The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 09, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Have You No ilppetste? ''alce one wineglassful cf j ihann Hoff’s Malt Extract v'ith your meals, and you be surprised with what relish you will eat and how y&u will long for your n’leals. Johann Hoff's Malt Extract crates appetite and cures Indi gestion. Insist on Johann Hoff's ai.i you will not be disappointed. UNITED STATES POSITION. (Continued from First Page.) and promptitude. But whatever Its he.d- \ tatlon may be. it can certainly have no desire to hamper the action of other Pow ers less embarrassed by preoccupation* , nt home, and it is not likely to compro mise its position in the Far Hast by hold- j in* aloof when decisive measures are un- ' dertaken." Advocating joint action by England and Russia, ih* Times says: “It is in fact to the effective and cor- i dial co-operation of England and Rutwl*. that we muse look for speedy relief from the presen- anxieties. Ir is evident that the other Powers interested are quite pre pared to take part in any common and concerted action, and although some may be less eager than others, the spectacle j of England and Russia agreeing to a t together, and resolved to r vigorously, would do more than anything etee to bring them Into line.” FRENCH \\ 11.1/ (O-OPER ITE. They Will \i<! In I'rotprllnK For- Henfrii in ( lilnn. Parin. Ji ne 8. At a cabinet council to day presided over by. resident I>oub*t. m nistor of fcr lgn affairs. M Drl easse, communicated dispatches concern ing the situation in China. The French minister ; t Pekin, he said, was acting in unison with the diplo mats and Adm.ral Courrejolles. who was at Taku with his squadron, had been in rtruc ed to (o op* rate with the other ad mirals and take such measures for the protection of foreigners as the situation demands. mission %iibs in danger. They llm r S*nl ni \ppeal to Presi dent MeKinley. Ljondon. June D. The IVkin correspond ent of tin- Tim*.- says: "The American missionary rence to-day sent .1 dispatch to President Mc- Kinley appealing for protection, and a.s eerting that the missionaries ut Pao Ting Fu and other plat es are in extreme dan ger,that the Tung Chau missi n station has been abandoned, that chapels have everywhere been burned and that hun dreds of native Christians have been ma*- ttecreed." WILL NOT <■!! \N I \I DIFNCE. Relotions trr Strained Rrtwrrn Jn pn 11 ntnl Korea. Yokohama, June B.—More serious from a Japanese, point of view than the ris'ng of the Boxers in China is the sudden ten sion between Japan and Kc r. a as the re sult of the protests of Japan ag dnst the torture and execution of ;>olitical prison ers by the Korean government. The Korean Emperor übso.utely refuses to grant an audknee to the Japan sc min ister, liayashi Gonaouke. ( Initnn Against (hlna. Vienna, June 8. —lndemnity cloims to a very large amount, have already beep filed by the European ministers nt Pekin, w'dh the Tsung Li Yarnen. The Belgian minister claims 2f>,OCO.OOU franew. DEMOCRATS OF (OLOHADO. Delegate* ( Itosen anil ItiMtructed for C’ol. llr>nn. Denver, Col., June B.—After two days’ session In convention and all night sit ting of the Credentials Committee in a vain effort to reach a sat'sfactory ar rangement between contesting delegations from this (Arapahoe) county, the Demo cratic State Convention, late this after noon. by an almost unanimous vote, de cided the cont< st by throwing out both delegations. Within an hour after this action was taken the convention had fin ished its labors and adjourned. The delegations from Arapahoe county were headed, respectively, by Gov. C. 8. Thomas and Thomas J. Maloney, chair man of the County Central Committee, and these two gentlemen were both made delegates at large to the Kansas City Convention. The following delegates at large were selected by acclamation: Delegates: Gov. Charles S. Thomas, Denver; Thomas J. Maloney, Denver; A. T. Gunnell. Colorado Springs; Charles Henkel, pueblo. They were instructed to use every effort to secure the nomination of William J. Bryan for Pnsi cm and the reaffirmation of the Chicago platform. The report of the Resolutions Commit tee wn short and in line wbh the utter ances of Mr. Brynn in recent speeches. MARY \D%MS 111 LR LEY 'S WILL. sc*ernl ol ll*r llrqWill (*outc to Grot gin. New York, Jure s- The will of Mary Adarns Bulkley, who I at her resi dence lit Rye. r n May 1, was tiled for pro bate af White Plains to-day. It Is thought •he estate w.l) foot up 150.000 Justus L. Bulklcy of New Yrk ehy i pole rx* cuter. The will (’her * that s_*>oo) be set aside, the Interest of whi h is to hr paid to I Sarah S. Adams, the testator's mother. At h*r death the money Is to be divided equally between ('apt John Adam* Per ry, V S. A and Mary Stovall, Savan nah. Ga. To the Right Reverend Alexander (’ Garrett, Bishop of Dallas, Tex., is left SIO,OOO. S*. Paul’s Church at Augusta. Ga.. L to receive $2,000, and SSOO additional for a brass memorial < roe*, to he placed in llte floor of the church, to the memory of the Rev. Edmund E. Ford, directly ' over the spot where he Is burled. | 111 im* lit 11 i* Delegates. Birmingham, Ain., June B.