Newspaper Page Text
ITonr (}i*d of Hoxln tdinnrr anil
aha Vlnrket Clones Firm—Cotton
Fntaro* Sis Points Higher to Four
Poll*ts Net Lower—Estimate of In
creased Acreage Imparls a Dri-lln
intt Tendency—Local anil Tele
graiphle Markets.
Morning News Office, June 7.—The fea
ture ot t'e markets to-day was the de
cline la. spirits turpentine, and the advance
in four grades of rosin. It begins to look
like tiirpe.itine will drop considerably be
fore tJ<e (Bottom is struck, Judging from
the drop [f Vi cent to-day, which was
rontrpy the expectations of many of
the trade. Grades H, X, K and M or ros
ins advanced tive cents, at which the
market w.ts bulletined firm. While busi
ness wits ib moderate volume, the demand
was rdporned fairly good.
The totlan market dropped Vi cent on
all graces. The New York futures mar
ket silbwrti weakness owing to the
Chronilile'i acreage estimate, which shows
an increase Of 9.76 per cent, to 24,625,000
acres. Thlo tended to impart a weakness
under •'vhiirh prices declined some. The
wholesqOe iparkets were steady and active,
with nu '.notable changes. The minor
marketp yfitr e steady, with a fair demand
prevailing. The following resume of the
different markets will show the tone and
quotations at the closing to-day:
The cotton market closed nominal to
day at a decline of Vi cent. This was due
10 the uncertain condition of the leading
markets, and the very slow demand for
eottcn locally. Spinners are well supplied,
so that the only hope of a revival is a
foreign demand. This is looked for at any
time. The receipts were 61 bales, against
147 last year. The stock to-day was 19,659.
The-following were the Official spot quo
tations. at the close of the market, at
the Cotton Exchange to-day:
| This | Last
I <J*y.J year.
Good middling **. R'
Middling |BA 564
Low middling 664 jSV4
Good ordinary Bli8 l i |4V4
Market—Nominal: sales 10.
Savannah Receipts. Exports and Stock-
Receipts this day 64
Receipts this day last year 147
Receipts this day year before last. 13
Receipts since Sept. 1,1899 1,059,808
Same time lasi year 1,067,812
Stock On hand this day 19,650
Same day last year 18,602
Receipts apd Stocks at the Ports—
Receipts this day 1.918
This day last year 3.074
This day year before last 3,038
Total receipts since Sept. 1, 189(1.6,326,315
Same time last year 8,154.209
Same time year before last 8.508,550
8 ock at the ports to-day 233.912
Stock same day last year 644,916
Daily Movements at Other Ports.
Galveston—Easy, middling, BV*c; net re
ceipts. 62; gross receipts, 62; stock. 16,800.
New Orleans—Quiet; middling. B'4c; net
receipts, 535; gross receipts, 885; sales, 1,-
000; stock, 90.178.
•Mobile—Nominal; middling, 8 13-16 c; net
receipts, 302; gross receipts, 302; stock,
Charleston—Nominal; stock. 5,190.
Wilmington—Nominal; net receipts, 5;
gross receipts. 5; stock. 2.535.
Norfolk—Nominal; middling. B%c; net
receipts, 300; gross receipts, 300; stock, 8,-
Baltimore—Nominal: middling, 9c; gross j
receipts, 335: stock, 6,246.
New York—Quiet; middling. 874 c; gross
receipts. 488; sales, 3.700; slock, 74,508.
Boston—Dull; middling. 874 c; net re
ceipts. 50; gross receipts, 100.
Philadelphia—Quiet; middling, 9V4c;
•took, 3,514.
Pensacola—Net receipts, 600; gross re
ceipts, 600. j.;
Dally Movements at Interior Towns.
Augusta—Quiet; middling, 864 c; net re
ceipts, 63; gross receipts, 63; sales, 32;
etock, 6,354.
Memphis—Steady; middling. B*4c: net re
ceipts, 76; gross receipts, 76; sales, 25;
stock, 32,087.
St. Louis—Dull; middling. 86*c; net re
ceipts, 33; gross receipts, 129; stock, 39,-
Cincinnati—Quiet; middling, 9c; net re
ceipts. 60; gross receipts, 60; sales, 100;
stock, 10,161.
Houston—Quiet: middling, B'. 2 c; net re
ceipts, 6; gross receipts, 6; sales, 25; stock,
Louisville—Firm; middling. 9c.
Exports of cotton this day—
Galveston—Coastwise, 111.
New Orleans—Coastwise, 250.
Mobile—Coastwise, 305.
Norfolk—Coastwise, 74.
New York—To the continent, 705.
Pensacola—To the continent. 600.
Total foreign exports from all ports this
day: To the continent, 1.305.
Total foreign exports from all ports thus
far this week: To Great Britain, 7.766; to
the continent, 23.274.
Total foreign exports since Sept. 1, 1899:
To Great Britain. 2,113.5:7; to France, 686,-
625; to the continent, 2,579.011.
New York, June 7.—The feature of to
day’* news in the cotton market was the
Chronicle's acreage estimate, and as 'he
flgu re.% given exceeded expectation, r
cline in price? naturally resulted,
rkj ctuations during the day were .
Scope the net change was par U u
gratifying to either side. The mi: i
opene<4 steady with prices 5 points lower
to 1 point higher, but almost immediately
turned weak in response to a sharp break
in Liverpool, and under an estimate for an
Increase of 9.76 per cent, in this year's
acreage, to 24,625.944 acres. On this down
turn considerable liquidation occurred,
both for foreign nnd domestic accounts,
while shorts Increased obligations under
the firm conviction that (he situation war
ranted a decline to below the 8c mark for
August. But while in the midst of their
Jubilation bears were confronted with a
sudden reaction in Liverpool and brisk
demand from influential otside parties
here. Prices quickly returned to last
nighf* level on this support, and scored a
slight gain before a breathing spell was |
taken. But the Liverpool's final cables In
hand, room traders subsequently assumed
the defensive and gave attention to seltle
mem of unprotected accounts as a matter
of precaution owing to holiday In Liver
pool to-morrow and Saturday, and to tin
unusual divergence of opinion concerning
the probab'e outcome of Monday's bureau
report, the first of the season. Moreover,
very little news came to hand In the af
ternoon and orders were also few and far
between, leaving the talent 111 control, but
purposeless. The market was Anally
steady 6 points higher to 4 points net
New York. June 7.—i'otton futures open
ed s'eady and closed steady. Prices 11S
• follows: *
' (Open. Illigh. (Low Close.
January 77777r7:'53~! _ 7.5 T ( ~7.t9 _ f 7.52
February ~..| 7.34 7.56 7.55 | 7.37
March j 7.78 7.59 7.53 ( 7.57
Awn ! I .... 1 .... I 7.59
May i .... 7.60 7.69 7.61
June I 8.25 1 .... | .... | 8.34 b
July I 8.33 8.38 1 8.31 I ....
