Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 17, 1900, Image 3

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    ** h'- pp ®ii OCER ’if *y
%;, s n>A' IS I [ <41 “3
i OC-V ,X -ri*.
iiC< uier in eatables for all if « « r i*4 ue handsomest store in ton n with the best
assc ■tment of goods. You c'. n’t a iwnw ) reel ate a I We Sav unless ” >u call at
pw'T- .ta v * # 2 stor O I**-*' nd see for Yourself. You not only gt nwp jn mm e W > £i j , «•(){ 55 ( m m 8 hilt IliC vy
W/». 10 _
X. M0 « is superb.
VC m J 3 prices we mu, a* re tide to m t**# ( *■ V-' YOU Oui asso m m ’tment £
H i k.
To mention all would consume too much time and space. - Come and see and save money.
left Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath¬
ered for our Readers.
Money to Lend.
am prepared to discount, good IK. pa
\V. L. AD A
Conyers, Ga.
to use it. J-P. Tilley.
Farming tools at Plunket s ate
ing cheap.
kliss Sul lie Hailey, of Lithonia,
bed relatives here last Sunday.
r,;t your onion sets from Bill
w Ivey Hardin, of Lithonia,
the guest of relatives here.
litmo-made ribbon cane.syrup
Wrs.ffA Gray, of Almon, was
ignesfof friends here litis week.
Liaiite | eastern seed Irish po
s at M II Plunket - s
r Jos. Norman, of Augusta,
sere a short time this week.
iitt can get all kinds of garden
stPIuuket’s. _
si Lou Smith is spending the
iia Atlanta studying the styles.
* to M II Plunket for pure Cu
li’sKonnan, who lias been visit
■ihtives at Norwood, is at home.
t and Mrs A J Summers are
living at the Commercial ho
' Lawton Moon, of Atlanta,
it Sunday with his parents
hXorrran kmther attended the funeral
at Norwood Thursday.
HAY Cain, who lias been bny
Nton in Alabama, is at home.
Tiara Gi;aiiam is spending
Vine with relatives of Clnrks
Lsse Huson, of Atlanta
Sunday with Huson
J ymir flour of M II Plunket
aro money.
r Mrs. Zera Christian are
""ting a bright little" baby
piiwi? home.
F'ieriwether, 5 'Lie of Social Cir
guest of Miss Florrie
>! Saturday.
’ tl S Butler now oeonpies
- ■ ice on Mill street re
C a?M ^ C "'- J B
F';'ila Penn is at- home a
[ r a visit to friends in
r ,|; fonutr.
1 Ml Hicks, of Atlanta,
t T'^st of friends here last
|S that the Military
: com
better shape than
*or a long time. -
A uiker is with her
. v p&Y. Jackson.
' been seriously sick
A inland, who is in
‘sick. His friends
, ; no serious disease
, - weather is indeed
° a n t always tell
;°nr garden to get
Miss Rose Thomas, of Oxford,
with Mrs. J L Moon here Mon
Miss Florence. Austin reached
home yesterday after a protracted
visit to friends in Florida.
Miss Clifford Goodwyn. a form¬
valued teacher in the public
school here, is visiting in the city
Mrs A N Plunket spent some¬
time with her father at Inglcside
this vveeK.
Mr. J P Tilley has gone on bus
mess to Crawfordville.
Mr. J K Stewart, of Kentucky,
is with relatives in the city.
Mrs. AD Summers has returned
a pleasant visit to friends ii
Mrs. Martin, of CUithbert, i
to spend some time with re!
fives and friends.
Mr and Mrs Calvin Beard have
to housekeeping in the Nuck¬
residence on Mill street,.
Mr. L A Sharp, who lias been it.
stock business here for several
months past, has soldout and re¬
to his plantation.
'Much gardening has been done
in Conyers this week and we fpnr
that much of it will have to be
done over.
The streets of the city will ho
put in first-class condition as soon,
as 1 lie weat her opens up. Hands
will be put on and the work will
be pushed vigorously.
Those who are watching at thcs
bedside of Mrs Lawson announce
that there is no perceptible the change few
in her condition for past
days. She is critically ill.
Monticello is said lo be infect¬
ed with small pox. We hope the
city authorities of that town may
so hedge it about that it will per¬
ish there.
We are informed, by those who
are in a position to know 1 , that, j
Mr. GA Alrnand is a very swift
rumor under certain inducements,
For further information call dn L
Conyers is full of goaeo ngen.s
You meet them in every turn »d 1
some of them claim to have for
sale fertilizer that will make cot¬
ton seed come up the next day af¬
ter it is planted.
There will be preaching by the
faster at the Baptiat charch Son
and Sunday night. rhere
atTheVJSt Sd pSy
teriau churches.
Friend W E Stovall has been a
little sick for a day or so of on deter¬ ac¬
count of the difficulty
mining a very serious question
which he has at heart. i he ad¬
vice of friends is not sought in
this case.
