Newspaper Page Text
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I i UJJ a ■i. , sr" »s r mm
\ 7 e m arc now prepared
to offer to tlie racle sever¬
al Leading Brands of Fcr
ri O’ li!Vt
been used in this section
for a number of years and
from actual field test ha ve
proved to be second to
none which is a better ree
om mentis mm# HMF • tm
till I I 5 we might say.
also have cotton seed mea
0HO SttUMaoti a r Ilian king- the
people lor past patro nage
we solicit a continuance
of the same.
Very Respectfuils.
We never see a petted girl
who is yielded to in every whim
by servants and parents Dial
do not sigh, for pity for the man
who will sonic day be her
Lind. it is the worshipped
daughter who lia> been
’..hat lii-r hi nit? and wishes are
supreme m the household, who
nukes marriage a failure
life. She has had her way
blings great and small ‘and
when she desires dr esses, pleas¬
ures or journeys which are be¬
yond the family purse, she car¬
ries the day with tears, sulks
or posing as a martyr, Tin
parents sacrifice and suffer for
lur sake, hoping finally to see
nor well ma rl i -d. They ca reful
ly hide her faults from her suit¬
ors who seek her hand, and site
is ever ready with smiles and
Hllurvnent-s to win the hearts of
itien, and an average man is
blind to the faults of a pretty
r 1 *s a newly hatched bird is
• ■ 1 ol to the worms upon
b about b,m. He thinks her
b [ 1 le pettish ways are mere giri
ha moods, but wflien she be
< ’rues his wife and reveals her
selfish and crue l nature be is
pueved and hurt to think
l!;, o been so unkind to him.
v'hatOne Woman Thinks
Ae get coal to keep warm.
Man ! h best friend is usually
2 ** is best conquered by
U!K ^ t/.’ •
duiost every marriage is a
111 -sfaxe.
W omen love by faith; men
v ’. !i season.
me people have loo few
1 ds. others too many.
! u ’ many people ever read
lh, Deface of book?
1!:!? gas man necessarily looks
! on sim light side of life,
People who are always hunt
mg for trouble generally find it.
Many people’s idea of charity
■ j 8 giving away what they don’t
want themselves,
I fee's little
One naturally a
I delicacy at, telling a widow that
! her husband is a little better off.
l Joseph Smifcn, the
| prophet, once predicted that ev
try state west of tho Mia:issip
pi would be brought under Mor
man influence. Dr.
Strong sgys that if the genera
! govErnmeut does not act to i
j tnci the growth of Mormauiera
j me prophecy of Smith will prob
| j ably Be.fulfilled. During
past few years, he says, the per
emit age of growth of Mormon
is in has been greater than that
oi' ib«e Methodists, Piesbytenans
and Congregatioualists, coritbiu
i bined.—Ex.
i | . City Star
Tne Kansas is
inently correct: ‘‘It lakes some
thing more than beer to land a
democratic national convention
The earnings of 109 railroad
companies in the United States
1 owning 100,000 miles of ro^.d i
sll0 ' V “.’ m:rease 5,1 15 ! 7 Ce ’; ! ” .
1 over lheir gross earnings toi the |
same month last y ear. As j
there were 18.500,000 fewer j
j bushels of g r Hin and over 100. j
j 009 b iles less of cotton thau ;
I were carried in January, 1899,;
;. fo!lows there h a? been an e- I
Incrrnous increas in other traffic.;
Tins can only be domestic traf¬
fic for consumption.
j William Dean Howells is quo*
ted as saying recently that “there
! are no free countries on earth,
b cause in all countries some
men are dependent on their d ii
j ly bread.” In ot’nr words.
freedom does not exist because
most men a so compelled to
work for ;i living. Only flu
bloated plutocrat and the prn
fePMtonal lbaf^r are reallv free—
to he idle. T his is io bus with
the most sickly of all the sickly
sentiment that has bet n mnin-d
tn recent, years. Mr.
would also probably contend
that the blackest of criminals
is merely the innocent victim of
environment, and should be
punished gently, if at all purple
fine hen, downy beds sump
uous fare and moral lectures
being substituted for prison bars
and wholesome stripes.—Ex.
