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if ^ p il irts u fly i :V» m m w4a ’j S3NESS, \ m t*j(*t*&
* « * « 9 *
<•§:• ^ ft ♦ : o ft % * I
tfi ifi PP~ Have been busy opening up new goods all the week. "Hn - rfJ rf
i r *5
Am putting- in a nice stock of Fancy and Family Groceries and ( on
tioneries and will sell way down low for cash. .Vi e are not too busy to
wait on customers who will call on us. ...Best attention, newest go.
lowest prices and as good in quality a:, the market affords. We invite
all to call on us and give us a trial.
The following article, enum¬
erating those t'iings expected to
be given the census enumera¬
tors. h being published through
out the country, with the re¬
quest to preserve it until June
1 of this year:
“1. The first really valuable
ccnsU' of agriculture in the Unit¬
ed States was taken in 1850, of
the crops of. 1849, The next e
numeration of agriculture will
be taken in June, 1900, of the
products of 1899;
“2. instead of recording sev¬
eral fa'ms on one schedule in
the twelfth census, as hereto¬
fore, each farm will be accord¬
ed a sepernte blame, the entries
on which will not be known to
any save sworn officers of the
department. No man will be
published in connection with
information secured from iho
•'3. Tax assessors, collectors
and equalizers cannot serve as
enumerators, or have access to
the census returns, or to the in¬
formal ion therein contained.
“4. There are more than 5,~
000.000 farms, plantations, ran¬
ches, stock ranges, and market
gardens, in the United States,
all of which, for census purpos¬
es, will be designated as ‘farms.’
t < 5 A farm’ is all the land
cultivated or held for agricult
uai purposes under one manage¬
ment, whether in a single body
or in eeperate parcels.
“0. The enumerator will ask
for the size and value of each
farm, the value of buildings,
and the aggregate value of all
machinery, implements, vehic¬
les, harness, etc., used thereon,
ami the amount of land owned
and biased,respectively by each
‘‘7. tie will also ask for the
acreage and value of each crop,
am! Uio scroHge of improved.
uni so "uv ; , >. nl irrigated land
The designation i t each
crop’ ; u< lodes ai ! grains, cot¬
ton, fU’, rice, sugar cane, t-.n
ga> hi o; sorghum, hay,clover
mi;u grissea, gathered forage,
ilax, hemp, hops, peanut 1 ?, t°~
ban o reed , nuts, tropical
fruits, small fruit-, orchard
fruits, nursery d
stock, broom corn, Irish pota¬
toes. \,eet potatoes and yams.
all vegetables, including the
product of all family truck, and
market gardens, etc, also new
and unusual crops, when found
“9. IT* enumerator will
the number and vfllue of the
live s' ck on the farm June 1,
1900 >• h ’ will be reported un
dor a number of beads, such as
horses, colts, mules,asses, cows,
heifei >, sit-crs, calves,
ewes, rams, lambs, swine,
cine!- : it • eluding
-/,eese, ducks
“10. He will also ask for the
quantity and value of milk
cream, butter, cliees, raises,
prunes, molasses, syrup, sugar,
eggs, beeswax, honey, wool,
wine, cider, vinega, dried and
evaporated fruits, forest pro¬
ducts, poultry and meat pro¬
ducts, and generally all articles
made at home, or for the home,
from farm materials, in 1899.
i < 11. If a person who moves
from a farm between the end <
the crop year 1899, and June 1.
1900. will leave a, written
of the product' and crops of that
farm for 1S99 where it will >
reach tli<^ oppropriate enu met
ator, the statisticts of his oper¬
ations for that year will not be
lost, He will be required to
give the enumerator of the dis-j
trict in which be lives on June
1. 1900, the acreage, value,
buildings, machinery, imple¬
ments, and live stock of the farm
lie then oc, upies
*12. If every farmer will
gin at once to prepare a careful/
record of all the facis which the]
enumerator in June, will be 1900. instructed| he will
to record 1
save time for himself and the]
officer, and insure more aceu-j
rale returns to the government, j
•13 The twentieth century
wi 1 begin on January 1, 1901.
Therefore the pendit g census
wijl afford to future genera¬
tions a measure of the strength j
and condition of the United
States at the threshold of the
new hundred-year cycle, For
that reason everyone should
take an active interest in mak¬
ing it as nearly perfect as pos¬
sible. If each farmer will make
Ins own report for every com¬
munity, ami for the nation will
also he perfect.
