Newspaper Page Text
yjQ keep a select stock on hand
jjll times. J. P. TILLEy.
Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise; Gath¬
ered for our Readers.
,P Lamar Sims, of Jonesboro,
ch iu the Baptist church
, ilu and night the a-b
inuday in
l0 f Pastor Walker, who goes
tew hat Godfrey, Ga.
[ednesdayat noon Rev. I G
mraud family arrived at home
jj. LtThomson several days pleasantly
with Prof. E L
Jtud family, principal of the
xjI there.
Lsituation of the but little farmer and is
udid. He owes
a he is paid fifty or sixty dol
for a bale of cotton the mou¬
ses into his pocket.
« Waring, with her little
[ter, hasbeen Swords, visiting for her several sis
iiial Lewis Henslee, and a old popular Oon
Moi the Grip, his an friends
Boy who numbers
in the same ratio as he does
fcquaintauces, was here a
[ this week, We wish he
| comeoftener.
[swell ft off at colored Macedonia wedding church was
Ihursday night. The church
Fatiojis were profuse. The
[acting [lary Webb. parties Long were Big Pete Pete
Mary cherish in memory the
[ they were wed.
hyers has more marriages
[hen any town, of which we know,
we come to consider the
[number the live here of pretty young but la¬
we can mar
Lt there is not a still great
Lnbei’ of unions’ By the
[there is to be another wed
Khc next week unless ProvN
piLy Irill delayed, of in which our
lose one her best young
I to a handsome groom from
death ef Mr. Albert Christian,
Mr. J F Christian, occurred
me in Atlanta last
after a long and painful his
ifrom cancer. He bore
»with Christian patience.
tout 20 years of age.
remains were brought to
teed in Rockdale
!day evening after funeral
&tthe grave
u Collector’s N otic©.
Ill be at court grounds for pur
p collecting tax on
feeldSept. 26, Oct. 23,
ley CreekSept. 27, Oct.
pine;—Sept. §8, Qct. §0, Nov.
[remainder Nin office of the at Turner time I
|h Conyers. my The books
|eeember ly your tax, 20. Meet me
I W.G.Clotfelter, T.C.
I marriage of Mr. John
Pand Misa Julia Swords
Pted in the presence of
Pdted friends and
I tome of her parents,
pis- Italow Chas. M Swords,
>iing Conyers, o’clock. last
r e at 9
P>y was beautifully and
ply pie, performed by Dr. B
of Macon.
ptappy PUfter event, occuring as
the marriage of
PUter, Mrs- Authur J
secrecy with
utions of the happy
ynled,imparted the occurrence a
the host of friends
f^F quiet home
er ed by the
?cause of the recent
■Vim bride.
B® ®? 00 business w is a young man
B moral ability and
^BNndid character.
Bauson, position with
B^u&ntg one of the
of Conyers, and
;^|Unied ■ pue ig greatly by his esteemed
H. B/Und now her for her
B* gentle disposition.
B lnd “Ccomplighedyoung °d heart
jH,'" a which
to make and
rien d3 heartily in joins
B>i; BiLt ! wishing
* life pair aB
a of
B* 1 Prosperity.
Mr. W U Wallis is doing the
work on Mr. W W T Stew¬
new storeroom. This build¬
ing will be handsome a glass front and prom¬
ises to be in appearance.
The mayor and city council have
been busily engaged at night for
the past week making up the city
tax digest. The work has not yet
been completed but soon will be.
Vacant houses in Conyers are
scarce now. A few, well located,
could be rented at reasonable
Messrs W L and O F Adair left
Tuesday for Covington, in This
place will be their home future
and they hope to do a thriving dry
goods business there.
If you have not called on
lett, Reagan & Downs do so to-day.
You will find them clever and
commodating and they can
you money.
Mr. L F Scott left Conyers
Tuesday for Texas where he goes
prospecting. He will take in sev¬
eral sections of the Lone Star
State and when he returns his
friends will delight in hearing him
relate the advantages and disad¬
vantages of the big state in his in
imicable style. We hope he may
enjoy the trip.
Ten and eleven cents per pound
carries the farmers back in mem¬
ory to davs of long ago. Some
farmers have received as high as
$65 for a bale of cotton here this
weeek. It makes them feel goodand
verifies the oft repeated truth that
short crops make good prices.
Now, farmers, bear this in mind in
years to come and you will grow
Dr. J A Guinn, Messrs. J P Til¬
ley, J M Almand and Col. Jno. R
Maddox speut Thursday in Atlan¬
ta on important business.
Business is picking up rapidly
in Conyers and will grow faster as
the days grow shorter.
