The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 09, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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The (Junkers Are Honest People. The Quaker Herb r Tonic la not only a trlocd purifier, but a Blood maker for ili. Pale, Weak and De bi. Hated people who have not atrength •&H"* ' * w,r blood. It acts as 'ittj. a rente. It regulates ' ri'gfr'ton. cures <lye ■jwßri itW pepsla and lenda ’JKHr anF'. atrength and tone to Vj ; the nervous system , „ a medicine f/r weak women. It Is a lurely vegetable medicine and can be aken by tba rot** delicate. Kidney. Dis ease*. Rheumatlen* and ell diseases of the Blood. Stomach aad nerves Boon euceumb ta its wonderful .affect# upon the human Thousands of people In Georgia recommend It. Fidce SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN RAI.M Is the medlctra that the Quaker (loctor made all of his wonderful quick cure# with. It's anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia Toothache. Backache, Rheumatism, gpralos. Pain In Etowels: in fact, all pain ran be relieved b t It. Prlca Hoc and 40c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a nedKa'.ed aoap fti the skin, acalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEADING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, ec zema and erupllona of the skin. Plica 10c a box. for sale bt all druggists MEETING OF WOMEN’S CLUBS. •HIS, lIEREK A LOWE OF ATLANTA CHOSEN PRESIDENT. Heceivetl an Overnliflmlni; Ma jority-Some Important < lihvik* * Unde In the By-Lawii—Rinmber of OpltgatfN Limited Nio (linnge Mndr In Taxntlon— RenolnHou t rg ,oc the Protection of \Aonien aid Children In the I nln*tr in I World. Milwaukee. June B.—The feauire of to ny's ?eelon of Che Club Women'?* Con vention was the election of officers*. ket a? made out by the Nominating ammittee, went through with litt4e con •st, the result being as* follows: President. Mrs. Rebecca Ix>we of Geor ria; firs t vice president, Mrs. Charles Dennison of New York; second vice lent. Miss Margaret J. Evans of Minne cta. recording secretary, Miss Emma Fcx of Michigan; corresponding secretary. Mrs George Kendrick. Pennsylvania; t tasurer, Mrs. Emma VanVechten of *wa; auditor, 'Mrs. George H. Noyes of isconsin. Nominations were made from the floor for Miss Margaret Evans for president, and for Mrs. Horace Brock of Pennsyl vania. for second vice president. Out of tne “H votes cast for president, Mr*. Ix>we r?oeiv<d 563 end Miss Evans 187, with o <*w mattering votes. The announcement rf Mrs. Howe s election was received with r armest enthusiasm. long business mating which occu both the morning and afterno n was j*ed to important changes in the by a gtowing out of the question of re ganlzation. As to Hie side issue of rep senration, the by-laws now rend: Thai for all club* numbering less thaoi ftv. representation jshail be through the > esi.ient or her representative only. For ibs numbering between fifty and one 5 indred, the representation shall l>e through the president and one delegate; or large clubs one delegate shall he al lowed for every one hundred members.” The other vexed question of taxation •a* not changed, nor was any effort made o have a triennial convention instead of biennial. The office of state chairman •if correspondence was dene away with 4.n<J presidents of individual clubs are 1 • longef vice presidents of the general fed eration. Another change was to the effect that the council could be called at the request of the board of directors or twenty-five member* of the council representing as many states. A number of resolutions were passed. On* urged the protection of women and children in the Industrial world, and an other greater care as to the sanitary con* cUtlons. By a unanimous vote the Club Women <>f Boston whs made the official organ of the board and of the general organize ' *>n Official greetings were cabled to mils June, who Is known as ‘‘the mother >f women's clubs.” SOI TH GEORGIA t OI.LKGF. n (treating Commencement Excr claes Till* W eek. cßae. Ga.. June B.—The commence men f ;ci*e* of the South Georgia College .srd Wednesday at noon. Everything wn the sermon on Sunday by Rev. W. Oienn erf Atlanta to the delivery of the v. ’als by C. A. Weddington, Esq , of iin. was highly entertaining ami in ctive. The literary address by Rev. >. Ellis of Macon on Tuesday was a and fully enjoyed by a large audi e entire old faculty was re-elected. Miss La moral* Geiger added as ts <ni music teacher. All of the depari te showed thorough training and re ed credit on both students and teach * Medals were delivered ns follows: Miss Edna Mize lie; music. Miss Mar fcEachin; elocution. Miss Mary Hate best eactay by young lady in acad- V ' department, Miss Nell Ault; best es *y by young man. Harry St rosier. The ottl enrollment for the year was 389. be nt a gain of 74 over last year. T* lln liassee Nevr* Notes. Tallahassee. Fla . June B.