The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. KEW9 OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IX PARAGRAPHS GEkpRC-IA. Mist M. Rutberijftrd ar.d party of young ladles from Lucy Cobb Institute, at Ath ens, Jeft Wedne!|4av for New York whence they sail iv Europe on the ninth Instant. Mor.tioelio Advertiser: The grain crop cf •Jasper is said to Vjt the fir.M ever gro'vn in the county, atrfl about every farmer you see these day:*,wears a smile cf • or.- tentment. We be'rer times for the planters this fall Chan they have kno vn In many years. Of course where the plan ters are in a pronpero :s wav all other business in the Botth al.-o prospers. Cartersville New*: Col. Crenshaw made e wool shipment Ist week, probably the first that has beep made from Cartels ville in years. The amount was 600 pounds end was shipped to Ros-vilHe. A v. aaron of wool was a nov<l sight to the young' r generation ar.d a refreshing one to h older ones, who remember the good old days when it was common to produce and ghip wool. The* final preparations for the Chautau qua Assembly of :rO- a Barnesville have been completed, and the people of this city are now waitit..# and eagerly watching for the opening of this gala week I>r Barnesville. The programme for this year has been prepared it:th care end deliber ation. and no labor or expense has 1.-. en spared to mak* this assembly the b- r in. the history of the Chautauqua As.- m.i.y. A serious cutting affray occurred at Bewanee Wednesday evening between Maud Hambrick and Jim Bell, colored, the latter stabbing the former in the left •ide. Just below the Young Ham brick is the son of J. H. Hamhri k, sc - tion master on the Bourhern Railway at Bewanee. and has the sympathy of the community. The n*gro made his escape, but will be rap'ured. is thought. The wound? of ib.e young man are pronoun - ed serious, but no; necessarily fatal. Mr. C. E. MonfOft, secretary and treas urer of the Mary Lealia Cotton Mill, and Mr. Joe Broome, a carpenter, wrre pain fully but not dangerously hurt Greens boro Wednesday by the falling of a scaf fold. The injured men and four others were on the scaffold when it fell, and two f house they were covering, a was r e house for the factory. The other two men who fell were not much hurt. The factory, which is anew one, began operations this week. Bainbridge rattle in Georgia, and especially in section of Georgia, would indie ie that thia industry would also be profit ab e. Be<*f cattle have not l>een scarcer than th*y are at present for many yea:s Thousands and thousands have been ship ped to the West during th- r tv ‘ ‘ years, and market men in this section cannot get home-raised beef enough o cupply the demand. p-. no leason why the people of Georgia sho ild tot nil the beef cattle that may be Wanted and besid-s have large numbers toqthlp to other sections at a good profit. Dublin Courier-Dispatch: A few days ego Mr. J. T. Puller, of Brew ton brought -to this office a lot of corn that was burn ed in 1854. The corn was recently plowed up by Mr. Gus Johmon on hi place on the east side of tne river. In 18.>4 on this place a barn filled with corn w t destroyed. Mr. James A. Johnson w it nessed the burnnig and verifies the state ment. The burnefl barn and content> made a mound which was urpil recently never disturbed. In plowing over it Mr. Johnson found a lot of the burned corn. It seems remarkable that any trace of the corn could be found after the lapse ©f forty-six years. Amerlcus Times-Recorder: Fruit grow ers about Americus are still busily en gaged shipping peaches, a large- quantity going forward by express yes;.relay. The early varieties are netting the fruit grow ers a very handsome profit—-frequently ? much as $3.50 to $" per 'cram. The s ip rnent of “Sneeds’* is nearly finished, but noon the luscious Elberta, the que n <v peaches, will be ready for a trip North. There are many thousands of these rec here. all in full bearing, end hundreds <t dollars wdll come back to the porkers ‘of the fruit growers. The shipment of grapes and plums from Americus orchards will be considerable as well. The thirty-second annual meeting of the Georgia State Dental Society wMI b h-1 1 at Cumberland Island from the twe fth o the fifteenth of this month. The so iety will be called to order by the pr sd tv. Dr. M. N. Mixon of Rome, and the entire Ar days* session will be full of i te*. t events. One of the sper-ial < vents of the meeting will be several - lime? g v-n by Dr. Charles L. Alexander, who will be present by special request of the so ciety. Papers will be read on the following subjects: “Gold and Porcelain Inlay,” • Regulating.” “Dental Th rapeuti •?.“ Other papers and discussions oi various subjects of interest to the dentists w ill be indulged in. The meeting of the society this year w ill he one of particular into, rst and an unusual large per cent, of the members will attend. FLOIIID \. Fernandina, Florida Mirror: The Jetty ttontractors are here getting ready to re sume the work which ha? been stopped ever since the beginning of the Carte, trial. It Is rumored that the present con eiructors propose building several large barges and a marine railway, and that they will push the work with greater en ergy than the former contractors. Manatee River Journal: All of the coun ties of Florida have selected their dele gales to the State Convention, and it is now clearly evident that Hon. W. S. Jen nings will have the lead on the first ballot, and his friends are becoming jubilant over the prospect of his winning, afier a brief contest. Bryan. Jennings and Sparkman will make a strong combination w ith Man atee county voters. The matter of the Hollander Line of steamers between Tampa and N'ew York ! taking more definite shape. Wednes day Agent F. C. Bow yer announced that practical, arrangements had been made, and tha' the service was about assured. As an Idence of (his he has already made a'.contract with the West Coast Naval Stores Company to carry a cargo of 2,500 barrels of naval stores to N'ew Tork. The steamship Orion will call at Tampa for this cargo, ns well as