August I 8.10 8.13 * 8.03 j ....
September ...| 7.81 ) 7.82 7,76 j 7.79 j
Dclober I 7.*>7 j 7.67 ( 7.61 ! 7.63 j
November ...( 7.133 ; 7.54 7.51 j 7.50
December ....( 7.51 | 7.52 1 7.48 | 7.50
Liverpool. June 7, 4 p. m.—Cotton rpilet;
price* 1-32 J higher; American middling
fair, 5 B-16d; good middling, 5 l-32d; mid
dling. 4 29-32d; low middling, 4 25-320; good
ordinary. 4 21-32d; ordinary. 4 15-821 The
vales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which
SOO were for speculation and export nnl
Included 6.300 American. Receipts, 3 000
bales; no American.
Future* opened steady and closed quiet
at the advance. American mMdling. low
middling douse: June. 4.3U1 buyers; Jtine-
July. 4.48d buyers; July-AuguSi, 4.40 k) buy.
era; August-Bepiember, 4.39,1 buyer*; 8 p
lemW-October. 4.23d sellers; October-No
vember, 4.14434.13d value; November-De
cemhar. 4.lid sellers; December-January,
4,v9d sellers; Januwy-February, 4,Q7@
Southern Railway.
IraUia Aims and Depart Savannah on 90 tb Meridian Time—On* Hour Slower Thaa
City Time.
Schedules In Effect Sunday. May *7, 1900.
_N°, 34 I No. 36 II 77N0 35 ; No; 31
„ „ II ~~ (Central Time.) fi ~ i
- 20pm,L 20am j|Lv Savannah Ar 5 10am| 315 pm
. | II (Eastern Time.) ||
6 tl-.nm 1 Ar Black v Hie Lv] 300 am 1 07pm
9 10nm' a ™ am Columbia Lv| 1 25am;i1 25am
11 Mom il2 Mnnili- .Charlotte Lvj' 9 55pm| 8 lOasi
_ 4pm|l2 23pml|Ar Greensboro Lv|| 7 10pm; 5 48an
-i ”* m| Norfolk' Lvf | 8 35pm
1 Mpm " Ar : ... Dan ville Lr,| 5 4 HimSt
aml J_ 2 *i>mi|Ar Rich mono Lv |l2 Olpmlll 00„m
4 36am - S Pm ! f r Lynch burg Lvd 3 S2pm|Tam
7 35am ISSm!? m ! i' Charlottesville Lvj: 2 06pm|12 54am
' Baltimore Lv S 22im 8 27p,n
- 80 pm 300 pm Ar . Boston Lvj 5 00pm 10 10am
... I tCentra 1 Timed i
L, 20am| Lv Savannah Aril 5 10am
II (Eastern Tims.) i
Columbia Lt 1 Sam
2 37ptnjSAr Asheville Lv * 06pra
Mpm||Ar Hot Springs Lv 1145 an
~ pm Ar Knoxville Lv 8 25am
l 10am;l Ar Lexington Lv 10 30pro
; ! Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm
itOam|Ar Louisville Lv 7 45pm
t. 00pm jj A r st. Loan Lv|| 8 08sm
All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station.
buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah
and New- York Connects ot Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pull
man Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk.
Dining car serve, all meals between Savannah and Washington.
trains 35 nnd 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL vestlhuled
limited tj-ains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah
and New York. Dining enrs serve all meals between Savannah and Washington.
Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati
through Asheville and "The Land of (he Sky.”
For complete Information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to
G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station.
JAMES FREEMAN. C. P. and T. A , 141 Buil slreet. Telephones. Bell 856. Geor
gia 850.
RANDALL CLIFTON. District Passenger Agent. No. 141 Bull street.
Board of Trade Building, Savannah.
Private leased wires direct to New York,
Chicago and New Orleana.
New York office. No. $1 Broadway.
Offices In principal cities thro’tgtioui ths
South. Write for our Market Manual and
book containing instructions for traders.
4.08d sellers; February-March, 4.67d byers.
New Orleans, June 7.—Cotton futures
June (hid).8.69 November -7.25ift7.26
July 8.69^48.71 December .7.2507.28
August 8.07&8.0S January ..7.2WJ7.27
September .7.6007.61 February ..7.2807 3)
October . ..7.3457.35 March ... .7.3007.32
New York. June 7.-Hubbard Bros. &
Cos. say: Liverpool did not respond to t. e
improvement here yesterday with the vis
0£ expected by the trade. Our opening
showed a continued liquidation for
side account. These sales were absrrb and
for arbitrage brokers, causing the maikei
to return to lost evening's quotations on
the old crop. The market remained dull
and quiet at the reaction, according to the
Chronicle. The increase in the acreage
this season is 9.76 per cent , and the
crop is later than last season, especial y
in Texas. Clear warm weather is repo t and
from the Southwest, with showers in th?
Atlantic States. After the reop ning cf
Manchester on Monday the markets oie
expected to assume a more l natural phase.
New York. June 7 Murphy & Cos. say:
Cotton in Liverpool advanced l-22d on
spots, middling 4 29-32d; sale.-, B,<XK) bales.
Futures opened 1 to 2 points higher,
weakened to slightly tinder yesterday’s
close, but ended l-64d above yesterday on
old and unchanged on new crops. These
advices were regarded unfavorable, which,
with an absence of further rains in Texas
and the Chronicle estimating an increase
in the cotton acreage this season of 9n
per cent, caused some selling by longs, but
on complaints of too much rain in Mem
phis an.l portions of Mississippi n gieat
demand developed both for shorts and long
account, which caused a recovery. The
quotations at this writing are above yes
terday's close, with tone quiet. We con
strue the Chronicle's report as bullish and
should cause our market to do better.
Liverpool Cotton Statistics
Liverpool. June 7.— Following are the
weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of
nil kinds. 26,u00 bales; total sales. Ameri
can 24.000. English spinners' takings.
33,000. Total export. 2,000. Import of all
kinds, 23.000; import. Armrlcon. 17,000.
Stock of all kinds, 544.000; stock. Amer Dan.
435,000. Quantity afloat, all kinds. 49,000;
afloat. American, 40.000. Total sales on
speculation, 300. Total sales to exporters,
New York. June 7.—Business is still very
quiet in all departments in dry goods.
Some houses report a slight improvement
in the general demand, but no orders of
any. volume are coming forward. Th?
price situation is without change. Meat
sellers are meeting buyers readily at cur
rent quotations in both staple and fancy
lines of cotton and woolen gcols. IT nt
cloths continue inactive, with nothing do
ing in regulars.
the riff, market.
