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When you buy for your ta.ble you can’t be too careful. You can largely protect your health by ea ares
buying Vtfe exercise this care in laying in our stock and we invite you to come to us and buy the b best s aa
freshest goods. Don’t forget our canned goods, pickles, and vegetables, Fresh Baker’s Bread. YOU CD a
buv here, at low prices, the market affords, We keep our stock well up and cordially invite all to
and buy where they can get good goods at right prices.
The City Grocer, A. J. SMMERS.
>»■ e enters tDeekly.
j. H WALLIS. Editor.
Enteic-d :i t the postoffice at Convex* a
gcooM f Dcla?s nmil matter.
Saturday May, 19. R'Ol).
LocftSs f> cents yier Hue for iin-t in»er
tio 1 2'^ cent, for each subsequent m
SreUnVertuInt'Knoieaffii ‘subsequent
Ouevear, in advance............ .....$) oo
8 ix months, In advance....... .......51 le
Gletdou's Rm*o.
Judge (ico. Vf. Gleaton’ft race for
Jud;:« of tiie Superior ( oiirt of the
Eloiio Mountain Circuit was a re¬
markably good one when \v« take
Into consideration ihe fact that he
was opposing one of the best Superi¬
or court Judges in Georgia as well ns
oneoftho most widely known men
In this section.
judge Gleaton enterred Hie race n
comparative stranger to the people
of the circuit, with but, little time to
canvass before the date of the prima
ry. He made the licet possible use
o' this time ns is clearly shown by
the handsome vote lie received in
all the counties of the circuit. In
Clayton county Candlor secured on¬
ly 70 more vote* than Gleaton. In
Campbell his advantago was too,
while in Newton it was only *V>. In
the entire circuit-his vote exceeded
Judge G lea ton’s by a little more
than seven hundred. We think
Judg» (7 loti ton has cause to cougrat
mate iti self upon iii« race.
Judge Gaudier deserve* credit for
two or three days work lie did be¬
hind Rockdale’s candidate, Two
days In GJavton county saved him
there and on Monday last lie made n
living visit to Govlngtoti which ena¬
bled him to carry that county by f>5
votes when it would have gone Glea
ton’g way by several hundred *o'es.
All this demonstrates the political
ability of Judge Candler and at the
same time does credit to Judge
Glcatom who feel* very grateful to
the people of the circuit for the lib¬
eral support tendered him.
Kimsey s Rnco. AV. Kimsey made a Hue
race for Solicitor. Confined at his
home by sickness, lie was unable
to visit a single county in the circuit
i« the Interest of bin race, and the
vote ho received in all the counties,
with good men opposing him for the
honor in all of them save IlocKdale,
attests the esteem in which he is
held by the people of the circuit.
Under all the circumstances we
must insist that .Solicitor Kim soy's
race is an honor to him that he can
well afford to wear next Irs heart,
we believe him to he a man who will
wear it with true gratefulness.
We concTatuhile Cnpt. Kimsey.
The teachers and pupils
the Public Bthool are
extensive preparations 1 r for the
commencement . exercises H> . oc
cur next month. l’or several
years past, our scltoois have
Closed Without this pleading fea
turn and it is with pleasure that
our people now anticipate (lie
event. From all indications
the exercises will prove both
pleasing and profitable.
On Monday week. May 28
there will be a total eclipe of *
the tun.
Subscribe for this paper.
Meeting of Executive
The Democratic Executive
Committee met lss-t Wednes¬
day morning and consolidated
the vote of the county and nani
er j delegates. Judge A C Mc
Calla and Mr J M A1 maud were
named delegates to the State
Convention, R H Cannon and
B 11 Summers were appointed
delegatee to the Senatorial coii
veation. The delegates named
for the two conventions will be
allowed to appoint their own
Commencing on the recent
primary the Macon Telegraph
says, ‘•Tuesday's election was
remarkable in many respects.
It was the first time since the
advent of Populism that the
white p e o p 1 e of the
state have acted to-gf tf ‘ r b >_
litically with practical
mitv, and the returns indicate
clearly that there is now but
ono white man’s party in Geor
gia . Another noteworthy fea¬
ture of the primary was the ab¬
sence of disorder of any kind
and of the other
features which have sometimes
marked elections in Georgia.
