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UNANIMOUSLY elected leaders of LOW PRICES.
.Ygggg g y n ge v
__«weusa^ K t f* .pw> |; fa* EG-~-Sw6* •vMIKwhbmmX err^t »-<l aroi' ’fril f '*'*'*? A * 3C/T2: OH-3 errs* ii 01 ■"v- Y "a *
Is headquarters for everyth ? 1 tr iii the family and fancy grocery line and the
riding prices in 4- hi )OKfW txtoai * K 42 & ”1 Iff saves mono'/ t 0 - i mb I i lose who boy there. No one can
F St
rtford to buy without first looking t <> McDoiuda for the best market affords at
a o O w P IsHnl • p»»t a ^ • o *> 5^ c * m twnU « P *»*> <4 pm — his store.
LOCAL news items.
^paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise ,
ered for our Readers.
Money to JLentl.
i- „„r
Conyers, Ga.
California dried peaches 5c per
pm ml at N T Street’s.
Miss Minnie Bussey, of Syl ra¬
nia, is spending some tline vatu
Mr. and Mrs. J H Hurt.
I 8 ti\l sell 25 pounds of rico for
jive dollar. N T Street.
f by Firs Covington Flonie Lee the spent guest Las! of Snn- her
Headquarters for anything you
Kant-for the table. N T Street.
A number of our citizens were
in Atlanta yesterday to enjoy the
horse racing.
All the leading brands of tobac¬
co at the lowest prices at N T
i Street’s.
■ Ur. T II Bryans and Judge
Jffglwq [w lent yesterday with friends
Mr. and Mis. Bohlar will spend
Sunday and Monday with friends
I» Atlanta.
Miss Lou Smith spent Thursday
shopping in Atlanta.
| We are pained to announce the
fontimied severe, illness of Mrs.
fieo. T Mars ton.
Mr, and Mrs. Luther Gain, of
Lawrenceviile, spent several
here this week.
Mr. L ,T Almand is making prep
orations fora trip to Texas, He
npects to leave in a few days and
till |)i’ohably be accompanied by
Hr. W E Stovall.
„ Mr. J T T I , fiJey spent , seveia ,
wvs this week in Crawtordville
jud Augusta.
Mrs. ,J P Wallis is in Walton
unity at the bedside of her sister,
ill. pa. JJ Huff, who is
lark, Mr-E M Hudson, of College
was with relatives hero last
Oar family spent Thursday at
brant’s Park. It is a delightful
4ce to take a day off at this sea
’ '-and the work being done there
!'" ,v gives one reason to believe
pi at no distant day it will be
Bill) , f >f the prettiest parks in the
ft,ole country.
Mrs. Willis Irwin has been very
* tat her home on Mill street
pij week. -
”T. and Mrs. W V Almand have
for a visit to relatives in
^"Su It. XT , ’JSrhU o ZX .1
iv. awrti
' on tne lst
.•hiring a*iT chickens are making
appearance in limited mini
’h *
ij- , some accident befalls
%■! hut crop will be
T "i-ickberry will be the
P r f crop
bangford, Henley Chapman
i . , M , in of I.ogansviile,
our city Sunday
? ; "s Bob Langford and
. ’ L of Atlanta, were here Sun
' fain yesterday was heartily
[•,;.! b - by all iu this comm:
r *** a genuine blessing
Good milch cow with young calf
for sale cheap. See Jno Whitaker.
When you want a cool refresh
mg drink. don’t look for some
thing cheap. Go to The Gailev
Drug Co’s and get the VERY
When you want a cool refresh¬
ing drink, don’t look for some¬
thing cheap. Go to The Gailev
Drug Go's and get the VERY
When you want a coo] refresh¬
ing drink, don’t look for some
thing cheap. Go to the Gailev
Drug Go’s anti get the VERY
When you want a cool refresh¬
ing drink, don’t look for some¬
thing cheap. Go to The Gailev
Drug Go’s and get the VERY
The remains of Mrs. Ivey, of
Atlanta, brought , , , and ,
were nere
interred in Rockdale cemetery last
Thursday. Mrs, Ivey was
• y a Miss Henry, being the dough
ter of Mr. Tern Henry, who
for many years, a citizen of
yens. Rev. I G Walker officiated
at the grave. A number <>f rein™
ives and friends of the deceased
-.8rue down from Atlanta to be
•jvesent at the burial.
On account of small pox Misses
Boll Cannon and Robbie Simon
ton, of the Gild’s Industrial school
at Milledgevillo,, are The spending school
some time at home.
will bo resumed when all danger
of the disease is past.
A wild cow on the streets yes
terday created considerable inter¬
est and was chased all over town
by men and boys, She was shot
at several times on the streets hut
succeeded in making her escape
f ronJ town. She was chased to
FIn p-^ PNva m p where she was final
ly killed.