Reports about the new crop ate not o er
encouraging. Certain limited seetons n
Carolina and Louisiana are doing finely,
but in ihe main, contrary conditions litre
lieeon experienced and a late harvest may
be expected. Proposed legislatir'q in LJul -
iana "to regulate and eontiol <he sale,
rental and distribution of water f r lhe
purpose of irrigation.” if taken s;r.ouly.
may result in a greatly reduced
It would stem most unfortunate if by
reason of the uncertain'y the yield is :o
be curtailed, especially in view of added
market: in "newly acquired tetri.ore."
and the high average ranee of value*
thereby assured for everything—"good,
bad and Indifferent”—the comirg seison.
NAVAL stores.
Thursday, June 7-
turpentine again declined, the closing be
ing firm a. 43'; cents, n decline of tj dent
below Wednesday's closing. Transactions
of 250 casks were reported at the opening
at this price, which constituted the official
business for the day. The demand was
reported to be fairly good for lurpemine,
both for foreign and domestic shipment.
To what extent the declines will go is
more doubtful than ever. 1' will no: be
surprslng io many if the morket drops
t 6 a low ligute before o reaction sets In.
The receipts to-day were 2,330, sales 200,
and the exports 4.113.
ROSINS —The feature of the naval stores
market was the advance of five
cents at the opening on grades H, I. K. M.
The market was posted Him at the ad
vance, and the demand kept business
moving along moderately well. The re
ceipt* were 4,054. sales 1,23<>. and the ex
ports none. The following were the quo
tations : .. ..
A. B. C 81 13 'I 81 *>
D 1 10 K 1 65
E 1 15 M 1 80
F 1 20 N 2 15
O' L-80 W G 230
H 1 45 W W 250
Naval Stores Statement-
Spirits Rosin.
1901). 1900
Stork on hand April 1, 1900 . 2.197 142.506
Receipt* this dny 2,330 4.051
Receipt previously 75,100 142,471
Total 79,627 2*9.(131
Exports to-day 4.113
Exitorta previously 60,352 168.998
Total since April 1, 1900 64,465 108,998
Stock on hand this day 16,162 120,033
Stock same day last year 17.640 120,433
Charleston, Juus 7,—3j)]rljs turpentine
market quiet, at 45c; sales none. Rosin
quiet, unchanged; sales none.
Wilmington. June 7.—Spit its turpentine
steady, 441544 1 ar-: receipts. 21 casks. Rosin
steady, 81.0501.10; receipts, 462 barrels.
Crude turpentine quiet. $1 80414.80; receipts.
67. Tar firm, $1.40; receipts, 104.
MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up
with the supply.
steady. The commercial demand. $4 86>4;
sixty days, $4.84; ninety days, $4 83;
francs. Parts and Havre, sixty days
5.23?,; Swiss, sixty days. 5.25 b,; marks!
sixty days. 94 5-16; ninety doys, 93 15-16
banks are buying at par, and selling aa
follows: Amounts to and including
$25. 10 cents premium; $25 to SSO. 16 cent*;
SIOO to S2OO, 25 cents; S2OO to SI,OOO, %
premium; over SI,OOO, $1 per thousand.
SECURITIES—The market is fairly
§teady, but dull and inactive.
!FI : J ‘ * ' ' Bid. Asked.
Augusta and Savannah R. R 11l 112
Atlanta & West Point 135 126
do 6p. c. certira 106 106
Augusta Factory 85 90
Citizens Bank 130 131
Chatham Bank ljl ]l2Vj
Chatham it. E. & 1. Cos.. A 57 58
do do B 56 57
Easl- & Phenix Mfg. Cos 103 106
Edison Electric Ilium 104 106
Enterprise Mfg.. Cos 100 103
Germania Bank 131 132
Georgia & Alabama 29 30
Georgia Railroad, common 210 211
Graniteville Mfg. Cos 165 170
J. P, King Mfg CO. 106 107
Langley Mfg Cos
Merchants National Bank 112 113
National Bank of Savannah 150 156
Oglethorpe Savings & Trust ... 112 113
People's Savings & Loan 104 105
Southwestern Railroad Cos 11l 112
Savannah Gas Light 2444 2544
Southern Bank 158 160
Savannah Bank & Trust 120 1H
Sll ley Mfg. Cos.. Augusta 90 95
Savannah Brewing 100 101
Bid. Askod.
Char., Col. & Aug. Ist ss, 1909.. 106 307
Atlanta city. 444& 1922 U 1 113
Augusta city, 4s. 1927 105 106
do 4445. 1925 11l 113
do 7s. 1903 107 109
do 6s, 19:3 118 119
Ala. Mid. ss. ind'd. 1928. M. & N..101 103
Augusta Factory, 6 per cent.. 1915.110 111
Brunswick & Western 4s, 1938 83 84
C. R. R. & Banking, collateral 5s 9244 9344
C. of G. Ist ss, 50-year gold, 1945
F. & A ill 119
C. of Ga. con. as, 1945, M & N.. 92 93
C. of Ga. Ist incomes 1945 42 43
do 2nd incomes, 194* 12 13
do 3rd Incomes. 1543 6 T
C of G. (M. G. & A. Dlv) 55,!917
J. & J 98 99
C. of G. (Eaionton Branch), 5s
1926, J. & J 98 99
City & Suburban R. R Ist 7s. .10944 llt)'4
Columbus City 6s, 1909 106 108
Charleston City 4s, 1945 102 103
Eagle & Phenix Mills 6s. 192S ...108 109
Edison Electric Illuminating 65., lot 106
Enterpilse Mlg. 6s, 3903 101 JO2
Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 115
G. S. & F. 1945, J & J 110 111
Georg a & Alabama Ist ss. 1945. .105 107
do consolidated ss. 1915 96 9^
Georgia state “'4s. 1930, J. & J.. 106 1)7
do 34jfS, 1915. M. & N 104 106
do 4445. 1915 H 8 U*
Macon city 6s. 1910, J. & J 118 119
do 4445. 1926, Jan. quar 108 110
Ocean Steamship ss, 1926 10614 101
Savannah city ss, quar. July.
1811 113
do ss. quar., August. 1909 11144 112*4
South Carolina state 4445. 1933 1174a 119
Sibley Mfg. Cos. ss. 1903 102 108
Snmh Round 5s 98
S.. F. & W. gen. mt ge 6s. 1931 .123 121
do 00 Ist 6s. gold, 1934 11054 112*4
do (St. John* Div.i JS> **. '984... S4 a*
New York. June 7.—Money on ca l 'a-sy
it 1%02 per cent.; lost loan, Hi per ee I ;
prime mercantile paper 3't<B4 fer cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with actual l.u t
ness in bankers' bills at $4.87*4 fir >ma and
and at $4.8444 for 60 days; p.j* el .a rs
$4.8514 and $4.884 a ; commercial bills. 4.82*4
Silver eerillicate*, 6056 e; bar tli
ver. t.oe; Mexican dollars. 47* 2 c. Govern
ment bonds weak; slate binds r'ro.g;
railroad bonds Irregular.