—Leon county farmer* have this season harvested the largest crops of oat and rye for many > ears past, and the outlook for all other crofts are a* promising as could be de al red. State Treasurer Whitfield has remitted to the various counties the amounts due each from the sa’e and reduction of tax •*ale certificates during the month of May, aggregating $5,£18.68. It having been made officially known to Gov. ftloxham that J. I. Smith and D. L. Smith were as*asinated in Columbia coun ty On the night of May 22, by Charles P. Mann, who has fled from Justice, the Governor has offered a reward of S2OO for the arrest and conviction of Mann. Letters patent were to-day Issued for incorporation of the Madison Ginning Company, with a capital of $7,000. to con duct at Madison a ginning, hailing, buy ing and selling cotton business. Kew Executive Committee. / Waycross, Cfa., June 8 —The new Ex ecutive Committer of the Eleventh con grtsalone! district is composed of the fol lowing: Appling. John W. Tippins; Brooks. 8. and. Bennett; Clinch, W. T. jlekerson; Camden. D. T. Rose; Coffee, T W. Quincy; Charlton, J. J. Upchurch: Dodge. J. N DeLacy; Echols. J C. Ham; Trwln. Fred J. Clark; Glynn. W. E. Kay; lohnson. W. M. Faircloth; Laurene. V. L Stanley;' Pearce. A. B. Estes; Telfair, A 3 ftyalls; Wayne, C. C. Tindall; Ware. J. C. McDonald; Montgomery, John Mcßae. Pimples and Freckles on Fare, Tour druggist svill refund your money If Paso Ointment fails to cure von 66c. %• WAYCROSS PUBLIC SCHOOL*. ————_ (losing Exercise* Waycrons Air Line—Oilier News. Waycross, Ga., June B.—The commence ment exercise** of the Waycross public schools were concluded to-night at the High School Auditorium. The attendance was large. In the class of 1900, there are only live as follows: Misses Mildred Woot en. Adrou Elllston. Mary Young. Marie Wester, and Mr. Nolan Goodyear. Mr Goodyear received firs; honor. His mark I was 90.72. Mist* Mildred Wooten was sec ond honor pupil, with a percentage of 9..;*1. Following was the programme in full: Instrumental duo. Les Dames de Sevllle, Misses Virginia Lyon and Mamie Beavers; prayer; reading. “Night Brings (tut the Stars,” Marie Wester; reading. "Ail That Glitters Is Not Gold,” Adron Elliston; chorus. “Over the Hills;" read ing. “School Girl Days.” Mary Young; reading. “Sweet Girl Graduates." Mildred Wooten; chorus. "Summer;” oration. “Beyond the Alps Lies Italy.” Nolan Goodyear; vocal duo. Misses Mai ion anti Wilson; delivery of diplomas by Judge H f*. Brewer, president. Board of Edu cation; address to class. “The Potency of Ideals;” benediction. Uol. John <\ McDonald was re-elected as chairman, and W. T. Dickinson of Flinch, as secretary of the committee. Hoi tne* C. Tootle, a deaf and dumb shoemaker, who last year spent awhile here and who has lately been roaming about Wares boro, lias disappeared, ami it is feared he lias wandered off into the woods and died. It is said that Tootle came originally from Screven county. George W. Smith of Pitzgnald is a can didate for delegate 10 the Kansas City National Democratic Convention. He and Col. John W. Bennett of Waycross are •he only candidates so far announced ami •hev will in all probability go. The Waycross Air Line, when it is ex tended from its present te* minus. Doug las. to Fitzgerald, and the southe. n end is built from Waycross to deep water at St. Mary s, will become prominent piece of road. Rcxent changes have p-’weed the Air Line on a more solid and satisfactory foundation than ever before. The entire present indebtedness has* been provided for. as have also the necessary tunds to carry the road through. VV. G. Raoul. Sam M. Inman. George Dole Wadley and J. F. Minus are now interested with our local capitalist* in the road. This will prove a big thing-for Waycroe* and this section. 'l'he work of numbering the houses In this city is being pushed rapidly under the direction of Mr. E. W. Knox. This is being done preparatory to the cst ib lishment of our free delivery system here in October. The Waycross postoffice will move into its new quarters in the Southern Hotel building in a few days. The new Goette saw mill at Pearson will give employment 10 sixty or seventy-five employes. It will be in operation in a month or six weeks. A missionary Baptist Church lias been established at Pearson by the missionary, Elder S. K. Blitch. Dr. J. W. Strickland and Mr. R. F. f*rott ure the -delegates to the Methodist District Conference at Jesup from the Folks ton circuit. The Waterworks and Sewerage Com mission has settled with the com ractor*. the system having been completed as far as it will be at present. The commission has decided that if the dumping of the sewage on Mr. Joseph McQuaig’* land proves to be u nuisance it will then be extended to ibe Stuilla river. Engineer {Jledsaw fell from his engine on the Plant System, near Do tortown, a day or two ago. and was badly hurt. He was brought to tlie hospital here. ASSESSING TIIE I'ItOI'I.HTY, Mow It Is Done ut Lake ( It y—Exam ination of Teaelier*. Lake City, June B.—fAt a meeting of the City Council, the other night, the Finance Committee was instructed to hire a hack and take the city assessor, witli the books end a map of the city, and make a com plete assessment. lot by lot and block by block. This will be the first time In the history of the city that such an tqualiza lion board has canvassed the city prop erly. and as a result thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of property in being assessed which have heretofore been left off the tiooke. The assessments tills year will run up to something over two million of dollar*. The June examination of teachers for this county is now in progress. Forty-five teacher* are making efforts to pass, thir ty-four of whom are white, ami the re mainder colored. Only fifteen out of the total are taking the examination for ttie First grade. The sub-s.hcol trustees for the Peabody High School held a meeting Wednesday evening, and recommended to the Coun ty School Board the name of Prof. J. T. Ferguson of Court land. Ala . to fill the office of principal for that school the com ing term. They also recommended that Miss Georgia Borger, Miss Gussie Miller. Miss C. M. 