Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 06, 1901, Image 2

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    n.-tV m N!| Mi ossinmn biv -J.3 mn 1
m mmm
4* nw$& se I J-tK, .,„‘V
/^*N w (t M • CL » 7 c #S*> ¥ j& /-K Sun*’ «- (M»i« o m w j**xi I**C !&•**•*> V V* ^AUIKUN ponoA >--v k-VRlrf * fOfcv< /»»K Watciwi c- J***. ,v .Hv. f J iu«.«*- «<*
£ r pv
be sold to make room and to elose out for tall stock.
o - r pm4 4 w o * o '*0*' »— vjfvj A»v KBUCKd C M luw IS** ftOt* *MTi» fauiio 10* 4 k V* rttw *mmj & •v. NtStW*' M-iv W»'V.Y 4T- P>Y»K V'.^ >*■* !fr\ K. pav*' 1 K' X iump BUIk'j UtfrtvJ (Batik# ^EETtSA- XJ> ft>*K**‘
imws^ t '"*9 fymmm fetmxuaji ft
W N# * o eye 0> w jpvttl pm*. u® prmzsw/l r««i *t» pnrx< O fU
season. c+ p - r* f*- era Ica^ ‘w- r- *•»»* 0* « ss a
a golden opportunity that you should not let pass. o IM^k. o ;h'*va» O fhm* ‘otnvp mmm & nW i O
by trading at
Smx|n)ei's Big ( 5 ash Bouse-
T-h.e leavers ilieekly,
J. H. WAUI5, Eiitos.
Gnt«ted at the pnstolfice at (Buyers
second-class mull mutter.
Saturday. July 0 , 1001 .
Locals 5 I; nts ptr line for tlr-t, inner
l.lo’ 2' tt cent!* for each' ’Hiscqtient
Herttcn . Regular adv. 5()0. per Inch
first insertion ; 85c lor each
One year, In advance.......
Six months, In advance..
I linvo a ire milch cow with
young cn If Unit I wish HI
This is veuv chace.
A IS Fhmket.
Plmsiint Occtisiuli
'J'lie festival given by the
of Pythias at their castle hall last
Thursday evening, when about '»<
guests wore entertained, was one o
tbo most pleasant social events re¬
corded in Cony era iu many days. The
gathering of ladies and gonrleiuen
w ns representative of our little city,
and illustrated tbo magnificent see .
al spirit, of our most worthy people.
Tbo address of welcome was made In
Ids pleasing and eloquent stylo by
Knight 11 B Etheridge, and lie wns n
f.vvorite with the bulbs evor after
ward. Other speeches were made by
Knights J It Irwin. K H Alnmml, J
C StopheusoH, J D McCBiulon, .1 it
Turner, G 1’ Tilley an.d others tiiut
was no small feature contributing to
the evening's pleasure.
At 9:150 the quests were invited to
the ante room where refreshments
\ver6 served by the Knights, ypaee
forbids us giving » distended account
of the evenings pleasure, and finding
H grain of SALT on the point of t *u r
pe,*. >ve are forced to halt with the
bops that all enjoyed the evening.
White Man turned Yellow.
GreiU conatinatloli was felt by the
friends of M A Hogarity of Lexing¬
ton, Kv., wheti they saw lie was
ing yellow. His skin slowly changed
color, also bis eyes, and ho suffered
erribly. His malady was Yvlh.w
Jaundice. He was treated hy t’
l„. i doctors, bu. without hemfk.
6 advised Electric
Then lie was to try
Bitters, the wonder*ul Stomach am.
j ;, t , r remedy, and lie writes: wholly ‘ After
taking two bottles I was cm -
„Vy troubles. Dat»y.dst« Only 50c. Sold hy
lev the
Mr. and Mi's. ' . C. A Imam ,
of Crawford’.; !!o, are here
buna i of the bttter s
, | n»lotrM
A a r> Poor rtillionaire
3ie t oe,Id cm digest his food. Early
as* of In King‘a N*w Life Pills
vonldtM\eeftved bint. They streng It
-cu the st«*Tmii-b. abi digestion, pro*
tnoi-. Yr!-.. sssiuui -,r*. , improve appetite.
85c. U, . ..ark U not saiisG
^oi v l by the dr» f»t*
Heartburn •
When the qnanity <>( Lvt i
taken is too large of 'he quality
too rich heartburn is hkelv
follow, and especially so if t ! »
digestion has been weakened
by constipation. Kat slowly and
not too freely of easily digested
food. Masticate the food
ouv'ily, led six hours elapse be
tween meals and when you feel
i fullness and weight, in the re
gion of the utom toll after
ing, indie iting that you have
eaten too much, take one of
Chamberlain Stomach and
la ver Tablets and the heartburn
may be avoided For sale by
Galley l)r ig Co.
It LL i ,/''.lesthc* World.
