Newspaper Page Text
‘ A. Pcculav ocoui rcnoc.
11 Jtll havis fells us (hat
w In a- ) a \ 1 1 f! a v i i di’U for his
Btvrmiiicn the Elite place, some
five unitb south-east of Way nes
Ixro. i M ’he well c an
old negro nancd, Adam John
W ncu»'i! u> a l« 3 tr of lock some
twe my feet unde r ground’ This
O u i * gl<! v i o I < a i s a goer?
repntut a .t in Id- lice as a well
digger. ‘ir.fcinied v lr. Davis that
these rocks were an infallible
sign that he would come to wa¬
tur vvun in six feet. tt'In’e
digging this additional six feet
a &t rata <>i r I ■JT pipe clay was
re i elmd. i enig determine,! (o
get wad pi if it w33 in ttiegjronnd*
Mr Davi: kept a force of hand'
on the well night and day. Fri
d iy « (be dinner hour tim wel
Was 43 1 i'i deep and dry as :
chip' Imagine the astf nisliinei i
of tic ; inds < n tetut ning (*• I
the r v, ih to find that ilie weli
war-1 7 feet deep in water and
r,f i mount t f dr aw mg seems to
]«-'<• . tin- d i*dh. The (o.tls had
been hit m tne well ami will 1 e
a loss. tt bo can explain this?
.— Wax ■ f-’ooro 1Y u« (Ji’jzen.
% ^ •*
I Vnr C thiSKOW.
The human race can be divid
cd into four classes, as follows
11,- V, 1.0 knows not and know;
not that J.m knows not, is a f o<>
.—shun him!
He v. bo knows not and knows
that be knows not- is lgnomnt
— teach 1dm!
IF who ! n )\vs but knows l'.oi
that ho known, is as!tei>--a wake
He who knows and knows
that ho knows, is a wise man—
follow him !
OASVOnZA. Have Mwnys BougM ,,
Boars t!u> The Kind You
_,,-an-~ <****■ •
BijjEaturo 2 ,
Of % *
* R;. iilroa-d.
For informntion ns to Routes,
Scheduled, and Rates, both
Fftsnfer' and HiL Q
write to cither of the undersigned.
You wit: icr' iveprompt reply and
reliftlde, intursviatiou.
G A j'.'Up 5;ept. G 1‘ A.
Augiistu, Gn.
S K Mftgilf, U. I>. Cox.
Go-i’i Agf. Gen’! Apt,
Atlanta. Athens.
\Y XV Haul wick, W C McMillan
Gen’l Agt. S. F, & P A .
Maeon. Macon.
M11 Itiidson, W M McGovern,
T. F. & P. A, Gen’l Agt.
Atlanta, Ga. Augusta
lib—^ —*83 3 FS C3 tea S:.xS
1 fi
& o— -C Qk ^ *
•* t
of 1 uram a
a ry one « ■- O V 1 •' isrars n
called “Dr Lee’’ TWeet
Kose,” 5 for 5c. c\ CD 1*C 5 cl
people •
many sa v \ 11 CSC C r.-*n* "
pais smoke as 'vel as the
average 5e ci; <*ar,
Tr one or them ooiy I
1 cent.
Dr W. RBI M txmm , .*w-» aE.
Things i hat i Have Seen
1 It ft \ r* 1 1 on ’i > nung roan sell
a good fai m, tern mi tc haul and
die in an ins ace l.of»y>i' al.
X have seen a fanner wave’
about so much (bat ;;,ih there icoki»g was
nothing at home
I have seen a young git> mar
ry a young man of dbsoltke
habits, and repent of it as
long t ' she li v< d.
I have seen n tich man’s son
begin wluie bis father !c ; t ( IT
and end where hit father began 1
I Y-. v seen a man spend
more in folly than would sup—
port his family in comfort and
1 ’ r.Vf 1 s: en a man depart
fr n\ t’ e itu‘h, when candor
and vmaCjtv w nld 'nave served
hi ui a in mil V> :ter purp» Be.
• ►- •
o S&. frj. 2?5. X .
gftha ^ ino m You Have Always Bought
9 —* ^£» *“ *
k-i.: v» - pH
■— •- tirf.'rsaAafeWL Ff/V
ril* ; I
M. A
Tfei f.'sco,' •• c. r.&r*. ftoais:’! TaMsts’’
tliC mu-i>Tl(rn rain <iy .rnraSiy r.: fci stysf-f
(U ( i|Ut , R!|0Ii( ,., ch aml , lve r tnn».ie
Tiiey ar* ind’>r«e '1 ’t :> y^lrlsn* ani fOl -1 I.
all drnj;s • -». On / fl ry '-enti 2 b.-* o i •
free >1 unfr un ;on>- tU i.g ' 1 st, or .frit* ns
postal and we will S’ t’d you One.
f i
® Is* i
Upper s?a
Duiesix wli&t yofij eat.