New York, Jur.e 7 —Absolute stagnation
characterized h* stock market to-day.
By comparison with y. st rda.v the tone
w. s film, but that was enly because the
heart sorr.ewhit oxerextenrled the com
mitments 0:1 the shert side yesterday. It
waa e icl’it that tie late suing yester
day was based ui on th* expectation that
* III: g+*y Lend n ihis morning would of
f r an. opp rtunitv to get back stocks at
a lower level, 1.0 don did, in fact, .sell
stocks here on a moderate scale, but the
demand frem the shorts was sufficient to
( v reeme the decline nnd to make some
shew of str ngth in the market.
'lh* bulls attempted to stimulate the 1
movement by bidding up the coalers on
vague talk of further comprehensive
traffic agreements. This prived Ineiffectlv*
and li e marker relapsed to about last !
tight's level and nver got'far away
frrm It again in either direction. New j
York Air-Brake wos rushed upward 12*4
petals tn 't lk of abs.npton 4y the West
inghouse Company. It saved a 5 point net
lain, In Sugar there was a demand from 5
an uneasy short interest which had been
over extern eel during the decline of the
last few days the stock gained over
a print net The loan'ng rates on stocks
fls.dosed the exist, nc* rf quite a large
cutManding short Imerest well distrthut- 1
td (hrouah the list. In the entire lack of
anlmctl n <ll specu a Ive spirit, the pro- j
'esdomd trsd’rs are disinclined to fur- 1
thcr comml mints cn the short side. There
was no turther evidence 10-day of the
selling through commission houses which
was called outside liquidation yesterday.
The Incidents of the day. taken In them
selves. Indicated declining values for se
curities. but these Incidents had been an
ticipated and therefore the movement ot
Florida Central
and Peninsular R,
Central or 90th Meridian Time.
AM trains daily.
Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time.
. 144| 66 | l_ ■ C6~
Lv Ssvannah (12 35pj1l "9 * I.v Savannah 11 9p
Ar Fairfax | 2 !sp| 1 54aj Ar Columbia | 4 36 1
Ar Denmark | 3 OOp 2 I2i Af Asheville j 1 40p
Ar Augusta j 9 ;sn| 6 55a Ar Knoxville 7 3ip
Ar Columbia 1 4 3Sp 4 6a Ar Lexington 5 .0.1
Ar Asheville , 1 4. p ;.: Ar Cincinnati 7 5a
Ar Hamlet 9 05;' 9 20a Ar Louisville 7 601
Af Rnloigh 11 top 11 55a Ar Chicago 5 sip
Ar Richmond J 10a 5 4Cp . ... Ar Detroit 4 00p
Ar Norfolk | 7 350| j Ar Cleveland 2 57p
Ar Portsmouth | 7 25a 1.. ... Ar Indianopolls ill Ida
Ar Washington 8 45 * 9 30p| | Ar Columbus jll So.i
Ar Baltimore 10 Oga n Sop
Ar Philadelphia 12 2op 2 56a SOUTH AND FLORIDA TOINTS
Ar New York j 303 p! 6 12ai ■;
Bogl °" I 9 °PH rl Lv - Savannah . .7... I 5 OSa 5 07,1
WEST DIVISION AND N. O Ar Darien 130pj 6 00 >
”" ' : —sj— Ar Everett | C 50a| 310 p
- , L . ‘ ! Ar*lirur.sw:ok " 8 (left 6 :5p
1 nnall 3 07pj 5 08a Ar Femandina i930 i| 9 05p
Jacksonville 7 45p| 9 20i Ar Jacksonville j 9 10a 1 7 60,.
Af Lake f ity 9.5 p 11 2xa Ar Sf. Augustine |lO 50aj..
Ar *2 ,v * ° ak 10 JOMI2 ISp Ar Waldo Ml J5a:W 6 p
Ar Madison 23 a 1 I9p Ar Gainesville jl2 Olnj
° ■* <(a 321 p Ar Cedar Key 6 35p
Ar Ta lahassee • 00a 328 pAr Ocala 1 Op 1 15.
Ar Quincy 8 25a 42p Ar Wildwood 2 32p| 2 4t)p
Ar River Junction 9 40a 5 25p Ar Leesburg 3’o > l fOi
Ar Mobile j 3 fs a Ar pj ant Clly 4 44p 2 a
Ar New Orleans 7 4i)a Ar Tampa
Trains arrive at Savannah from North and Bast No 27, 500 a m . No
p. m.; from Northwest—No. 5 a. m.; from Florida points, Brunswick nnd Darien
—No. 44, 12:27 p. m.: No. 66, 11:50 p. m.
Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New York,
dining car between Savannah and Hamlet, serving breakfast and dinner on 31,
southbound, and dinner and supper on 44. northbound
Trains 27 and 66 Oorry through Pullman sleeper <o New York and day coaches
to Washington.
For full information apply to
F. V. PRTKRShx, t. P. \. f j Bull and Brvan streets, opposite Pu-
W. P. SCRUGGS. P. &T. A.. [ laski and Screven Hotels
T*>. C. ALLIEN. C. T. A . Bull ard L.ber tv streets, opposite Soto Hotel.
W. R. McINTYRE. D. T A . West Bro ad and Liberty streets
A O. MACDONELL. G. P. A.. L. A 9 HIPMAN. A. G. P. A Jacksonville.
Trains leave from union depot, corner West Broad and Liberty streets
F, A. ROGERS & GO., Inc.
Bankers, Brokers & Dealers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain & Provisions
P-ompt Service, Liberal Treatment.
Write for team*, special quotation service
- “Safety and Certainty in Speculation ’
prices was discounted. The Iron stocks
were rather Arm on the supposition that
the cut in prices has brought a step near- 1
er the resumption of the expected buying
demand. Many ala: mist r ports were cur
rent concerning th? Nor.hw.stern wheat
crop. The continued heaviness of foreign
suck markets cn account cf the compli
cations in Cnina had a sympathetic ef
fect here* The s.lllrg of stocks for 1/on
clon was sufficient to cause a fractional
advance in cable transfers in London.
The weekly statements of the foreign
government Vanks disclosed a conserva
tive still in force. The Bank of
England returns show only $600,000 in
loans repaid to the bank in spite of the
disburse of government deposits to
•he amount of over $8 000.000. and a pre
vailing private rate of discount well be
low me bank ia:e. As the lank is still
losing gc Id for expor . the governors re
frained from reducing Ih* rate of dis
cmnt. The Bank of France has resumed
its policy of both note and lean contrac
tion. which was interrupt and lasi week,
and In spite of a gain in gold of $2,720.-
OX\ it has decreased its note circulation
over $25,000,000. and co tracted its out
standing leans ever WSCOO.OCO. In Berlin
theie were forerd sales of mining shares,
and a rcflectich of the same policy of re
trenchment. In New York on the con
trary money ccntjnues in very light de
mand. and incieas ng sup ly. The bond
n arket was quiet and irregular. Total
sales par value $1,580,000.