NiMlidee’. my in medicine hn* rvc
cr* >o (I one quarter(lie excitement
that iius liven canned by Dr. King's
Ni a - I liscov *■•(';■ ft r ( 'oiimi nipt ion. I o
severest (ruts have been <m Impeleps
vie rims of C'onsiimpt ions, Pncumom'i
Hemonliage. Pb-unay and Bronchi
iis* tlioiHauds of whom it Inis restor¬
ed lu p-i'Iccf Innl.'li. For (‘otulis
Colds. Asthma. Croup, May l ever
Hoarseness md VVlmnpliur (’miali i'
is tbs quickest, Httrcs euro in the
world, Jt is sold by Gailey Dnie (’u
who guai rant»“*> *nt istnetion or refund
money. Large hot ties 5oc and M-00.
Tria^hottl e« free,
An exchange says, ‘‘If you ask
a mail f or an a ^,j or a ] OCa j i, e
will tell you bo don’t believe in
advertising, the paper is never
read. But lot him be caught
hugging the hired girl, or with
a jug of “tatinrin” water, if the
printing office is in a garret of
a 20*story building he will climb
to the top and ask the editor not
to publish it in the paper where
everybody cau see it..”
X^iro Insurance,
We represent some of I he
bent and most reliable Fire !n
$>Uranee COUtpattivs and would
pj en! ; C< | l 1; > ve volt Consult
V\ e will make it lo your interest
to UO S*‘.
W. V. A1 maud & Go.
J 1 Ci an 1 Wear ' ear A A M Tqs k *
But iter hcmitT was completely hid
hy ftor**, l#h»tcfie» anti pfmpltra
till ah* used liinklen'* Arnica Salve.
n they vanfslied as willall Erup*
„„ H , Wr s ,, r „. . .........
tor Cuts. Corns, Burns,
and I*lle*. Car. guaranteed.
at Gailey Drug Co.
Me til inaxe a change in
iu a fe v weeks.
The best remedy for stom
ach and bowel
“I have been in the drug
iness for twenty years and have
sold must. ail of the proprietary
im eigines of any note,
the entire list I have never
found an) thing to equal Cham
bin lain’s Colic, Cholera and Di
unhoea lienidy fora!! stomach
and bowel troubles,” says 0 \,V
Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga.
“'This remedy cured two severe
capes of cholera morbus in mv
family and J have
e<l and sold hundreds of bottles
of it to mv customers to »11*-*it
entire ant ip faction, It ah mis
a quick and ruro cure in » pleas
ant form.” For sale by Guiley
Drug Co.
Dissolution Notice,
The firm of Tucker & Swann is mu¬
tually (iisohnd this day, Mr. Swann
selling out liis interest to Mr. Tucker.
wlm rakes eliarae of *vervtliing am!
rtssumes all debts and liabilities in
his own name. Them are some ae
counts owing and due the firm that
n re uot disposed off in t..< .
In retiring we wish to say tlmt our
relations as partners and otherwise
here have been throiighoutout pleas¬
ant and agreeable.
Conyf rs, Ga. I P (> Tucker.
Jtme 10, irOl. \ T G Swann,
During last May an infant
child of our neighbor was suf
feting from cholera infantum.
l'he doclois had given up
hopes of recovery. I took a hot
tie of Chamberlain’s Colic, t’hol
ora and , Diarrhoea Remedy lo
rife house, telling them 1
sure it would do good if
according to directions. In two
days time the child had fully re
covered i'he child is now vig
orous and healtliv, I have re¬
commended this remedy fre—
qm-mlly ami have nevey known
it to fail —Mrs, Curtis Baker,
Bookwalter, Ohio. Sold by
Gailey Drug Co.
Letters Dismission.
GEORG I V. Rockdale County:—
To whom it may concern:
J. If. and II. I. Huff, administra¬
tors of J . M. Huff, late «*f said conn
t.v deceased, nave made their final
return and filed their application for
a discharge from their said trust, and
1 wi" pass Ui">" the same on the 1st
Monday iu August. 1901. Witness
my hand and oilmial signature, tins
M ay 8, 1001.
A. M . Helms, Ord.
When you want a modern up
to dale physic tty Chamber¬
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tab¬
lets. They are easy t.o take and
pleasant in effect. Fries, 25c *
Ha tuples free as Gailey’s drug
C'elebrnOon ut Osilc Ililt.
The annual gathering if
people on this spot- was
than usual on account of the
conditions. There were, however.
fuily 1500 people of nil ages at
this nucea of the5th Congression
al district. It is no
and fitting thing Unit this
remembered by our seel ion
ling* as the comm i. me id a.i.mgt.
ment wisely provides, the religious
, ' ,l “ 1 ,<f i' at 11 l ' 1(, ! ( ’" ’ l'e
mmnbering . that the , ather .