Mr. Jno, G Malcom has been
very sick at his home here since
last Thursday evening. We hope
he may soon be entirely well,
Conyers has been without a meat
market All summer and even now
there is no market here. This is
not saying much for a town of
nearly two thousand people. A
market properly conducted here
would mrke money for some good
It will be money to every
er of The Weekly to give
tion to the advertisements that
pear in it each week.
Miss Maggie millinery Cowan has opened up
a fine line of goods in the
“Blue Front ’building and is ready
to serve her numerous friends in this
line. Miss Maggie is an up-to-date trade for
trimmer, having served her
several years with one of the
millinery houses in the state, and will
do well here,
Mrs. Georgia Cowan has moved
back from Atlanta tot her home on
Mill Street in this gladly place, welcome and her
many friends
Miss Mildred Posey is teaching
a large and interesting class in
Mrs. Hampton’s school house.
Her sister Miss Lollie Posey, will
spend the winter in Decatur.—
DeKalb New Era.
Migg Maggie Hardin is spend
U g some time with her cousin,
Misg Mamie McClelland, of Stone
Mrs. Anderson and family now
occupy a portion of Mrs. Downs
residence on Decatur street
Langford -Swords.
The marriage of Mr. Arth ur Judson
Langford and Miss Clara Swords
which occurred at the Baptist church, at 6p. m., was
elegant and impressive in all its ap¬
pointments. crowded
Tiie church, which was to
its utmost capacity, was elaborately
decorated and the color scheme,gieen
and yellow, most successfully carried
out. Rostrum and altar were banked
with palms and ferns and at their
base was placed a row of green and
yellow candalabra holding wax can¬
dles of like colors whose softened
glow completed the charming effect.
Two arches were placed over the
aisle, one near the door largely
of flowers, and fronting
altar a massive open canopy of
rod and green foliage from
center of which was suspended
two enitials, in'white “L <fc S,” elaborate¬
wrought roses. Broad
of heavy satin ribbon were
disposed in the arrange¬
As Mrs. R. D. Hewlitt commenced
play the wedding march the
Messrs. C. K. Gailey, J.H.
R. D. Hewlitt and I). W. Al
marched in and took their
places. After them came the attend¬
ants :
Miss Fleta Simpkins with Mr. R. B.
Almand, Miss Florence Austin with
Mr. Dave Phillips, Miss Florede
Tucker with Mr, B. B. McDonald’
Miss Valla Walker with Mr. L. A.
The groom entered on the arm of
his brother and best man, Mr. Clyde
Langford, and the bride with her
sister and maid of honor, Miss Julia
The ceremony was briefly hut
touchingly performed by that popu¬
lar and well known divine, of Macon,
Dr. B.. D. Ragsdale.
The bride, who is the eldest daugh¬
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chars. May Swords
is a young la<Sy of charming person¬
ality and great popularity. She was
exquisitely gowned in ivory satin
and her veil held in place with lillies
of the valley. She carried an arm
full of bride roses.
The groom is the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Langford and is one
of our most public spirited and
ling young businessmen. Combined
with this he possesses an unusually
magnetic nature and numbers his
friends by the score.
The young gentlemen attendants
and ushers were in conventional
evening dress and appeared to great
The young ladies were as dainty
and sweet as possible in white organ¬
die with boquets of roses and ferns.
The bridal party left on the 7 :20
train for Atlanta where they were
entertained by Mr. Clyde Langford at
the Kimball. Immediately after the
happy couple left for various points
north and east to return about Oct.
1st. A host of good wishes follow
date I hereby for Clerk announce myself Court a
of Superior
Rockdale cortnty subject to the
ocratic primary,. I thank the
for their past support in the and will appreciate
votes Very coming Respectfully. election.
L H Sigman.
I hereby announce Treasurer, my candidacy
for County subject to ihe
Democratic Primary. In this con¬
nection I wish to speak my lastin',
gratitude to the poeple who have su.i
ported me in the past and ask them
to give me their support in the com¬
ing election. I will appreciate re
election more than the people can im¬
agine. Very Respectfully.
James A Dukes.
I announce my office candidacy for re
election to the of Sheriff of
Rockdale ocratic primary. county subject I will to appreciate the Dem¬
the support of the people and prom¬
ise a faithful discharge of the duties
of the office if elected. I thank i he
people for their support in the past
and hope that my official record lias
proved satisfactory to them.
Very W Respectfully, H
M Austin.
I am a candidate for re-election to
the office of Tax Collector subject to
the Democratic primary. I ask the
support of in the people position because appreciate I need
it ana am a to
it very much. I hope that all will
give my candidacy a thought and
vote for me if they can Very consistently Respt.
do so.
VV G Clotfelter.
Complying with the request of many
citizens. I hereby announce re-election my¬
self a candidate for as
representative, from Rockdale coun¬
ty, subject to the Democratic friends for prima¬
ry. Thanking respectfully my past
favors, I am
C H Turner.
