The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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14 |n * * * In spite of the fact that our sieit-r u* public in Europe is holding her wonderful exposition and that thousands of Ameri cans are daily fl<x kinfi abroad, more Sa vannahians than usual seem to be prepar ing to spend the summer In the immediate vicinity of their own homes, and the neighboring resorts ar rapidly becoming crowded. The Isle of Hope seems partic ularly popular this reason. The ride thither in the trolley through green lane bordered by thick woods is very beauti ful. especially new that the magnolias ere in blossom and the air is filled .with the perfume of ihe grapevine. The place Itself is x edingly pretty, forming, as it does, a horseshoe curve with the silt water end marshes in front and the forest trees reaching almost to the rear of the house*. Some of those summering there are Mr*. Cecil Gabbett and family, who have taken the home of Mr. C. If. Dorsett. Mr. ajid Mrs. J. A. G Carson and sens, expect to move out Saturday to occupy the Demon place fit the south end of the curve. Col. and Mr*. J. H K-uill ore already installed in their delightful home. Wimberley, at the north end. This place is rendered doubly attractive by its position in the bend of the river, and much has been done to enhance its natural charms. Mr. James Sullivan*? homo is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ellis and family, and Rev and Mrs. Scully have taken Mr. Cooper's house. The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Canri has been rented by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tronholm Hopkins are at Mr. C. S. Hardee's lovely old place, where Mr. and Mrs. George Cosens also expect to l*e for month or two. Others who are spending the summer at this pretty spot arc Mr. and Mr>. John W. Fret well. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. C laence Hatch, Mr. and Mi* E, S. Abra hams. Mr. and Mr*. Harry Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kulman. Miss Marvin and Miss Jennie May, and Mr, and Mrs Bet:. J. Apple. At TVhi e Bluff, whi h is not quite so easy of access. Mi. and Mrs. G. Horace Rems hart and the Misses Itemshart are already occupying their summer home, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Dancy and family will go to theirs on Saturday. Mrs. W. W. Chis holm has been joined by her sons. Dr. Julian Chisholm, who arrived from Balti more last week, and Mr. William Chis holm. Dr. and Mr*. Louis Falllgant and family will be as usual at their Montgom ery home, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mer cer and children ore with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. West. No matter what changes are made from year to \ir. the seaside al ways holds its own. and Tybee is as al ways beloved of many Savannah people. The season t the Tybee Hotel will soon be in full swing a-nd the third of the Thursday evening dances took place last wueek and was largelv attended. Among those at the hotel are Mrs. Aaron Feist and children. Capt. Flannery and Mr. W. M. Flannery, Mr . and Mrs. Raphael Semmes. Mrs. Wright and family of Au gusta, Mr, ahd Mr?. Louis M. IxHlardy and children. Mr and Mrs. John Heard Hi nter end Mrs. J. G. M Mrs. A. H. MucDonell and sons. Mr. and Mr*. Julian Johnson and Mr. B. W. Wrenn. Among those who will go down during the week ar Mrs A. L. Well, and Mrs. Jacob Uppman, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferst. The Independent cottagers are. Mr and Mrs. John ‘Bryan-. Dr. and Mrs. Dunn. Mr and Mrs. Janus L. Farles. Jr.. Mr and Mi* J. J. McDonough. Mr. and Mr*-'. J. J. McDonough, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. O’Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Willem Kehoe. Mrs. W. J. Harty. Mr. and Mrs. T A. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs R. P. Lovell, and the Mrssng. Love 1. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. S'Orer. and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Ccrish. At Bluffton, are Mrs. J. A. Huger and the Misse.i Lina and Emma Huger, and Mr. William Henry Schley and daughters. Mrs. W W. Owens expects to oren her hour© July 1. and there is a possibility also of Co’, and Mrs. William Garrard’s spending the lumimr there. wMle Mr. an 1 Mrs. Heyward Lynah will go down. Ju y 1. The frequenters of Wilmington Island are only waiting for satisfactory ar rangements to be made about the boa-? before going down to their summer place.