Newspaper Page Text
' I
an smmat fY** ssss^m B ’if. m W m Ji
i* r
ere tv' \ ION .v pmvS <s> kMMVMBi lit - ■> mm iwa Wv. hD’V.ii' * beMMfll j kw •ges w: i i > *■ ck of men’ * rf try fYil nt’saml boys clothing', Here
0 H
■■■ %r * ‘y.N«p 3 MOM ■0090 i 13*. e newest up-to-c «*v *- mkm* tc dress gone 'permit* s. tens®?! ere you will find the most
1 Vi 1 the
5 ! I -t* i etc StOCK % ) s )amr oes f< 1 w r male and icivia tonwRfflus a tm m a t'V you will find bv far
)\ny { 1 ? 6 ' *'
■ iest -7'.,. it-«W w. tv* Xs V r est i of embro incries to be found in th s k 2tf\( j * . Here
err, , Y. iU ■ p i
can Hncl u the best t rent meat, and polite, attention. Here’s ou Will find
stpr i n't £ /'iCi and the best goods.
Tis here you are envited to call when you come to town and do your trading. Our prices are right.
OQ r>S5>f news ite MS.
^•Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
ered for otir Readers.
Money to Lend,
am prep
Conyers, da.
iam prepared to do plowing by
Zn 1 dav ’ ' or week. Hill ml See Peek me
yiilcli Cows.
lAbkii number of „ fine _ mnke.s
or trade for dry cat
j«,ne nonce, r AUnaccl.
iff’Sh«rs Sale.
fUBie nr.ld before the court, bouse
\v\ Youyers, on the first Tuesday
t," between the lawful
B^,’ « MW vt, following proper, v
i it: flitee bales of cotton .u>
L/jof cotton seed more or
todies of fodder, more or less
one black mare. The above
[tinned Lee. fodder Sheffield is on the district G„ - oig- am.
L deiivevpfi in cotiou
there. The
Li in the Stewart warehouse seed are in in
Brs. and the cotton Levied
iH jail in Conyers. on
property of Q P Sigman under
ijiprior court fifa in favor of ,% L
Tfi'eart* ell, surviving partners and
17,&T J Treadwell & Co.,
iiisrff p&ESSigman. w
tin April 5,1900. Austin, , Sheriff.
io Atlanta Prcsbytevy'
Presbytery of Atlanta, mot preached 1-05. Tim by opoil- Kev
nr-non was
i Armstrong, his theme being
tm! work among the unsaved
f,ifi Patton, of Decatur was
felmoderator, Thursday was
pmed is loading communica
n and in hearing reports ol
■iltees. The report of th<
St Mission Committee showott
pwd on the part of the
win the home field. Revs.
[Graves lit and H C Hammond
Mnight. hi 1 pulpit respectively the morn
Friday ques
Mtiia division of the Pres
Py was discussed and decided
St negative. Instructive and
pG ormons were delivered by
Humphries, of Jackson.
gBG- P iastallation \\ f Ball, of of Atlanta. Rov. J M
fcas pastor of Conyers church
Pro aged for the fourth Sun
Plmie. Dr. T H Rice will
Pand preach the sermon;
Sibley will deliver the
PG the pastor; and Elder J
Ptoer will deliver the charge
i people.
pbesbytery Presbyterians, meets next fall
of Barnes—
Hose Brodnax and Chas.
?bivp sworn off from fishing
r " t fiance of the year. They
J w to the river Thursday
eat up thtdr ‘‘catch y 3
[’"b'Hy resolution. disgusted them and
l®*rr'.:-r 8 i s hilMfor Con
l^Lme. r -kr.v& of this This nat the latest
in e.
P® overhauling a d g- n r
p r °.; m>nts are going < n
N Mdl.
of Weber, of Atlanta,
r relatives here last
I,.' 5 '' Bucks of Walton
; ■' ' V- ■ ’ guest of his b: other
One fir o n house bn f acre, lot
l i Oonyers i cash, bal $15 month
ly ] ayment-s. B F Smith.
ToThe People of Kickdale Coun^.
I find it impossible to make a per
sonai canvass or your eoiun.v m w
So short icitor a time, General I am of the a J’*"*™*'**? bt-one iViouii
tain Circuit, ami am anxious to be
1 acted. I claim that 1 have the nrc
essary qualifications to make the
circuit a first class prosecuting «>lh
^ jind your friends in Newtoi
IV ap m-c i m e V - urn SOM p : mm d n Ji u
enceY Newton and Rock iale c am
ties are perhaps more closely uniter
n interests than any otlmr two conn
ties in ti e Circuit;, and your countv
having no loca’ eandidltd* for tim
peculiar plac , £ hope you will loo!
favorably Counties’ upon toe enni.idue.y especial!.- o
your Sister well man, qualified
as I claim to be as t
discharge the duties of the office u
anv of the other candidates.