J ut
lights gave his help in tlm achieve¬
ment of our liberties. The social
feature is by no means a small
pmt, of this yearly convocntioi j
\.he meeting of old friends, ihe
hoary head, the middh-aged,
young manhood and blooming
maidenhood, innocent childhood,
the extremes of life coming to¬
gether all form a picture that in¬
terests the student of men. The
tiifi'erent typps of human nature
are to be nut here; the sturdy
former, the mechanic, the pru
fcsdonul jiolitician, tr.e lawyer,
the doctor, the pedagogue and last.
but by no me in? least, the p; ember
Al! t hose are to be seen and some
times heard, if opportunity is af
forded. These conclaves are made
htdpful because of the v. i ie range
of subjects discussed. It is an
educatHJiml institution andslmuld
be continued always.
The speakers included some of
Georgia’s celebrities, Hon. Joe
Terrell, Attorney General, spoke
to (he day and the pmt our State
had played in the drama of our
national life. Hon. L. F. Liv
ingston was the able advocate of
expansion but not imperialism.
In a brief but masterly way lie
. )f , ounleflthe country’s grouth.
Ht _. isj rightfully the idol of his
people. TI'«n. K. r l'. Williams, of
Atlanta, gave us a sample of his
oratory,making his hearers sorry
when he sat down. The eln.rming
Dr.Quigg, in his own graphic and
felicitous way, furnished the au¬
dience a profound pleasure in a
speech immediately following Mr.
Nor was the physical man neg¬
lected. The generous hospitality
t f the people spread a feast of
such tempting viands that the
law of moderation was difficult to
Summing it all up, it was a suc¬
cess and we dwontly hope the-e
4th of July gatherings at Oak
Hill will never be discontinued.
Pianos ami Organs.
I am prepared to sell the h* st
Pianos and Organs made for less
money than you can buy such goods
from any other agent in the world.
J guarantee this and if you want one
see me heroic you buy.
F. SI. Ayers.
The glut ions 4 h was more
than quiet in lb*nyers. It was
leu Warm to In?
^ T i tii
l ou mn It U an y iu? '0
©' 9
^ i -a 8
t) ibl \V"o f i * b A 1 f"| 4- tile wav
Y tl Cl.- A £ * J • a
# tackle l
T| q ft | || © sy HOOKS,
lines, set liooks i ! trout lines,
etc, for less : money at
4 *'
OaiievOiw cy o> Company’* ix t
1 ] I U f I Iff! f f f] A • fff i mm
n ^ 3 9 IT r WJU r 1
IIfp liWiU f-pipAl ! W if \ iU H. L MI 'il
■ and
AH drinks usually kept at a
n II Gail ITT f' 9
a. a on e v Jk j*
■tauS f—T' re V*'^ ci* =v^y'*V pfs"?* VV
pwa *»na
Sheriff* Sal©.
GEORGIA, Rockdale county.
Will he sold on the first Tuesd y
in August next, at public outcry at
the courthouse in said county, with
in the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described property to-wit: All
that tract or pan el of laud known as
the James Tlmmason place, in Siief
field district, containing one i nr,
dred and eighteen acres, more or less
and bounded as follows: O' the
North by lauds of John 2d Day, on
the East by Dave Myers and Janus
W. Cowan, South by I*. Beau Can¬
non and West by Big Haynes oret k
Said property levied on as the prop¬
el fry of Janies Thomason to satisfy
thru- executions issued trom the
Justi-m?eourt of the 475th
H. '1.. of said county in favor of the
J. It. dhnaiul Co. against James
1’imtnas >n. .Said property being in
possession of James Thomason.
This J lily 5. 1801.
\Y. H. M. Austin, Sheriff
---- 9 — *
IVot ie©.
Alt persons wishing to pond pack¬ mail
bundle* etc., by rural
will be charged according to
and weight as is required by law
All passengers charged 3c per mile.
Jss. H. Maddox. Route No. 1.
J. E. Almamh,Route No. 2.
AX. R. {.Kristian. Route No, 3-
Good Cough medicine*
,, Many thousands , , . ....
restored to health amt .•••
ness by fhe use of Chamueiiauis
Cough remedy If afflicted with
any ihroator lung trouble, give
. lj , , k t0 pr0 W
' \
beneficial. CougllS that have
p. si = ted all Ollier treatment ■<#
years, have y elced to this re¬
medy and perfect health bseu
restore ] (Leo i < 1 at settn?d
hopeless, that the ciimab* cf ‘> a ‘
moils health resort; failed tobe
neiit, have bee i permaatly cud
ei by its use. Ihr sale i y Gal*
ley Drug Co,
I‘-? Months Sr.pport.
GEORGIA, Rockdah* County.
To whom it may cor
Nancy P. Hollingsworth,
Kohl. Hollingsworth, late •
county deceased, havinsMipi died for
twelve months support out of said
deceased’s estate,
ers having fiieil their rotur:
to give notice that I will iSs August
on the 1st Monday h , •Mid
next. Given under mv|
signature, tills Jrdl
A. M, Hehust^F