—At n confer cnee of the Democratic Bimetallist* t'lubs of the *ate, held to-day to el* c t delegates to Kansas City, to maer the Democratic Bimetallic National Com mittee. on July 4, the following delegate* from the state nt large were elected: John W. Tomlinson, Tennent Lomax. N. L. Miller und Gordon McDonald. WEST FLORID* SEMINARY. Medal* and Diploma* Awarded to SneeesafoJ Ntndent*. Tallahassee, Fla., June B.—The com mencement exercises of the State Semin ary. west of the Suwannee, held this week, have been rhe most interesting and successful of any in the history of the 'institution. t exercises covered three assemblages —the annual debase between members of the Platonic Debating Society; the public contest for the gold medal offered by Mrs. Gov. Francis P. Fleming of Jack sonville, for the student showing greatest proficiency In elocution, and the official commencement proper, including the con ferring of degrees and awarding of prizes. They were all brilliant gatherings, nota bly the last. Af:ir the Invocation by Rev. 8. M. Prov ence, on commencement night, orations were made by the following graduates: Miss Ann'.e Maxwell Rawls, Mis* Evelyn C. Lewis, Mr. Lindsay G. Papy. Miss Kate L. Moor and Miss Edith Elliot. Hon John A Henderson, president of the board of trustee*, bestowed the fol lowing medals upon the student? who had won them: The Erastus W. dark gold medal, for the highest average attained for shlp in the senior class, to Mira Edith Eiilott; Miss Annie M Rawls was sec ond. The W. R. Wilson gold medal, for similar success in the Junior class, to Mini* Leila Jackson. Miss Bessie M Saxon being second The Tallahasseean gold medal, for the best scholarship in the sophomore class, to Mr. Gaston- Day Mis? Pauline Coat a was second. Tne god medal offered by the board, to the rank ing student in tne freshman to Mi*.*- Mary Fhoutan, Miss Fannie Shout tn coming second. In the High School classes, the board * gold medals were won as follows: Flret High School. Miss Mattie O’Neil. Mis* Lu flic Saxon* Branding *econd. Second High School. Joseph Shoutar. Miss Bertha Meglnnlss. second j Third High School. Miss Eugenie Davis, Clyde Evans se ond The gold mMal offered by Mr George Lewis to the schr lar in Leon Academy making the h‘t average in studies and deportment was won by Miss Fenton Dav|. Miss Genie Davis, standing second Next on the programme was the star feature of the exercises the presentation of diplomas to the Seminary graduates This p easant duty also *a assigned to Col. John A. Henderson. Those who re '•elv<d the degree of Bachelor of Arts were Miss Edith El'.lott, Miss Kate Moor Miss Evelyn C. Lewis and Mr. James H. Randolph. The degrre of Bachelor of Let ters was conferred upon Miss Annie Max well Rawls and Mr Lindsay G. Papy. The elocutionaly contest between stu dents for the gold medal offered by Mrs Governor Fleming of Jacksonville, to the j undergraduate, showing the greatest pro flcency In declamatl n. both during the school year nrd in the public contest a t commencement, attracted a large and dee; ly interested audience to the Opera Hou r e Tuesday morning. All of the contestants acquitted them sedvea most creditably, and at the '•om mencement exercises proper In the even ing President Murphree announced that rhe committee of Judges had awarded 1# Fleming medal to Miss Bessie M Saxon. The decision wos hailed with universal approval ar.d the talented re lpient—tha daughter of Hon. George YV. Saxon, pres ident of the Capital City Rank of Talla hassee —w'as warmly congratulated by her lorge number of friends. The Alumniae Association of the Semin ary. at its annual meeting. transacted routine business ond elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing year: Presi dent. Alex P. Harrison; vice president. Mis* Catherine M. Mclritoih; secre'sry and treasurer. Miss Mary Herring; lo l 1 executive committee. Min Edith KII ot 1 and Miss Evelyn C. Lewis. The Board of Trustees of the Seminary i re-elected Prof A. A Murphteo presl ! dent of the faculty for the ensuing year. NOT GOING TO CANTON NOW. President to Remain In Washington for the Present. Washington, June B.