Newspaper Page Text
| $b liosp a select stock on hand
t a ]l times. J. P. TILLSy.
j-ert Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath*
ered for our Readers.
b,v M- F- Harmon will
", 0:1 '• g»nvi» sdi'ml house ^unoay
jeriioon ' H ,t8 o’clock.
j N.JB lV j]l buy all the “Schnapp*’
tobacco tags you will
Jog me. M. H. Plunket,
Ipinnket their and Williams ginnery are and rushing will
D ei, new
Lready for business iu a few days.
r'.ffon has been coming in freely
A-eek. Some of it 10 was aid 15 bales ent
Of the new crop or
|remarketed liere the past week.
| 5 !i 33 Mollie Richards spent yes
[niayiu Atlanta.
iir. R L Guflin and family now
Lpythe katur street. Riley home on upper
bliss Frankie Norman will leave
fa few she davs to for enter Gainesville c dlege.
ere goes
L Ct s h P Walter, of Harlem, is tin
of her sister, Mrs. J W Bell.
Mvs.B W Aim and is at home after
six weeks visit to her grand-moth
at Edgefield, S. C.
brvill Hall, of Atlanta, spent Snn
j- here with relatives.
school opened with 175 pupils. The
tuber will probably swell to 200
thin the next two weeks.
jf’/ss Iton, Carrie Beck Davis, of Cov
is tiie guest of relatives here *
liessi'3 Vv’. L. and O. F. Adair will
ro Monday for Covington, where
h go to open up a handsome line
biliinery anti dry goods.
Ilf. S L Ahnaiid has moved bis
Lily Into a portion of Mrs. P. A
ids' residence on upper Decatur
fins Fannie Stansell will leave tc
lyfor Maivn where she will enter
1‘teyan IX and succesful College. future We predict for Mins a
I'hs Minnie Bussy lias returned
pr.pleasant visit to Social Circle.
p Bee II McDonald has-moved
L nek into the store room fonner
peupied L/nimercial. by W N Everitt, Unrter
He now has more
k and will soon have more goods,
[isone of our live grocery mer
f J*.
N-vyor C G Turner has moved into
; .v residence on Decatur street.
Mr. PH Langford, of Bartlesville,
'it'd his family here last Sunday.
'■A l.iacKie Vaughn is at Hnystou
: sit tn relatives and friends.
/ i’orto McCord has entered the
sitv School for boys at Stone
“'"I'nin. Tin's is a new institution
o n c.e Mountain—is a preparatory
L"! and promises to develop into
R'kudkl success,
p-Pfirl Downs, Durand’s who has been
, ' d at in Atlanta for
l two years, came to his lath
!' rue here Wednesday evening
Kir id is now very sick. He was
sevaraldays in Atlanta and
■ to improve decided to come
p py i" have he treated. It is feared that
typhoid fever.
(klDyee Jorman, of Covington,
p.iiTe Dune Wednesday. He went out
pm of Uncle Horace Smith
* bought of thftjt gentleman 23
Nof cotton. Uncle Horace didn’t
kiiHie the idea of selling all bis
out finally decided to let it go.
p Xu:-gate price he received for
Mntiro lot was considerably more
N thousand dollars.
P il! ‘ n tl;e excursion train, return
F ui \ lanta, stopped hereTbiirs
P’k ' 1 -g a negro passenger aligli t
fire in bis eye and a Conyers
i’oceeded to knock it out.
'•v docketed against them
' • >'clock that night the mar
-hfened them out. The
s r;tpp©r” went away to hi»
{ nvingfon with a black eye
*bati 1 V. cling towards Conyers ne
"■mionof our readers is es
• > f - cteii to the article print
'I- n this jiaper by the City
■ ’*( It is a clear and force
u , . Ian of matters concern
c-'.iool 1 )e part meat of
s hooi and shows the wis-:
£ /* : ' *>'>ard in dealing with the
I H'ul the school in article gene-!
