Newspaper Page Text
■T!,e Confers cLeekl^,
j H. WALLIS. Editor.
sJit CVhivf i> w '
SVC d-ij-ei p *i»:i »1 iiu%t er.
v;tk!>av, A {Mil. 7. UK'.)
is f - r line f< r tir-t
to for - -aci) subsequent in
:,ir - !v. 50c. i er im )i lot
; 25<- tor e.vcli 'qi'eiti
: if-i KtPl iUX itA i E:
fi „• v ta iidvane.*............... •t 1 0 '*
in mix ...aoc .
Si a ce..........
Cott . on Factory, r: f
Wo d nV>fe if there can t;e
found a man in Conyers who
will deny that the crying
of this community is a cotton
far* or v Every man admits it
at.dea-rj n rniu IS is in in favor ta oi of
building one. It is also truo
that we need a force to J. apply to
our p. opie , , 1 «ut they may in unite lt ,iip
in thi •• effort, in behalf of them
tesvst, present and future, of
of our town,
cotton " "Jr’, iactory, ^L', therefore, it .*
nrciHuy, if v.ewould secure it
Unit <.ur cr'iss^ns subscribe for
stock in the enterprise in sums
t.oiiiiu-nsunUe with their ilnan
cin 1 ability. Where is the man
or i who can induce our
ppopl t to do ill!-?
Talk is cheap!
Talk Hid good wishes V111 not
build factories.
Tim mayor and each member
ol the city council,
that our town must do some
tiling to hold her trade have »n
h red t ho field with subscription j
lists add , ar« asking , . for , suo-) .
Kciiptions to build a factory.
What, response will they re¬ j
ceive from those who claim f o (
he Wluilf in 8\ inpaihy ? i
concert of action will
be showfi on the part of our >
c i 1 1 z • m?
The time has come for tleci
five action, gentlemen, The
i;i:i yor find (’Otmcilmen know it.
nnd, like faithful public for
vuits, they are moving Vi l*at;
will you do?
“ By tlnir fiuit9 ye shnli
know them "
Mass Meeting,
Tho It ninuvaii: mass mm t
ing at the courthouse last Sat¬
in day ovt rung called Judge A
(; Mi Coda to the chair and j i! j
Wa 1!: was made secretary.
Tlm.d j ct of the meeting had
he: :i st 1 <i by Col. J li .
ch x to hi this n uning of a new
tx- eo v. c lijiiiiiitce and to dis
pose of - itdi other business its
in if.-' I’omc before the meeting
A co’Hiitittee » 1 > |
pointed to name a new oxecu- J .
tivocouii jUtoc. Tho new com
mil tec w is named as follows,
Town district. Buell Sunk,
I)r }. S J il \\ aU»«.
c > .li tin id disti id; it 11 G an
turn and P L Graham .
Honey • !«ek district: W 0
CtooIK 4 Htul Ij Parr.
l„„ rains totricti W M Rich
Brdson and J G Jackson.
Thu following resolutions
wore adopted by the meeting:
• ResoWed, That if is I he sense
of this mass meeting that a pri
inary be called to nominate a
candidate for representative of
Rockdale county and candidates
for county etiices on May loth,
next, and that, the executive
committee of the county be re
quested to order a primary as
lie loin suggested
Resolved, l'«3t .
we, m mass
convention,do hereby * Pcmmcud
the ,1 ton is . . i f it-.,. i i it 1 t L ,,
ton. Member of ConcreSa from
, district, ,. . and , - indorse , . ■
this . turn
for re election. "f
O,, ‘;V I,.,.) ...„ tndorso ° tlw.
candiu Of . judge , . George ... W
Uleatou for Judoe ,!,S of the sune
rior or Sum, Moon
tain circuit, uni commend h»m
tf<) ilie i iilicia! circuit as c% n^| , »
eon well qualified for tiie post
lion ct, ' a •'
♦ k •
The Kentucky court of ap¬
peal has decided that Beckham
is Governor of Kentucky. This
ought to lend a quieting iu that state.
Advertise now
Court Proceedings.
Rockdale Superior Court con
v, ‘ n(Hl h " r " !;lM Mwm l«y n,on,i, ;: c
His Honor, Jinlap Jno. S. OnntlWn
was on hand a lid dispatched bus
tnefis wit h hi' usual snap and vim.