other goods that will be collected by the 15th Inst. Twenty-five feet of water to the wharves of Tampa Is on object toward which he combined commercial interest of Tampa have now pledged themselv.?: and the Tribune is authorized to state that no stone will be left unturned to ward the attainment of this end. The work calls for much effort and untiring exertion; but the business men of the city have become thoroughly aroused to the Imperative necessity of deep water and lots of it, and they propose to use or ganized effort to get it. Jacksonville Metropolis; The name of Hon. Robert Jlc-Namee Is being spoken of In connection with national commiltce man for Florida. Mr. McNamee Is n splendid organizer, and a man who has an extensive acquaintance all over the state. He is a red-hot Brya-nlte and a tireless Democratic worker. Duval . oun y will gladly support the gallaru young leader from Lake. He has proven him self a good friend of Jacksonville in more than one instance. McNamee will likely have no opposition for ihis place. Tampa Herald; Dr Carradice has left the city. Bhe has actually departed, but no one knows how long she will stay. She has been a great deal of annoyance heTe for month* and months past. Y’esterday. however, some ladies In the city secured a tick** for her nd last evening Li-u| 4 it ler, of the police department, escorted her 'to the train. He accompanied her until the train had passed the Sixth avenue sta tion to ?ee that she left the city dead sure, and this she did. She promised r.ot to return, but this is liable to revision at any time, for the officers would not be sur prised to see her again at any moment. The famous Summers murder case, which has occupied the attention of the court at Gainesville, for the past eight days, was ended Wednesday morning at & o'clock, when the jury returned a verdict of “r.ot guiltyafter deliberation of several hours. By this verdict Marvin ar.d Percy Sum mers. actused of the murder of W. C Lewis at High Springs on tne evening of Aug. 28, 1899. were given the liberties of free men. and declared innocent of the crime which ha? so long confronted them and for which they have been confined in the county jail since last February. J. D. O’Hern of Atlanta, who assaulted Frank Chace of Jacksonville on account of alleged derogarory letter? regarding his character, written by*Chace to his sister in-law in Atlanta, upon a hearing before the. county judge, was held in a S3OO bond to answer the charges of assault and bat tery at th© next of the criminal court. Donald Dunham, the young man who ecromponied O’ltem and who held a revolver, preventing outsiders from inter fering or aiding Chace. was held in 1200 bond to answer the charge of handling deadly weapons in a carele?? and reckless manner. One of the most beautiful weddings ever aeen in Monticello occurred Wednes day evening, the contracting parti*? being Mr. George Newton Conrad of Harrison burg. Va.. and Mis? Emily Pasco, daugh ter of ex-Senator Pasco. The ceremony took place at the. Presbyterian Church, which had been beautifully decorated for the event. Monticello is famous for flowers, biu on this occasion she outd.l herself. Tne attendants were: Mr. Sam Pasco. Jr., of Pensacola. Mr. John Pasco of Monticello, brother? of the bride, N. A. Turnbull of Monticello, and Dr. F. C. Firebaugh, and Mr. J T. Hough of Har risonburg, Va ; and Miss Irene Bort of Monticello, Misses # Helen and Bessie Pen uro of Savannah,'.Miss Mamie Hansell of Thomasville Ga., and Mis* Mary Litch field of Virginia. Miss Lizzie Pasco, ?i?- tr of the bride, was maid of honor, and Mr. \V. H. Rohr of Virginia, was best j mar.. Master Will Denham, son of Capt. i W . B. Denham, and Jessie Pasco Turn- j bull, daughter of Dr. Turnbull, were re spectively page nnd flower girl. Com missioner Samuel Pasco supported the bride up the aisle to the altar, where she was met by the groom, and the cere- j monv was performed in o very impre?- j -,ve manner by Rev. B. L. Baker. Miss Yu lee Bethel played the wedding march. A 1 *rge number of invited guests then assembled at the P.jsco residence to pass many cheerful hours, amid the £ Darkle ! of wit and glances of beauty. the PKItCEMAGE of killed. Fatalities of lioer War Compared With Other War*. From the N*w York Journal. London. June s.—ln discussing the losses in the Boer war the Pall Mall Gazette ift*r comparing the record of American bat ties, in some of which the losses were as high as 80 per cent., says: “The present war shows nothing even .‘ ? the butchery in former daya in spite of the Mauser rifles and the su perior (?) Boer artillery. Mr. Winston Churchill give? the actual loss of the Ladysmith relief column for the last four teen days’ fighting at 10 per cent, cf the total strength engaged, and this Is about the figure for Colenso and the Modder. “At Magersfonteln the lo?s of the High land Brigade was not less than 35 and r.ot more than 20 per cent. And even the Dublin Fusiliers do not appear to have suffered 30 p*r cent, of punishment in any one action, but the returns are too incom plete to make definite statements. It is worth while, however, to call attention to the fact that the proportion of killed to wounded now seems to be 1 to 6. and in some cases 1 to 10, and instead of half the wounded dying fully 90 per cent, are alleged to have recovered. “It may be, indeed It is very probable, that we shall have many instances of far severer loss to chronicle before we occupy Pretoria, but. since the armament i.ow must remain the same, it i3 evident that : these, if they occur, will be due to some i other cause, and not the Mauser. The I real truth of the matter is that, of all the many conditions that affect the question j of losses in battle, armament 1? the least to be taken in account, but the. relative qua lit 3' of the men opposing one another I is rh* most important. “Tactical formations only influence the result in proportion to the i-kill of tie .eader who employs them, and his skill Is determined by the great consider at on . whether ‘time* Is or is not the essence of the situation. If ‘time* is of no