Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 17, 1900, Image 2

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* J I ISB S m
Don’t part with your cash until j on get STREET’S Prices on the SAME article. It is my intention to
make some con petitor howl before this tiling 1 is done with, Ina /e a house mil oi goods anci money to k ay
I is my in ention to KNOCK THE BLACK OUT OF HIGH prices every time Mid let competitors c are for
themselves. I msjte prices for myself and customers. .Hold your money TIGHT till yuu get here.
1ST T m ft BUST m ■ <- a
The jGfffers Weekly.
J. H. WALLIS, Eoitoh.
Em tend at the postoflice at (drivers as
second-class mail nmt'er.
Saturday, Nov. 17, 1900.
Locals f> cents per line fur lir-t laser
tfo’ 2'4 cents fur each subsequent in
sertion Regular adv. f?flc. per incli h>r
first insertion: 25'- lor each subsequent
One year, in advance................ •f) °o
Six months, in advance.......... .
r —,
Notice of Legislation.
7 oticc is hereby given that a bill
will be introduced in the present log
islat tire to amend Sec. t'ofthe
lie School laws of the City of Conyei s
Rons to authorize the State School
Commissioner to pay direct to the
Treasurer of ,the School Board, the
apportionment due tho said city ol
Conyers from tho State.
A. M. McElvauey, Sec. S. B.
This Oct. 23rd. 1900.
Bryan finally cur.iel Kentucky.
It is rumored that Atlanta is to
haven new morning paper.
Manzo Glover, the negro mur¬
derer of Newton county, was
lunged Thursday nt 12 o'clock.
Why talk of re-organizing tho
democratic pnrtv? The trouble is
in the lenders.
L.'t the legislature cease wrang¬
ling and give Atlanta the new de¬
pot. The people favor it and it
will be a splendid investment for
the State.
The Southern counties of Geor¬
gia have greatly increased in pop¬
ulation since tho last election.
Bryan ip now being relegated by
the leaders. But will he‘‘down?”
That's the question.
Wlieu it comes to red is t rioting
the State the jack-leg politicians
want to be heard from.
The Atlanta Journal is making
great strides. It is a great paper.
• •
4oFT.A^E0RG.A f*
M _<3} ManCjiUMnS
j a Mm
V' i-- •3S '2**
v colleya'mention in ".ho renci i f all. A.B.,
R. -.1 ;.aJ Business Man’s courses,
Ial« lories; tieaUlifu.1, in vigroratinff <li
us ’s; irv ciscip ine; pood moral and
rc'osri ms flnences CIi. apest board in
from ii5 nd ice of country produce ;eKpen®e»
> > tiSd a jt.r; board ia dormitories
’ tsaishr--; • pri' in G-uiU fall *, special UORM*«s«ra*iu.'
f ihc fstnltv of cidet »tl itader the
-.r.;;r< : t UoiTer^ity k A. ci-Uegv prejisr
i’.c v c!aS"=. l o-eCucaiion of wMte*. Tim iusti
uti-in Souiuiod RiKCnlly for SVid««t»e>f ltmitcd
ta*,'.ns. Send for -ata’.ogue to lb| Ptesdent,
’ • », StlwaRT, A-M-
Let ter From Miss 1 uiyonn
Pk n n a m buco , 9-22- 10CO
At last, after 17 clays of tossjng
on tlie waves, we are anchore-1
here, ami oh ! bow rice to be slill!
I am feeling some' offer this morn
ing, but by no rm io - !< r l equal to
going on shore; *>r \v« nitHuT out
S1 de the bay, ••'• U! to go in on
row bonis,
The wavos very Inm ml
if is quite an li' .iertalvi.ig to y
on and o(V f he % *• —'-!.
A number went oft' tbi m< irii-
mg and such a time as 1 h v '■ d !
One of the indies was so wet I y a
big wave that came up beteen th
and the bout that she had to
come bacK and give up the trip to
shore. And one of the gentlemen
g () t in to his waist—had on white
nolc pant8 too—but lie wenton j list
the same.
Then another party went olY
and they let the lady down in a
chnirwith pul lies. She got along
all light. But the funniest thing
was to see an old lady who
ed nt, least 100, or 200, try to get.
off- She clung lo the ladder and
refused to lot go till one the boat
tnet, by main force took her in hi*
nr ms, pulled her loose and jump
ed into the little hoot, with her
They rocked and repled ns if they
would go over, but did not.
Oct. 1.—Well, here we are in
Rio, at last! We arrived here on
Thursday, Sept. 27, all safe and
well, for lhadqnitfi recovered from
mv sea sickness. Miss Davis was
a bit sieve tts wo crossed the bar,
but. Laura Lander was well and
jolly as she had boon all along.
Our friends came oiit to meet us
in a steam launch,and wo had lots
of fun trying to recognize them
all ,, while they were still i n a i
Way off- Hero was Bros. Hander,
Dickey ... , and , Tucker . and , 0 bisters . .