It artificial ly digests the food and aids
fTuturo in -bveusthBiiiDp tiNhauctcd digestive and rccon
Itvactlng the or
^ans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. Eo other preparation It
can approach it in permanently efficiency. in
stantiy relieves and cures
SickHeadnc!-8;(rasfcralgia,Cramps.and FSSS. SlSac "155S
m usduic .
AG [.NTS, __
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance. Companies
in exist?ace and o the public
geu^rath to see us before plac
ing their, rwks
Office in B tiinei office under
ho 1.
M c K L V A N K V A* B RO I) N A X
u II
It- S'
My stock is grtw- 1>
if &
ing _ larger every cay. JIIvh OTAAS/l
getting ready for the
' |
full rush. My prices I
will move these m vie
gCOClS, “ My store i^3c P' ; if
should be your head
~ : ,q..d 0 y, e You can T V
wllS.fc lit mm wim
yCU WO 2 A"- im®
here and get it cheap. : -' ! r EsgL'.. filft ' . 5 IS H
The first new bale r ■
of cotton has already 1 I
reached town and IB «B BR& Igp MSMipt«« * x v -
sold for ten cents. III “»4 g-;.
mm >' . \ api MX
This opens the sea- m s i .X’
son, while lam open en
goods. You vXf4
ing the
lowest T;
get them at 3 V
:>x wm
Come to r3^
price. me
and get the best at T&fil BUBS®
the lowest price. m^mggk hj^ttggr _
M- 1 nr J T f; fy
-I JL “ Xj i i I U i 11 Mi
A .
Mow Running a Spec al Oam
paign OtTeiOnly $1.00.
1 lie Constfrution, of A tl.inta,
Ga., is now offering its daily
x j p(i:cd>iv cditionn cofnpl°te
to new subscribers, from the
. ue ( >. e or fi er teaches that office
until July Gb, tor .. nniy , ai.Uu. ... f . A
i July ,ake of theaubacrihar the 15r>
past the d-be an
Nominating Cmvention at K,»
s; s, city on July 4ih. In the
meantime all the State Coaven
tions will have acted, as v* el! as
the Kepublicaii Nationol (’on
j ventmn at Phiiadelphia in Juno
| The Constitution alw ays covers
j the news completely, and this
j e y Ce p t ,i on al offer wiil perhaps
i test the capacity of their full
! pland. In connection with the
$1,00 Campaign offer, each such
subroriber may cast a ballot
ua’uing his choice of judgement
o the Democratic and Repub¬
lican nominees for Peeident
and Nice-t resident, and $225
in br : zes w dl be given to the ac¬
curate ballots.
7'he sooner you send for it the
I longer you get the paper for
your dollar.
All w jrk guaranteed to please
Offieo up* stairs over J. H. Al
maud & Co’s, store.
ConyK its, . .
A good seven room residence
centrally located, convenient to
i Churches. Schools, Depot and bus¬
iness part of town. Micelyiinish
j ed throughout, closets, good wa
ter. servants house, good garden,
ete.. for sale cheap’ on liberal
i terms. Call on
L. A. Lee,
Conyers, Ga,
, ■ m : 3 ’’ H sRsrw*-* 5 SI
Ml&lm 6 *"«isa war man cn
1# 3
When you W;t?n o. uuu ; Gtrnoiv. one' that you can
drive vvir};
BT “P 4 C^Jl Ti TP A y - -r -JTION
“ ^ A —. .j \ . ^ —..i w
One that looks vnit an .; > - well, call on me.
. j-. .- . . -
Good d Mirei. .. *! *7 iieci . et *5 r 1 acsired .? © -«
Terms verv J ;• d.-'i t liable.
j T T* -1 n H f nn )N FT
LV , t—* i_ l 1_J A F”
/ It T ,4 BC3WKK2 a: 1 b l* t
x± jfe
Soda TT r OR WftbWWftt Lr.»AA’ it* » -y i : O'i a no Knwmil % w . foe.t^nvr O •l
-0 'Y.
All kinds Vi - aelieious •* *5 a summer
drinks served CV a ■ J VS.A ■: fount, We
invite a ! to trv :
Conveoieii - srr Served.
CAIJj A r 5?
, ■$ $ 1.3 §4 *4 tPM ill
Hi i v' §° S y v i ft I-d ; ■; ^ T«-.l ~'~3 ^LJB ?^i 1 IB
i l
Our fee returned i? we fail. Any ere ■ C katch 3 r.a description of
any invention will promptly receive cue cpiaieu free concerning the patent
abilitv of same. ‘‘How to c'naln c ...n” sent- uoon request. Patents
* - *
secured ttiroupii . us aavemsed . , ter sa.t - r: our rxpense.
