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ANN 0 UI 9 I p SSS A T 5 s 0 TH 0*1 r n tu h
■jr ou are notified that w L w a 'ol/ itlt » < your mrmrnm ms rr k-mw atronaire an; i 4 t i \ .4 '' \ t k a s\ *i x
• •
A I I 1 l nr \ir • P** a i ■w m urge st<x V * aM««M i uul making- r r>- * A » a tsmNtm v h r a I at'ire n tn V mmtm* I • = ? ie i u . ur ,< V 4 9 e
■ n
i«n» e i \ d to do our 1 > 1 \j x *» *3 bv you and hone that you may g'U C_7 r V' .< \ us you / pu i\> ur
< * a •» ' ‘v-r
Our stock wifi l>c complete in ever) department and we will beabl A v_y \ to save
you Some money. We wisli mr all a happy and prosperous year and for all
those who trade with us we promise fair md just treatment and the best
sible values tor the money. See us and learn our prices.
local news items.
Short Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath=
ered for our Readers.
Mr. Frank McCallamade a bus¬
iness trip to Atlanta this week.
Messrs. Street & Sawyer have
closed out their mercantile busi¬
ness. •
Mrs. Waldrop has moved into
the residence vacated by Mr. J L
White. • .
Mr. John Pirkle is out again af¬
ter being confined at his home for
several weeks,
Mr. Joseph White has rented
Mr. Walter Wood's residence on
Decatur street.
Miss Marion Swords, of Con
vers, was wit h friends here last
week.—Social Circle Sentry.
During the year 1901 some
mar seed improvements • will be
made ill -the streets of Conyers.
The stock business in Conyers
Ins been unusually good this sea¬
son and is still in ail active state.
Mrs. D M Almaml has gone to
- vl-'it relatives in South-West
' M Conyers is fast settling down to
fla normal business state after the
'X ■itement of the holidays.
|V l/\ Maj. It J Guinn and family, here of
inta, spent several days
■t is week with relatives.
Those who owe us for The VV eek
Jr.v are requested to settle the as we
■ I:• • d the money to keep paper
I out of the Sheriff's hands.
I O ir winter has been exceeding
P 1 y mild up to date Very little
■ i■ • * lias appeared and many of the
I si: . - have resembled balmy spring.
Mrs. Hargrove has moved to
vers. She occupies a part ion
Hi ire. W E Stovall’s residence
^Pn Decatur street. *
’ ; r Turner Swann left last W ed
■ iv for Dallas, Texas whore he
H< os to make his future home
H -> ish him abundant success.
Ail the college students who
f t Christmas in Conyers have
f :ned to their duties abroad,
ish them health and progress
! i.eir labors.
i The firm of Wood and Hollings
!■ has dissolved. Seethedis
r : ,:i notice and Mr. IJjollings
[ | Y advertisement elsewhere
' paper.
IA rty of huuters went out
I C nyers Wednesday after,
I - They succeeded in shoot
| • odd times at birds and
|p • 'me. Ask Rob Gaiiey ,a*
> a week ago the farmer?
*,d all kinds of good
aiticr for plowing,
One of his friends casually re¬
marks that another marriage is
likely to occur soon in which a
Conyers gentleman will win a
fair daughter from another town.
What about tnis rumor, Ro-.
Th'se who own good stock are
making use of the race truck daily.
When the next event is pulled off
there some good racing may I e
The Conyers Schools are enjoy¬
ing a prosperous season all along
the line. There is tl good attend¬
ance ample interest and fair prog¬
ress. It shows a healthy condi¬
Misses. Mellie Stanton and An¬
nie Mayo spent from Saturday
evening till Monday .evening with
their little friend, Miss Marion
Swords, at Conyers.—Social Civ*
ola Sentry.
Mr. II Y McCord is off with (he
Homosassa club to Florida. The
club will fish and hunt for ten
days and it goes as a matter of
course that they will have a good
t i me.
Representative Davis, of New¬
ton, spent a short while in the
city, the guests of Dr. C II Tur¬
ner, this week, Mr. Davis is a
clever gentleman and a good rep¬
resentative, lie is popular both
nt home and abroad.
Mr W R Still, accompanied by
his younger brother, Mr. James
Still attended the funeral of their
brother, Mr. R I) Still, at Hack
Bruch last Saturday.