So far as the dispatches show,
it was a fair, clean fight
throughhuti the state.”
Tho primary election last Tues¬
day passed oil quietly. All of the
old county officers wore re-nom¬
inated, though some of them pull¬
ed over by only very small major¬
The closest races were those of
the SheriiT, Ordinary and Tax llo-
The votes polled reached nearly
the number of (lie registration in
the county which shows that con¬
siderable interest was manifested
in the election.
We publish on tho first page of
this paper the vote of the local
candidates by districts, which will
give our readers the information
they desire
The defeated candidates are all
good men and so far ns we Know
not one of them has grumbled at
his defeat. The time may yet
come when they will know how a
victorious man feels after and elec
The men nominated have made
good officers and the people have
seen lit. to reward them with re
nomination. They will be elected
and serve again with that faithful •
ness they have shown in the past.
We congratulate them.
• -* **- •
Jeffries is still the
pugilist of the world but we
iievethatGorbettcau whip
Hie couteued ltai uses a soft
mattress *
It ja u8eleM t) adve5 the for a
, lost opportunity *
The chronic borrower invari
a bly draws the line at trouble,
Negotiations are frequently c
pened up with tho aid of a cork
S.i.ties or frowns are little
things, but they ure powerful
for good or evil.
Solicitors’s Vote,
Kimeey .,. .... 303.
Goiightly .... 75.
Motrisou .... 50.
Rodgers ..... 533.
Ki n 1 e) ....... vo.
Morrison....... co
Golightly..... co
■D O oo O
Morn ou . . C'C oc O
Rodgers . . ; j O
Golightly ... 1 :r. Cj
Kimsey . . .46 00
Morrison . . .1 L— tO
a; CO hr
*0 LC
We are unable to give the
vote in Oempbell county. Go
lightly denied the county by
several hundred voles, however
f ON
ff\ ib-,0 Georgia n
A collogue inention jo Die rench all. A.II.,
H.S., Nonna! md Busbies* Sia.ira courses.
Oooc' laboratories; ciscij> lieaiUiIul, frood invigoratingcii- am!
m-to; mbiuvi.- me; jaeral
r-li.L r i^>‘is liM'n'ucrs. Ci; aoost t.oarel iu lilo
State; S?75 ai>nn<! .at e of coiite.r.r produce in dormitories jexpenscs
from to .9150 a s.’ yetr; board for
or taaclicrs: private (;i faculty Special of nine; license all course under the
utntrot of III.; taj-edti^atlon TTniversity. of A college T!io prepar¬ insti¬
atory cl . Btv.dcntaof sexes. lint.ted
tution founded special!/ for Drernrltmt,
means. Soud for catalogue to t';e
' ,• S. St:;v. a ;t r, A At.
Take this paper.
v.i: 7 \
In the...
Rain Storm
the man got vory we t. The
wetting: gave him a cold. The
c °ld, neglected, developed to
« cou ^ h : The cough sent him
to a bed of sickness. A dose
of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
taken at the start> WO vdd
have nipped the cold in the
bud > and sav ® d tha 6ickua ! s -
suffering, and expense. The
household remedy for colds,
ooughs. and all lun S troubles is
Send for tli* “Cu reboot.” too pages tree.
}. C. Aytr Ce., I*oweU, Mas*.
The war between tlie DeKalb
New Era and Lithonia Stand
ard over the county advertis
ing has ended in victory for
The Standard and that paper
, has . that , . it *. • i
given notice
move its headquarters >o Deed
tur at, once. lt’.is will leave
Lithonia once more without a
The Tax Receiver a, hi Sher
iffs races were
close in i hit county, The old
officers got in by only 30 and
31 votes respectively.
The Boers are gradually ios
iug in South Africa. The
British have succeeded in re~
lieving Mafeking,
A FRICANA will cure Constipation and
** is a wonderful Liver Medicine Try It,
Will, receive a car load
week andean
supply all corners. Prices
will be reasonable
s > * sale at m umm
me Tj es r ow
prices. Bicycle ©
done at short notice and
best manner, tee me.
w. w. T. STEWART.