Very Kesp.
James F N igers.
I will buy all of your tobacco
tugL :,i H Plunket.
Mr. and Mrs. VV B Jacuson re
quests us to express their most
grateful thanks to the friends am
neighbors who were with them in
the bedside of their little sou tim¬
ing : His illness and death. The re
mnmboranoe of these kind acts i
a great comfort to them.
The merchants have agreed clock to
close their stores at f> o m
rim evenings commencing as notice usu¬
al on May 1st. Bee the
Miss Nannie- Dukes, of Atlanta,
was with relatives here Sunday.
Mr- Collie Irwin was with rel¬
atives at Monroe last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr J B Davis crane up from Cov
• 1 gton last Sunday anti spent the
Prof. Gresham, of Pitman, Ga.,
vas in Conyers on business last
Mr. E M Hudson, and wife, of
Atlanta visited relatives here
last Sunday.
Mrs. Peeples,of Lawrenceville,
is on a visit to relatives here.
Mr. Jno. Hollingsworth and
wife spent last Sunday in Goving
We the undersigned nier
jKlir Ma/dt excepted, 1900. ,, itt. |
Saturday afternoon j
to September 1st, 1900.
Tucker & Almand.
J J. Langford & Sons,
Johnson Goode & Huff,
Tfin T II Almand Co.
Almand Hardware Co.
M V f u Plunket
(j, -Hudson b Hudson,
John C. Stephenson, lingsworth,
Wo ad & Ho
G “ iley
a>- d - SLmmer8 -
Mrs. E. H. Hudson, of College
Park,was with reletiveg h£*e a
few days this week.
I will pay the cash for nice
fat hens. ,J. II.Bentley.
Bring mo your “Schnapps,” B
J K : and P II Hanes tobacco tags.
M H Plunket.
Mr Joe L Norman, of Augusta,
spent last Monday with relatives
Mr. W B Marbut was up from
Almoa last Tuesday on business.
gt ^ [ir) ^ d Ai!(ho „ y NortoJ ,
g . t g u , ld . v j a8 t in Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker nt
nd ?d the , itinera . , 1 find *\ bun.-il . . , ot .
the hitters sister-in-law, Mrs, E JK
Bounds in Walton county last M on
, l, v •
Picnics will be numerous next
The recent . . belmJl .
rams were in
|{,. e candidates,
The new street lamps are ven
,,. isfaciorv
Mrs.'WY Almaiul spent Sun
lay with hor son, Mr. E L Almai.d
at Social Circle.
Miss Ward Hardwick spent Mon
pay shopping in Atlanta.
The prospect for a grain crop in
his county this year is very bright
ndeod. A great yield is prorais
d and will be reaped if no disas¬
ter befalls.
ITcn. A I) Meador, of Coving¬
ton, was circulating among his
friends here yesterday.
Don’t forget that you can buy
all kinds of fresh vegetables at
A J Summers’ store.
New Beans, new Irish potatoes
at A J Summers’ store.
Fresh Baker’s bread at A J Sum
mere’ store*
Mr - T. H. Bryan has moved in¬
ti; the old Bryan residence on west
Railroad Street.
Mr. Dun Jones will move into
the Sanford residence vacated by
Mr. T II Bryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stewart hare
returned to their home in Ken¬
Miss Annie Ethridge spent last
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Friend W E Stovall had busi¬
ness in Madison last Sunday.
Mr. Jno. M Gray was very sick
several days this week.
All of the Sunday schools of Con
vers, the Sunday school of Oak
and all others desiring to,
an(l })y agreem eut all schools of
the-town and any others of the
county t j, a t desire, will spend the
c [. iy a t Mountain.
This will, perhaps, he the krg
est picnic party in the history of
Conyers. It now looks as if every
bodv intends going.
Railroad * fare has been cut to
extremely low rate of 25 cents
f rthe roull a trip, which is in
reac!l of a n
,£S- n WJT ?iS
r;t o 5 hT t ^«Xin i " g
mav lx secured tbs day before of
the agent.
In Memory of Little
C illcy JaeUson.
Why lament the eh: isfciaii dying
Calmly Why indulge in tear- relying a gloom
in his Lord
He has met the opening tomb.
Hark the golden harps are ringing
Sounds celestial liii his ear
Millions now in heaven singing
Greet his joyful entrance there.
Farewell dear Sou thy body rests •
Thy soul to Heaven hath flown,
Our Father needeth another saint
And took thee for his own.