Mr. Johnson, the white barber,
severed his connection with C-u -
yers Christmas Henry Reagan
bought his shop fixtures and is
now running three chairs He
secuerd his third man from Macon.
All business license expire in
the city of Conyers on January
15th. At that time license for
the year 1901 will be issued, It is
the desire of the city authorit’es
that license be bought promptly
ns the money is needed by the
Miss Louise Chick left Monday
fur her new home in Conyers, hav *
ing remained here and contmtied
in school since her fat he- moved
up there several weeks since, She
will be greatly missed by her
Mr. C M Taylor left last Wed¬
nesday for Stamford, Texas, ^ e
will be connected with Mr L J,
Almand in that place. Tie re¬
gretted to leave Convers but g r- es
t > Texas for the greater advantages
to be had there.
A considerable wrecK occurred
on the Georgia road below Dorsey
last week. The noon passenger
train and the 7:20 passenger,
north bound, did not pass here un¬
til 11*.30 .at night About ten
freight cars were wrecked.
Rev. B J W Graham, pastor of
the Baptist church, preached two
excellent sermons here Sunday
and at night. Rev Mr. Graham
has been called to serve the church
at Jonesboro, and we understand,
has accepted the call. In, this e
vent the Jonesboro church is to be
There is a bright prospect in
front of the people of Rockdale
for 1901. The merchants of Con¬
yers are on a firm basis, ready for
a good business. The farmers arc
in good shape, having both cotton
and money yet in hand, All this
makes brightness and we hope (lie
light may ever grow brighter.
Mr. George Malcmn, of Atlanta, is
spending a few days here,
Messrs Tucker & Almand are hav¬
ing some improvements made in
their store rooms.
We linvn’t had enough winter
weather to kill mosquitos. This can’t
be very healthful.
Mr. IT F Treadwell and family now
occupy 'lie Barton residence on
Norrh Street.
There will lie preaching at the
Christian church Sunday morningnt
11 o’clock and in the evening at (5:30
by pastor M F Hannon -
Col, J N Hale’s family will proba¬
bly leave for Florida next week. Col.
Hale lias been out of the city looking
after business affairs for several days
Mr. J C Stephenson lias traded the
Treadwell placm near the Harris
home, to his brother. Mr, Joe Steph¬
enson, who has moved to the place
and will make it his future home.
We welcom him to Conyers,
Texas, wns here, this week visiting
relatives. Mr. Johnson lived below
town in this county brfore lie went
q'exas and this is his first visit
hack here in 25 years. He sai s he
is satisfied to remain in Texas.
^r,. Fm-gnson. of Louisvi!Ie, Kv..
President of the Conyers Oil
an(1 SPV eraI other Oil Mill plants in
different sections and also of tlie
Kentucky Refining Co., Mas here last
week observing the plant at this place
We understand that he is delighted
with the I ication and it is very prob¬
able that the mill here will he errant¬
ly improved ami the capacity in¬
creased before another season.
The Mayor and council made only
^” two cbanjtes in the business
Re ord | n «nce for the year
(>rtain p P{ tdlcrs can come in tor
25 cents per day. All insurance
Companies represented here $5
Tach. Pistol a »d pistol
i merchants, $5.
Hon Tlios • E Watson own?
eleven thousand aefes of land
It i; said that lie is now four
times as wealthy as be was Rix
years ago and is eti I coining
Three one horse farms, Cotton
notes only.
For particulars see
R .J Carr. Conyers, Ga.
* *
Tim death of Mr, Reubin DStill
occurred at his home at Hack,
Brunch, Ga,, last Saturday morn
ingafteran ’llness of some months'
of fever. Mr. Still went from this
place to South-West Go >rgiu a
bout 1895. He married in that
section in 1897, Miss Nannie
Sharpe. His.wife and two chil¬
dren survive him and have many
friends who sincerely sympathize
with them in their sore bereave
The remains wore interred near
Hack Branch after funeral services
Mr. Still was hold in high es¬
teem by the people of the section
in which lie lived as well as by the
people here at bis old home.
Free Rural Delivery.