.v , sure that the
». i.h interest by all and i
> u-id ers tan ding will be!
9 ‘tween the Board and j
: ‘ / iiearty ;3 success of the school i
hope desire of all our j
•’ that all will ap- ‘
' liS S;f uation and work for
‘A ;t
*t o l the school,.
J|j s>f , 9 B orta gmilh Juliet t°
Taylor and Belle Cannon will
leave nvxt Tuesday for Macon
where they will enter Wesleyan
Rev. and Airs. I G Walker and
Mr. J C Stephenson and daugh¬
ter, MissHettie, are attending
the Baptist Association at Social
Circle this week.
Notice the advertisement of the
Conyers Oil Co’s, new ginnery in
this paper. Mr. Jno. D Scott is
manager of this new ginnery and
the company is indeed fortunate
to secure his services in this con¬
nection. He is clever and ac¬
commodating and well liked by
ill who know him. -He will serve
noth the Company and his pat¬
rons faithfully and satisfactorily.
JFov Sal®.— A small farm eon
taining25 acres, more ot less, with
■ good dwelling and outhouses and
good well of water, one and % miles
from courthouse. Call on or address
11. F. Treadwell.
Conyers, Ga.
Miss Mamie Waggoner lias return¬
ed to her home after several weeks
visit to relatives here.
Mrs. EJ Argo visited in an near
Atlanta this week.
Mr. BE McDonald is having some
repairs made on his home in town.
Miss Erma HoIllngsWi r h ison an
extended visit to relatives in Atlanta.
Have your clothes cleaned up
I am ready to save you all the
expense of buying wiuterclotlling.
Suits nicely cleaned and pressed
for nominal cost.
King C Lowes.
The Christian church.
Then will be pivnehing 'Sunday
morning at 11 o’clock# and at 7,HO in
the evening. Mr. Harmon, who luis
been preaching since Wednesday
night will do rite preaching. IDs
morning Union subject wiR be: "Is Chris
flan Possible or Desirable?”
Evening saved?’* Subject: ‘“What must 1 do
to be The public is cordial¬
ly Invited to attend.
I have moved my laundry office in¬
to Bee ]!.. McDonald’s store where
all may leave their packages, first
being careful to write your name u
pon the same. I represent one of tiie
nest laundries in the south and guar¬
antee all woi'K.
Jas. A. Dukes.
Tlio Royal Arcanum.
Mr. Samuel Proileau, Deputy tor
the above fraternal order, is in our
cil.v for th. parpo.- o, o^ana
council. He is vety much encom
aged with his work so far and ox
pectsto put in a fine council lure,
The Royal Arcanum has been estab
lished for 23 years; has paid to the
I wish to thank my customers and
for their support in the past and hope that all
may continue to trade wi,th me# My aim is to
please all and give the best possible value for
the money spent with me#
My stock of Fancy and Family Groceries and
Confectioneries is fresh and gives satisfac¬
tion. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Snuffs.
All goods delivered promptly to city trade •
1 have an extra fine s + ock of Canned Goods. >
barrall of find Mackerel fish. I can supply all
y©ur wants promptly.
Yours truly,
The (Trouer.
dollar-: " idnws and has orphans nearly 60 million over! |
« membership ( »f
203,000. Mr. lYiulenu has letters 1
fr.oti sMiir of tiie best Ihismipss atul
professional men in this eom.try. a-I
UioUg Jllem. < ' ijO. .1 M J’.i -i>. ,| G
ter and 11 1* b-.-Mer, j.\. id G.ivingtou.'
Me '>vi!i take pit-asme :'•• , xplaiuim:
the olrjeets of the nroi'i • anyone de¬
siring- insurance ar iu■■ u u cost. Join I
now while the charuu is open.