—lt seems probable that the President will not go *o Canton until the latter pnrt of the present month, and certainly not until after the National Republican Convention, which meets in i Philadelphia on June 19. A large number of letters have been re ceived a? the White House from political organisations in different parts of the country, stating that it was their inten tion to stop in Washington for on hour or two on their way to jhe Philadelphia convention to pay their respects to the President. Under these circumstance*, the President has decided to remain here un til after he convention. If is understood that he has decided not to take the Cali fornia trip this summer. To-day Is the anniversary of Mrs. Mc- Kinley’s birthday and many of her Wash ington friends called to offer th*dr con gratulation*. Still Getting Supplies. London, June 9.—The Lorenzo Marques correspondent of the Times, in a dispatch dated yesterday, say*: “The Tran*vaal government continue* to receive fairly large oonsignments of goods." Cotton Crop. Cairo. June B.—lt i* estimated that the year’s cotton crop will be equivalent to i.000.000 American bales. BOXES OF GOLD Itrnt for I.rttrr. Aba.l Grpr-\ot. 3‘rt brxfs of gold and greenbacks will be sent to persors writing interesting and truthful letters about the good that has been done them by the use of Grape- Nuts food. Iff little boxes, each containing a 110 gold piece, will be sent the 10 writers of the most Interesting letters. 20 loxes, inch containing a s."> gold pin e. to the 20 next most Interesting winters, and a dl greenback will go to each of the 300 next be>t. A committee cf 3 to make dec slon atul the prizes sent on July 3. 1900. * Write plain, sensible letters, giving de ta'l rl facts of 111-health ciused from Im proper ford and explain the Improve ment, the gain In strength. In weight, or in brain power alter using Grape-Nuts food. It Is a profound fact that most ails of humanity come from Improper and non nourlshlng fcod, such as white bread, hot b scull, s archy and uncooked cereals, etc A change to perfectly cooked, predi gest. and food like Grape-Nuts, scientifically mad- hnd containing exactly the ele ments Nature requires for building the dell ate and wonderful cells of brain and body, will quickly change a half sick per son to a well person. Food, good food. Is Nature's strongest weapon of defense. Include In the letter the true names and addresses, carefully written,, of 20 per sons not v. ry well, lo whom we can write regarding the food cure by Grape- Nutt. Almost every one Interested In pure food Is willing to have Ms or her name apprar In the papers for such help as they may offer the human race. A re nin s', however, to omit tame will be re st ected. Try for cne of the 330 prizes. Every one has an equal show. Don't write poetry, but Just honest and Inter cs lug facts about the good you have ob 'alned from the pure fool Grape-Nuts. If a man or woman has found a true way to get w.ll and k'ep well, It should be a pleasure to stretch a helping hand , to humanity, by telling the facts. Write your name and address plainly lon letter and mall prcmotly to the i T’nslum Cereal C’o.. Ltd., Battla Creek, 1 Mb h. Prlstc sent July 3. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 9. 1900. is a liquid food that tones the sys tem. Its use brings appetite, health, and vigor. Aids the nursing mother and the baby, the aged, the ill, the convalescent. Physicians know and recommend it. All Druggists sell it. Prepared by Anheuser-Busch BrewingAss’n St. Louis, U. S. A. Brewers of th.. Original Bududser, Faust, Michelob, Anheuser-Standsrd, Pale-Lager, Export Pale, Black & Tan, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrine. A CRACK GAME IN PROSPECT. Sntnnnah’n Ten in Prepared To Do the Ilntter> ( lloyx. The much talked of ball game, between the Savannah’? and Battery C. will be played nt Bolton street park this after noon. The proceed:- of the game are to j go to th< The soldiers are -old to U “ racker-jacks.’’ and as this is to be tneir first appearance be- i fore the Savannah fans, they will un- ! doubtediy give a good account of them-i selves. On the Savannah team some well known faces will again be seen in basebad arena, and the ones that will • seer, for the first time on the home 'earn, are sail to be first-class players. Jim Ballantyne will do the back stop work for Savannah, and it is needless to ey that it will be | well done, as Ballantyne’? record a s :.n A1 bail player, is well known King and Strickland, who will officiate in the box. are in splendid trim. They have speed to burn, and the Battery boys van expect to see the balls coming over the plate i looking, like marble*. Villlneau. Harper. Goodenough and ; Downey wl.j compose the infield. The first named will make his initial appear ance before a home audience, and big things are being looked for from him. i Harper. Goodenough and Downey are well ! known to be good ball players, nnd this j season is “Bub" Harper's second time on earth. Kelly, Floyd end W. Downey w ill take ! care of the outfield. m<l anything that comes in their territory will be well looked after. The game will lx* called at 4:30 sharp, j The price of tickets U- 15r, v/ni h includes admission to grandstand. Ladies admit- j ted free of charge. The Savannah team is a good one. and the soldiers “will have to hurry.’’ The j following is the line up: Savannah. Battery C. Ballantyne catch Bogman King & Strickland.pitch Dobson Villlneau first base Donovan Harper second base—Wismesky Goodenough third base McDonough Downey, J shortstop Vantine Kelly .n left field Ghent Floyd center field Dawkins Downey, W right field McKarrell , Dr. I.uke I*. IlliicUlmm Write* concerning Crab Orchard Water: “In tardy motion and chronic corwtipa- ; tlon of the bowels, it excels all other medicines known to the profession.— ad. ARBITRATION < ONKKIIENTK. Pro mini nt Speaker* sit the Lake 12 oho ilk Meeting. Lake Mohonk. N. V.. June B.—J. Crosby Brown opened the discussion at the Lake Mohonk arbitration conference to-J \y. Other speakers were Rev. Mr. George K. ! Ilorr. the Rev. Richard C. Moore of Providence, John E. Taylor of Brooklyn, j Prof. Charles H. Smith of Yale Univer sity. Maj. M. H. Brighttx and Theodoie Sutro of San Francisco. The following declaration was issued to-night: “The year has been a checkered one in 1 the history of Porto Rico. The war with Spain was concluded with the t eaiv of Paris, but even yet the fighting dings on in the Philippines. A still mo. e bloody and bitter war has been carried on in South Afiica. Tnese wars have given to the world a sad lesson of the folly and of the danger to states of submitting to the arb trament of force fcuch and fflcultles as might be settled by the arbitrament of reason. On the other hand the friends of Porto Rico have oc c'iekn to exult. By the labors of the peace conference at The Hague tl.eie has been provided an august permanent tribunal before which every nation can bring its differences with other powers, assured of an impartial ciecisi n.” The declaration Hun proposes that thia government enter Into separate treaties* with other powers un h r which all differ ences which cannot be settled by the us ual diplomatic ne?otla'i ns shall he re fe- red to the international tribunal at The Hague. • aESi lts on i iie diamond. Boston Defeated CTilmo by the Score of U to 5. Boston. June R.—Rain Interrupted to day’s game in the third Inning. After play wos resumed, three hits and some poor work by the Chicago infield gave Boston five runs and the game. The hitting of Meries and star catches by Lowe and Hamilton were features. At tendance, 1,500. Score: R.H.K. Boston 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 x—6 6 1 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-5 10 5 Batteries—Dineen and Sullivan; Calla han and Donahue. Other ItiiMchnll Game*. Chicago, 3; Cleveland, 0. Kansas City, 11; Buffalo, 10. \ Milwaukee. 3; Detrol . 2. Minneapolis. 10; Indianap 11st. 4. Rochester. 8; Syracuse, 2. Providence, 1; Hartford, 7. Toronto-Montr* a 1 pom;k>ik*l. rain. Worcester. 4; Springfield, 7. Jackson A\ hipped Parker. Denver, Col.. June B.—At the Colorado Athletic Association to-night young Peter Jackson of San Francisco was given the decision over Kid Parker of Denver itt the end of the fas'est ten-round bout ever seen here. In the last minute of the tenth round Parker was down nine seconds from a stlfT punch on the Jaw nnd swing to the head. He remained throughout the round decidedly groggy. MAY LYNCH TUB NEGItOES. Mob Orgnnlxed nt lltlfixl, Ml**., to Take Action nt Once. New Orleans. June 9.—The residents along the Gulf coast, it i- understood, have organized to-' mete out summary jus tice to Henry Askew and Ed Russ, two negroes In Jail at Mississippi city. The preliminary trial? to-day failed to fasten guilt on either, although It is posi tive that Ik>i!i were In the vicinity of the place where the 13-year-old school girl was raped and murdered, and know some thing of the affair. The Biloxi people decided lo keep work ing on the mse but the men In the other towns have decided, apparently, ( 0 wait lU > longer, and late reports are that a party of avengers had started for the place at midnight. CHINESE FOOD TESTED. Prof. JnfT}i Mnking Experiments for tlic Government. From the San Fran isco Call. Prof M. E. Jaffa, of e University of California, is living like e white man again. For three week? Prof. Jaffa tried the diet of John Chinamnn. Col lege professors are seldom gourmand-, but there are not many of them who would voluntarily infli- t their palate.3 : with Chinese fare. Prof Jaffa has charge of the experi- j ment station of California. The object j *'* tri-se -tations. wn: :i r:,e Deportment of Agriculture at Washington, has es tablished throughout * United States, | is to gei data on the various food mate rials and their nutritive and economic value. The reports submitted by the ex perts are published at Washington in bulletin form and are then sent broadcast to college* and