-. Greater interest has never been felt In the yacht race man was evidenced Thursday and Friday by both Charleston ians and Savannahians. The Yacht Club was thronged with spectators, and the river fron* v w simplj alive with smaller craft filled ith ga> parties. Of course, the inter*..' of all was centered on the contest, between the “Maris” and ihe "Drag.. > but all boats not in the race, wcie 1 : y desire to “pass everything in sigi Conspicuous for speed among the launches Thursday, was the "Claude," which literally left behind everything that would compete with her. Tine people it the Ya nt Club house amused themselves with dancing, and informal lunches and suppers, while on the steamers following the course, a kind of picnic atmosphere prevailed Numbers also adjourned to Bannon Lodge for* refreshment. The presence of so many Charlestonians add* ?d greatly to the festivities. Some of the i isitors were. Mrs. Raw tins Lowndes. Mrs Mavo Read. Mrs. William Gaidar 1, Miss Caroline Frost. Miss Virginia Braw lev. Miss Florence Gadsden. Mist* Phoebe Gadsden. Miss May Holmes. Miss Mary Bryan, the Misses Barnwell, Miss Mein Darby. Miss Kline Haskell, Miss Lizzie Parker. Miss Lillian Heyward, Miss Har riet Miss Emma McGnhan. Com modore Hughes Capt. Wiimot Porchcr, Mr John Ruvenel, Mr Henry Tinker. Mr. John Marsh:* i. Mr Mix K. Bryan, Mr. Robert French Mr. Alfred Calhoun, Mr. Frank Bryan. Mr. 11 C. Ho ertsoi . Mr. Alan Tucker Mr. Arthur Young. Mr. Richard Smythe. Mr .1 M Roberson. M.. lar. K‘S Adupr. Mi l'.i'trM Porch,r, l)t Prlcloau Wh.iliy. Mr. Richard, Mr. Uourdin Uaillfird. .Mr c. N Bc-i Mr. gtpphPii M.ucjuitiit. Mr John m tl*!>y. Mr. C|ni|, 11 iiu* r. Mr. G 1,,-., lolmi .. M 'tiliam R : Ml Ju Mitchell. Jr,, Dr. Edward Pnrkei Mr Edmund Rh.-ti. Mr J mvs Cl, -m . Mr I.Helen Melllnyer. Mr. P,. II .\j ar . ■hill. Mr. Homy Prliißlr, Mr Mini.:; Jr.. Mr. I.oulj Simon,Mr Henry A alkfi Mi. Deis ,r (.Jordon, Mr \Yt:: u.. ‘I. Tu.krr, Mr. Bugenc- Jervcy, ui and Mr danlce'.. A nutnl" r . f you* '.,' society people went ’own to Tybe Tmsdav evening for a lanee at the Hotel ixvilFn, and a picnic nipptr on th* beach. Mrs. J R. Mh shall, Mk. Tracy Hunter, Mr. and Mrs hid war I and Mir* Julia Owens hupr •oiu-ci and among others In the i arty wer • Ml s r.iffo.d A.i nnei lyn, Min* Rightoti bet Rham. Mm ,leat U Haines, Mis* ally He kcll, Mlts Parker of Charleston. Mr. W illiam liarnwdl. Mr. Wlliiutn Mmp on. Mr. Savage Lyttai, Mr Kdward >em< re Mr. Udk oii West. Mr. Si war; dliuks. Mr. Stc*U. Mr t'harles duMW on, Mr D. C. Harrow Mr Ben Yun isy, Mr. George Heyward, and Mi. Hugh dmrris. The marriage o( Mr. lwln 8. Obb and Ml s Laura Sp< ncer Bake: will le among tie Lite e-tng events rf ih; weee, and vvi.l take plac- a* tie home of Mr and Mrs Marcus Ste. h n Raker on Ogle thorpe avenue, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Cobb of Pa iucafi. Ky., Mrs. H dgson and the Misses Hodgson cf Athens, Miss Har per of Rome. Miss McDaniel of Hrning liold. Mo. and Mies Coniff cf Jackson ville wi 1 be among the h at the w. J ling A delightful little muslcaie was given Friday at'te noon a the lore c f Mr. and Mrs Geojge Sch L-y which was decorated for the occasion with quantit ©s (f June rose* and sweet peas. Mrs. hchley's little scholars ware, the perfoimeis aid the fol lowing- programme was r nil red: “Lullabi ,(Kulross), Miss Mary Belle Gi’lx rt “Sonatina,” (Beethoven), Miss Eleanor Shatter. "L’Egantln*.” (Ludovlc), Miss Inez Tiedeman. “Die Dorfschmitde,” (Heins), Mss Dor othy Ballwin. “Billerat j," (LongO). Miss Clad a John son Due'. “Children’s Tea Party, ’ < Read), Miss Harvle Hull and Mis* Dorothy Baldwin. “Sr rug .Song.” (Mend l-sohnt. Miss Gladys Girardeau. “Mazurka. ’ (Lir.chu rt, Miss Harvle Hu] . "Austrian Folk Sing." (Facher), Miss Belle Bailey. "Martha,” (Sidney Smith), Miss Mai Rivers. “Yalse in D flat,’’ (Chopin), Miss Kath leen Fry An oral cf on** hundred qu* atlons on musical subjects followed In which the pupils show* and wonderful .apti tude. Miss Itu z Tie ieman and M\*-k Har vle Hull were both perfect, and tied for the prize, "Pictures From Lives of Great Composers," which was won by Mi s Inez Tiedeman. The : rize for the best marks daring the year, was awarded t) Mis* Harvle Hull, and was a prettv copy of "Shurrinn’s Scenes from Childhood.” Among the gutsi* present w re Mrs. Gsorgo Baldwin. Mrs C. M. Gilbert, Mis G'crge W. Tiedeman. Mrs. Julian John son. Mrs. F. C. Battey, Mrs. Rivets. Mrs. A. B. Girardeau. Mrs. A. W. Carmich ael. and Mrs. Shivers. Mr. and Mrs. J. Muir Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bi llcgton. Mis. W. D. Pe r Inc, Miss Eugt nia Johnston. Miss Edith Johnston, Ms* Mary Clay. Mi s Eliza beth Butler. Miss Annie But’er, Mr Hanc kle cf Charleston, and Mr. Julian cle Rruyn Kops, formed a pleasant party on one of the steamers that followed the yachts Friday. A number of the Chari ston visitors who were here for (he yacht races were enter tained informally Friday evening ai the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haskell. Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Gibbes and daugh ter will spend the next two w •• ks at Ho tel Tybee. Mias Nan dußignon will leave to-day to visit friends In Connecticut. Mr. J. A. Huger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Harrison and Miss Clermont Huger went to Bluffton yesterday and will return this afternoon. Mrs. H. D. Lattlmore, Dr. Ralston Lnt timore, Mr. William Lattlmore, Miss Elise Guerard and Mr. Sullivan Bond went down to Darien during (he week to at tend the La Ui more,-Bond wedding. Mrs. John L. Hardee and Miss Helen Hardee will leave during the week for Highlands, N. C\, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Robert L. Mercer, Jr., returned Thursday from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wylly In Brunswick. Miss Martha Backus is visit ng relatives in Columbus, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. £3 Id red Simkins spent sev eral days at Tybee last week. Mrs. E. E. Hardee and Miss Nelly Bald win will leave this week for South Or ange. N. J.. where they will be the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCoy. Mr. Frank Screven arrived this morn ing from Columbus to spend a day or two with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gordon, Jr. Mrs. F. V. Walker returned yesterday to her home in Bluffton. after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAlpin. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Haskell are enter taining the following young people ut their home on State street: Miss Caro line Williams, Miss Harriet Lesesne and Miss Parker of Charleston, S. C. Mis* Elise Haskell of Atlanta and Mr. George Haskell of Macon. Mrs. F. Lucas, who has been visiting Judge and Mrs. Robert Falligant, will leave next week for her home, Claren don, in Bartow county. Mrs. George Mills ha* returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodge, in New York. Mrs. James T. Dent and the Misses Dent will leave to-morrow for Brunswick, where (hey go to attend the marriage of Mr. Miller Nightingale and Miss Ethel Downing, which will take place Tuesday evening. Lieut, and Mrs. Randolph Rklgley have returned from a visit to relatives in Au gusta. Mr. Malcolm Maclean left Friday for New York to be absent a week or ten days. Mr. Maclean will l> joined in New York hv Miss Marian Maclean, Miss Alice Dougan and Mr. Edward Maclean. Dr. William Dancy will return next week from Baltimore, where he has completed his medical course at the John? Hopkins. After spending o few weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Dancy, he will accept a position at the Brooklyn Hospital for two years. Master George Tiedeman. Jr . spent last week with his aunt, Mrs. J. B. West, at Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fitzsimmons of Charleston wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burdell during the week. Mr. Porcher l’Erge! and ItttU Miss Na dia rEngel of Ja<kso:i\i! were the guest* of Mr. and M s. I>. Y. 1 a*ay dur ing the wt ek. Mr. J R. Chesnutt and Miss Constance Chestnut havekone to Wilmington. X. C.. to visit relatives. Mis. Chestnut is spend ing tt fev weeks with her mother near Atlanta, after which she will go to North Carolina. Mrs. c. C. Schley has returned from a visit of three weeks to Bluff ton, S. C. Miss Sophie Albert of Chattanooga. Term., is the guest of Mrs. J. C. Sloan at Isle of Hope. Miss Kwrgilino Bower of Bain bridge will arrive r.cxt week to visit M ss Raymande Cutter. Mrs. J. R. Marshall Is visiting relatives in Columbia. S. C. Mrs. K. A. Well returned during the weak from Atlanta, accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Hir.