Newspaper Page Text
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* y*2g;$g£sz*^ The se bright Spring days are as welcome to young and old’as are the bright spring goods at'—«e&3P"*»
;' Y || GAILEY DRY GOODS COMP/ M t |s| y
and matrons who are dailey inspecting ouri aamoth stock—-Goods a-j togutiful as the most balmy day of spring
,no beautiful maidens lticidciue. Come and look and appreciate .,img gh
at marvelously low prices—Ve haven* t time to 0 _
i?. is -tg ;hov:n Sping' G-ocd® One Price to All.
C&SS rf .pi ,.JSrS- 232S-2* G-OODS CO*» IrTe-w mm
r„oi so
I 0 P I¥ jJ 1 I
.3 L \ ■ 7 i i I II It
ill S u j
ft n T j : -smm Miimnert m.
•*rv» am showing the prettiest and
4, -r viibai 1 ‘ist» mi.imeiy triniflPT’V th’S «n.b season ava-wu.
x : ^
1/oY A;- ,,cr’nt to Convers I make
> xnQuncemenz and the ladies
2 i'0
and versify 0 it WICil tlieir , 1
p:V' 0 v
newest shapes .
The * m I
the prettieSt tlowers, ? 1 Xu*
etc., - he
monseane may seen _ „ _
h -TiTr store.
HA -5 Edith Ray is an accomplised trimm
flH Y pl.;a£-ad to make up a hat to suit the most
istideoos twsrea—Iff you want the best and newest
fe tr'AEcry tilts season. Call on me.
> • i s sk m %
B ; T~ d m I?1 li, m 4 i^S B i 1 il dm i iiP® w I iii 3 9 as u mi |
Cjeijeivfl n]eTcl]£|n C““r .
&. large STOCK of what you need
•cash prices . Q,uicK sales and
■- nrofits. w e sell you
Call on me for what you
- <^<.-9 YOURS TO SERVE,
wTA* I M'S 9 «ca E HjMIMmdBI
risywe & “—551 €G2» CO s
T.v; ins. «x y u
If’ $
n you want a good,'safe turnout one that you can
I? drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
4 drivers furnished if desired
-Terms :75 u very reasonable «
M, H, M- n io r
t- 4StPOIlIA.
L i r.3 Kind You Hava Always Botgni
w -
Plvmoth Rock
J2$> E^gs.
are direct from ,
•>" Prize winners and
iv , Taylor’s
VF 5 show
p*ij U. u have % fine' a
h 0d Rocks as any
■u;d raise Some
next season/’
1 25
v. a.ver,
Couyers, Ga.
E,e<J,,< "'
At a special meeting of the
executive commit
tee for Rockdale County held
Ui Oouyers this. April the Ah
1900, called for the purpose oi
taking action whereby the-white
voters of this Comity may *ive
expression to then- chonto °
cat-drdates for the state and
C ' ,Ui ” y ' anfl n l ,.T , r < Y f i V '
cong ,. MS , t0befi , ne dat ,h„com-
1 ‘' sol " fc " 011 ’ u ' 90 '
jB ?s. & jam I / JVM JO
Subscribers: Search your mind.
Do you owe ns for your paper? If
you do, don’t you know we need the
money? Don’t you Know you ought
to pay us? Don tj ou Know *'° 11
would feel better if you would
? come in and pav up or write us
about it .
— ---- -
y am prepared to do all kinds of
shoe a: ; d harness repairing on
s jjort notice and in a satisfactory
manner, Shop in Mr. J, I). U i“
. i s old stand.
Johu M. Gray.
(5 All voters .it said selection;
may express their choice for!
n g Senator.
7 All qualified voters are re
tx> vote in their district,
except any candidate may vote
j n t | 1( > c jt, v () f Conyers. No one
8 ] 1(1 )y vo j e but once.
g T|)is cmm!lltite6 ehA „ c00 .
PO]u3ate and deolare tllle
of „ w c . lectio „ on , h „ day
the same occur, and shall
^ delegatfB , 0 „, es(a ,. e
1 That a, general , primary ■
^on ^ imid on n.e io «>
or 1J0 ° • ar ' eVtJ ' y ]u U,Uil '
in Un% county at winch i all , r
tied white voters, who
registered in 1900 within
days before said election, shall
bo given an opportunity to cast,
their votes for all the
offl ,. e „. G„ w „or, *«.«,«,
Geuerai. Societaly c Srat9 ’
Compfto e! v er.ei,, ,
C^nmisstoner of Agm-Ul
pv^m court, two Prison Oom
nnssiolitus. Judge of the
ior court of tho Stone Moun
win circuit, a Solicitor General
of said circuit, a member of
the houae of Representatives,
congressman for the* Fifth
Congressional District. : a
Senator, Ordinary, Clerk, Tcr
Tax Collector, Receiver of
Tax Returns, County Treasur¬
er, County Surveyor. Coroner.
