The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 WANT HOME-BUILT YACHTS. nnniorofii: staiiii *\\* < 1.1 : SltOl 1!) IIIWDON 012) I'Ol.K v I'll.* I'lan ll imiiiio.lor.* **uj;g- l* l to I xi * * Sa % uii tin It and < liarlew ton iii -Id lln-ir Ouu Uoalk—T2i*> Slioul.. \; t l!* Vn r* ItiM-Dijr Vn *liin.*N -I:l r*-*t in \ adit liij& < nulil lit* Sur mined and I nrmurd, l*nn nildi . hj Tli in >1 *• n*—Tli** I’lan Would l)* Inr l..*** I. \ |>-n*i\<• Tliiiii imi n 4 I'rom the \iip|h*rn RiiiliJi- k—( finrl(*Hloti Yaclil* Get Aun> i r lluiiii'. The tall* in clubs, about the 1 lot< b- and wherever of Savannahians gat her*-d yesterday was of yacht.** uni racing. The Maris and tlie* Diaipxm hii 1 th* ra • .* they sailni l'uri Ished ihc grvatest materiel for discussion ami ii is quite probable that something bearing upon tin- ohar.n >. r of any future races may grow out of the in formal conversation in which those inter ested in yachting engage). Perhaps mo opinion is more universally advance.] ‘ liiat ihe entire system un der which tiie races have been sailed for the last !v> years should be changed. This is nc* the cry of tic vanquished, merely, foi they believe that tin- lim*- has come to i hah upon the |>olicy that has lie come the v-vue, tin! craft to be entered in ram s iivven the Hubs of the two cities, Savannah a.. 1 Charleston,• 6huld not be mere racing machines se cured from the North. Commodore \\ W. Starr of the Savan nah Ya at Club is strongly of lids tj:u ion, and when sen In did not lies! a • to txprfs? iL ‘‘What \\ need," Iv and dared, "are 1 oats built in Savannah and in Cha leston. This thing of going to Ma stchuse ts for racing ii a him s w i 1 not do. and the so ca r h is abnr.d n*d t t; better it w 11 be for yatching in this s <•- tion. Now the race, b fwe.n th* Ma is and the Dragoon were not a d-monstra ticn of Ylie* superioti > of the Clurb-ston people to >he d‘grc* it would have b n had tlieir's foen a I nine • <a.s ni*t**d t •.11 and tli- Dragoon, t ■. hvUal <f b ert built at the North. -liculd have !*• n bui.t h-re Tin i we s!u*>:l I have had a 11 tie tra! of t e xaihting spirit and abil ities of th- two cities "The lacing machines are of no go id to anyone o her t an for the | b isur ■ iha* Is derived once a year from seeing th-m in :• nte*- s They rep.e ent jus that run h capital invest.d whore -he chances o r - tuirs a e nothii g. Craft in h se w. v - should be designed f r the c imtorts of a cruise as well as fjr laing, mid. wh n we can g t such boats, bui.t in S u. ait aii anil in < barbs on, then we wi 1 >o >achllrg far more poi nla and more s n sib e thati it caa e. er b* v\ . e i t'ere is nothing lfss ih 'ii a tinan a] . entes 1 be tween the two paces to see which ui;i put up th? most nun y for lie pu has of a frs; boat. "Some have b en t Iking tf faming an other syndi at ■ lo buy a Lott that can beat the Maris, and seme rath- ; comf rt - ab.e urns-1 ipiions l ave i <*n off* re J. Now I do no; beli. v - that should b do e. A-> I have said, th better • lan will b to let 'he Northern bui dors lon * and to set) the building, as w 11 as h vach Ing. s r it .n thi' by r• ■ ng on \ Hm - cons run and craft.” The it lief se. us ti b* tha* a halt should be call and. Tly re is nj t*-;]ing w h r the fioii y of a Nut them It at each for tl . defeat of th r. r s-m --tative of the rival ub ould lead Y< ar after \ ear n rre mon* ;. w* uld have to I p epen>. S. ne night fail y such a proprn lion Tom s with an ill gram* from th club that has ju t been defeated, but it muF- be rememben-1 tbit the I racoon •cored <ne \ lory end the Maris another übder the s ime < h uinstai s, aid hat th* i\ for- C*• t*'a\ nn.di t l b is in a p f rion io mak such a crit .-i-m *f the policy that s mis to t'm ;it n yachting n -thusi sts with banl r pt > ,f t lm> a e t • follow it out Commodore Star; sms it would bp a go.>d p in for r.*;r s. mt a i\ * * of tic Car olina and the Savannah clubs :o me.-t for a discussion uf tin- -iiii.i bn. ii! t ,*■ ho .• that anew set of in *.- < c line for home constructed craft mat e adopted. Such boats oti 1 b- list’d f..r mole than i u'es alone, and man> d.-lightful cruises odd h*e enjoyed upon them. The Moris, the K attinkn the Wirgt the Winona, the Titania and th o lur Char'e-tcn yachts efr th ya. ht chib w tors yesteiday for tla ir triumphant leturo home. Most of the Chorlcsiouians have gone, also, only a few lemnining with So vannah filends. The cup w.-nt over night before last, CommoJoi<> lid Hug! es. win proved a great favorite with Savannah ians, carrying it as the MariC tr *phy back to the Carolina Yacht Club. Everywhere compliment ary sp e dies ore made of the sailing uf the Marls and of the Dragoon on th so.. nd d>\ . not . criticism having I*■ n offeree!. Thos who thought the sailing of both was a i ill ami.-s on the tirsr day, thong! i better of p the next, anrPnl) c oncurred in tiie b* lief that it wns a splendid exhibition of the nandling of yachts. Th > Ri.oriftmaiillkf ron.liirt ..f a’l en-.-a;- Pl ill Hip ra.'.'S, . h.. |...nv,.i falrn. ss and Rood Ji'dpmnnt -how. .1 hy salldiß * °nimillr.