importance n9 et Paardeberg, it is reasonable to ar range the attack with the l*ast possible risk to your men. as Lord TLoberts actu ally did; but if, as sometimes happens when acting in combination with other columns, ‘time’ is everything, tnen at tacks murt be made to succeed, and the I question of loss is only limited by the quality of the men—the greater the loss in a victorious fight the greater the honor." HEAVY BETTING ON THE RACES. Touts on the Track Arc Offering the t sual Number of Good Tilings. From the New Y’ork Sun. The seoson for "good things" among the regular followers of the race tracks, as well as those who only dabble in dollar bets In the poolrooms. Is at hand, and from now until the snow files the "good tiling" players will be kept busy playing alleged owners' tips, trainers’ tips, fake telegrams, private information and ndvlce from the man who watches the horses gallop every morning and holds a clock on their speed. This same thing happens every spring, and. although thousands of betters hav. lost on the same kind of a game liefoi. there are few. If any of them, who not willing to try It again. Of course. Information they get Is al ways fi . Inside, and if the horse should 1 -• : le first time the betters are sure to >< unsold with the time-worn lout's l a whenever he gives you o loser: "The ? a dc lost heavily, but wait until next time; we'll get it back." The next time arrives, and. although tin horse doesn't look to have a chance earth to win. the better win still remem ber hat he was a "good thing" the la.-t timeout and will invariably play It again Just to get back what he lost. There are some cases where the better has been known to succeed In cashing in 0 "good thing" the second time it ran, hut they ate so few that not many persons can rt tell ihe clrcumatances. So it happens that the "good thing" player generally goes through a whole season backing a horse In the hope that he might be oble to get back what he lost by having a bet on when the horse is at big odds. The crop of "good things" this spring is us plentiful as ever, and men who have listened to the yarns about the wonder ful time these "good things" have made in private, and played them accordingly, and lost, a? usual, will doubtless keep right on backing the horse every time it runs, for the same old purpose of trying to got back what they have lost. There are very few betters who have not got some horse down In their little book that owes them money, and no matter how poor a selling plater he turns out to be they generally have a small bet on whenever the horse is In a race. It doesn't matter what class of horse Is running against him, the better thinks that he might win some day, and he wants to cash hie bet if that day should ever come. w. F. HAMILTON, Artesian Well Contractor, OCALA. FLA. Am prepared to drill well* up to any depth. We use first-class machinery, can do work on short notice and guarantee , eatlefacUoa, THE MORNING NEWS; SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1900. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. COXDITIOX OF GENERAL TRADE DIKING PAST WEEK. Spirits Turpentine Goes Off 14 Cents Since Last Friday—Cotton, also. Declines—Rosins Firm at the Ad vance Local and Telegraphic Market*. Morning News Office. Jure 5 —The week brought declines in both the cotton and naval stores markets. Cotton dropped dur ing the early days, and spirits turpentine went downward throughout the week, closing to-day at a loss of l - cent 9 below last Friday. Towards the middle of the week a decid ed weakness developed in the market for turpentine, due in part to the free offer ings in the face of an indifferent demand. The result i? a drop last Saturd .7 from 47 to 45Vfe cents. A weakness was shown on that day, the eff-icts of w*hich caused a decline of L cent. From then on the market has been weak, and condition* have been such that prices yielded despite the efforts of factors to sustain them. The week’s sales were about 4.00) casks and the balance which changed hand? was used in making deliveries. While the trade Avas inclined to take a better view of the situation to-day. it is the current belief that the market has not yet struck bottom, ar.d that next week may witness further declines. The part of the receipts being used in making deliveries is not sufficient to interfere with the demand, whichein turn is tco light to support the market much. Th© larger buyers are pretty well fixed with future contra':?, which relieves them from entering the market except for the pur pose of supplying their Immediate needs. Contracts for Beptember-December de livery are being entered into by some on the basis of 45 cents. It is currently re ported that large offers to sp ri.s on this basus have been turned down by fac tors. who believe the stuff will fetch a better price. Nothing of interest was reported from the naval stores belt during the week, furfher than that the weather had been favorable for work, and that it was being pushed wi h all haste the present small force of hands will allow*. In Georgia and Florida factors say a great deal of trouble is not had with the teibor now engaged, most of the laborers being colored, but in sections of Alabama, and particularly where a w hite element has crept in, labor organizations are beginning to make trouble on a small scale. Nothing of a serious nature is looked for. however. Those complaining seek the usual redress —fnore pay end shorter hours. Shorter hours on turpentine farms just now is out of the question with producers, so that appeals to them for redress of this sort are no; apt to meet with muon success. The wholesale markets were steady ar.d active, with no changes of consequence reported. The following resume of the different markets will show the tone and quotations at the clo.sing to-day; COTTON. The cotton market closed nominal and unchanged to-day. The week closes at a decline of Lc below last Friday’s prices. A general dullness, and lack of demand from any source, gave the market a weak 'tone, and brought declines which may be followed by others before, the-re Is a re vival of business. The receipts for the week were moderately good. The following were the official spot quo tations. at the close of the market, at the Cotton Exchange to-day: ~ “* | This ; Last | day. j year. Good middling 8% 'S’* Middling 8% 5% : I.ow middling 8% 5 1 * Good ordinary S’* |4% Market—Nominal; sales nor.e. Receipts Post Week. ' | Up- Sea Receipts of Cotton — I land. Isi’d Receipts past week 875 Same week last year 3,09*1 1 Particulars of Receipts— South Bound 36 Florida Central and Peninsular 3 Exports— Exports past week 1 3.0341...... Same week last year 650 Movement— To Baltimore ' 970; To N'ew York I 1.981 To Boston 1 83 ...... Stock on hand and ships 14,018 5,535 Same day last year 1 ! ~Savannah~Reoelpta, Exports and Stock- Received this day Received same day last year 1,507 Same day yea/ before last . —... 