Newspaper Page Text
yg WAIT YOUR TRADE. o o () o V
The up-to-date grocer calls your mm it ten t Ion to the new »• ods he is daily re
living- The stock is always kept up aml neW articles added every week. This
ore is fast forging to the front and taking the lease with the people. It is
lie place to buy for your table, You get what you m ant and get it right. If
ou haven’t tried us do so. For first-class fanc\ and tami r groceries, con fee
Queries etc., go to A J. SUMMERS, THE GROCER.
hort Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise; Gath¬
ered for our Readers,
Money to Lead.
am c
Conyers, Gn.
r Notice.
prepared to do all kinds of
L am repairing on
and harness satisfactory
U notice and in a
mier Shop in Mr. J, D. V*
■ifs old stand. M. Gray.
[T. T. Hopkins
l}EINTIS r r.
ftYERS, - - - -
Office in Night building.
Work guaranteed.
,F. T. Hopkins, D. I). S.
ES i I # :v CAN SAVE
3ol.J R Irwin and Judge A Cj
Bails, attended court in Deca
Uliis svyek.
.ast Monday was justice tried court by
. Several cases were
Huiiqr Judge Clot feller.
the now barber is giving splen
Litisfnction. Shop in the
store of the Night building.
Hiss Parisade Haygood has keen few
ae sick list for the past be
3. We hope she may soon
11 again.
Mr. C W McDonald, of Lithon
I'.ume clown to see his parents
p Sunday.
panning up the casual talk a
! : town, we predict therefrom
hseveral new residences will be
.adhere this spring.
pa new courthouse at, Decatur
p Fier iedicated this week. Judge
convened bis court there
r londay morning.
S L Almand is at home nf
I;stay | ?:lle of several days at Craw
r: in the interest of his cat
i.Tou will do your trading with
■ ■“•3 men who advertise in the
■jw you will have money left
f l, « end >f the year. Try it.
r*'understand that revenue of
and destroyed a still
;> tne Log bridge one night
Bpek. We don’t know wheth
[ ! officers found any “corn
■>r not.
io fsmrsday day. was a very disag¬
The wind was stiff
^diewpgt, 4 l5 *l, hut not and enough cold. Gome add
. to
‘ ; ui>leasant weather. Good
I : - !li demand Thursday.
r*p>! Ip another 'Uuuy lor week the roller or two flouring the
l fey’ ; privo it and in position no time for will busi- be
k ;’ rs * Plunket & Almaud are
| *° get to business.
L ‘; ut bird hunting last
I ■ ; r B e n Hill accidental
fc',j ir -, Claud Mayfield, a
■Y’°f this county. The
•a entered Mr. Mayfields
1 inflicted a very pain
‘ a ta daugerous wound.
U regrets the uu
“ 'S^ulever acc !dent and says he
go huuing a-
Miss Nora Plunket is on a visit
to relatives and friends in Ingle
side and Atlanta.
Make^. tine yieldfpr cotton su'k
J. P Tilley.
Mr, W S Marbut, of Almon was
hero on business a short time this
Pays to use it. J- P. Tilley.
Bring in your announcement
gentlemen. If you want office
don’t wait, always before starting
out after it.
Mr L J Almand has been very
sick for several days past.
Mr. Arthur Whitaker informs
us that he will begin week, putting He up
telephone polls next rapidly
will push the work as ns
Mrs. Lawson, we regret to an
nounce, has been very sick for
oral days past. We hope she may
soon entirely recover.
Mr, R L Guffin and family who
recent ly left Conyers for Attnlia,
Ala., have removed to Thursday Conyers.
TJipy arrived here last
The oat crop in this county has
been seriously, damaged by Much the
hard and prolonged cold.
of the fall sowing will be plowed
up and’ replanted. The wheat
prospect is all right up to the
present time.
The literary meeting of the
Epworth League was held at the
beautiful home of Mrs. H Y Mc¬
Cord last evening. The occasion
was a very happy one and will be
remembered for its many pleasant
Mr. R B Palmer, a popular and
well-to-do citizen of this county,
cut himself seriously last Tuesday
in an attempt to commit suicide.