Testing Newspaper Adver
Using «
An exchange tells us that
Frank Daniel, a popular New
York comedian, made an ex
penment recently at Wallace's
theatre in that city, to test the
value of di fie rent modes of ad
vertising. IDs says, “Between
the acts the usher* dmribuled
among the audience a slip with a
brief printed statement politely
asking the recipient to indicate
by a check mark in the list of
venous ad vending forms em
ployed which one had attracted
j him i.o the performance—News
j p ipers, bill hoards wint (low
lithographs or somethin * -else.
The people seemed to take kind
ly to the idea and tho responses
were most liberal. Eleven
hundred slips were handed t"
lb .u and of that number 991
had been attracted by the news'
papers solely. ”
Uoatatho. tte Kind Yen Hava Always BnngM
w ^
<4 men who began as clerks
jiu employ of Andrew Oar
j ne are now millionaires.
■■ A them are worth sever
R "• : Dions, and if Mr. Frick
the-suit lie has brought
jag-inst Carnegie, four of the
u ; A will get several millions
■ ! > out of it. These men
made themselves useful
! S Drtiegie, and in return he
oas made them rich. They
are not men of unusual ability,
the possible exception of
j 1 V. Frick. They have not
'-mved harder than most men
i bv. worked, and there is
spe .ai reason why they should
have become millionnnefl
They have gt own rich at the
expense of the public. The
tanii levied by the republican
ps.ty has enabled Carnegie and
hi..- associates to exact all these
millions from the consumer
pays. IIB beneficiaries m•'
men as Andrew
and. his associates.--Oolaoi-1
A FRICANA w,„ cu« -d Ol.
t0 S tay Cured.
When you want a good, safe turnout, one that you can
drive with
One that looks weli and goes well, call on me.
" r - SUM
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
A blind wood s i >wyer « v\ ife
says -jlio never taw him een,
but she ofitii goes io sen l:iai
SU w.
A man siiculi) never blow
ins o a u horn—unless ne is a
Keep your eye on tho ill
dividual who does yoll an un
expected favor.
The man who tells all be
knows never gets credit for pos¬
sessing much wisdom.
When you stmt to give your
neighbor a ‘'piece of your
mind,” be sure you keep some
for yourself.
it’s a difficult matter to cou
vinoe a, young man that a girl |
knows the meaning of a kiss j
until lie has it from her own
Adam was the only mail who
evel . beld H ii* undwpufcd claim
to the title of •*oldest inhabi¬
tant. ) )
The wonderful genius of
some men prevents them from
earning a living,
A woman invented the ice
cream f ree z er— and women
j j have kept the thing going ever
Tho older a man gets the
less he professes to understand
the nature of women.
M my a man resembles a
rooster, lie does the crowing
1 while ills wife does the work
borne men are horn foolish
and achieve foolishness by fall¬
ing in love.
Wise is the individual who
has the faculty of knowing
what he has no oiisiness to
Kind words cost, but little
yet ihoy often procure favors
that gold cannot buy.
No dairyman has vet succeed
in adulterating the milk of hu¬
man kindness.
The youth who is reared in
tho lap of luxury will never
j St! v t he world on fire.
O JS "T* O 3 EnlL E .
Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Boup
IT. r J ^. I lopkius.
Office in Night building.
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S.
I am prepared to do nil kinds of
shoe and harness repairing on
short noli and in a satisfactory
nKiniifc". Uliop in Mr. J, D. Win¬
’s old stand.
John M. Gray.
OASTOniA. Bought
Sdaiz the Hu! Kind You Have Always
%-» sum
Barrel Pi > moth Rode
E A': s
My hens nro direct from
Dorsey’s prizi wirn-rs and !
tiy cock was Taylor’s show
c<>ekei<-i Mr Dorse v wrote ,
turn “You have as fine a
yatd of Haired lioc.Ks us arty
end should raise some
linn sIjow birds next season.’ > j
Eggs, 15 for H 25.
i (i. Walker, '
Oouyers, Ga. j
Wh represent >some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
hi existence and ask the public
generally to nee us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My Cools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
CJ i vo me a call when you need
dressing up
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Si^katurs of
firtii a; it: \
My undertaking establish¬
ment, is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt arid ca¬
Hearses free of
W. V. yVmsmtl.
IJmlei'tnli(;r A Emhumer
A FRICANA will cure Constipation and
•» is a wouderfvil Liver Medicine Try It.