372 Received past week 878 Received same week last year .... 3.985 Received same week year before . 3.096 Received since Sept. 1, 1899 1.659.844 Received same time last year ....1,067.959 Exports Past JV,eek — Exparts this day. coastwise 133 Exports past week, coastwise .... 3,034 Exports past we-ek, continent None Exports past week, France None Exports past week, Great Britain.. None Total exports past week 3.167 Exports Since Sept. 1, 1599. To Great Britain 181.474 To France 39.328 To the continent 493.986 Total foreign 714.758 Total coastwise 343 SSI Total exports 1,058,669 Exports Same Time Last Year— To Great Britain 53.071 To France 38.236 To the continent 486.580 Total foreign £72.257 't'otal coastwise 435.038 Total exports 1,007.395 Stock on hand this day 19.553 Stock on hand same day last year 17,761 Receipts and Stocks at All Ports— Receipts this day 1,539 This day last year 13.219 This day year before last 6.417 R> ce pts past week 16 0,15 Same days last year 45.057 Same days year before last 3 . 63 Total receipts since Sept. 1, 1599 ..6.327.85! Same time last year Same time year before last 8,513 506 Stock at all ports to-day 226.575 Stock same day last year 644,557 SEA ISLAND COTTON. The receipts were none, against 8 last year. The soles were none, against 627 last year. Prices as follows: Fancy Florldas 21 Extra choice Florida* 20’.2 Choice Floridas 20 Fancy Georgias 20> 2 Extra choice Georgias 20 Choice Georgias 19’j Extra fine Georgias 19 Receipts Past Week. 99-00. 98-99. Receipts tills week 1 ’ 1 Exports past week non* w 56 Domestic 656 Recx-ipls this season ;72,253 56,783 Exports this season 166,815 56.960 To Liverpool ... 4.90012.205 Man heater 28,277 Havre j 2.173, 1,429 St. Petersburg i 100; Bremen j 982 1,806 Domestic 0,38. : 1,766 Stock on hand | 5,535 6,240 Charleston. June B.—Sea island cotton: Receipts none, exports, none; tales, none; stock, 456 Dally Movements at Other Ports— Galveston—Easy. middling, S’ ; c; net re ceipts. 59; gross receipts, 39; stock. 16,833 New Orleans— Firm; middling. S’ic; receipts, 62; gross receipts, 62; sales. 159; stock. 85.343. Mobile—Nominal; middling. Rl3-16c; net receipts, 60; gross receipts, 60; stock, 5,556. Charleston—Nominal; slock. 4.590. Wilmington—Nominal; sioch. 2.384. I Norfolk —Nominal; middling STici net rc- ceirHs. 278; gross receipts. 278; stock. 8.183. Baltimore— Nominal; middling. Sc; net receipts. 60; gross receipts. 60; stock. 4.165. New York—Quiet; middling. 8 13-16 c; net®, 5S>4; gross receipts, 1.654; s:ock, ; 72.945. ' Bos ton—Quiet; middling re ceipts. 3; gross rece.p:s. 164. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling’. 9 l-16c; i stock. 3.514. Daiiy Movements Interior Towns. Augusta—Quiet, middling, net re- \ ceipt®, 40; gross r* eipts. 40; sale*, 11; i stock, 6,279. Memphis—Steed;-': middling. SHc*: receipts. 96; grots receipts, U 6; eaies. 73; stock. 31.950. St. Louis—Dull; middling. S\c: re ceipts. 83; gross receipts 804; stock. 39 666. Cincinnati—Quiet; middling. 9c; net re i ce:p;s. 133; gross receipts, 133. stock 10.274. Houston—Quiet middling. B**c: net re- I ce.pee. 30; gross receip.e. 30; stock. 11.274. Louisville—'Week!v firm; middling, 8 7 sc; net receipts. 106; gross receipts. 105; sales, 105; stock, 473. Exports of Cot-on This Day- New Orleans—To France, 1,561; conti nent, 1,650; coaatw,e. 162. Savannah—Coastwise. 133. Charleston—Coastwise. 30b Wilmington—Coastwise. 152. Norfolk—Coastwise. 125. Baltimore—To tne continent. 2.141. New York—To Great Britain, 199: conti ' Rent. 2,065. Total foreign exports from all ports this day—To Great Britain. 199; to France, ! 1.561; to the continent. 1,846. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week—To Great Britain. 7.965; to France, 1,561; to the continent. 29,129. Total foreign exports since Sept. 1. 1899 —To Great Britain. 2.143.718; to France, 65M86; to the continent. 2.584,857, COTTON FI TIRES. New York, Jur. - B.—Speculation In cot ton futures was not active, to-day and from the highest to the lowest the active options showed range of only 4 points, except on the summer months, which fluctuated pcin's. The market open ed steady, with prices points higher. | this being ised to a matter of 3*57 points soon aft r on light covering an'd purchases for Southern account. Senti ment was inclined to lean toward the bull side, as repors from Texas concerning the crop condition were not encouraging, while a number of sections In the central belt also sent gloomy reports. Toward midday rumor gained ciruclation to t.-e effect that two prominent operators had secured control of the long interest in New Orleans, and were already squeezing near month ?hor ?. though more particu larly oversold July parities. It was also reported 4hat there wa? to be a like move ment here. These reports kept the bear faction in an uneasy frame of mind, par ticularly as the recent course of summer months here and the Sou h has been up ward with to-day’s advance, reaching 14 points on July. Conservative parties were skeptical, however, and disposed to ridicule the nfcws. The warehouses were poorly sup plied with business and new speculation in general failed to develop on a liberal j s^ale. New York. June 8 —Cotton futures opened steady and closed quiet and steady. Prices a? follows: Open. High. Low. jClose. January 1 7.53 j 7.56 j 7.53 | 7.53 February .... 