Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 17, 1900, Image 1
CONYERS I * t Y XT'. ~w~ THE V Y 'J - • I in il .j H .*’- 7 • 1 v* V- i 1 El ft't A 4 f i St J 4 N Pi ./ ■• © I 1717;5' :-v" :5! » u ‘14 I 11"." ,flgw—f‘fii‘" p.f.‘ o SPKSBB > &*3 4% £f, S3 \ 0 ... . . w . Kl ij i 8 i I & I -1 fe »* ■ £ S M S S3 w y JBSE-ajL* PP7’y V\; : M*IW >Y> S •>% ri V - A--' . ^ should u.she their purchases and make ready to get about their G spring sewing. • Ladies now spring ***** who feel disposed to heed this suggestion that _______ stock cbntains the very latest goods farther Spring To those we announce our season wear* We have the handsomest and mosn complete stock we ever carried* You will be pleased to looks through and get our i . prices, Come before the rush. * l CHARLES B. HU c/1 ■*( t H .. ■ <S i i 3 n0 hope for the man I thinks he is good enough o man is considered smart people discover how he did ir ay a woman a compleniem [she will try to collect a f<p re. [he Ihave more delusion some happiness peo the more l fnjoy. ['ben [right a man knows he is in it matters not what [rs thinK. Inless a man is influenced by Lima he *s neither very bad very good. [llraer. are anxious for fame Vm; are willing to accept ^my as n s; i bs t i t u * e. u’wSre of genius is frequent ■.vfingui'hed by having cold »;r poured on it. ft mains a hopeless fool who lulled twice by the same wo Ida the same way. i> matter how homely a man I io lie thinks there ia some* It attractive about him I’diluent of human nature Haowa iiis business never [ ; .T.uch time in society. i, -? 17 R T taOMlj Z E R S. [4 We are now prepared 0 offe** to the trade sever i eading Brands of Fer bizers. i * * These goods have ken used in this section I a number of years and Kim actual field test have [hived to be second to ‘Re which is a better rec IDy 9t, -i J t neiidation than any ig we might sa> r ® W e s': >sohave cottonseed meal Q “‘hs it J ac Thanking the 's. ? •wr.fw^ ' I . le for past patronage h 1 solicit a continuance \ t e same. - /ery Respectfulls. > * IFSEY & WOOD, A #* CONYERS, A. ' ATURDAY, MARCH 17. i9U0. Father times acts as referee the bankrupey cases of men whose faces are their fortunes. Proud of Her Name It was at the First riao Church Sunday school and the teacher was endeavoring to impress her class with the idea of th.e Ijord’s omniscience. “Why, just think,” she said, •‘He knows the name of every one you, > > Little Hazel Kirschenschlager leaned forewatd in her chair, with ati expression of increduli¬ ty on her face. *• Well,” she said, after a mo¬ ment, perhaps He does know my name, but I’ll bet He doesn’t know how to spell it. ■ > RICHARDSON DOTS. Mr. J 0 Bowen is very sick at this writing. Our farmers arc rushing things at present If they have a few more cun shiney dais, they will be ready for planting. Dr. Turner has made sever¬ al trips into our community le cently, in the interest of our sick. Mr. Sigman, our cleverclerd of court, spent the night ia pur community recently, some of our citizens say, beside being a very efficient clerk, he is a tip top snarer. Rev. Bakes, filled his regular : appointment here Saturday and : Sunday. He preaclied some 1 able and impressive sermons, Messrs J _W Spraggins and J JVf Rav i?i p ife-1 relatives Allege Paik Saturday auO 8>.» day. i Mr. Will Barker, B and sister . Miss 1T Verna, of Rossweil, visit ed in this session last week. The many friends of Mr J P Jackson, are proud to see him out again, after a two weeks siege of serious sickness. Messrs. Ed Cowan and Richardson, two of our m >st promising young mee f who are in school at Locust Grove, visit¬ ed home folKs here Saturday and Sunday. Toe wedding bells haven t ceased to ring in out commuuv ty; J Dr. G R Parker and Miss LelaRagsdille " were happily _ ' rt^(* , . the . , home of , the . j - 3 tib on the night of the 7 inst. friends extend good wish . tuanv es. They are visiting the Dr’s people at Ross well this week. Us Four and No' Moie. 4 >-9 Hi 'ftf |fTiW Aa cSIS AL ' Maw SusloinG. M l- -fi.! ITION. MiWTmmm wia !! aihsa-rsc jiH Hp** DAHLONEGA, GA. A cjl!sfe cdace.tion in the reach < f all. A.B., H.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; discipline; healthful, good invigorating moral and c li m-te; military influences. Cheapest board in the religious of produce state; a build' no: country ;expenses from $75 to $130 a year; board in dormitories • r private famtlb s. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all uuder the lontro! ef the University. A college prepar <torv class. Co-education of sexps. Tiie insti¬ tution founded specially for students of limited rticasis. l end for catalogue to tlie President. ’ S. S. Stbwart, A.M. Melton’s Livery Stables; When you wont a good,'safe turnout one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION One that looks weli and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired j Terms very reasonable. j 1 M. H. MELTON j LEGAL MENTS. ADVERJISE INorlco to Debtors tuul Creditors. wtnbun'u’d^sedl’win'pll^'c-ui * 1 }| i ,‘‘n-”!a 1 ^et-UeTn j to of Ms c*ll us t debts. So don’t del«y but at once. Jno. C Stephenson. Ex’r. \ Gkobcha, Rookdalv County; i Hcott. late of said county discesed ' has 11 led his final return and made ! application for letters of dismission | from his trust as such administrator Ami I will pass upon the same on th« first Monday hi April 1900. Given under m.v hand and official signature, ibis Jail. 8 nl 1900. A M Helms, Ori>. IVotico to l_>et»tori« and Creditors. All parties indebted to the estate Richard Stanley deceased, and nil parties holding claims almmst deceased’s esta te, are hereby o 'present, the same to the ed for settlement at once. J C Stanley, Adnir. This Feb. 9th, 1800. Notice to Debtors i Creditors. j geokoia, All Rockdale holding County: claims perwms or mands against the estate of hi* Al mantl, late of said county, deensod. ! are hereby liotfled to present tJi'-ni in properly in'dehted HiitlieuticHted. n.\)d nil p«r*oin to said deceased are required to make immediate settlement. This Feb. 9,1900. Almand. Admr. It A OAgiPOntA. Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bcugtii Signature of A- 8k Dissolution IN oteic. Notice ifi hereby given that the firm of Stark & Longshore is this day mu¬ tual! v dissolved. This Jan. 1, 1900. A FRlCANA will cure Ec«m* *nd C» *» UrrU to Stay Cured. MhitllM SmsouiBEKs: Search your mind. Do you owe us for your paper? If you do, don’t you know we need tlie money? I o-i’t you Know you ought to pay 11 s? Don't you know you would feel better if you would pay us? Ooine in and pay up or write us about it. mm To THE PATEHT may our PATENT aid. be secured Good Address, RECORD, by Ideas Baltimore, Md. Subscriptions to The Patent Record #1.00 per annum. ’#S n f ' )\ *-:0 fTpm&ZVizSh ■«' E m S*%2. '-. i :* j ■; if ill ••V Tise GomSn&ofBm&i&i i brings joy or pain.. It’s for the! ) mother to decide. With good health i ^ motherhood and a strong butadd3 womanly organism, woman’s J [ to a attractiveness. WSne ©f Gamftv#| , \ takesaway the vital all terrors It by fits strengthening mother for a I organs. a I baby’s coming. it has By brought revitalizing chubby, the I nerve centres crowing youngsters to thousands of | barren. weak women It purifies, who feared heals, they regulatesi were B and strengthens, and is good for all' q |women at all times. No druggist! 1 | would be without it. $i oo directions, Foradvice address, in cases giving requiring symptoms, special i f J “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,| I H The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ckat-j Itanooga, Tenn. I 1 MRS. LOUISA HALL, cf -TolTorson, On., i *ay»:—"When 1 first took AVina of Cftrdni j J wo had betn married three yearn, but could A i not have ur.y children. Wine months later A j I had a fine ghi baby.” lirliiirf til Uk » m 6* F | My undertaking establish¬ ment is well fitted up and my stock of undertaking goods is complete. Attention prompt and ca pable. Hearses free of Charge. W. "V. Uiidertukci' A lfiinlituiun use l can't taKe plain cod-!ivsr oil. Doctor says, try it. He might as well tell me to malt lard or butter and try to take them. It is too rich and wiH upset the stomach. But you can take nriUK cr cream, so you can take Scott’s It is like cream; but feed and nourish when cream will not. Babies and chsl dren will thrive and kt on it when their crcHnary food does not nourish them. Persons have ixten known to gain a pound a day when taking an ounce of Scctt’j Emulsion. It gets the digestive machinery in working order so that the ordinary food b properly digested and assimllateA toe. and f x.oo, Chemists, all druggists. York. SCOTT & BOWNE, New 'NO, IN <;i l v“<5. I am'prepare;! to do oil kinds of X oe tiud ha nmj runes repaiafpg on in it !«e Hhoji m n e;; l;sfactory manner. in Mr. \): Win* burn's old stand. .h im M. Q ray. - > . CITY MIME SHOP LILLY REAGAN FRO Bill ETOIi. My shop is comfortable My towels are eb-as ! , My tools are always keen My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Tfia Kind Vow Hava Always Oooghf Boars tho Si^hature of fli rrsT* 1 <1 5 'iiii UP!. * i HcELVANEV & C:-’ODXAX A0ENT5, Wy roprotient sorno of the best Fire Instil s non Cotnj>:;.:<ie8 n existence and a .k th« public generally to see us before plac tig their risks. Oflico in Banner office umlav hotel. McELVA NEY & BRODN \X’ o J£Y. . Bean the _/) Hi8 Kind You Have Always Sfiadri I ; . BHM wrntm W“~H asca H I i i Gennl Merelmnti.;. Street’s Old :.unul. CONYIJI^^, € 4 si. The people are invi¬ ted to call and exam ine our goods and hear our prices Polite atten¬ tion to all* Your pa¬ tronage solicited Give us a trial. HAILEY BEOS. p # g . Several good buggies and a lVSgcn for sale cheap.