‘ and .m. kr. p. rs and i ~ „,,; Sfiis*' and ronfii .xv th. ati.ndin K .ran dn.pla.Md In k<>e|.ina aw y tr m t!u r.n - rrs - ;l 'l camn in for ,>r >i- ,a . u dl. AI. ui thp only comrdalnis that w. iv hoard yes terday were about the w a'her •On neither raee day was .here -urf win I lor th. i*ntlr.. time of the ra ,nl tint was after many .ia.s of splee lid ), r ..* , Just when the r nv< were n. |„. . m.*,i ,h --breezes oi.d away. As mlßht have he a. e.vpe. ted. too. a spanklnu hr... ae blew all day yesterday <h - die after .he nee-. It would have been far lneres’iiur had one (if the ra ■ e\. n ihutrh it led meant defeat for th< Uraijoon, been sail .1 In a St iff hreeae. More s]H‘ed would have heeu m ve'ope l, and i> i- ipilre likely that •so Dragoon e il i haw . ~|| | elost r to th. Mails 1 a.I she had a win! like yesieidayV to piwh alons. Naitually. 111. n . j., ;• y .f s..■ 1. tors would have been heiier idea ed had tie 1 racoMi ii.. the raoes were .n --joyeil, netertholes.. | t i possib’e tba> HI! opportunliy nu.y -vm In* had for wit t-esriny mo:* ei*n'e-i ? . The annual re ya;i 1 re •• •• S;a ninth yacht Club Is usually seile.l e a iter In the season, hut It Was : this i r 0 n Jieeount of the f aces he w. en die two elites. At the meet,l,_ of and. at whirl! this ejsein M. r. nele-d, j- was atsi det*imln e-1 to i Mi li iar 1,0 r i of stewards lo <ll i. M line a reßa tl should lie Sa.ia.l al Ter th. , a men lnif of the l*..i Tiiesday, and it wi’l dun h. ki m n win her the r. pda will be ha i . I'M \ I I'U l{ * UN \ 1.. !. 11 I ‘i ' i v>f A* ! in •tw a- am'HP ’ M day w Mr. .! H Lu i-of O la. IL. \* ~m ,. Ur the visitors in the cit*. , L . , . ~, ~ Soto. M; . William V Ev. \\ ;t . risrrr *.l •• thp s '•••'■ • II” J. f„ m An gu.ta. 1 ■ • i 1 iimi of \\ iv.-srt j. mn.-na . . j-n it.„ in ~ s in tin , Mr. nn.l Mr- I'i.n k 11. Miller u \M *r">l ‘ ’ i * '’* v ill ti. •:• \ , a i of the Ut S. .'!■ W. 11 \- Uu. n o Mi W non w , ainotiß he nrrl*. ... ; -•l.-ir 1 . , ~,. | , yes ter* hi . ■MI u U.iiii k of Charis on was among l. :rri\:.- i*'t;i i> ed • t the De S 10. Mr JoM|)hli.<> lto.-ienhcTn ami 'ntnlly lf( y,ter(l.i\ tj\ way . t *h • r'onhe.-n Railway for Old Point (Vrl. ri. \'n Mr. K. Ja.krton Key r irn ilokii _\eorr '*•• y fOOOi Guy ■ n nr.l wh .i rona tn<* Ktirsts registerril t Um fi rrven H u <■ Merr. W. A. Hawk,nr. G. it Bray ,nl W. U. McKtriikK- ol Ccrclele w tt ninorg ■THE DOCTOR WHO STAYS. Others Lome and Fail and Pass On. Hut Ur. Hathaway's Practice Has Been Perman’ntly Establislicd lor 20 Years, anil Year by Year Hav (irown i.realer Because ol His Record oi Cures. Th' fact that I)r, Hathaway has 1* n (Mablivhcil in lh<- S.iiih long* r limn ar - * trier si f* ia ist t c.nonstrau s a number • f v-ry important things. Oflu*r sj-* ia!- !*< a It v praci .<••*.] hen*. ■om 101 i f-vv tauii li and some * \ n for a year or two. bar Dr. Hathaway D t 1 *• o;ly on* of all the wl o I a-' icmaim-d. and h s prat i t- has been <-outnipon* for o\ r t w • n The reasons mu-t l<* l/a n to all: <*- has made no prom >s*m %\liich It** could not tnllill. !!♦* Ii ii h litllillcd tv it> pi-omCsc he has iiinde. 21*- lias cored more cases I linn n! I oilier specialists in lies field nini- I* i ni’ll. CD* lias cured more i-ases of Ol’ YUM.Y \ K.liH. ll* lies cured more cases of \ YHI i <H il* lias cured mori cases of s'| |( i( • i: icj:. in* has cured more cases of IJ’ll 113.01)1) I*OI*OM\H, in till dlf f*l‘‘llf sftlg‘.s. lie has corcil more cas-s of all manner of I l!l\ M(Y and SE\| \| 4 com pla Ia f Me has cured more cases of nil manner of ( IIIIOMC DISI-: % *lvS. \nd lie lias < I It la) these cases fo s'|* \ \ t | || pp, Th* -c are the reisons why Dr. Hathaw i l as < jmintiul witli a constantly gr wir*g pra -1 <■* whib- *nhcis hav*- been r* i *d to leave 'he field M* d* •*** ’s upon tii 'in and patients t., .* i 0 ?h r- w! o arc li!:.- afTHctcd of vv 'll h- ha* don • .i> i < and what h*- in *I >. D . Il.ith.iua v. an s a ! sufferers from Dhrcriff Diseases to ca lat Ids office. Fnl s to* y are <• v\ ne* tl after an Jnterv,* w. ■ at le- t in •ur • them, they are ‘i"e r j : c;i ti- i ' i ' lik. Meatment. * ’o.i -ul';:t Tii with him. cithe. at hi- of t<*• or I mail, is fr . ll* will alsh glad| : nd fr* *-. postpaid, in plain wrapper, tie raw ediiion -t hi- Gl-page book, eiiii Id ‘ AJanlili* s. \ igor. Health." J. INEIA/TOIN HATHAWAY. /VY. O HH. (I A'! 11A\N A"Y & * ()., ’• A Uryan str Savannah. Ha. Offb • 'Ho is ! to 1! in.. - to i> and 7 lo V |> m. Sundays 10 a m to 1 p. m. gut t- stopping at Mu- S'-reven House y. s letday. Mr. YV. I' Foil l;* id ire will 1 ,v* 'hi* moudi.g for YYhi • Sulphur Spr.ngs *ta. \\ J•i ** lie will st *n l soin* 1 l ine for t e bent hi . f his hciilth The friends of Mr. 7Smn> t O’Fn .rell will be glad to learn of ids impi ived lu.ibb aider a trip of five we ks in '!' \a- Ke is i ■iw in Montiea;. Fanada. The Mi-,* - M .xw. ll <t DaPim.u e, dat'g htei sol i :ic iale Maj. .J. Aioile, M. a wall, m* vi:-i?ing Heir in *e, .M**. lit.’.(ii 11., on Ilnb€i aaip st eet Mr*. A. IT I.awl n 1 ft tiie .Savannah i'o-piiC.l - *-st* r*l a\ aid i* nine! i• her lean* , at:* ; huvi-.:; in.ilergone n e-sfui v |**i iion by in-, i liarilon fv.r Vit is. Maj A. 11. J.