Solicitor Kiin?f*y being sick at
his home. was represented by Col.
i, Travis. of Atlanta, v h "
tilled tl ill admirably,
i ho grond jorv xvns organized
prompt; , y Up.nli the opening of
court. M r. .1 ii Ahunnd wasolcct
cd foiTiiu.;;iiti Mr. A M
vanev, s. <:n*l :H v. The grand iurv
v.t'iKed , n . , h rush, , mushing up
v, a
'm throe days and breaking all
corns .of t . irnifir juries.
Tin* court finished up and ad
, .
cd , V. ... euuesdny , evening.
■ mr:
Uelow t\e give some of the cases
( jj a p 0Sf .,j 0 f :
r-im Peftv vs Lmcly I ettv. Lisi
for divorce—-Total divorce granted
plaintiff !
• •
o G Hannah vs .Jno. L Fate. Com
l'lmut-Wnhct . . .. , f° e r pkiiMtifi. , • •' |
'I hompson & Pnrnior vs w \x t
Appeal from Justice
court—Verdict for defendant.
Almnml * SU>vnrt v, John II Al
nA , Com _ ,,a, , . t . connt .
- J “ on ae “
Verdict for pldft W W 1 Stewart. c
j >eW is Kelley vs Ga. II R & Bnnk
- n g q <> Complaint for damages—
Defendant awarded $50 damage.
Reulnh Hill vs John Gay and
Ransom Leei Petitioners to pro
cession of land and objections i bv i j
for defend-1
M niton c Guano n n Go. n is vs i J \\r V Ld f,i ; |
wards. Complaint on note—Jutlg-j
meat for plaint ill.
Walt on Guano Co. va M W Gran--|
c„mpl„int on
meet for plaintiff. ,
W H M Austin, sheriff, vs G P
Sigman. Illegality— Verdict for
plaintiif. ;
The Stale vs Charley Rainbinl.
harceny after trust. Plea of guil
W P2 mouths,
Slate vs Geo. Stocks. Misde
meanor—Not guilty.
The State vs Tom Harris. Larceny
from tho house—Not guilty.
The State vs Doljili Carr, Will
Waggoner ami Asbury Hudson,
Stealing haled cotton—Hudson
not guilty, Carr and Waggoner
guiltv with recommendation of
inorcv. 12 months.
The State vs Will Hodge. Laree
nv from the house—Guilty. $25
!llu j ct)S t or‘0 months,
The State vs Mathew Pnntup.
Stabbing—Not guilty.
vs Green Zacliry. R] l tea. oi (
guilty. Simple larceny—8 years,
State vs Winston. Larceny from
t he house. Plea of guilty $50
0 mo.
State vs Adolphus Carr. Stabbing
_Guilty W months
St.te « tkm ton, Chnrlio Ymm S ,
hdgnr Bftkftf, Jolni \\ hitc. Onnw
Mc l. or 0 months
btnto vs Carey Bird, Tom
Bill Glenn. Gaining—Not guilty.
state vs Press Elliott, Adultery
and fornication. Guilty—$10and
cost or 8 months,
State vs Paul Veal. Misdemeanor
—Not guilty.
{several bonds vveie forfeited and
n few minor enses disposed of.
Mr. D F Clotfelter was appoin
ted a jury commissioner in 1 lie
placeof Vtnj. E H Almnnd, who is
m in i . hp ne Phillinnino i ninippine lsiaiios. ; s i niH i s
Mr. P L Graham was appointed 1
fill the unexpired . .. term ot MH „
, to
Wesley and M o bwann and \\ P
Phuibet were appointed to succeed
Joseph Reagan, John i Adair
.ncl john O M.uo were nppoinW
Admiral Dewey has auuoun
Cod lumself as a candidate for
Cresidem of the United States
on Ills own plattorm ana upon
his own hook. The Admiral
h« .»»<». Bnolher
The Queen's soldiers are
,achieving much iu Africa
Hie present.
j err;.* !1 err? C'r.i 025
A ii
}'{;]•■ T,\X COLLECTOR.
o’,, (j,,. voters of Rockdale county:
J I,,---,>I> v li.ysetl «:s:i ci-.udi
uhh f< r r ’(idhim-r, subject to the
i>. j • niinr.v. j seek the
, tm-e heet.ttse 1 i:e< (Hr mid i < <;Miw
j feel capable oV fMitimsliy mscnarg- veil!
mg the duties of the so nit*. I
Hp’ireehtte |,i.‘ the support <>! Hi tl.cj-p<
ai.d »'■ k ;di togoe my cni-diclae
coi side.' at ion.
j atmumu e i; i y s- ' i ;i e-.MK.n ate foi
re-cb-ctiou to me ' office -I Tax Re
eeivd-oi Hoc in line county, sub-tot
tl , q,,. ixmieinitic primary - I wish
to thank the people for their
ctis sitpptirr in the pftst and ask them
t - acc<»rd me the same once more.