All United States bonds declined per
c<nt. in the bid price exc pt the 2s.
Total sales of stocks tD-day were 19V
101 shares, ineludlrg: Atchiron, 5,495; do
preferred. 18 250: YDsouil Pacific, 4,830;
Northern Pacific, 8.250; Pennsylvania. 5.-
510; St. Paul. 11,885; Union Pacific, 9.742;
American Tobacco. 6,570; Brooklyn Tran
sit 10 495; Sugar, 16,480.
New York Stock List.
Atchison 20%] Union Pacific .. 54U
do pre.f 72 1 * do pref 73 5 *
Balt. & Ohio .. 79 'Wabash T-h
Can. Par 93 | do pref 20
Can. Sou 51VWheel. & I*. E. 8 7 *
Che*. & Ohio.. 27 r v do 2d pref .... 25
Chi. Gt. W. .. llVWis. Cen liu
Chi., B. & Q. ..128H|Third Avenue ..111
Chi.. I. & L. -.21 (Adams Ex U 5
do pref 51U American lot)
Chi-. Si E. I.•• 93 (United States 45
Chi Si Nw. . . .163 \ Wells Fargo —IT*
C.. R. 1. & P..106%|Am. Cot. Oil .. 34*4
C. C. C & St do pref 90
L,oui 58**1 Am. Mulling .. 3 1
Col. Sou do pref 21
do let pref 43V?!Am. S. & R. ... 37U
do 2d pref ! do pref 9 U
Del. Si Hud. ..HF4IAm. Spirits ... 2 1 *
D. L. A* W. .179 do pref 17
Den. & R- G. • '7'z Am. Steel Hoop. 20U
do pref •' c > 7 pref 70
do 1?t pref ... 3>Ai 4)0 pref 74’*
Gt N. f*ref ...154 Am. Tin Plate. 21*2
Hooking Coal . 14 do pref 72'*
Hocking V. ... 38!2IAm. Tobacco 9V\
Illinois Cen. ..112V* do pref 129
lowa Cen 1* Ana. Min. Cos.. 4C,
do pref 17 (Brook. R. T. <0
K C. P. A G.- 17 |Col. F A I. • 24*4
L E Si W. ...28 icont. Toh 2W
Ao praf 95 ‘lo pr<*f *^*
IxiK* Shore ... .2EL Federal Stee. - =
| y g. N 78'/* Jo pref
MtnhaMan L. . 8954 Gen. Elec 134
Me: S' Ry. ..1S3 7 G.ueoee Sugar 48*,
3,1 ex Cen I2'- do pref 97
M f- Si. 1 Intern. Paper .. 21 * a
‘ do pref do pref
Mt.rouri Pac. .. 54*.V LaClede Gas .. .3
Mobile & Ohio 39 |Natl. Bi*ouit .. 28%
M K. &T. ... tfl*/i do prof 8>
do pref 33 Natl. Lead WVi
V J Cen 122*4 do prof 93U
N Y. Cen i.Wi.Nntl, S<eel 27’x
Nor. A W 34V, do pref ••••••••**.
do pref J* N. Y. A B - *
North Pac North Am .... 4
do pref 7l > Pacific Const .. 43'a
unt & West... 21 do l*t pref .... 8!
Ore Ry. & N ' do 2d prof ....
do pref P* 'Pacific Mail .... g*
Pennaylvanla .129 People', (las ... W
Reading 'J. Prexaed Steel C. 4 ; > s
do let pref .... do pref ■;
do 2d pref pull. Pol Car. 18.
Rio G. W 9. R. & T •>
8t L & s. F.. 9V* do pref .......Ml
d.9 let pref ■ 68*., Tenn. C. & 1. •• d_t
do 2d pref ... 34 | r . S. Learner . V-*,
9t L.. Sw. ... 10V* do pref >3
vio pref V. S. Ruhlaer -
gt. Paul do pref "
do pref 17 p 4 Weetern Union c‘i
S: P & O. ...118 R. 8. & I '* '•
Sou. Ptn- do pref
Sou. RV 13 R. L & 8 1- 4
do prej 33), Louis •“
Tex. & Pac. ... 16*
V. S. 2e ref reg. 103*4 L A- N. L'
do cou. .......10884 M.. K. A T.
do 2* re*. ...100 Jude 68
do 3. re* F® M. & O. la *6'.i
do 2*. cou. .109 N Y. C. let, .111*4
do new 4s,re*.l34'i N. J. C. gen. 53.12)
do new 45,c0U.134'4 No* Pa. 3e 8184 ]
and j 1 10 4s, reg.m*4 No. l'a. lOIVi
do old 44, cou,llsV* N Y.. C. tk St.
d> fa. ie*. ...113Vi L. 4e 108 Y,
dfl o, cou. ..118*4 N. & VV. con.4s. 97*4
D. of C. 3 60s ..123 (Ore. Nav. Ists .111
Ateh. *' n. dw..101 Ore. Nav. 4s ... 102
Atch. udjt. 45... 8t (Ore. 8. L. ..I2
Can. 80. 2nd* ~lo6%|Ore. 8 1,, c0n.55.113
C. Of U- i•••• 81V91 Read. (Jen. is .. 88V*
Wool, Hides Wax,
Furs, Honey,
Highest market prices paid. Georgia
Syrup for sale.
Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealers,
111, 113, 115 Bay street, west.
do Ist inc. .. 42\ B G W. Ist a . s3*4®
do 2nd inc. ... llVfc.St. L. & Ir. M.
C. & O. 4V*s .. con. , K s 110 7 *
C. & O. .5s 117 St. I*. & S. F.
C. & Nw. c0n.75.141H! gen. 6s 124
C & Nw. S. F. |S\ P cons 171
Deb 5s 119 |3t. P., C. % & P.
Chi. Term. 4s .. 95 ) If p 120
Col. So. 4s H6 1 2,S . P , C. & P. 55.121
D. Si R. G. Ists. 102 So. Pa. 4s 80 ? 4
I). A R. G. 4s . 99** So. Ry. 5a 11 Pa
E. T.. V. & G. IS. Repp & T. 6s. 71
Ists 103Vjb!T. & Pa. iFts ..113U
Eiie Gen. 4s ... T. & Pa. 2nds .. 55
F. W. & D. C. l T n. Ta. 4s
Lts 71 Wabash ists ...115
Gen. Elec, or (Wabash ‘2nd ...102
la. Cen. Ists ..112 |W<st Sh rc 4s ..111
lv C., P. & G. Wis. Cen. Ists.. 91 Vi
Ists 71% V'a. Centuries .. 92 v 4
New Y'ork. June 7.—Svandatd Oil, 5433’
552. %
Note.—These quota tlon§ are revised
daiiy, and are kept as near as possible
In accord with the prevailing wholesale
prices Official quotations are not used
when they disagree with ihp prices whole
salers ask.