'McCllntock and Miss Agnes ('one. four of the old teacher#, be retained tor another term. It was decided to employ an assistant male teacher and one mote lady teacher for the Sixth grade ION \ICKFRS HEAD. He Win One of Coffee County'* Most Prominent CitlsenN. Douglas, Ga., June B.—Hon. John Vick ers. who was recently stricken with pa ralysis, died at his home, nine miles out. at 1 o'clock p. in., yesterday. In his death Coffee county loses one of her most influential Christians and upright, charitable citizens. His remains were burled o-day at Hebron Church, of which lie was the founder, with the larg est membership of any church in (lie county. He was the author of several able religious treatises, held several of fices of trust in the county, with honor to himself and county, was elected 10 the last general assembly by the Democrat! party, but lost his seat to his contestant. Hon. Elijah Tanner. By industry and honesty, he had accumulated a snug for tune. All Coffee county Joins in condo lence with the bereaved family and rela tives. He was honored by all who knew him for his unswerving fidelity to truth and right. Douglas whs jubilant lust night over the nomination of Hon. VV. G. Brantley (o succeed himself In Congress from the Eleventh district. SHARKEY HAD AN EASY THING. He Knocked **Yank M Kenny Out In •Iliftt One Hound. Now York, June B.—Tom Sharkey easily defeated “Yank” Kenny in the firm round of what was to have been a twenty-five round bout before the Broadway Athletic Club to-night. Sharkey took the aggres sive from the start, and drove his an tagonist all over 4he ring, and finally end ed the battle with h right-hand smash on the Jaw. which put the big fellow down and out. Before the men entered the ring even money was offered that Kenny would stay five rounds. Horsford's Acid Phosphate NERVOUSNESS. A superior restorative when the ner vous system has become impaired by mental or physical overwork. THE MOKNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1900. Hunter Whiskey H onest L nsurpassed N ever equaled T ested by time E xcellent in taste R ich in flavor YY holesome H ousehold need 1 nferior to none S uperior to all K ing of Whiskies E verybody likes it ou included HENRY SOLOMON & SON, Sole Ag n s. Sa aim h, Ca. ACTIVITY IN RETAIL TRADE. WHOLESALE HISINESS. HOWEVER. IS RATHER Q 1 IET. ( < realw Furnished fn Exception to tli4* Geiierul Downward Trend of Prices—Current I>evel4>|ineitft in Ili4‘ Iron Trade \r4* Favornble—ln creased Yrreage Report* Have Weakened Cotton—Surplus Grain SupplicM Decreasing. 'New York, June 8— Bradstreet’s to morrow will say: New business at wholesale is of a be tween season's character, but warmer weather has offered a stimulus to retail business in some sections. Chief activity and most attention is. however, still con centrated on the price situation and ef forts to readjust quotations to meet cur lent and marid and supply conditions go forward steaci'y. The only exception to the gen ral down ward trend of prices is that furnished in leading farm products, notably cereals; but here the moving cause is hardly a favorable one. being the result of less satisfactory crop reports, particularly from the Northwest, and it is to be not ed that advices from the Central West, where the winter wheat yield promises to be very short, are also le=s favorable. The Northwest has had some rains. bu> it in claimed not enough to render the sit uation free of danger. Corn crop condi tions remain favorable, as likewise do those of oals. but these grains and hog products have sympathized in the upward movement of wheat, which has .it last broken from its lethargy and is- again attracting speculative attention. Foreign crop advices, it might be added, arc rot flattering. The German rye crop piomise* to l>e very short; the same report com** regarding French wheat, and English i rop are not of the best. If, as has been claimed, lowered* for iron favor an Increased con sumption, current developments ii this trade may be classed hs favorable, because concessions ate being male in nearly every branch of trade. The uric* of Bessemer pig and steel b.llets for the last half of 19vu hgs been agreed upon, the result being a drop.of 16 i>ei cent, in pig iron and of 20 per cent, in billets from the old nominal quotations, which, how ever, have not beep dpselv adhered to of late. Southern ir.ou advices are of shad ing iln quotations, in sympathy with sim ilar action taken at I’ittsburg. Chicago an.d other iron markets. Prices at Bir mingham are now on a parity with those of Europe, freight charge* considered, and here, as in the North, the possibility of labor troubles intrudes itself. (otton Mifetlitl> Weaker. Cos ton is slight ly weaker on rrports of heavily increased acreage, but the crop is late, and advic?s this week are of an excess of rain In the Miss's* ppi valley and Texas. Cotton goods are dull. Wool la dull and cm the whole slightly weaker at Eastern markets. Men's wear goods re orders ate of fair volume, while mills en gaged on women’s wiar goods are fairly well employed. The outlook favors lower prices for the new spring weights. Little 'hat is new comes from the shoe bus ness. Leather is dull and lather weak er. Price shading Is reported the rule.'ln lumber, and these, coupled with low wa ter in tiie Northwest will, it is restrict new production. Surplus wheat supplies are decreasing tspicily, lending interest to current un favorable crop repot t*. Tiie and m n use in American stocks, as leported to ’Brad streets in May was 13,330,000 bushels, against a falling off of 9.U33.U0U bushels in April. Supplies* in Europe, Australia and Argentina a'sj decreased, (hough to a much I*as extent, and (he result D an ag gregate world’s supply on June 1. of 143.