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fOL. XV! 11
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I am showing the prettiest and
most stylish millinery this season
ever brought to Conyers. I make
this announcement and the ladies
may come and veirsfy it with their
Iowa eyes. The newest shapes in
Ltata and the prettiest tlowers, rib.
[tens, mouseline etc., may be seen
la my store.
fibs Edith Ray is an accomplised triminerand
Li!! be pleased to make up a hat to suit the most
pstideous tastes-*^ If you want the best and newest
In millinery this season. Call on me.
lip (SEME
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks weli and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desir ed
Terms very reasonable.
I (lily Granite k larble •
R. H- POTTER. Manasur
Practical designers ar.cZ Sculptors
Dealer In
,,w and Foroig 1 !! Ciraiiite diiiI
rivp 11 personal attention.
CONYERS, ■ \ 1 j SATURDAY, APRIL 28 1900.
KOTsrrrii lI ■A
* :4r
spending CaSII aud hear •
Before > out • see, ju* A*— ees
the Cash House has to offer. It will pay all to do
this. ENOC3H SAID,
One Price To All.
$5 Reward Offered.
Li nnieRice disappeared from
heme the 27th of Aug. 1890.
A r„:
Black hair broad shoulders.
By close inspection he has a
dark purple mark across the
small of his nose. $5 reward
for any one teflidg of his where¬
Mrs. T. B. Rice,
Conyers. Ga.
r—ti L*C* '
22 ABOVE 4ofTl M
SEA. 1 IPOf 11 Ip! Agricultural College
Maim BuilOihQ.
[MR n Sp TiFFi * cnEa
IP** ^0
A collesra education in 'hs reach of all. A.J5.,
D.S., Normal mil Business Mail’s coors.s.
hood laboratories; discipline; healthful, invigoratlm? moral aiul cli¬
mate; Military i !iuences. Cheapest troou board in the
religious abundance n of country produce; expenses
state; $75 $160 hoard dormitories
from to a year; in
or private families. Special license course for
teachers; full faculty of nine? all under the
control of ihe University. A College prepar¬
atory class. Co-education of sexos. The insti¬
tution founded specially for students of limited
means. Send for catalogue to the President.
' . S. Stewart, A -M.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
Mir Lag sitkUi
My undertaking establish
ment is well fitted up and
mv J stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
pable. free of
W. TC. Amantl,
UiMlertnker -V Eratminer
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Have Always
BearS the
Si^.atnre of (rju&SVA ;
Short Paragraphs.
Aftei passing its natural lim¬
its, ambition is boundless.
The minister is a pairer
the policeman is a peeler,
When two men argue each
usually thinks the other is a fool.
Women are not of a war like
oatuie. yet they frequently
'torm piano fortes.
A German philosopher says
the beauty of a philosopher is
more than skin keep.
If a man has money he can
get into society : if helms brains
he can keep out of it.
Blessed is the man who lives
for the purpose of making lne
less a burden to oilieis
An old bachelor says that
ly the married soldiers are »c
quainted with war in all
If the average man
thinks of his wife as an angel it
is because her feathers come so
Love at first eight is alright,
but what a girl wants is a man
who will love her every litue be
sees her:
Sometimes tlure is more gen¬
erosity in a kind word than there
is in giving a dollar to public
• -4
Now Running a Special Cam¬
paign Oft’erOnly $1 Off.
The Constitution,of Atlanta,
Ga., is now offering its daily
and Sunday editions compute
to new subscribers, from the
date the order reaches that office
until July 7th, for only $1.00.
July 7th will take the subscriber
past the date of the Bryan
Nominating Convention at Kan
sas, city on July 4tn. In the
meantime ali the State Conven
tions will have acted, as well as
the Republican Nationol Con¬
vention at Philadelphia, in June.