-hnsont. chief ei give r f r h* Eeorgia Foil aru in (' mjMry in lie Hu' chiuson's Island t* rminal walk, la< rerune-d ro Savannah after a visit to his horn** in Norfolk. Ya. Mr. Roy Kennedy, who lias been criti cally ill for .y. veral tiavs with appendicitis rt( the ). :ne of his aunts, the Misses Mus lin. ai Henry and Drayioii snv*-ts ami who limitr.vem an opt lotion Thursday* nigiit from which it was feared he might not re. aver, wa considerably improvcl yesterday and Iher** ar*- assuring hopes of his ultimately rt -overs. i IT\ HII I:\ ITIt '.s. A ben* fit cone* r w ill 1* f, vn at St. Rhillipe A. M. il. Fiiurch to mo row nig it. A in t* :i g of th- Fo ion of King's Daughicis ssi.i U* he.d this afierncon at O'elvM-k, in til*’ T -trae l>U-cd'.lig of the lU dd)* ndent Rresl.y tci ii a t nui t-h. Fv in muni cations to iht- o 1* :y li:or tc luting to society i .ss must I* in the Morning News office not later than noon .-uitiirdn/s to r-cFlvt mieiHio.i for Sun day’s i-sue. Tim fJern an Aid and 15 n s. 1 tit Fo re y will give its -i>: . ith anneal p<ni • a- is bee. Tlriisrav. .line H. and i * , }•,.( | M wid \,* ~,i |,. t. . ladi 's o.‘ the so dety. 'l*.a* cemmiti •• in charge eon s sts of A. Krsscl. .-.-.ay man; F Rang. A. M S ino* tier an.l Hen si* r. \Nphiill Repairs \rc slow. Thcuspliad paving ref-air fort *- i< work ing is w.i\ cut iiuii sir- Fonsltlerablc work has also been *ine on Drayton sfiv*-i. Ry the time (lit* for <■ gets til* Dull si reel paving in onlcr out towards tiie park it will ! lime to go over u goot.l deal of ii down-town again. \!H row 1.11 IROM \\\Tl.ltl \ll I’rineipl** of 12 > !i*aulie Itlow pipe \dapfed lo l uruisti ( oinprc-Nt-tl Yir for 'lining Drill**. From the Spokane Spokesman-Re view. What is said to be the first machine drill ever run by air direct from a col umn of water was started up at Ains worth, 15. <\, last week. This unique compressor has just lie* n completed by a company, which is represented in -the Northwest by \V. S. Norman & F*. The first plant using compressed air for power that was genera ed by a fall of water was built by this company for the Do minion cotton mills of Magog, Quebec, but this one ui Ainsworth is the Hr one used in machine drilling. Mr. Norman has just received a report on the work ing of the new compressor from E. 10. Knowles, sup* l'ln endent *-f tiie Philadel phia mine, on which the plant D run ning. The iv port gives some Interesting particulars of the working of * he plan*. The compressor c insists .*f ; ,.i upright nine at tin* side of a hill, giving a fall of 107 feet. Fnder this a shaft lias been sunk over 300 fed. Tie* wa < r in drop ping cirri’.; with b a large quanti y <>f air. From the loitom of the shaf the water escapes into a vessel, where tin* air rises to live top and th*’ water escapes from under i to the surface. The body of water from the vessel to the surface giv< * a pressure of about ighi pounds lo the inch to the nil. wdileh e-eupes (.* iln* pipes from the top of th** tank. The present plant a: Ainsworth i de signed to work all the mines surrounding l A present it D being put into tin* Tariff, fit* second to receive it. and it Is -aid (hat Others have been Waiting < > see the result of the Philadelphia's tli:\ . (> the success of the important \ perinidit Mr. Knowh-s says: "Th* * I rill is p'.mo f. . i from the eompn -sor. w h -.n Foffee creek. If marled without i hi.'h and with eighty-five pounds air p: -*• it at tln drill. Th - yi in * nbsoluiely maltPiiine*! at all times. I will venture the statement that there is nor >noth* r machine in the world to-day th i is work ng with as dry nnd n * put* .iit i iliis eiu. ond tlup there ar* none giving lit tier ivsußs. "Here is an ins ain *' of wli it ibis sys tem of eompn suing air w ill do: The com- I• nv in* - devFon* and water puw r with a working bead if I,obi f**!. It has been using a Pel ton I. beite.l to a 111 - • haul al eompn ss *r. >* i ••bis diuipfsi of plants bus b< < it shut dowti for '!• slnijile reason ihai fh*y are getting tin r power a’ their v. ry door fm- Just on* -half what it lias been costing them for labor <o run ilu* plan*, :o -a\ nothing of their invest ment. lot* rest, oil and repairs. "Till**- 1 * m wi'l increase div'd-nds for mining non T..< -> 1 1 aid - hot coinu* t< xv*11 1 ii. nor 'be m st im p ovetl coo ,ia 11 i'■ a I ompressors run by water. Tin* contpi* • or is running ex 'llentlv with not a s. u. ncaivr it hail thr* c tnl’.eF." A' -.*' m Wall s iru n.* a who 1 n-w I "Jim" Fisk say that In fad 1 appern ce .1* hi. \V. dims, strong y if* al h the mail who was slain bv "Ed" Stokes. Fisa wa a heavier man by many pounds, h t in I feature# there is a Htrpng r emb!a r vq. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY', JUNE 10, 1000. XV J. MW TOY II \ l' 11 \\\ \\ , M. !). The Oiliest S!m Inlil is Ii *#l Spec in I ist in tle South. SEEKING YOUNG EVEIRITT. s,,{ s?:tii |.;i, Ht THE >hcox \ls 1)1 < I ION < \ SE. ••King Snhrn." \ <*<| u. (f el in Wiirou on the I barge of \hdiietion Fol lowed Young: Preslon Everltt to Ml \ a iiuii li and Sought lo Kuiu un In b i view With HDti l.nst Mght. Tiie ftn> Wan C j* 2g li (*' ii *' 1 1 nnd Told l!i* 3’alln-i-, Who, %eeoni|a niei l> I'riendM, Waited for Sabo at the i'ostnliiee Where Ihe l.uttet* llad tppointed a Yleeling Willi Pres ton—-Saho Did \ol %||M-nr. The Preston Everilt alulu ion case, vvuich Was tried in Macoi>' Fii *lay, came near having in teres inT <ievelopments in Savannah last night. Young Evcritt, who is vv II known in Savannah for his histrionic abilities, it will at* remembered, disappeared in Ma *-cn several w*tks a.