Newspaper Page Text
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iw*i t't» P ^KaK®foS {sssfssaaiP ea E&SBa® SK L.-A 9
And get tn y pric^; on one ot
th st S'bOCKS 4- : of new and stylish Millinery
ev V-i*‘ -•'«» gb c xjji in Conyers The stock I have pux ^ ** ■a'* chased
esia no prices . a» f which 1 ^coi-L for J w goods will sur
•P 2.30 you. My Mock * can’t be eaice'ledin Conyers. I
fe wa secured Miss Ogletree, of Alabama, to trim for
me-.t-I lr»r-‘ p.5i.i V a season, and I promise that she will give
‘ ’
♦ *
uinfe Satisfaction- Be sure to see us first. Resp,
“Fa O r o %
\ 1 oo 2 3 I |
^'33300 ,J 9
The Fnrlralis nF
II ii • PrHEidEnis
With Biographical
Sketches By
Gc n. Cl) is. II. - rrosvon )r.
Title pag<? dosignod i;y Tiffany.
v/hyn the pnhlio
ai , m «.
ti -i . ' -I,:.. : ■ :•.■<•,a«i
G: i ■ ,!<• !:i j., iVipoiiv
ti-. ;-nn !: u»nn. mnhviil n.-rh ips,-.o.-odtimt
of modes
, lo
re: . :-ir -. - osvonoi' h ; ;s to say
or ■: ■ id.: i’h o:i;w .Ii-lfrr
BC .... • . .fj-.c . . ; :"£!%£&%• • i....... r ■ j
r. , , ,K:».
eoniven o. 2 \.ili >iu . Evc;jb:> \y ri-
to . .. I what Goji.-ivil (.Jrosuijior, the
to.' ^ M ir-'hiblican
: i ( leaf:*- m
G ■ S vv Pi...iy (,{ iiiat Stannch old
1> ■ *h c, i'.oavw .’ar.JjBon, the Fat.) or
of the heal: •-.ntic Party. General Gros*
vc!'. 11 • tit.-. i: . tprowu firea:i:l.eaeigy ;!■:>>ins skeichoi of his Jack
roa i nature
The l)io ; ri’rtphy of V ujiJ'ivs Jefferson is
gi. t:d Tiio biugrspjiy of Lincoln i s ;;s
b-Miitifai as a sunns .< over the i:illtops.
Leuerui Grotiveuor i:as personally
liuowa all nts since the rinse
«- Jhanaii.he G nr-nil’s bonk
y which has
l»r published, written
i ■ . u\vii p : . .[ observation o.
th ;e rear n on • Gm -u 1 Grosver n Jaw
s i -u .a i ■ ao.-riy twenty
v ; ■ c .....1 his count)’,)' ;;i
V:V ; -.1 m c mgr.. s !:■ r nearly forty
y>- he b('‘: c.inrains twenty-four
ho B co Fliaio: raviii . UrcinngHu.s line
os, p in bj baud, on i oavy
V - i - i mde ■ ipeeialiy to orrier
T- .,o -d-i Photogiavore Dtcbiugd me in
d. . a at .tints, uud are well worth
e i • h ■ portraits avo made from the
1' cui.; . otuicn.t-l 1)V thofami v ttud
near relatives, .aa:afaibrfuuo of the Presidents. Two
>'•■>; t; have been ' X
T'.’a- ly-'i'ico. in :: cai-i-tijr these reproductions•
c. :.ip Pc bool; is wall worth JfhO,
bar - - j» ice Inis n placed so low that
theuivi.-.r- liiiiUbSc Auiertoau cinizen can
ovr it' The biographical sketches lire
jiviiiu d iu lngc open type in two colors,
the v. ' ii is so bcuntilul that when peo¬
ple c-.-e'.ii : hey warn it. 'I he advance sale
is very la;,—; Prosideut. McKiuloy was
‘the hr- r subscriber. Tnere is one edition
known as the President- Edi ice do Grand
Luxe, i i *t int icitcrs painted, Pom aits
I, cm. iv.I, i'.’.l ■ page, hand illummut
e<;. re/., u u an-.i iuu.iloared; gultscrip
tio.-i i . .--c, -v.’o ! • orders and applicattoas
i • ritm ....ic c miiug iu r.ipiuly. A
hi;-hem :ui:u,,o;’ wyipuu of g-.odVpciai
s!:-■ ill: g c.iii soon auikc. asiuali t^vyune
takin'r «uai-. <s la thjs counaeuity . Send
m'o:cares'abd appx> for terms quic k, aa
the tciA’ti'Oiy will all be nssigueu SO*) .