New beans and irish potatoes at
A. J. Summers’.
The Conyers base ball team will
cross bats with the Covington team
at the base ball park here next Alori
day afternoon at 4 o’clock. A large
crowd will go out to see the game
and, no doubt, it will be very inter¬
Summers, the grocer, has a refrig¬
erator at bis store and when you buy
butter there it comes right oil of the
Mrs. II Y McCord and Mrs C E
j Reagan attended tlie Convention
jot the Woimurts Foreign
j ery Society at Washington
, and her moth- .,
Miss Emma Riley t
or went to Atlanta last 1 hur», ay.
Alias Emma has returned
while her mother will spent. ac\
Work « p.-ogress.nj »tea<l,l 7
: 1)16 Ml ; K
had . ,
The farmers have
S weather for heir work the
week an th put in goon time
j every da sa Tuesday, > ml that
d{ |jr wag pat in in helm r-r, of the
. , , i, n . L.. n
” ; u t iji g time she is improving,
All hands arc proud the primary life,
.sever. It was a thing of
j Jowevcr> while it lasted.
The district conference of the
WOl rth League will be held m
s. from June 6th toHtb.
id Mrs. J C Brod mix, of V ’ri,.
, with
Hlii ayve, spent Sunday rem
Mrs. Fronia Almand has returned
from a visit to relatives at Thick
Mrs. Eak ps lias returned from a
visit to relatives at Crawfordvilie.
Prof, Bn ell Stark left Wednes¬
day for Fitzgerald to attend the
meeting of the Grand Lodge of K.
or P- lie is the representative of
Emerald Lodge No. 1)8.
Mr. XV E McOalla, ot Decalm.
spent Sunday here.
Mr. E L Almand. of Social ^ Circle,
spent Tuesday her- .
Air. Chapman, of Logansville, spent
last Sunday in Conyers.
Airs. "Walter Wood visited in At
lanta this week.
AD J M Hurst, of Social Circle,
was here Tuesday.
daWs Airs G Anikei*' AT Eakes entertained Ales
ami DeLnncli and
Misses BnXoaeiwof Snapping Shoals,
this week,
The sermons at the Christian |
et! liy the congregations.
_ !'‘ ^ T* ,......i f” lt ' 1 ‘ ,,.
1 u ’'' * ' ' "n 1
Stukes have been in attendance upon
: P.-«bylMl«„ A General A««nl>ly
in Arluntf*. . . „ tills , week. ,,
Wo heard one of the defeated
candidates remark yesterday that
h8hndnm his last'race for office,
xhe exorc ] S0 i s n Jitti© violent.
Somebody had to be left, boys,
and it just happened to be you.
Wo are glad you all arc taking it
easy. It allows that you have good
We are fold that the populists*
are thinking of put ting out aticket
for county offices. We hope this
is a mistake for certainly no good
etui come of it and a scramble,
such as would result would be
very unpleasant.
A K. of P. Lodge was organized
at Covington lust, Monday night
with a membership of 21. A del¬
egation from the Conyers lodge
went down and spent the night in
assisting in tlie organization. On
Monday following several mem¬
bers of thy Covington lodge came
up to Conyers to attend the meet¬
ing of the lodge hero and witness
work in the Third Degree.
Notice to Creditors.
* Rockdale County:—
This is to give notice that I have
administered on ibe estate of Or. J
A. Stewart, deceased, and have re
reduced the assets of said deceased A
estate to cash, and all persons hold¬
ing claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present them t<
me, as I shall proceed at the expira¬
tion of this advertisement to pay out
all funds in my hands belonging t<>
said estate.
J. If. Almand, Adms.
This May 19, 1900,
The death of Uncle Henry J Mad
dox occurred yesterday about two
oV ., 0( . k> He ]ia() been a little sick
^ ;i f j av ‘ nr two and on Thursday
j ^ !iyj5 icJftU ca n, Hl on i,i n ,. h*
. as up early Friday morning and
, , is plly .
o'clock thinking thinking that in a
(|ay or t;, ic le Henry would beper
^. Hy we }j. About noon he grew
W:} ~se and at two o’clock was -3
u„ c j e Henry was one of the w dest
a , l£ j m „ 8 t highly respected citizens
in the county. He has a large con
nection and ninny friends through
bin 0':'. . func al and interment will ac- j
.Smyrna to-morrow and will;
be attended by a large concourse of
wiio will assemble to pay a
last tribute to a faithful man ami
f ,'hristian.
r osc a ho are sorrowing over
*. h of hu c ' t"d. fa <w. a* (J
nv >A'Kr.K*.f exteuds Uusiu
.jura pympgAhy-
Bears tfio Th3 Kind You Haw Always 2mip
— » ■—'mm— rnr-5a«^
of < y s*
I herewith thank my friends and
the voters of the county for their
support in the primary election,
and in the future as in the past
will discharge the duties of said
,,fjj ce faithfully without auv favi.r
and be 'as lenient with all
as the huv allows
Very Respect ‘ fully
G. II. Ilull.
I desire to express my thanks
to t he voters of Rockdale for the
support given me for Sheriff in
the primary election. The efforts
of My friends in‘my behalf will he
remembered by me and I shall ft
wait an opportunity appreciation. to show my
Jus. W Swann.
r f., p ! Kftrv p, all mv
who have been so kind to
in the past- election, each and use
this medium of thanking one
for all kindness extended . prom- \
. . .- ten we>r „«
rotate, it shall give me great
plans,,ra to do so. Again thank
ing each one.
