Newspaper Page Text
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■i uomier, ■A&i ys.
li I amne £&££ ;f wSKr m
Jpf7 ■*;
4'.. w mk For the most u] )* i 0 -date, perreet-filtin^ Htea /
met durable Clothing for men boys or chi 1
.a S8R f C III ' here 1 distance all
wmmm a 1 - *f± • 5; 011 v.**
|« L 1 competitors in these g oods airda k that yon f ,THE N
5* i look through m ” stock before you buy. MAKE.
'tmS.HOPKINS THE Hi Not only in Clothing but in dress goods, shoos, and all
N MAKE A Jjk m kinds of underwear, ladies’, gentlemen’s and children’s, we
lead all others. My prices are ri ight, goods are right and all will be trea
ted right. Come here for the best o’oods. F)
We keep a select stock on hand
at all times. J. P. TILLEy.
5‘iort Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath
ered for our Readers.
An all day singing at the Primitive
]'. .ptist Chuf h. oil tlie 41 h Sunday
v I I be an interesting occasion. *
Oul. Jno.R. Maddox made a bus
v.'.csa trip to Covington last Thurs
li.! V,
0 iiy one or two men have been
i: i.i to condemn the straighten¬
ing ,.f Commerce street, All oth¬
ers heard from indorse the work
Mi-. R- 0. Gailey, of the popular
(; i f y Dry Goods Co., was very
t. ; f >r several days this week.
Pi\,f: Seward and wife were in
!' v- rs Thursday to give an en
lt-rt: lament, Their crowd was
i ■ ; large enough to warrant them
in giving the show, however, and
llht-v closed tho doors and left
Iiii' : ho hotel
I Mr. Mick Davis, a popular trnv
leihiK salesman, was the guest of
Irk; lives herea few’days this week.
Ik: Hi- many friends will be glad to
vvv that Mr. J. G. Male mi is
|im;>ri ring,
I Mrs. .1. E. Whitaker has been
|v |lVs ry sick for several days paste
hope she may soon recover,
Undo Jack Swords has been con
■fiael to his home by sickness for
■the past few weeks. His condi
|tion has been unfavorable for the of
■p-'ist w.c-ek. Uncle Jack is one
pr oldest and most popular citi—
Mr. TT.P. Almand, jr.of Ingle
fl ‘ P . r.ill move to Conyers at an
{ w!y day. He will occupy the
Nidonco on McDonough street in
put of Mr. J J Green’s home.
L Convert has been over run with
U J '' S .. 118 ^eek- , On
r h: " ! , ' mrita and Hatfield J n ed
eight. Kate and Joe; Thurs
ay i.igi ght Ogarita and Hatfield n
^ and on Friday night Eugenia
Kingston Tucker. All these a r e
' ; i performances.
Marshal McDonald raided a
c ‘ f , r t gro gamblers just below
1 ;st Wednesday evening. He
h'tiu'i'd one negro, 11 cents in
a 'pack of cards and a coat.
; ‘‘oil: rs of the party were
f-ire the Mayor, whogave
; ;1 ^ bit ; f advice and 20 days,
u - '-"t Uie streets,
Commerce street may now he
pnt down as tile prettiest street in
Col. JN Hale’s little daughter,
Francis, who has been seriously
sick for two weeks, is improving.
Dr. Hopkins spent last Sunday
with his brother at Lithonia.
Mr. and Mrs. W A Webb, of
Lithonia, visited relatives here
Miss Millie Posey came down
from Decatur and spent Sunday
and Monday with her parents!
We again call the attention of
the people that the registration
book for the coming city election
is now open at this office. Come
forward and register.
Mr. Mike Hudson, a popular Knight
of tlie grip who works the State of
Texas, is here to be with his parents
and friends for a few days.
Mr. J. J. Carter is in the city to
spend a hurt while with his parents.
He has a splendid position with the
Western of Alabama E. R.
The N«rth Ga. Conference meets
in Atlanta with Trinity church
next Wednesday.