- 581,0(0 bushels, a supply 15.611.C00 bushels less than on May 1, and comparing with a decrease in May a y ar ago of less than 1.000,000 bushels, and two years ago of an increase of nearly 2,000,000 bushels. Tiie decrease in American and European sup plies is the largest reported in an> month since 1898. and is tiie largest reported in May since 1895. Business failures for the week number 184. as compared with 135 lasi week. 178 in 111 s week a year ago, 221 in 1898, 256 in 1997. and 214 in 1896. There weie 9S failures in Canada In May. involving $931,290 of liabilities, an increase of 13 per cent, in number, and of 75 cent, in liabilities over the same month a year ago. NEGRO KILLED lIY \ TRAIN. Dentil 4f an Afcicd \\4innti—J. AY. Itobertw' Sui Glen Diiitli. Valdosta. Ga., June B.—W. M. Gibb*, a negro turpentine stiller, who came from Dasher station to this city to instruct an other negro in * lie art of distilling, was knocked from #lie railroad track and In stantly killed yesterday morning by a fa*t train on the Georgia Southern toad. The negro was sitting on (lie crossties as the train approached and the engineer blew his whistle, but to no avail. The en gine pasesd the man, but a beam from one of the cars struck him on the head and knocked his brains out. An empty bottle was In the man's pocket, Indicat ing that he was drinking. Mrs. Nancy Wilkes, one of the oldest women of the county, died at her home In the soulhern part of tiie county Wed nesday. and h*r remain* were burled at Corinth Church yesterday afternoon. Sh - ea me to this section before the war and has raised a larg - family, all of whom are prominent citizens of this and other counties. Among her children is .Mr. John Wilkes, the well-known traveling man. Mr. Jim W. Roberts died suddenly at hi* home in this city Wednesday evening He had suffered with paralysis for several years, but was aide to be out on the parch of his home that day. About noon he stated that he was going to die, and gave hi* wife seme direction* a* to his funeral, stating that he wanted to be bul led in a black suit and negligee shirt. His lemains were carried to Cat Creek for in t*rmnt He was sixty-five years of age and had a large family connection here. ▲ meeting cf the City .Council was held yesterday lo appoint a clerk of the Cbun- jraflf Hr Ultimo re ... OOTTULOB'I. WmUnahan&SW baitimoSi , v ' • < 1 in place of Mr. Maxey Ashley, who re slgmd a week ago. Mr. Walter H. God wilt was elect* and in his place At the same time tlie resigna icn of Meat Inspector G. B. Casey was accepted, and Mr. Henry Jones was eltct*d in ills place. GOLD SEEN IN DHFYYIS. Milter* Mill'll In II iti*iice-il b> Clairvoy ant* aml Ylt'illuttift. Denver (Col.) Letter to Chicago Record. Superstition plays :t large part in gold mining. If the facts were generally known it would ha proved that a majority of the mines in this state are being operated ns much on account of some bint from un seen forces as from the advice of material experts. First and foremost, the Colorado pros pector puts Faith in h's own judgment, but he is not averse to having that judg ment backed by Spiritualistic advice, so. as soon as he stakes out his claim, he frequently seeks a "medium.'' and has a "reading” over a piece of surface ore. On account of the large patronage from the ranks of the prospectors nnd miners Colorado supports an immense number of clairvoyants and seers of every descrip tion, and nil of them claim to be aide to tell what is many feet below the surface of the ground merely by looking at. a piece of ore that is token from the top. Perhaps 4he most notable example of mine poernting largely on the strength of Spiritualistic, advise is found in the Gey ser mine at Silver Cliff, Col. Tills is the ileepest mine in Colorado, being 2.250 feet below the surface. The mine takes it* name from its peculiar geological forma tion. It is being sunk In the center of what was evidently once a volcano cra ter. When the work was started year* iigo the miners founri round, hard stories almost like the “haul heads” which are usced for paving city streets. YY'hen these were cracked open a .small kernel of gold ore was found in the center. This ker nel did not run high in value, being in finitesimal. bu it encouraged the pro-- pec4i rs to keep on. It was figured that these rocks were formed when the last eruption took plume in the volcano crater, li was estimat'd that as the shaft was sunk deeper larger rock* and compara tively larger gold kernels would be found. On this theory the work was carried on Until n depth of several hpndred feet was reached. Then rupjuil gave out. and the mine would probably have been abandon ed bad not a clairvoyant claimed to have received information that if the work was pushed so much deeper fabulous value* would be struck. Armed with this Information, the pro moters went