Newspaper Page Text
The Grand Jury 3 as Adjourned.
The boys are returning and i we invite them, to
“■ether with the whole people, to do their trading with
D selling goods that please tne people
US. We are -
Mie pi le i/t V » S i?re low—-t he articlos ^ 0*( * XML
Make our store headquarti irs. Get
r hut you want and be happy.
Groceries and Confectioneries,
bee b. McDonald. ms
] js I of .3 urors*
Drawn to Sfrve at Oct. Term
Rockdale Superior Court.
lit - ]. C, Grauade. Andrew
N. Flunket, John C. Farmer,
Jan^^ C. Flunket, William
Ahnand, John T. A -
luni.Joln H, Maddox, Jessie
M. Almand. Benj. H. Summers
George W. Warren, Geo. J.
Hollingsworth, Writ ivl. Richard
son. Ed ward C. G ran ade, .1 M,
B. ( node, John F. King. Joel
S. .1 ■ lutFon, James K U. 1,es¬
ter, sr, James P. McDaniell.
Ilenrv T. Stewart. John W.
McDaniel!, Eli J. McDaniel!,
John W. McClung, James D
Lyon.Chas. 13. Hudson. Geo.
W. WalK J. J. Langford,
Josiali James, A and row ,J.
Pierco, Rubt. II. Fanner. G.
Chas. E. Lyon, Asa D. Ham¬
mock, Francis G. Dumi.|Wr-s
I f; V \ Browning, .lamesR, My
Oft , ft'U'Hti G. Tinker, James S,
Lo' : , John (ft. JofiDKOu. .John .1
Cowan, James S. Black, Joel
A.< -vens, John B. Gcoddard
San. :td J. Bowen, Walker K.
Down ', Itobt .). Carr, Douglas
"A. Flunket, Robfc O. Gailey,
7m ch ♦ t T. Martin, Robf, E.
Bred f i HI, Geo. W. Wilson, Wil—
lian F. McDaniel!, William A.
Bci*r.. Madison Not ton, Augus¬
tus K Yc til Augustus 11.
Brooifs William A. Johnson,
Roland F>. Vaughn. Richard A. il Oiion S. Hay good* Ml
Mil , m S. Sims. William
Fat < r. Raid Hollingsworth.
Leos.-dos V. Scott. Geo. N.St.
Jo!a Charles M. Flunket, John
T Flunket,
Gr: iitl -T rresotit
GKifthGlA, Rockdale County
Incompliance with the law,
and oi ac<ordance with the
time honored custom, we, the
Grand Jurors chosen and sworn
for the April Terra of Rock¬
dale Superior Court, max© these
our general presentments.
Wo nave, through our var¬
ious committees, examined the
books of the difi'erei.t County
officers and front the limited
time we have had for such ex¬
amination find them ptoprrly
We find the public buildings
in fa rly good condition « xcept
a few email leaks in the gtitter
ingof the Court house which
The we recommend be reuaiied.
j id we find in good con¬
dition and prisoners well k»pt,
but v p find the water supply
inpi fti nt to cleanse the sew
•J-R9, h in nr oj iu : on is
to caube sickness m d
recommend that the Oidinar/
havealaiger tank put in and
sco that plenty of water is pro¬
vided to keep the jail in a dean
and healthy condition,
We furth ei recr rnmcrjcl
(hat the Ordinary sell the old
Jail to the highest bidder, the
same to be muoved from the
County’s ground.
We find the dockets of J U s
and N. I\s are kept as the law
We find that the buildings at.
the poor farm in good condition
and the farm well terraced and
cared for.
Wo find at the farm five in¬
mates. Two white females,
two colored females and one
colored male. They are all welt
cart d and provided for and seem
te bo satisfied.
We find expended for support
of inmates for the last, 12
months to be . . . $326 39.
For repairs on Bldg's . $ 33,19.
For Burial Expenses . . ? 66,00.
For Medicines ..S3.00
Wo desire to commend Mr.
and Mrs Almand for the pains
Mid caro they exercise in car¬
ing for the inmates.
From Examination of the
Treasurer’s report we find the
following; *
Fends on hmA Apr. 1, 1900:
(ft nerr.l funds .. $1015.68
IVuper funds 667 69
Jury funds 589.39
Wo find that {he druggists of
our county keep n correct digest of
the sale of all poisons sold by
To till two vacancies on the
Board of Education we have elect¬
ed John D Scott and John W.