SW PI ft HEsasftQa CL *' ES«*«KffS
J 1
ilr. Less Soda Foaaiain
When you want a cool, refreshing, delicious,
exhilarating and healthful drink call at
That debonair young gentleman,
Elgin Stewart, has become an adept
in the dispensing of drinks and he
will always be pleased to
Wallace P. Hoed said in
day s Constitution: “Rev Dr.
ry Qalgg, of Rockdale, was
host of Presbyterians
d *L ^ i^one of those earnest a. d
active leaders who has never worked
fm . ^ owa w i (are . A finer type oi
g ( ^ok-ii-Irish manhood cannot Is
f om , r! anywhere.
‘•The writer of th.eso paragraphs
not one of the Scotehrlrish race, but
as an interested observer of
ami progress. It
fies him beyond expression to
theg0 i| neg »
. .
The Presbyterian General
sembly has been in session
Atlanta this week. Matty
inent leaders of this denoniina
lion from all sections are in
tendance and the
have been watched with
est by hundreds of people.
-—^s=v-. .....; -t
tea- tSSS 3 llMIilfc
I hereby announce mvsMf
date ior Clerk of Superior „ „ "
^ ery Respectively '
b H Sisaia- 11
1 lieiebj announce niy LW« cani 1 ci
Democratic for County Treasurer, a ^
neetton I Primary. v In t'ni s )B
wish to poepfotffiijjj 1
gratitude to the 2
ported me m the past ami ask
to give me their support in the com
election lug election. I will apprwto,
more than the peoplecanim
ngme. \ ery Respectfully.
James A Duka
election I announce to the rny office candidacy for J J
Rockdale of Sheriff J
oc.ratie county subject to (be Den
primary. I w,i! upmekd
the support of the people mu! Proa S
ise a faithful disclmrirsoftke SmieM
of popple the office for their if elected. I thank ,,1 tfl
support In i\ w \M
and hope that my official record
proved satisfactory Very to them. ■ 1
W Respectfully, H M A ustiu.l
FOR TAX collector.
J nm a cai’didn/e for re-electtot
tiie office of Tax CGlector subject
t!ie Democratic pvitsiir'.v. I nsk tl
support it of in the people position because UtipprftM In«
aim alt) a
it very much. I liope that all n|
give my candidacy a tlioi^t constat! s;l
Vote for too if they can
do So. Very Clotfcfet' Respt. 1
Complying with the mjacstoimad raj
citizens, l hereby, announce
s- If a candidate for re-election t
representative, from Rockdaleceiv
t\. subject to the Democratic for prim
ry Thanking my friends pa
favors, I am respectudly C 11 Turner,
I announce myself a caiulalate I
"e-eicetivin to the office <’f Dx K
ceivcr of Rockdale county, mibje
to the Democratic primary- 1 wn
to thunk the people for fiifir gera
etis support in the past and ask tin
t-accord me Hie same once nw
After tliis round I shall reti
[ don’t wish to ask too mueii or tl
people but earnestly Very desire HeTk then's'j
port this time.
GEOltGIA itockdale couiny.
To whom it may concern.1
and R L Huff have in due form
Duplication fi>r permanent letteiB
administration on the esfn.e o -
Huff late of said county ciceeased,ft
I will pass upon the same
Monday in June, next. Uiven ' mi t
mv hand and official signatur •
2nd day of May 0 vd.
To the voters of R -ckdalc counts
am a candiilate for re-election l l
office of OvcVvrtH' y of said
ject to the Democratic heavy P r i ,n il0 ' u j; -'J
recount of the :
State taxation, building tne i! - y
and having practically county, to rr- uestae j
the the hricHes bridges in tiie ^
rious other improvements with ' «';- v;
to contend an ]
against the county, my but an r j
been very tlrn tmrdensoine. affairs s'« nc ^
to state county Thanking tiie F
good conuitioiu sand hoping 1"*
c support'
merited their o .tinned
Subscribe for this pap el j__
2 V otice*
I have opened an office
vers in Commercial Hotel, r
and in connection will be in w-ltli ( ,n aiyA v ’‘ j'^. the ee j
- on
each Monday. month, Anyone coniinencmp riishmg .■OllH q mi
an engagement with » ofti
at m\ ^
uicate with me street.
P sl K N. Forsyth Scainaiis- p. !>• ■■
j)r. J. O.
Bears the wt.
Stature of