The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BOTH fJAVE BEEN INDICTED. TBIB *£,!,* %G A Ilf ST COFFMAN AM) LANDAI ER. Formfr P/eildfnt nml General Man* * a*' r o f Vonflicrn Afrrlonlta re Warka 1 Ranted in Atlanta—(hnrg f A WIH Cheatlnff and Snindllne and t —Roth \re Ana y From tl\e City—Fight Over Trnnl teeshlp of Defnnrt Concern. Atltima, J*me 7.—A. p fs darn of the SoiitWrn Agricultural Works, end E. G. Coffman, general manage.', were indicted by the Fulton county gran3 jury teday. Both men vt out of the city. Landauer Ui reported to be in Milwaukee. He le't Atlanta Apl fl If), the day the Southern Agricultural Works failed. Coffmon was last seen in Atlanta Tues day. May 28. He is charged whh embez zling $2,500 of the company s money. Londoner Al charged In the lr. diet men l with being a common cheat ard swinllrr. A warm f) fht has sprung up over the •election of * trustee. The election has been set by Referee Percy H. Adams for S o’clock ne) t Thursday afternoon. Tm bankrupt concern and creditors, friendly to it. are iruvking a determined effort to elect Samuel Thanhouser trustee. Tne other creditors are warmly advocating George W. Parrott, who te now in charge of affairs as receiver. Mr. Thanhouser was urged for receiver at the time of Mr. Porotta appointment; objections were nAade to Mr. Thanhouser. on the ground that he was related to A. Landauer. pres ident of the defunct concern. Mr. Than houser’S son married a niece of Mr. Luanda tier CONFESSED HAM THEFTS. Yoathfnl Rnrglnr Wae Given Five Ver In Penitentiary . Tift6n. Ga , June 7.—An instance of early depravity developed at the present •esSlOn of Berrien Superior Court. On Monday night of last week, the general merchandise store of Fisher Paulk at Alapaha. was burglarized, the thief mak ing an entrance by breoking in the rear window Search was instituted and sus picion pointed to a young white man. by th£ name of Jesse Smith. And Sunday he was arrested at Drew A McNeil’s tur pentine camp, in Irwin county by Messrs Ben Drew And George Fletcher As soon os he was arrested Smith con fessed the crime, and told where six of the nine pistols he hAd stolen were buried In a stump hole. He had sold two more revolvers, the money for which ho re turned and had the ninth pistol in his pocket. Besides confessing this buglarv. he also told about breaking into the store of Mr. Bessoms at Alapaha a few days pre vl6uw and stealing s7.<V> in cash and a lot of canned goods. The canned goods were found in the furnace a* the Alapaha gin nery. Another confession was lhat he broke into the drug store of Dr. Moore at Alapaha and stole a lot of patent medi cines. all of which he claims to have taken Smith s proper name is Emery Pendle ton, and it is said hi* brother shot an Atlanta policeman two years ngo. He pleded guilty to burglary, and was given five years in the state penitentiary. BAILIFF BULKY INDICTED. With Wilfully Prrnillltns it Convict to Etpape. Atlanta. June 7.-B;tlll(T J. B Bailey, **ho was in charge of Bill Hcwa 6 when Howard escaped Saturday afternoon vtjas to-day indicted by the grand jury “'or vol untarily permitting an escape. Bailey iv Placed in charge of the prisoner at the Criminal Court room. Howard had just beet) sentenced to a term of five years for perjury. On the way to the jail from the oourt house Howard succeeded In gal ling his freedom. Bailey being very stout could not run as fast as his prisoner. He h and no pistol. The warrant to' Batley has not yet been served. Sheriff Nelms said this afternoon that When he heard from BaUry the bailiff was in Macon on the trail of the fug live. The punishment for voluntary escape is frond two to seven years. HE IS. COMING TO SAVANNAH. Commissioner Stevens to Inspect the Trnek Burma. Atlanta, June 7.—Commissioner of Agriculture Stevens has called mass meeting of the people of the counties of Fannin. Gillme., Union Murray and Rabun, to meet at B'uerilge on June IS. when the vexing cattle quar antine question will be again discussed. Commissioner Stevens says he w.ll l av. immediately after that meeting for Sa vannah. where he wdll spend several days inspecting the truck gardens aid vege table farms around Savannah. BREWERS OOYirLAIN OF T\\. gold That the Trade Is StiiKgrrlnn Tndrr the Burden Atlantic City. N. J.. June 7.