Patents taken out through us recei- e special notice, without charge, in
Thb Patent Record, an iiluswAied an.I v-Adely circulated journal, consulted
by j^gnnfacturers and Investors.
Send for sample cwpv r «t£5-> A.', iress,
vferes a. £t -am « es *.*
{Patent Attorneys,)
Evans BuiMing* wAmmorm. a. a
/ i X
i. Vl m . \
I m4 c*V /; V
A Y -J
Vi :-.,J
IS lip if . L
« 55 as«sr-
r\ -•*1
’T-. >'Torr«;.:i cil
OOi) 1 :tb-1 AS %’
> r ■
. _
l lr : ; , rt ;V.... r ,, f'.'Ovl *
a>*:is ; ;l»«e.r:cs'.Hl I';,- . ■ ’■»
-j h»Z rp
■ sto: ;■ ‘' li i T
s - it
! 1 lv.= te f.v.Oii
• lilir.- :
cl . . vlo-euixnx jr
*103.:kS. (j j or C5.liiiirr
?m li I imfjpn ;i
- A 1 A ; it J„ .]): . n
... ...
1 :
My shop IS cot:. y, : .
My to».els are u
My tools are a
M v attesti,->
My a?m —’o ?
GlVs- mo r,
d:vV'U? 4 A up
ATT «> A PA": A.--.S X i --••'P V 4
- ~
O? T-x
AT- t *ffVM ■ ' -rS......Jt .At •'
SemI-WeeiT J sCtijaa:,
la adilitica to its awpert ssrrs str
vies, covering tis v;orla r.t lar^«
aad tise ess the?a states la j-arUt
alar, The Semi-Weskiy -Joarssl h»$
*sa aj attrastive, era*8iUiai»g and
iastractiare fe^tai it. >■■ rflails t«t
southern houses asd iv as,
STBOFO SSW9 sxttncs.
The service of t’ o As..ear h* 1
IrtnttBg the news frorv, eM ’.a rf t5* j
World, is suppisrasntsd by tr^ < -r-r j
t>wi service o' The Jc.’.-nii .. tleorr.a ,
fcni the southern sr.4 the u:«
Br&ms and letters cl v, .r.nir.rt-r.
fespondent, Mr. dar-,e. :;r;v.-a.
will pay epeclal atts: n to »aue?» »t
the national capital v’vh 1 st* -»t ui
people of the southern t ;tc».
In additio.i to tiia ntrihutioris d
these ar..J hundreds of leer.! orrespofr
dents. The Seml-W«?’-l7 *A
from time to time, print letters u»
farmers who have distinguished - cn '
•elves by Buccess la r rC .".Car,
•howi’-'s how they \ch\t.ved rtE’iltL
Tbs S*rr.i-Weekly lws a *»•
tlriguished list of contr, outer? inciiifiing
S«v. Sara Jones, Kor John 1W*
Graves, Mrs. W. H. Feitoa, Eon. C. A
Jordan and others.
Rev. i Jon? 3 rtho ha® teso CttlJoi
t:- ,
th® St. -ul of Dt3 generatioti, will E“ 3 '
tlr.ue to "'nlribute his breery iaiten.
written In t'-.g course of his travels, ^ r5
fiiHeront parts of tha country, tall o( r ' ■
Wisdom and originality and
with ha d sense.
MRS. W. H. FELTON. ffilK
Mrs. W. H. Felton, tha Georgs
of the 3 Gulh, has taken charge of &
flepartraent, to be known ss "The Coae
This distinguished iady '*
try Hons.” of fsf
known far and wtCto by the power
^ ■“
pen, and her ability was reengrr. •
ing the world’s fair, when she wss
pointed to represent Georgia. J ’* 3
late stirred up muck. er.fhusiasja '
loiters and speeches on country *-‘
the means for making it eitrattiv*.
Contributions from Hon. John
Graves will be printed frora ttms to tun®.
ef th.v prince* of *W
Mr. Graves is one tiav* !
lecture platform,a man f extensive
wnd experience, a gifted a E<i k .gen¬
erator. a fearless writer and an ‘ ^
dent thinker, whose otte ar.ces ha '* '
■such to do with shapi: 5 the P aUcy
Georgia’s educational .nstltuttons
have had their e£ect ^ reseat F
sigriculturaJ departmer. it
The oh tl
Obarge of Hon. C. H. Jordan, tb#
committee on agriculture a
of the (j
Georgia house of represen tat. *
ft successful and pre -Ha. ta
. .
e nd raised'on the middle G«o'? a *“ _.
farmers’ it
su owr th.e south sna Semi-Weekly Jour
twice a week in the features.
.1 copslituT* cr.e of its best
The juvenile people 3 il over tr ->
letters from young storie* of ur«
country, witb lntaresUnS *» *ttr*«*
Itnd sdventur* , will eeatfnu*
|M b»?» w*4 Sift*