The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 HOW A NATIONAL CONVENTION IS REPORTED. One of the Severest Tests to Which News paper Enterprise Is Subjected. Great Importance of Telegraphic Facilities —'t More a Dozen Cities 111 the I nitod States Hve Sufficient Wire Connections to Handle Convention Xens—Hie Force of Operators and Re porters Employed Duplicate Metvsguf berins Plants Established by Some Nett spapers Method of Di viding Fp the Work—At Least $1200,000 Spent in Gathering and Sending the Sews. Washington June 9.—One of the chief considerations with a national commitree In selecting a convention city is to fix on a place with ample telegraphic facilities. There are hardly more than a dozen cit ies which have facilities equal to the requirements of the newspapers at con vention time. And. of course, within a certain limit, only these can hope to enter Into competition for the location of the convention of either of the great par ties. The reporting of a national convention Is; one of the severest tests to which newspaper enterprise is ever subjected. It can <be Imagined that the machinery for doing the work is complex and com plete. ' The reporters occupy a position of almost as great importance as the dele gates. and are nearly as numerous. At the Republican convention in Philadel phia seats will be provided for 500 work ing newspaper men. The Kansas Oily convention hall will have 600 press seats There will be someihing less than 900 accredited delegates in each convention. Every newspaper of nny consequence in the > United States will be represented— 10m .s!s^f''- fe i;l3^&^^^®^ : A'^W^®C !pB E Nf* ;Sr2SB £M WHERE THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION WILL, BE HELD. (Remodelled Interior cf the grejt hall built for the Export Exposition, the largest auditorium ever used by a Nit oal Convention). t some by one man. most by two or three, • few by a corps of correspondents rang ing In number from five to twenty. The Press associations each will have from fifteen to thirty men to report the pro ceedings. to follow up the important con ferences, and to watch daily and nightly developments. Some of the great metropolitan journals practically establish duplicate plants for the gathering and transmission of news in a< convention city. They set up head quarters fitted up like a newspaper office, wlth'desks and benches and special wires, and they create a routine as perfect and as systematic As that Which exis's in the' offices ar home. At the Republican convention in Minneapolis eight years ago one New York paper had its manag ing editor,' Its city editor and a staff of writers, which practically depleted the home office of its most effective working force. This was the first attempt at any thing of this kind. In Chicago and St. Lotlls four years ago other papers follow ed the example. In Chicago one New York paper published a daily edition on the spot, which was virtually a duplicate of the home edition in New York. This same newspaper has already made ar rangements equally ambitious for Kansas City and Philadelphia. In Kansas City it has leased two residences for the force it Iritends to carry out. and it has also en gaged a headquarters which will be com plete in every equipment. There are not many newspapers, of course, which will undertake as ambitious a scheme as this, but every one that expects to make any show at ail will be very thorough in its preparations. - Preparations Are Made Early. The staff of a metropolitan journal at • national convention is as carefully or ganized'as if it were a permanent affair instead of the creature of a week. Prep arations are made weeks in advance. The best men on the force arc selected and sentto the convention city in a special car, each mon being assigned to his work, and one of the most responsible men on the.paper being placed in charge ot all. Some of these are detailed to report the proceedings of the convention. The rou tine is lATt to the press association, but the striking features of the proceedings are covered in individual style by men peculiarly adapted to the work. One will write a general "picture;'' another will describe especially dramatic incidents: ■ pothe will follow the political develop ments'as'they reveal themselves. Others will watch the doings of particular dele gations in whioh interest happens to be centered. Outside the convention hall ■till others will follow up the Innumerable conferences which are constantly