His wife has been very sick for
some time—her life being almost
despaired of. Mr. Palmer had
brooded over this affliction until
it become greater than he could
bear and he sought to end his trou¬
bles in death. His chances for
recovery are very good at this
Mr. Jolm Granade and Miss
Grace Almand were united in mar¬
riage last Tuesday evening. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
I G Walker, at his home in this
city, in the presence of a number
of friends. Mr.
The bride is the daughter Almand,
and Mrs. John Walker
who reside near the city. She is
a young ladv who has won many
frieuds by her gracious disposition
and will make her home pleasant. of
The groom is a young man
splendid worth. He is the son of
Mr. M W Granade, sr., one of the
county’s best farmers.
The Weekyy congratulates the
happy couple and wishes for them
a life of prosperity.
Embroideries, Lawns, Percale,
and Ribbons at New York
W. L. Adair.
Capt. Geo W Weaver is at home
with his family for a few days.
Mrs. S C Turner is on a visit to
relatives at. Decatur.
Mrs. G W Cain lias returned
from a visit to Alabama.
J. P. Tillev pells high grade
Guanos. Those who want good
goods should see him.
Miss Maud McCalla has gone
for a visit, to her aunt, Mrs. II F
Price, at Pine Barren, Fla. Sho
will be away for several weeks.
Avervbody buys it- 8ee J.P.
The hunting season will close on
the 15thof the present, month. Af¬
ter that date it will be unlawful to
shoot partridges. Bear this in
mind, ye sporting gents, and will next,
season the luscious quail bo
more numerous.
The Sociable at the Armory last
Friday night was largely attended
and great ly enjoyed by all.
Mr. T E Brodnax, of Atlions
was hero Thursday. He is al
ways heartily greeted by his old
Conyers friends,
Hon of Roll.
WEEK ENDING FEB. 23, 1000.
Kate Alihand, Burton Guinn, Carl
Langford, Nellie Langford, Nellie
Melton, Annie Lon Sorrow, Stafford
Stark, Andy Smith.
4xir. GRADE.
Earle Tucker, Carrie Lee Lifsey.
5th. grade.
Sarah Kate Anderson, AliceChnn
dler, Georgia Pirkle, AVillie Xbeo
Ross, Mary Lou Tucker.
6th. Grade.
Ruby Almand, ShelJie Elliott,
Frank Hardin, Mina Almand, Bar¬
ton Almand, Lestie Cooper, Mary
Kennon, Florrie Langford, Harry
McElvaney, Paul O’kelley, Few
Ross, Willie Sigtnan, Mattie Lou
W hi taker, Odum Hull.
7th. grade.
Mozelle Farrill, Twain Glenn, Sa¬
rah Lou Harden, Allie Joe Sigman,
Kate Smith, Walter Wallace, Archie
8th. grade.
Mamie Glenn, Kate Hardwick,
Eloise Moon, Hettie Stephenson.
Parisade Hay good, Tint#* Weaver,
Henry Everitt, Frank Tucker, Roy
9th. grade.
Rallie Fannie Gleaton, Frank Al
mand, Gladys s Tilley, Ruth Hale,
Sara Sue Langford, Valerie Tucker,
Willie Mae Hamilton, E'rank O’Kel¬
ley, Mercer Hull, Caliie Irwin, Lou¬
ise McCalla, Leona Freeman, Clyde
Harden, Lewis McCalla.
10th grade.
Georgia Sigman, Barton Hull,
Fannie Latham, Frankie Norman,
Ocie Ward law, Maggie Hardin, Tem¬
ple McDonald, Currie Moon, Berta
Smith, Zelma Jones, Sadie Tucker,
Agnes Quigg, -
Mrs. Sims, of Jesup, Ga., is here
with her mother, Mrs. Lawson,
who js very sick.
residence has been com
a decided improvement in
building may be noticed.
Embroideries, Lawns, Percnls,
and Ribbons at Now York
W. L. Adair,
For sale by J P 1 il ley •
New Barber Shop.
I have just opened and nicely
fitted np a,..barber shop in the
Night corner, Mr. Boh la r, a
splendid will white barber is wait in charge
and be pleased to upon
all patrons in a first-class style.
He does good work, uses clean tow
els nml keeps his razors, of shears,
clippers etc. in the best condi¬
tion. I have opened the shop nt
the solicitation of many of the
best people we have who desire
good, reliable work at all times,
and I respect fully ask all to give
Mr. Boh In r a trial.