7.55 ! I 7.55 March 7.58 7.62 | 7.56 7.59 April 1 7.62 .... ! ...• 1 7.61 May 7.64 .... j .... j 7.63 June I .... 8.43 | 8.43 ! 8.47 July 8 8.50 ! 8 40 8.49 August 8.13 8.17 j 8.17 1 8 16 September ...I 7S , 7.84 7.80 j 7.80 ! October | 7.65 7.6S \ 7.65 | 7.65 1 November ... 754 7.56 7.54 | 7.53 December ... 7.52 7.55 : 7.31 | 7.52 Liverpool. June B.—To-day is a holiday on the Cotton Exchange. New Orleans, June B.—Cotton futures steady, June 8.79 bid 'November ~7.27<g7.28 July S.79SS.SO December ...7.27®7.2S August 5.11'<?8.12 Tanuary 7.25tg7.29 September .7.6l*:7.B2]February ....7.30tg7.32 October ....7.36^7.37;March 7.33'§7.35 COTTON LETTERS. New York, June 8 —Hubbard Bros. & Cos. say: Liverpool market will be closed until Monday. In the meantime, his market is expected to range within a nar row limit until the action of the Man chester spinners Is more fully developed. It is now time for the monsoon to break ! in India, and the question of <he relief j to that suffering country, will be eoon decided. A local demand from a short in terest In July gave tone to the nearby deliveries. After the recent sharp de cline, the markets are expected to remain in an uncertain condition, with many minor fluctuations, until the main factors of trade Bnd crop are more clearly de fined. The local interest is no longer dis posed to anticipate a further sharp break unless crop reports improve throughout the cotton belt. New York. June S.—Murphy & Cos. say: This market ruled firmer on shorts cov ering and some fresh buying, influenced | by repor's of excessive rains in Alabama and Missisippi. Advices from the latter 1 state indicate flooding of some of the low lands. Liverpool sold new crop deliveries moderately. The continent bought sum mer deliveries moderately. NVe look for much higher prices next week. WEEKLY COTTON HEPORTS. Comparative cotton statement for the week ending June 3, 1900, and June 9, | 1899. jIS99-007r 1898-99. | Net receipts at all U. S | ! ports for this week 1 16.095 48.957 Total receipts 6,327,854 8,167.428 Exports for the week j 38.6481 51.194 Total exports to date '5,416,759 6,723.906 ; Stocks at r. S. ports ! 226.575 644.857 j Stocks at Interior towns ~| 129,797 323.109 ! Stocks at Liverpool j 544,000 1,409,000 Stoc ks of American afloat | for Great Britain | 40,000; 49,000 Comparative statement of net receipts at nil the ports during the week ending Friday evening. June 8, 1900, and during lhe same week last year. 'iS99d>o. 1898-99. Galveston ~ljser 4.253 ; New Orleans 11,087| 10,837 Mobile '24 144 Savannah 3.970' 3.9 5 Charleston 316 2VBI Wilmington 50j ;2 Norfolk 2,219 9 661 Baltimore 2751 1 344 New York ' 1.99-j 2,453 Boston | 119 /.-j® Philadelphia | 106| 654 Pensacola | 371 i 9,249 Newport News j| 1,107 ) 592 Total | _ 23.244, 45.057 C tive statement of net receipts at ail ports from Sept. 1, 1899, to Friday evening. June 8, 1900, and from Sept. 1, 1898, to Friday, June 9, 1899; r.eeeipE Since' ScptT 1— | 1899-Oc 1895~90. Galveston TTT1,700,724 2,29 ',756 New Orleans 1,792,313 2,165.641 Mobile 199.569 259.206 Savannah |1,055,948 1,067,622 Charleston 365,811 367,189 Wilmington | 277.4 H 290.772 Norfolk i 381,771 j 664,232 Baltimore ! 90,918 51,155 New Y’ork | 105.484 143,919 Boston | 108,149; 300.475 PhtlaJilphia | 46.757 47 5 5 Port Royal | 1 2',865 Pensacola | 126,875 207,130 Brunswl k | 92,495 250,499 Newport News | 16.8511 20,487 Port Arthur I 68,029 19,765 Total |6,320,03918,167,458 Stock of Cotton at a\i ports June 8, 1900, and on the same day of the week last year. • Forts. [1899-00. 1898-99. New Orleans I 185,343 301.793 Mobile j 5,586 7,648 Galveston ; 16,859 47.097 Savannah 19,553, 18.519 Charleston 4,890! 10,010 | Wilmington 2,381' 10.707 Norfolk 8,183 50,509 New York 73.948 j 172,06.3 Other ports 25,521 Total 1,1• j,• 'u'iju' *" vo *1 226,575; 644,857 MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New Tor*. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 81 Broadway. Offices in principal ettlea thro'igbout th* South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for trader*. WORLD'S VISIBLE SUPPLY. New Orleans, June 8 —Secretary HtS ter's sfa.ement of the world's visible sup ply of cotton shows the total visible to be 2.235.561, against 2.379.306 last week, ami 4 234,613 last year. Of this the total of American cotton is 1,594.861. against 313 V 612 last year and of all other kinds, in cluding Egypt. Brazil. India, etc., 644,W0, against 1,096.000 last year. Of the world's visible supply there is now and held in Great Britain and Europe 1.439.000 bales, against 2,460 000 last year; In Egypt 115.0T0, against 139.0*Xi lae. year; In India 316.000. against 631,00) last year, and in the United States 369,000, against 965,t00 last year. DRY GOODS. New York, June 8 —Dry goods: The cot ton goods market is unchanged to-day in ail departments and there is actually nothing to report different from prev.ous days of the week. Linens are dull but steady. Burlaps Inactive ar.d irregular. • NAVAL STORES. Friday, June 8. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen tine market closed steady to-day at 45*i cents, with the indications favorable for further declines. For a time it looked like the downward tendency had been checked, but there Is still a weakness which threat ens to carry the price lower. The move ment shows up some better than last year. DuriDg the week 10,606 casks were received, against 10,167 last year, and the exports were 9,861, against 5,163 last year. The exports were 50 to New York. 325 to Bos ton. 3A=5 lo the interior, 128 to Antwerp. 1.700, to Rotterdam. 