going on. watch for deels and arrangements which are likely to be sprung at any mo ment to affect the current of events, and pick up the characteristic incidents and stories which lend color, and which, while having nothing to do with the weightier politics of the occasion, help to round ogt and complete the picture. All these various reports when written •re turned In to the mate in charge, and he Is responsible for the arrangement •nd accuracy of everything that goes over the wire. Usually some writer of wide reputation is engaged to prepare ■ general review showing what has been done and what Is likely to be done. In aome rases a newspaper will have several writers ;o record their impressions, some of thetr productions being valuable only for the names with which they are signed. The Most Balloting \\ orU. The work of a press association is the most exacting of all This must above all tl logs be accurate, and it must be com plete. At’the same time 1* must be un- by political or lecal prejudice, for Bt K'es out to new-spap rs rpr renting all in all parts of the l nited States The men cmrloycd ti do thU w ork will te the best to he to nd in the offices in Chicago. New York and V. ashing'on. Kirs’ of *ll they will have to furnish a verbat im report of the proceedings of the con vention. ThU. of course. Is the work of stenographer*, who have place* Just un derneath the speaker* platform Other men who are familiar with political af- Uits ill be assigned to the task of fol- ! lowing the work of committee?, of de ! scribing ipcidents and of formulating an i unused view of the situation. Each press | as ocia ion at the rational conventions j will probably s nd out at least 50,0uQ i words every day. and each association will have its special wires and operators j in the convention hall ready to send on I the mtment everything as it occurs. The arrangements for the accommoda ■ in of newspapers in the convention hall are elaborate. The s a‘s cf the press cor r< spondents are the most convenient and ’ accessible in the hall. They are arranged ! on (wo sides of ihe platform, facing the delegates, with ample rocm b tween chairs and bene! es so that the messenger bOys, who are constantly running for copy, can dart in and out without hindrance. Un derneath the platform r oms are arrang ed for telegraph eperato s, and other rooms with tables, where reporters, if they desire, can withdraw’ from the hub bub of the convention to prepare their copy. Each of the telegraph companies es tablishes an office in the convention hall, and there may be heird the continual click of instruments sending the words of the speakers and the record of the pro ceedings to every part of the United States, so that almost before a tiling is ' fairly done it is recorded in newspaper office.-*, some of which are thousands of miles away. Each of the two big tele -1 g*apa companies has fifty operators work j away in the temporary office. They | are the star men of the profession, select i ed from Washington and New York offices as a rule, with such other help as can le found. Each operator is capable of send ing from 1,000 to 2.000 words an hour, and the number of Words sent out during the convention sittings will range all the way from 109,000 to 300.000. At night some o f theope*at>rs are transferred to the cen;ral office in the city, so that the wires are kept crowded to their full capacity almost for the entire twenty-four hours. Each of the com pan es at each of the conventions will probably average from 400.000 to 500,000 a day. Seventy-five messenger boys will be kept busy throughout the convention sittings, darting back and forth between the operating room and the reporters’ table. The Telemi>h Problem. The telegraph pioblem is always a serious one with each of the com panies. Thi? is especially so when the convention is held in a West ern city, for there they have to contend against the handicap of time, the great mass of telegraphic matter being sent East to the great cities along the Atlantic seaboard, which are from one hour to two hours behind. When (he ion vemlon was held in Minneapolis in 1892 ir was found that the facilities were in adequate. Complaints were thick that newspaper dispatches were delayed foj* hours, nnd in some instanc** the dis l tches sent at night for morning news papers were not received until some time the nexi day. It wj? en emergency which had to be met quickly, and nfur the first night the Western Union Company ship ped