I'nf. Bin'll Stark and
will leave Monday f..r Ruckmart
where they will matte their
in future. Prof. Si ark has been
elected cashier of a newly urban¬
ized bank there, of which ILm
Hoke -Smith i* President We re
irret exceedingly to lose this wor¬
thy fivmily hut wish for
much success in their new home
Prof. Stark is a splendid
nmn and business man and ; s well
qualified to till the position to
which he has been elected,
Messrs M. If. Plunket and Fred
Wallis, with their families, occu¬
py the house recently vacated by
Prof. Stark.
Friend Tom A. Elliott, one of
the best traveling men in Georgia
and a clever gentleman every
W:ls nt 1 ome a few (lf W s this WPek *
We heard a good. one on friend
Tom the other day. It goes
he was traveling in company wit h
another drummer in the
portion of the state when they put
up one evening at an inn kept hv a
very pious old man It was
custom at this inn keeper’s
foi each guest to quote a
of scripture at each meal, Tiie
pious old gentleman, when all were
seated at table, called upon Mr.
Eliott's friend for a quotation
and that gentleman who evidently
had an eve to economy of time,
seriously quote!: "Jesus
It was now up to friend Tom,
who didn’t have his Bible with him
on this trip, and whose mind
treacherously refused to
ft single passage front the
Book of all hooks. After nil awk¬
ward pause lie looked at his t rave¬
ling companion who had just de¬
clared that ’‘Jesus wept,” and
said: “Keslio* did.”
A’.l those indebted to M’S.Ge. ie
IT ay good Stovall, for millinery
•foods, are requested to come for¬
ward and make immediate settle¬
ment with either my-self or Air.
W. E. Stovall.
Ml's. Genie II ay good Stovall.
Tai Lsfj For Ysar 1930,
Sta ck of Gborota, ( B.v A M Helms
Rockdale County. \ sitting for
county purpo¬
In accord. 1 ti "*e with a recominen
dation of tiie tiie grand jury of said
county, at the spring term 19(H), of
lb ckdnlc Superior court, it is hereby
ordered that tin* following taxes be
and are ! e why levied for county
purposes for the year 1900 "U t he tax
ab'e property of said county as per
digest of,saiil year towit:
For the payment of Jurors .10 on
$ 100 . and burial
For the support of pau¬
pers .0 on the $100.
For bridges, public roads, mafn
tabling prisoners, litigation, the pay¬
ment of officers, t he past due indebt
edness of the county, stationery, fuel
all other legitimate expences of
the county. .49 on the $100, of the
taxable property of said county for
county purposes for the year 1SM0,
|, v *| ie (- ax collector of said county
for the purposes above stated and
paid over to the county treasurer as
*yj^gep iyo() V M. a ' A Helms, ‘ Ord.
New line Dress Goods and Gent's and Ladie's underwear. Cheagest
lot of men's shirts ever sold here. Trunks and Valisas#
Matting- for your dining room at 10
cents per yard. Tl £ half has not been
told. Come and sec for \ ourself. Bob
Hudson has come home. Jno. Hardin,
Howard McDonald and Fletcher Huff
are ready to wait upon you. Conic and
see us. Yours Truly,
■». . ^ ,
ilEllOS _ ctllCl \jlC~ !
fnr» }
ty-O v\ 5? ^ c* £Vi o ) i GV '•
K - -'
tl m* 11116^, Vj
. X.
A R:ICAA will curt- Kcxeina *nd C»
** mrtl> t<* Stay Curril.
If. MS. 3:1 <>a»lcin.*=5
2>2us r ri:*cr.
con vEi:s, - - GEORGIA
Office in is i;'J>!■ building.
Work guaranteed.
P. T. Hopkins, D. p. S
h n l C3 nsry.-*. ers CD G3 1 J I a a r.. CT> wjiMir iai go,
21—ALM AND, J. M. res.
21—ALM AND, J. II. Bai.k. o o.
| B
81)—BAKER, J. C. rts. — o
24—E A INS, W. J. res. o o o
11—Express Co., G. P. TILLEY.
22—GUINN, DR. J. A.