Ease. Boston capitalists were interested, and it is claimed that they were also given first hand the spiritualistic information about the reward awaiting those who persevered in the work With plenty of capital back of the mine, an Im mens* hoist was built, the elevator being unique In that it contains a passenger sec tion for tiie use of the stockholders or cftl dale who may wish to visit the mine. Tiie work was pushed vigorously, though there was no ore in sight, and the determined promoters sunk 1.100 feet without strik ing a sign of encouragement. At last, how ever, ore bodies were opened up. and now it i* reported iliat the mine is on the road to prosperity, though Ito statement has been given out as to whether the prophecies of the spiritualistic adviser have been fully realized. A similar case has cotne to public atten tion near Boulder. Col., Thomas J. Shel ton of “vibration" fame, having locand a mine near that city and having secured capital to work the property through on alleged vision. Shelton is Kentutklan. wiio has been engaged in many different enterprises, including newspaper work and preqehing. While engaged in ihe publish ing business iu Little Rock. Ark., it Is said, he hud a dream which brought him to Colorado. In hi* dream lie saw a spot on the slope of a mountain., near Boulder. The spot was firmly impressed on his memory, and in 1898 he located a claim on a mountain slope that seemed to corre spond in every way with the location pic. tured in his mind. No difficulty was ex perienced in raising capital, and the work of developing the projierty lias progressed steadily, though no ore of any promise has been encountered. In spite of this dis couraging circumsian.t*. the promoter is not worried a particle, as he claim* to have been told, to a fraction oil a foot, at what depth the pay ore would l** struck. This depth has not yet been 'reached, bo it is Claimed. Besides ills Corner Rock mine, as the property is called. Shelton operates a ‘ vi bration” office. Through the influence of his mind he claims to lie able to give peo ple advie • that w ill result in wealth and fame. He has an office force that is kept busy di dating answers to correspondents in ail parts of tiie world, who want these “vibrations.” The letters are said to con tiin the ' vibrations.” Nobcdy can see them, but t tie promoter says they are there and lie ha* convinced so many per sons that he is speaking the truth 'that lie is making a large income at $1 per “vibration.'' Another “dream”* miner, who created quite a s nsa’lon in Colorado a few years ago and who is still convinced that he has untold wealth in sight as the result of advice from mysterious sources, is Joseph Carey of Rockford. 111. Carey nev er had any experience in mining, but a few years ago he claim* he w/ts visited in a dream by the spirit of an Indian squaw. Tiie squaw appeared three time* and each time she told Carey that there was wealth awaiting him In an unpros pec ted and apparently barren field near Golden. Col, Carey, after the third dream, lost no lime in coming to Colorado. He went directly t# Golden and then followed up what is known as Indian gulch, west of tiie town. After proceeding a short dis tance up the gulch he located his claim, in the exact snot which was pointed out by the squaw. He began to sink a shaft, but sot n had to hi*p*m and work on account if lack of capital for development. Trou b'e also arore over tiie miestion of Ids right to the prop rty. Tills was finally smoothed over and Carey lias worked dog gedly on his claim. In spite of the sneers of okj miners who my that gold will never be found so far down in the foot hills He says he ha* but a little way to proceed, when, according to the dream ptephtf, lie will oi>on up an Immense vein of gold-bearing oie. *cnt Koltl for New York, June B.—A cotton exchange memlethlp certificate was eold to-dav at $3,000. The last price quote*) on <in actual sale, was $2,300. The current ad vance was expected * a result of anew • mission rule, adopted last Wednea day, ANDREW CARNEGIE'S WEALTH. He Estimates It at f200.m0,0(K. <torieM Yliont Him. From the Philadelphia Press. Pittsburg. June 4.—Andrew Carnegie’* statement made a few da> s ago in Lon don that he could clean up $200,000,000 by dDposirg of all hi* iCt rests, chiefly those of the Carnegie Company, has revived discussion in Pittsburg concernng Mr. ('ar. egie s ♦normous single fortune. It is interesting to note what difference it would have made in the Carnegie pile had H. C. Frick and ill* associates ac cepted the settlement which Mr. Carne gie wanted *o make when Mr. Frick wilh drw from active business. According to the figures which were g ven by Mr. Frick, hi* wealthier part ner would to-day be richer by tiie sum of about $45 OOtU.OO. Mr. Carmgle would now I be worth a quarter of a billion of dol- j lat. had Mr. Flick acquiesced in the pro posed s ttiement Hut Mr. Frick did not acqui see and in consequence that gentle man recGvfd about $*3.000.000 in addition lo what Mr. cainegi* wanted to give. It in also known tha the basis of settle ment was very satisfactory i-Oy'hos- part ners who oil not join Mr. I-rick in hi* fight. They became large beneficiaries by tne term* cf the final s -itlenient and the total addition to their holdings by the rtorganization of the company amounts to a sum in the nelg.libut hood of '550,000.