dietary students. Last year the food ex|**-rte; met in Son Francisco. Few of our visitors leave us without carrying away some souvenir of Chinatown—from a chopstick to a kimo no. These gentlemen, whose business it is to analyze, weigh arid compare the food of mankind, were more interested in th*- food shops of Chinatown than the joe houses. The curious roots queer-looking vegetables and seeds fascinated them more than the tumtum of the Chinese theater or the tinkle of the cups in the tea house. It has always been a cepled df true that the Chinese are largely vegetarian in their diet, and this apparently without serious detriment *o their physical de velopment. Evidently their vegetables ar e the equivalent of the materials that make up our own vegetable dietary and presumably possess an inrrinsic value for such a purpose. The vhalting food experts were much in terested in the Chinese il.-t. The result that the authorities at Washington ordered a report on the Chinese vegetable foods which was forthwith prepared by -^ r Walter C. Blasdale. *n instructor of chemistry at the University of California. This report gives th*- analysis of the prin cipal Chlneee vegetables found in the j Chinese quarter. A description and analysis of the Chi nese vegetables by no means covers the ground of the Chinese diet. So Prof Jaffa prepared to make a study of the food of the three ciasaes of Chinese—the professional man, the man doing average labor, and the man doing hard labor. A Chinese dentist was elected as the prof< ssional man. and he was instructed how to weigh and tabulate every ounce of fco l consumed at his tdble. A Chinese* lau r dr} man was taken as the type of the aver; g manual laborer and a Chinese git dener as the hard worker. Sam Lung ar.d Charlie Hop were the gentlemen who played mine host to the assistant professor of agriculture of the State Univers ty. F’rrf Jaffa was fre quency ac( ompanifd hv T. J. Snow, who h*-li s him in his dietarv experiments. The < hir.aman objected to th*~ professor mak ing the experiments, hut he persisted. Charley Hop runs a large vegetable gar den in Berkeley and rhe vegetable* find their way to many a professor’s table. But why a professor should want to come to his tabl? was roo much for Charley’s “sahe.” Ih n Prof. Jaffa solved the problem. In th - classic halls of learning at Berkeley s me Walt r Fong, a graduate of Stan ford 1 nivfr iy, and now doing post graduate w | k at Berkeley. Mr. Fong has adopted American clothes, taken an American wife and is imbibing all the knowledge that our two un versities offer lo the sttl lent Jn mining engineering. For all that he has parted with his, Mr. Fong comes fr m the land ef pigtails. So Mr. Fong w-nt to Sam I.ung and Charley He p and successfully pleaded t{i pr.fessor s cause Th y were convinced that college professors a-e outside the P-le of "whl e devi's,” and that It Is not necessary to hum punk after their exits and entrances. It was easy to initiate the Chinese den tist into the mysteries of tabulating his diet, hut Sam Hung and ( harley Hop needed someone -t their e’howa to see that it was properly dene. Fcr unless the el *ta is abs ent ly o rrect any conclusions drawn therefrom would he valueless. Mr. Fong having given them the “open se same. •’ Prof. Jaffa, a-slsted ty Mr. Snow, began his wrrk. Afltr th first few days the Chinamen got used to having e ther Prof. Jaffa or Mr Snow with them at meal time The "Meliran men” we e there to tabulate the f ll*. hut after a day or two they were a keel to si a e it, and. according to both gentlemen, same of the Chinese dishes Wire so tempting that they did not need urging. Both Sam Lung nnd Charl-y Hop. once they understood the matter, were inter ested in 'he exp riment anil as careful j us P of. JafT t I hat the nightly dietary ao ooi nt should lie p rfectly correct. Char i ley Hop. th. Chile e gardener, confessed that when broached on the subject of havirg an on -ider watch his meals he thought it a< a sotnme of the tax col lector to tax tbi m for all food consumed over a certain fixed amount. "My men all cat heap hlg.--I always give them heap lli ty, so I much inlaid,” he exclaimed. When convinced that the tax collector bad nothing to do w th It Charley took a most intelligent inter st in the proceed lnr*. The lontM has such an Amp Danish larder that it prove? very li:tle reK.v-.lln* the Chin* sc diet. Following- is a list of the food materials used by the Lund y tnen and gardeners during three we k*. Many of them sound strange to the Cau casian ear. and taste stranger yet to his palaie: Lean pork and beef were the only in .ns Used; the Other articles were -fish, shrimp.