We have examined the County
School (’■ onmisaioners books and
find the following facts:
No. of schools in the County in
1899. .......' 34
No. of white schools . . 19
4 < ‘ ‘ Colored 15
Total No. Pupils (white enr. 844
* 1 • (col.) enr. 828
Total No. pupils enrolled 1674
No. white teachers employed 38
• col. * ‘ . 26
Total ‘ 59
A‘nit on hand from 1898 $ 81.89
‘ reed f rum State Troas. 8425.87
Am * t pd white tcacliers $1884.12
• • co \ * 1212.36
‘ ‘ mem. board 74.00
‘ ‘ C. S. Com. 295.20
* Inc. expcuces 85-84
Total expenditures 8501.82
Bal. on hand 5.94
The roads of the county are
reported to be in tolerable good
condition with rente
to which we call special
The Flat shoals road from
the McDonald old place to the
Williams place is reported in
very bail fix and we recommend
that the road be changed from,
the McDonald place to the
creek near the Williams place.
The foot bridge across Big
Haynes creelv at Haralson’s
ford is reported in an unsafe
condition and we recommend
that the ordinary have same
We also recommend that the
Ordinary confer with the Ordi¬
nary of Henry county in re¬
gard to building a bridge across
a creek on the county line from
the road frutn Richardson’s to
We recommend that our rep¬
resentative and senator take
such steps as in their wisdom
seems best, to secure the pas¬
sage of a lull for the establish¬
ment and maintenance of a ju¬
venile reformatory for the youth
ful criminals of the state.
We recommend that the Or¬
dinary'levy the following taxes
for (he year 1900.
For general purposes ji. ^
i- 1 O
For jury purposes
For support of paupers O CD
Making a total of .65
on the $100.
We recommend that these
. . , •
prpSCntlH6lHS DO {>db«lS;l< tl in
each of the county papers, The
Weekly and the Banner and
that 1,1 1 they •) he paid 1 five dollars
each for publishing sains.
we congratulate the people of
Ollr COUnty on the fact that the
dockets of our courts are so
nearly J clear and that the teirns
Of the superior court , nave , tie
come so short, thereby causiug
a great saving to the tax pay
ers of the county.
In taking leave of his Honor,
Judge Jno S. Candler and Sol.
Genl pro tem, Jno. L. Travis,
we desim to express our appre¬
ciation for courtesies extended
and assistance rendered.
John H. Almand,Foreman.
A- M McElvauey, Sec’ty.
Upon the reading of the with¬
in and foregoing presentments
it is considered, orde r ed and ad
judged J by J the court, that said
presentments , be spread , upon
ibe minutes of this court and
also that the same be published
as recommended m said pre¬
sentments in the papers named
and that said papers be paid for
such publication as rccotuiuend
j Jno. S. Candler.
J. 6. 551. Mt. Ut.
|jj |To Js PATENT may be secured Good by ideas
sM, 1 ■“ THE our PATENT aid. Address, REC0R3,
Baitimore, 'W.
Subscriptions to The, Patent Kecord ei.00 per annum.
Semi- Weekly journal
In addition to its unperb news ser¬
vice, covering the world at large
and the southern states in partie
siiar, The Semi-Weekly Journal has
many attractive, entertaining and
instructive features, invaluable for
southern homes and farni3.
The service of the Associated Press,
bringing the news from all parts of the
world, is supplemented by the special
news service of The Journal in Georgia
and the southern states, and the tola
grams and letters of Its Washington cor¬
respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, who
will pay special attention to matters at
the natlonr.i capital which Interest th*
people of the southern states.
In addition to the contributions of
these and hundreds of local correspon¬
dents, The Semi-Weekly Journal will,
from time to time, print letters from
farmers who have distinguished them¬
selves by success in particular things,
how- they ’.e'nleved such results.
The Semi-Weekly Journal haa a dis¬
tinguished list of contributors, including
Rev. Sam Jones, Hon. John Temple
Graves, Id."3. W. H. Felton, Hon. C. II.
Jordan and others.
Rev. Cum Jone3. who has been called
the St. Raul of h!s generation, will con
tinue to contribute his breezy letters.
v/ritten in the course of his travels, from
different parts of the country, full of wit,
wisdom and originality and seasoned
with hard sense.
MRS - H. feuton.
Mrs. W. IT. Felton, the George Eliot
e j the south, lu> >.';en charge of a new
known fir and wide b 3 ‘ the power of her
pen, and her ability was recognised dur¬
ing the world's fair, when she was ap
pointed to represent Georgia. She has of
late stirred up much enthusiasm by her
letters and speeches on country life and
the means for making it attractive.
jchn texxfls graves.