A.! ‘v s The Cauriiicutal Press,
C\mcornu United Building,
Opposite States Treasury,
WatUshiugtoa, L. <J,
yEi F -
lx, !
Lfer.A'' "• 1 rr.'r-r »,;ab.s 3
' Desic.?<3
jo-t --—.1 ts*>.i - sr r r.fcclsh end a-rscrlnttm aisj
tjv- . ,v (in c-r vwcnt-il'W opinfoa fr*o vuCviuir nn
- j.i-c.its&ij tiileiitial. lIan<i!’»fcO!i! C.wnmrnlrtk
t •;
, , ry for sacurinjt pal mue
f ; u tiir.'iica -A'.anti ,1 Co. receive
f. , Tii I’CUiCbarae, in Cuo
XXi-nfi? JfitlCffCiMt
-71,! > . - .’•tr.' -<! V—t'M .-. 1 *>Ti;-«t rlr.
, V f |- 1S !HU' ‘i’ert! «. $3 a
, .-.r:—- . .=. >tl. EolUfcyall nc«f.-.-tiealem.
!:'jM Er..: t y*;o^« t~o V c St,% « a \7iuMlittoa, ^!’H8V7Ycrk D. I
-n c::;co.
V ...............10 cts.
B : • -> ..........10 to 15 " |
Cache 10 tO, 20 ; :
lien*.. ........’........... 20 ’
Corn t-• 7<J cts per bu.
Gals...... -.-PVtnW “ i 4
Hay ll.lo p»»r 100
a? -B5. .2o to 50 ga!
j?iuur. , • ♦ » ...«?J.dO tuf4.0o|)er bbl j
I m i.S'tm. &in a : -m wi| rm 1 &
la •
mw - -ii
x ■;«
uyspeps cs*jc*a a EfeF* J O
£.?»i.|GSiS Vlfl&slrti yG.1 CTv»«
It Artificially digests the food and and r
>i»:ur* 'a strengthening recos*
acting the extuuu-ted latest(lifecoTcreddigcst* digestive tr*
€ • 1 } lathe
auii and approach tonic. it Ho in other nffldewy. preparation It in*
Siumtly Dvapep.^ia, relieves and piriaatajiitly cures
M Indigestion, Heartburn, Nausea,
Si ulence, cache, Sour btomach, Cranapsand
. v a
all cti: r resells of i-nwi feet digestion.
PricoSO-’ r.ncISl. J.zrs^ »«?:•'’couteine8!4tines
*nauilsl£e. riuokaUuixi'aly-:pepsia7naiiad£roe
Gailey Drug Company
~r- HodWias,
\ .
Work gu.'uantoed. Prices
reasnualjle. Teeth extracted with
Dot pain or bad affects, by i;se of
intrdiH oxide gas, ( Efnigliing-gas)
0\s i”(>i),000 adminihimtiojis witii*
out a single dangerous gym tom.
Office over j»oet office.
F. T. Hopkins,
I). D. f
m ft t* t* B33 R
r 1 ■ii Srf . I a
A Now and Comp'etc Treat men 1
consisting of SUFI 051TGRIES,
Capsules of Oinffnenfc and two
Boxes of Ointment- A nover-fail
ing cure for Piles of every nature
and degree. It makes an opera¬
tion with the knife, which is pain¬
ful, and often results in death.
Why enduro this terrible disease?
Wo pack a Written Guarantee in
each $1 Box. No Cure, No Pay.
50c. and $1 a box, 6 for $5. Pent
bv mail. Samples free.
ointment 25c. and 50c.
Prevented, by Japanese Liver Pel¬
lets, t he great LIVER and STOM¬
PURIFIER. Small, mild and
pleasant- to take: especially adap¬
ted forchildrens me. 50 doses 2cc.
Dr. W. H. Lee.
CF *1? OP AFi. X A b .
T'i'irc i r.e * ii;i liava asis
%....... S? ,
where it is hot ai! the year round
Scott 9 s EfiittSsiori
fills better than any where else
Si in the worid. So don’t stop taking
A it in summer, or you wiii lose
q* what you have gained.
Send for a froe sample.