Country nml Northern Proilaee.
POULTRY—The market is steady. Quo
tations: Half-grown, 35&50c per patr;
three-quarters grown. per pair;
full-grown rowls (hens). 65^70c per pair;
roosters, 40c per pair; turkeys. $1.25712.50
per pair; geese. 75c£j$1.00 per pAlr; duolug
per pair.
EGGS—The market i? steady at 11c.
BUTTER—The tone *r the market ‘3
steady. Quotations; Extra dairies 20c;
extra Flgins. 22c.
CHEESP:—Market Arm. 7anry full
cream cheese, 12(313c for 25-pound aver
ONlONS—Egyptian, $2.75(03.00 sack;
crate. $1.25; New Orleans, $1.50Q1.75 s.ick
(70 pounds).
POTATOES—Northern, old, sacks. $1.73
BEANS—Navy or peas, $2.2502.50 p2r
Enrlv Veiretnblrs.
IRISH POTATOES—New. No. 1, $2.00®
$2.25 per barrel; No. 2, $1.00^*1.25.
SNAP BEANS—Round. 25c crAte; flat,
25c: wax. 25c.
CUCUMBERS—Per. crate. $1.0001.25
EGG PLANT—HaIf barrel, cral s. $1,509
SQUASH—DuII at 5Oc(0$l 00 per crate.
CABBAGE—Per barrel crate, $1 77/02.25.
STRAWBERRIES—LocaI stock. 508 c
per quart.
ilrcmlMllifts, liny nnd Grain.
FLOUR—Market easy: ratent. $4.20;
straight, $3.90. f.tnoy, $,.60; family. $3.40.
MEAla—Petffi. peT barrel $2 50; per sack,
$1.20; city meal, per lack, bolted. sl.]2Vfe'£
1.15; water ground, city grist,
packs, sl.l7Vi; pearl grist, Hudnuts’, per
barrel, $2.75; per sack, $1.25; sundry
brands. $1.20 sack.
CORN—Market Arm; white. Job lots,
58c; car lon and lots, 56c.
RlCE—Market Steady, demand fnir.
Fancy head 6-*
Fancy 5%c
Choice 5c
Fair 4:
OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 33'35c:; job
lot/, 366137 c; white, clqipcd (37 to 42 poun*ts)
360 < ar^; 3S<‘ joo.
BRAN—Job lots. $1 00; carload lots, 95c.
HAY—Marker strong; Western, Job lots,
93c; carload lots. 90c.
lSucon, llnuia anil Lara.
BACON—Market firm; smoked clear
sides, s%c; dry salted clear sides. 8 ! Ac; bel
lies. B%c.
HAMS-. c ugar cured. j2*A'L ; l3
LARD—Market arm; pure, in tierces.
BHc; 50-pound tins, B%e; compound, in
tierces, 6%c; 50-pound *lns. 7c.
sugiir and CoQce.
SUGAR—Board of Tra<j quotations:
Cut loaf 6.28 Diamond A 5 $>
Crushed 6.261 Confectioners' a.5.68
Powdered 0.96| White extra C.,.5.4."
XXXX, powd’ed.s.93i Extra C 3.33
Rtd. grnnuloted.s.Bß Golden C 3.73
Cubes 6 -fi Yellows 3 13
Mould A 6.131
of Trade quotations:
Mocha 26c JPrime, No. 31044 e
Java 26c j Good. No. 4 lov&c
Pea berry 13c Fair, No. 5 10c
Fancy, No. 1.... 1184 c Ordinary. No. G .
Choice, No. 2.. . 11'4 cl Common, No. 7 . 9c
Hardware and flulldlns Suppllrs,
CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in
fair d* mand and sell at 80. a barrel, spe
cial calcined plaster. $1 *r barrel; hair,
44/sc. Rosedale cement car
load lois. special: Porl’antl cement, re
tail $2.25; carlead lots. $2.X)'<12.20.
NAH—Minimum yard sizes. $14.<*>015.00;
tar sills. SL. 0; diffleu t .-ize?. $16.50
4/25 00. ship stork, $25.504?3u 00, sawn ties,
sl2 MXfiflS.OO: hewn ties. S3Q36c.
steady; demand fair, sig
nal. 45550 c; West Virginia, black. 9?U2c;
lard. 680; neatsfoot, (*)B7o<■: machinery, 18
@2sc; linseed oil. raw, 68; troilod. 7t; ker
osene prime white, 15c; water white, 14c;
Pratt's astral, ;sc; deotJotlztd stove gas
oline, drums, 12V&C. Empty ell barrels, de
livered, 85c.
GUN POVVDER—Per keg, Auettn crack
shot. 34.00; half kegs. 52.23. quarter kegs,
81.25; champion duckin*. quarter kegs.
12 25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half
I kegs,. 311 55; quarter kegs. 3y.75; 1-pound
canister. 31.<10; lesa 25 per cent.; Trolsdorf
smokeless powder, 1-pound cans, 51.80; 19-
pound cans, 90c pound.
Plant System.
of Railways.