—The forilMh annual convention of the United States Brewers' Association met a; the llotd Rudolph yesterday. President Kudo ph Brand of Chicago called the session to order. He said the tax burden imposed by Congress was so great that the trade was ataggering to destitution and some meant must be found to remote It of the Impo sition or otherwise, he implied, a catas trophe was Imminent. The total number of barrels cf hrer brewed last year was 38..V51.114. showing a decrease of 912,182 since the year be ore. St MTER COt IS TVS PRIMARY. Judge Speer, the Ordinary. Defeated hy T. M. Allen. Amerleue. Ga., June 7.—The primary election to-day for county officers of Sum ter. was the most spirited for many years, tftere being thirty candidates for the eeveral offices and committeemen. All the Incumbents except Ordinary Speer and Coroner Duckworth were renominated, though some others had exceedingly hard work to hold their positions. Judge Speer, who was for sixteen years Judge of the Court of Ordinary, was defeated by T. M. Allen. E. 1,. Bell, deputy sheriff, wgs elected sheriff by a lorg vote. Intense local interest was mani fested. EDI H PRISONERS ESt APED. Bars of a Steel Cell Were Sawed at Madison. Fin. Madison. Fia.. June 7.—A Jail delivery took place here last night, and of seven prisoners four escaped. Two, A. J. Reg ister and Pink Tindall, were charged with murder. The bars of the steel cage were found nawed asunder and a large hole was m !e in the brick wall. Tha discovery of the escape was not made until this morning •Indite Overstreet's Funeral. I TJfton, Ga.. June 7.—The Masontc fun ■ r*i of th late Judge J. W Overstreet ’Was one of the largest ever held | n this sseetoc. it was st old Ty Ty Church, sev en miles, out frtm T.fton, ard nearly 1 sou people were In attendance Special tialns were tun from TILon and Moultrie In the Tifton and Moultrie Railway. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fev.r, Is a bottl* of Grove's liltaSK. Ton * c ’ U • •'"'Pi! Iran VtiZFty ,orm No cur * in the history of modern remedies. It creates | solid flesh, muscle and strength, clears the AT AjcCSA brain, makes the blood pure and rich, and I watcu H causes a general feeling of health, power I f and marly vigor. Within three days after I H \ taking the first dose you notice the return of I I > the ° and vim, snap and energy you have jy / ■ 1 [fF. 4 jJS counted as lost forever; while a continued, J M judicious use causes an improvement y both satisfactory and lasting. H *", not a lne. butUnrr ■ * e H pared direct f r°m the for.nula of E B ar . H c ■ ton Cleveland a moat eminent soeelalUt. bv ■ raqC & ■ I Hjalmer O. ftannon Ph D.. R. S. For nervous H ff Lw* ■ j prostration, overwork, nervous debility <>. th® ex- ■ v 1 7* un. tobacco or liquor Yt posiUv.;tf R VX I I excelled One box will work wonders: R \ six should per fe C t cure .Vie t* a box H boxes for R Q , Rr Ben le for sale by all live dr irststs or W/IfT >SB ?Aea’.ed. upon receipt of price aI- BTV (feveland q rton Benson. 4Jar-Ben Bloei J*l £ j j Get It Today I DON'T LIKE THE ORDER. Grocery men to Protect Against Snpt. Denhnm's Circular. Ocean City Lodge.Knigh's of the Royal Arch, representing the liquor interests cf the ci*y, has taken up the matter of the reent circular of General Superin tendent D'n am of the Plant System, calling upon the emp’oyes o' that system t*> pledge themselv s against drinking and o her forms of dissipation, including an agrfemtnt not to enter any place where liquor is sold. The cTcular st I tly applies only to new employes. but the general understanding is that the company is desirous of hav ing the older emp ryes sign as well. The lodge t r ok the matter up at its meeting last night Many cf ihe members of the I<* dge are grorerymen. having bars at tached to their places of business, and their interpretation of the order is that. If generally applied, it will debar any of the employes of the Plant System from dealing with any grocer