Newspaper Page Text
The ccn«ei5 cTcekly ’
j. n ■ WALLIS. Editor.
Entered if rl ; o :» • *• flic a 1 ("anyer* a*
st cond-cla it. mail nuit’er. •
Saturday, April. 28. 1900.
j ,a coots pe: line hr fir-t inser
t ; 0> j■tsfor each imbo.quenl in
gprtiMi'.' Regular ad*'- She. pci ln<h f«r
^•ti? *r.«o»; 25c for each ■o'bscqoe.u
One year, !n advance............... 41 00
Bix cionths, in advance.......... ... 50(! '
Wo publish a communication 1
in this issue touching upon tin
candidacy of Judge George Glen
ton for Judge of the Stone Moms
tain circuit Tbe article is fur
,,i,hMi liy J ons wl.o ha, known i
the , Judge T , for , many years and ,
knows him as oo is. that the
Judge is well qualified, to fill the
position he seeks is patent to;
all. lie is one of the best law- j
yers is. Georgia and would make
* just as good a judge as ho is a
lawyer, We think it is the i
kcore,/ Dlamduty of every citizen prej-1 of I
10 b,y abide all
udices of whatever nature, and ,
vote (or him freely aed willing.
Rockdale has ever been
want word in JU s serf k .ii rii>" ^ for her citi- y
zens that recognition, and the
honore of public office that she
attu U ey uve t n.i.n tt to, and
now that, there is a chance
place one of our worthiest men
in high office we should
lv stand by him with unbroken
rank and place him where
belongs. We hope that each
and every voter of the county
may see and do hw plain duty
on May loti). Go to the .polls
and cast yo'.ir ballot for Geo. \V
.Isa AS emory,
At the Lawson house on
Bixty-nintb birth day at 5 oclock
p. m. UlQ CtOSO of a blight, beau
tiful e"ast6r Sabbath, April loth,
1500, Mrs. A N La l' son peace
fully passed front earth’s troub¬
led scenes to a brighter sphere
Her release came so gently,
sweetly, that only lty the cens
ilig other pulsation could the
anxious wulchors around
bedside realize Unit the death
angel had entered. *
Bite had been m feeble health
foreonte time, and for manv
. weeks . had , , endured . , such , sutler- ...
ing as is seldom witnessed, but
in the greatest patience sivt*
when delirium racked her body
With unendurable pain.
Several days previous to her
death site was relieved from
most of her suffering and ] a y
Willl a lumpy face, praising (tod
liaising her feeble hands
would cdl those present _**.V
name am. uige t.ieni to 1
the Lord, ’ “Shout for glory
and many such joyful ex pres
it was the writers privilege
to talk much with her during
herVlness. and on one occa
fion after she had passed
through a sh son of great pain,
I asked her hqw she felt, mean
illg . pnjsicatly, . and tin*
nq ,y
was, ‘ More than saved, ’ show
ing that her thoughts were rals
fd even above her intense suf
Mrs IatV'Otl was too well
knmvn known to to rtqutre r. ouiro an *.n snlnv, ent.ava
cant ettiory. t Warm hearted, U
geaeiot b and „tlettiona.e. A
true wife devoted mother, aud
«*”'Trj' Had nu t tlie „ battle , , ot lut*
bravely ai d Jovcd her fellow
nia n. Asa chiistiau, she was
Consistput, devoted to the church
Of God and it was her pleasure
to contribute of her means to
its support. Her home was al
wav - open toiler pastor. In ti
c vf r-- '".on w uh her in winch
s! fcir-dto the past. When
slu< ’ : " ''
amm» such responsibilities she
*!•* k* < f the nine when she had
civ--:, a u • Ins wif,-' h H
' '
l, UOU 0 , n 1 . ., til > ■ t • iiniSy fur f sevpra
year- n hi v vvatuit-'tsslv »i.»l
ihpii .'d n - ,.q j. ’
Children j" ,li| i.ary b» i
and little grand
dron were object?' of the deep
eit foSieitut’e to her.