*, fresh and dried; canned squid, abal me fr* sh and dried; 1* an cheese, bran sprouts, vermicelli, rite, native <-abbage, dried lily flowers, lotus roots, potatoes, Chinese radish, taio roots, water chest nuts. dried fungus, algae ii and bamboo shoots. In addition they consumed a small quantity of bread. bu*ter and sugar nnd large, quantities of t a. Many of these articles need expl.r a tion.fThc water chf.-tnut* cow wild in China and are sweet, juicy ar.d res. m D the chestnut In flavor. Taro ro't has about the consistency cf a sweet potato, is very popular among the Chlneje, and a number of white people he e. who have tasted them in Chinatown, use them at their own tables. Several species cf fungi are used in the Chinese dietary, the most I'oputor ne be ing yellow In color, except the top. which is brown or purple. Two othfr sp elts of fungi are sold ;** delicacies, retaili g . s high as 82 i.t pound. Algae is also larg - ly used. It looks like tangled mans.v o' horsehair, but when boiled f rms n aela ilnous mass that is used for thickening, especially with dried ebrlmpe. The *acrei locus has many naes am n* the Chinese, ranging from a r va*h and medical remedy to an article of food In San Francisco the Chinese us* the roots for the of a klnl o’. ?tarch and also boil them and eat them raw as we eat salad. Lily leaves are considered a delicacy and are greatly relished. The young shoots of tarob*o or? el*'* considered very palatable end are either pickled in brine or cannei. Prof. Jaffa is now at work coupling the data and making deductiar.e there from. As soon as he has finished the ma terial will be sent to Waahir.gtoa end printed. Prof. Jaffa says that genera ty speaking ;he Chinamen lived very wd. compared to the whl*e people doing the same sort of labor. The amount ct werk they did. and their health, p oves that tneir dietary contained an ample amount U nutrition. PIGEON!* FOR TRAP SHOOTING. Where the Birds tome From That Supply the New York Cluhs. From the Country Gemleman- To some the idea of raising pigeona for , trap-shooting seems a little cruel, and some Investigation of the subject has been made by those interested in the protec tion of animals and birds; but the fact is there is nothing in the business to shock :he most sensitive any more than raising poultry for the market. The pigeons that are shoe at the traps are simply plucked immediately afterward and wold on the market. This instead of injuring the trade of those who make a business of racing pigeons for a living, really helps :( No one atrempts to raise pigeons tor market directly. The profit comes ehieflv .n the squabs, and the old pigeon* or* merely disposed of finally when they g**. rather too old- for breeding purposes. These pigeons put on the market would bring very little, because they are old and tough, and the meat they furnish Is hardly goo) eating. Nevertheless, they make excellent birds for the traps. They are strong of wind and their flight is oft entimes more powerful end rapid than that of younger bird.*. There is conse quently a demand for such birds from trap-shooting clubs. A word or two about the needs and de mands of these clubs should be of in terest to those engaged in raising pig eons and squabs for market, for their onsumption Is so large to-day that they form one of the leading factors in the market. The trap-shooting eeason begin? in early fall and extend#* well through the entire winter, and during nearly all the winter holidays thousands of pig eons are shot from the traps. In and around New York, all the way from 20.- 000 to 50,000 pigeons are shot In traps every season. On extra occasions when large mutches are arranged. 25.000 bird* will he needed In one week. The question of obtaining this number of birds at one time is often a difficult one to solve. For merly it was impossible to do it, hut to day marketmen and special breeders have come #o the city from different parts of the country, and hold them for the trai>- shooting clubs. Some marketmen carry large consignments along for weeks, just to supply such a sudden demand. They n ive the dates of the different tourneys, and they keep in direct touch with the clubs. But this system hardly works sat isfactorily. and special "breeder.* of trap pigeons have gone into the business. On Ixmg Island there are several farmers wiio make a specialty of this They raise thousands of pigeons for the trap shooters, and they are ready at any mo ment to supply a club’s demand for one. two. three, or 10,000 birds. Immense wire enclosures keep these pigeons within re stricted arrwe. They have to be fed suf ficiently to make them strong and able flyers. The trap-shooting clubs demand above all things else fast ond active birds. Sluggish and slow flyers are not wanted. In the great cages where they ore raised for the clubs, the birds are ex ercised every day by a man entering the , enclosure and snapping a huge whip. The crack of this frightens the birds so that they fly around In great flocks. This morning and evening