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! i
... r <* C/3 STORE
Bg’S'. m
This may truly be said ol my store for thepeople are with me. The line
of goods Icarry is large and varied. I buy for cash and sell low. My
prices are w mm m ilw mb
When a man can buy goods cheaper than he can elsewhere it stands to reason that he will come here
to trade. Watch my store and you will see what wrr ■* *r ; i «*«*■!»* s&ud
trade. I want to sel l all. 1 want your trade anu j you will prone
can do to gain you
by comins to me. Everything lower than you will find it elsewhere.
» ft
We keep a select stock on hand
at all times. J. P. TILLEy.
Short Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
ered for our Readers.
The Conyers Volunteers went up to
the fair as a company to-day- The
State Malitia in general will be on
hand there to-day as guests of the
fair projectors.
Mrs. Melton is again at the post of¬
fice after an enforced absence of near¬
ly two mouths on account of Scarlet
fever at her home.
Mrs. Smith, of Harlem, is the
[pests of her daughter’ Mrs. Wai¬
te Bell.
Miss Lilia Norman is on a visit
to friends at Stone Mountain.
I Mr. M. L. Wood spent Wednes¬
day I in Covington.
Dr. W LI Lee has been making
Iwme improvments on his home.
I Fayette Almand was in to see us
■yesterday. He says that Tuggle &
■Hollingsworth will mu another ex
■oursion to Charleston some time
■next June and he is of the opinion
■feat his friend Toombs Almand
■will take advantage of the oppor
■tanity to visit Charleston and Isle
Friend William white has our
‘tanks for a huge sweet potato,
toe that will weigh 2 or 8 podnds
pH last several days if need be.
I Areal touch of winter weather
pepaddowu uponuslastThursday
poruidg and winter clothing and
peicoate where hauled out, du t
Pand donned.
Councilman M L Wood is out in
buggy and a new suit of
He is well fixed for the
Mr. and Mrs. Vale who have
with their daughter, Mrs, J
Almaud, for several weeks past
v with relatives in Atlanta,
said Mr. J C Stephenson Wed
enjoy the show' last
1, H H McDonald and wife spent
Sunday with their son. Mr. Cbas
of Lithonia.
BN- BA A J Almand, J C Johnson.
Bunions idry, of Lithonia, are maki -g
to put up a roller flonr
' “t r - farmer George Truitt, the prorni- is
of Troup county
wheat in his cotton fields.
isS Jessie Hanlighter, of Rut
L ' v as the guest of the Misses
(ar ‘ this week.
8l ' Sghts
are opening up ou
sin Ar.yers has recorded two
the past few days. But
ua ®age done.
Mrs. C C Wallis, of Jer
'* 1 ' with relatives here Mou
} ^tSaturd h Hudson , of Atlanta, wa»
Hr. and Mrs. J M Almand have
p een spending some time with
friends in Atlanta.
Mrs. Jno.F. Wallis has been
very sick for several days this week
Mr. Grier Dunn’s little daugh¬
ter is thought to have Scarlet fever.
"We have experienced a touch of
frosty weather this week and with
most people it is very welcome
ter the warm summer weather.
Miss Lou Smith has rented and
fitted up a dressmaking parlor o
ver Hewlett, Reagan & Downs
store where she will be pleased to
have her friends and patrons call
on l:er.
i i I have some very cheap mon¬
ey I wish to place in long time
loans on Rockdale County farms
or on Conyers business or resi
deace property •
Apply to
R W Milner, Atty.
at Law Lithonia, Ga.
Mr. I) F Clotfelter has sold his
plantation near Smyrnia to Mr.
Pleas Sims. It it a valuable farm
and in a fine settlement. Mr.
Clotfelter has bought the H P Al¬
mand home place, on Almand
street , which is valuable city prop¬
erty, and will maxe it his perma¬
nent homo. lie will take posses,
sion about the 1st of November.
Baby shows are now in order in
the various small towns of the
state. Conyers could have a baby
show but the mothers of this town,
while proud of their children, have
no notion of exhibiting them be¬
fore a curious and critical crowd.
This is the kind of mother we are
proud of.