Often during her ilkiess . he
cail each one by narn.
to come and tali: with her and
placing her hnrnU on 1 ‘ 11
heads would adorers enoearing
tv mark 8 to tiienp and rd> r lov
i"Uv ioihod«*»r n.«
The three daughters lire Mrs. M
H Melton' < f this place.
tSilJ:8 <if Angus'a, and Mrs- 1'**'
Sossomau, of Jodgetieiu. o. w.,
VV(1 ,. C Ul ,tiring in I heir love nr.d
f tllf ir ,„ otl ^ r during her
illness and while the t=fri* t
wpbVftl -ion grp at, Hihv r«)i
(t'c) anti know «h»t *. is >»
AkI.-pu in Jesus blessed wnke sleep.
1 loin which none ewer to weep.
M. S,
------' 1
Mr. John J. Carter is now chief
train dispatcher of the Atlanta k
West Point railroad. This is a
i^siumi with great n
, '"' 1 " 1,m ' s
that Mi . Carter is advancing rap
. We congratulate him.
Subscribe for this paper.
for JUDGE,
euufavood, Ua, UKH).
<p 0 (j, e voters of Rockdale County.
I am a candidate fur re-election as
Judge of the Superior Court of the
served you itv that capacity and L
as to
your support for a second term. i.
be constantly engaged in tin.
discharge of my official duties until
the primary tiiose and cannot, without
neglecting duties, see the peo
pie whose suffrages 1. nek. but to
gU pp 0i t, I will bo thankful,
J no. S. Candler,
Road JVotieo.
State of Ga, Rockdale county.
Whereas, certain petitioners have
made their application praying fora,
change in the Fiat Shoals road, com
morning at a point near the old Me
Donald resilience and running along
tlie lino with the present, ro.ul, inter
secting the old road hod near Wit
Hams’ branch, and the reviewers ap
pointed having marked out said
change ami reported to me that thn
same will he of great convenience
and public utillry, now this is incite
and admonish all persons that on
and alter the 21st of May if 1B(X) good said
road will he granted no
(liven under my hand and seal this
day of April, M ukxi. Helms, Ord.
A Cm*<i From Solicitor*
Joxkscoko, Ga.,1-1 I, 1900.
To Vho voters of Rockdale cotmt.v:
li is my desire, and 1 think it
but a natural one, to■ L« elected to
;l second term as Solicitor General
' l! J' 11 ' ^ tone Aiountuin Circuit
lt : ^ iVAVn V* the
with ( our neopiP , to give a truthful
J l ‘,
ojIicol . a s C()I jd (enn v , llH , ll011Hkfi
f ()1 . q To refuse it meatiH that lie
9 no t been a good and faithful
officer, or that, lie lias in someway
tailed to deserve it I feel certain
all who know me will believe
me when 1 say that, since I have
had the honor of holding this pu
sit ion , it has been my honest and
: llu tJ«e that lmvo devolved npm,
me as the State’s attorney. My
highest ambition lias ever been,
not to make friends for the pur
; pose of being re-elected to the of
fice, hut to do what I conceived to
be niy duty, and to do it to the
very best of my ability, regardless
of consequences. 1 sincerely hope
that mv course in this reaped lias
met with the approval of the law
abiding citizens of the county,
t m<j that they may show it bygiv
ing me their endorsement at the
coming election fora second term
of office.
nt y opponents, 1 understand,
are luakinga very active personal
canvass, and I hope that the fact
. . , ,
hnt 1 •?, llo N h ®! M nu ™.;°
see you will not lead you into tlie
n ,j s t,ike that I am at all indiffer
ent vogonerou, about the matter The fact is
mv office have kept me constantly
engaged for the past two months
<»r more, and for the past two weeks
I have been confined to my room
>>y a serious illness, from which I
i>ni ' Vlt r< ' cmoriI1 B- Gic
primary is now so close at hand
and I ain convalescing so slowly,
that I fear it will lie impossible
for me to do more than write a
few letters to some of mv
and .iSjv them to no v\ hat they can
tor me. I assure you that what
'■ help is given me while I am
providontiallv hcloiivMnvsejf prevented from N
m q.uv mjseit wil. w i' Ue oe dou'dr v.mvtily ap
pt' Cta .ed, and u 1 am elected to
the office for a second term I shall
iu mv Kiipt. power to make
To the voters of Rockdale i.iyseh county enndj- ;
J ] irr ,q 1v announce asa
for lax CullectiT, subject to/hr
j jv,,) capable of faithfully ditahnig
ing ttie; duties <>f the *»»>*• I v *’’ 11
Jl® $d£ k «11 uTglve toy cand+tlwy
consideration. \ ery Respt.
