Newspaper Page Text
rt paragraphs. Persona! and Otherwise,
ered for our Readers.
tfoncy to Lend,
isn prel’ flf orod to discount good pa
' Conyers» Ga.
t j 1(3 Weekly and get the
r. ^ j Puminers is wit h rela
K'tCovington this week.
Rockdale Superior court con
J, hen Monday.
yjiss Lil McKown returned to
ejiome a t Jonesboro to-day.
L ELAlmand, of Social ihurs- Cir
here a short time
C s t 60 c —b’° quick.
Iff. Roup, a prominent buei
y n)an of Carrollton, was here
Itasiness yesterday.
fra, Foster and daughter, Miss
Isvof f Lithouia, were guests'of
j j, Moon Thursday.
. ,i i‘
e:t done the past week.
!Pencil trees arc now in ful i oloom
be crop will be a cold. great one if not j
,oght out iu the
. will be ghm . ,
[Her nvauy frieniL
iknow fiaiproi'ing tlmt Mrs. fronui Almand llmessj
after a severe
I several weeks.
E,gbJ)eK»l6 lira .Hllli? I'osei-,
C “ Lccm comity, U „t
nt of Mam.
j[ r L G Westbrook, of At hens, 1
lent Tuesday evening attending
irery important mntters(!) in
FOUND.—A pocket-book The
iningsome money. describing it owner and
in get name by Call
mug lor this “add.” at
'ikj.F.d pirn Almand, he of retains the Phil
j writes that his
iijiid is getting along very
I. We hope his good fortune
Ii candidates are all gelling
iigiilened out and are letting
pm grow under their feet ;
will have lhe political pot
itigover in the next few days.
idsAllie Leo lias been appoint
(delegate by the Woman’s Mi,,
»-rr StoStole Sncietv of the R-ml is*
jiaiiy irliich meets at Griffin,
,the31st inst.
[t.T W Ivey announces for tax I
wor in t his paper. He is one
lecounty’s best citizens and a
deserving gentleman and
[make Hyengaged a good in race. the He is now
• H A Moon is a candidate
»collector. His announce-;
I tipper, rs in this paper. M r.
,! >aa clever, worthy genlle
•uidhtiR many friends in the
’■kwho will support him in
[-'ces Lnext. in Sunday the Presbyterian 11
at a in.
Mu. will be conducted by
fliilip Breiteubucher of At
[• f-^iiesecond don. Hoke Sunday Smith in is April. ox
f nk! ' * le ^ omG iuia ~
r “Uiiiee.
[ M.™ •‘IlSigmnn announce 0 fo>
ns Clerk of Superior
| 'bis issue, subject to
^ Mintic primary, Mr.
l " ''1 n!a '-D the county a {
‘^official ,L c is both i in every partic-j
: clever ar.d
ff'kiting and lias no opposi-
jiavite the people to come to my store and buy Canned Goods, Pickles, of all kinds, Meats and Sausage
tf, Sets, Meal, Lard, Sugar, Cofle, Rice, Grits, Oat Meal, Boston Beans, Lima Beans, Irish Potatoes, Onions!
Peanuts, Fruits oi all kinds, Fine tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pickled meats, Fancy Candies.
: tact need in line,
* \ t 5 1 anything you our »V e can save you money. Candi
■ trade with
‘•I'S especially invited to usthnt we may determine wfio to vote
Heinzo’s barrell pickles—some¬
thing very nice at 10c per qt. at
A. J. Summers’.
Messrs Tuggle <t Hollingsworth
run their first special from Augus¬
ta to Atlanta last Thursday, It
was well patronized.
! Bed and White Onion sets at 5c
jper qt. and garden aid flower
i of all kinds nt
A. J. Summers’.
Mr. 13 Id Evans has just finished
painting Mr. A 1/ Veal’s residence
at Magnet, This is now a very
pretty home.
Loaf bread every Friday and
G Saturday—fresh loaves from the Baker,
for 25o at
A. J. Summers’.
The Rending Circle was delight
fully entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W V A Inland
Monday evening.
The sermon at t.he Methodist
last Sunday by Rev- J L
to the Knights of Pifhias
has been verv liberal 1 v compli
“ icd i,j n " hMii if -
My stock of canned goods is f ho
most complete in Conyers and
you , will enjoy looking nt, Prices
) (HV> A J Summers.
