Newspaper Page Text
1811011 Cfillf
Eniorses Him t
rails Mcetisn of fifes of hwM
id Newton Q©tT, Heaps f®
jert of Col J F i;®rs for
folia® Geueral
w mm
A public meeting of the citizens
j of was Covington held m the and court Vowtou house, county on
' Saturday, March 10th, foi
; purpose of giving expression to,
land endorsing the candidacy of
CoJ. Janies F. Rogers for solicitor
general of the Stone Mountain
Judge Capers Dickson was call
ef j tn ^ j j e chmi i\ and Chas.. G.
g m jth appointed secretary.. explained the
Judge Dickerson
purpose of the meeting, and spoxe
in the highest terms of the recog¬
nized ability and fitness or Col.
Rogers for the office of solicitor
general, and was pleased to see
the announcement of his
candidacy 7 was so highly endorsed
by his fellow citizens and neigh
|„, rs . it was appropriate distin- that
Guise who best knew his
guished merits, should give for
mal expression to the people of
the circuit. He said that Col.
Rogers had been solicitor of the
county court for six years, and
had discharged the duties of the
office with marked ability.
Col. A. D. Meadors then read
the following preamble and reso
lut i ms:
VVn ericas, A solicitor general for
the fetoiie Mountain circuit is' to be
elected by the direct vote of the poe
ple, at the next ..October election,
Wiikhear, The peace, good order,
dignity rigid of the state of depend the law, upon and a
enforcement a
vigorous prosecution of the violators
of law: It is, therefore, most im¬
portant that an attorney be elected
to said office, of experience, ability,
personal preciation integrity, duties and and importance a high ap¬
of Whereas tbe office; and We, beleiving
that our
fellow citizen and townsman, Col,
James F. Rogers, possesses, in an
eminent uegroo* the requisite fitness
and qnalilicat ions that should char¬
genera!— acterize and distinguish the solicitor
We, therefore, heartily and earn¬
estly endorse liis candidacy for said
office, pledge him our support to t ! e
voters in every county circuit, composing
the Stone Mountain aim
earnestly ask their support in his be¬
Judge E. F. Edwards ftj)oko of
Col. Rogers, eminent qualifica
tions and his peculiar gifts as a
nvosecutiug attorney. He sec
untied the resolutions.
Judge Edwards tvn 9 followed by
Messrs. Edward Heard, J. W.
Anderson and L. O. Wright, who
spoke in the highest terms of his
abilines und cpiuiitications for the
office ot solicitor general.
r j']j e following letter from Hon,
.VI. Pace, who was unavoida
bly absent in Atlanta, was hand¬
ed the secretary 7 by the
and read in the meeting:
J. F. UmaiKs. FlSQ.,C ovington, Ha.
My Dkai: Sir:—I t is neceessary
: for me to leave liome this morning,
> I hut .1 desire citizens’ to be considered this as pres- af
nt at the meeting
ternoon. to he held ill your interest
! as a candidate for the office of solici
t0l . umno-al of tlie Stone Mountain
candidacy has my full favor
i and endorsement, because ! ant quite
Your truly, J M. Pace.
The resolutions wereunanimous
' . ly adopted. On motion, the meet
ing adjourned. Dickson, Chairman
1 Capers Smith, Secretary.
The , r c onyers
J. H, WALLIS, EoitoS.
Entrued at, ttic po- toffice ftt Con vers a*.
second-vlass mail nu tter.
Saturday, March-17- 1000
dr*: iu-er:i<>» ; 25c for each subsequent
One year, in advance................. V OU
Hsx tjioutti , m
Titk British army in South Af
rica is nuikinga steady advance.
• --O «► •
TjIe Boers are fight mg well nut
the tables seem to bo turned a
gainst fhem.
The Democratic RtateExective
Committee met in Atlanta yester¬
CoviNOTOX and Newton .county
endorses the candidncy of Col. J •
]■’, Rogers for solicitor general of
the Stoiu' Mountain circuit. W o
jmidisli the endorsement in this
issue of TrkJW’ekki.v.
• - «► ► •
Admiral and Mrs Guo. W Dew
f‘.V will vi«il Macon nr.d Savanna!)
next week. Elaborate prepnrn-
1 ions arc being made by these ci¬
ties for the entertainment of these
distinguished guests.