-sh. The .V -s. Marjorie and Dorothy Work man v.i ivt for rx.atur next week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. A. Ulsbee spent sev ■ ral a ys la 1 week with friends in Jack sonville. Miss Cone> of Cordele Is expected tn Savannah shortly to visit Miss Raymond* CUh*€r. Ml* ilaniK WlUtc, Mt*s Jennie While, THE UCBNJU’G MEWS: SUNDAY. JUNE 10. IDOO. Mrs. T. J and Master Thomas J. Cummin*?. Jr., have left the .ty *o . spend the sunmcr .n Hendersonville, X C. A pre’t> lome wedding was ceb-ara 1 * , Wednesday evening, the 6th instant, td •he residence of Mr. and Mrs. La wren e C. Burn. SOD Charlton street, west. v. h n their laugh(er, Addle Viola, was married to Mr. George Moessner. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. J Epting, pas tor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The parlors were beautifully decorated and many friends were present to offer con gratulations and good wishes to the young couple. Among the parties that followed the yachts in their course Thursday was one composed of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiley John son. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cunningham, Jr.. Miss Woodb i lge. Miss dußignon and Miss Sallie McAlpin. In another party were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gabbett, Mrs. Raymond Demcr*. Mrs. A. G. Guerard, Mrs. John A. Caison and Mrs. H. G. Thompson. One of the largest parties on the Alpha Thursday consisted of Mrs. Lewi* Has kell. Miss Biise Haskell. Mbs Parker. Miss Lesesne and Ms- Wiliams of Charleston, Miss Clifford Munnerlyn, Miss Belle Daniel. Miss Elizabeth Haskell and Miss Sallie Haskell. Miss Ellen Morel cloised her art school last week with tin interesting xhibi-.ion Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, showing the work • accomplish?d by her pupils during the past year. The rooms were prettily arranged with bamboo vine and bowls of bright flowers, and the walls were lined with interesting studies in charcoal, |*ncil and oil. Alias Clifford MunnerJyn’a drawings were much admir ed, especially "The Slave.” The two • harcoal drawings considered best were , the work of Miss Meta Thomas and Miss Sally Haskell, while a study of vegeta bles in oils by Mrs. George Perkins was also very good. The best pencil draw- . ings weie’ a noe, done Dy Nils Lane, i and tin can and blocks by Mi s Lilah C;*t michael. There was also good pencil work done by Jack Myers, a cup and : saucer; pen and Ink stand, by Miss Edith | Wi.liam.*; apple* by Miss Mai Rivers; a study of tire-crackers, by EdJi Prince; bio k* and jar, Izlur Olivoros. i pitcher, Ralph Bailey, and a can, Miss Fay Oem lcr. Besides their pencil work. Eddie Prince showed a very good copy of one of Landseer’s dogs in charcoal, and Nils Lane two pieces of still life. Altogether, th** exhibition was an interesting one and a number of sues'* were present. Avery jolly party, who had a fish sup per at Bannon Lodge Friday evening, was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Read, Mrs. Gaillard. Miss Virginia Brawicy, Miss Mila Darby. Miss Caroline Frost. Commodore Hughes, Mr. Julian Mitchell of Charleston. Mr. (J. Nob! Jones and Mr. William Haskell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hull. Jr., chaper oned a delightful supper party at* Tybee Thursday evening. Those present were the Misses Hodgson of Athens, Miss Har per of Rome, Miss McDaniel of Spring held, Mo.. Miss Conniff of Jacksonville, Mr. W. R. Gravener, Mr. Chilton Hous toun, Mr. R. L. Rockwell and Mr. T. M. Palmer. A merry party that spent Tuesday evening at Tybee was chaperoned by Mrs. W. G. Cooper and was composed of Mis? Lula Davis. Miss Efflc Bloodwotth, Miss Bessie Cooper, Miss Edith Stillwell. Miss Louise Waldhauer, Miss Josephine Cooper. Miss Lucy Bioodworth, Mr. Percy Inab nett, Mr. J. D. Woodrow. Mr. Sidney Cooper, Mr. Harry Richardson. Mr. Horace Stillwell. Mr. Charlton Barbour, Mr. George Allen, Mr. William Baldwin, and Mr. Driver. j Mrs. J. J. Waring and All*? Minna War ing have gone to Monterey on the Penn sylvania mountains, where they will *!