who has a bar attach and to his plic? of business. As there is h good sized regiment of Plant Sys em employes, and as their trade is quite de sirable. the grocers do not like the j ros peet of being debarred from pirtlclpa*ing In this manner. Taking this view of the matter the m et ing decided to enter n vigorous props’ against the enforcement of any such o and r by the company and a committee of five was appointed to wait unon the officials of the Plant System and to <a 1 upon them to rescind the circular, or order, a? they understand it. The committer In also Instructed to rail upon the wholesale dealers for the purpose of enlisting their support in the movement. The commute* consists of H K. Dresson, Charles Tonis saint. William Bohan, F. W. (’ou t ticy and \V. W. Starr. Mr. Dreeson. in speaking of tie main r last night, said (hat he circular wa=t practically an order to the employ.*.-, nd as such It was. in effect, a boycott upon the large number of retail grocers who have bars attached to their places tf busi ness. This was unfair to the g-ocers. h ■ said, and he hod no doubt thn> th wholesale grocers would give the retailer * their support in this master. He intimmed that if the Piant System officials persist ed in the position which they have i.ak n that the boycott might be placed on the other foQt. foi urn \ Film ft gr anted. Rcbeccn Hells Riven gl,-70 Dam aa’* tKdinut llrusell < oiiipnii y. After .six hours of <irlibc r aticn the City Court jury that has been endeavoring to determine the rights and wrcnn cf controversy hetween Rebecca Wei ■ and the Brush Electric Light and Fewer Com pany returned lasi night a verlict i r 11.7.71 in favor of the plaintiff. When court was conven'd yesterday morning Judge Norwood over-ruled the motion that had been made by conn el for the defendant to direct a verdict in ts favor and the arguments to the j u-y, 0:1 the main issue, were made at one o . H. D. D. Twiggs pr-k' in behalf o r the cause of the while Mr. A. U. Wright and Hon. J. R. St ussy pr sen ted tfWVTTTifIPhMon of the defendant. The ar guments were interesting. Marlow Wells, the husband of the p’ain ti ff. for whose death she was suing th° company, had been killed by a current of electricity while stringing wires frchi a fole to an adjoining house. During Judge Twiggs' argument the thunder storm of yesterday began to brew and as he reached his peroration terrific flashes of lightning were thrown athwart the sky. Judge Twiggs seemed to become inspir ed by these formidable manifestations of the elements, for wi,h a virile touch he described in pathetic periods the death that had befallen WMl*. Ms erg urn tit bed a visible effect on the Juiy. and doubt less served to counterbalance the logicd and simple anafTses of the facts in evi dence that were made on lieholf of the defendant by Messrs. Saussy find Wright Judge Norwood’s charge to the jury was delivered shortly after noon and w is ul a g the lines of the charges delivered hy him At the previous trials of the ca.*r. The v*- diot that the jury returned is les- in amount by $2,000 than any of the three others previously rendered and bears upon its face the patent indication? o' being the result of a compromise among *lo Jurors. The care will be carried prom;* Iv to the Supreme Court bv counsel for the defendant. 1 APT. ( DA \\ NOTH IF.D. Of Hi* Selection sin the Democratic Nominee for the Senate. A letter from Chairman W. L. Gigni liat, of the committee appointed at tlie sena torial convention to notify Hon. J. Ferris Cann of his nomination by the district, was received by the latter yesterday morning. The letter was simply a formal notification of Cflpf. Gann’s unanimous choice by the convention, with an expres sion of the writer’s personal pleasure in conveying It. During to-day Cup'. Cann will write his letter of acceptance. In which he will out line the policy he will pursue in Ills dis charge of the'duties of the office to w hich he has now been virtually elected. This letter will be transmitted to Chairman GlgniUiat In reply to the one sent by him. CITY ItHKYITIRN. The Ladies' Working Circle. No. 1. cf the Seven!h Stree Methodist Church, un der the direction of Mrs. James Jack o i will give a unique entertainment t >t e parsonage to-nigiit, consisting <f n ft dy among objects representing some snmo • paintings from the old masters, music ard recitations. An admission of tcti ten s I Will he charged The proceeds of this en tertainment will be devoted to a worthy ‘.cause. Refreshment# -will be served. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1900. THEin IIIFITHD A \ DINNER. Sen is of Ac* tern ns AAill telebrnfc* Tnesrln> AAitli S|cecli and Song. The annual bouquet of Francis S. Bear tow (’amp of Sons of Confederate Veter ans will rake place at Knights of Pythias Hall on nexi Tuesd.iy evening. The ban quet is given annually in celebration of the birth and organization of the camp. Commandant l*. H. McLatvs will act as toastmasier at the banquet and will be among those who will respond toasts. Among others who will respond are Ad jutant H. \J. Branch ond Historian Ed win C. Ryals Mv. Robert. A. Smyth, of Charleston, who is here in attendance upon the yacht races was for two years commander In chief of the general con federation of Sons of Veterans and a strong effort will be made to induce him to remain in the city until Tuesday and respond to on* 5 of the toasts. Lieutenant Commander W . T. Dixon will sing some of the Confederate ballads that have been in the past among the most pleasing features of the banquets of the Sons. The arrangements for t!ie dinner have been phKvVl In charge of a committee of he camp, headed by Mr. Rogers Woods, and n delightful entertainment is pro mised. Among he guests will be the offi cers of the two 10/ai camps of Confed erate Veterans and other distinguished former wearers of the gray. DECISION FOR RAILROADS. Juetiee Little S:>* Roads Alny Fix Time Limits to Tickets. A decision harder! down by Justice Lit tle cf the Ge Supreme Court will be interesting news to railway counsel. The decision covers the right of the railroad.- to affix a (ime limit to the time in which ; ti k t shall be good and de clares th .t i f a'ter Ih • exrlraticn of the 1 mit rf tme .pecllied on his t cket a nas set'grr tvn ots the same f r his trans poration ard for refusing to pay fare is ejected in a decorous and proper manner by the conductor, such ejection affords no cat I fer a suit for damages against the ra|lread I'm; At HKD ON **tl A I NG,” Speefnl Services nt First l*resl> te rinn < loe Tn-niglit. Rev. Osgood F. Cook, pastor cf G;ac? Methodist Church, preached la.*t right r.t the s pee ini service at the First Presby terian. Hi? subject was “Giving. ' Rev. W. F. Watkins of the Christ!in Church will preach to-night, when the spec'al ser vices will be concluded. They ate hell preliminary to n special thanks offering to be made on Sunday. YOUt* Lbw©z* Will be roused to its natural duties and your biliousness, headache and constipation be cured if you take Hood's Pills Sold by all druggists. , 25 cents. ■** inq*n—• SPKCIAL NOTICES. C OOK I >(■ C L ASS —at— THE WOMAN’S EXCHANGE. This morning from 10 to 12 noon MISS JENNIE COHEN. Demot a rator. MENU TO-DAY. Scrambled Eggs. Breakfast (Jems. Salad, with Mayonaise Sauce. These demonstrations are free and are held every Tuesday and Friday morn ings from 10 to 12. commencing at 10 o’clock, sharp. Menu changed each demonstration. Ladies desiring admission lor their cooks will apply fur cards at the office of the Exchange. ISOS US EXEC I TED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (immediately upon appli cation). all bonds in judicial proceeding.* in either the state or United States courts. and of administrators r.nd guardians. HEARING & HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident BulkJng. DRKK, BRICK. BRICK. Augusta brick nnd others. Good stock on hand. Lowest prices, prompt delivery. See our samples and prices before buying. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. PLASTERERS’ %M MASON# SIP PLIES. Cement, Lime. Plaster, Hair and River Fand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Corner Drayton and Cong teas. Phone ©l9. FOR *%LE, That attractive residence, No. 606 Dray ton street, facing Forsyth Park. Fine flower garden attached. Exceptional lo cality. Apply on premier*. WOLE S bl ow ins IT ioniovv I have arranged with I’tul ConUlA to 1 carry at his Bull street store at all time* a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowsra. He will also take orders for Designs or spy special order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. W MEETINGS. t'AUATI.AL COMMA.NUKHV NO. T.iv.l. AUentico Sir Knigh’s A re<- ular conclave of this c mma .and e: y will be r.eld (P ri y> ev ening .it your asylum Mi. one </• Temple, at #:!5 o'clock. Visiting Sir Knights are cordially invit ed to attend. By order of H. E. WILSON. Eminent Com. W. S ftOCKWELU Recorder. t OXFEDEH ATE VETERANS ASSO CIATION OF SAVANNAH. CAMP 756. V. C. V. An adjourned meeting of the associa tion will be he’d nt Confederate Hall th's (Friday) evening a' 8:30 o'clock. Delegates <o thts annual reunion U. C. V. at Louisville, Ky . will report, and ok her matter? of importance will be brought before the meeting. By order of ROBERT FALLIGANT. President. WM. HARDEN. Aset. Secre.ary. PAST CHANCELLORS* association KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. A reguiar meeting of this association will be held at Castle Hall this (Friday) evening 8:30. Members are earnestly re quested to be present. Business of importance. CHARLES A. COX. President. waring russell. JP... Secretary GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. There will be a special meeting of the Georgia Medical Society <his (Friday) evening nt 8:30 o’clock. By order T. P. WARING. M. D., Peraident. OH AS. B LANNEAU. M. D., Record ing Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. A public reception in honor of Rt. Rev. Benjamin J. Kelley, D. D.. Bishop of Sa vannah. will be held this afternoon n ihe Cathedral (main floor) at 5 o'clock The members of the Cathedral, St. Patrick's and the Sacred Heart parishes, and all friends of Bishop Kelley are cordially in ched to be present. The members of the Reception Commit tee will please meek at the Bishop's resi dence at 3:45 p. m. Henry Blun. John Flannery. William Kehoe John Lyons. J. J. McDonough. Daniel Hogan. J. E. Grady. Jeremiah Cronin. J. J. McGowan. P. Barrett. F. Hart. Thomas Nugent. Dr. M. F. Dunn. Hugh Logan. P. J. O'Connor. M. J. O’Leary. M. J. Barrett. Lawrence Kelly. C. F. Prendergast. J. F. Brooks. J. R. Dillon. J. J. Horrigan. TABLE D’HOTE. 60 c—DINNER—SOo Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 o 9. Friday, June 8. Clare* Wine. SOUP. Baked Clam Chowder. FISH. R4d Snapper. Tomato Sauce. Poratoes ala Hollandaise. Sliced Toma<oes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of New York Beef. Dish Gravy Chicken, with Dressing. ENTREES. Turtle Stew. Green Corn Fri'ter.-,' Maryland style. VEGETABLES. , Mashed Potatoes, Siring Beans. R’ce, Slewed Tomatoes. Mashed Squashes. Sugar Corn. PASTRY AND DESSERT. , Lemon Pi*. Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers. Fruits. Sago Pudding. Wine Sauce. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. SPEK I \ L NOTICE. The undersigned, wholesale dealers, agree (o close their places of business on Saturdays at l‘ p. m., beginning June 9, ending Aug. 25: M. FERST*S SONS & CO. SAVANNAH GROCERY CO. HENRY SOLOMON & SON. A. LEFFLER COMPANY. A. EHRLICH & BRO. SMITH BROS. J. E. GRADY & SONS. C. E. BTULTS & CO. LEE ROY MYERS & CO. A B. HULL & CO. GEO. W. TIKI) KM AN JAB. M. DIXON £ CO. OFFICE COMMISSION lilV PI BLIC PRINTING. Atlanta. Ga.. June 1, 1909. Sealed proposals fo-r doing the public printing (as prescribed in Section 1070 to 1076, Inclusive, of Volume 1, Code 1895.) for the next ensuing two years will be received at the office of 'he Secretary of State in Atlanta. Ga.. for thirty days from this date. All necessary forms and blanks for making bids will be furnished upon application to rhe Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. PHILIP COOK. Secretary of State. WM. A. WRIGHT, Controller General. W. J. SPEER. State Treasurer. Printing Commissioners. gICHt nun ARD. This amount ts continually po-tel for the mortal who catches me napping with a glass