Rev. Mr. Harmon will fill his
regular appointment at the
tian church next Sunday and at
Miss Mattie Kennon, of Monti
cello, stopped over here with her
aunt. Mrs. W V Almand, last Mon
day. Sbe was on her way to
school at Marion. N. C.
The grand jury presntments and
lists of jurors appear in this issue.
Miss Minnie Turner spent some
time in Atlanta this week.
Owing tothe strong competition
and the ability of our business men
to buy close. Conyers is the best
place to trade between Atlanta and
Augusta. The people have found
it out and that accounts for the
large crowds of people coming
here daily.
Lumber for Sale..
I am prerared to fill lumber bills
on short notice. If you need lmnber
see Roy Swann or
M L Wood.
A setter dog—medium size,
white with liver spots. Return to
Tom Brooks, in Sheffield, or C. G.
Turner, in Conyers for reward.
We Want That Wood.
A number of our subscribers have
promised to bring us wood in pay¬
ment of their subscription. The
time is now ripe for compliance
with that promise. Wejneed the
wood now and ask those parties
who owe us wood to bring it in.
Don’t wait and hope that, in the
meautime, the editor and his crew
will freeze up. We must keep
kicking for you couldn’t well do
without us(?) So come along and
bring the wood. You may warm
up after you get herb if you buy
a new overcoat of some of our ad¬
Messrs. D. M Almand and Otto
Clotfelter are now with Gailey Dry
Goods Co., here they will be
pleased to have their friends call
on them.
We have received several new
subscribers this week. Among
the number are W W Swann, L B
Lyon and J A Jenkins, all good,
substantial citizens.
We would be glad if every good
democrat in the county would
charge his memory with the Pres¬
idential election of November 6th
and urge his friends to exercise
themselves in the matter.
We ask those of our readers who
are in arrears on their subscrip¬
tion to come in and settle same.
Wewill appreciate allpaymentsand
will state just here that Messrs.
Sidney Rodgers, Geo. Hawkins
and W V Almand will accept our
thanks for settlment of their ac¬
counts .
Mrs. Jno. M Gray was called to
the bedside of her mother, Mrs.
Carroll, of Newton county, last
Monday. On Tuesday evening Mr.
Gray received a telephone message
to come, as the good lady was pass¬
ing away. When be reached there
the end had come and the good
lady passed to. her reward. She
was about 50 years of age and a
splendid chistian lady
I am selling the most famous
cakes ever brought south at rock
bottom prices call and see them -
B B. McDonald.
I havetho best line of clothing
shoes and hats to be found in
Conyers for the money- M H
Go to Bee B McDonald for
Holms Coutte, and Larrabee
fomsus cakes.
Mr. Frank McCalla will accept
a position with the Cleveland Ten¬
nessee wooliug Mills on the 1st.
He will travel Georgia and South
Homers Telephone Exchange I
21—ALMAND, J. M. res.
24—ALMAND, J. H. Bank, o o.
89—BAKER, J. C. res. — o
24—EARS, W. J. res. o o o
11—Express Co., G. P. TILLEY.
22—GUINN, DR. J. A.
89—GOODE, J. M. B. store, o o o
89—GIBSON, DR. J. T. — o o
& DOWNS, store
28—HARDWICK, Dr. H. V. res.
39—KINGS’ Post Office, o — o
Mr. T C McCall a left last Mon¬
day for South Georgia in the inter¬
est of the Gramling & Spalding
Shoe Co.
I have a handsome line of
shotguns for sale or rent. M H
Farmers have discovered that
be the crops lage or small, about
the same amount of money is paid
for cotton each year and they are
turning their attention to other
crops to a greater extent than ever
See mo and get my prices on
all kinds af goods as I will save
you money every time • M H
Some wheat is being sowed in
thissectson. It now looks like a
acreage for 1901.
Make my store your head¬
quarters when in town M H
When you want to cress up
and look nice, cheap, see M H
mm mmm
Oouyers to Whitaker’s..... 10c,
,, ,, Baker’s............ 16c,
,, ,, Goode’s.......... 15c.
*■ „ Veal’s.............. 15c.