forty extra men from Chicago to Milwaukee so as to hasten matter In re lav?. The cott ot reporting a convention is ; eomething enormou?. A menopolltan Jour i nol whUh has a force cf twenty men is I pa* to an expanse of at lea** SI,OOO a Jay ; for the week of the convention. In rome cases the expense far exceed? thi? flgu e. j The amount of special matter sent to a j paper of any consequence varies from <jw to 50/<X> words, and the average ccat of this at press rates by wire is half a rent a word. It costs to keep a man at the convention about $lO a day. and where special headquarters are secured the ex travagant charge for rent must bo added The incidental expenses can hardly be es timated. But it is safe to say that the cost to the newspapers of the country of reporting each National Convention is at least $200,000. Nearly n Week of Hast ling. The great newspaper work of a conven tion usually begins on the Sunday p eced ing the day of meeting. The Philadelphia Conveniion this year will meet on Tues day, the Kansas Cliy Convention on We 1- nesday, and each convention will probably continue in session till the clo.e of the week. With some newspapers the work of re porting the conventions is in ch rge of the Washington correspondents, who ye selected naturally for their task on ac count of their familiarity with public m n and with political currents. For each cf the. National Conventions held in the West one of the trunk railroad lines ge. e. 1 y placed at the disposal of the Washing on c<;rps a newspaper train, which car.ies them to and from the convention city. This train is turned entirely over to the correspondents, and they decide who ate entitled to travel on It and make all o her regulations. It is timed as .o reach the convention city at least two days be fore the gathering meets, and it usually carries at leas* one hundred men. The report of the routine proceedings of a national convention is the least diffi cult work which a seasoned correspondent has to undertake. Skill and experience 1 count in keeping watch of the preliminary ; work, only the obvious result of wrhlo.i | .appears in the convention hall. There are few things more mystifying than to at- ! tempt to follow the innumerable combina tions and deals which are continually be ing formed. The delegations from forty four states are constantly meeting. The men who direct policies and who shapa Hmbitions never cease their w'ork. Where there is a contest for the presidency or a question about platforms, schemes are formed in secret, combinations are mad*, effective strokes are planned and all this is going on under the surface, while the cheeriug convention throngs crowd igno rantly and tumultuously through the ho ld corridors. What is visible in a ron vention city is of least consequence. The men who keep away from the hurly-burly, who gather in little groups in secluded r>omy. are really the arbiters of political destinies, and these ore the men w'ho h ive to be kept constantly in mind. The reporter who knows if these things, w'ho is acquainted personally with the lead ers and managers, who can draw' deduc tions from what he sees or hears or mere ly suspects, is the only one w r ho can wrife intelligently of what is going on at a national convention. Th % Op'rator*. Slit NK AND HlzAt KSNAKE FIGHT. One l Red II? Teeth anil the Other It* C oil* anil Doth Died. From the New York Sun. Cochecton. N. Y— A fight was witnessed by (he men employed at the pumping station of the Standard Ol! Company two mile* wrs: cf this place yesterday. It was a battle between an enormous b!ack?nake and a skunk and it ended in the neath of both combatants. The a hem ion of the men was first at iractid by the strange acti ns and loud cawing of a crow which was circling about a spot in a field n ar by. They \vnt to tha spot und s-aw a large black sr.ake with it< head lapel, and within s-ix fe<t of i was a skunk which kept going about the snak<- as if to draw' it? a* ton don from a small reck ten feet away. On this rock were five young rkunks about the size of chipmunks The snake s tail was * o led about 'a small oak stump and as the skunk con tinued its lound* the snake darted its head rrpf*heuly ic? cn my Thi? con tin\ c ' for a shor hm*\ the circle? made by ih*> Pkur.k gr-wing smaller and small er. Then, qui k lightring, the skunk sprang u;vti the sr.ake and fastened its t*eth U the snake s neck In an instant the snake he 4 two coil? around the body cf r’ e skunk. Th? struggle continued for a sh rt time ouly. and then the combat ant* bo h 1 .y d"*ad The enake was seven fet long. The young skunks were left on the rock as rone of th’ party c:r and to get within close range of th<m. THE MOKNING NEWS: SEN DAY, JUNE 10, 1900. Corpora! McFadden’s Leg. BY JOIIX NVINTHROP GREGS. (Copyright. 