-o, after a tour with a < ornpany of variety actors. His par n s w'* i*■ much alarmed and the police w re s i io work io locate him. After ."-veral da\s young Everitt was di. *iv*‘r and in company with "Krag Sabro," one of the variety performers. Sabn> was arrested on Ike charge of ab du iu>n . nd h*d*l for trial. The trial came >*fi in Macon Friday a' and Sab:o was ac quiiied. chiefly on the usilmony of you g Evcritt, whi*di w,.s io the. effect that he was 4ioi < in ied *ff b\- force. bti w f as I *-rsua*le,l io go with Sabro and his com panion. The judge, in dismissing the prisoner, warm'd him that he had i>een acquitted on t te<‘hnica.i;y only, and advised him t> !• t th* bo> alone in future, if he did liot want to get himself In serious trou ble* "Sabro," or William Fasvvcll, as his mime is said to b*. did not choose to take ihis advice, li** seems to have a peculiar infatuation for the boy. Friday night, when Mr. Everitt left for Savan nah with his eon. Fasvveil was ut the depot, ami attempted io enmmuiiica l ** with Pre-ton. on.y desisting when threatened by the father.* Preston arrived here yesterday morning, with his father, and resumed his work a; Kenan’s drug store ut Bull and Stale streets. He is 15 yeans of age, though in size he apixurs to be only 12, and i as bright as u steel trap. East night Pres ton left the store on some arrand ami returned much agitated. He informed Mr. Fan y Winters, one of the proprietors of the store, that he had seen Sabro on tin* nr eet. A little later the man came into the store and accosted the >oy. Pres ton avoided him nnd told him In* wanted nothing to do with him. The boy was evidently very much frightened. I• lor* leaving the s'ore the man threw <he bo> a note, wiltten on a sheet of wrapping piper, t* 1 ing him that he was very thankful to him for what he had Fonc* foi him in Macon, and saying that ho wjslu/i t * see him once more, as th s would probably be the las* time. He ro q.aster! Preston to myet him at the Post office at 12 o’clock. I reston got word lo his father, who re yponded prepared to and ;*1 harshly with •he piisist.m sword swallow* r! ids b. in.: ( ußvvell’s :p old ■. It was decided that tin* bov should keep the appoint ui<iii at the Postoffice, while hP fa h‘f and on* or two friend; kept close watch, prepared to use severe measures if ne es sarv. .hid to impress forcibly upon Fas w.'ll that he must leave the'boy alone. At th*' hour named the plan was put into ex. • ut ; c i*reston v ent to I he : . tof ffc and gav a \*■u 1 ar whiul* , wh ch h* had learned fi’om F; swell. The lat ter it*usi have some inkling of whai was in store for him. as ho did not re-pond. The matter was reported to Sheriff Sweeny, who said that he would keep a lookout for Faswell. Caswell is said to be 58 years of age. I.c D fall, with dark hair and very dark mustache. He had on a nd neck ie, and was otherwise very flashily dressed when S'*, n last night. Whether some strange infatuation possesses him or whether he things he can use* th** loy to wood al - (,i In his luc : in*‘-s js unknown. At niv r < , he displayed great nerve in foil *\ting young Everitt o Sivannah ar 1 a (tempi dig to gain an interview with him after the warning given him I v th* Mu on judge. A hough Preston is deathly afraid of h ni. lie seems to possess a -(rang** fascination for Hie bov, and •he I,liter’- 1 parents arc afraid to hive him tunic !n contact With him. .1 \t 015 \E U m\ l-'lt EE. •‘J. %.’* l.lvi'N Despite Al ii ti > Ife |hm*lm In I lie (iintrn i’>. From the Chicago Tribune. ScvMiity■-: biuv enrs ago Jn ob Newman lhee was lhrn in Tiffin, 0.. the eldcs, son af a Piesb> lerian minister. Nearl\ h ilf i century ago ii* l I>* .* iin*• the "Immoral ,1 N " in wid it guise he is now honor ing Oiicwgo with a brief visit. For forty six >**nts the "Immortal J. N." has >e***i living us tin birds live, but In a much j greater condition **f luxury, um* t>f his' jHissesslons is mi old |*ocketbook contain- • lug niot* than It • situs of paper reading i "Hod for .1 S' " aud on** railroad pass for lit*’ over nil lines and signed by ih** lead- j Ing officials of <hc most prominent rail- j loads in coun! r\ . By means of this} l ass "J. N." travels wherever he pi* rises. ! ID has visited every suite nnd territory, | md in every lty of more than 2,0(X) in habitants h.’ has fr.ends. He claims, and Ii * claim is gent*i ally believed, that be knows mote people personally than any other living man. • Everywhere he gof he •tops at the best A COOL May be yours —if you have an Ff Mi lf7fß ul mm Kllll t OR A Water Cooler* Vie have ’em both. The best for the least money. We also have FLY’ FANS, ICE PICKS,ICE SHRED DERS,CHEAP ODDS AND ENDS OF CHINA for the Tybee or Die of Hope House. Lots of Fine Hoods for Wedding Gifts. THOS. WEST & CO., 1 1 Hroughton St., West. hotels, and not for thirty years has a landlord been found l*>ld enough lo pre m u him with a bill. In his youth, "J N. was an infant phenomenon. At four years of age In* lead almost all of the Bible, and during his teens he acquire,! a reading and speak ing knowledge of no e .