Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, March 31, 1900, Image 4
Sonic women fancy they hate fl tttery, when all they hate is the awkwardness of the flatter er. Nothing wnnies a gi* more than to discover tb it the man af».r lier ow n heart isn’t after it at ah. The man who Hunks lif. a fail o: ' ither has the dispepsia or is d ; appointed in love. Some people in this world have forgotten how to smile. The Hr time a girl falls in love she imagines she invented j it. Life is worth living better than most men live it. 1 The world is a cage in whicld humanity is tamed. Of all the passions, jealousy ! exacts the hardest service and pays the poorest wages. The turle is a lazy fellow, yot no one ever accuses him of hav¬ ing a soft snap. Flattery is a key that has o pened many a feminine heart. When a biide has been mar- 1 PLUNKET. T 1 [E Qeqereil cl^nt. A large STOCK of what you need at low cash prices. QuicK sales and short profits. We sell you goods right. Call on me ior what you need. YOURS TO SERVE, M. H. PLUNKET. l*4i »e <>d6aaBK>-■W WWW Melloi’s Livery Stables; When you want a good,’safe turnout one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION One that, looks well and goes well, cuR on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M, H. MELTON 4* 4* PAINTS! Dr. W. II, Lee has just received a large stock nt the best White Lead and Oil, Mixed Paints, Bufigy and Wagon Paints, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Putty Winlow Glass etc., all of which he is selling at Atlanta prices, buy your paints at home, by do¬ ing so you get the best goods and save freight. GARDEN SEEDS! l am agent for the L L May & Go’s celebrated Garden Seed, guaranteed to be the best seed for Ibis section. Dr W H Lee, Dr Lee has spectacles nt nil prices 15c per pair up— h« guarantees every pair to give satisfaction or money refunded. Di\ Lee’s Drug Store is headquar¬ ters for School Books and school supplies. Dr. W\ t(. REE. Qonyers, m - -Georgia t ried about three months she be* glU£ lo write home for the old cioths cionib ahe wne thought iiiuu^iiti run she wou!4 never have any occasion to u*« again. - - * --4. ► • V Is.v Ho OUi It* An exclmnge gives the following n**m- Why » W*#** .*»!.: lie had n tnfc. His salnry wns $2,500 per mini. Hut dir complained. 81i>? wanted a belter houss. Hotter ciot lies. . Nothing fit to go out in. No country cotlag#. Nor cai i iagtO Nor society. She cov-'' - 1 a pUce on the rsg ged edge of tlm font hundred. She kept it up Night and day And moaned find Wept. lacked style, alsft. He As well a ! new clothes every six weeks, and various other things. lie knew how his employer mud# several hundred dollars daily on the street. A 1 1. vr.mml or so would not bo missed for a few hours So he took it and went up tho street and won. Sue got her sealskin. He took more and lost. More yet. Defalcation discovered, He wenra the penitentiary check. Others are going,too. Jldivnre. Better is a modest- room up two pairs <4 hack stairs than a cell in .'jail. J I Have You Registered? I Id order to vote in the com ing Primary olection it is iipc essary te regmtcr. Thc regia hook is In the bonds of the tax collector, W G (Jlotfel ter. at. Turner Bros, steme, and if you have not already placed your name in the book do so at once. If you fail to register you will not be allowed to vote, do matter how much you would like to help some friend- Don’t neglect this matter. TT f]T« PATENT Good 1dm fjj B may aid. be secured Address, by , oar LL THE PATENT RECORN, Batiimare, MR. gubseriptloei te The Patent Retard *1.60 per enmim. 7 Barred Plymoth Rock Eggs. My hens are. direct from Dorsey’s prize winners and my cock was Taylor’s show cockerel. Mr. Dorsey wrote me: ‘-You have as fine a yard of Barred Rocks as any¬ body and should raise some fine show birds next season.’’ Eggs, 15 for $1.25. I. G. Walker. Conyers, Ga. } ATTRACTIVE FEATURES OF THE ATLANTA Semi- Weekly Journal. Tn jiddttl«s t# it# superb a«w» ■«» -vice, covering the world at large and the souther* states in partie nlar, Tbe Semi-Weekly Journal kae many attractive, entertaining Instinctive features, invaluable far southern homes «nd farm#. ITKONtt NEWS SERVICE. The service of tbe Associated Prega. bringing the news from all parts el tha world, ii supplemented by the special *#ws aerv?r» 4l The Journal tn Georgia and tha *euth?rn atates, and the tele¬ grams and letters of lta Washington cor¬ respondent, Mr. J4mes A. Holloman, who Will pay epcctal avtentlon to matter* at the national capital which Ir.'f cet the people of the southern states. , SPECIAL TEATtJS.ES. In aiidlOon to the contribution# bJ these ahd hundreds cf local c-rreapon dee.ta. The ScraUWeehty Jour al will, from tliife to (lme, print letter* tretn farmers who have distinguished them¬ selves by aucucss In particular thlnijs, Showing how they tehieved such results. The Softil-Weekfy Journal has a dla tl r ’BTll»he4 list of Contributors. Including Rev. Sam Jo-pM, Hon. John Temple 6raves, lira. W. H. reltoh, Hon. C. H. Jordan and others. •AM JONLS. Rev. gam Janes, wha has been eefled the St. Paul el ht» generation, will ccrn ttntra to can tribute hla hr eery tetter*, i^rittein in the course of hie travel*, from SlfTeronl pdrte el the country, full of wft, wisdom and origlnatity awd aeaaoheA with hard sense. MRS. W. H. ITELTOH. \Tre. W. H. tellon. tbe George ElfM af the aoUth, has taken charge of a new flepArtraenl, t« be known ae "The Coun¬ try Horn#.” fhte dlitlngulshed lady It known far and wide by the power of her pen, a.fid her ability was recognised dur¬ ing the world’* fair, when ehe wa# ap¬ pointed to repreiffnt Georgia. She ha* at late stirred Qp mueh enthuetaaiti by fcvr letters and speeches oa country life and the means for maktng it attractive. JOHJT TEMPLE GRAVES. Contrlbuflcn* from Hon. John Tempt# ttrarea wfll b* printed from time to tlmo. Mr. Grave* Is oh* of the princes a T the lecture pfatfortn.a man of oxteftsive travel and #*peHenee. a lifted and eloquent •rater, a fearless writer and an Indepen¬ dent thirfXer. whose utterances have had much to do with shaping the polley of Georgia's educational institutions and have had fhelr effect tn recent pointed •ampatgn. EON. C. H. JORDAN. Th# #grrt#uftural Jepartmwwt t# t» charge of Hoh. C. ft. Jordan. ch*lrm#» •f the cammitte* on agriculture tn tho Georgia h#tjse of rcprMentatives. He Is a Successful and practical farmer, born and ral#ed en fh* middle Georgia planta¬ tion, where he now reside*. Hie cmeade for diversified, *elf-*nstalntng agrleultiBre and hla work for Oi« establishment ef farmers’ hostltutes have made him friends all ever tfte south and his practical talk* twtets a Week In the beml-Weekly Jour aal esnstitute en* at Its best features. JTTVXNILK DEPARTMENT. The Juven 1 ..# department, containing 1 latter# fr«tn young people all tk* owar I #ountry. with Interesting stories of lift J and adventur#. win ceatlnus to attract ())• boy* aad |kiv A __ _ SRGGER. yjiS Let ue say to you that it is to your know that not every man who cries out. “Good Goods, Low Prices, and tiade with me, ».» can compete with “'Your Grocer,” either in goods or prices. My stock is large. I buy in large lots for (ash Rnd sell for cash. My-expen* ces are light. • If you can’t buy bargains iu my store, they are not iu Couyers. Ii tar. * Not only can t but ; will economize for - ' • • you# I « You want can be bought in my store and i.f you live in town it till be ...A; delivered promptly with out cost to you. ' > i- " =3^ t?