• • •
Fiu* o n crop i i badly damag¬
ed in t.lii vicinity.
Mr. and 'Ir*, IV H Wooley
gave Mr. and Mrs. Juo A Tread
t li a very pleasant call Satur¬
Miss Mat tie Ring, a charm
Vming lady of Atlanta, is on
a protracted visit to relatives
Mr*,. CoraAlnoand spent Sun
day with her parents here.
Miss Azole a (handler visited
y’ieses \ugie and Nanie Saw—
y ers Saturday and Sunday.
The.voung people of this com
muif'v m.y.tved a delightful
landy pulling and dance at the
I residence of Mi. J B Tribble
! Friday ev* mg
Mr Jno Granada and Miss
Grace Ahnand called on Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie King Sunday after
Akx Noae’d Sod.
trTTi7imuiHIHfiHIHIIIMIIIIIiHlil!IHIfnnnil!nHHni|||||||llll||lsi|»|(’lI»Mi , i* l i. ,
J?\ r egdable PreparatiopJor As¬
similating the Food aiulRegula
tii]g the S toiaachs and. Bowels of
Promotes'Digestion,Cke?fnl- and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
jftrye ofOWnrStMUELBlKam
PumpJnn Sud> m
/tecfcUe Mx. Senna +
Sails -
Anise Peppermint Sesd *
Pi Carbonate So£& *
}Vann Seed -
Clarified Sugar Flavor. «
A perfect Remedy for Constipa¬
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Coavuls ions, Fcveri sh
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature cf
i To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
[ THE our PATENT aid. Address, RECORD.
Baltimore, Md.
Subscriptions to The Patent Record *1.00 per annum.
m 't.
n 7 v\
V. \
In the...
Rain Storm
the man got very wet. The
wetting gave him a cold. The
cold, neglected, developed to
a cough. Tlie cough sent him
to a bed of sickness. A dose
of Ayer's Cherry Pootoral,
taken at the start, would
have nipped the cold in the
bud, and saved the sickness,
suffering, and expense, The
household remedy for colds,
coughs, and all lung troubles is
Bend for the “ Cut-ebook." too page* fret.
J. C. Ayer Co., towell, Mai*.
Pear* the Iha Kind You Haw (Sways Bought
For Infants and Children,
Always Bough!
Bears the ft
% ~ For Over
Thirty Tears
] j §r
Trade Marks
r rv?T*^ Designs
Copyrights &c.
Anyone sending a sketch and free description whether mat
quickly ascertain our opinion an
brrentton is probably cor.Odentlnl. patentable. Handbook Communica¬
tions free. strictly Oldest i ou Patents
sent Patents taken agency through h lor Munn Munn securing & & Co. patents, receive
tpt.eial notice, without c harg e, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. l argest cir¬
culation m of “ any ■ scientific ' "• journal. ' ’ Terms, *3 a
year: : four months, Jl. Sold b 7 all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co. 36,Brcad ^ New York
Branch Office. 635 F 8t., Washington. D. C.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Si*Uature of
flirlakis? d Mali as
B=* l
My,undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
ea r&e free of
W . V. Amnml,
Uadertukc) & UnUmmer
For Dismisision.
Georgia, Rockdale County.
To whom it may concern:
.Inn. F King, administrator of
Wm. F King, late of said county de
coased, has filed his final return in
mv cilice and made application for
letters of dismission from his trust,
as such administrator, and I will
pass upon the same on the first Mon¬
day in March. 1900. Given under
mv hand and official signature, this
Dec. 14, 1899. HELMS,
A M Ord.
For Dismission.
Georgia, Rockoale Countv.
To whom it may concern :
L Almaud, Executor of Mrs
Martha Baker, laic of said countv
deceaeed, has filed 1 1 is final return
n my office and made applicatioi
1 for letters of dismission from his trust
as such executor, and I will pass up¬
on thesame on the first Monday ii
March, ISO!).
Given under my hand and official
signature this Dec H. 1899.
A.M. HELMS, Ord.
police to Debtors
and <Oi*ediT,oi*s.
All who are indebted to Jas. !
Winburn, deceased, will please cai
at once and settle same. Also I am
authorized to settle all of his jus
debts. So don’t delay but call a:
Jno. C Stephenson. Ex’r.