A farmer dodged in our office
yesterday evening and declared it
dangerous to walk down the street
alone. He said if he had known j
there were so many guano agents
in town he would have brought
liisgun along.
We publish a petition for char¬
ter for the “Conyers Oil Cov in
this issue. This gives assurance
that the mill will be operated here
and will be good news to all those
who are interested in the progress town.
The hunting season closed last
Thursday. If the young birds es¬
cape being drowned this spring
next season will show up more
pa it ridges than usual is this sec¬
tion. Many old birds are left in
the fields.
An entertainment , at the court
house for the benefit of the Con
?* vers T .° Yoliinteers ; olBI, r e18 last night g consis
ted of moving jnctui , es exm
by means of the Wargraph, one
Edison’s inventions. A good
crowd was -present and enjoyed the
exhibition very much.
Miss' Stella Stwnvt has return¬
ed to her home in Atlanta after a
pleasant stay with friends here.
MrsT V Elliott is very sick at 1 er
home in this city.
Mr and Mrs S II Brodnnx, of Wal
mit Grove, spent 1 Sunday here with
From the number of blasts wafted
to Conyers on the breezes, one would
judge that somebody ie tearing up
rock at Lithonia.
Mr T V Allen, of near Lithonia,
into see us yesterday. Ue
mented upon our slow fire and left.
Call in the summer, Tom.
If the weather is suitable the
yers Volunteers Will meet at
anno; y next Monday evening at
o’clock and as soon thereafter as
sible the company will drill on
Cotton continues to advaee. It is
bringing about 9 1-2 cents now.
\Vg hope that tee guano season
may pass off without any
clash between the agents.
Little Miss Lorrie Caldwel,
Athens, spEnfc yesterday here with
Miss Emma Reagan.
Messrs, Floyd Plunket and
Adair spent Sunday in Atlanta.
Mrs, J W Bell is on a visit
relatives at Harlem.
Superior Court will
here on the first Monday in April.
Mr Ben Bostain spent Sunday
with relatives here.
There are several new advertise¬
ments in this paper and we ask
our readers to take notice of them
You may take our word for it
goods can be bought at advertise. a
from business men who
"Petition For Cliartei*.
GEORGIA Rockdale County
lsti t 0 the Superior Court of said
county: The petition of Edwin Jt.
Da^f °Hi^key
of Social Circle, Ga., showeth that
S^Sr*? i with them incorporated un
soe a te “Conyers
der the corporate name the ot of twenty
Oil Company” for term
vears with privilege <.f renewal.
" 2nd. The place of business and
principal office to be in Conyers said
county with a privilege of establish¬
ing branch offices and agencies.
8rd. The general object and pur¬
pose for which corporation is formed
is for pecuniary gain and profit to its
shareholders and its maintain, special business operate
shall be to erect, Mill Company
and conduct an Oil in
the cDv of Conyers said county and
its particular purpose to manufae
ture Cotton Seed Oil, Cotton Seed
Meal, manipulate the Meal with oth¬
er ingredients and make commercial
fertilizers and sell, barter and other¬
wise dispose of said Oil, Meal and
Fertilizers and otberingredionts, and
make all contracts necessary to car¬
ry on said business, and in connect¬
ion therewith if desired, buy, fatten,
sell and exchange cattle and do all
things neccessary to conduct said
cattle business. capital srock of said
4th The cor¬
P poration to be Four Thousand Dol¬
lars ($1000.00) (already paid in) with
the right to increase the same by A
vote of its shareholder* to Twenty
Five Thousand Dollars ($2c,000.00.)
oth. Said Capital S’o< k to be paid
in cash orits equivalent in property
® the p Virp ose of sa tl com
y a!1( i t ) ir ided into share s of One
I ^ tlrpJ DoUars ($100.00) each with
Hu individual, liability except as to
r , 0 jgS'S&iSMW
»”H*> rtlrtl U-e
the right to huv, lease and own real
and personal property and other ef¬
fects necessary to carry on its busi¬
ness or protect its interest and dis¬
pose of any of its properly or effects
to acquired or manufactured by deed
hill of sale, lease, mortgage, ex¬
change or otherwise.
7th. Petitioners desire to lvv® and
use a common seal, Contract, establish sue
and be sued, make and
by-laws, rules and regulations of the for
tbecoiiduct and goveinment
affairs and business of said corpora
j( S offlcera and employes-— suitable lo ap- of
point, elect and employ and
tigers, agents anti employes their pre¬
scribe their duties and fix com-
8:h. And in addition to the rights, speci¬
powers and privileges herein
fied : Petitioners ask for all other
rights, power and privileges granted
and conferee! by the laws of said
state character. on private corporations inconsistent of there¬ simi¬
lar not
with or violative of private rights.