89 _ OOODEi j. M . 3S. j
80—-GIBSON, DR. J. T. - o o
it DOWNS, store
28—IIARDWICK, Dr H. V. res.
89—KINGS’ Post Office, o — o
! | I A . IU if STEPINStUCS.
iv IN’ew lljits, IVoW dotliin***, N«w Shouw!
New Grocery, New Ten Cent Tinware.
Dish pans and one gallon Oil Cans 10
cents each.
Drugs—Heavy Groceries 10 cant potash for 5 cts.
Calicos, Sea island, Heavy sheeting
all to go at 5 cents per yard..
Cheaper Goods for Less,
Pianos and Or
I jgans sale by
J. P Tilloy.
5 } : !v C<Vi\\ Villi rure khemmiusia
t •'* .*< ri.m'n. to SUy Cured-
1J JjiJxi IhSMMM 3>
Conyers to Whitaker's....... ..........10c.
* y „ Baker’s................. ..........15c,
,, ,, Goode's............... ...........15c,
»* „ Veal’s............ ..........15c.
y y y • Stair sell's.......... .........15c.
y y »y • l)r. Gibson's....................toe
11 ,, Col. L. F. Livings!on’s,,lSc
,, ,, King’s 15c.
,, ,, Snapping Slioals...........35o.
y y ,, K. M. Warren’s...............1c,
y y ,, Ahnou.................. 15c.
»• ., Paper Mill.......... ........10c,
,, ,. Oil Mil................ .uc
10 cents from any station and Club
to next fir nt station and
stations as above priced.
lA'sm ucTurns,
Always be prompt in answering
bell anil give j our Phono number
Di riiv, a thunder storm do not u. e
the Telephone.
Operators asked must be polite; the same
com tosy is for them.
It is against the laws of the state to
use olyeene the Phoue vulgar,or and the pronmn is forbidden language
over same
it is understood and agreed to that the
sender anti addi ersceoi telegrams tire re
sponsible usmissious, tor errors uud in made in telephone
tr. i:o event am j to
1 e W .ui. ' ' t “ „r suob eld ora.
Do not use your Phone later than 0:80
at night, onlv incase of sickness or pliy
sic ion wanted.
Central is wder no obligation to give
couneenon if yon should refuse to give
ye ur name if called upon.
Subscrib rs failing to pay their Phone
rental at the oud ol each mo. th shall be
discontinued or required to pa> in ad¬
vance there-afe r.
Don't use the Cl b Lines for
or pleasure when ilium tiro others wait
iug to attend to busin ss.
The perBou railing for a connectiou
she’d l always ring off when conversa¬
tion is couch ded. Pieai e remember.
All subscribersntv t sported to collect
for mm-HuliM ribws tr.lkiit their stations
and a tic: i t wi 1 b rnude out at central
for sumo and statement j resented for
ame at cud ol each i t reordinf ly.
fl. While I.Lr, Jr-
L .
26—LEE, I):. W. H. sto e. o o
20—1/EE, l)r. W. II. res. o o o
80—LANGLEY, I. L. stables.
;?,)—LIVINGSTON, ] . F. -
j - ' ^ Cv DLI), 11. A . res.
20—McDonald, B. B. store.
88— PLUNKET & ALM AND, mill
12-PLUNKET, M. II. store.
28—REAGAN, C. E. res.
20-SUMMERS, A. J. store.
81—STEWART, Dr. M. 11. res.
80-STREET, N. T. store. o o
80— STREET, N. T. res. O 0 o
8’J—'TANSEI.L, J. T. res, — O 0 o
88—SMITH, E. A. res. — o o
, h i LCIvER L:!
( At A ,\ N D, store,
BROS, store.
19—.VALLIS, J. I|, Weekly ofiice
27—WOOD, W. W. res.
88—WILLIAMS, W. J. — o
83-WARR£N, IN. M. no
89—WUltAKElL ros. ----