>end the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shellman ate spend ing a few weeks at Green Cove Springs. Mrs. J. G. Van Matter left last week for Tacoma, Wash., where she will spend the summer with relatives. Mr. George F. Tfnnille has returned from East Orange. N. J.. where he ha* been visiting friends. Mrs. J. A. Crowther left yesterday for Baltimore, from .where she will go iu Vir ginia to visit relatives. Air. Hauers, accompanied by his daugh ters. Mis* Kate L. and Mis* Frieda Hauers, will spend the next few weeks at their home on Catherine’s Island. Mr. end Mrs. Henry McAlpin and Alls* Claudia McAlpin. will leave to-morrow for Thousand Islands. Mr. Lawrence Lee. who, since ho loft New York, has boon visiting Mr. and Mr?. Julian Hnrtridge at St. James. Md., ar rived in Savannah during the week, but left again Friday to visit Mr. Montague Boyd in Oxford, Ga. Mrs. Wylly Wood bridge. Mr*. Halier sham and the Misses M iry, Joe and Mar garet Vernon Stiles, left yesterday for Green Island. Miss Meta Fro*well lias returned from Shorter College and is with her family at the Isle of Hope. Miss I>eiia Fret well hds returned from visiting friends in Forsyth. Miss Mary Kline has returned hero* from Englewood. N. J.. where she been at Miss Guiish’s School. Mr. and Mrs. William Procter aid the Misses Proctor have gone to Swannanoa, N. C.. for the summer. Miss Virginia Cater of Forsyth, who has been at Vassal* College during the past year, is expected heie during th w,ek to visfcs friends. Mrs. Thomas S. Clay and the M es Clay have returned from a visit to Ab beville. S. C. Mrs. F. D. Bloodworth, Ms* Lucy Bloodworth and Miss Eftie Bio ad wo th will sail to-morrow for Ne\v Yoi k. wine they will vlsh relatives. Miss Jane Siroit. who ha? been a stu dent at the Woman’s Cclb g • in Palt - more since last October, has returned home. Mr. Dan Hopps has returned from Co lumbia Law School, where ho lias b on studying for the past year. Miss Maud Schaeffer wa graduate 1 from Elizabeth College. <’h. rl He, N. <\. last week with first honor, deliver ng ihe valedictory. She also received the *cho’- arship modal which is given t the you cr lady making the hlghesi average ii t e full A. B. course. All .- Schaeffer has re turned to her hom . Miss Rena and Miss L>uise have returned from Slcidawd.v I-la and where they have been visiting Mrs. Mc- Kee. Master § George Hcdgsoi de L (ful ly entertained a numb r of ils young friends at a birthday ;a ty “cA Perfect Food " “ Preserves Health” Prolongs Life BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA “ Known the world over. . . . Received the highest in dorsements from the practitioner, the nurse, and the intelligent housekeeper IS mi and caterer;' and M \\‘k Hygienic Octette. i Walter Baker & Cos. lw. iSST DORCHESTER, MASS. I on Every Package Eublihed 1780. 14- Eroughton Street, West. : : Ladies’ Furnishings. < As we keep “Ladies’ Furnish- ; : ings” exclusively the ladies will : : find everything they may need : : for themselves and the little: : ones in our • various depart- , • ments. : The right goods at the right : : prices, and every new novelty | and fad of the day. t Matting Insurance (A Secret). I| i ; Wo will insui-o your mut'lng. We wl'l KUurntee to keep it fiesh, elear. ar.ii ptttet tho long summer mortth=. it's simple enough. Matting. I kc caipite. must hi I he wept regularly. A r.ioe n.elitun ti.ip .| broom im:r> be u?ed. Now comes the secret: Antiseptic Brooms arc a icntiflcally oonsttujterl, an.l on account of their chemical action keen the matting (.'.con and tresli looking. An tiseptic Blooms are u-i 1 like any other broom, only they ''purify while you sweep." They .to this without any extra effort on you: part. Ask your dealer tor ' 1 ' FOB SAL.E EVERYWHERE. "Purifies whl e you sweep." ■C on Monday last. Among those pres ent were Mitses Annie Meyler, Josephine O’Connor. Res i Livers. Annie Doyle. Wirdfred O’Conr.or. Kina Yoc in. Regi na O’Di iscoll. Katie O’Leary. M tud Sul? Uvan. Ella O’Leary. Florence Tnorn. Louise and Jessie Hodgson; Maste's ('bar lie Brooks. Dan O’Connor. Emmett O Connell, Frank Brooks. Charlie Coth r wood, John Falvey nd James Davis. Refreshmen is were served !)>' Miss Norma O’Connor, Miss Ethel Hodgson, and -Mis® Carrie Buchhelt. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frost left yes terday for Charbtston, where they wlil spt.n<l the summer. Miss Ann!© Haines has returned from Charlotte, N. C. where she has been attending; Elizabeth College. Mr. Walter Lilienthal and Mr. Carl Herman left <arly in the week for Ban • in the West. They will be absent a month or six weeks. Mrs. A. Vets burg and -Mrs. Lawrence Uppman chaperoned trolW party Wed nesday evening, in which were tin* Missi-s Esther Belsinger, Zippora.h Mewb's. Eu nice Uppman, Stella Levy. Ruth Ehrlici. Stella Cohen. Mattie Putzei. Miriam Her man, Rita Guttnun and Rita Mohr. After having spent the past week very pleasantly lit Charleston, as th** guest *>f Miss Daisy Rttndbej’g, licti Miss Ethel Miscully vvi:i return home this evening. Mrs. Tho. M. Randall and Master George Randall of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bra nan, 301 Waid burg stree;, west. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Rubensttein <ff Charleston, B. C.. have announced the en gagement of their daughter. Pearl. io M *. L. I>. Joel of Savannah. Miss Ruben stein is it present visiting her sister, Air®. R. D. Cohen of Florence. S. C. Mius* Leonna An ram left yesterday morning for the North, expecting to visit the various kindergarten schools before return ng home in the fall, combining business with pleasure. Wc wish her a pleasant trip, and her many friends will welcome her on her return in October. Mrs. K. Coiner and Master Jerome Box horn of Tallahassee, Fla., are the guest* of Mre. Flora Max on Gordon street. Miss Rcbertine 'Murphy will sail on tho City of Birmingham Tuesday for New York. PTo will spend the summer with AJ i .-as Fannie Price of Boonton, N. J . and In the fa 1, will leave for California to make that her future home. Miss Gerald Pelot of Wilmington, spent the week with Mbs Robertltte Murphy. Miss Plane Ranks is spending the sum mer at Isle of Hope. The Misses Mamie and Lottie Lang have returned from Elizabeth College. Mrs. Zoe Crisp and (Master George Crisp have returned from o visit to friends in Pineora. Miss Annie Duryea of Charleston Is visiting Mr and Mrs. W. C. Lyon. Miss Lulu Davis has returned from a visit to friends in Waycross. Mr. Ernest Nathan of Charleston is ; ihe guest of Mr. Read Abrahome. Mis? Emma Paulsen, who has been et j tending Elizabeth College, has return- -1 j for the holidays. Mr? Nina Robertson cf Columbus, who j lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. I. A. ! Solomons, will return homo to-day. Miss Levy of Blackvil'.e. S. C., is the guest of Miss Dora Muhlberg. Mi * Kate Brady left Friday for Bel mont. N. C., where she will attend the N. SCHU7Z, St. Julian and Whitaker Streets. HUB KBS SI pillli PHIB. The unparalleled bargains that we are •riving hive had a telling effect—people who have bought and went away satisfied, have told others to come and get some of the marvelous values in seasonable, desirable goods. New goods arriving daily—ach item a money saver. "The Gctham” Corel Attachment Self- , Mir.'. Wfcl'e lawn Full Die- Bowe. .. Sc Locking La,lie's’ Hose Suppoit r, bU. k ; MeiVs w k , r ..,., n . Bo 811,1 <o or 9 * Sc solid b.ack ana fancy c. lore 10c Ladies’ Ribbed Vests, taped at neck , _ Mens Bleat* od Joan Drawers, tla-'i arms oc Kxtru Large Ladies’ Ribbed Vests loc °' M B, ‘ " ,fM Ladle*' Black Openwork Summer- Man's Full Dr< r Neglijee Shl;t*. v,’ i ,ht How ’. iOc Jap.tre e Folding Fau-, new style , Ladies’ lie:d M.ico Lice Openwork 3* up /o 23.. • Flack lioae life Bene Col'.a;- button*. da n 3c I.hlKs’ Sio U Collar* 8c Pcml Chi ( Bi.uoa do-ten to Satin Ribbon nnd Leather Pulley Celts. • Tooth 1 r.n he Summer < orsets ..22c Crochet Cotton, nil colot*, a spool 4 Dre.-s Shield* 5 ;; Velvet Skirt Binding 7c : Dressmaker Black Sewing Silk.., tlj Aluminum Heir Pin*, a dozen 3c Pulley Bell Rings l c Table Olt Cloth, white and colors ,18c | Gold Eye Needles le , Turkey Feather Duster* hoc i commencement exercises of St. Alary’a College. Mr. A. K Wilson is 4*o;nrned from Louisville, Ky. I ne Misses Estelle Kuck, Adeline Sem ken. and Annie Gwinn. have returned from Elizabeth College, for (he holidays. Mr. r. R. Denton is visiting friends in Florida. Ali ss Mohel Gibbon Miss '""u.a ti vi • Harms, and Miss Annie Menken, lire at hem** for the summer vocation. After a delightful visit to ~ Micanopv, Mn.. to visit the family of Mr I. Hey man, Miss Essie Oppenhe m wijl return next week. News of her returp will be received with pleasure by her numerous 1 riends. Boci t| y in Wnjcniss. In the graduating class of the Wa-- cross public school are four of the bright ("st young ladies who ever passed oir from (be doors of our school. They are Misses Mildred, who won second honor. Adrose Ediston, Marie Wester, Afary Young. Tee other member of the class is Mr. Nolan Goodyear, who wen tirst honor. Miss Lalia Whiting has a.s her gue( tins week Miss Florence Wooten of Douglas. The young ladies were insepar able companions■ prior to Miss Wooten’s removal to Douglas. They were in th' sum* graduating clans of the Waveros school. A number of fishing par ies have lately enjoyed otXlngs upon the bank, of the PiiiUla r.ver. Many ladits take put in ihes<* n>nsure*.? and some of them are quite