Guinn were present.
Drummers are appearing in
numbers daily. This is a good
sign in the business world.
His many friends were glad to
see Mr Chas A Argo on the streets
last Monday, Ho is slowly im
Mr R A Almand, of Washing¬
ton. Ga.’was here last Tuesday
looking after business interests.
Mr Joseph Normon, of Augusta,
was here with his mother lust
Sunday titl'd Monday. He was
looking well and says he enjoys
life in the fullest measure.
Mr G N St John has moved into
the J S Johnson residence on
Rosser street.
Mr Dan Jones now occupies Mr
L F Scott’s residence on South
Railroad St.
The hunting season will be over
in a short time, but the fellow
who can get off may put in his
time fishing.
If you shoot smokeless shells
once you will never use any other
kind. For sale by Plunket.
It is said that some of Coving¬
ton's dealers in cotton have
struck it very rich in tho past
few days.
There will be a good large num¬
ber of candidates for county office
this year. This will make the
campaign a lively one.
Mr Jno Thompson, of Walnut
Grove, was in the city a short
time this week on his way home
from Atlanta.
The Covington Enterprise lias
these two items:
“Col J R Maddox, of Conyers,
was here Tuesday o legal busi
.,Mr R O Gailey, of Conyers,
made a “business” trip here
Tuesday night.”
If Tf our farmers tnrmora don’t don t make make too too
much cotton this year the} win
receive 10 or 12 cents per pound
for ■ next fall and winter. They
should lenr.. to . r k less / and set
better P ," y '
they would enjoy lif« better.
Last Tuesday was sale day.
mi g tv Almand property was
sold ml by the 4 -j.nori adm mi n ist rotor 1 ns was
of the Richard , ,
also the property
Stanley estate A large crowd
P nMlorit r a ® ent at .f the 7,® hour of sale
but blddln , 8 * a8 not t snirited ”P '
! We vn intentionally omitted the
: name of Mr Jno R Firkle in our
■ resume of the business field in
I our last issue Mr Pirkleisrun
nine a blacksmith ship in the
and he is J doing C Stephen’. a good buliness. ...ore
i Hil work i» first-clsss-
Mr. and Ms. S E Brodnax spent
last Monday with the former’s par¬
ents at Walnut Grove.
Mr A N Plunket has about re¬
covered from his recent sickness
and appears on the streets daily.
His friends are glad he is again
able to be out. ,
Mr and Mrs A D Summers en¬
tertained a number of their young
friends last Monday evening ie
hoior of their guest, MissCarrin
BecK Davis, of Covington .
Miss Sadie Hale, who has been
visiting in Washington, Ga., is at
home. She, with her sisters, may
join her father and mother in
Florida before a great while.
Next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7
p. m there will be services in tlie
Presbyterian church conducted by
ProfGHGardiner of Donald Fraser
High School, of Decatur, Ga.,
prof Gardiner comes under 1 he
direction of the Home Mission
Committee of Atlanta presbytery.
Sign painting about town have
grown to be quite a fad. Every
some Tnan’staJnStfoS
In the meantime, gentlemen.don’t of the!
neglect to avail yourself Weekly. 1
space lobe bought ofTiiE
It is the most valuable of all. ;
Try those smokeless shells at i
M H Plunket‘s.
Another relic of the old Con¬
yers is being removed this week.
.The old dwelling on Decatur st,
for MJJBentiy, many years owned by Squire
M but recently by Mi
W II M Austin to Mr Jno II Al¬
mand h is been torn away to make
room for a handsome cottage.
The work is in charge of Mr Clnls
E Rogers.
One step won’t take you very far,
You’ve got to keep tell on walking;
One word won’t folks wnatyou
You’ve got to keep on talking; tall,
One inch w<>n’t make you very
You’ve got to keep on growing; all.
One little “ad” won’t do it
You got to keep ’em going. Ex.
February the 14th is near at
hand but it will not amount too
great deal here. A few revenge¬
ful spirits may invest in comic
valentines but the true spirit ot
the occasion will not be brought
Sheriff Austin is now caring for
nine prisoners in the county jail
A true bill has been returned a
gainst only one of this number
When Judge Candler arrives and
the grand jury gets to work it will
require only a short time to dis¬
pose of them.
Candidates are requested to re¬
member that announcements may
be made m this paper for $5.00.
If you desire to be elected to office
you should say so to the people
through The Weekly. The ear¬
lier your announcement is made
the better it will be for you on
election day. All announcements
payable in advance.
attention W. J* ™ to the mtajto advertisements paycloB*
j n qq re Weekly and give to oilr
af 1 } vpr fi 8e r g the preference in their
tI ! lding dine ' We ^“Dlus ask this for wrioseit no
isli reason, but because it will ben
efit all concerned in the trans-i
action. You can always buy
, (rom an advert!,er than
from the man who never asks tor
your trade through the newspaper,
Almost citizen . . of Con
£ „ ers w ffh whom we meet and talk
cknow]edj?ea ; a; tllIlt the great need
of Conyers is ■ manufacturing e r. ; en
terprises. We doubt if there is a j
man in the town who will contend |
otherwise maae toword and yet, establishing when an effort an> |
thing of the kind but few are wii
ling to lend a helping hand. We •
many be able to say otherwise of
our worthy citizenship.