1900, by John Winthrop Green.) When the Sixteenth New York marched with Grant into the wilderness. Corp. Me* Fadden of Company B put S3OO in the bank. The bank was hie shoe—the one on his left foot. In due time the Confeder ates were found in 1 ne of battle across the line of march, and the Sixteenth was deployed, with a hundred other regiments to face them Skirmishing had only be gun when Corp. McFadden had his leg shattered by a bullet. Of course it was the bft leg. He was carried to the field hospital in the rear, and. after a brief examination of the wound, the surgeon said: "Sorry for you. corporal, but we must amputate the leg to save your life.” It was a case in which the victim had nothing to say. When he re aimed to con sciousness his left 1 g t ad been amputated at the knee, and he was lying among a hundred other wounded men The loss of his money occurred to hint at once, and he made the fact known to a comrade who had been shot in the shoulder. "Go out and find my left leg and that S3OO. and I'll give you half the money,” said the corporal, and the man agreed. It was easy enough to find the "scrap heap” cf legs and arms, but not so easy to identify a left leg. There were rights lAGlbripse u lt seems like a glimpse of the beyond to feel strong and well,” are words that should bring every suffering woman to think of her own condition. Pain and "V, / misery had made such inroads on Mrs. Smith's strength, that she was about discouraged, IL ,a when she was rescued by Wine of Cardui. The other remedies she tried could not perma- ’ nently relieve the distresses of painful menstruation, and falling of the womb. They could R,•' not assuage the racking pain that shot through her whole body, and made her life a burden. But she found quick, perfect relief in Wine of Cardui. Thousands of women are in the same condition as Mil. Smitlt. But will relieve every such sufferer and will bring permanent cure with the relief. By taking this simple rem- 'r' f/ edy, it is within your power to be a perfectly well woman. Procure a dollar bottle from your druggist > - j| and treat yourself in the privacy of your home. Remember Wine of Cardui is the remedy that brings l -*^3 relief, not substitutes that unscrupulous druggists offer. 1 I have been a great sufferer all my life from weak nerves and all the ills women are heir to. Doctors would jAA* ‘ give me medicine that would relieve me temporarily, but as soon as I would stop I was as bad as ever. I tried <€§ everything that promised relief with the same result and became discouraged, but. my husband prevailed on me to try J)/A I “ your Wine of Cardui. I began to improve at once, every dose making me feel better. I have used two bottles and the f A result is wonderful. I have gained twenty-five pounds, and have more color in my cheeks than I ever had before. -I j 1 JoK cannot thank you enough, for it seems like a glimpse of the beyond to feel strong and well. Mrs. C. H. SMITH. I ( yßr ■vj pany. Chattanooga, Tenn* Bap/. The Reporters. and lefts ts the number of a hundred, with the lnap growing all the time. The messe ger made a selecli n and removed the shoe, bu't th re was no money. He tried again aid again, but did not hit it. Then he gave up and searched no fur tier Scon after lie let go. a soldier who !ai been sightly wounded in the head came along and locked the "scrap heap" over and said to himself. "There ara some good shoes here, and it would be a pity to. bury them with legs and feet. I’ll charge mine for a better pair." In overhauling the relic3 he came upon Ccrp. MeFadden's left leg. He removed the slice and found it a fit. Then he found a r.gbt otic and wrs prov ded for. Grant moved b the Hank that night, and the ConfeU:; <g del the same. The field was left in possession of tile union forces. Next moiiiing the work of burial began. tVhile a big hole was being dug for the ampu ated arms and legs Ccrp. McFadden sent word to the s rgrant in charge of that detail about his jiCO. ' He’s crazy," replied the sergeant. "Hete s a whole wa'on lead of left legs, ail lo king a ike', aid how are we to pick out his?" No eff rt was made to fo so. After an hour or so the last limb