4,113 to Liverpool and 100 to Harburg. The receipts of turpen tine so far this season have been 80.838. and the exports 64,890, showing the stock to be 15,948. ROSINS—The rosin market closed firm at an advance of 5 cents on grades G and below. Sales of over 2,000 barrels were re ported for the day, and conditions were favorable for trading. There is a strong undertone to the market. Rosins showed considerable strength during the week, as a result of which advances were scored. The demand both for foreign and domestic shipment was good, and the week's tran sactions run to about 10,000 barrels. The week's receipts were 20,496, against 32,481 last ver, and the exports 27,655, against 10,113 last year. The exports were, to New Y’ork, 2,050; to Philadelphia, 543; to Balti more, 6,957; to Boston, 600; to the interior, 1,438; to Rotterdam, 3.990; to Venice, 2,575, and to Harburg, 9,560. The receipts of rosin so far this season have been 291.952. and the exports 184,413. showing the stock to-day to be 107,539. The advances during the week were 10 cents on pales on Wed nesday, and 5 cents each on grades H, I, K and M on Thursday. Quotations—At the close of the market to-day the following quotations were bul letined at the Board of Trade: Spirits Turpentine—Steady at lo’jc, with sales of 541 casks. Rosins firm; sales 2,047. A B, C $1 13 I J 1 53 D 1 15 K 1 65 E 1 20 M 1 80 F 1 25 N 2 15 G 1 35 W G 2 30 H 1 45 W W 2 50 Same Week Last Year- Spirits Turpentine—Firm at SOgSOUc; sales. 732 casks. Rosin—Firm; sales. 1,362 barrels. A. B, C $ 95 I SI 23 D 95 K 1 40 E 1 00 M 1 70 F 1 06@1 10 N 195 G 1 15 W G 210 H 1 20 W W 2 30 Receipt* Past Week. iSpirits.] Rosin. Receipts' past week | 10.606 20.491 Same week last year .....j 10,1R7[ 22,481 Exports past week | 9,861 27J5S Same week last year | 5.1631 10,113 Movement— New York ! 60j 2,050 Philadelphia ...j ; 543 Baltimore ] 6,937 Boston | 323! 600 Interior | 3,445' 1,433 Antwerp | 128 Rotterdam | 1,700) 3,990 Liverpool | 4,113) Venice ...... | | 2,575 Harburg f. | 100) 9,500 Total exports | 9,861 27.655 t Receipts and Stocks. Receipts, shipments and stocks from April 1, 1899, to date, and to the corre sponding date last year; 1899-1900. Spirits Rosin. Stock on hand April 1, 1900.. 2,197 142.506 Received this week 10.606 20,496 Received previously 68,035 128,950 Total 80.83S 291.952 Exports— Foreign 39,600 125,414 New Y'ork 8.894 12.594 Coastwise and interior 16,396 46,405 Total 64.890 184,413 Stock on hand this day ....15.948 107,539 1898-1899. Stock on hand April 3, 1900.. 3.596 111,396 Received this week 10,167 22.451 Received previously 70,892 172,655 Total 84,655 306,563 Exports— Foreign 37.905 114.319 New York 15.912 26,722 Coastwise and interior 12,730 45,559 Total —........66,547 1 86,600 Stock on hand 17,108 119,963 Charleston, S. C., June B.—Turpentine market quiet, at 45c; sales none. Rosin quiet, sales none; unchanged. Wilmington, June B.—Spirits turpentine steady, 43U@44c; receipts, 109. Rosin steady. $1.0301.10: receipts, 115. Cru le turpentine quiet. 11.70 and 32.70; receipts, S3. Tar steady, $1.40; receipts, 71. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. BANK CLEARINGS—The bank clear ings during the past week were $2 822 - 324.69, against $2,441,210.18 for the corre sponding period last year, and $2,116,591,44 for the corresponding period of IS9B. Clearings by Days— Saturday j 422.999 51 Monday Holiday Tuesday 840.693 35 Wednesday 630,140 97 Thursday 525ri29 44 Friday 399.836 42 Total $2,822,324 69 FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Market u steady. The commercial demand, $4 geu sixty days, $4.84; ninety days, *4 S3* francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days’ 5.2335; Swiss, sixty days, 5.25'4; marks! sixty days. 94 5-16: ninety days, 93 15-16 DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady* banks are buying at par, and selling u follows: Amounts 'to and including $25. 10 cents premium; $25 to SSO, 15 cent*; SIOO to S2OO, 25 cents; S2OO to SI,OOO, % premium; over SI,OOO, $1 per thousand. SECURITIES—The market Is fairly steady, but dull and Inactive. Blocks. (mT Bid. Asked. Augusta and Savannah R. R 11l 112 Atlanta & West Point 125 126 do 6p. c. certirs H* l( Augusta Factory 85 90 Citizens Bank 130 I3j Chatham Bank m rou Chatham ft. E. &1. Cos., A 5* 58 do do B 66 57 Eagle & Phenlx Mfg. Cos 10$ 106 Edison Electric Ilium 10$ lOt Enterprise Mfg. Cos too io* Germania Bank 131 132 Georgia A Alabama 29 30 Georgia Railroad, common 2U Granitevllle Mfg. Cos 165 170 J. P. King Mfg Cos. 106 107 Langley Mfg Cos 115 —O Merchants National Bank 112 113 National Bank of Savannah 150 155 Oglethorpe Savings & Trust ...112 113 People's Savings & Loan 104 105 Southwestern Railroad Cos. 11l 112 Savannah Gas Light 24% 25% Southern Bank 158 160 Savannah Bank & Trust 121 122 Sibley Mfg Cos.. Augusta 90 96 Savannah Brewing 100 101 Ouaaa. Bid. Asked. Char.,.Col. & Aug. Ist ss, 1909.. 106 107 Atlanta city. 4%s 1922 11l 112 Augusta city, 4s, 1927 105 106 do 4%5. 1925 11l 113 do 7s, 1903 107 109 do 6s, 19-3 118 119 Ala. Mid. ss. lnd'd. 1928. M. & N..1U1 103 Augusta Factory, 6 per cent.. 1915.110 111 Brunswick & Western 4s, 1938 83 81 C. R. R. & Banking, collateral 5s 82% 93% C. of G. Ist ss, 60-year gold, 1945 F. & A 118 119 C. of Ga. con. ss, 1945, M & N.. 92 93 C. of Ga. Ist incomes, 1945 42 43 do 2nd incomes, 1945 12 13 do 3rd incomes. 1945 6 7 C. Of G. (M. G. & A. Dlv) 55.1947 J. & J 98 99 C. of G. (Eatonton Branch), 5s 1926, J. & J 98 99 City & Suburban R. R. Ist 7s. .109% 110% Columbus City 6s, 1909 10* 108 Charleston City 4s. 1945 192 103 Eagle & Phenlx Mills 6s, 1928 ...108 109 Edison Electric Illuminating 65...id4 105 Enterprise Mfg. 6s, 1903 101 102 Georgia Railroad 6s. 1910 115 G. S. & F. 1943, J. & J 110 111 Georg a & Alabama Ist ss, 1545. .105 107 do consolidated os. 1915 96 98 Ceorgia state 3%5. 1530, J. & J.. 106 107 do 3%5. 1913, M. & N 104 16 do 4%5, 1915 llg 119 Macon city 6s. 1910, J. & J 11s 119 do 4%5, 1926, Jan. quar 108 110 Ocean Steamship ss, 1926 106% 108 Savannah city ss, quar. July. ** 113 do ss, quar., August, 1909 ..111% 112% South Carolina state 4%5, 1933 117% 119 Sibley Mfg. Cos. 3s, 1903 102 ’ 103 South Bound s's 57' . 53% S., F. & W. gen. mt'ge 6s, 1934 .123 * 124 do do Ist os. gold. 1934 110% 112% do tot. Johns Liiv.l Ist is. 1934... 94 3tf MEEK'S BANK CLEARINGS. New York, June 8 —The total bank clearings at the principal cities of the United States for the week ended June 7 were'51,665,695,172, a decrease as compar ed with corresponding week of las; year of 8.6 per cent. Outside of New York t ,e total clearings were $679,506,493, an increase of 2.2 per cent. New Y'ork, June B.