of beer over my counter that is not strictly FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY SENSE, and it Is the TIVOLI. TOO, of the GEORGIA BREWING ASSOCIATION. Can you take this money? JOHN CARR. Bay and Habersham. Bt Y GAILY THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best ts the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of that city, tnesa springs are tne property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in'lreland has those waters but themselves. Tha Wheeler Ginger Ale ts made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Fepper, as others are; one is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. BEAL ESTATE AXII I.NSI n YNCt AGENt Y. We buy and eel! real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent. Represent the Travelers' Insurante com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will he ap preciated and will receive ptompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay. east. Telephones 348. W. C. FRIPP * CO. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only wsy te get yourvearpsts prop, k'rly taken up. cleaned and taken care of tor the summer ik to turn the Job over to thg District Messenger and Delivery Cos. telephone 2. or call at 2J Montgomery •treet. and they will make you an estt mete or; the coat of the work. Price* ' reasonable. They also pack, move and edor* furniture end planou. I MKDEOCK. upt- nnd Mgr. LOOK INTO* THIS. You can en)oy yoar fl 1/ \ llisjlj vacation with a hUynh CAT.L AT QPPEINHEIMER.SLOAT <fe CO.’S. ONCE A PATRON ALWAYS A PATRON Is the Invariable role at the SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383, PMy Baby,” r the wire, bat when satisfactory cigar buy KEENE CIGAR. j. iron s co„ 206 Bay Street, West. Distributors, - Savannah, Gi. BONDY & LEDERER, Makers, New York. FEBRUARY SALES... 38 BOTTLES. TRY IT. MARCH SALES BOTTLES. APRIL SALES 87 BOTTLES. 17 1 > A \]|7 9C MAY SALES 127 BOTTLES. JT JA /it iN Ilk. 3 RHEUMATIC and CATARRH REMEDY. IT WILL CURE WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL. AT LIVINGSTON’S for $1.50. PHONES 293 and 382. SPECIAL NOTICES. SI >1 tIKH DRINKS. GINGER ALE. i. '3 - 1 SARSVPJH.LLA, J niRC H ROOTBEER. FRI IT SHRI BS, —n t A. M. A C . \\ . \A EST'S. I LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. In an issue cf the Morning News of a few Sundays ago one of my “imitating” competitors claims to handle “Moyer’s” high grade vehicles. I desire to inform the public that this is a false statement as I am the agent, t all and inspect them and if you want a high grade vehicle you will take one. MARK APPLE. 820 Broughton street, west. LEVY'S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU YVILL SAVE TF..Y CENT. Ry paying your Mile an nr be. fore the 17,th fait. 1). H. LEVY 4t into. LARGE YY.WIEIIOISE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Brough ion street, on West Broad, now , cou pled by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the tl:y cn June i, I offer It for rent from that dale H. P. SMART. One of our clients has placed in our hands $23,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest BECKETT & BECKETT. 24 President street, east. NOTICE. Neither the master ndf consignees cf the Italian steamship Citta di Messina. Maaardo, master, will be responsible for ■ny debts contracted by crew of said vessel. I J. F. MINIS ft CO., Consignees. BUSINESS NOTICES. ililfl wr JEWELRY up to high standard always, is constantly being added in in the newest of all thing? made. Our Wedding Gift stock i? of a su p-'-ior quan i y and quality of design, enab ling our customers to give free vent to their taste, which in smaller stocks, can not be so satisfactorily exercised. THEUS BROS. |t|l A full supply of Juk HARVARD l|ll| BEER. §|S C. P. CONNERY, UOSt. Julian Street,Wes*. SPECIAL NOTICES. sparklets. Just the thrg for pl nics, maroons, exci r-ior.R, a: and summer. A glass cf the fines! ard purest soda vrater ■ an hi made in one minute. A full supply al SOLOMONS COMPANY, Congress street and Bull Street Branch Store. FOll SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-iuOi 1-i.orse power, seats 8 per sons-KJO. One 25-foot 4-lloise power, seats 16 per sons—J6Jo. These arc the "Ideal'’ gentlemans launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of lta,me, XV is., and used at all me lair* and exhibitions in the Western stales. Starts in a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and lull trial given on thes. handsome launches. Apply t 6 LIPPI!AN BKOTHER3, Wholesale Druggists. Agents for Racine Boats. on. h. ii. xiyrtin. 