After this round JsiuHi
I don’t wish to ask too much of the
jjpople hut earnestly Ver desire their sup
port this time. £ H^ltuil
At(1)e Si> i{ C ita tiou of friends and
ffftC due reflection, I announce my
self a candidate for Sherifl of Rock
dale county, subject to the democrat j
io primary'. the support I ask of find the voters xvill appreci- of thej j
ate elected will discharge
county and if i
tl)0 () iTties of the office faithfully and j
t o tlieTiest of my power. Respt Swann,
Jas. W
I hereby announce my candidacy
for Democratic County Treasurer, subject Ill to the
Primary. tins con¬
nection I wish to speak my lasting
gratitude to the people xvho have sup
ported me in the past and ask them
to give me their support in the com¬
ing election. I will appreciate re
elcction more than the Respectfully. people can im¬
agine. Very James Dukes.
j announce iryself a candidate for
the oiHce of Tax Receiver for Rock..
my fellow citizen. • Respt,
I announce my candidacy for re¬
election to tiie offlceof Sheriff of
the support of ihe people and prom¬
ise a faithful discharge of the duties
of the office if elected. I thank the
J^’hojn^hHtm.rxX’iil'rccoKl’imi (hem.
proved satisfactory Very Respectfully, to
IV H M Austin.
J am a, candidate for re-election to
ihe office of Tax Collector subject to
the Democratic primary. I ask the
support of. the people because i need
it aim am in a position to appreciate’ all will
it very much. J hope that
give ihy candidacy they ,a thought consistently, and
vote tor me if can
do so, Very Respt.
W G Ciot fetter.
I herehv announce myself a eandi
for clerk of Superior the Court Deri (( f
R..ckuaie county subject to
ocnrtic primary. I thank the people
for pagt support and will appreciate
(heir votes in the coming election.
Very Respect I idly.
L li Sigman.
Complying with the request of I
citizens, I hereby many j
announce my- !
seif a candidate for re-election as,
representative, 1r<>m Rockdale ooun
(V> su pj 0(li t0 tite Democratic pt ima- !
Thanking my friends for past
favors, 1 am respectmlly II Turner.
,uh lAA KA JlA !
J l '
Ti^CoheM^mihject'h!' tiiJ'^nm
eratic primary. 1 ask the support of
the people 1 need it and am i
!;.» 'Uyii^V
candidacv &'S^8Sa»“.SSiSS a tliou^ht and vot^for mo.
lemenmereu ami appi eciat ee.
Hill A Mom.,
To the voters of R >ckda !e county. I I
I am a candidate for re-election to the j j
! office of Ordinary of said county snb
ject to tiie Democratic primary. On
| account of the heavy increase in j ,
State taxation, building the new jail,
and ha ving practically to re-build all!
tho bridges in the county, besides va
riouH contend other improvements with old and debt also j
to an
against the county, my term has
been very burdensome, but am glad
to state the county atfairs are now in
good condition* Thanking hoping the I peo-!
h' merited 0 f' ir P»st their favors continued and support, have
Respectfully, M Helms.
V 1OK m* tax UX (OLLMUk. cottfctor j
I hereby announce my candidacy
for tax collector of Rockdale comity.
subject will appreciate to the Democratic primary.
I the support oi my
Very Respt,
d»cv for representative of the connty
subject to the Democratic primary.
XV V Vlm*nd.
“,.- v 0 " reB j i ,Ws paper 5 °"
. get the county
*t» *$* *§? i? # *$* & *$* ^ *$* i? *$* *$* i? #? 9h $ > * 4 , 4 ,,.
*•; *
?f® *'!'* *4? •'I* tie Finn i * 13 K I . n ^1-9 v V- * V T'* “ L
► t*
for P
leeclqiiartcrs all thnt UN s o*« V-t-A. > w r -s 5 cl I] ,-‘-s 15 :
on ib O ». W t I ear pro* what flm -.1
and get it. at/)** u a
« ; vF- ant e Keen fatnosMt i "US SV"!
the market offerds and sftll •1
it n K. ; fim mao
that suit the timer. We wan J. t ?>-». «r.x d Imhm \ c'"J2
people to give us a trial, N o w 9 Q Q
ft* O fy ood time as any for that trial f \
Come to •y»:
i.. so Tl 0 t | i3msiaass^’9tl« r li mxmnsajaiiaz TtSS G IMMMWROM Til 12 o s -R wr mm %t«am >s
^ ^ 4^ 4^ 4^ 4^ 4^ 4^ 4* 4 * 4^ 4 %
Decatur, Ga,., March, 4th, UN
To the voters of Stone Mt. Circuit:—
I. hereby announce myself a eandi -
for Sol. Gen. subject to the
Democratic Primary, to' he held on
May 16th, and respectfully ask your
Most Resjit.