cxp< rt w ith hook, rod and 1 no. Mrs. U. M. Whit dig will spend mod of the summer at ti e home of der f dher and moihtr. at Fortson, Muscogee county. Miss Clro Alber’son is visiting her aar en s. Mr. and Mrs. Mfle< Albe t on, rt Moniac. Miss Lizzl? Thompson is teaching a rummer school a? Kaginav, on the Wav cross Air Line Ru Iroml. Mrs. G. O. Turner will vi-i* her sistfr, Mrs. Dr. J. W Strickland, at Moniac. be fore she return* to#her # home, in Tampa. The summer term f the Eunice School, e \st of town, opens Monday, under the direction of Miss Kathryn Shults. Mrs. N. T. P ifferd and her little dnugh * r, Ethleen. of Byron, are Mrs. Pafford’s paren s, Ivey and Mrs. Davis, in Clinch county. Miss Mamie Adams of Douglas passed through town last w-ek n her way to Sylvanla. where she nccent* a posit-on as auditor in a ra ’r-nd office. Miss M mie is a daughter of Rev. C. D. Adams, pastor of the Douglas circuit. Mrs. C. H. Hargroves cf Romeo risked friends Monday and Tuesday. Mr. J. C. Shuts and b'ide came up E*p. nela. Fla., vis ting here last week, going from here tj Mcßae. Mrs. C. M. Babcock is vi i inig friends in Y*ayoress. Mrs. D. J. kburn o' Needham : s visiiing her sisfer, Mrs. W. M. K c ator. Mrs C. A. Sheldon is visitiing her daughters. Mfsdamcs M ore and Duna way, in Valdosta. Mrs. r. N. Marley is vi.-iung her par ents, in Thomasville. Mrs. J. O. Johns is visiting her mother, in Glenmore. Miss Virginia Wat's, n harming young lady of Ohio, who has-be-rn vi-Bi *g rela ti\c-‘’ in Florida, is spend ng &or.zc time Great Cleaning =:= Up Safe! £ Come To-morrow Expecting Bargains. You Will Find Them. at 48c Black Wool Etamines; worth SI.CO. at *1.23 Silk Warp LanaJown-; u t Hi e Black Figured Mohair; worth 75c. at (>i)c Heavy Black Taffeta Silk; woith Ssc. at BSc Heavy Black Gres Grain Silk; worth $1.25. at 75c Printed Foulard Silks; worth SI.OO and $1.25. at 19c Very fine Dimities and Piques; worth 25c. at 33c Imported Silk Madras Ginghams; sold at 50c. at 19c Silk Striped Crepons, gray, blue and canary. at 2y. iC Printed Lawns and India Lir.en 9. at 9 c I’olored Organdies and Batistes; worth 15c. at 23c Imported White Pique; worth 35c. at 48c Ladies’ Straw Sailors; worth 75c. at 9c All styles of White Laces; worth 15c at 33#c Ladles’ Black Ribbed Lisle Hosi ; worth 50c. at 53.98 Ladies’ line White Lawn Wd-t*. some oi Allowr Lace. qhe.s with ia- Ion; sold up to vG.GO; now SLOS. <nt Ladies’ White Lawn Wrapprs; were $2.00. Sit obi Hi Goods loin. gbbel funs [w teiiiisM! in ffoduiiino Dresses.! qf-. ,#**-> \&\ 1\ Qjllie Ribiian Leadar ■- w wel 14 East KronclUon SI. Ri'Tons—the lat <t, best and cheapest. Ail Silk. Heavy Satin and Taffeta, as ort e 1 colors. Writ * for simple-? and prises. No. 1 Baity Ribbon Is yard; 48c spool. No. 2 Ribbon, ‘a-b... 2 1 y. yd; 20c bolt. No, 4 I • on, bolt. No. 5 Ribbon, 1-in.. 5c vd; 45’ lo.t. No. 7 Ribbon, Go yd; 59c bolt. No. 9 Ribbon. U_-in., Xc yd; 75 : bolt. No. 12 Ribbon, 2-in.. 10c vd; 90c bolt. No. 3C Ribhdn, 2Lin., 12 s ,*c yd; $1.1" bolt. No. 22 Ri on, I It and- bolt No. 40 Ribbon, SVj-in.. 17%c yd; SI.BO bolt. No. S) Rib’ion. 4-:n.. 2.Uc yd; $1.8.5 bolt. No. 100 Ribbon, 5-ir>.. 2oc yd; $2.25 lx>.t. All above run 10 yards to the bolt. A lor Fancy Plaid and Striped Rial, n, 3 and 4 inches, at 17Vc to 25c yaid. with Miss Lull a Whiting, before re lim ing to her h'me. Mi®*, s Whit ng and Watts are in ihe same class at Weileyun Female College. Mr. J. C. Hatcher, postmas'er a< Screven, has won a lovely bride in the person of Miss Eva Chancy. Miss Mildred Wooten, second honor pu pil in the Waycross High School, class 190 1. has go?*e o Dousing, where her father. Mr. Gecrre F. Woo'cn. resides. Judge Warren Lo t and family and M*s. T*. F. W l ams and her dauah e , A.i s Mat He, go :o S . Simons next week to spend the summer. Judge Lott has a splendid cottage heme on the Bland. Miss Net<ie Jones, who has been teach ing .at Oocoanut Grove. Fla., is expected home in a few days. \. OF K.*> MS ill COS \ E\TIO!% • Wdl Bo Held r.t Emuiet Erl aII in Sa vannah Tn-ilay. The Ninth Plenr.ial S ate Ccnvrnt on o" ti e A: < int O der cf Hibernians in Geor gia will be he’d in Savannah ic-da... De e- P ates will arrive this morning irom Au* g ::-a AU.u on f.nd AM nta Thtse. w(h th* eclct at* s fr< m the local div . i:ns. will trok* a meir.bev. hp of about tifiy In the t onvcn: on. Tweriv of the leading Hibernian? of • hrrDstcn will honor tlie occision with Uei. r>re- tic*. Al' wil 1 a tend n a*s at b l < ’<•'■ ck, in i:t. Patrick’s ('hutch. T h - convc* ti n will meet at 19 o’clock in Em n;.