2 The executive conimiftee
men of each district are hereby
appointed managera of said
lection in their districts and are j
sHflion/ed to appoint one or
0 <iualtfied voters to assist
tliem in holding said election.
3 The secretary of thia com¬
mittee is hereby instructed to
furnish ihe managers for each
voting place with a list of the
white qualified voters of said
district, except that of Conyers
precinct, he may furnish the
managers with a complete iist
of the qualified voters of the
4 Each candidate for the a
bove mentioned offices is hereby
required to hand his name to
the secretary of this committee
together with the sum of two
dollars (2.00) for the purpose of
defraying the expenses of said
primary, at least ten days be
fere said primary.
5 The secretary of this com¬
mittee is hereby instructed to
have a ballot prepared with
the names of all the candidates
hereinbefore mentioned and
ehali have at least 5000 copies
primed and distributed to the I
managers of said election who |
shall furnish them to the voters !
as the > may desire and the
votet - fc h ? ,!| strike from the bal- 1
0 » t | )e names of all candidates
except the names of the ones
for whom im casts bis ballot, I
but shall vote for but one cau
didate for each office—except I
he ma > vote for two Justices of
the Sut*>\ ne court, two i rison t
Comm, .oners. No ic* : 1
q.qj he counted except th
herein provided for. j
Coll on me or at J. C. Stephen¬
son ’s store and read about Young's
Superior IVuiltrv Food. Try a
box for 25c if you wan.t healthy
pel^mcH’/t'lln’ imv you'fn S!
j t " j 8 an infallible cure for ail di
senses of poultry; Have tried
■ai..-r ,,otva™ Inu i!,b U the best
1 3 "“ w lot,y "»
I G Walker.
ami Shall consoti
date the vote for Judge and So
)icitor G , oer «,, certifying the
and slmi! cause the same
tn hn t| . nnii|nitted to the chair
man of the Sialo Democratic
Executive committee.
9 All white voters, without
re gat'd to past political afifdi
who will, if their right to
)c . pi>te insaid pri „„ r ,
pledge themselves
10 r;p/>rfc the nominee, are
hewby aedared entlUed to vote
ai,d ar0 cordially illvited P0 * t0
.10 Said primary (lection
shall be held under the general
primary election huv of this
1*1 The secretary of this com
miUtO is hereby instructed to
furnish to the managers of
each voiiog place before said e
lection a copy of these resolu¬
BukllBtaiik, Ch'.m.
J II’ry.
n h ill 6 ^ fT BARBER IBP
[ | D ]'»] |x' Y }{]h /\ G A N
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
My tools a?e always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up
m IISOBAIC □=*=3 .
We represent some of tho
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
0 d Us
1 ■eas ft
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
tov stock of undertaking
oods Is colJ1 P p te.
Attention prompt and ca
free Of
p- GuaJ 50
. AnmmI, '
Uiulertuker &. Riuhumer|
Deeply Interested.
A lawyer trying to S2rve hia
client by embarraasing a wit¬
ness in the cross examined him
in this wise:
“You have admitted that
you were at the’priaoner’a house
every g during .11 this
“ m8? > j
Money Orders Payable
An order has been issued by
the post office department mak
tag money ciders payable at all
first class and second class of
dees. Heretofore orders have
been payable only at the office
from which they have been is¬
sued or at, the office upon which
they are tit awn, The new
jug of ’lie poet mailer general
intakes it possible fora bolder
or a, money order to collect the
amount of same from anv post-
office of the first or second class
Tho orders, upon proper iden¬
tification, will he paid to the
hold.-r thereof before the ar~
rival of the corresponding ad
vice, thua in many 'instances
s-iving much delay and worry.
U,k.U, Sam wcmwtMKly m«K.»»
itnpvovoiuents in hia mad fac
dtie •. mid this is one of the
greatest, improvements of recent
What better bunkers do you
wieli than Uncle Satnuof? He
will now issue Lis drafts upon
any of his postollioes and foreign
countries, at normal cost, and
they will he lionon d wherever
civilized man treads the globe.