Rev. IG Walker has gone to
attend the Sf i.te Baptist Conven
church ns here, a representative from the
which convened in
Griffin Thursday. By request
Ip 1 -;) F «'«l]i» «il! prweh.ltho
BapUst cluircl, here next bnmtny
,he “ bse,!Ce ofK «- »*■ " *«■«•
Fairkanlc's Fairy Floating soap
1 for toilet and bath, as fine as the
market affords, 5 large cakes f >r
25c. Five coupons from this soap
gets a handsome picture. See
samples at
A J Summers’.
Mr. Dave Vaughn's new resi¬
dence on McDonough street is a
bout completed and lie has moved
into it.
TheConvors colony in Cuba re
port good health and reasonable
prosperity. We and are glad doing the boys
are well pleased well.
Considerable corn has been put
tn the ground by (he fanimrs the
| past week.
Mr. K M A arren fell from n
(^ wires n - nf ‘ 8r last while Wednesday putting up evening telephone and
1,18 wrist. wa« broken in the fall.
»,* ’ a "" S,«v,rt ns a bAi’d one but hi.., Mr.
Warren , was injured . only above
stated. He was able to be in town
Mrs. C B Hudson and Mrs. S E
Bronmtx spent Wednesday in At¬
The announcement tf Mr. A M
Helms, candidate for re-election
to the office of ordinary, uppoars
m tins paper, Mr. Helms lias
•made the county a splendid offi
cial and the affairs of .he Ordnm
ry s•office are in fine shape. His
record is a good one and the pen
pie appreciate his labors in behalf
of tin-county’s interests. He will
make a good race.
Proi. Colbert-hasrecovered from
«« attack of the mumps,
Some of the candidates are n
"'leetle' slow about getting their
announcements in The Weekly.
Maybe they think it is not noces
sary to use this paper.
'J'1m fishing season is about-on
an d the river banks will soon be
worn slick by the anglers.
The cotton mnrket has remain
ed practical ly unchanged for the
past two weeks.
Marb,,t '" f " mo ”-“
Mrs. JD Loch ridge is opening
Ur. and Mm. N ' Rrtdsor, if
College days Park, v.-> • ,; : *re several
this week w,; r, relatives and
... ,
V e n * K <nir read era to save moi>
ey in their purchases by trading
with those who nuvertis* in The
" EEKLY - •
The Conyers Volunteer* were
measured up for new uniform*
last Thursday night. The hoys
expect to he newly clothed at an
early day.
Capt. MIX Plunkel, Lieuts.
J 11 Posey mid \V 0- Alexander,
went to Atlanta la't Wednesday
and were examined as to their
or lh ° oa r s 10
ii 1 ie ^ vvere - J ftceuJy elect ,
ed by toe Conyers \olunteers.
lhe gentlemen think the record
they made in this examination
l w ill show up all right. -
Messrs. John AV a ljj 8 and Alf
Bailey attended the funeral and
burial of the infant daughter of’
Mr. and Mrs. 0 E Bailey, of Au
gusDa,la6t Wednesday.
The firm of Tucker & Long
fihoie has dissolved, Mr. Long
shore having withdrawn. Mr.
Kw Tucker, we understand, has
bought half interest in the vvate
house and planing null and the
firm style is now fucker & Tuck
Go to the mass meeting at 2 p. iu,
this evening.
Capt, W THuson In shape for tlie
spring season. He is growing very
When you come to court next week
step in and pay for your paper.
—— •
Baars tu Tits Kind You tiara Klsap Bodgfit
Y,r« Gee snent some time with
relatives nt Ingleside 6 this week.
Mr. .T H Dabney, of Ingleside,
stricken with apoplexy last
foru Tuesday momingnnd it.was feared
timethnt ho would not sur
improvement y('*' 0 - Wenro in glad his to condition^ nnnonneo an
« ithtne poach trees m full bloouf
and a frosty breeze blowing from
the west,we go to press hoping, hut
at the same time fenrmg for the
peach crop.