-s tli an thirteen languages. During tin- gold in '49 he weirt West and • iH* l a stag** line. Within two vears he id a iimu .ilcd a fortune of a , • • uer robbed him. and then "J. N " moved a-k to Ohio an*l began the study of law Within a few y**ars he stood at ioj> of the bar in Fint*innati. On* day he was ilefending a murderer, in whose innocence he strongly believed. As u result of his eloquence the man was .acquitted The sam* day h* *llent confessed that h* was guilty. "J. N ’ rushexi back io the courtroom and slurred to explain, c i t.n • nin end ex citement had been too much for him. lb* was stricken with apoplexy. Within a short time he recover*-*! his physical health, but never hi- mental poise. He became the "Immortal .1 N." and started cn the wandering lib which he has long followed. lie la the apostle of Pressure." a mys terious* for e vvhi h hut i.,r him. woul 1 011 ol •*■•.(* • 1 the inhabitants of the Uhi e.l F-a'ts ID was well ac quainted wl|h* Preleu: Lincoln. and niimbered many distiic uisheil men among his friends. Dining th*- war he started out to visit Jeff er on Da\is. and save the ‘Un ion by putting the "pn ssure" on ihe lead *r of the Confederacy. li** got well within the Confederate lines when he was arrest ed and given thirty minutes in which to leave the country. .1. N." says he s'ill has twenty-nine and a half minutes of the time coming to him. In his early days ,i< on immortal "J. N." had many f >rmidobl- tivals. Chief among them was Daniel Pent, "the (Ireot Am -r --i'an rrav ler," who ied in 1887, but who had passed out of rh- memory *>t rpost nien long before that lane. Piatt ran for President of the In and Suites every four V< are for mAre tl i three dec id< s, .u*i was famous for *is speeches, whi h abounded in flow-r phraseg : , n .| \*\k worils. Pratt also iraveled all over the country a His mv pwuet w ill and d*- ntan*!eil us his right what otiit*r pec le paid for. Another riv. l. though less striking in hi wav- G* *rgo Mellon, who a'so * njc. *d fre* roi toad pa -es ,jj;l entertainment at leading hotels. In January. W 9. the "Irrtmortal .1 X." w;is reported *leo,J. and the‘mbituaries printed at the time have since afforded the old man much amusement. He declares, howev-r. that he expects to live until he gets the "pressure’’ permanently icmo.ei from the country. CLASSiFiEO ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL "R u" • getting up i>P tiTe world; then a good, sharp razor is of value. r l ramps going down hill don't knew that 28 East Broughton, liair. J. w • ■Ty and Shaving Supply House, is the place t,> have your ol 1 tax r ground, ho. ed. s*-t and mad-- to cut lik* l new. Shaving outfits at nominal cost; barber chairs for sale or rt t; •a- tl geas stamjiei) on, sharpened free of charge. Bring this advertisement with ’em. News H ors exchanged for old ones. PARTIES WHO TOOK DA TIT ING suit off steamer Santee on Friday vh hist, are known and to avoid exposure will picas*- return o store corner II | o i anti Lincoln streets. TRAINED NURSES AND MIDWIYES supplied by Me Kane Hospital Bureau. Sixth and Florence streets. FIVE THOUSAND PIE 'KS GOOD music, 1<- each: s abonery and books. At Gardner’s Bazaar. DEAR WILLIAM. AM SO fI.APPY! Words *-;iimot c n\ *v mv f** *lirgs you <1 light in*- * I want to kiss you! Don't forget ih - lets I want! " IN ynr.c Gard ns" sab* on June 12, 5 o’clock afternoon. "Wifcy." MILLINERY! M ILLINERY ! ALL ha tv and shap* s at greatly reduced prices; flowers, i rimming, hats trimmed, 25c; cleaning; dying. Mrs. S. Britton, ]:*,G Bar nard. LADIES \ SECRET TO ENLARGE, your bU'-t six inches, free. Zanzetnettv) Company. Dept. R3, Milwaukee, Wb. REMEMBER CHATHAM TRUNK Factory takes o'd trunks in part raymeat in new ones Broughton, corner Ah reo n street. IF' VOI- WISH PONTDA'S ICR CKICAM or sheriffs for dinner or supper, ring up r. 97; prompt attention. RAYING URNS AND GROWING chirks rid to l>e fed on nnlmnl meat. F’or nil kinds of poultry pnpplits, go tr 'l'. .1. D.ivls. IIS H ty r street, west IF YiiF CAN'T DRINK COFR: R <IKT •* • lit* • f I'ostum unreal made properly at Ikim I oit's FI NR BERK, PRIME YE AD AND r ceMrirl hind., at s. Martin's, 2i: lie rv east. Rl RNm itR SA RRI.Y RACK HD; NO negro Joekl.' g work ;prlce- lower than, any, I'os s, Will ak* r, neyr Oglethorpe. FOR t'AHI'RT TAKING I F. ci.RAN I! I linn . tel teayltlv, ling tel plian- Dlstr et At. - , tiger Conti any FINK RIFRRIRI.D UMH AT "IIA kers" .-veil day; lest of all other meats in market. SAAR MONEY BY HAVING TIIR Ohathom Trunk Faett.ry t.. i pair \ . r old trunks and satehels, to 10. k and lie gool as new Broughton, eurne. Aiier- in street. SOFTHRRN I'MRRKJ.kA FACTORY; largest urn :• a factor) south of Balti more; all repairings nealty done; ail ■ ov. -- cut from pi'-ee. mourning nmlnelias tna to order; we all your special attention to our fresh stock of nipuea covers. . West Brood street; second block of Cen tral dt pot. IF ITS suras YOU WANT, A'oc CAN get them cheaper from MoOIIUs. IF YOI ADMIRE FLOWKRS. STOP on your way, and look at Comdas for line roses; fresh every day, t I'EHSOWJ,. 