4 /'V' 4
-—nr- ^^ * -YGYy H
<&‘%n ft/; i f \ yEOUCjkA
A 5hA |;-.Y' : • Y : ' jYff I AGldCULTURAL. College
dfmmm- jrftSHKP
M i
•• '
?*> '
A college c lue ilion in '.’if. rcacU of all.
B.S.. Normal ;ui<l Busliic** Man’s c- urges.
Good laboratories; dHclp'bie; bcaitliful, *rwd liiri^oratinfr mc-sl and cli
snto; n:ib*aiy ),,f!uc»tcps. Cluaprst board m tho
S>ai, relVrio':, of prod»ce;expcnscs
• a bur nco country board.iu dorwitorleu
/font £15 :«> SIX' a year; Sjicclal license U.r
,>r prif;"cfa i,! ; course
teaciir rs; if. I acnlfX of bine; all under the
~S‘ii trol o* ■c T'nivcrsHy. A college T Iic pr-*p;»r- iiiMi
ttttbmVoih Co-ed»<^»tion of sexes.
od !-peu, ,1 \-j forstudcntBof I’rc3id«*nt. limited
meanp. fXud Ur o-ialosue to the
* • S. Stewart, A M.
w 00 YEARa'
B T in;
mm » Tbaoe Designs Marks
rf.W 1 ' Copyrights &c.
/nronc ending z gkefr’n rm<J description whether mat
ontckl 7 n: ertaia onr opinion free un
JtivcT atridtiyconldential. tlc*n 5*i probntJy patentable, Handbook ronimnnirn- Patents
UoRa on
tent free. Oldest zaever for poeurlnfrpatoms,
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
tpLCial notice, wff howt charge, in the
Scitiilific flmtrkatt.
A hanrtsom-lf w~>xlr. T.nri/est dr
cul»tlc a of »n* Bden'tflc Journal. Terms. *3 a
rear ■ four mouths, te Sola by all newsdealers.
PHH&CQ. 36,Bf « New York
Brauch Office. 62f F S..^ Wasbfaeton. D. C.
t^nca sT^yacii HCA paiM 841 otj; snog
■ gittoo-eva
NO. 14
*■ Yes, air. > } replied tho wit
‘•Were you and ho. interested
in any business together?’'
‘ Yes, sir,” answered the man
“Al>! Now, will you bo gool
enough to tell us how and to
what extent, and what, the na
(Ute of this business was ia
which you and he were 4o deep*
*>' in ! Hiee * od ^
( ‘ Wei), I have no objection
totalling; 1 was com ting his
daugktei. Colliers Weekly,
Now Running a Special Cam¬
paign Gift 1 rOnly $1 00.
The Oou8tift.nlion, of Atlanta
is now offering its daily
y u , lJay ,. dul0 „ 8
to new subscribers, from tho
data the order reaches that office
until July 7th, for only $1.00,
July 7ih will i tke the subscriber
past, tho date of tho Bryan
Nominating Convention at Kati
-us city mi Jtdy Nh. In the
tneaiiiitiKi alt the Siata Con yen
firms wiii h ive acted, n« well as
the Republican Nationol Con¬
vention at Philadelphia in June,
The Constitution always covers
the news completely, and this
exceptional offer will perhaps
test the capacity of their full
plund. In connection with tho
$1,00 Campaign off*-r, each such
sui rentier may cast a ballot
running his choice of judgement
to the Democratic and Repub¬
lican nominees for Resident
Nice President, and .f225
in bri/ws will be given fo the ar
ou'ah* hallots.
The sooner you send for it the
loogtr you get the paper for
your dollar.
All those having table ware,
such as spoons, knives, forks,
me., which need plating or re
plating, with Royal Silver, will
please call on Dr. II II McDon¬
ald at his Dental office, where
he does the plating in fine style.
Aii exchange suggest-*, Br¬
fore you listen the complaints
of your children about thefieri
dishnoss of the school teachers
and get all w orked up and ex
cited about it, it ic better to re
ilect a little, Remember your
one or half a dozen cherubs drive
yOu crazy about half’tbe GTue and
bear with the teacher who is mak¬
ing intelligent men and women
out of as unpromising material as
you were 20 year; ago. Besides
join boy—who of course, is
nil angel—She has to contend with
that awful boy of your neighbor’s
and you know f u fi v,c;i what a
terror l.f is,