I announce myself office a candidate of Ta'x Re¬ for
re-election to the
ceiver of Rockdale county, subject I wish
to the Democratic people primary. for their
to thank the gener¬
ous support in the past and ask them
t® accord me the same once more,
After this round I shall retire.
I don’t wish to ask too much of the
people but earnestly desire their sup¬
v port this time. Very GHHuli. Respt .~
To the voters of Rockdale county. I
am a candidate for re-election to the
office of Ordinary of said county sub¬
ject to the Democratic primary. On
account of the heavy increase in
State taxation, building the re-build new jail, all
and having practically the county, to besides
the bridges in va
rious other improvements and also
to contend with an old debt
against the couuty. my term h
to state ffie“un“£Xirs U i r e*now in
a-ood condition- Thanking the peo
pie for past favors and hoping I ha> e
merited their continued support.
Respectfully, M Helms.
"Pianos and
for sale
P. Tilley.
^FRICANA^will oire SyphllU and
Telephone Exchange.
ramanm i
21—ALMAND, J. M. res.
2i—ALMAND, J. H. Bank, o o.
89—BAKER, J. C. res. — o
24-EAKS, W. J. res. o o o
11—Express Co., G. P. TILLEY.
22—GUINN, DR. J. A.
89—GOODE, J. M. B. store, o o o
89—GIBSON, DR. J. T. — o o
& DOWNS, store
28—HARDWICK, Dr. H. Y. res.
39—KINGS’ Post Office, o — o
New Hats, NeW Olotliingr, New Nhoes!
New Crocery, New Ten Cent Tinware.
Dish pans and one gallon Oil Cans 10
cents each.
Drugs— Heavy Groceries 10 cent potash for 5 cts.
Calicos, Sea Island, Heavy sheeting
all to go at 5 cents per yard..
Cheaper Goods for Less,
New line Dress Goods and Gant’s and Ladit’s Choagvat
sold here. Trunks ana _ valises* ,
lot of men’s shirts ever
Matting for your dining room atlO
cents per yard. The half has not been
told. Come and see for } ourself. Bob
Hudson has come home. Jno. Hardin,
Howard McDonald and Fletcher Huff
are ready to wait upon you. Come and
§0^ US* Yours Truly,
F. T. Hopkins
Office in Night building.
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S
Couyers to Whitaker's...... 10c.
„ „ Baker’s........... !0*
„ „ Goode’s.......... 15c.
„ „ Veal’s.............. 16c.
,, StaoseU’s...... 16c.
„ „ Dr. Gibson’s 160
„ „ Ool. L. F. Livingston’s... 15o
„ „ King’s..................... 15c.
„ „ Snapping Shoals. 25c.
„ „ K. M. Warren’s. lie.
»» „ Alxuon.................... 16c.
,. Paper Mill............. 10c.
„ OR Mill................... 5o
10 cents frow'any station and Club Lino
to next first station and intermediate
Stations as above priced.
Always be prompt in answering your
bell and give your. Phone number
Daring a thunder storm do not ure
the Telephone.
Operators must be polite; the some
courtesy is asked for them.
It is against the laws of the state to
use obscene vulgar,or profane forbidden language
over the Phone and the same is
It is understood and agreed to that the
sender and addressee of telegrams telephone are re¬
sponsible for errors made In
. ansmissions, and in no event am I to
> 3 held responsible for sueli errors.
Do not use your Phone later than # :80
at night, only in case of sickness or phy
sicion wanted,
Central is under no obligation to give give
connection if yott should refuse to
your name if called upon.
Subscribers failing to pay their Phone
rental at the end of each month shall be
discontinued or required .to pap in ad¬
vance there-aftsr.
Don’t use the Club Lines for others passtime wait¬
or pleasure when there are
ing to attend to business.
The person calling for a connection
should always ring off when conversa¬
tion is concluded. Please remember.
All subscribers are expected to collect
for non-subsoribers talk at their stations
and a ticket will be made out at central
for same and statement presented for
lame at end of each month accordingly.
A. Whitaker, Jr:
Pianos and Or¬
gans for sale by
J. P. Tilley.
Dr. W. H. store, o o
Dr. W. H. res. o o o
I. L. stables.
L.F. -
McCORD, H. Y. res.
McDonald, B.B. store.
88— PLUNKET & ALMAND, mill
12— PLUNKET, M. H. store.;
C. E. res.
A. J. store.
Dr. M. R. res.
N. T. store, o o
STREET, N. T. res. o o o
J. T. res. — o o o
SHOALS e o —
E. A, res. — o o
& ALMAND, store.
BROS, store.
J. H, Weekly office
W. W. res.
W. J. — o
WARREN, K. M. o o
WHITAKER, res.---