Mr. Tom Plunket was acci¬
dentally shot, last Monday. A
bout 25 shot penetrated his leg
near the knee* The wound war
painful but not serious.
A new roof 1ms been placed u
pon the Methodist, parsonage.
Gardens are looking finer tidare
growing off rapidly.
Col. .Tr.o L Travis, of Coving¬
ton, was here several days this
We publish a couple of political
communications this week that
make interesting read'll . Fee
them on the first page.
Mr. Ed Jordan, of Covington,
was here last Thursday.
Visit W E Stovall at the J H
Almand Co’s. I.’e will treat you
No girl ever jilted a man that he
didn’t Jive to be glad of it.
The devil invented heresy so that
the el!im;heH would bo so busy tlt»y
would let him alone.
In this work! the kicker always who
«,-<Pr ,he things that the man
hates to kick doesn’t deserve to get.
When a woman ends by not. marry¬
ing a man it is always either because
fie lias got too wFo or else because
she inis got too foolish.
Kvpry man who is in love i,as times
when lie envies the ancient Britons.
When an ancient Briton saw a wo
m an he wanted fie went out for her
with a club and brought her homo
slung over fiis shoulder.
Two From Reed.
i i Mv friends are confident’ that
I will" be the next judge of said the
Stone Mountain circuit,”
Judge Geo W Gleaton, of Conyers
when lie met me yesterday.
Then the judge switched off on
another line. He fold me that Ids
son , John Stewart Gleaton, once a
promising young lawyer of Atlan¬
ta, is now assistant engineer' of
the Seventh army corps in Cuba.
He baa charge of the construc¬
tion of public roads in the provin
ces of Havantl and Dinar del Rio,
with headquarters atQuevados.
During recent war was
con nected with the coast survey at
Tortugas, but he resigned to en¬
gage in farming in Cuba. Some¬
time ago General Fitzhugh Lee
sent, for him and persuaded him to
accept his present important posi¬
tion. He has not given up his
farming interests and has great
faith in the future of Cuba, *
Rev. Henry Quigg was in town
a few days ago. lie missed the
lecture of Dr. Hillis, but he could
afford to, fori firmly believe ymt
he is the superior of that famous
lecturer. successful
I know more than one
man who owes his intellectual de
vclopment to Dr. Duigg. His com
“jssriri" ^"'Vlk^LIS^ ipd’zjz,
From Wallace 1' Reed to tire At-,
1»»‘» Coastitut.TO,
of mwa.
;s cntica’Jy ill at. her home m
that, district,, We hope she
may r< cover. f
Merchants who advertise usu
ally 3 have something to offer the
people. , Gall ,, ,| and in« investigate u oio . (4
the bargains at the stores whose
propiietona are using this pa
FR1CANA will Constipation a«o ,
A cure Medicine. it.
'» is a wouderful Liver * ry
Rusk, of „ Smyrna, Un., .
Mrs. is
iheeuest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Nuckolls. ofLithonta, ...
hero yeateiday.
Only 100Minis of M
MuVk"* 86 ‘ '
Z. T. Almtu d.
s* *!• s- -t< e- *|* ,!.• -S* S?
Already the lesgfiat in the aity, has been great¬
ly ineresed by the purchase of the entire stock
of Dry Goods, of W. L. Adair.
We have bought thus stock cheap and propose to sell at
very low prices.
Our large afore rooms are packed with seasonable goods—
goods that you all need, and we propose to sell them so low that
all may buy aud have money left.
Our Grocery and farming stock contains all you aro look¬
ing for—You should investigate her and save $ $ $
Our Dry Goods, Notions, Shoos, Hats etc., will please you
in styles, quality and price. Look over tLis stock and you will
We invite you to come to us and be treatly fairly. You can
save money by trading at this atore.
^ if* ^
E xc h a ng e »boughtand Sold. CollectiCRS made on all parts of the
coun t r y. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts will not be honored under any circum
• stances.
Office hours from 8 a.m. till 4 r. M.tiU further notice,
By investigating our wonderful
S*0,Q*U,I*D.I*N*K f
The only afeto'utecuve for Asthma,
Bronchitis, all stages and forms of
Ca1)Ul .|, nml jkchpiENT coN
sumption. No Pain; No Medi-
8afe fo1 any
eo COUGH. W rite at once,
VV( . e | ( | v payments taken.
OUR pjxiE ELECTRO GALVANIC They speedily BEtrS
are the boston eartn.
t ., m > nil diseases of the Heart, Liver,
Kidneys,and Stomach liliemuHtlsin.
XiT-Si’.J"-ok b rLoul,'i“ e -“
M permanent
Wo want reliable,