>• Stan sell’s...... 15c.
„ Dr. Gibson’s 15c
,, Ool. L. P, Livingston’s .16o
„ King’s.................... 15o.
,, Suapping Shoals .26c,
„ „ K. M. Warren’s................10c.
,, ,, Almon......... 15c.
»• Paper Mill :...ioc.
„ Oil Mill....... ,5c
10 cents from’any station and Club Line
to next first station and intermediate
Stations as above priced.
Always be prompt, in answering your
bell and give your Phone number
During a thunder storm do not use
the Telephone.
Operators must be polite; the same
courtesy is asked for them.
It is against the laws of the state to
use obscene vulgar.or profane language
over the Phone and the same is forbidden
It is understood and agreed to that the
sender and addressee of telegrams are re¬
sponsible for errors made in telephone
transmissions, and in no event am I to
be held responsible for such errors.
Do not use your Phone later than 9:80
at night, only in case of sickness or phy
sioion wanted.
Central is under no obligation to givo give
connection if you should refuse to
your name if called upon.
Subscribers failing to pay their Phone
rental at the end of each mouth shall be
discontinued or required to pay in ad¬
vance there-after.
Don’t use the Clnb Lines for passtime
or pleasure when thoro are others wait¬
ing to attend to business.
The person calling for a connection
should always ring off when conversa¬
tion is concluded. Please remember.
All subscribers are expected to collect
for non-subscribers talk at their stations
and a ticket will be made out at central
for same ami statement presented for
ame at end of each month accordingly.
4L Whitaker, Jr-
I will be glad to show you
through my handsome line of
clothing, liats & shoes. M H
Plunket •
Mrs. J T Adair visited her sons
at Covington last week.
When you want something to
boil, oall on M H Plunket'
Mr. K. L. Guffin lias moved his
family into a portion of Mr. G. W.
Cain’s residence.
A barrell of genuine mackerel
just arrived at M H Plunkets’.
Miss Coonie McDonald of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with her parents here.
For anything you need in tin
ware see me. M II Plunket.
I)r. T. J. McDonald spent several
days this week in DeKalb and Ful
ton counties on professional busi¬
Mrs. Walter Bell is at home after a
pleasant visit to her parents at Har¬
Miss Lizzie Peek reached home
Thursday alter a pleasant visit to
her sister, Mrs. Henry Smith, in At¬
26—LEE, Dr. W. H. store, o o
26—LEE, Dr. W. H. res. o o o
80—LANGLEY, I. L. stables.
25—McCORD, H. Y. res.
29—MCDONALD, B. B. store.
88— PLUNKET & ALMAND, mill
12—PLUNKET, M. H. store.;
28—REAGAN, C. E. res.
20—SUMMERS, A. J. store.
81—STEWART. I)r. M. R. res.
86—STREET, N. T. store, o o
86— STREET, N. T. res. oo o
89—STANSELL, J. T. res. — o o <»
88—SMITH, E. A, res. — oo
7—TUCKER & ALMAND, store.
9—TURNER BROS, store.
19-WALLIS, J. H, Weekly office
27—WOOD, W. W. res.
88—WILLIAMS, W. J. — o
88— WARREN, K. M. oo
89— WHITAKER, res.--
Buy P P Acid for wheat from
Lifsey <fc wood.
Dr. Nelson, the Sweeden Oculist,
will be in.and around Conyers fora
few days about the 12th or 15th of
this month. Anynone wishing to
consult him may make engagement
through Mr. Z. T. Almand.
For whsat fertilizers see Lifsey
& Wood.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests, what yoa eat.
Nature Itartiflcially digests the food sod aids
Id strengthening and noon
ttructlng the exhausted digest! ve or*
pans. It is the latest discovered digest,
ant and fconie. No other preparation
can approach it- in efficiency. It in*
Dyspepsia, stac tly relieves Indigestion, and permanently Heartburn. cures
Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea
Sick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion
Prcpawt by E. C DsWitt SC*.. Chicago.
To PATEIT Said lim
m*r b« accarad by
OUT aid. Arlrtr —,
to The ttMpmi