Newspaper Page Text
& f- 'it i ei esasssasaa ga r
& Y-; m et ft'fj m B
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Bi Lt •at in e.? ki
We take stock August 1 st., !«# «»■ ftmw Hirbuver leaves for New \ or c A *art } ir fffmm . am 5
t v 5354 II.
t ■ . Ki t
We are overstocked wi wa wttfff a 9-'* S' "X mmtnf 1 nt ti w?n 1 I Near ■MCF 1 -****» /tty ie : prices that ; .v a aui 3L«»re'Sl iU*I« twm rr. jfear V Va them.
e MUST SELu. .o“ { \ *■..•■■ lraitf- fhmA CO 01 0 V 1 i v.i \ I L T ! WI ft*# "9 , tssamm , BUY. The V ’TOT’S ' i -C L.S
o ^D>“ kjstuMaaan^' cc lamia i aa jL- CD O O 00
local news items.
Short Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath
ered for our Readers.
Miss Ray, of Henry county
visiting Mr. H. E Ray’s
Mvs ,T. M. Almand has
I with relatives at Iugloaide for
past week.
Miss Stephenson, of
I is the guest of her, sister,
■ John Hollingsworth.
Miss Annie Ethridge is on
protracted visit to relatives
Mias Bailey has returned to li
\ ]im « in Virginia after
taught very successfully a
[music class here during the
Ivoii \i r.
j fho many friend? of Dr. W. It.
Lp will he glad to know that
[isimproving and wid, we
soon be able to come out.
U ,v, J. W. Stokes spent
ti .V and Tuesday at Lil hia
atm! reports himself improved
I!t<> brief rest.
Services will he held in the Pi'e?
p'terinti church next
piiLy and Saturday
U Urn quarterly celebration of
p.o Imt 'd’s supper on she second
I The- County ConinTssionprs.
|l"iitrs county, accompanied by
llopn-ontative ImiMty, Griffin, of
visited Conyers
■'Miepect lui' our jail
Yocnring plans for a new jail
I" (li- ir county.
I Tin' Sabbath schools are
|og lin'i preparations for r,he
1 i bo held at Smyrna
fci'innis! July 18. The
P : > schools, infant classes, expert
I"'Vi;test for the banner that
| (l be awarded this year to the best
P 0|l g by the smaller children.
Urn now running a dray and
P’d appreciate the patronage
r lf “ public. Am also prepared
P° plowing on short notice.
See me
Ihu many friends will regret
f"""' H 'ui"Usly 'fat Mrs ill Freeman in
s at her home
bis city.
Li*’ death of the little son
Ir. il ’t I Mrs. Will Miller, oocur
^ ' uestiay after an illness of
rVera I ti 1 iys. The remains of th *
lit! It- ‘ »*.<»■* were interred at the
Fhiu- 1 trying ground Wednesday
The sorrowing parents
sympathy of numerous
: their sad bereavement.
llh|>. ditinieTurner, of Decatur,
Inti -pend Homo time with
' :!i, d friends. Her visit
r ‘’‘■“'•r a source ot pleasure to
y e * ^ Miderson and Stephfn
?J,n 'ngtou, were guests of
p X!,.. hikker this week.
Langford, of T.o
a few day3 with
v vs week.
13eatli of Mr. Oglotrco.
Mr. A. J. Oaletree, formerly
valued citizen of this county,
at his home in Nevton
Thursday at 2 o’clock, of
of the stomache. He had
afflicted for a long time and f
the past fmv weeks his
was so mucli more serums
those near and dear watched
great anxiety his rapid I <hs
strength He bore his
patiently and died trusting in
mercy of the Savior. He was
faithful member of the
church and lived a Christian I fe
He leaves a. wife rnd
children who are sorely grieved
The remains will be
here today in Eastview
ef l or services nt the grave.
To those who are grieved we
tend sincere sympatliy.
ReHoliition of Thank?.
Whereas our County School
Snperint mdent, Prof. A D
ni'ck, lias t one so much for us
teachers during otir institute
during the year. i-\ aiding us
many wavs in his valuable
during the institue, his advice,
explanations, his kindness and
interest for us in many ways,
Therefore, be it
Resolved. That, we, the colored
teachers of Rockdale county,
press to him our sincere thanks
his excellent work In our
and that we wish for him
greater success in his great work,
and that we, in leaving the
tute, feed that we are better
ed to teach, and w« promise
our co-operation and best
Signed by the
Ter. P M Turner *
Buy your meats at B B
ald’s. lie will keep it on ice
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jenkins
Misses Hattie Roberts and
Smith, rf Atlanta, spent
herewith Mr. ML B. Smith’s
Good tobacco for 88c per
at B B McDonald’s.