J. ( .Sawyer,
Foil tax RECEIVER.
I jiiinouiicp juvstflf r*•*tulMf*to for
re-»>!ration to t h<~* «*fTUto ••i Tax TU'
W"’ their ns
to thank tin- people the for and sit geMf-r- them
cue support in past a
t*accord me tire same once more,
After flils round I shall retire.
I don'twif h to ftsk too much of the
p-SRsr■ 1 es " y &S*Sir-- Hull.
At the solicitation of friends and
after due reflection, 1 announce my¬
self a candidate for Sheriff of Rock¬
dale county, subject to the democrat
ic primary. I ask and will appreci¬
ate the support of the voters of the
county and if elected will discharge
the duties of the office faithfully and
to the best of my power. Respt,
Jas. W Swann.
I horebv announce my candidacy
for County Treasurer, subject to the
Democratic Primary. In this con¬
nection I wish to speak my lasting
gratitude to the poeple who have sup
ported me in the past and ask them
to give me their the cont
ing election. J will appreciate re
election more than the people can im¬
agine. Very * Respectfully. Dukes.
James A
I announce myself a candidate for
the office of Tax Receiver for Rock.,
dale county, subject t<> the Democrat
ic primary, and ask the support of
my fellow citizen. Respt,
J T Tucker.
I announce mv candidacy for re ;
r,],, c t ioii io the* office of Sheri If of
Rockdale county subject to the
oerntic primary'. of the people I will and
the support prom
; se H faithful discharge of the duties
of the office if elected. I thank the
,,e.,ple for their support in the past
mid hope that my official record has
proved satisfactory Very* to them,
* Respectfully, Austin.
I nm a candidate forre-electiou
the office of Tax Collector subject to
the Democratic primary. I ask
support, of the people !>ecause J need
it mm am in a position to appreciate all will
it ?!,ij:shr«.h^c;-,'535L*o very much, i hope th.nt
do so. \ cry Respt.
\\ r Ox Clotfelter.
1 hereby Announce .Superior myself Court a cnntli
date for Cleric of of
R.wkualc county subject to the Der.t
ncratic primary. I thank the people
tor past support and will appreciate
their votes in die coming election.
Very EespecMully. H Higman.
Complying with the request of many
citizens-, 1 hereby announce re-election
If a candidate for as
representative, from Rockdale coun¬
tv, subject to ihe Democratic prima¬
ry Thanking my friends for past
favors, I am respectfully JI Turner.
I am a candidate for the office of
Tax Collector subject to the Demo¬
cratic people primary. 1 ask I need the support and of
the because it am
in a position to appreciate it very
much. I hope that all will give my
candidacy a thought and vote for me.
Any assistance given me by you will
be remembered and appreciated.
Very Rosnt.
Hill A Moon,
To the voters of Rockdale county.
am a candidate for re-election to the
office of Ordinary of said comity
ject to the Democratic primary. On
account of the heavy increase
State taxation, building the new jail,
and having practically county..besides to re-build all
the bridges in the va
nous other improvements and also
»° contend with an old debt
against the county, my term has
been very burdensome, but am glad
ro state the county affairs are now in
I iK
merited their continued support,
Respectfully, M Helms.
r mv eandidaev
subject f or tax collector of Rockdale county,
appreciate to the Democratic, primary.