exercise is consider ed necessary for the proper development of wing power. Asa rule, young pigeons are in demand, WHY HE CURES. Dr. Hatlinnay Tells Why He Treats Chronic Diseases So Success fully—He lias a Word to Say About Those Who Cling to Old-Time, W orth less Methods. I am often asked why it Is that I cure a greater proportion of caoes than do oth er physicians. I will endeavor to answer this question JSEJ\ manner through the newspaper tfk t for the benefit Jr of the general K my brother phy know what is J.Newton HathawayM. D,, n for my no cess: I Imve made It a rule, since the time when I entered college, to make a study of one class of diseases at a time and to perfect a treatment for that class before 1 took up another; and be sides this I have limited my practice ex clusively to chronic disenses. But there are certain'diseases which can not be successfully treated by them selves alone; the diseased condition of one organ or part of the body will surely in time communicate Itself to some other or gan or portion of Ihe body. Hence, the specialist who is best able to treat dis eases of a chronic nature Is he who Is fa miliar with the diseased conditions which are liable to become seated In all parts of the body. It Is not sufficient to alone treat the manifestation of the disease; It Is neces sary lo go deeper and be able to cure the underlying cause. Chronic Ulneanea Specially. Having confined my specialty to chronic diseases, which act and react on each oth er. and having had the privilege of seeing and treating and curing all the different forms and slages of these diseases, if I am lo be accredited with even common natural ability, 1 ought to-day to be sue cessful beyond those whose opportunities have been so much less. I doubt if any other physician In the world has treated so many cases, along my special lilies. OL 1 have. I have been treating these diseases continuously for 20 years, day in and day out. I make no boast of this; I simply state a fact that none can dispute. Constantly l.enrnlug. Another thing which I have done: I have tried to leatn something new' every day about the diseases which I treat and about remedies which would beat reach and cure these diseases. I am sorry to say that most doctors moke up their minds when they graduate from a medical col lege that they know all that can be known about medicine, and they go on In Ihla way until the end, with a. longer recoid of failures than of cures. >ew nnrl Exclusive Methods. Many things about disease and Its treat mer.t w hich I learned in the colleges from which l graduated have been of very great help to me In my practice since, but every method of treatment which I use to-dhy for the different diseases which I treat and every combination of remedies, |< of my own discovery. I long ago threw old methods aside: I long ago discovered that ever yc-aee must be specially studied and specially treated. This, briefly, has ben the chief cause of my success and Is the reason why to day I can so confidently promise cures lo my patients. J. AEAVTON IIATH AW AV, M. D. Di. Hathaway A Cos., 35A Bryan street. Savannah, Oa Office hours: 9 to 12 m.. 2 lo I and 7 to # p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. tn. Neuralgia Cured Not eased, but cured. Not quieted for a short time, but permanently cured. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People cure Neuralgia by no-vitalizing the ner vous system and restoring the life-giving elements of the blood. Women who have been tortured for years with Neuralgia and Nervous Headache, who have ex hausted the skill of eminent physicians, have been permanently cured by Dr. Williams’ ' Pink Piiis for Pale People Mrs.JVllllam Cotter who live, at So. <2 Windsor Street, Hartford, Conn.. mvs: •• I was taken with neuraleia several years and suffered untold misery. I tried a (treat many doctors anil several remedies, but I found only temporary relief. About three years bjo I was mtv;-. dlu tr Dr. Will iam*' Pina I'llli for hale People and I did so. I :. that the first box gave me some relief, and my husband insisted that I keep on taking tho pllla. I did, and I can truly say that the jdli.s are the only medicine that ever permanently benefited me. •• I used to have to give tip entirely and lie down when the came on. My face would swell up so that my eves would dose. The pills ured all this, and I have had no return of it for the last two years. I keep the pills constants on hand, ss I believe they are u wonderful household remedy. ‘•To fir." Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People I owe all the comfort I have enjoyed for the past two years in being free from and I am glad to be able to recommend them. ’ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for ouch diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ Dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by nil dealers, or •will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50c. a box or six boxes for *2.50 (thev are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, X. V. I 8 j!! P TONIC AND 81 Sir 1 Blood Purifier THE DADDY OF ’ESVJ ALL. Purely Vegetable Specific for All Diseases of the Blood. TO ALL DRUGGISTS: March 15th! 1900. I FREE! For thirty days from dale you are au- j | 1 - thorized to accept this coupon in pav- I if ■y rt meat of 2f)C on each bottle of H. II H M ilia B,0o<) Purifier sold. Orihj one coiti*:. t, _ mm U apply on each bottle . and only when the r nf Eg. 1 aadrets of the purchaser is written on spaces designated For YOt'R NAME AND ADDRESS Name I.H.H. COMPANY, . q WK OFFER YOU 25 CENTS. GOOD MarsnalDille, Ga. Address. a T a\v dpic; qthpf Return Coupons toHom* Office for Payment. j * WRITE y ()R BO OKLET. All coupons good until Jure 15th. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Distributing Agr-n*s> for Snvar. r ah and vicinity. H. H. H. COMPANY. Marshallvil'le. Ga. ARE TAKINC UP, CLEANINC AN!D STORING Carpets, Bugs and Draperies, All work done by experts. Awnings, Porch Curtains, Hammocks, Dixie Nets and Frames. SEE Al>. IX I’rtICSS N. SCHU7Z, St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. Though €* are not making any fuss over it. i is . • ' mins; that the Bee Hive is giving better values than have ever Urn s M in Savannah. Bucin* - is transacted on strictly’ up to date ideas—every nrtiolf .-.•; : *3 guantutc I as ie.:o - Your money back if you a not satisfied w.i’i yout purchase. Fancy Silk Shield Bow* 7. Black nnd Fancy Satin and Silk Band Bows 102 Indies’ Satin Stock Collars, all v lor ... Sc Ladies’ Satin Ribbon and Leather Tulley’ Belts 23c Ladies’ Bleached Lisle Vests, si k taped and silk crochet neck and arm* 10c Japanese Folding Fans 3c up to Lac- Pocket books, plain ond nickel corn is. stitched l." FIRE PROOF SAFES. We carry the only line of Fire Proof Safes that are for sale in the State. We have a stock of all sizes and a visit to our establishment is cordially invited. To be prepared in time of peace is our motto. Get a good Fire Proof Safe and you will never regret the invest* ment. Do not buy a second-hand safe unless you know it has never been in a fire. We will sell you Iron Safes as low as the factory will, with freight adde 1. LI PPM AN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists and Wholesale Agents Fire Proof Safes. 0 and these must be strong and healthy. The clubs arc willing to pay their prices for the birds that come up to*lhe stand dard. Slate-colored or "blue" birds arc the favorites for this purpose, md pa eons of this class that are guaranteed to he fast sell for 75 cents per pair. Breed does not count, otwl fnney pigeons on not in demand. It Is speed and activity that the shooters want. Ordinary pigeons am bought for 5u cents p-r pair. When the birds are shot they become the property o' the club organizing the tournament and not of the Individual shooter. Large quantities of these ore then sold direct to the marketmen, and they are either placed Immediately on sale or put in cold storage. Immediately after a pigeon tour nament the prices for dead pigeons—or squabs, as they arc often called—drop good deal, and the outside breeder wilo happened to ship Ids birds to market at such a time would lose money. In order to make pigeon-raising a success, the breeder must keep In touch with the trap shooting tourneys and the clubs. There Is more money 10 be made In (Supplying the cluba with the pigeons than the mar k Men’s Seamless Half Hose, guaranteed sia!n less 7c Men’s Jalb:i.’.x n French neck, lorn? or short rLeves 21c Men’s Laundered Fancy i'ercale Shirts, attache*! collars and cuffs 25c Mail's Hi 1 k From Negligee Shirts 41c Men’s Black Sateen Overshirts £&*’ Men’s Woytn Mnl:a Neg'igce Shirts..47c. Boys’ Fancy Madias Shirts Toys’ Fancy Shirt Waists loc kets. The clubs Inform those who sup ply ihe markets with the dates for their tourneys, find pigeons can then be sold to them. Nothing but strong, active birds i*hould le shipped, for th* breeder who makes the mistake of thinking that he can dispose of any old stock to the clubs will suffer. The* birds will be shipped buck at his expense. No one knows net ter how to tert the pigeons than tho-e whG hove charge of the pigeon matches. The marketmen gets the dead plgeor.u, a* f *T the shooting ot $1 per dozen, at which price th' ou* side breeder ran not make any profit. Treaty \Vi;h Ilia rlmilos- Washington. June B.—Se rotary Hay and Lord Paunc* fote ro-day signed a protocol extending untl’ March L next, the period of time sl owed for the ratification of the reciprocity treaty with Harbados. Heseniii-\o Cure* * !'*•>'• * Your <trugglst will refund your money if Pnzo Ointment faliu 10 cure you. 50c. —ad.