- OCO. ThD amount would have gone- into •h already well filled wallet of the laird ot Pklbo Castle, had Mr. Frick not b. ought his famous suit or bad Mr. Car negie fought and won it. Instead of drop ping cut helote tiie draw. t a meg Ic'n liiiuiene Interest. The s at m nt of Mr. Carnegie in Lon d m tstimatlrg his fortune at $2tX).000.t0.. car* and some surprise in Pittsburg whe/e it has befit supposed that Mr Carnegie had a larger private fortune, than this would indicate. A gentleman conversant with Mr. Carnegie's affairs states that he received in the final settlement of the Flick suits, bonds of the new Carnegie company to the amount of about sS7.t*M>.- •HMI and stoi k to (he am ui't of about s's.- 000,000. This makes the entire Carnegie interest in tiie company $17O.00O.;:00. in ad dition to this Mr Carnegie is credited with holding investment securities of va rious sorts and cash to ihe amount of about $30,(00,UK), 1.1• * latter <• nstitutlng a souA of private fortune. t Mr. Carnegie’s statement is taken to mean among those who know him. that he now admits the validity of H. C. Frick's claim as lo the value of the Car negie interests. One promin nt Pittsburger. upon read ing the statement, attributed to Mr Car negie, said: “I don't think that a man with all that wealth should covet Na both's vineyaid especially after Naboth had helped him to get it.” This was in reference to H. C. Fri< k. whose manage ment of the Carnegie property for mauy years is considered by Pittsburg manu facturers as the gnat factor iti placing that concern on Its present footing. < arii4'ui4'*N First Wealth. Owing to his ass'elation wilh tiie Penn sylvania Rai rea l, Mr. Cam gh* made hi* first mcney out of the American sleeping tar invented by Josiah Woodruff. He was oi e of those who took up Woodruff’s idea, which was later developed by "George Pu lman. This was the first cash made by Andrew Catnrgb* in •* <* . lal enter pGse of any eons qu* n e it gave him an opportunity to go into oil when the first big wells came in throughout Ve nango county. In the days of Oil Creek and Plthole. He was a stockholder in the' Columbia Oil Company, a concern which earned $1.(100,000 in Its first year. Out of that ceil _\l . Caineg e made about S2OO - giving him a fortune of $1(0,000, which n*eaji something in these days. Soon af ter this Carnegie went into iren. He start ci the Keystone Atridg* Works through the aid of YY'. L. Pipt-r and Mr. Schitfier. who were employed on the Western di vision of the Pennsylvan a Railroad dur ing Mr. Carnegie's connection with the road. The fcrigar Thomson Rail Mills were built by Mr. Carnegie to turn out 30.000 tons of lails annually. YY’hen tiie late Capt. YY'. R. Jones produced 60,0(9) tons one yt ar it was hailed as a remarkable feat. Just lefore Mr. Frick left tiie eon fern tiie same works had a producing capacity of <50,(00 trns of steel rails an nually. One 4iii Carnegie. A good story is Told about Carnegie and Jones, on one of his visits to Braddock Mr. t ame&ie siii to Mr. Jones: "Do you know. Mr. Jone<, it is one of the great est pleasures of my life to feel, when I am on tiie ocean going away, that I have such competent men in charge, and that J am having a man lik** yourself behind to run tlie mill “ "I feel that way, too.” said Capt. Jonei without cracking a smile. Mr. Carnegie’s annual expense accoun. is in itself a tort tine. I'p to five years ugo. when he married, it is estimated that he spmt about $100.00) per year to llv*. Kiiltcs of apartment* in London and New York were constantly kept iu readiness for him. Blnce his marriage it is esti mated that Mr. Carnegie’s annual living, expenses amount to about a half a mil lion dollars. The maintenance of Bkibo Chs h in Scotland alone costs a prince ly income. Among his remaining annua) expenditures is a private pension list which contains the names of poor friends. Among th*m are iliose who helped young “Andy” Carnegi* without dreaming that lie would one day fce able to help them. On this list for many yiars was the name of a t old man who had been kind to young “Andy” when he was a tele graph mess tiger. The o il man was very poor when discovered by the steel man ufacturer. and the lafer settled the sum ' of $1,500 ier year on him and upon his death it was paid to the widow. < arii4'gle'ft Xtimerouai Fai. Mr. Carnegie has had numerous finis in addition to libraries and pipe organs. One | of *ln in was the owning of newspa| rs Ten years ago be bought up eighteen | > e ond-rate English newspapers, with the idea of running thtn on a common basis He soldi out at a small loss when lie found that he wa* maki'g p rsonal enemies on account of tiie diverse views his news papers were fon ed to express In order to suit the tone of their r*- pH*ti\* local!