8ch. Petitioners pray that upon
the publication of this petition be as re¬
quired by law that a charter gran
ted them as prayed for— and in duly
bound etc.
j This March lit 1900.
A C McCalla, Atty for^Petltionera.
---—, <» - —----
THe State Exective Cornmitteo
named May 15 as the date for
general primary election, and June
as date for Siato convention.
Take the WeBkta and get
I have nicely equipped in
nection with my Barber Shop
first-class up-to-date splepdid line
I also handle a
Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits Etc 1 I
I feel sure the people of this
county will appreciate this move
as it is something we have been
needing for quite a while. You
can walk in get the best hair cut
and shave you ever hud, get a first
class up-to-date meal. rejoicing. A good
Cigar and call. go your way
Give us a
Very Earned Iv
Joo. Ii. Bently.
Make 1 fine yield for cotlon see
J. P Tilley.
Here i? man who does not take
his county paper, but oecassionlly
answers the advertisements in
“story papers,’, recently had some
very novel experiences. He learn¬
ed in one of those ads, that by
sending one dollar to a yankee he
could get a cure for drunkenness.
Sure enought he did It was to
“take the pledge and keep it.,’
Later on he sent 52 cts in stamps
to find out how to raise turnips
successfully. He found out:
“Just take hold of the tops and
pull.” Being young he wished to
marry, and sent 34 one cent stamps
to a Chicago firm for information
as to how to make an impression. it said:
When the answer came
i i Sit down on a pan of dough.”
The next advertisement read:
“How to double your money in
six months.” He was told to
convert his cash into bills and
fold the bills.” He sent a dollar
’to learn how to get rich;
like the devil and never spend a
cent.” He wrote to learn how 1 to
w'rite without pen or ink. He was
told to use a led peucil. He paid
$5 to learn how to live without
work. He wns told on a postal
card to “fish far suckers as we do.
For pale by J P Tilley.
For Solo.
Several hundred busliels of the fa¬
mous Ozier and Russell “big boll”
cottonseed at oO cents per bushel.
Z. T. Alrnand,
W. C< Goode,
(Sheriff Sale.
Will bo sold before the courthouse
door, in Conyers, within the legal
hours of sale, on the first, 'Tuesday in
April next, tlie following property
t<> wit; One house and lot in the
ciij ut Conyers bounded as follows:
on the north by 0 G Turner, east by
J W Johnson, south by Emnnual
Haygood and >ui the west by street
leading from Decatur street (o W If
Haimnock levied on as the property
of Ed Jones and Ed June s, agent, for
wife, to satisfy two tux Ufa’s issued
for his state and comity tax for the
year 1900.
This March. 91900.
XV. Ii. M. Austin, Sheriff.
Fire Limits:—lie it ordained by
the Mayor and City Council of the
city of Conyers, Ga., and it . is hereby
ordained bv authority of the same,
that after the passage of this ordi
))nnoe ^ bo unlawful for any
person or persons to have build or o
: rect any kind of wooden building or
structure, along either side of center
or Commerce streets, or along street
running paraded with railroad to
crossing below planing mill, also a
lohg Decatur street from
to alley running from said I)<
street by J J i.angford'M
thence along said alley to depot,
from cutirtho.uae up Decatur st, on
west, side to McCalla & Turner’s of.,
lien. Said streets and alleys as des¬
cribed to be known as the lire limits
of said city of Conyers, Ga., and any
S T ( CT3ra 11! ■MMM 2--J
We are now ready to supply our
friends with the following famous
Kennesaw High Grade.
Kennesaw Blood and Bone.
Furman’s High Grade.
Planter’s Soluble, "COTTON SEED MEALCOOD*. *
Ok Cotton High Grade.’
Ox Bone with Am. and Potash.
W. O. C. High Grade.
Farmer’s Friend.
Acid Phosphates and Cotton seed
Ask for the YV. O. C.
put up in white cotton
bags, 12 sacks to the ton.
We are ready to make
person or persons violating this or
diiiance shall he deemed guilty of
disorderly conduct and shall bo pun¬
ished, on conviction before to May¬
or, as prescribed in Sno.20 of the a
tnendod charter of said city.
Be it further Ordained by author*
ity aforesaid, that all ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance nro here¬
by repealed.
• «««*>» •<«»--
Avervbody buys it’ Sue J. P,
Embroideries, Lawns, Pel’Oals,
Calicos mid Ribbons ut Now York
W. I,. Adair.
For fStvle.
I have some fine shoals for Bale
cheap. Call on mo.
XPov Sal* 1 ).
A No. I buggy and harness. Easy
let ms. Call on \V N Everett.
Embroideries, Lawns, Fercalfl,
Calicos and Ribbons at New Yoik
W, l,. A,lair.
A FRICANA 2 cure Constipation snd
i* r wotif^r ,lver Medicine Try It.