Conyers is a good old town but
she can't hold her own with her j
neighbors unless her citizens wake
rm lhe condition- r< - of , Mrs. .r T Lawson
remains critical. All of her dough
ter* arc- at her bedside.
Miss Agnes Quigg has gone to
visit friends in Covington.
We hope that our business men
will wake up to the necessity of
manufacturing enterprises for Con
vers. The business advantages of
bur town will soon be wiped away
unJo«s something is done.
Dr II his , .
o r timer announces
candidacy for re-election ni rep
rwH CLtafivv’ nf Rockdale count v in
Dm issue, subject to the
i T |,nT„rf. Ur. Tnn.erha. .,,.-1,
the county n most acer-ptalde
member. He represented the
whole people faithfully and in the
present nice he v\ii 1, no doubt,
show up with greater strength
f-han in his former race. He is aj
rep-res-- ’ lm : ve mail and has many
iuflue.-icinl frieudss in every sec-
1 ion of the county.
I am prepared to do plowing by
the hour, day or week. See me
Hillard Peek
Mr. A D Summers lias been «'!1
the sick list for several days past.
Curd of r l !;nalv.<*.
W o desire to express our thunks
tr»th«good kind inends in C-n fu!-l
yersfor t Imit generous t bougiu
ness of us in «>ur sad hfltfci itmj
Such, kind ness con.-cs oniv tTqi-h
the gootl and fruo and serves to
strengthen the faith and giye now
hope. Ainy the Lord by wit In hei
all. ito.-meet I'uUv
Clins. E Bailey it Filthily.
Little Alberto, Gray, infant
daughter of Mr. and urs. Tuesday. C L Bai¬
ley, <lied in Augusta last
j The remains were brought here
0,1 W ednesday and interred in
Hcckdale cemetery after servioes
at the home >f tho little one's
Little Alberta was sick only five
days and her death was a
blow to the fond parents, who have
the sympathy of a large iiuuiber
of relatives and friends.
All those having tabid ware,
such as spoon*, knives, forks,
fiuiirT P atmg, with 1* / i li-iya! |' V ^ r } Htiver. <H
p ease cal on Dr. H H
ald at his Dental office,
he does the plating in fine
T—'■**---t » » « * m m -
The ft mi of Tucker & Longshore is
this day Uwsolveu oy mutual vonsei t
W it ijoiigstiore icii-Ang ihh! i* y
Tucker a^suioiog- nil liajiiiiiv of she
old firm. This March 27, mm.
I'd Tucker.
W If Loughboie.
— •JL.S_l.-5t 1 2
Atlanta Presbytery at
The Presbytery of Atlanta meets
in tiio Presbyterian church of Li
tlion in , A pril J 1-lb. There i s
promise of n very full ' nGeiiclance
of ministers and elders. The
most important matter that will
^ ,,e ‘" ie(l lo wi:i the division
^ vices every morning Prf>;,chin and evening g 8 « r -
are invited. The
j''opened sessions with of tlte Presbytery will be
living Moderator, a sermon by the re¬
Rev. D (J Arm-
8lr otig, of Atlanta. A special
sermon on •'Snnctirication”
bp prenehed at some time during
(he meeting by Rev. Cliur<>h C P Bride
well, of the First Atlnn
ta, successor to the late Dr. EH
I'roliile Cotton ,Se«tI.
The most prolific aricty of cotton
on earth. Makes from ( ,nc to two
mlesof c.-tton per acre on ordinary
laud. On account of im-g,, S iZc tmtls
this cotton can be gathered at nnicli
less expense, a■ picket- being able to
twice as much of-tills cotton.
?A ail’d dark green*. This'c!,non look r.
labanm, '(3* orgKnd
pi. Mr. Russell made in 1H9742 hales
on 14 acres: in ’98 made 78 balds wifh
° npl,| ii.o. Buy and plant these seed
wo„jd )Tolh<r ZZu ‘aH ‘Ze<*
farin,.. mid iron ■ Mr, Itusseii's
JPrioe of sued, I J>u .5 lm
lota $ I <35 pm bu. id (ju. or inure |t per
The above was taken from the
( ' V S r .f;,^ ,i " )e:tl KJ s ] in p
-n , I ;
/. 'p Almand Goode!
W. 0.
As True As Gospel.
A good word for a bad one is
worth much and costs JiU’e.