- He*. In on** town Mr. Carnegie was a Radical, in another a Liberal and in s(ill another a Conservative. Mr Carnegie lias a host of cousins and nieces and nephews, hut few close relative*, living. The near i est one is G orge Lauder, Jr., of Durn fermline, Scotland, the birthplace of the steel I ar on. He is an uncle to Mr. Carne gie and Is the father of George Lauder, one of the Carnegie partners. The personal characteristics of Mr. ! Carnegie and Mr. Frick may be said to be divergent. Mr. Carnegie is short in ► tature and not very stout, considering I bis age. Mr. Frick is taller, of much more substantial build Both men wear full beards Mr. Carnegie’s is almost white. Mr. Frick * 1* beginning to turn iron gray. In temperament Mr. Carnegie is 'omewhat abrupt, quite impulsive and 1 rather excitable. Mr Frick i* the pi. j ture of *e|f-control. cool and collected, I >et without creating the feeling of dis tance. Mr. Frick i* essentially a man wedded to the pleasures of domestic life. He takes especial delight in his children, as well as children generally, for whose P'easure he oft*n throws open his splen- Dtiffy’s Pore I. Malt \SBIw.' *o Fusel Oil. The World’s Famous Medicinal Whiskey (A distillation of pure nalti na* noeaual. Prater! bad md endorsed by lead in* doctor* for nearly half a century aa the only pure, invigorating ttlmulant and tonic. Ali druggist* and grocer*. SIOO a bottle. See that the trade mark 1* on the bottle. Book sent free. vOCFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., KochtaUr, N.Y. There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cut off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for l five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. I . . 1 . . .'. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cents. * hh SAVES Do ™mm greatest knowti nerve ionic and blood purifier. It create* solid ft?sh muscle and j .strength, clears the brain, make* the blood pure and rich, and cause* a general feeling of health, power and manly vigor Within 3 day* I after taUlhg the first dose you no I tic® the return of the old vlm. snap .and energy you have, counted a* lost forever, while a continued, Judicious use causes au Improve ment both satisfactory ana last ing. One box will work wonder*, alx should perfect a cur©; fry cents a box. 0 boxe* for s&*•*. For *®le t>y all druggists every where or will be mailed sealed upon receipt of price. Address Drs, Barton and Benson, jp/ Bar-Ben Block, tleve land, O. CET IT TODAYI did private* (.•or.s'Tvatorlfs. Nothing need hr* said, of routs , roiiocrnii'g Mr. <’.ii n*i s \\.*il known philutb iy <>py. linil a few yours uro Mi I’arnegie led the ex istence of single b!e*se> n* ss. Ami fli4 World l.aokft On. At profreiU Mi Kr'vk r mains a silent I artnrr in tin* n ern. Ills position is praetleallv that o f an Investor. He hi* no share or | art, nor'does tie wish b. in Ib* management of the business. Mr. is in lOnKlnnd. Mr. Kovejoy, for mer S' re ary of the ; umvany. is takiinf a loiitf rest v\ i ti his family by the break ers. Mr Phipps is takfn? no Motive pail in the hußineKs. and Mr. Curiy is dead. In the meantime the record being: made by ttie new mnna’rpment of the bia com pany is being; watch*<l with groat Inter * st by ihe industrial world. < ori i;e*: \\ ivro\i \vr. I’ou 4* rlii I 10 fieri of the llrri) I poll Urn All 111 n. From Hie Host on Rec oil. The man was at rested as a “drunk.” yet ihe captain hesitated. “Smell bis breath,” lie said lo the offi cer who brought him in. The officer did so, ynd admitted thpt he could den no ira< of liquoj. officer is an abstainer, his testimony was competent. “i!** acts drunk, md he is drunk, qr si k, I don’t know which.” said the oaptgin, s ihe man lure in "and forward nicttilifcd the frail, “(live him a cold water shampoo, ami I’ll see it' ihe do'lot* oftn < >m over.” The doctor was out and the captain went downstairs him u < if to see how ihe non alcoholic drunk was getting along. The officers hud stripped- him to the waist, and were giving him 'cold irater in such quantities that he was sputtering and blowing and howling for all lie was worth. Aroma ili- spirits of ammonia was poured into him, and ih process fcar con tin mil until he lien on io \elj for m* roy. A foreigner, speaking Kngllsh imperfect ly, ’ his condition hightemd the difficulty in 'understanding him. b Kur if he told , ijie truth h<* is th< * pectfffu-r drunkard iliut ever came, to the attention of the Boston police. il<- is lie iK*ys-r drink* anything but coffc-e, and acquired tin* in ebriety he was bfessWl wilh when ■ liken 1 4i ihe station house solely by libations of tho cqp l is considered so harmless. His name is John Canavera-z. and his birthplace Brazil. Tie Brazilian*, he yays, drink 41 iff**<* from infancy, ii4r strongest and blackest. The habit ho- grown upon iiim to such an extent, that he sometimes drinks forty small cups a day, and of a strength, euch up. eq'mi io about a quart of the leverage We* know. He prepares i lie coffee himself. Mashing t om** of the green berry, he sna-jas it, and sep arately a quantity of the* burnt berry. Combining the two until h> has boiled all iii - essential .part out, h< has almost a syrup, sometime* m trJy as strong as opium. Bulling in fresh eoffci*. and cook ing (his with it. in* has a biller drink that would make .mi Aim ri-ac gasp, and a cupful would nauseate a novice. He consumes about i pound of coffee . day. and If ikprived of the beverage his nerve* are gone completely II- was two week* iu i hospital in New York la I win ter, and nearly died for lack of hi nar < oilc drink. if is not, like alcohol, a stimulant, but more like opium in h - eff* t, although Ii produce* a result itndk* either, or i.nher, lise a combination of both. H* attribut ed hi* condition to the fan hi* stom ach had been upset, and he had iten nothing, practically, for iwo days, and Ills tipple took hold of him more than it would crdlnarily. lb- say- tnaf’ 4. once or iwice has he got in Hiiv condition, and that generall.v h<* only f<*4■!* calm and happy. He originated :ii- wav of prepar ing the beverage, and never know of any one else who used the same method. The captain concluded io let tiie Bra zilian go. "He could hardly le • ~!