Go to M II Plunket and buy
shells. Wl\en once you
them you will never use
anything else.
Tho number of blue birds to be!
seen now removes the one time
fear that the severe cold of 94-5
had wiped out forever this bird
f amity. Everyone is proud of their
reeuni to us and trusts that they
may never again suffer so severe¬
ly from cold.
Mr rest’business L j Aim a ml is one of the
cl eve men in Conyers,
He is not only a good, merchant,
hut would succeed as the manager
of a manufacturing enterprise,
and wo are glad to kiruv that he
is giving some study to the ques¬
tion. We hope he may devolve a
plan that will materialize in great
‘.aiiis.for innisidf mid our town.
Conyers. The proposition action may he
result in some definite
fore the year closes, a city haii
j 6 something the town needs bad
iy aid if this council can see its
u f having a city building.
A* 1900 advances at ., grov.s plain. , •
„ n
er that it is aestimed tobe a year
of. nunch business activity, Inc
wise yuan will place himself, there
fore, before the people, with what¬
ever line ot business he may be
pursuing, end keep them posted
with his offerings and induce¬
ments. It is necessary that he
do this in.order to keeps up with
those who are progression and busi¬ ac¬
tive. Unless you keep your
ness beforfc the masses it will go
dead. Experience teaches this to
all men. Get in The Weekly
and stay there during 1900. will Our
subsciption list grows and so
vour business.
Notice to Debtors and
G BOB OJA, Rockdale Counly:
All persons holding’ claims nr de¬
mands against the estate of .SI) Al¬
mand, late of said county, docesed,
are hereby notfied to present them to
me properly authenticated, and all
persons indebted to said deceased
are required to make immediate
This Fob. 9,1900. Almand, Admr.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Gbokgia, Rockdale County:
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday
in March next, at in public said outcry
at the courthouse county,
within the legal hours of sale, to tho
highest bidder for cash, certain prop
erty, of which the following is a full
and complete description : The fol¬
lowing lands in the 16th district con
raining (345) three hundred and forty
five acres, more or less, and being
lots and parts of lots Nos. 302. 318,
303, and .”01, and being the lands
known as the home place of J \V
Farmer, Deft, in fi. fa. and bounded
on the north by' by lands of G A Almand
on the east lands of Union Paper
Mill property and Mrs. W AB Peek,
on the south by S E Brodnax, and
on the west by S E Brodnax, G W
Weaver and J R Irwin, said land
more fully described in deed from
cor( j c | ( , P( j hook -A” page 186-187.
February 6.1873 in Clerk’s office said
county, and also deed from Robt. A.
Guinn ’ Joel J Stanseil and .1 W B
Bummers. Executors, to said Jas. W
jc H nner, dated January 8,1K74 and re
corded same day in deed book “ V”
page 255, and being all the Jandseov-
8*4* Wl
ver property pointed out by Plain
tiffs. Said property levied on as the
property of j W Farmer to satisfy (7)
executions issued from the .Justice
court of said county, in favor of H I’
A !> M A Imand A Co .1 C Srepl.enso,,
J if Almand <fc Co , 1 he Walton Gu
mio Co# . A I} summers, and J P
Rosser and against said J W Farmer,
and one ff. fa. ^^ from Nle^flfa^TR Superior Court
Maddox, transferees* vs. J W Farmer.
]j PP d filed and recorded in clerks of
fey for purposes of levy and sale
Feb. 8. 1900
W. H. M. Austid, Sheriff.
At his old stand — Thanks his friends and cus
tomers for past favors, and wishes for them a
ViSDlDV nsw vear
I am ready to compete with anybody for cash
trade also to accommodate them on time, I am
receiving large shipments evey day Of
j | DreSS GOOCIS, HatS, UlOtillllg. , bllGCS,
_ Ju£lC6 m J- ITlHIlllIl^S . .
And a complete line
Silk front , Shirts, nl , , at , 50 rA cent , each ,
A lso eveythl ng In heavy and fancy grocer
Farming _. . implements, -r i j. Hardware tt -?
clUCl vl uOlxfc/X y
In fact every thing you Will need. My pZVLCSe
cannot be beat. YOU will do well to Call on
me and 3ave money and time
We buy all country produce.
rxtrzn* I
4? f§* 4?
We are now ready to supply our
friends with the following famous
Kennesaw High Grade.
Kennesaw Blood and Bone.
Furman’s High Grade.
Planter’s Soluble, COTTON SEED MEAL GOODS.”
Ox Cotton High Grade.
Ox Bone with Am. and Potash.
W. O. C. High Grade.
Farmer’s Friend.
Acid Phosphates and Cotton seed
Ask for the W . O,
put up in white cotton
bags, 12 sacks to the ton.
We are ready to make
you prices.
Mm] 1 ith s