Contributions from Hon. John Temple
Graven will be printed from time to time,
Mr. Graves Is one of the princes of the
lecture platform,a man of extensive travel
and experience, a gifted and eloquent
orator, a fearless writer and an Indepen¬
dent thinker, whose utterances have had
much to do with shaping the policy of
G rgla's educational institutions and
have had their effect in recent political
of the committee on agriculture in th *
Ceorgia house of representatives. H ® 13
a successful and practical farmer. born
and raised on the middle Georgia plants
tlon, where he now resides. His crusade
for diversified, self-sustaining agriculture
and his work for the establishment of
farmers' institutes have made him friends
all over the south and his practical talks
twice a week in the Semi-Weekly Jour¬
nal constitute orte of Its best features.
The Juvenile department, contai-nir.g
letters from young people all over the
country. with interesting stories of life
gnd adventure, will continue to attract
the boys and girl*.
A FR1CANA will cure Cons:ip*tion and
^ j# t wottdcrfui Tfy It*
-y- -**35 -”>asa
Johnson Goodr.a ^ Hrpp — :
^“SPECIAL SPRING announcehent
. ^2>
w ® " re !° ! h “ ln*!WW i«fcc«
I ifii'Kis \t .'site anti Vv iiHe.'cr & ,\- {: eats in tfc, a
Ladies* , ;o
invited to cal] and < x snice. ; : 1 .4
all the lab si improved attachments. machinal
e are ready -tosho-v our atswmmrs. “Ss
Matting from G a ft Vrtr
ese at to 1 ■ dollars per roll. He»
gross matting, < xtui durable. «, a,;
showing some naw and striking-v | >M ' ; ., I?( \ ; .,7 Si,. !1
ting. This matting will wear much longer ibrvn any other.
the market.
Uo-Carts, Baby C -■a rnao; b
es, C rad dies, Bain eJi n airs
r*K better and cheaper than this nary
®9 has afforded heretofore, ©5U
Johnson Goode and H m
EE Hhinm RAD if i 1 11 I! m- «9Ajtt ii rdl * P
The farmers are noth
fie dthat I am again,
agent for several High]
Our guanos are well known and
trid in this section and give goes
satisfaction. We ask fanners fol I
see us before placing their orders A
we think we can make it to taein
advantage. VERY TRULY.
men rs.
Norice to I>e1»toi-«
siiiti Crcdiioits.
Ail who nre indebted to Jas. I)
Win burin deceased, will please cal!
at ones and settle same. Also I am
authorized to settle all of his just
debts. So don't delay but caii at
once. Ext.
Jno. C Stephenson.
Groi'aiA, ItooiaiALB County;
To whom it may concernJohn
D S *>tt administrator of Itobt L
Scott bite of said county diseased
has tiled Ills tinnl return ancl made
appli< Jitioti for loiters of dismission
from ids trust as such administrator
And 1 will pass upon the same on
the, first Monday in April 1800.
Given under my hand and official
signature, ibis jam 3rd 1800.
A M Helms, Okd,
IVotice to Debtors awtl
All parties indebted to the estate of
Richard Stanley deceased, and all
parties holding claims a-hainst said
decea ed’s estate, are hereby notifh d
o present (lie same to the undersifn
ed for settlement at once.
J C Stanley, Adinr.
This Feb. 9th, 1900.
Notice to Debtors and
mand.'- aeaiust the estate ol deces-xl. SI) Al
manc .* }. late of said county,
ai e hereby IlOtfied to present them to
me , U upedy authenticated, and all
p erso -,s indebted to said deceased
are required to make immediate
This Feb. 9.1900. Admr.
B A Almand.
I>is!Soliitioi\ Nfoteic.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Stark & Lone-shore is this day nm
tunllv dissolved.
This Jan. 1, 1900.
A FPK; AN A will care Ectesii Kid C*
tgrrb to Stay C«rcd.
J5T. r T\ Hopkins
Office in Night building.
Work guaranteed. I>. D. S.
F. T. Hopkins,
For information as
Schedules, and Rates.
ii mza* afig’gfi im ti *3 m ft
write to either of the unci 11 -'',
You will receive prompt rep .
reliable information. cl;S!
Ferguson A G T'
fio G.
T. P. A. Ga
Augusta. C. V. • Cos.
S E MagilJ, C'en'I Age
Ge i’l Age. tliGi*®*
Atlanta. * 4.
5V W Hardwick, W C McMillei
c. F- & p A *
Gen'i Agt.
Macon. M MeGot
M It Hudson, W Agt.
T. F. & P- A, Geu’l
Atlanta, oa. Augusta.
H . ^
BESiDi-NT DENf‘ S _ 3
guaranteed to i ea
All work J-H
Office up stairs over
niand & Co s. ?t Gre
CoNVlRb • t
• * '