! can’t take plain cod-livcr
oil. Doctor says, try it. He
might as well tell me to melt
lard or butter and try to take
them, it is too rich and
will upset the stomach. But
you can take milk or cream,
so you can take
S self s Emulsion
i It is iike but wiil
i cream;
1 feed and nourish when cream
I wi?3 not. Babies and chil¬
dren will thrive and grow
fat on it when their ordinary them.
food does not nourish
Persons have been known to gain
a pound a day when taking tn
ounce of Scott’s Emulsion. It gets
the digestive machinery in working
order so tiiat the ordinary food is
properly digested and assimilated
50c. and < 1.00, Chemists^New all druggists. York.^
NO. 10
ATLANTA ■ .. !
Demi C i-V’/cekly Journak
In addition to its siiperb news ser¬
vice, covcriiig tte world at largj* ‘
and tlic sr -atF.crn states in partlo
clar, The Ferni-Weekly Journal lias
many attractive, entertaining and
instructive features. invaluable to*
soutiierii homes and faiius.
The service of the Associated Press,
bringing' tho nows from all parts of the
world. Is supplemented by tho special
news servico of The Journal In Georgia
and the southern states, and the tele~
grams and letters o£ Us Washington cor¬
respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, who
will pay special attention to matter* at
the national capital which interest the
people of tho southern states.
In addition to tho contributions of
these and hundreds of local correspon¬
dents, Tho Semi-Weeltly Journal will,
front time to time, print letters from
farmers v.-ho have distinguished them¬
selves by success In particular things,
showing how they Achieved such results.
The Semi-Weekly Journal has a dis¬
tinguished list of contributors, including
Rsv. Sam Jones, lion. John Tempi*
Graves, Mrs. W. H. Felton, Hon. C. H.
Jordan and others.
Rev. Sum Jones, who has been call##
the St. Paul of his generation, will eon- 1 ’
tlnue to contribute his breezy letters,
written In the course of hln travels, from
different parts of tho country, full of wit,
wisdom and originality and seasoned
with hard sense. i
Mrs. W. II. Fulton, the George Eliot
of the south, has talcen charge of a netf
department, to be known as “The Coun
try Home.” Thls distinguished lady 1»
known far and wide by the power of her
pen, and her ability was recognized dur¬
ing the world's fair, when Bhc was ap¬
pointed to represent Georgia. She has ol
late stirred up much enthusiasm by her
letters and speeches on country life,and
the means for making It attractive, , :
Contributions from Hon. John Tempi#
Graves will bo printed from time to time.
Mr. Graves is one of the princes of the
lecture platform,a mnn of extensive travel
and experience, a gifted and eloquent
orator, a fearless writer and an indepen¬
dent thinker, whose utterances have had
much to do with shaping the policy ot
Georgia’s educational institutions and
have had their effect In recent political
The agricultural department it If
Charge of Hon. C. H. Jordan, ehftlrmae
of the committee on agriculture in th*
Georgia, house of representatives. He Is
a successful and practical farmer, born
and raised on the middle Georgia planta¬
tion, where ha now resides. His crusade
for diversified, self-sustaining agriculture
and his work for the establishment of
farmers’institutes have made him friends
all over the south and his practical talks
twice a week In the Semi-Weekly Jour¬
nal constitute one of its best features.
The Juvenile department, containing
letters from young people-all over the
country, with Interesting stories of life
and adventure, will continue to attrael
the boys and girls.
Generl Merchants.
Street's Old Stand.
The people are invi¬
ted to call and exam¬
ine our goods and hear
our prices. Polite atten¬
tion to all* Your pa¬
tronage solicited.
Give us a trial.
P. S. Several good
buggies and a wagon for
sale cheap.