Mr. W. V. Almand rpent
week in Atlanta taking lectures
embalming. He is a splendid
dertaker and is seeking to
himself in embalming.
10 pounds good green eoliee
•11.00 at B \\ McDonald's.
Mr-II. F. Treadwell laid
first cotton bloom on our
.t was presented to us wo
heard of whole fjelds of blooms
this is the only one we have sven.
Mrs. IT. L. Smith and children.
of Dalton are with Col W .
Peek's family near town. Mr
Smith is on a busintss trip to New
York. .
Read the adxerti8ewe utg *
Ivaiw, V'iiul and Hail
Last Monday afternoon our
was visited liv a heavy wind,
and huil storin't hat did
| Lie damage although it lasted hut
i a short- f ini t. jmmediately
|the d( iw n Hour had censed an
I of tiro rang tisr< t:gh the city. 1
i sireetts were scon filled with
ing people. AU rushed up
road street in response to the c.
stant blowing of the grist
whistle. It was m<on
! that the barn at hr. E l S
| home had been fired by
I and was burning furiously.
j j er building in close by danger. the
one was great
j hand nt ;•> work to save it
j suce 1 v d on tv after the
j work, i lie loss to Mr. Everitt
j approximate $100.00.
also hit a negro house up 1 lie
r.uul near tin? Oil Mill. A
woman and a small child
j considerably shocked. The
j was right badly burned on one
j ,f the In-ad and body. It will
cover, it is thougnt.
The hail did considerable
age to cotton ami corn in
ne. ghborhood of Mr. J 110 . E
nkers plantation, extending in
that direction some distance t<
\\ hm! El ere: nr.
Between hail at id frequent
the farmers are having
with their crops. Many farms
too much grass for corn ana
1 1 do well and th«
ha'e been so frequent that work
has been stopped. A little
shine will do much toward
ning prospects and
the fanners.
Evangelist 11 C Combs, of
cm has been conducting a
of sermons at the Christian chirndi
tlii 1 ! week preaching only at. night.
His subjects for the entire
were furnish-d the people in
vance w iiich. to our thinking, is
splendid idea. His discourseshuv*
been (interesting and highly
structive and the series of
will prove of lasting good to
church *i’ d people
What would have jiroved a
rious hm, but for the prompt
tion of Hi so present, occurred
the coot: 00 m of Mrs.
home, up stairs in the
of Mr. \V. K. Downs last
dav evening a'out 7 o’clock.
leaking oil stove became a
blaze ,1 Iiich t hreaiencd to
the on: ire building• An
crowd soon g-ifueivd and
guished t!ie blaze
Va.i high for a time for it was
ly realized byjall that shoulu
Down’s home burn several
would also have to go.
Mrs. J . Rio hard Hill, of
vi I le, m. . who has been
^ne-tt of her sisters, the
Holder since the death of Mis
L M Holder, left. Friday
A-iieviile. X. C., where she will
n!ul ]ittle 8 , n who will
p n( ^ ffnv weeks with her m the
o;. uu i r q' the sky.”
Eider A. B. Phillips, pastor of
First- Christian church, of
AmMistn, will preach morning and
evening nt Hie Christian church
here m xt week. Every body cor
invited 10 attend tb9 * erri
IVnift-lir« of Cvtluns ! lave
;» Good Record.
\\ hile it is not the policy of the
order to parade its Hioefss be¬
fore the pith lie, the following facts
may prove interesting to the local
members as well a: those not con¬
nected wit h the order.
The Lodge was established here
a little over four years ago with a
membership of twenty-two. This
hand of t.wenty-tw'' faithful
Knights placed their shoulder to
the wh <d and with a steady push
started it to rolling. It has never
stopped, Imt Kept steadily moving
Until now the membership 1111111 -
ben; fifty-eight. An examination
of the roster will show that the
uodge is composed of the very best
citizens of the town! Doctors,
Lawyers, Teachers, Merchants
ifi.d Farmers. All religious de
nominai ions an ippresented in
the ianKs and all make t’ ue, lo,ul
and enthusiastic Knights.
The general attendance is good.
The lodge me ts each Mo May
night and unless Providentially
hindered a good per cent of the
membership is always on hand.
Interest in the meetings has nev
«r been allowed to lag and the
lodge today is, perhaps, more en*
thusinst ie than ever before.