Tim South furnishes enough cotton
to rim 75,000,000 spindles, but lias,
Including the mills now building less
than fi,0A0,(KK! spindles. And yet,
some people talk about overproduc¬
tion of cotton mills in the south.—
Augusta Chronicle.
A man who had lost his way while
out hunting, had met a farmer who
had promised him a night’s lodging.
O i their way to the house they saw
at a distance a very ugly woman.
Said the man to the fa oner: “What
an ugly womon.” The farmer le
plied; “Sir that is my wife, besides
beauty is only skin doep.” “For the
Lord’s nakv, skin her then,’ the man
replied and took to i he fores.
of .furors.
Drawn to Geive at April Tor in
Rock da! a Superior Court.
grand juhors: !
James T. Date, .To-ialt Askew, |
Siditey W. Rodgers, John M
Da>, •' Asa D Hammock Joint D j
Scott, 0 V\ liiiam A Oost»6v, u '' , ,
4 ’
liarn P. Pluukofc, James
Swann, William T Stanton,
Noal HCapeheart, William T
Sappington, Preston M Born,
John H Alniaml, JamesS Fran
ci^, J OSS00 \V Jones, Joseph . . ,, 'I r
Maddox, . jndson, i„ 4 , nn t> K lv0Sse OriRoer ' >
Gieun 110 Wi ns. I/nvi Longshore,
A M McLIvany, John . , t« . , ,
John H Ilardili, Henry A Itn'
ni l, Richard W Tucker, Keer
Reagan, Benjamin F Tucker
J-niei H Myers, Robt
w rth.
Jatttes T Wheeler, John
McClung. William U Clotfelter,
Hugh L White, Joseph M Mc¬
Donald G S F Miller. Will
Jin m C McDonald, Chas 0
Mitchell, John T A McCollum,
Thomas W Huff, John R IIar
Vel, Henry C Amos, J Norris
Hale, David C Albert, Arthur
Whitaker, William M white,
John w Hollingsworth, Ivitnsey
M Warren, James S Weather¬
ford, Idus M Walker, william
J Williams, John H Maddox,
J J Minn, Madison Maddox, jr,
John J McClelland, Josiali G
Ray. Jumes H Peek sr, William
Lav key, Addison S Turner,
John Reagan, ,P James J
JOIIII 1 . ... \\ Mote, . I llOmaS E XT Nor—
tOU. . \Y Lester, W llliam
lill&m J
L Peek, James R Tread well.
c—. ^ ^ a jea W m A ^ p —— rl l _. -A. _
Bears Uis IK3 rum TOO Haw Always Bought
22 *$£■ 4o / / A ■ ^(jeORGlA
iSii Acrkultural College
g M 4 .-nBuH.WS.
a -J-ylflOM.
mm HI «■»
B.S., Acollegt;education Normal and Business In ".lie rc^ch<{ all. A3.,
i Mail's courses.
! Uooa laboratories; discipline; liealtlifol, iarigoratiugcli
mate', military influences. Cheapest good moral and
religious board iu the
or pTivato families. faculty Special of nine; license *U course under
teachers; full the
-outrol of ihe University. A colleg-e
7 S.
II ■
■ v
j GSLZS r tI ‘
mm .11/ Jx
*****1 •>»4U CzrKSr
Have you visited my
£ t T3?
Have you investigat¬
ed dy prises?
Rave yCU J examined Ely
c.f rtf »v-o
. ...
Do you wish to buy
goods close?
Do you want the best
the market affords?
Do you buy without
looking around?
You can buy to ad¬
vantage here.
You can get what you
want here*
You can get new goods
in my store*
Y 7 ou will serve your own
beet interest if you come to see
tne before parting with your
ca fell.
Heed what I have said to you
for once. *
Bee JB.
cA.sp?or?.XA.. The Kind Yoii Have Always Boi#!
Boars tha
Coll on me or at J. C. Stephen-
8011 , 8 skore iin( ^ , ient , 11 , >0 . tRYomig ^, T s
Superior Poultry Food. Try a
box for 25c if you want healthy
chickens and would have your
hens more 1 han pay you in eggs.
It is an infallible cure for all di
senses of poultry. Have tried
<R |,ei | to'try \or
All i ask you is to tiy tot join your
I G Walker.
w e are are affering to the trade special inducements in the
famous White and Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines
Ladies invited to call and examine these machines—
all the latest improved attachments.
e are ready to show our customers, Chinese anti Japan
ese Matting at from 6 to 14 dollars per roll. Heavy
gross matting, extra durable, at 40c. per yard. We are
showing some new 7 and strikingly beautiful linen mat
ting, This matting will wear much longer than any other on
the market.