7 Jones Street, West. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat. Hours-® to 1, l to 8, and by appoint ment. CEOPOLIj AVLiER. c. 8. EUji President. r vice Preside®*, w. F. M CAULET. Cashier. THEiGHfITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased ;o receive the account* of Merchants. Firms, Individual*. Ban ha. snd Corooratlons. liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities. In SOS. Inc prompt returns Separate Savings Department IXTERBST COMPOVNOMO t)UAIU TEHLV OS DEPOSIT*. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults fee rent Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK aA VANN AH, UA. r a P<b>> SXQ.M Undivided profits <*ooo ibis bank oners its services to corpora, t.ons, merchants and Individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad. trlnlstrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts cn the principal cities !a Great Britain and Ireland and on th. Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President. JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. Tiie Citizens Bank OP savannah. Tea CAPITAL, $500,000. 11 mi. .. Via* Business. Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Merchant., Banks and other Corps, rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and <ll.patch. Interest componnded quarterly ■ Honed On deposits In our Savloce Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storaca Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, Proldea* MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Cashier. GORDON L. GHOOVER, Asst. Cashier, SOUTHERN BANK of the Slate of Georgia. Capital KOO.oen Surplus and undivided profits—..oo* DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA Superior facilities lor transacting a General Banking Business. Collections made on all points ~~ accessible through Hants and bankers Accounts of Bunks, Bankers, Merchants snd others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Btearllng Exchange on London 4 and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. W EIL. W. W. GORDON, Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY Mill I Mil CAPITAL 9350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults far rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of th* world. Correspondence Invited. i j JOSEPH D. W EED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vico President No. lUO, Chartered, inti THE HllS Mill it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS. SIOO,OOI U.NniaD STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIKNE GORDON, Vice President, W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upoa the most favorable terme consistent with safe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. “forsaleT One lot 30x123 on Tenth street* near Jefferson. One int -kOx 123 on Mntli street* u*nr Jefferson. Price* lower than anything else iu the neighborhood* and terms very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. n. BOR SETT. To Wm IS For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet Z,xU. It ts In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no uee lor It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savanuah, Go. Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeke alnoe. but etlll have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will cell It for $:. (Je lvered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler le In good ahape, ar.d would not be sold had It not to be taken out to make rotrit. The Morning IS^ws, savanßmi OA. ""if you want good Haterial and work, order your Uthoißphed end printed stationery and biankß.->.,k3 from Morning New., Savannah, CtH