'TTroaoroTi^YY'OßK mTaNSHT A prime k quisi:e io success in auv busi. eu., Y man xr...y be a good wi.e J. gi) r 111* k.-uiffi ami know absolutely tothing ;!--ut Imi s'-shoeing. I am a i*ors s'.ix*r by ir;.!** an ♦ guarantee me I.t aid work in • very ease. Mona nan. the horse on aid ffi er. .Bfferson street, near Libeity. FOR""" FURNITURE AND PIANO ! a ki g moving or storing, te’* phone 2. I is.i let Mess ngcr Cotntauy. the only war* h use in the city especiilly ntt -d to • are f r furniture and carpets. MATTRESSES RENOVATED. ONE fifty up. and returned same day if de sired- uphcls ering and repair ng. Fox’s, YYhltahcr, near Oglethorpe. M'GII.I.IS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RFC IS -Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. **LARff E r.C)f OF SECOND-11 AN 1 ) \iT“ chines on hand, cheap; g<v>d as new ; guaranteed; New Domestic and White sewing machines, with Ha 11 hearings; se the Rotary White; full line of needles, parts and attachments for all machines; re pairs, specialty, guaranteed. G. o Pc ii ton & Son. Barnard and Y'ork; ’phon.* eleven-seventeen. YOU WILT, SAVE .MONEY BY KUY ing your trunks, satchels, etc., at Chat ham Trunk Fa*-iory. Broughton, ooiiier Abe room street. BEAUTY PINS. 1C EACH; PULLEY belt.-, bn'kies and rings; shirt waist sets, at Gardner’s Bazaar. SHREDDED WHOLE YY’H EAT BlS <ii t and ster.lized mi k served in e’e ganee at Hamilton's lunch parlor. Bull i-trect. FOR FI-ORAL DESIGNS, PI~AFE vour orders in (ime .it Conida's. ’Phone 597. FOR MESSENGER BOY RING TELH phone 2. Ihstrict Messenger Company. SEE HERE! WE WANT TO TAKE stock this month, and we want to clear out as much of our goods as possible; ti is not right to put a lot of fake prices in ihe papers, and get you to buy something (hat you don’t want because it is appar ently cheap; but if you need anything in furniture, carpets, mattings, shades, re frigerators, stoves. hammocks. wafer coolers, lawn settees, cedar chests, etc*., come around io see us and we will make prices that will be really cheap and give you big values for your money. Yours for honest bargains, C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. DON'T"TURN YOUR NICE. CLEAN furniture or carnets over to any one for storage till you have seen how and where they will store them; there is only one reg ular storehouse in ihe City devoted ex clusively to this business. Call up tele phone 2. Savannah District Messenger Company, 32 Congress street. M’GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lac© curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. TRY A CUP OF DELICIOUS DRIP corf* e at Hamilton’s lun-h parlor, 112 Bull CONIDA’S PALACE) OF~ SWEETS; new addition; the choicest cut flowers for sale; fresh every day. V* GILLIS* LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE^M r oTLLIS T_SlXTY inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. • "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." is a specialty#with McGillis. M’GILLTS MOVES PACKST SHIPS and .-tores pianos and furniture; best work only: no "Fheap-John" prices—no "Cheap- John” jobs. MEDICAL. DR. M.GEHEE. PH YSICI A X IN • ■Large ot the Cosmopolitan Dispensary, corner L I erty and Lincoln, treats all chronic diseases for $5 per month; all medicine furnished. Office hours, 9 to 12 ni.. 3 to 5, and 7 to 9 p. in. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable Take no oilier. Send 4c. stamps lor particulars. "Relief for La.iiea," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos . Philade.. Pa. MORPHINE, OPIUM, LAUDANUM, coca inn habit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin. Box 1212, Chicago. I HAVE FOUND A POSITIVE CURE for drunkenness; ran be given secretly; will gladly tell you what it is; don't send money. Mrs. May Hawkins, Lock Box L. H. 131, Grand Rapids, Midi. OPIUM. MORPHINE. WHISKY—IF Interrvf.d j n jft,* cure of these habits write for mv i ’> >i- on these diseases, mailed free B. M y■ . llev, M D., Atlanta, Ga. HOW AT.': YOtJfi FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. cal) on me and I will give yon relief; I cure ingrowing nails corns and all diseases of the fret without pain; charges reasonable; can give the N*hi references in the city; patients treat ed at residences; orders can be left n t Liv ingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, sur r-eor- iiELP WA.\IED-MALE. kok titv trode; popular line; commission. Address “Solicitor,’’ Morning News. wanted; A BRIGHT YOUNG MAN a’out 10 vars. to do collecting for a re tail dry goods house. Address Merchant. < are News. T\V O (’A NVA SS EI I S \Y AN f KI) TO SO licii f+nr new business. 