Tralrs Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City TltnL
___ KK.U' fi'iU 'n -~~ Biteu.lve May U. i9W, '|| RfeADUP.
■ < iS su ,*_ 78 'Jforth und“Sju7h: is jSt 5“|t 5 |l3 | 4H“
6 (~(> # iuu It)p, 7, a ; [oS Lv" ' SavanFuh ..."'Ar ~l 5557"f Ssaj <
i-foa 11.0.1 I 19,1 lu .0.1, (, .B.i ; |.\r ..Ch :.lesion. .. Lv 11 Isp| 5 ,70aI 310 pi 7 tl| *
3.::, . ... 7 jjp ,\ r .f.i, bmond... Lv 9 Ova| 6 Mpi j
' ' l,l L \r .NYa.'hingion... Lv 4 30a 3 07p[
I ' 30. .. i .>;., Ar . B.dilmore Lv J 55a( i 46pj
10 ■' > ; o.i r .I'lcladoiphla.. Lv 12 'JOp 11 33p‘ 7.'...,
1 ISp; 1 0-.. Ar New York . Lv 9 2Sp 8 Uai *.*
L*>l i Ar ..Boston Lv 1 00;',12 n’t;
7* 3, , "3t'~~33*7~
■' ' 30a s 15.1 :.v Savannah.... ArM l 43a(U 13*112 itnlll 50a lO 16^
8 (..,p 0 l.q, 10 ~0 , 7 4 60a Ar . W.iv ross . Lv lu iSpi 9 56p 9 55a; 9 3)aj 7 <*>•
10 31, , 40p I.’ „0a 9 7•: Ar Joekionvllle.. Lv” 8 39p| 8 00p| 8 1)0*; 7 3>| 6 964
- ■** 5 ♦'i 1 1-... Ar Sanford. . Lvi 12 ipi 1 09a 100.) m
■ 10 50|> 10 5i,. Ar St. JVtershurg.. Lv .1 6 00a' ..j
■ ••• 7 30.i H> 00p 10 (Op 10 oijv \r Tampa. .. Lv 7 OOai 7Ma 7 36p 7 35p
’ s 10a 111 "V 10 e*>l t*> 30p Ar Port Tampa.. Lv 6 25a 6 264 7 0)p 7 OOp
I ( 1 10 -' 1 Ifl’ 1 10a Ar . Punta Oorda Lv |... .4 36p 4 85p ;
. !0 toa iO ia i Ar ...8:. Augustine. H 6 top ( 30p
]6a| IS 10*1.......1....... *
00 p .1 .I I r.o ,■ c J(11 1 Ar leaup .... Lv S 20a|10 |
.......I 8 .>.,P ,10a 6 25p 8 03a 8r .Bnitiw|ek I.v 6 ,'oa 9 06o' I
' ‘ Vi* Montgomery.ll i ( ’it"
Oopi ."a Lv Savamutn Ar ie 15a 12 mm iW|. * 06a Lv Savannah Arl]io"n*!li 164
6 4,.p, .. 40 (Ar Jcsup.. I.v 8 20a 10 50p l 2Up Ar Tho'svllle Lv I 3 4 39*
• M 1 1 ]oi‘ Ai Ma -. ,i -I.v lAO 2 3op R 10a 9 20p Ar M’tgomery i_, v 7 Ifipl I 39*
•>2\M 3Mp ;Ar Atl.jpta .Lv 10 Op 12 nr.p 7 lOp 6 :,o.i Ar Nashville Lv 9 OOa 3 tl*
9 ;. .1 8 4“. vAr Uhi”” 2.1 I.V 6 05;. 6l a 2 30a 12 25p Ar Ix>ulsville Lv 3 .55a: 9 12*
• ; I' • 1 Ar l/oulsville Lv .la 74-P 7H ( 4 05p Ar Cincinnati Lv 111 oop 5 45a
• "I* 7 Ar ( (M i mil I.v x Jia 7'P 7 20a 7 16p Ar St. Louis Lv | 3 Sop 123*
7 04ai 6 OOp.;Ar. SI Louis Lv 1 9 15p| 8 08a i (I, It N ) I V
7 5 10p Ar Ohi-ag.. .I.v : 8 30;.' 9_oof> I r.n\ |' Ar St. Louts Lv|| 8 OOp
6 40a 1 Isp Lv. Atlanta Ar 10 35p 11 30* <M. Sr O.)
8 05p 7 15a Ar Mcmphns I.\ 8_ < i 9 00:> 9 00n 9 15p Ar Chicago .Lvj| 7 ODp 1 5 (9
9 45a; 7 10i> \r Kir. 1 < 'ltyLx 6 t 9 \’<[* 4 i*j p jfosa Ar ATo bi leTT. Lv j 1 30a
• und unmarked 11. Cn>- daily. 8 30p 7 400 Ar N. Orleans Lv ' 7 56a( 7 4Sp
r>an ' ' *> LVPaVanhiiT)"Xri W {faHt'M
dsys oni) 1 1.1 12 .10;, Ar.. Tift on ...Lvll 3 Ita •
Through ''nl’.m in Ftloopir.g Car Service 3 45a 2 10p Ar Albany Lv!jl2 016| 2 4&f
te North. Fust ami W t. and io Florida 5 20p Ar Columbus Lvj; jlO 00ft
M- n.. Si- . II 00pm, Lv Port Tampa Ar 330 pm f*ues.
Tue.. Fri.. Sun.. 300 pm Ar Ke\ West Lv 11 00 pm. Mon., Wed., dof.
T. Fri . Sun., 900 pm! Lv Key West Ar, 10 00 pm. Men., Wed.. Set.
Wed.. Sat . Mon., 600 .mi Ar Havana Lv **2 30 pm. Mon., Wed.. Sat
•• Havana time.
J. H. Polhcmus. T r \ . K. a Armand. ''it y Ticket Apt.. De Soto Horal. ?hon* 7$
B. W. WRENN, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah. Ga.
Georgia and- Alabama Railway.
Passenger Schedules effective Dec. 24, 1899.
Trains operated by 90th meridian tl me—one hour flower than City TlaiaJ
~KKAir i? ■|| ‘hbad“
down (I II iJV .
N0.i9;.N0,17|| ; ||No UlNoit
6 3<‘i>| 7 23,i;|Lv S.iv.i nnah ai 26p M 6
7 IG|>[ 8 Cißa[,Ar Cuy lrr Lv 7 43p 7 #T*
9 lip 9 45a| Ar Statvsboro Lv 6 15p •
8 46p 045a| jA r Collins Lv Cop 6 36*
lOMpil 45ai| Ar Helena Lv 4 06p 4 40*
3 03a| 4 15p| Ar M icon Lv| 11 20a|13 SSn
6 20a 7 StpjiAi- Atlanta Lv 7 50a 10 U*
9 45aj lan A r Chattanooga Lv 3 09* 6<*
- ville Lv 315 p ...*••*
8 OSpI Ar Fitzgerald Lv 12 v>p
l 40pi Ar Cord tie Lv 2op
11 35a 12 25nt Ar Birmingham Lv 4 4tp
4 12p 3 05a|!Ar Mobile Lv 12 Staff....*
8 30p 7 40a Ar Now O rlcana Lv 7 46p
7 30p ♦ OSpijAr C.ncl r.natl Lv I 36m
7 20a 7 16p' Ar S(. Lo uia Lv ....... $ 86p
All trains run ifiiily.
Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trai (n?i 17 and IS.
AT CUTLER with Savannah and Siat esboro Railway. t
AT COLLINS with Ctillm* ro Air Line. Also with Colllni *r.d Rcidovllle RaDrooA
AT HELENA with Southern R.iihviy
AT CoRDELE with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; al3 with Albtnfl
and Northern Railway ,y
„ AT RICHLAND with Columbus Dlv Is lon.
AT MONTGOMERY with Louisville an and Nashville and Mobil* tod Ohio lU*
For rates or anv other Information, call on or addross
W. P. KRT'GGS, C P. and T. A . Pull and Bryan street*
P. V. PEEP.SON T P. A . Bull and Bryan streets.
A. POPE. General Passenger A gent. -
CECIL OAPRET. Vico President an <3 Genera! Manager.
McDonough & hallantyne, "' r mF
Iron Founders, Machinists, g 1
mat v 1 14 (i, Bi Hot i<-Milch i . ruafiiiiitf liirrm tit Station.
er> iimi Bor t Itie ibigliva, \rOo I um! lop I'uodlob
Cou Mill., Suunr Mill ni;J I’ii in. Sin* Uizivr, l’ullr >a, rtc.