Go-Carte, Baby Carria e O’
es , Craddles, Bab> Chairs,
Etc, better and cheaper than this market
hasafforded heretofore,
j . Tnhn^nn . (rooup • -* and "* s— Hllfi ft- titi
V f 11 S.1 tT v / 1 * V—A V 7 V* vt t» X A >.«. fa _S_ ll 111
| Housefurnishers.
Col. Golightly, of Fairburn,
is in the race for Solicitor Gen¬
eral of tVe Stone Mountain cir
cu't.. It is thought that , he
will make a good race
There is no doubt that many of the
Populists will act with the Democrat
ic party hereaster. They want to ac¬
complish something somethin*, ben¬
eficial and the tendency of the Re¬
publican party to imperialism and
trusts will cause them to unite with
: lie Dernoeric party to preserve our
free institutions.—Marietta Journal.
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin. Her sallow
complexion worries you* Per
haps she has Her a little hacking
cough also. head aches;
and she cannot study. Give her
The oil will feed her wasting
body; the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos- and
phites wilt give new power
vigor to her nerves and brain*
ixever say you "cannot
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott’s Emulsion.
You will be obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
especially become very fond
of it; and infants do not know
when it is added to their food.
50c. and $1,00; all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
1? vo fessionn i 3V otl ce.
I have opened an office in Con
yers in Commercial Hotel, Room 6,
in connection with my Atlanta office
and will be in Conyers one week in
each month, commencing on the 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to make
an engagement with me can commit
iiicate with me at my Atlanta office.
12)a, N. Forsyth street.
Dr. J. O, Seamans, D. D. S.
By investigating our wonderful
The only absolute cure for Asthma,
Bronchitis, all stages and forms of
Catarrh and IK Cl PI ENT ( ON
SIJMPTION. No Pain; No Medi
cirn-; NO FAILURES, safe for any
at ail times.
ED COUGH. Write at once.
weeliiy ]>avments taken.
are ihe best on eartti. U'hev speedily
euro all diseasesof the Heart, Liver,
Kidneys,and Stomach Rheumatism.
Neuralgia, ail NERVOUS TROU¬
We cure any curable disease—BY
MAIL—tell us of your trouble.
Wo want reliable, permanent
R F entsof both 6exes give most
li(jeral commissions.
At his old stand--Thanks his friends and
tomers for past favors, and wishes f OUs
happy new yeah, or then
I am ready to compete with anybodv for O
also ”
trade to accommodate them on time. /—V
receiving large shipments evey day of a
Dress Goods, Hat m , ,'i 11 5 £? I 1
Trim . ■C
Lace min gs
And a complete line
Silk front Shirts, at 50 cent each
Also eveything in heavy and fancy grocer.
Farming Implements, HarclwarJ 1
and Crockery
In fact every thing you will need. My pric se
cannot- be beat. You will do well to call on
me and save money and time
We buy all country produce.
IIC. 5 TK 11
-. ‘V
Flower Seeds!
You ill find
A great variety
of New Seeds
F is Sails? Dm Ca a,
country. Exchange Accommodations bought and sold. extended Collections consistent made with on all sound parts oaRR.ip of tje
Overdrafts will not be honored undvr any cirvULi*
Office hours from 8 a. m. til) 1 P. M.tPI further notice.
Ora ^
Dr, W. II, Lee has just received a large stock of tne bes«
White Lead and Oil, Mixed Paints, Buggy and Wagon Pa ' r ‘ t '’
Paint Brushes,Putty Window Glass etc., ml of " ,1 ^ 1
Varnishes, b)
he is selling at Atlanta prices, buy your paints at home,
ing so you get the best goods and save freight
mmsm* m^^mwm**®***®*# ^ msm***** *
I agent for the L L May & Co’s celebrated Garden
am Dr W H
Seed, guaranteed to be the best seed for this section .
all ices 15c T5 -» ,—he
Dr Lee has spectacles at p r re c
guarantees every pair to give satisfaction or me OJ
Dr. Lee’s Drug Store is headc.uar.
tersfor School Books and school
Di< W. P- LEE.
Conyers, Georgia-