©-^s-<a> «>-«---
Georgia, RookdadeC ounty;
To \yhom it may concern;—join
D Scott administrator of llobt 1
Scott, late of said county discs-set
lias fried his final return and intuit
application for letters of dismissioi
from his trust as such administrate)!
And I will pass upon the same oi
the first Monday in April 1900
Given under my hand and offieia
signature, this Jan. 3rd 1900.
A M lijGJiMS, Ord.
Georgia, Rookdaee County;
To whom it may concernMrs. J
A Almancl, widow of S I) Almand
late of said county deceased, having
made application fora twelve month.'
support out of said deceased estat>
arid the appraisers appointed havini
filed their return in my office. Tliif
is to cute all persons interested that
I will, pass upon thesame on the firs
Monday in February 1900. Givei
under my baud and official signs
ture, this Jan. 3rd 1900.
A M Heims. Ord.
Georgia, Rocjkdare County;
To whom it may concern:—B\
■virtue of an order of the Court m
Ordinary of said county will be sold
before the court house door in Con¬
yers, Ga., between lawful sale hours
on the first Tuesday in February
1900 one hundred acres of land more
or less being part of land Rockdale lot No. 20t
in the 11th district of coun¬
ty and bounded on the South b\
lands of W H M Austin, East b\
lands of R S Sims, JN'ortli by Souti
river. West by J M Leftwicli and
others and known as the Richard
Stanley place. Said lands to he sole
as tiie property of said Riekare
Stanley iateof said county deceased
for the purpose of paying debts and
making distribution among Terms tin
heirs. This Jan. 3rd 1900.
Administrator J Stanley. C Stanley,
of R
Georgia. Rookdale County;
To whom it may concern:—By
virtue of an order of th« Court o!
Ordinary of said comity will be sold
before the court house dnnr in Con
vers, Ga.. between lawful sale hours
on the first Tuesday in February 1900
one lajuse and lot in tn© city of Con
yers. Ga.. on South Railroad street
consisting of one-half acre more or
less and boundeil on the North by
the Georgia Railroad. West by AN
Flunket. South by H P. T H and G
S Bryans and Fast by Mrs. Joe Hus-]
Also, two hundred and sixtv (260) ■
acres fit land more or less In the 16th |
district of Krtckdaie county and
parts of land fots Nos. ■*
tsnci bounded on
son by HV Overby Hardwick, mid SoSu
by j.>,e,Goii Overby awl the i
Railroad. The said real f*ta
sold as tlie property o? g ^
purpose lare of said of paying county' denfsand, deceased^
(listribution among the |i e i rs
deceased. Terms cash. Thi
3rd ! 000.
k A A
Adm'v. of S D A!
THE —^ '
the following named Agents si
pared to furnish full and
information regar<% si!
ules and rates to all points
Soutli, East and (Vest,
Inform avion given repii
routs both as to PassengJ
Communicate with either
teive Agents named reply, nnd you i
. foeWWhite. AGJa<
T. F. A. 0.1k &
Frank W. Coffin. SJ!
Augusta, Gn. I
S. W. Wilks, M. B.TS
C. F. & P. A., T.F.&M
Atlanta, Ga.
8. E. Magi 11 W. W. Hi
O, A, S. A
Macon, Ga.
C. P. Cox. G.A., A the 1
• Also agents at Wasliinston, Cl
-.on, M itledgeviils, Union Foi h
R. E. Morgan, GA.,
C1 1 at tan ooga, Te tin., In
Tim if Moore, C A-,
Nashville, Tenn
W W Lumpkin, T ll
Columbia, 8 0
Yv 7 I, Cormier, (J, AJ
Cliarleston, S, Q
resident dentists:
All work guaranteed fo
Office up stairs over •
ruaiid & Go’s, store.
Con ye rts, . . • • I
TRYIN' cod
! can’t take plain ^
oil. Doctor aswdlteli says, meto
might butter andtiv°
(ardor too rich
them. It is stomach
will upset the
you can take mi» or c '
so you can take
Scoffs Eifflibi
Cjeaffi^ Lj'f J ]
Jt is like
I feed and nourish^ l,e ,
Will BOL , RahieS an«
dfcn Will thrive “ and 1
.. their 0 ,f0 f
fat on W wne*» -a til
food do€S not nou >
Persons have be* n .
pound a when I
a Scott E mJ
r , mce c f s .
y;festive machinery 1
j 0 that the or ^ ina ^ a i
SCOTT _J°f'nAwvE. 4