—Money on call steady, 1 %'§2 per cent.: last loan. 1% per cent.; prime mercantile paper, 3%1j4 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, w ith o■- tual business In bankers' bills, at 54.87' 4 1 4 87% for demand, and at $4.54%@4.54 , for sixty days: posted rates. $4.95% and $4.88' ; commercial bills, 34.83%:?i4.54;’ silver cer tificates, 60@61e; bar silver, 60c; Mexican dollars, 47%c.. Government bond? steady; state bonds Inactive; railroad bonds irres ular. STOCKS AND BONDS. Balling Wheat and Bearing Stocks Started on 'Change. New Y’ork, June B.—The combination bull movement in wheat and bear move ment in stocks; which rs an annual fea ture at some period of the growing crop, made its appearance to-day. The wheat market advanced in an excited way on tie increasing volume of rumors of disaster to spring wheat in the Northwest. Wall street had similar advices and apparently the conviction that serious harm has al ready been done to the spring wheat gained force steadily during the. day. There is growing uneasiness as’ well over the rate situation among railroads west of Chicago. The fact that the late break in the prices of Western railroad shares was coincident with the delibera tions of the committee appointed by the presidents of Western railroads to con cert a plan for division of traffic, gave force to the supposition that the prospect for a satisfactory settlement is not very good. Failing such a settlement, there is said to be a likelihood of a widespread and costly rate war. Coming In com bination with the bad reports from the wheat country, this served to effectually break the market, and pritass went to pieces in the last half hour of the trad ing, the weakness spreading from tne Grangers, Pacific and Southwesterns into the trunk lines and specialties, and em bracing the whole list. This break came after a day of persistent dudness and ir regular fluctuations in prices. The incident immediately preceding the break was an advance of over a point in Reading first preferred, with confident ab sorption of very large offerings. The sec ond preferred rose 2 per cent, in sym pathy. The gain in the first preferred was all wiped out in the final break. A gain in the earnings of the Northern Pacific of 2S per cent, for the fourth week in May did not avail to save that stock from the prevailing weakness in the unfavorable crop prospects, and it fell 2 points. . Missouri Pacific and Bal timore and Offio showed weakness before the general break, on fears of disappoint ment regarding dividends. There was a relaxation of the pressure on foreign markets, due to apprehension over the trouble in China, and London bought stocks here to a moderate extent, causing some slight gains early in th<* day. The preliminary estimates of the hank statement figure out a small loss in cash, owing to the week's heavy absorption by the sub-treasury, which amounted to $3,- 117,00-0, all on account of the call by the treasury of government deposits in the banks. The estimates of receipts from the interior are slightly in excess of those made last Friday, but it will be remem bered that last Friday’s estimates fell short by $1,500,000 of the actual receipt?, so that a gain In cash in to-morrow’s statement, would not be surprising. The market closed aclive and weak at about the lowest. The bond market was very dull and price changes were remarkably small. To tal sales, par value. $1,190,000. United Stales bonds were unchanged in bid quotations. To-day's total slock sales were 2 S S 700 shares. Including (ho following: Atch.s n preferred, 18,874; Baltimore and Ohio, 7798; Chicago Burlington and Quincy, 10,849; Missouri Pacific, 22,790; Northern Pacific, 22.000: Reading first preferred, 48,820; R. nd ing second preferred. 6,565; S. Paul, 15,870; Union Pacific. 15,075; American Tobacco, 5,775; Sugar, 17 975; Tennessee Coal and Iron, 5,585. New York Stock List. Atchison 25 ]Union Pacific ... 53% . do pref 71%] do prof 73% Balt. & Ohio ... 77%; Wabash 7% Can. Pacific .... 92% do pref 19% Can. So 01% Wheel. & L. E... 8% Cites. & Ohio ... 27% do 2nd pref. ... 24% Chi. G. W 11% Wis. Central .... 14% Chi. B. & Q 127% Third Avenue ...111 Chi. Ind. & L. .. 20% \dam? Express .115 do pref 31 ;\m. Express ....150 Chi. & E. 11l 97 ; nited States .... 45 Chi. & Nw 163% Wells Fargo 118 C. R. I. & P 106%Am. Cotton Oil.. 31% C. C. C. & St. L. 58 | do pref 90 Col. So 6 |Ym. Malting .... 3% do Ist pref. ... 44 j do pref 20% do 2nd pref. .. 17% Am. S. & Refng. 37% Del. & Hudson ..112 | do pref 90% Del. L. & AV....17S [Am. Spirits 2% Den. & R. G 17%' do pref 17 do prtff 67 Am. S. Hoop .... 20% Erie. —.'. *%; do pref 70 do Ist pref. ... 35% Am. S. & Wire.. 34% F. A. ROGERS&GO., Inc. Bankers, Brokers & Dealers in Stocks, Cotton, Grain & Provisions FOR CASH OR MARGIN,. P-ouapt Service, Liberal Treatment. Writ* for teams, special quotation •crrlct Gt. Nor. pref ...151 | do pref Hocking C0a1.... 14 Am. Tin Plate .. a? Ho7k Valley ... 36% do pref “ SS9 Illinois Central..ll3% Am. Tobacco ..!. lowa Central .. 17%j do pref. ...".".""431 do pref 47 Ana. Min, Cos. ... K. C P. & G... 16%'Brook. R. T. .. *5 L. Erie & W.... 27% Jol Fuel & I -g* do pref 96 ijont. Tobacco ... 34 Lake Shore 212%: do pref ’ j£ L. & N 78%Federal Steel ." a*. Man. L 89%' do pref *o* Met. St. Ry 153 Jen era 1 Electric.!*; ' Mexican Central 12% Jluooee Sugar ..!*2 Minn. & St>L... 60%- do pref ” do pref 94%tntl. Paper *a Mo. Pacific ...... 53% do pref mS Mobile & Ohio .. 36% Laclede Gas Mo. K. & T 10%Nat. Biecnlt ..„.! do pref 32%! do pref jo N. J. Centra! ...121 N'atiooal Lead.,] ip i N. Y". Central ..129%' do pref a 96 Nor. & West 33% National Steel.... xu do pref 77 j do pref No Pacific 57% S'. Y. Air Brake ’Js do pref 74%North Am u* Ontario & NY.... 20%?aeific Coast 4* Ore. R & Nav.. 42 j do Ist pref. .... jg do pref 76 j do 2nd pref. ... y Pennsylvania ..129:* pacific Mall Reading 17% People’s Gas jg? do Ist pref. ... 