The census of 1900 gives Rockdale
county a population if 7,615. This
is a small increase over the 1890 cen¬
sus. The populati on of Conyers tins
not yet been announced by the cen¬
sus office.
Miss Louise Frederick, of Mar
shallville, and Miss Nannie
Thomas, of Oxford, were guests 0 f
Miss Aileiie Uoon Ihi. week.
Some of these crisp afternoons
Our citizens would appreciate this*
The stars didn’t fall on the night
Of the 14th as predicted by the wise
oncB . Many people, however, watch
t>( , f|>r tIie g | loot i, lg leonids.
Several of our Block dealers have
been furnishing interest to a number
of ppopie this week 1 > 3 * breakinggreen
horses lo work
The Methodist congregation Presbyterian
will worship in the
church Sunday A heater is be*
ing pnt in at the M. E. church
and fire cannot be lutd there yet
The Presbyterians kindly consen¬
ted for the service to be held in
their house.
Have you registered for the city
d U hi s.% ;? > Hudson,
“I I av« some very cheap mon¬
ey I w ith to place in long time
loans on Rockdale County farms
or on Conyers business or resi¬
dence property •
Apply to
R W Milner, A tty.
at Law, Lithonia, Ga.
To Tho J?eopl«.
I wish to thank the people for
the patronage accorded me in the
past and will say to one and all
thtttl willbe prepared to serve t hem
in the stock market this winter and
will do my best to give all custo
mars satisfaction .Please remom
that I guarantee all stock to be
strictly ae represented.
L. A. Sharpe.
Ogarita and Hatfield.
These popular artists gave two
performances here this week, the
first on Tuesday and the second on
Thursday night. Fair audiences
greeted them on both occasions
and all were greatly pleased.
Ogarita is a splendid actress
and not less can be said of Mr.
Hat lie Id.
The program they give is sim
ply delightful and will please any
At The Courthouse.
Last Friday evening Miss Eugenia
Livingston’s Southern Dramatic and
Cbncerr. Co. delighted a fair aimience
at tne court house. Miss Tucker
with her Miss Myra Olive Chase, who
is an aceomplihed vocalist and Miss
Daisy Love Struppa, Pianest and
The entertainment given by the
Tucker Co. is highly pleasing and
well worth the admissior t •
Meeting: Closed.
The meeting which has been in
progress at the Presbyterian church
for a week past closed
flight. The services were well
attended throughout and greatly
enjoy ec . ,. e\uru . were received
»>'» »« ,Aure ': *'!/ Mr Sl " , kM
' '
the pastor, did the preaching.
^ church was revived by the
meeting and inucj, permanent good
Tho infant daughter of Mr. and
Mr.. I.F UcotuM lr..t
day evening at 8 *■ ’clock of scarlet!) diptneria.
The little o ne was despaired of
several days before itsdeath. There
ore one or two other cases of fever
in Mr. Scott's family butthey
doing well. The sympathy of the
community . out to the
ed parents.
1 he interment occurred
day morning at 9 o’clock in Rock
dale cemetary.
Conyers Telephone Exchange.
21—ALMAND, J. M. res.
24-ALMAND, J. H. Bal k, o o.
89—BAKER, J. C. res. — o
24—EARS, W. J. res. o o o
11—Express Go., G. P. TILLEY.
22 —GUINN, DR. J. A.
89—GOODE, J. M. 13. store, o o o
09—GIBSON, DR, J. T. — o o
& DOWNS, store
28—HARDWICK, Dr. H. V. res.
30—KINGS’ Post Office, o — o
Gei your name on the
book for the city election
Ogarita is splendid.
her work.
We return thanks to Mr.. W B
Parker for a lot of mammoth sweet
G°<x> rice Pj.ami.
^ crQp th|0 yeftr |g
s j n1 p|y immense. AVijere there is a
vine there is also a great yield.
jf,>t all the cotton crop ha3 been
gathered in this county. The fieltls
are being gone over the last time
C msiderable wlieat anu Oats have
bmn mwu ft|1(J tlle good work is vet
j U6 t H Utth- mere than one month
untiS Chri stmas. The children
already planning for the holiday.