=3 lit Y« Me. We will try to inerit it aud * * your confidence ae well. If you haven’t tried us do so now. We treat all customers a like and give each and all the full worth of their mon-.. ‘ r • • : • ey. . \ cao . •*. j We want your barter. Wo - . - . ;v will pay you the highest marxefc price for every tiling in the barter line you bring to us. Don't forget this. We mein business. fe I Invite all to come, to us aud trade. We ask only a chance to berve yo i once and you will come again. N.T.SIB Lj-J H e • Jot™ CQObE&HtFt; -^■SPECIAL SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. hi l w e are are altering to the tradespocial famous Ladie8>vit.ed White and Wheeler & Wilson ' vl ',-in ft] to call and ex imine tht» 8 all the lat; s' roved attachments. e 111 luif w e are ready to show our customers, (Join ese and J ese Matting at from G to 14 dollars a nan. matting. Xtva durable, l ,M ro| l. H«» gross « at, 40c | er yard \y showing some new and strikingly beautiful e u | n cn tuaij t,ing. This matting will wear much longer tl an any other the market. Hi Go-Carte,. Baby Carria ft es, Craddles,BaIn Cliaii \ ii n Etc. better and cheaper than this marke' f hasafforded heretofore, r Goode ?■ Johnson and Huff, : ;* Housefurnishers. ,V f I The farmers are noti fie dthat I am again] [Vi agent for several High GRADE FERTILIZERS, Our guanos are well known and trid in this section and give good to! ! satisfaction. We ask farmers see us before placing their orders as we think we can make it to their advantage. VERY TRULY. CHAS. G. TURNER. u LEGALADVERTISE MRNTS. Notice to IJelJtoris and Creditors. All who are indebted to Jas. D Winbnm, deceased, will please call at one and settle same. Also I am authoii ted to settle delay all of his just debts. 8o don’t but call at once. Jno. C Stephenson. Ex’r. Gbobgia, Rockdale County; To whom it may concern:—John D Scott administrator of Bobt L Soott. bOo of said county discesed lias ttied his final return and made application for letters of dismission from tiis trust as such administrator Audi will pass upon the same on the first Monday in April 1900. Given under my hand and official signature, this Jan. 3rd 1900. AM Helms, Oko. JVotice to Debtors and Creditors All parties indebted fo the estate of Richard Stanley deceased, and all parties holding claims alminst said deceased’s estate, are hereby notified ■o present the same to the undersign¬ ed for settlement atojice. * - ‘ J C Stanley, Admr. This Feb. 9tb, 1900. IVotico to Debtora a n«i *- Creditors, Geokc,!A. Rockdale County: de All persons holding claims or triflnds against tlic entateof SD Al tHMtd, Ut« of said county, cleoesed, are berelty notfied to present them to me properly authenticated, and all persom indebted to said deceased are required to make immediate settlement.. This K«b.B, 1900. R A Aim and, , Admr. ,, Dissolution Nfoteic. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Stmk & Lon vs bore is this day mu tuallv dissolved. This Jan. 1, 1900. __________ ^ - - Cr^ — A FRlCANA will cure Ecaemt snd Ca **> unh to Stay Cured. F. Te llopL-iiis, DENTIST. CONYERS, - .... OE0RGIA] OBice in Night building. Work guaranteed. D. D. b. F. T. Hopkins, Georgia Railroad. For information as to RonWi Schedules, and Rates, both i i i A to either of the unde. j _n .1 You will receive prompt rep J reliable information. Jackson] Ferguson, A q p’lo G. P- - 4> T. P. A. A ujrufsto. (in - Magili, O. D. CoS S E Gen'l Agfi Gen’l Age. Miens Atlanta. IV C 3IcMlU en W W Hardwick, F, & PA. Gen’l Agt. C. Macon. Macon. M R Hudson, \V M McGovern. T. F. & P. A, Gen’l Art Atlanta, <>«• H MCbONAL 5 SON H. dentists ♦ resident teed to piea- 5 « All work guaran H- Al stairs over J. * Office up man d & Go’s, store : G . Coxvkits, • • < . •