1 he height of so ne m?n’s am¬
bition in to be aide to say, “I
told j'ou so. i >
The moral progression of a
people can scarcely begin till
(hev ; re independent.
Happiness was t nee define 1
'iv {jrbrgia Elhiott ns n we 1 ■
with many tbreads of pain in
u -
^omu notions, like firn-o
wniK, reveal their color rf
<er Du v l ave been dono awhile
oil nsi/tiof. dream
inton i haiMCter: > on must ham
flier and forge voursolf one
How yon read is of le^ft
consequence than how much
you think of u hat you have
He who shall introduce into
pnlilic affairs the principles of
| primitive Christianity will
olutionize the world.
I have nicely equipped in con
nection with my Barber bhop a
first-class up-to-date
l also handle a splendid line of
“ifyvuw, J tee! siiro the people e*c„ ot this .
copidy will appreciate this move
as it is something we have been
f‘»r quite |j awhile. You
0flll wulk in f>t llu . hpst hsircut
lllu ] t>h'nvo you over had. get n firsl
Cigar up-to-date meal. A good
and go vour way rejoicing.
Give lisa call.
Very Earnestly
J09. H. Bent ly.
tSUci-iff «nlc.
Will bet sold before the courthouse
door, in Conyers, within the legal
boYirs of sale, on the first Tuesday tn
April next, lhe following property
to-wH; One house nml lot in the
cfty oi Conyers bounded as follows:
«)ii the north by <J (i 'Junier, east by
I W .Jolmson, south by
tiny good and <>n lhe west by street
leading frun Decatur street to W H
fliumniM-k levied on ns (lie ju-operty
of Kd Jones and K(l Jones, agent for
wife, to sal is f.v two tax Ufa’s issued
for bis state and county tax for the
year 18C0,
This March. 0 WOO.
W. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
------- .%
Now Running a Special Oam
paigh Olfci Only $1 00.
Tim f’onslftution, of Atlanta,
Ga., is now ofTeting itat daily
and Sunday editions compl°‘e
; to new subscribers, from the
date the «>i der reaches that ofiic*
iititil July 7ili, for only $100.
July 7th will take the subscriber
past the date of the Bryan
Nominating Convention at Kan
sas-, city on- July 4th. In the
meantime all the State Conven
fcions will have acted, as weli a^
, (he Republican Nationol Con¬
vention at Philad-dphta in June.
The Constitution always covers
the oe.we completely arid this
exceptional offer wiil perhaps
rest tbo capacity of their full
pla'nd. Tn connection with the
$1,00 Campaign offer, each such
subreriber may cast a ballot
uauung his choice of judgement
to the Democratic and Repub¬
lican nominees for P.eaident
an<l Nice- President , and $225
in br’z°s will be given n> the ac
cu'ate ballots,
7 lie sooner you send for it the
longer you get the paper for J
your dollar. 1
Don’t send for a doctor if you
prefer to die a natural eVash.
Doii’ttr/ to kill two hi; to
with one stone: use a - hot pi.n.
Don’t w-ste limp trying; (o
8qun< a; tm old maid or a bad
*^ rs s
IVtltkm For Charter.
(i KOIUJ l a ltoekdale Cou u:y:
h«r. 'Jo dm Superior Court of said
county: The pm.tion f Edwin 11.
I < 11 son ami H O Vv'nggUHor, of *
of Lomayilii;, Si.i-iul Gin-ie, K.V., olid (la., Dan sim-.veih u iijekey Unit
tle\v desire themselves anil such oth¬
er sociate j i-irtoi.s wi'.h as they may iir.sirc to as¬
vt«■ tin? li.em incorporated un
r corpora ,h motto «>■ •'Conyers
Oil Compivn.y ” ..»• the term of tweniv
years with pdv itei:o..f renewal
‘2nd. the place of business suul
prim-ipa! oaU-e to be in (.ionyios Atiihasii- said
county wiili « prtv Metre of
ing branch offices and agencies.