<” Ha 1 v. hi -h h. s!*cr ar ai*g'*d for tli - purpj. © A I.ri f address o wl* me vi 1 \r mrde h Na‘i nal Dree o* B. J. O’Ccr.n r w. ich wil lo reepended by bt tc Prea cier.t A. J. Goußy <f Augusta. n.e rcp.rt* cf the stite officers will show what has be n acccmplishel and ring tie past two ye ra the jrcsmt s anding of the older, ind wli t is nees iry to ex* t nl its work in ti* f t r*. New s‘a‘e 1 y- &W3 i rd ai pro,.: late r soluiio- s w.l! I * adopted pi -i state effb rs d*tt and f r th- cnsuii g te m. Ar 2 2© • . rn . \ sito-s accompanied by legal Hil:*i n'on i ’.A 1 gi on s;>ecia! tin in to T Ire l-bncl to enjoy the pleas u.cs f the s a?ho;e. my l ' ••+>•*•• Wffa.e n ON A PACKAGE YOU K*QW IT IS ALT. P.TGHT. W!ih,4 IN CHARLESTON, If you want the best herVlee and every thing in keeping therewith. ?*top at Charltoton** Leading Restaurant, THI3 PALACE CAFE, 273 King irceu at 3 c Checked Nainsook, plain ir.jia Lin ens. Sni|>ed India Linens .md Cordwl, I.inens (not remnnnta). at (> 9c Bleached Table Damask; worth ?1.00. at 98c For 12 yards English Longcloth; worth at $2.98 Marseilles Quill?, extra slic; worth $5 at 43c Best quality Striped Furniture Linen. at 19c White and Unbleached Turkish Tow el.-; worth* 30c. at 39c liS-inch White French Organdie, work 50 cents. at i)c Ladies’ Ribbed Cotton Vests;whrih 15c. at 41c Ladies’ Pink and Blue Silk Ribbed Vests. at 48c Children’s Fancy Para sola; worth 75c. at $1.25 Ladies’ Cambric Gowns. Skirts, Drawr ers. and Corset Cover*; some trimmed with lace, others with embroidery;., none less than $1.75. ' 1 at SI.OO Your choice of nil the celebrated mikes tine* Corsets, slightly soiled, worth $2.50. at 89c Ladies’ White Pique Skirts; worth $1.50. at 39c Misses' Coio'.ed Uuints; worth 50c. at $1.25 L.idioC White Dressing Sicques and Co'oied Kimonas. the ki and that sold aw at 75 .. '■ I lU.CtO boxes Fine P.per and Envelopes 4c, 10a and 16c box; 40c. Otic ar.d $1.30 dozen. I 10.1VU. line a: .sort. .1 ink Tablets, wor thj'k-, m 4c* oa ‘li. or 4oe dozen, i earns l* inf Xo'e Pajer 40c ream. hr. .•*.<>;•.■ r.:t and mo.!, heavy stock, - • : for oc. r ’jj - thousirid, i- ina Lead i'OiiCi s lc each. j’, 1 -- 1 * - 1 ’ " 1 ;, ‘l PcM 'iid lc each, an<j Better \ tl - J;< - for Lc, or .Vic. $1.1,1 a,, 1 $125 grss. ; Beols All I-Vn Paints 4 for lei or 25c* gross. 1 ,5^ <c ' Bfn Hohd-ij-; to be each. ! Tll, ‘ Jine Perfumed Toilet Soap at .'c j to * * ukr; 18c to 37 l 2 e dozen. Sweet Bye and Bye To;,pan n Face i owner; 3c to 8c box. Fi'Mes’ Hose 30c and I2\±c pair. *■ inc s** p’> If ,-e T’c ,‘o J2Y e pair. J. & P. Coat's S;x>:l Thread 5C<- dozen. ryco. y Schedules Effective June 10. ISO)., Trains arrive at utid depart from Cer*trai Station, West Broad, Foot of Liberty street. SOth Meridian Time—One hour slower than city time. I.eave Arrive Savannah: Savannah. Muccm. Atlanta, Oovlng •i 46am Jtcn Mil'.e.’.f,evi!le and at!.** 00pm imermei.i.tie points. \ iMlllen. Augusta and in-] S 4.lam termniiate points. 'jv6 00pm Augusta. Macon, Mom. I Igotnery, Atlanta. Athens.| •3 OOprr. Columbus, Birmingham,|*6 00am |Americus, Eufaula and| .'Troy. J Tyb* Special from An- 1 50 IJpm'gusta Sunday only. ||lo 23am t 6 00pmi Dover Accommodation. |t7 48ani ■ 3 COpm Guyton Dinner Trnln. ]t4 50jpm •Dally, t Except Sunday. only BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE 71lh mt-ridlun or Savannah city lime. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Week Days t::3'i a. m.. 10:01 a. tn.. 3:SS p m 1:35 p. m., ti:lo p. m., S:.T> I>. m. Sundays—7:4l a. m., 10;0i a. m., 12:01 p m.. 2:31 p. m., ~:31 p. m., (i:10 p. m., -S:3l p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6:oo n. m.. 8:00 a. m.. 11:10 a. m.. 5:15 n. m., 7:40 p. m., 10:K) p. m. Bund , fliOO a. m. Mil a. m., 11:10 a. m.. 1 :l>o p. m., s:ow>. tn.. 7:40 p. m.. W'.l n p. in. Connection made at terminal point'' with all trains Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Sa vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, rates and connections, apply to. W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass eturer Agent. 107 Bull street. W. K M. INTYRE, Depot Ticket Agent. J. C HATT.E General Passenger Agent. E. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager. TIIEO. D. KLINE, Gen. Superintendent. Savannah. Ga, IF YOU WANT GOOD ' MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning Nw, Savannah, GNu