Tucker, Bowman and Pescud, and
D. ,, Adelaide, and a number of nth
Brazilian friends. When we stop- 1
ped , for , the , port doctor , to come
on board, our friends came too and
came up the bay on board the ship
with UR. Then we all got outlie
launch and came on shore.
I found a number of the cliil
dren waiting to sec me although
By virtue of an order oi the court
of Ordinary will be sold on Nov. 28th
at 10 o’clock, at the residence of the
late J. M. Huff, dec’d all the person¬
al propertybelor gingto said deceas¬
ed, consisting of 1 mule, cows, bug
gy, wagon, farming tools, corn, fod¬
der. wheat, syrup mill and house
hold goods.
i J H. & R. L. Huff,
j | Administrators.
ihe hour forgoing home had
passed, nnaao .l Words u Olds were were unnecessnrv unnecessary
to express the welcome that
from their bright face,:• On
Friday ihev had a regular
ft* with.Ke.l-., end »o„g„ and
flowers enough to cover me up al
meet, and aver .ince, there h„»
been a continual stream of visitors
until 1 am quite tired out, espoeftti
IvrsMisS PeBCUcl is going up to
i* • r-ipolis, in a few days and is
turning ■ vr everything to me. I
have Wi j r n- 80 rnternitedly that
I iviillr doubt'if you Cjnn. see any ; lat 1 have said, but the
steam: -ails to-morrow or next
d !V. i'; .d I must get this letter off
l''r ; d are certainly wondering
whv I have not written sooner.
I hope you are all well and hap¬
py. I wish I Could run in and
chut with you to night instead of
writing, but it is most too long a
We were 22 days coming down.
'• ^ l0 Capt. and Dr. of the Button
0111110 yl ‘t to see. us to-day-and
t<;ok lunch v;ith lls - Tho li¬
very kindly offered to bring--ou(
"".Ything that I might want sent
a * an Y t 11110 -
^ive my best live to all ffty
^ 11011 ds, and accept lots tor your
sc “* Vf ‘ s -
From Your devoted
i t Fog.”
Trees Shipped Krr in Afash - Ule Infested
With Snn .Jose sente.
Wo call special attention of all inter¬
ested in fruit growing throughout th*
state to a recout order issued from thij
department, by our State Entomologist
nn d approved by Hon. O. B. Stevens,
chairman of the Board or Entomology.
Order of the State Entomologist:
“Office of State Entomologist, At
kntn. Ga . Nov. a—To the Fruit Grow
erR of Georgia: \ ou are hereby notified
ftU d warned not to accept any trees or
ot!ler plants commonly known as nnr
Gory stock or parts thereof, from the
Cumberland nurseries, otherwise known
* 8 the Grand View nnrseries, Rose Bank
nurseries aud Paragon nurseries, I. C.
& a. W. Newson, proprietors,.Nashville,
fused / eno - the Tllis required nursery official firm has tags been of tho re
Georgia Stare Board of .Entomology be
c f tiie facS that last seasou they
tested with the San Jose scale, the well
k f own dangerously injurious insect peit
of orchard trees.
yla “Notwithstanding the laws of Geor
to the contrary and tho warning that
I have given them, the above named
pnrsery .people have attempted to smug
P ls iuto the state several large orders of
trees afrnin fhis Reas0!1 . j have already
apprehended some of these orders aud
© T> MS
Thev were proinntlv seized and con
the stild Cumberland nurseries to dektrov
tTZ 7 „T.‘c£
with which' they are undoubtedly
fe ?!i% transportation so wish to respectfully companies, request theft
J* lp " of the Georgia State Board of Em
tomnlogy, authorized by the act of the
gSSSrSStSS3S5^S2R The intent and imrpowpf these
rules is to prohibit the agents of twins
portation companies in Georgia from
Board of Eutomoloirr. It is the dntv oi
said agents of transportation companies
to notify the entomologist when ship¬
ments of Uncertified stock are received
at their respective stations. “W M. Scott,
“State Entomologist.”
Professor Scott hns been very diligent
in detecting scale infested trees that
have been illegally shipped into Geor¬
gia. By virtue of the authority vested
iu him he has confiscated and burned
Inore than 80,000 trees that had been
shipped into the state without a certifi¬
cate aud in spite of I is written protest.
Had these infested fruit trees escaped
detection, the good work that for the
last two years has been going on in
Georgia aud which has saved so many
orchards from ruiu, would have been
undone iii many, fruitgrowing localities.
—State Agricultural Department.
Administrator s Sale.