During the imil’years since its
organization it has paid out for
funerals, sickness and oilier char¬
ity, over two hundred dollars, it
has a near lial! for meetings,
furnished, floor carpeted, and is
well heated in mid weather. It
pays all bills promptly, has 1 . 0
debts and a neat sum in the trea.-
ury. 'J li* Milue of its property
is about ,$250 00 which is always
kept insured.
The lodge has lost one brother
by "The death since its organization,
b- >ds of friendship ^
strong iii ^ Emerald No. 08 ami 1 he
mantle of charity d broad
ever ready to be thrown about,
L) feel and appreciate this
friendship and sincere brotherly
consideration one must safely pass
the p rtals of this sacred
hall and learn the worthy lessons
ta light.
There are those m the 1 ‘kT
whose love of the order is great
indeed. All love it but some he k
upon it with absolute devotion,
and to these devoted ones is large
]y due tlie great success of tiie
lodge here. They seldom, if
miss a meeting and never shun
work, lie it of whatever kind, that
is for the good of the order. T >
these faithful ones the members
look for guidance and advice and
it- is ever gladly given.
The lodge is now prospering and
wish is that it may ever grow
j n th<? good work it is doing.
iC ol Leave to
GEORGIA, itockdale County.
To whom it may concern.
j. \y. Hollingsworth, administra
to- of t!»e estate ot Iiobt. Hollings
worth, deceased, has in due form,
applied tome for an order to sell the
real estate belonging to s.iH
ed and l will pass upon the same on
the first Momiay in August, 1U01.
y<v e n under my hand and ofticial
signature, this July 3rd, J90I.
A. Al. Helms, Ord. ;
A Jifee Hudson is here to
' ‘
ufJ a CO uple of weeks. i
John H. Almand» Pres., U. Bi Hudson,
W. J. Bakes, Cashier, • »
Successor to JOHN II. ALMAND, IL.nker.
•xMWVW*/ •*. 4 *^VWV\
01*0 jV.> t B>5S08> .1 3j Xll IB 01
With Din following Board of Directors:
John 11..Almand’ C. B. ILuLon, 11 Y McCoM, J,(J.
Stephenflnn, J, J. LfMigfbrd, K. W. Tucker, W, ,1. Eakee.
Will do a general banking business. Exchange bought an l
sold. Loans made on approved paper on application. Rooty
money. No delay.
Accounts of firms and individuals solicited.
HOURS 0 a. nt. to 3 p ra,
Roller Flouring
0 !
■X\ / ymmi o 03
Pltjnket y. Almand
Pronrietoi . T,
The new crop of wheat is on,
TtfQ WlsljtO aSSUTG tllG pilbUC
YQ&Ciy tO liiakO tllO D6St
turnout , .
from good wheat. Oar
always satisfactory and tlio
j th© fiOUF 1113,d0 G'dT
pleaSGS all WllG haVO tried it,
FGady IOF A O'* ct 3
do the very best wa can by f. all
J’QXIS Bring on TT GUI wlisat
give us a trial.
Mr and Mrs. J. M.
flr(J vi?iting relll f, v „ a in
Thov will be-away about ten da
„ 1 Imrpclay , «aa adiill .lay in
yers. Everybody seemed to
he elsewhere than in town.,
went to Oak IIill.
We rfgf'i to announce the
one ilbio«s of Mr. D. F. Ciottelter.
He has been heebie for several
weeks and on account of a partial
| aralvsis lm has been forced
t u ko h is imd for tin past
0 PJ «, n est.l v hope that he may
* recover
The English sparrows a re mdus
trious nest builders. The other,- ay
jn j i„ a new roof pus on a '•
1ftV g that/ wms discovered
sparrow* had carried about
large armfuls ol ■- :i ;:
bish into 1 he garret <li roll Ji the
lattice ventilator. A small spark
........ li»vo q-tickK k...dl«l
-ml «•.«
at once rem ..ved. Examine your
houses and see 1 f the English ?P !ir ‘
he ven t d 1 '.' !H !lS much
rows Aonri uL
your bui'diu 1 -? . vhuiftta
There «re ih‘»u.sai ,ilsol these
Conyers and they
they do
e i S(n v, ( ,' . > a tiuidy
- _, j ( ,f ipmoving their
( i v redden
»»**" fr ,m iK , n ;. (l8j in
where thev ha -
( , j
trailCft all( j taken »p t'^ 1
f ^ ^ c season
Mr. J. P. Tiimy v.‘ j cOFi. ,J untie
viwtirg at Crawfordvibo,