• i be general obj* vt ami pur¬
pose for which eo poratioii is formed
is lor pecuniary gain and profit to its
shareholders and its special business
the particular ci:y of Conyers said confdy and
qniipos.. to immufac
l 1111 ' ^ oinui Serai Oil, Cot ton Seed
jVriiWaei-N him! self, bars.- r ami other-* •
wise iiisp. so of said .on, 'Seal red
inters «n<i other Ingredients, and
make all confmiT.s inaaary fo eai —
f.v on said business-. >nrb in connccl»'
loll I be. i \VJ ill i 1 desired, bil.v’. fi>! jor,
sell w; (i excl.-iinc.f! < nttlo rind do ail
cuttle things iiffcessfiry In conduct sa d
4;o. The c.-i|ii!Hl Slock of Hfl *d C>r
j.-orniioi! to hf I'onr Thousand Dol¬
lars ($:(;00.0h) (already paid in) with
the rightio iiicioa*!! the hmiiio by a
s *dri ol its s 11 r.i, inihi--I - lo i V: ciity
Id' e ilmnsMiiti Duftam id! f,(i.)
idii. Said Capital Stock hi | e j idd
in cash or its edtiD ab ut in pr. pi ity
snitnblc and to div ti. led pmrpem* of said Veu'!-.
pnu.V Into - ban n of Ona
Humircu i),.liar* with
no h'.dividmti liability exri j i ns lo
unpaid Kubsci’ipfioti,
(Ah, Mai<! corpora!ion shall have
the I'igiit io buv, ici-.-,(> niiil Jsfvn real
•mo fecu poisgna: jirnp«>ny and' orTcr ims:. t'i«
m-ossHiy to cnir.von io,
or [•I’utDv*t j
(lose oi any of its pr. ueriy or ciTtud*
in hill acquired er n.auufiicii-.ia d hv deed
chalige of 6r sale, ctlierwls;-. le/rse, niorignA, OX-
7t!i PeiitlnriHs desire to h \ .< and
and use a common st-al, cot. tract, sue
Ijm suf'd, make and cscabtisU
ny-biws, riilrs nnd I'eguiations for
tm- eomliict. atid government ,.*' the
h ff*i|rs .M-nd niislnt-S‘4 f»r s »ifl oorporfi*
den. ils ofltcoi-K and employes—to ap¬
point, ncen-, eject and employ Miitulde of
nyi iils anti mplnyes and pre«
Hi-ribe „ r 1 J llu tic* and Px their
1 * ■ t- com -
pensa.. ion.
:And ,'uhlillov, to the rights,
pi/Wciv ami pi-JviJcgi-a herein spec!
Ih < ; •' J'eiiii.uiers n*l( for nil other
rights, power anti jiri'dl.-ges gTaut.'il
anti coi.fei i d by ibe laus of sit'd
slate on private corporations ofslml*
eJinraeter. not im-onsisient theie
uiHi or violative or private rights.
Kill. Petitioners pray- that upon
lhe publication of this petition as )r
qisir*- tin ii by law t hat a charter be gran
fed in as prayed for— and in duty
bound etc.
This March l!! 1900.
A (, Me Cal la, Atty for Petitioners.
h h'e Litn.-fsi'—Be it ordained l,y
the Mr.yo? mid City Cm ihcll of (ho
eity of Conyers, (hi., nml Ii is hevel y
ordained hv authority of t|f (! a uni',
llintafterdlvo-passage of this ordi
naiicr if. sboil bo .unlawful for any
Person or porsoirs fo have build or e
reel imy kind of woollen building or
sf.nicd uro, alongoitiicr side qf center
or Gotmnwce streets. 0 r along street
running para lied with railroad to
crossing below planing mill, also n
long Decatur street from courtlmnse
to alley running from said D'-citnr
street by J J Langford’s warehouse
tin lice alo ug said alloy to depot, also
fi ot:i euux l Itotiso up Decaf nr si on
west side to .MeCaliaA Turm t-'s of..
Ace. Said struts and alleys as des¬
cribe to be known ns the fire limits
of said city of Conyers, Ga., and any
person or persjns -. .olating tin's <,r_
dinan-e shall !i f? < earned guilty 0 f
dlsordorlv conduct ‘
and shall he pun
isbed, on conviction before to May
or, as prescribed in St o. 20 of the a
mended charter of said eif
Be it further Ordained by author¬
ity aforesaid, that ail ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance are hero
by repealed.