By virtue of an order of the courr of
Orpinary of Fulton county Ga- will
be sold before tbe court house door
in CJovitigft>n Ga between the legal
hours of sale on ihe first. Tuesday in
December 1H00, all tbe real estate be¬
longing Lo the estate of F. O. Fielder,
late of Fulton county deceased, to
wit.: 295 acres more nr less in the 8
District of originally and bounded Henry now the
Newton county, on
sontii by Smith river; West by tbe
lands of McDonald : North and East 1
in showing it to persons wishing to
purchase. Terms made known on
day of sale.
John IT. Almand.
Administrator ot E. O. Fielder.
Evening fen leierfl Jim Goode
& Huff's.
Housefurnishing goods of every kind in
wonderful profusion may be bought at sacrifice
pricec at this popular store, When you price
you buy because you know it is so cheap, Now
is the time because v;e are anxious to sell,
See us for Housefur
Johnson Ws l H£
TVi whom it may concern i-^-R A Al
mancl. Administrator of S I) Almand,
late of said county, deceased has
made his final return and applied for
letters ot dismission as sued admin¬
istrator. and 1 will pass upon tliesame
on t he first Monday in January 1901.
(liven under my hand and official
signature, tin's, Oc-t. 4th, 1800.
A. M. uelms, Orel.
Oolleoto,- »«h».
I will be at court grounds «»Jollowiiig for pnr
c ° Ilectins lax
.Sheffield Sept. 23, Oct. 23, Nov.
2l jj
Creek :-Sept. 27, Oct. 26,
I^-riiner-Sept. N r 2 «
28,0c. 80. Nor.
Tho renininder of the time I may
m Bt , Turner Bros,
f Conyers. The hooks will
Meat lae prompt
!o l’ a ' V'' r'Y'i
». w. Llotteuei ofcttoi- v i. C .
Georgia, Rockdale County :
To whom it may concern.
Pleasant M. Turner, col., lmving,
in due form, applied for letters of ad¬
ministration on the estate of Thomas
J-Turner, col., late of said county
deceased’ and I will pass upon the
same on the first Monday in Decem¬
ber, next.
This Nov. 2nd, 1800.
A.M. Helms, Ord.
To whom it may conceni: --! J and
P H Langford, adminiBtrn.tors of the
(•state (if .1 no-. AV Latfgfoi'd. late of
said county deceased, have made
their final return and applied for let¬
ters of dismission from such admin¬
istration. and l will pass upon the
same on the first Monday in Decem¬
ber next, BXK). Given under my band
and official signature, this Aug. 8th.
A M Helms, Ord.
/ jo sir4'B\i»tS
- ” oqj sunag;
na* *fow m »a m m
•ttaipjTqg ptt« e^treyai joj
Sheriff Sales*
Will be-sold on the first Tueschvm
December, l«x). at m e a ourtbo „!'' ,? s 1 "
said county, within ■«, i e " 111
of sale, to the k,-,.:. 77 ,J 0 "i's
the following property- 'for cash
horse wagon, two One t Wo
sets f wagon bar
and ness, one eight horse power engi ne
one seventy sa "' Fin and'one
Brooks press, the nomTpbm"
press are at the old *'j 1
H. Smith, deceased, and can nJ*hT |. 0
there, and delivered P U
ft" .aY to h' .
Smith °f -las.
w. H. M. Austin, Sheriff.
IVotlceto Debtors & Cretl
ftoall whom it may concern:
All m ho hold claims against the ps*
tate of J. At. Huff, deceased, are re¬
quested to present same, proparly at¬
tested to file undersigned, also all
who are indebted to said estate are
reqm-feh to come forward and make
Tina Sept. 19,1800.
•ft H. & R. L. Huff, Admra
< He who laughs can commit no
dead ly sin.
.~V.- -- .....
Sale Notes, Accounts and
; Safe.
Will be sold before the Court House
door, in Conyers, Rockdale Co., on
Saturday, November o’clock 17th 1900 be¬
tween 10 and 12 a. m The
unpaid note* anrl accounts of the
late firm of Stewart & McCalla: also
safe; one large 1 fire in the proof combination lock
now sto.reC TJ Hudson at
Conyers, Lists of notes and ae
counts can be seen by applying to
A C McCalla, Conyers, Ga.
Terms of sale cash.
W E McCalla.
Surviving partner of tiie late
firm of
Stewart & McCalla.
Oct. 16th, 1900
Notice To Debtors - arid
GEORGIA Rockdale County.
All persons holding claims of
demands against the estate of II.
J. Maddox, late of said county
deceased, are notified to present
them to us authenticated, and all
persons indebted to said deceased
are requested to make immediate
This Oct. 22 1900.
W. J. and J. E. Maddox,
Adm’r H. J. Maddox,
Pianos and Or
gans for sale by
J. P. Tilley.
I \ r I\ Hopkins
Office in Night building
Work guaranteed.
F. T. Hopkins, D. D- 9
We are in the cotton se°a seed,
ket. When you bring cotton
to town tls before you sell for
see niarke
we are paying the highest
price for them.
Williams-tfc PJuuket