SHOT—Drop, SJ.GO; 13 B and large, I.B<>;
chilled. 11.85.
IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 5V47J
6c base; refined. ?c base
NAILS—Cut. U.Oo base; wire. 33.90 base.
tiattbKl' WlliE—*4.6o per 100 pounds.
i S'tlllH and . IKK.
PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 75c®52.09
per ca 1 rlr t
LEMON'S—Market strong and advano
lng. at 34 6004.75.
ORANGES—California are Lings. 31.C0@
NUTS—Almonds, Tarrogonn, iCc: Ivlcas,
lfc; walnuts, French, 12c, Napes, 42 0; pe
cans. 12c; Brazils, 7c; filbert*. We: dort
*d nuts. 50-nound and 25-pound boxes, 10c.
PEANUTS—Amoie stock fair uemano.
market Arm; fancy liand-plcked, Virginia,
pet pound. 4'4c; hand-picked. Virginia
H;O4C N C. seed peanuts. 4c
ItAIBINS—L. L.. 82; Imperial cabinets
32.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, 80S I ,Ac pound.
Lrted and Evaporated Emits.
APPLES—Evaio'ated, 7'ioßc; sundtlfd
PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed. 17'40;
unpi aled, ; '-S/lOc.
I’EAltS—Evaporated. 12*-1--.
APRICOTS —Evapora'r.l, 15c pound; nec
tarines, K'M-c.
halt. Hides nnd Wool.
SALT—Demand is fair an! the market
rtendy; ee-lnad :01s. liO-pounu burlap
sacks, 44e; 100-pound cot* n sacks. 45 ';
115-pr,und burlap sacks. ; 125-pound
cotton sa ks. 65’ L c, 200-p'jund burlap sacks,
HlDES—Market tirm; dry flint, 14'4c:
drv salt, 12V4c: green salie.l. e'.jc.
WOOL—Nominal. 1 . lrr. • (,'eorgla, fr*
of sand, bur sand hi... K wool. 21c; black.
jSp; burr.v, l'iol-'c Wax, 25c; tallow, 4c.
Deer skins. 20*
Lulluu Hugging nnd Ties.
BAGCING—Market Aim; Jute, 2V4-
pound. 9v4e large lots, amnll lots;
2-pouml. ,-pound, 8*408140; sea
!*!• and baagtng, 12V4C.
TlES—Standard. 45-pmmil, arrow, large
lots, 31.40. zn ell lot* 31 su.
FlSH—Mackerel, linlf-barrel*. No, 1,
88.50; No. 2. 37.00; No. 3, SS.CO; kits. No. 1.
11.25: No 2, 31.00; No. S. SOc. Codfleh.
1-pound bricks, G*4o; 2-pound bricks, oc.
Smoked herring, per box. 17c. Dutch her
ring. In kegs, $1.10; new mullet, half-bar
rel. $3.50
SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia nnd
Florida syrup, buying at 28030 c; selling at
!2fl3',e; sugar house at 10015 c; selling at
straight goods, 23020 c; sugar houss mo
lasses. ]T>o2Or.
HONEY—Fair demand; strained, tn bar.
rels. 55ftfl0c gallon.
High wine basis, 31.23V401.25V4.
COTTON-Savannah to Boston, pet
bale. $1.25: to New York, per bale, 61.00;
to Philadelphia, per bale, $1.00; to Bald,
more, per biiK, 31.C4); via New York—
Bremen, 50c; Genoa. SOc; Liverpool, 4io;
Reval, 70c; direct, Bremen. 42'.
LUMBER—By Sail—Freight strong, Sa
vannah io Baltimore, per M, $5.75; to Ph.l
adclphia. $0.(0: to New Yoik. $6.75; >o
Boston and J J ortlan<l. $*10007.75: to Ha
vana. 37.00; to St. Jonn. N. 8.. 38.00: cross
lies. 41 feet base, to Baltimore, 15c; to
Philadelphia, 17c; lo New York. ISc.
BY STEAM—Lumber-sSavamiuh to Bal
timore, 36.00; to PhtlndelThta, 38.00; to New
York, 3600; to dock. 36.76; lightered—to
1 Boston, to (lo< k. 38.25.
1 NAVAL STORES-The market is Arm;
B'YCO ; y
Schedule* Effective June 8, iWlrfy*
Train* arrive at and depart from r '
Central Station. West Broad, Foot at
Liberty street.
doth Meridian Time—One hour slower thaw
city time.
Leave ~ * ~ Arrive "
envannah: Savannah:
Maron Atlanta. Govln*-|
am ton, Milledgevllle and all ** oopm
Intermediate point*.
Millen Augiista and in-f
r palaw ittoopm
(Auguste, Macon. font-f t®
Isomery. Atlanta, Athene.!
•5 OCpm Columbue, Birmingham,|* Odea
| Amerlcue, Eufaule andl
Tv bee Special from Atl-j '* m
■ 13pm susia Sun.i.iy only. Ii 10 Sere
tC 00pm; plover Accommodation. |t7 Ware
Guyton Dinner Train "|t* 60pm
•Dally. tKxcept Sunday. (Sunday only.
75th meridian or flavnnneh city time.
Dally—10:03 a. m., 3:35 p. m , 5:35 . HI.
S:OS p. m.
Dally—7:4s n. m., 11:05 a. m.. .<S .
9:30 p. m.
Connection-: made at terminal points
ivlth all trains Northwest, West ta*
Southwest. .. ,
Sleeping ears on night trains betwee*
savannah and Augusta, Macon, Alien**
and Birmingham.
Parlor car* on day trains between f*>
vennah, Macon apd Atlanta.
For complete Information, scheduldth
rates nnd connection*, apply to
W. Q. brewer. City Ticket and
enact- Agent. 107 Bull afreet
W. R MeINTYRE. Depot Ticket A (feet.
J C HAILE. Gner*| Passenger Agent.
F H HINTON Tram- Manager
THEO. D. KUNE. Gen. Superintendent.
Savarmsh. <ta.
medium six* vessels. Rosin—Coe* for ore
ders, 2s per barrel of 310 pounds and I par
ceni. primage. Spirits, 4s 3<l par 40 gallons
gross und 5 per cent, primage. ' UftfW
vtrsels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits. 4a. Steady
lie per 100 pot’nut on ros.n; Zl'ic on spirits,
Savannah u Eoston, and #V on tooln,
and l'Jc on spirits to New York.
c;n\iNS, ruovisiosft. etc.
New York. June 7.-Flour mo e netlv*
and firmer, holder* nailing s#loc advance
on all grade*. Winter straights, tt.4o#
3.30; Minnesota patent, $3.5j8.80. Ryt
llour steady. Corn meal quiet. Ry* etußj
(Continued on Sixth Page}.