Joseph II. Bentley,
Friend Billy Stovall is thinking
ot making a visit to Walton coun¬
ty nt an early day. He has in¬
terests there which must be look¬
ed after.
Go to Gailey Dry Goods Co’s for
the latest style collars and cuffs.
They laundry their collars for lc
and caffs 2c per pair.
Mr. Thompson Stewart and tie
Misses Glotfelter were present at
the Beard—Floyd nuptials at, Re¬
dan last Thursday.
We notice only a few more R <k
G Corsets left at, Gailey Dry Goods
Co. Their price 49e.
Miss Ida Peek has returned from
a visit to her sister, Mrs. E L Al
omukI, of Social Circle.
Hav T e you seen the pretty sboes
jusfc received at Gailey Dry Goods
Co’s, if not, go there and see them
they will please you—in price,
quality and style.
Some little political interests is
being manifested around the '‘pot” edges.
Before a great while the
will boil up well.
Cnpt. WTIIuson will make a
visit to Atlanta at an early day.
He says he is going up to look a
The marriage of Mr. Calvin
Beard and Miss Mamie Floyd oc
cured at the home of the bride’s
parents near Redan last Thursday
evening at 4 o’clock in the presence
of a number of friends of the hap¬
py couple. Rev. I G Walker of¬
ficiating. The bride is the daugh¬
ter of Rev. Richard Floyd and is
a young lady of many charming
personalities. Beard is prominent and
Mr. a
popular employee of the Georgia
railroad, and has a bright future
before him.
Mr. and Mrs. Beard came to
Conyers yesterday morning with
a party of friends and were enter,
tainedat dinner by Mr. and Mrs.
D F Clotfelter. At 4 o’clock they
left to visit in Augusta, Savannah
and South*Carolina. The best
wishes of many friends go with
Advertise in this paper.
Embroideries, Lawns, Percales,
Calicos and Ribbons at Now York
. L. Adair.
Mp. and Mrs J M Almand en
ter tamed a few of (heir friends
last 1 uesday evening.
For Sale.
A No. 1 buggy am! harness. Easy
terms. Call on W N Everett.
Mr. J H Haralson is having his
residence on South Railroad street
repaired and two new rooms udd
ed. tjk
A FRlCANA will cure Ec/.em* and Ca
c\ Urrh to Stay Cured.
-**«>■ -O 'I**
IS otico.
Coll on me or at, J. C.
son’s store and rend about,
Superior Poultry 'Food. Try
box for 25c if you want,
chickens and would have
hens more than pay you in
It is an infallible cure for all
seases of poultry, Have
other powders but this is the
All I ask you is to try ior
i I G Walker.
ms n Funis i
We are now ready to supply our
friends with the following famous,
Xennesaw High Grade.
Kennesaw Blood and Bone.
Furman’s High Grade.
Planter’s Soluble, COTTON SEED MEAL GOODS. •
Ox Cotton High Grade. ;
Ox Bone with Am. and Potash. ;
W. 6. C. High Grade.
Seabird. >.
Farmer’s Friend.
Acid Phosphates and Cotton seed
Ask for the W. O. C.
put up in white cotton
bags, 12 sacks to the ton.
We are ready to make
you prices.
McElmy % Brote.
i A letler received here (his week
ifrom Lieut. E II Almand, of the
I2»th Rosrimen . in the Phillim nes
dated in iami ry, left, him in ood
honlth. Ilia many friends here
urealwayH glad to hear of him.
We understand that the Walton
Oil Company will make some val¬
uable improvements in the oil mill
here before the beginning of the
next spasm.
Mr. W L Adair spont last Sun¬
day in Lithonia.
Mr. Jno B Davis, of Covington,
spent Sunday hero.
Rev. W D Win burn, Mrs. )Vin«
burn, and Miss Jessie Winburti,'
are with relatives here,
Mr. TO McCalla, who has been
traveling in Florida for several
weeks, spent, a port inn of (he past
week with his family here.
Candidates are bobbing up in
every direct ion but none of them
have yet had (lie nerve to make
their announcement through Tub
Wkrkt.V. It costs only five dol¬
lars in advance, gentlemen, and it
would be well for yon all to get be¬
fore the public in earnest that all
may know you.