I am yours very truly.
J T Tucker.
The people of Rockdale county
have my sincere and most grateful
thanks for the heart,v support giv
en mo in thepriniarv last Tuesday
The good people of have the county, to 1
hope, may never reason
c!l ‘ l, 'g e ille ^: ° h '\,V «“g™ ^1 l iimb* JV ; iV
' J ir- ,*
U (/ Olotfolter.
j desire to return mv most grate
f u ] thanks to t ho voters of Rock
dale county for the support they
gave mein the primary election.
Although I failed to secure enough
votes to nominate me i feel proud
of the race .1 made. I made the
race v, it bout the use of money and
strictly upon a high moral plane
and feel that 1 succeeded well.
The vote I received gratifies me
and 1 heartily thank my friends
for all they did for me.
Very Respectfully,
W V A inland.
The marriage of Miss Excel’
Jones and Air. Jeff Bennett oc
cured at the home of the bride’s
parents near town last Sunday
morning at ten o’clock, Rev. J F
Wallis officiating.
These are two popular young
people whose many friends wish
them happiness and prosperity
through life.
® j taRg s ja j n CGd „ji V cr 9
© Oil. ., Doctor , . it. rle^ a
£ says, try
f might QS WCi! tcli and HiC to lUCUf take
f lard or butter try to
• them. it Is fcOO rich and
S | wi „ !IpKt the s(omach But
you can take milk Cr cream,
1 yOU can idkc
Scott’s EmuiSioni
It is like cream? but will
feed and nourish when cresm
will not. Babies and chil¬
dren will thrive and grow
f fat on it when their ordinary % $
food does not nourish them.
Persons have hew, known to gain §
j pound a clay v.hen taking an
ounce of Scott’s Emulsion, it gets y
5 the digestive machinery in working f ¥
order so that the ordinary food is
i properly SCOTT Soc. & digested BOWNE, and $1.00, and Chemists, aii druggists. assarJUted. New York, W i \
exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all parts of the
country. Accommodations extended consistent with sound banking
Overdrafts weI 5 not be honored nrsder any circum¬
Office hours from 8 a.m. till 4 i\ M.till furt her notice.
My new spring millinery is now ready for inspection and
invite the h dies to call anu examine same My price* will be
rsasouable, and goods new and stylish. I have engaged the
emeus of Miss Ragsdale, an ex) wt . trimmer, . . and , all ,, work . will
be properly done.
Miss Emma Riley.
When you want printing of any
SllOrk _ HOtlCD 8 tO
Q0T18 Oil 00111©
this office and you can be fitted up
am*™. 9
Soda foiinlaui k \! 1 peoials.
0 ■—0
All kinds of delicious summer
drinks served at this fount. We
invite ail to try our drinks.
Conveniently Served.
CAIJ, A r r
n (A 1 1 r O t'A d .
For information as to Routes.
Schedules, and Rates, both
a si Fnifit.
write to eitlierof tlie undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
G C McM If,LEX, A * /- G J t At * ,„-eov ivotix,
G A Pass. Dept. (J P A.
Augusta, On.
S K M.igiil, • C. D. Cox.
Ge;>’i Agr, Cen’l Agt,
Atlanta. Athens.
W AV Hardwick, W O McM illen
Gen’I Agt. S. F. & P A .
Macon. Macon.
MR Hudson, AV M McGovern.
r. J? A P. A. G*u’l Agt. ;
Atlanta, da, Augusta
I Rond Notice.
State of Ga., Rockdale county.
j ! AV herons, certain petitioners Imra
made their iippiication praying fora
hang© in the Flat Shoals road, com¬
mencing I >ounId at a point near running the old Me
residence and along
! e lino wltli li e present road, inter
meeting t.he old road bed near \Vil
Siams’ branch, and the reviewers ap¬
pointed having marked out said
•bange and reported to me that the
same will be of great convenience
and public utiliry, now this is to cite
nntl admonish »i I persons that on
and after the 21 sc Of May 1900 said
new road will be granted if no good
cause is siiov. n to the contrary. .
Given under my hand and seal this
20?ii day of April, 1900.
A M Helms, Ord.
?« To P&TEKT Good (deat
may be secured by
Our aid. Address.
Subecrictlons to Tbe Tatent EecorU efoOscracsuA
A FRiGA.NA will cure Ec*em» «a4 C«»
Urrb to Stay Cured.