♦**l a drunk.” he remarked, “hut he ts anew one on me, and f, liojie ho wo rt teach any Boston jK-ople to use his Brazilian coffee dope. We’ve got vices enough without new one* being imported.” SCHOOLS IM) COLLEGES. CHENOWETH 1342 Vermont uvr. and lowa Circle, Washington, D, C. Boarding School for young ladles. Send for catalogue. Miss Mary Davenport Chenoweth. .Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sloan. YOURSELF I Tug €4 for uunatural - JoLlf*"*' **' tlata math,Da, mtatlons or alteration, ,f mu ton, membrane,. Painlan, and not uttio gent or polionou,. Mold h, hrantito, r sent in l„l n by -1 pr-an. prepaid 7,,{ ly®. or 3 J. ra. l t Circular mbs ob reqtMCL OCGun Steamship 6a. -FOR- , New York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. AU the comforts of a modern hotel. Eiectrlo lights. Unexcelled table. Ticket* Include meal* and berths aboard ship. Passenger tares irom Savannah. TO NKVV YORK— FIRST CABIN, >2O; FIRST CAIJIN ROUND TRIP. >32; IN TKRAIEDIATB CABIN. Ha; INTERME DIATH CABIN ROUND TRIP, STEERAGE, >l9. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. W. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, 136 IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $26.00. STEERAGE. $11.75. The express steamships of this line ara appointed to sail from Savannah. Central <9o!h) meridian time, as follows: SAVANNAH TO NEW A (IRK. NACOOCHEE, (Apt. Smith. SATURDAY. June 9. ot 2 p. m. I.A GRANDE DIICHESSE, Capt. Han lon, MONDAY. June 11. at 3:30 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Capt Bur*. TUESDAY, June 12, at 3:0) p. m. TADDAHASSEE, Capt. AsKlns, FRIDAY. June 15, at 6 a. in. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cap!. Daggett, SAT URDAY. June 16, at 7:00 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY. June 18, ai 9 p. m. I'll /ITAHOOUHEE, Capt. Lewis, TUES DAY. June 1.9. nt 10 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bur* FRIDAY. June 22. at 12:30 a. m. TALLAHASSEE. Copt. Asklns, SATUR DAY, June 23. at 2 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Digtrett.MON DAY, June 25. at 3:30 p. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, June 26, at 4:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY. ('apt. Fisher, FRIDAY. June 29, 6 a m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Capt Burg. SATURDAY. June 30. at 6:00 p. m. SAVANNAH TO BOSTON—DIRECT. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, THURSDAY, June 14. at 5 a m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savegs. FRIDAY, June 22. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, WEDNESDAY. June 27. 12:00 noon. This company reserves the rtgat to change Its .“ailing* without notice and without liability or accountability thera lor. Sailings New York for Savannah <SaUg except Sundays and Mondayr Sou p. m. Sailings Boston for Savannah Wed nesdays from Lewis' wharf, 12:00 noon. W O. BREWER. City Ticket and Pate enger Agent, 107 Bull (street, Savannah, Ga. B. W. SMTTTT, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah, Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Gs WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic D P't. 321 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. K. H. HINTON, TralTlo Manager, 8a vennah, Ga. p E. I.E FEVRE. Superintendent, Neg> pier 35. North River, New York. V. T. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STfc.AMaHll* LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company's offices te Ihe following points at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N. T. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE. PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX, N. 8. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCB. ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class tickets include meals and state room berth, Savannah to Baltimore. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful nan* dling and quick difpatch. The steamships of this company are ap. pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard lime): ALLEGHANY. Capt. Billups. SATUR DAY. June 9, at 2 p. m. MEW ORLEANS, Capt Eldridge, TUB* DAY, June 12. at 4 p. m. D H. MILLER, Capt. Petera, THURS DAY, June 14, at a p. m. ITASCA. Capt. Diggs, SATURDAY, Juha 16, 6 p. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, JunW 19. 9 a. m. NEW ORLEANS, rap . Flldrldge THU Kg, DAY, Jun 21, 11 n. m. D II MILLER, Capt. Peters, SATUR DAY, June 23. 2 p. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thura* dais and Saturdays at 400 p m. Ticket Office 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. ' J. J. CAROLA.V, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER. G. P A. A. D BTEBBINB, A. T. IC. ,T. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager, General Offices. Baltimore. Md. ' FRENCH LINE. COJIPAGM GfMf JWmim DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE—PAKtt* (Franca) Sailing every Thursday at 10 a m. From Pier No. 42 North Kiver. too Morton at. LaGascoyne .. June 14 La Toura ne . July J l,aCbatupagne..June2l!l.u Lorraine... July t| L'Aquitaine . June 26 La Bretagne July It First sailing of new twin-screw express aUamer La Lorraine from Nw York July rg, iruu. General Agency, 32 Broadway, New York. Messrs. Wilder A Cos. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books tiwag Morning New* Savannah, Oh ' 7