331 Wayton street. \V AXT ed. r k I>i ab ll fa k m h a no. who can milk nnd raise vegetables, p. B. Lester. GOOD MAN. FOR A 506d7 EASY selling article, do fail to see it. Bewar-. Well adv< rtised Savannah Heal Instate Exchange. WANTED, ALL-AROI’NI) WHITE wood-worker in wagon repair shop. Ap ply to W. .1 Comar, Staie and Linguarc!, Charleston, S. C. WANTED. A BOY TO CARE POR horse nnd help in the house. Apply 12 Las' Light h street. W A NTED. YOl’Nii M A N~O F~NI)AT appearance to solicit <in* trade f r Sa vannah house. Address ,1. H. M., News office. S3O WL L KLV, i ’() ■? | Tll >77 7* LR .\| A - distributing circulars. samples, tack ing signs, bill lasting, etc.; send two stamps for particulars. American Adver tisers’ Asso s ition, Newport. Ky. WANTED REIJABLL FARM HAnl7 v" ho c.iii milk atil raise vegetables, o B. Lester. TKAY LLING SALESMAN WANTED 1 > established h.ouse; no technical knowl ' dge necessary, but simply all around hustle* of good appearance nnd address; lirst-class line; special contract; .jitir-’ time required; references. Box 393 j trolt. .Midi. HUStfLJNG SALESMAN WANTED BY well-known house; natural ability and aptness conn's for more than experience; give references. Box Three, Detroit Mich. notice to life agents, if yof me producer of paid for business, nn I your eonira’♦ and commissions arc not o' a factory. I can offer you top contra 1 !• t business, old Line t/ompany. writing bo;! 1 pai ticipating and non-participating policies. Hates on 1 per cent, reserve Loans at f> jx-r cent . paid-up insurance; extended Insurance—ail put in policy. Ad dress Genera I Agent. O. Box No. 623, At cm: >. tla WANTED FOR I*. S. ARMY, ABLE bodied. unmarried men f between ages of -1 and 3A, rltlxens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Bull street. Savannah, or 402 Cherry street, Macon. Ga. WANTED, A BRIDGE AND TRESTLE builder that can furnish good references; bring or four good hand)* accustom ed to such work. Vale Roj a) Manufactur ing Company, It’s Wonderful What a genuine good Ladies' Oxford you buy HERE lor $2.50. Black and Tan, all the new shapes. WE KNOW POSI= • Ilf TIVELY that there is not another shoe in town that / will match our $3.50 Ox- SHOE; ' 1 : ford for Men within SI.OO COkMD&Wi' a PAIR. And are strictly modern designs. IIELI* \\ \ YTKI)—II \ i.E. RELD uhl** people to distribute circulars, eic.: no canvassing; ;jay. Narder’s- Advertis ing Company, till Broadway, New Y’ork. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON'T prepare for any civil service or census ex amination without seeing our .catalogue of information; sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, D. WANTED,'YOUNG MEN AND L A'D 1E.3 to learn telegraphy for railroad position; situations secured or money refunded. Southern Telegraph College. Atlanta. Ga. YV'AXTKD. RUPTI7RKD~ M EN Tl) cure free, to prove easy, safe cure; quick method. Dr. Speirs, Box 400, Westbrook, Me SALESMEN To SELL PERFUMES, toiiet soaps, elc., to dealers; SIOO monthly and expenses; experience unnecessary. Plumber Perfumery Cos.. St. Louis, Mo. “WANTED. TWELVE MEN TO travel; salary, S7SO and expenses; abso lutely no canvassing; permanent pos tion, if satisfactory; reference; inclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope. Colonial Com pany, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. HELP Y\ %.\ TED—FE M A I.E. Dtb^^PLATN sewing at residence: must have l>* s< i ff i fences or samp] * of work. Apply 711 Whitaker s:reet. WA NT ED, A "GOOD” SMRVANT'fOR general houswork. Abply 21 Bast Congress street. SIX OR SEV EN Y<)V NG I ..A DIES TO net an fortune t Hers; (ash each week; .these thai can do a song or dan *e better cash: come or wri - at once; six months work in Park. Broad Street Mu seum Company, Juan Hdmundos, Mana ge r No 1230 Broad str • L Augusta. INDUSTRIOUS WOMAN to do cooking and light washing, on ihe salts. Apply 101 Jones street, west. WANTEI) AT (>N(' E TYV’ (r FIRST class hands for dress making; none other need apply. 411 Tattnall street. A PLEA SLA XT. NE \ T AND Til V lady wantetl l to take charge of a dairy stand; one who understands handling milk, .m<l • mii keep ordinary accounts. Ad dress in own handwriting. "Dairv,’’ care News. WA NTISD. Y GOOD T< ( GO FO Guyton fer the summer; nice place; com fortable quarters. Apply Monday, 310 Whitaker street. WA XT ED. A FI RST-t * I -ASS IROX E’ l at once. Mrs. Gaudin, corner Bull and Jones street. WANTED. FIRST-CLASS COOK ■ none other need apply. Fa’) m m Wai hurg, west, references required. Y\ ANTED. SERVANT Ft >R GENERAL house work; mu-u come well recommend ed. 201 Henry street, east. Y\ AX T EI). fMM EI >IA T ELY.”' R EI. IA - hie white woman, without incumbrances; good home. 323 West Bolton. YY ANTED. A LADY FUR OF FIFE AS book keep* r and cashier; must I>* • good at figures and have experience; stale salary expected. Address X Bookkeeper, care News office. WANTED; \ YOUNG LADY TO travel for a reliable book house. Address A., care of Postman No. 4. city. “LADY ft ~TRAVEI “l N <1 Et > RGI A ; splendid route; good salary and aii ex penses. For particulars. addr*-ss General Manager, 202 Pontia • Building. Chicago. WANTIiI). A I.ADV TO TRAVUJ. A Georsia: *.K> monihly and all expenses to start; permanent t>osltion if H Kisfactorj ; self-addressed envelope for reply. Ad dress Manager MeHrady. Sfur Bull.llng. Chicago. WOMEN TO CROCHET AND MAKE fancy work at home; r eady paying- work. Herrsehner Needlework.