I will the support of uiv
fellow c'tmcns and ,f elected will
faithfully discharge W
T W Ivey.
I respectfully Rockdale announce to the candi- vo
ters.of county my
°* c y for rep^ntative of the county
su t,Wt t0t he Democratic primary,
and will appteclate tho support of
my fellow citizens.
W V \inmnd.
■*- •
c rYJ P ‘‘““ “ 4 014
* mi rn 'P j i s n i.
nn u ' iicii :rppp \m
&u *!* J UUil. uiui b» *
•If you buy your groceries of me you will fi uc j „ e
me > satisfaction in sitting down to your nieaip t-hsTnen-o 3 ■Wi "
sell the best of everything we can get and
are always satisfied. 1
l* stocks of canned goods a tt rue i
attention. . . £'\ nr stock of pickles
| j 1 j " v A. £.1 4- 1 4~ L$3 r\ si H 4 «ull) l «rv II * > - Our Hour, meal, cof.
tee, , su s a r, m eats A 1 €1 1'® etc.,
good 7 satisfaction. 9 gives!
Our prices will also suit you. Our aim is to ciy e
you the best we can get tor the least possible price
We call attention to our fine line of cigars and tobacl
cos. Visit my store.
The C f a roeer.
3 T" i r~rq
A well assorted stock of all desira¬
ble food stuff-prices Tr j / Keei) tti me
with the times. am' not getting
rich - did 11 s 5
engaged i and mailing At
am tl I1V1I12\ V":
the same time i am doing good for the
0001)1.0 . | tl i k % J
2 VV AlO BCl6 W 1 1 1.1 lil.CN ft 0 Li’V {() .
| *- h j
| Bf n -a | idil! f* Qf ^ It will pay us to
lltl \P UU1 tl O i
*- jL
help ^ onr customers. loti can buy
what you want here at I * o w prices ana l
« 1 I * at
pVAl® ’U » ’Ll \7 y' ling "8 Xi-3 <3 pro m }> v tie live S.
your cl oo in you won io. ! A ou i > well 2 'ive
me ti call.
"Ees B. Tv£c2iO
Decatur, On., March. *ltli, 1900.
To the voters of Stone Mt. Circuit*.—
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for Sol. Gen. subject? to the
Democratic Primary, to he held or.
May loth, and respectfully ask your
support. Most Respt.
W. M.Morrisson.
To the People op the Stone
Mountain Circuit:
T hereby announce ray candidacy
for i lie position of Solicitor General
of this Cireni , subject to the Demo¬
cratic primary to be held on May,15th
respectfully ask your support.
J. F, Golightly.
j i, 0 rehv announce tnvself a can
d ( t j a te for Ordimvrv of Rockdale Conn
t v , subject to the Democratic pri¬
jnarv. If elected will faithfully dis
charge the duties of said office to the
best interest of all the people. Thank
ing J the people ‘ \ for past favors, I am
re pectf 1 ll]y E, F. Cook.
Profess ional IX otiee.
I have opened an office in Con
vers in Commercial Hotel, Room 6,
hi connection wMth
cJelimouth eommeiieiiig on the make 3rd
Monday. Anyone wishing to
'^ e u\trJet -u'nNNtNnta office ’
1 -?- Lr. t
J.' O. Seamans, D. D. S.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Tucker & Longshore is
this day Longshore dissolved ny mutual consent
\y j» retiring and P G
Tucker assuming all liability of the
Q ld firm. This March 27. 1900.
P G Tucker,
W R Longshore.
B«ATtUl« Tbs Rind Tgj Haw ftlways Bought
**T” /#
i i j§ 1 'III m h 'p hi V fi
I_j s §
Flower feeeast >. •:
You ill find
A great variety
- VT
E5j 3
Hi m «
mu lm-MPEKY.
millinery is ready for inspection and
My new' spring now
My price s will be
[ invite the ladies to call and examine same
stylish, I have engaged the
vEasouable, and goods new and will
expert trimmer, ai-d il work
ervices of Miss Ragsdale, an
be properly done.
Miss Emma Rdey*