was tossed into (he pit and the men began shoveling In (he dirt. . J s they worked away the ser geant suddenly s.jfd: "Here, new, but you've overlooked that 1 g in the buthes. Ycu, Smith, haul It out and dunio it in.” "But there's sorrethirg inside the sock." said Smith • Hoid easy now till I see what it is.” With his knife the soldier ripped up the s ck, ard here was the corporal's green backs. Only three of the party saw the money. They winked at each other and pock t and the find, ard later cn made a and vie e. That clos and ih v incident for sev eral wet ks Cos p. .McFadd n was sent to a hospl'al n Washington and soon rallied, ihe s lies who hud gobbled his money went to tic front, and t,n day before Peiersbu g. Smith was mortally wounded. To tas his cor science he told about the, "dlvide." and a chap ain wrote down his corf,'S‘ibn. When the rth r two men were call'd up liity denied the story. A sungron and a staff otTICT b'came inter es e!. aid Corp M, Fadden's name was a household word in the Army of the Poto mac. At length the guiltv private broke down ard confessed. He got off with three m nths in a military prison, while the re-ge-nt was drummed out of the army. Be we n them h y had to m ike g.-od the Sift, and the toys of he Sixteenth chipp el in as much mere, and so the soldier who lost his leg and his shoe and his t ar.k depcsP. cldn't onto out so badly aft r all SIRS. GITHBIE’S LONG JAVXT. : Telegraphic Error Sent Her 100 Miles Tlimtinh the "nod Lands." From the Sait Lake Herald. * It may be stated at the outset that Mrs. Ralph Guthrie is not in the habit of tak ing 250-mile Journeys, half the distance by stage and through the "band lands,” for the fun of the thing.- Neither can it be suid that she went on this trip for pleas ure. but the lady covered the distance from Salt Lake to Fort Duchesne all be cause of a mistake of two letters in a telegram. It is a remarkable story, and local history will yet have to chronicle •is paiallel. This Is how ft all came la hot: t: Sir. Guthrie, popularly known as the "revenue man." was out in Eastern Utah looking for moonshiners. He left last Moi day, and arriving at Trice, sent dis patch from there Tuesday morning to bis wife, saying. "Come to Vernal." This was Just to keep Mrs. Guthrie posted on his whereabouts. Bu< alas, the "revenue man” was train ed in a commercial college, and there are necessarily feme peculiarities in his pen manship. His fatal propansl yis to make a "g” very much like a "c." and when the operator took the dispatch at Price, Mr. Guthrie having by this time gone on toward Vernal, he read it "Come to Ver nal.” He sent it that way. and that is the way it reached Mrs. Guthrie Tues day forenoon. There were only the three words: “Come to Vernal," but' they were Mrs. Guthrie reasoned that her husband would not have sent for her unless he wanted her. and she knew that he would not have her make that rough trip unless something had gone decidedly wrong. She drew the conclusion that he was ill, and the worry and suspense that she passed through can hardly be measured. The little woman bundled a few clothes together, and at 3 o'clock that afternoon, less than four hours after receiving the dispatch. 6he took the eastbound train, unaccompanied. The journey by rail was tedious enough, as those who have been over the road can imagine. Mrs. Guthrie arrived at Price, about 125 miles from Sait Lake, at 9 p. m. At 8 o'clock Wednesday morning she took the stage out of Price, there being three other passengers, all men. They , rode all day and reached the night station at 9 in the evening. At 3 a. m. she was up again and the trip was resumed, twenty miles being covered before breakfast, and at 11 in the forenoon the stage drew Into Fort Duchesne. It sc happened that Ralph Guthrie and Capt. Gilfoyle were standing in the road when the outfit halted. Ralph looked Up. Then he gasped once or twice, and the Captain grabbed him as he staggered against the wall. Mrs. Guthrie alighted, her face wreath ed In smiles at seeing Ihe "revenue man" up and around, and In twinkling she was at his side and had printed a resounding kiss on his petrified Ups. Of course, Capt. Gilfoyle wondered. Who would not? But there was nothing for him to do. He Just stood by and waited for the collector to recover. Finally the husband showed signs of returning con sciousness. "Why, Ralph,” exclaimed his wife, "aren't you glad to see me?" "Y—yes,” faltered Ihe "revenue man." indulging in another In ake of his breath. "Phi glad to see you. H-how is it you're here?" "Why. you stupid, you sent for me," was the convincing reply. Ralph denied it, his wife insisted and she produced the telegram. "Well, I'll be hornswoggled," he mut tered. "I sent that "Gone to Vernal." Then the telegraph office was visited and the whole story was gone over, but it was way nfter nightfall before the "revenue man” began to comprehend. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie returned yester day from the trip. "Oh," exclaimed. Mrs. Guthrie, "we had a delightful trip home. Of course, it was not so pleasant going over the' 'bad lands' for 121 miles in an old s'age coach, bul I think I stood the trip remarkably well. 'UI course. It was on unfortunate er ror. but I cannot say that I really regret it. We were entertained by Capt. Gil foyle In splendid style, and after staying there a couple of days we went to the White Rocks agency, and then were sent by relays to Lee's ranch and back to F-lce. We saw all the points of Inter est. ir eluding the cliff dwellings, nnd, on thu whole, the 'rip was wor.h the trou ble and its roughness." Had Mr. Guthrie not been at Duchesne, Mrs Guthrie woull have gone r ght o to Vernal, thirty-flve miles further, but even as It is, she traveled over 12) miles on a stage, all by herself, with scarcely a stop, and that is a record that few women can boast of. It might be said that stage ride w.> taken at the “expense of the telegrapl ccn.psny as a partial atonement (or the blunder Its operator had made, v A QUEEN'S GRANDDAUGHTER. SHE IS ONE OF THE VISITORS IS WASHINGTON. France Preparing: to BnJld a House at the National Capital—Other Na tions May Follow Her Example. Sortie Comments on Senator Chan dler—Whore Some Well-Known People Will Spend the Summer. Other Matters of General Interest. Washington, D. C.. June 9.—Though our National Capital has manygtitled visitors from all parts of the civilized world, and has sometimes entertained scions of roy alty, it is not often that a personage so near to the throne as a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, runs over to moke us an informal call—brings her knitting and stays to tea, so to 6ay, like rural neigh bors on a summer’s afternoon. Princetss Aribert of Anhalt, youngest daughter of Her Royal Highness, the Princess Chris tian, traveling incognito, in this country, walked almost unheralded into the Brit ish Embassy the other day, with no more "fus© and feathers" about it than -would attend the arrival of any untitled individ ual. She is accompanied only by a mid dle-aged lady-in-waiting, Frou von Chap pins, who would be called a chaperone in America—besides a couple of servants, man end maid; and in order to avoid at tention, the party appears on hotel regis ters as "Countess of Muesterberg • and suite"—one of the Princess’ several minor titles. This eminently sensible grand daughter, of the Queen, upon whose do minions "the sun never sets,” is a very good looking young woman, with the wholesome pirfk-arjd-white complexion pe culiar to her island, gray-blue eyes and a quantity of golden-brown hair, which she wears in compart braids, coiled Crown-fnshlon. on top of her shapely head. She owns to 29 years, and was mar ried in *9l to the fourth son of the Duke of Anhalt. •*••••• Where the husband is, and why she Is thus fixing in the face of all traditions Of caste by roaming about the-world com* paratively alone, deponent snyeth nor. This is her first visit to this country— and indeed to any but her own, os she frankly confesses—and she seems to be enjoying it with the gusto of a school girl on a picnic. Most of the days are spent in driving about our beautiful city and its environs, seeing the "sights,” in cluding the capital, the new library, Ar lington Cemetery, etc.; but as yet no coll has been made at the White House, and no cards hove been exchanged between our "first family,’" and. Victoria's rela tive. Tuesday night the British Ambas sador and Lody Pauncefote gave a din ner of fourteen covers in her honor, among the other guests being. Secretary Of State and Mrs! Hay. the Spanish Min ister and Duchess d'Arcos, the French and German Ambassadors. The table ap pointments included o profusion of ferns, amid the maswive official service of silver and -gold, each piece bearing Victoria's monogram and the British coat-of-arms Tbe Princess appeared in pearl-gray satin, en trains nnd decollete, garnished with passementerie, in which real