The Constitution always covers
the news completely, and this
exceptional offer wiil perhaps
test the capacity of their full!
pland. In connection with the j
$ 1,00 Campaign offer, each such
subreriber may cast a ballot
naming Democratic his choice of judgement Repub- j
o the ami
lican nominees for P.esident
Nice-President, and $225
iu brizes wiil be given to the ac
ou ^„*,
l° n g er }’ 0U s et the P a P er for
your dollar.
Union Grove Dots.
A fine growing season for
the crons.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of Wal¬
county, visited Mr. J B Trib
Ue H family last Saturday and
Miss Mattie King has return¬
ed home after a pleasant visit
to .*elui ives and friends in this
We are sorry to know that
Mr. Oscar Corley is very sick
with dulls at d fever. Wo hope
lio will soon recover.
Misses Claud ana Maud Tread
well were tho guest of Misses
Angie aud Nannie Sawyer last
Quite a number of young peo¬
ple, of Lithonia. visited Sab¬
bath School at Union Grove last
Sunday, Come again we are glad
to have you w it H us.
Mr. J B Tribble went to At
luataon busiuess this we k.
Misses Kdczio and Cora Trib¬
ble visited Mr. Corley's family
last Sunday
The wedding hells will soon
be ringing. Lookout for it,
Mrs. J A Treadwell lias been
very sick (his week.
Mr. Jontom Brooks and his
best girl were out driving Sun¬
Grass Iloper.
While saying nothing against
the Handlers—for they are able
bright men, we want to ask if
there is a man in the state who
does not bePeve that they have
received sufficient recognition
from the people of the state. Is
there a voter in this judicial cir¬
cuit who dots not believe that
the lion John S. has been hon¬
ored and given cffico and posi¬
tion fully adequate to his de¬
serts in evety shape, form, style
and fashion?
There is a man (and when I
say a man I mean a mam ask¬
ing the people of this cir< uit to
elect him judge instead of John
S Candler, who in every res
pect deserves their support.
We knew George Gleaton
when a boy on the farm, plain,
industrious and honest, we
knew him when as a mere strip
ling he put on his uniform of
grey and went out to fight for;
home aud country, we raw him
when he returned with a leg cut I
away within four inches of his
body—a hero-called so by ev-
7 T* ^"2
fot he "* 9 od and ki,,d l ° WV '
ery child with whom lie came
NO. 17
in contact, no matter what its
mental, physical or financial
condition, wo know of hit acts
in the commercial world—acts
that raise him far above the
common herd, we Know and
love him as a neighbor and
there is no man who knows
him intimately who is not
charmed with his rugged hones¬
ty, bis generous nature and his
broad Christian spirit. No man
can doubt his fitness for the
bench. He has always been a
close student and he knows the
law. With naturally a fine ju¬
dicial mind bis long experience
in his chosen profession makes
him the peer of any lawyer of
bis age in this section. If he is
not in every respect the equal of
his opponent, we don’t know
why, if lie does not deserve the
support of (he voters of iliis did
trict wo want to knew why,
Candler has been solicitor,
judge, colonel'and so forth and
so on and it is nothing but sim¬
ple justice that he ehou’d fe
given a fp\v months rest aud
some recognition given to ono
who is his peer in every way.
Gleaton » veto in itockdale will
be ono of the largest ever poll¬
ed for any man here and if the
people of the other counties
knew him as we do there would
ba no doubo of his election.
Come out boys and cast your
vote for (his able, honest, brave
old Confederate boro.
Forne n tn ha\e so much res
pect for the truth that, they al¬
ways keep at a distant from it.
The man who itches for fame
has to do a lot of scratching be¬
fore he gets there,
A detective stomach keeps
more people awake than a guil¬
ty comcience.
The average man is apt to
believe what what the world
doesn’t say about him.
Procrastination is the thief of
time—and the plunder can nev¬
er be recovered.
Happy is the individual who
sees things as they should be
instead of as they a e.
There are times when the
cork-screw is mightier than the
It takes a successful artist to
a large back check.
Q womall mMoid ca!la on
another unless she has a secret
to tell.
%naVw y) Tile Kind You Have Always Bought