58% Preeeed S. Car ... 45% do 2nd pref. ... 30 ! do pref fj Rio G. W 58 Pull. Pal. Car ~!l*a do pref 87% 4. Rope & T 5 Si. L. A: S. F... 9% Sugar 434% do Ist pref. ... 68 j do pref !132 do 2nd pref. .. 33% Penn. C. & Iron! 65% St. L. Sw 16% IJ. S. Leather .... iota do pref 24%: do pref. u St. Paul fl4%'" S. Rubber ... S do pref 174 | do pref. jgu St. P. &Om 117 West. Unioni .... 73^ j So. Pacific 33% R. I. & S.jju i 80. Railway 11% do pref : do pref 53% ?. C. C. & St. I*' 56 | Texas & Pacific. 15%1 Bonds. | CT. S. 2s, refg., - lsts r% rS 103% L. & N. uni to.IcU do do coupon.. 103% M„ K. & T. 2nd* 88 do 2s, reg ICO | do do 4s si do 3s, rc-g 109 \ T . Y. C. lsts....lips do 3s, cou 109 S’, J. C. gen. 05.122* do new 4s, rg.134% S’. Pacific 3s ... 67% do do coupon. 134%' do 4s pg do old 4s, reg. 114% N. I’., C. & St. do do coupon. .115% L. 4s do ss, reg 113% N. &W. con. 4s. 9RJ do do coupon.ll3% Jre. Nav. lsts.. 109 D. C. 3s. ’605...123 j do 4s 102% V :.h, gen. 4s ..100% Ore. S. Line 6s 12* do ajr. 4s 84% do con. 5s 114 L South. 2nds.l''6% Read. gen. 4s ss% '. of Ga on 5?. 9% R. G. West, lsts 99% do Ist in 42% St. L. & I. M. clo 2nd in 12 con. 5s .110% T. & O. 4> 2 s 99%. St. L. & S. F. ; do do 5s 117 gen. 6s 124 & Nw. con. St. Paul consols.l7l t 7s 141% St. P., C. & P. do do S. F. lsXs UO | deb. 5s 117%! do do 5s 121 'hi. Ter. 4? —95 3. Pacific 4? ... *O% \:>l. South. 4s . 86% S. Railway 55...112 D. & R. G. lsts.lo2 S. Rope * T. 6. 71 do do 4s 99%. T. & P. lsts IMI4 E T . V. & G. j do do 2nds .... 56 lsts 103% f. Pacific 4s ...10614 Erie gen. 4s ... 72% Wabash lsts ...115 F. W. & D. C. i do 2nds 102 Ist 70% W. Shore 4s 112% Jen. Elec, os ...120 Wis. Cen. lsts .. 97 la. Central lsts.ll2 Va. Cenurles ... 92% K. C., P. & G. New York. June B.—Standard 011 546 <5 MISCELLATEOrs MARKETS. Note.—Tnese quotation* are -revised daily, and are kept as near as possible in accord with the prevailing whole**!* prices. Official quotations are not tiief when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Country anil Northern Prodne*. POULTRY—The market Is steady. Qua tations: Half-grown. 25@50c per pair: three-quarters grown, Ss@6oc per palrj full-grown fowls (hens), 65#70c per pairs roosters. 40c per pair; turkeys, $1.26®1* per pair: geese, 75c@51.00 per peir; duckA oO'uOSc ner pair. EGGS—The market Is steady at 11312a. BUTTER—The tone *f the market I* steady. Quotations: Extra dairies 20c;. extra Elgins. 22c. * CHEESE—Market firm; fancy full cream cheese, 12313 c for 25-pound aver age. ONlONS—Egyptian. $2.75<g3 09 sack; crate. $2.25; New Orleans, $1.503175 sack (70 pounds). POTATOES—Northern, old. sacks. sl7l C 1.90. BEANS—Navy or peas. $2.2532.50 p*e bushel. i Early Vecetaole*. IRISH POTATOES—New. No. L $2 90Q $2.25 per barrel; No. 2, $1.0031.25. SNAP BEANS—Round. Sc crate; flat, 25c; wax. 25c. CUCUMBERS—Per crate. $1.0031.28 EGG PLANT—HaIf barrel, crates, $1 660 2.00. SQUASH—DuII at 50c#$1.00 per crata CABBAGE—Per barrel crate, sl-7532.35. STRAWBERRIES—LocaI stock, 6@o per quart'. Breadstuff*. Hay and Grain- FLOUR—Market easy: patent. $4 26; eira:ght, $3.90; fancy, $3.60; family, $3 40. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel $2 50; per sack. sl.2e; city meal, per tack, bolted. $1.12%0 1.15; water ground. $1.12%31.15; city grist, seeks, $1.17%; pearl grist, Hudnuts', pf barrel. $2.75; per sack. $1.25; aundry brands, $1.20 sack. CORN—Market firm; white. Job lot% 5Sc; carload lots, 56c, RlCE—Market Steady, demand fair Fancy head 6c Fancy 5%e Choice 5° G o and *% Fair 6c OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 33 4 35 c; Job lots, 36337 c; white, clipped (37 to 42 pound*) 36c cars; 3Sc Joo. BRAN—Job lots. $1.00; carload lot*. Me. HAY—Market strong; Western. Job lot*, 95c t carload lots. 90c. Bacon, llani* and Lard- BACON—Market firm: smoked c!e sides B%c; dry salted clear sides, B%c; bel lies, S-ic. HAMS-Sugar cured. 12%513%c. LARD—Market firm; pure, tn tioreea. S%c; 50-pound tins. s%c; compound, a tierces, 6%c; 50-pound tins. 7c. Sngur and Coffee. ‘ SUGAR—Board of Traoe quotation*: •c u loaf 6.28 Diamond A 5.S* Crushed 6.28| Confectioners’ A.5.61 Powdered 5.93 White extra C.. 5.43 XXXX. powd'ed.s.9B Extra C 533 i S:d granulated,s.B3 Golden C 5'53 | Cubes 6.03 Yellows 5.13 Mould A 6.13| COFFEE—Board of Trade quotations; Mocha 280 |Prime, No. 3 ...,10%* Java 26c Good, No. 4 ...,10%d Peaberry 13c 'Fair, No. 5 l#o Fancy, No. 1 ll%c'Ordinary, No. 6 . 9%d Choice, No. 2 ll%e;Common, No. 7.. 9o IlurUwure and Building; Supplies. LIME. CALCIUM, PLASTER ANO CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime la fair demand and sell at 80c a barrel; spa rial calcined piaster, sll7-per barrel; hair - 4i/sc. Rosedale cement. $1.20@1.26; car load lots, special: Porl'and cement, r*- tail. $2.25: carload lots. $2.007?2.20. LUMBER. F. O. B. VESSEL SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes. $14.00C15.(1J: Car sills, $16.00016.50; difficult sizes. $16.10 ji.5.10, ship stock, $25.50030.00; aawn Uea, sl2 50013.00: hewn ties. 33®36c. 01l Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 45@30c; West Virginia, black. 90UC5 lard, 58c; neatsfoot. 60®70c: machinery. 1* @2sc; linseed oil, raw, 68; boiled. 70; ker oione prime white, 15c; water whlta, lies Pratt's astral, 15c; deutdorlzed stove g**" ollne, drums, 12%c. Empty oil barrel*. livered, 85e. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin erael! y ot. $4.00; half kegs, $2.25; quarter k*g*. $1.25; champion ducking, quarter keg*. $2.25; Dupont and Hazard (ynokeless. half kegs, $11.35; quarter kegs, % canister, $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troladort smokeless-powder. 1-pound cans. $1.00; 10- pound cans SOc pound. SHOT-Drop, Si.CO; B B and large, L*i chilled. $1.85 IRON—Market very steady; Swed*. 6%0 6c base; refined. 3c base. NAILS—Cut, $3.00 baser wire. SS.O hee. LaliktiH W1KE—34.50 per 100 pound*, l-rilite uud Nut*. BANANAS—SI.2S@2.2S. PEACHES—Six-basket carrier*, 75C012.00 per carrier. LEMON’S—Market atrong and advanc ing. at $4.5004.75. , ORANGES—California seedling*. $4,000 4.50. NUTS-Almonds, Tarragona, 155* ItJSMk