pearls were wrought amid golden threads; point laco about the shoulders, collarette of pear.s and diamonds, and gray aigrette in her heir. Out driving yesterday after noon, she wore a handsome tailor-made costume of mode cloth, with boa of white ostrich-tips and long feathers, white and mode, in her picture-hat. ••-• * • • * Among other titled guests just now in Washington, are Lord ami Lady Holden, with their two, daughters and son. They have few acquaintances In the city, but are stopping at a hotel. and devoting their time exclusively to Sight-seeing. Sir John says that their American tcur is merely for pleasure and c bservati ti;' lut he is a very wealthy man, with a business turn of mind, and It Is rumored that he has his eye on a V estern mining deal whose promoters are now in Washington. Baron Hegemuller. the Austrian min ister. i. Just now in Newport with hi? family. Ttuy are exp c*ed h re next week and later tel gat cn will take up sum fner quar ers in a Virginia farm-house not far frem Washington. The French ambassofir. M. Cambon.will s 11 for France late in the present month, to 'pass his vacation with his wife and chi drnv who live in on -of the suburbs of Paris. Cap;. Vlgnal of the ambassy with his wife, w li sa Ia week in ad vance of thi ambassador, to spend their holiday abroad. By the way, it Is rumored that France will be the next of ths grea foreign pow ers to purchase land in the capital of the United Stat s for the purpose of estab- I’shl gap rmanent legation. Two or thrte sites are under advisemt nt.and next month, it is raid, the Fr nch governmen. Will decide upon cne <t them, together with a--ehitectural plans fir the residence ad all minor details That will be tile fif h I gation estab'ished in i‘s own homo in Was irg <n. The Mg, old-fashioned de lirg now o'Cuppd by the French cm tassy is one of the f mous.oid time homos of the capital. Luring ante-bellum days it was the residence of Admiral Porter, and there the Prince of Wales was en tertain'd during his memorable visit, a few years ago • •••••••• The quid nuncs are also asserting that Ruts a s coi tem iaiir g he acquisition of property In Washitoton, for the same purp se At nres nt the Rus lan embassy Is housed n th? la:ge and handsome brick tsl-ence at the earner of N.r.e.en;h and I wrests—the stme which for several years was the heme of firmer Senator and Mrs. Quay. ThJ lease which the Rus sian government now holds upon it will xplre in less than t.irte ye rs; and those who claim to know, assert that before that time a ma.nlficent n-w embassy, worthy the land of the Czar, will arise and be ail r ady to mQvo into. Count Cas sini, who is a most progretslve man, as well as a favorite at court, has urged the necessity of such a step. It is sad that his present trip to Russia will dec de the matter of location, etc,fas le carries ' ith 1 im ;■ ant and proposition* for the approval of the home government. Several sites have recently been offered to Count Cassini. He has stated his pref erences very cl aily, for an embassy quite remote from the business portion of the city, yet within convenient dis tanc ; with ext nsive gr unds which ran be conver ed into an ideal park, with gzr (ens, shade-tre s, flow-is and fountains, w i h wot Id add to the comfort and pleasure of 'he embassy household during the hot days which character!** more than half the Washington year. It i needless to add that there is no ap proach to such a l'gatl n in this country at present. The Turkish minister has been look ng for something similar, but only to rent for a brief p riod, in order to wall up its garden for the complete seclusion of "the Light of the Harem." so that no American masculine eye may ever get a g.impse of her. • • • * • iiti Justico arid Mrs. Gray left Washington ’a-t w ok for their cottage at Nahant, which th<y have occupi and for several sea sons ra t. It is known as the "Lawrence cottrg " and is situa ed close to the wa ter, in line with the fam us old Longfel -1 w h use, which, with the one next to it, was partially destroyed by fire some years ago. Before taking this waterside place. Justice and Mrs Gray used to always spend May and June at the old Gray homestead, near Nahant, which is now leased to the Rev. Howard Brown, a pastor in one of the chapels at that popular resort. Justice Harlan and family seldom leave Washington in summer-time, their own home here—a great red brick house, amid extensive grounds on top of a hill—being cooler and more