SCOTT & BOIV.VE, Chemist.-!,
w 409-115 Pearl S'.rert. ■ . New York.
• drpggists.
| 5 CC. _au d Ji.oo; all
Sndert®kiB« ,v, ,®.
;®Kc*f. Louse lours a. <53
! i i am prepared to ffive prompt
satisiactorv attention to all
■ who need my service’s '
i 1 n f r TT ^naertaKH.g nt i prfn u: n poccis vnrr ic
' 1
j v < n piere .
l t.| ceS furnished lurnisneo wuncucez without er.
tra charge.
j I \V if JT /I i I, r 14 ,1| f A V j\ I
i I f ‘ • y * ’ il lilfl i.l. rU/* f
Office Almand Hardware Cos
WANTED— People that
want choice positions. Work
all or part ot iinie in own
eommunity. Promotion rap¬
id to hustlers.
Acme Co., 29 Hurt st.,
Atlanta, oa. > y
Family Records, a beautiful
picture, 15x22 inches, on a back¬
ground of Hold gold. Sample by
mail for 12c. Agents wanted, ad¬
dress D. lb St John Supply Co.
Litlionia, Ga, 1
A Bright, Honest Boy Wan
t eel.
The publisher? of the famous big ilios
trated weekly newspaper, Pennsylvania Vt
Grit, are now placing representative"
everv p'i t office in Georgia and they de¬
sire <0 secure the services of "eupab'ehug
fling sir. ids in each of the following
towns of Rockdale County : Conyers,
‘lid in such other towns ns are no al
ready supplied. The work is profitable :
and pleasant. A portion of Saturday
only is required. Over 5,000 agents are
doing sphlnriidly. No nio-ev whatever
is required. Everything is furniaued free
Stationery, rubber stump, iuk ;uid pad,
adv< rtising matter, sample copies, e e,
Papers fu-e shipped to i.e paid for at the :
cud of eat h mouth. Those not sold ai
not charged for. Write to Grit Pi Wish
ing the Co.. Williamsport Pa., aVul menfidn
City Church Directory.
The Baptists hold services on the
1st and 3rd Sunday by tli* pastor
Eo > . Mr. Graham. Sunday School
at & :30 a- 111. Prayer meeting on 1
U ednesuay night in each week.
The Methodists have services
’eve y Sunday in each month by
tho pastor. Rev, Mr. Troutman,
Sunday School ev ry Sunday morn j
ing at 9 ;80 o’clock. Prayer meet
ng every Tuesday night, and the
Epworih League meets every Sun
day afternoon.
Tb.e Presi yterians hold services
■»n the 2nd and 4th Sunday m each
month. Sunday school at 9;80
a. m. Prayermeeting every Thurs¬
day night.
Bible CbristiaN 8.
The Bible Christians have the
2nd Sunday in each month to hold :
services. Rev. Mr. Ilarmon is the
pastor. Sunday school at 10 o’
clock a. m. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday night in each week.
Ladies can be pleased in Dress Goods, Laces
't Bmbroineries, if bought at
Biblx ns , and t\
‘ C Hudson's. |
1 1. .u ,
"““i‘ -‘ ‘ ' ’ *' I” I, ,
,:. .1; '2 ‘ :14. 7;: $51.31.; 2 ; 717:7, : 21.1., Lacs”; :.r'-:L::L,:..?_:_‘,1.,,~zz.-_ :L‘L:;A'J,3~L“LI‘.\7_' $5112.:2:.‘.-7.:A:.=..c‘:;i~;rr.x:,:-;_-;_:z_:_v1 1:41... . ,"". :2; -,:_':'s.*, a :4 m .r1_,..T.’.Z.; .1 .. , ,1 3" I 1.7:. r‘ ‘.1 X. z 73“.” .";«‘.‘f' 1‘" i":“. ‘ 1'1’V-‘i1‘.1:" v’ ‘ ‘- , “ “ ‘ ~ ' ‘ ", ,"‘.".:"‘:1‘“ $3.2 ’ ~”; IIIIE'S‘IIIIII g "-1, H "2' '1 " ’z " I: “ ‘ 1 ’1‘“ fl ’: :5 7:1,!" > > ‘ ‘. ’ V '1. ‘ I f m V 1:“! ‘ ‘ H a I
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- man. 122
Hudson Leads in: Dry Goods. Shoes Hats 1
Notions i
and Clothing.