W. M. Morrisson.
MpuNTAiN Circuit:
I hereby announce my candidficy
for ihe position of Solicitor Germral
of this Gircui , subjee. held to the May,15t!i demo¬
cratic primary to be on
and respectfully ask J. your F, Golightly. support.
I hereby announce m\ self a can
dictate for Ordiimrx' of Rockdale Conn
ty, subject to the Democratic pri¬
mary. If elected will faithfully dis¬
charge the duties of said office to U e
best interest of ail the people. Thank I
ingthe people for past favors, am
respectfully. E, F. Cook.
Professional Notice.
I have opened an office in Con
vers in Commercial Hotel, Room 8 ,
in connection with my Atlanta office
and xviit be in Conyers one week in
each month, commencing on the Br.d
Monday. Anyone wishing to make
«» engagement with me can connnn
n,s ‘ave\vith me at, my Atlanta,
! 2 /s> X.^yorsytn i,r Henmans, street, f). L.
- "• o.
# *
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Tucker & Longshore is
this day dissolved ny mutual consent
W R Longshore retiring and P G
Tucker assuming all liability ffidO. of the
0 ld firm. This March 27.
P(l Tpcker.
Vv R Longshore.
jPi-oliiic Cotton Seed.
Tiie most Makes prolific from variety of cotton
on earth. one to two
1«V (I - On account gathered of large size much bolls
cotton can be at
loss expense, a picker being able to
toTtfSto! S»“ SS
from any other. Iho S 66 ds«ue lar^fl
of A i a bama .Georgia and Mississip
pi- Mr. Russell made in 189742 hates
on 14 acres: in ’98 made 78 hales with
one mule. Buy and jdaut tii^gp seed
and make twice as much cotton as
you would of other cotton. All seed
aro select and from Mr. Russell s
farm, Price of seed, 1 bu.$l.5G: 5 bu
1 <1,S $ ! -25 per bu. 10 bu. or more $ l per
The above was taken from the
Constitution. Wesre soiling the same
cotton seed for 50 cents per bushel.
It is economy to buy of ps. Almand,
7. T
XV. C. Goode.
nqr) 1 \T mA lUuAllN p i tv Tnr iFiL
r\ I
rwwAT * ^ rncu ,\wn
By investigating . our wonderful
reimdv lemeoj,
The ontv absolute cure for Asthma.
Bronchitis, ail stages and forms of
Catarrh and INCIPIENT ( CN
sumption. No Pain: No Medi
»ii«4 A,LCBK8 * *“*”»
do not neglect your deep-seat
eo cough. n\ lire rc once
ou^dixi’e'electro galvanic belts
are Uu uestou eartn. 1 hey speedily
NVe cure any curable disease—BY
MAIL—tell us of your trouble.
\Vc want reliable, permanent
agents of both sexes and give most
liberal commissions.
i iithopiia
At his old stand—Thanhs his friends and cus
tomers for past favors, and wishes for them a
happy new year.^^—
I am ready to compete with anybody for cash
trade also to accommodate them on time. lata
receiving large shipments evev day
Dress Goods, Hats, Clothing. Shoes,
Lace Trimmings
And a complete line of
Silk front Shirts, at 50 cent each
Also eveything in heavy and fancy groew*
Farming Implements, Hardware
and Crockery
In fact every thing you will need. My pricse
cannot be beat. You will do well to call on
me and save money and time
We buy all country produce.
II a $2?rz$ Bfl J 55T..-.2B az 11
Flower Seeds!
You I HH i\i 3
bis-v VXK
n 9
A great variety
of New Seeds
to® »
DEffl ffiltiLIPElff. U
My spring millinery is ready for inspection ar.d
new now
My prices will be
I invite the ladies to call and examine same'
stylish, I have engage * 3 the
rEasouable, and goods new and will
and a:- V K t
ervices of Miss Ragsdale, an expert trimmer, -~
be properly done.
Miss Emma Filey-