Conyers to W hitaker’s... ......10c,
,, ,, jBakor't;.......... ......foe.
„ ,, Goode’s........ 15c.
„ Veal’s........... Joe.
,, Stansell’s.... .............15c.
,, Dr. Gibson’s 15c
,, Ool. L F. Livingston's....15c
„ „ King’s.
,, ,, Snapping Shoals.,., 25c,
,, K. M. Warren’s. .. k v r>, ,t <• Ko.
,, ,, Abuon..................... ..........15c,
., Paper Mill.............. ........10c.
„ ,. Oil Mil’,,,,'........... ,5c
10 cents from any station and Olnb Lino
to next first stariou and iuterincdiuto
{Stations as above priced.
Always ha prompt ill answering your
bell and give your Phone number
During a thunder storm do not u. e
the Telephone.
Operators must bo polite; th? same
com tesy is asked for them.
It is agniust the laws of the state to
use obscene vulgar,or profane language
over the Phone and the same is forbidden
It is understood and agreed to that rbo
sender and addressee of telegrams are ve
sponsible nsmissions, for errors and in made i telephone
tr no event am I to
be held responsible for such errors.
Do not use vour Phone later than 9:30
at night, onlv in ca tf e of sickness or phy
sieiou wanted.
Central is nuder no obligation to give
rouneetiou if you should refuse to give
y< nr name if called upon.
Snbscnb rs failing to pay th^ir Phono
rental at the end of each mo 1 th shall be
discoutimied or required to jiay iu ad¬
vance there-aft r.
Don't use the Ob b Lines for passtime
or pleasure when there are others wait*
iug to attend to basin ss.
The person calling for a connection
should always ring off when (ionversa•
tion i9 couch;ded. Please remember.
All subscribers are expected to collect
for non-subscribers talk at their stations
and a ticket will bo made out at central
for same and statement presented for
Rme at end of each mouth accordingly.
ft. Whitaker, Jr:
We are informed that Mr.
\y 00< | -will move his family to Win¬
der within the next few days. We
regret to lose them.
Messrs. Walter and Otis Adair
spent Sunday here.
Mr. L J Almand left for T<*xas last
Monday morning. His family wilj
follow him in about 80 days. We se¬
riously regret to lose this splgndid
The Oil M ll is n<»w making 21 hours
1>er dav. biy Everything is working
smo( , t and the mill will probably.
make a longer run this season than
ever before,
Mr. H Y McCord has recruited hi s
pack of Beagle hounds by four.
received four new ones
w bieh now brings his pack again to
the original number, eight.
26—LEE, Dr. W. II. store, o oj
20—LEE, Dr. W. JL res o o o
80—LANG LEV, I. L. stables.
89—UVI JvG STO N, J . F.--
25— MoCORD, It. V. res.
20-Me DONALD, B. B. store.
88— PLUNKET & ALMAND, mill
12- PLUNKET, M. IT. store.'
* "
28—REAGAN, C. E. res.
20—SUMMERS, Aj f store.
81—STEWART. UfJ M. R. res m a
80—STREET, N, j. store. o v
80— STREET, N, T. res, o o ©
89—STANS ELL, J. T. res. — o o o
8S—SMITH, E. A, res. —■ O M
7- TUCKER ALMAND, store.
9—TURNER 131103. store.
19—WALLIS, J. IT, Weekly olTlee
27—WOOD, W. W. res.
8S—WILLIAMS, W. J. — o
88—WARREN, K. M. 0 o
39—WHITAKER, res.---
Traoc Manrs
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Anynnw•ending ’’ CoerRiGHTs Ac.
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quickly Uircstlon a^ertain probably oar patexl.cbfe. opinion trw whether an
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Dilation A handsomely t filastrated weekly. Lirtrest «*.p
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Tear; |i. Sold brail newsdenigr*.
kUl 8 Im-S
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