c'omfortahle for a place of genuine rest than they can find any where else. Secretary and Mrs. Hay are only waiting the adjournment of Congress to goAo their summer home in New Hampshire. The house here will not be entirely closed, however, as matters of official duty wilt keep the Secretary of State at the Capi tal a portion of the time. Miss Helen Hay returned last week from Boston and will go with the other members of the family to New England. Senator has given up his house on Capitol Hill in this city, and with Mrs. Tillman and their eldest son, will go South as soon as Congress adjourns. The younger members of the family have al ready returned to the Tillman homestead in South Carolina. • * • • * e * The old adage concerning sailors and horses does not hold good in the case of our Admiral of the Navy, so far as driv ing is concerned, for no one could handle the ribbons with more dexterity than thi* "Man of Emergencies,” as his presidential boomers are calling him. Every fine day, when not off "swinging around the circle" in the South or West, he may be seen wiih Mrs. Dewey by his side, in a handsome equipage drawn by two spirited bays, driving into the city from their country home. "Beauvoir.” or returning thereto along the flowery lanes of Rock Creek, frequented of other sentimental lovers. It would seem that the Hon. William Eaton Chandler is likely to have a big fight on his hands in the near future. Yesterday a gentleman who was for year* enjoyed the close friendship of the New Englafld senator sat in the Senate gallery gazing down upon him admiringly; and It happened that your correspondent oo •cuplerd a seat immediately in the rear, where she could not help hearing word* that were uttered regardless of the fact that "a chiels amang s’e takin’ notes and faith, she'll print em.” Said the friend, to another constituent of Senator Chand ler: "What on earth is the matter with William E! lias he gone stark, staring mad, or is he simply tired of public lU* and determined to quit it at the end of m senatorial term next March?” Then ex planation followed inquiry between > th* two anxious constituents, and it was point ed out thot Mr. Chandler has deliberately placed himself in opposition to nearly every pet measure of the administration during this session, starting with the gold standard hill, coming down through th* list lo the oxnordized Porto Rican bill, and winding up whli determined opposition to certain nominations of party magnates. He has even gone so far es to declare in a. published interview that President McKinley’s campaign managers are pre paring to hold up the trusts for heavy contribution in a , way which he, himself, will never countenance." In the Senate, on Friday last, he went after the armor plate folk as severely as Senator Tillman. Senator Teller and others whose recog nized business it is to oppose the adminis tration at all points possible. Senator Hanna glared at him with fight in his eye. and surprise was the least emotion writ ten on every Republican countenance. II ho keeps on in his reckless course of speaking out so plainly against,the trusta and their alliances, his friends fear that the most powerful corporation in his state, the Boston and Maine P.ailroad, will con sider it a challenge to actively oppose hla return to the Senate and will govern It self accordingly. In times past the ton and Moine" has done its share ln> Re publican politics, and has also had a n her of tilts with Senator Chandler. wt><* s ems perilously Inclined to stick by hla convictions, whatever befalls. Hitherto, however, he has not been particularly inimical to other money Interests, ahd therefore, the powerful railroad corpora tion, which is an immense factor in the policies of New Hampshire and adjolnin# states, has had to fight him single-handed, so to speak. But if the little knight from New England persists In harrying the trusts and making dark insinuation* against the intentions of the Hanna fac tion, It is greatly to lie feared that th* corporate Intests generally, will combma forces with the/'Boston and Maine' for his defeat this year Even Mr. Chandler* most enthusiastic friends do not think he is strong enough, strong as he is ta fight all the money in the United State*. -The Germ Theory.—Doctor of 014 School: The chi and appears to bo teethln#. Doctor of New School: Impossible! Tfc# bacteriological diagnosis and scloee* •<* trace whatever of the characteristic teeth ing-bacillus.—Detroit Journal „ , v