Our efficient Post-Mistress in¬
forms us 1 hat, she hopes to se¬
cure the establishment of another
free rural delivery route for Rock
dale atari early day. Tile one
already established is receiving
great encouragement from the
people and is givingsplehdid sat¬
Mrs. Melton has worked faith¬
fully in the interest of the patrons
of her office and the service is
being improved daily. We hope
she may secure Ihe second lree
delivery route at an early day.
for the people along the contem¬
plated line deserve this accommo¬
The world is patiently waiting tire
advent of the man who can explain
I dressed for company.—Omaha Wotld
Last Monday evening the city
council met and transacted the
! last business before the body for
the old year, Matters of a routine
nature only came before t hem and
soon the old body adjourned. The
ordinary was sent for and he ad¬
ministered the oath to the samej
set of officials who immediately
set to work to shape affairs for:
^ new year.
The election of officers was tnk
and developed . tnatj
enup it soon
J H Wallis had been elected Clerk ; j
jj m McDonald, Marshal; L K|
BjBh op Deputy Marshal; W Ci
Webb, StreetOvereeer.
! Salaries were fixed at the same
figures as last year except that
j)^ I>ul y Marshal who will receive
llll8 y ear> per month.
After preliminary talks by the ■
M ivor and several Councilman,;
and a talk the officials by Gie
: Mayor, the body adjourned.
As we go to press we learn
that Mrs M A Albert,ot Atlan¬
ta Mother-in-law of Sheriff Aus¬
tin, is dead. We have learned
none of (tie particulars, as only
a telephone message was receiv
ed here Mrs. Albert whs ji
noble lady and lived to a goo 1
old age, 8bo was a consistent
Christian and a worthy member
0 f Cre Methodist church
many years. Slid has many
i-be coutity who
bo grieved by ner death.
• -HSIb**- •
Miss Bertha Waldrop, of Lith
otiia, has been hero this week
with relatives.
Land around Conyers is val -
tied nr, from twenty-five to for
ty dollars per aero, ILow is
i h a i ?
Mr. Jiio. L Sc etc is now clerk
ing; for VIr, J W H .1 iugaworth,
He wiakes a -g 1 out),
UoniK'ilmau Ohas, E Rmagiui
made a business trip to Atlanta
this week.
Mayor () G Turner went to
At lam,a this week and bought
a nice 1 >i, of stock.
.Subscribe for'this paper. -
It 9o« Drops
AVeffctable Preparation andRegula for As -
similat ia6 the Food -
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promolcs ami Rcst.Conlains Digeslion,Cheerful¬
ness ncitlier
Opium,Morphine X nor Mineral.
Not A3it c otic .
/fayjv ofOMDrSAlWUHTWEft
Pum/Jcui $e£t£~
yftx. Senna *
ftathetl* Sails -
Xtuse ’Ssrd t
hi Car1j*/nakS*fa i
HbrtM-ffd -
r/ytftrd Wmtejyfvrsi Sugar FUncr.
I Aperfecl Sour Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea forConslipa
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature cf
. r-'-L
| -.5 OoSES
jj 35 - t
Prof vtuUeiKion, of Birming¬
ham, brother of Pro?. J [) M.>
London, h h n’o f );■ a f v (Lyj,
Mi 1 . IvM S E.veri:.t Ins potur*»
*d to Conyers and wi'londiot
i harness shop Iliis year Tllfl
town needs j’Ht such a busi¬
ness and Mr Evrit- is j m. the
tn oi to run it ■ He is located in
io of the new store rooms oil
oIJ Commerce street,’ buiangimr *
tt) Mr. W T Stewart.
Master Lesley Cooper is mak*
ing a winning fi >ht, to go to
Washington to witu the Mo
Ivin ley in lugurati m as the guest
of tde Atlanta Journal, 1 Io ig
now one of the 29 young stu¬
dents in the lead in I he ballot
contest and if Hie pe >p'e of Con*
ver i will iielo him a lutle he
Will win o r,. We wish him all
success in the imco.
Con vers merchants sets the
pace for all others in this sec¬
tion and it is a pace that few
cun follow.
The churches of Conyers art
provided with r dnisfers of
whom our people should be
very proud.
Come in and pay your sub
s iip'ion.
a WE3 ^x- v
I B r
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the »
» CD
r fjr Over
Tliirfy Years
cis nit
f,r iiCM tobx c.rr
rut ecNTiOR co*»« -