-, 321 Dearborn street, Chicago. WANTED, HANDS TO 1.0 HAND sewing on pants. American Manufactur ing Company, 23S West Broughton street. WANTED, WHITE GIRL Ti fcl ‘ and iron; family In country. Address B. R. K., Tusculvtn, Ga. "wanted," twelve ladies “tX travel; salary. S7'b and expenses; absolute ly no canvassing; permanent position if satisfactory; reference; Inclose self-ad •Jresst i stamps l envt I >p< < *om pnny. 334 Dearborn .crept, Chicago. AGIS.VIS H V.VI'EU. UTagnetTc heaTung 'kamots Wcltmer method; complete self-instructor by mail, s">: Journal free Adnrtss Na tional School, Carrollton, Mo. SFECIAI.TY RACKED BV A BSOLpTK guarantee lo straighten kinky negro hair; nearly all profit and i-; I- on sight. Writ Boston Chemical ConV,;)Utry. Richmond. \a.. for territory und particulars; no triflers. LADY CJ.EARED $920~ MAN $1,182, Inst six months, Introducing Hollmlay’s Marvel Waterproof shoe poiish; relfshin- Ing; russet and black; why not you? Dem onstrated samples free. Holl iday & Cos.. Room 34, ISB Monroe street, Chicago, sole manufacturer's. AGENTS ON SALARY OR <*OXI Mis sion: The greatest agents' S'ller ever 1 ro deoed; c\ try u*er of len and iek buys fi on sight; 2 0 lo 300 per cent, profit: i.iie agent’s sal s amounted to $ 20 In six days; another 432 in two hours. Monroe M a -ne fieturlng Company, X 43, La Cto-se. Wis t 'ION ERA L AGENTS IN EVERY lo cality lit the United Slates lo re ces n large concern and appoint agents oi a sirlctly saaiy basds of $55.00 ter irrirh and nil n.iv*ling * xponsos pi id. Add ess Dept. 121, 1970 Broadway, N w York. Sffi ,L I FH> Gentlemen who have stout, fleshu feet we ask to kindlu call and examine ourspecialtu for them, Whu wear a ctumsu look ing shoe when we can dress uour feet in a neat, stulish and same time com fortable shoe at as small a price as uou nau for the or dinaru kind? This is a special last and must ha seen to be appreciated. No one else has it, Come to-day. GEIL & QUINT PHONE #; (U 5 BROUGHTON, WEST, ~ AGFNTS WASTED. DocTdAlTrlE AGENTS IN EVERT town to sell our improved gasMlne \apor torch; adjustable'fiame; polish! 1 and brass; seven styles; handsome design - good prolits. Write Smdehaker Gas Light: ing Cos.. Depi. H. 552 Main street. Kan. , Cliy. Mo. LET THERE BE LIGHT ‘AGENTS WANTED. GET IN THE push and get> machine free. Syracuse Talking Machine Company, Syracuse N. Y. FREE! I.ADV AGENTS WANTED for lies toilet preparations made: highly profbable; established fifteen years; ten dotais' worth seeds E. Sharum Manu facturing Company, 60 West Twenty-g* - end str. et. New York. WANTED, ACTIVE ' AGENTS IN every, town and county to sell our Im proved gasoline vapor lamps; no torch, ad justable flame; polished brass; sever, style.-: handsome designs; good profits io reliable egents. Write Studebaker Gaso line Lighting Company, Dept. 18. 552 Main str.-et. Kansas City, Mo. Let there b light. EMPLOYMENT WAN TED. 'vorNd WGMA2C THOROTGH Ac countant, desires position with representa tive lirm (wholesale preferred); ten \ears’ practical experience as bookkeeper, cashier and stenographer. “Competent,” News of fice. “WANTED,' A POSITION IN WHOLE sale or reta 1 siore. Address Referenoe. Morning News. YOUNG MAN W ANTS POSITION AS collector, with responsible firm. that, would appreciate steady, honest work: wages at start no object. Collector, this office. WANTED. POSITION AS STEN’O'- grapher by young man stenographer: lv>si ; references furnished as to character and ability. Address Stenographer, care News. LINOTYPE OPERATOR (NON-UNIONi laslras permanent position in the South. Address "Oompeient." this office. Al LUMBER INSPECTOR" WANTS position with first-class concern; sati f.n tory reasons for leaving present posi tion: references. Address, "Inspector," care News. POSITION WANTED ~BY ~ YOUNG man experienced in bookkeeping and s I enograph y. ‘Business." iIOIAES WANTED. ~'u r \>urKTr7Krr^ liincd with large yard for a No. 1 tenant i ! v ( '<•■. 1. Answer No. 1 Tenant. Morning N ws. ROOMS WANTED. iTtER^WISHES i flat iti private family; reasonable. Ad ! dr-ss "Permam-nt" NevYs office. FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS WANTED; sou.hern se lion. Demon, Morning News. HOARD WASTED. w a LTnuTTrruuTTruTwUTorNa Indies in private famllj ; must be reason abb Address W. E.. News office. U A VI ED—MISt ELL WEOL S. WANTED, EXPERIENCED MAN TO i ik** hi interest iri a turpentine plan* aboiif io start up; large tract exceli-nt timber. J. 11. Lord, Y’enice, Flu. YYANTIM), PARTNER IX WELl~BS lablishe*! pa> ing business, with about one thousand dollars. Address R. H. P.. *‘aie News. SECOND-HAND BABY CRIB; MUST h. good one; stale kind and price. Cr.b. care News. wanted: Shetland pony or other sirtail pony. F. A. L. Cunningham. YY ANTED, TO BUY GOOD SECOND han<l buggy, harness and rood cart; must be in good order and cheap. Address "Buggy,” care News. " WANTED. TO LEASE FOR TERM OF years, four *to six hundred a* r s of land for <;o*k raising; must be good range; const or island preferred. Address S'ork, Nows office, with information. ’ 500 BARGAIN HUNTERS TO ATTEND !)** Habersham sale on Monday, at 11 o’clock, corner Harris and Barnard. GROCERS' FIXTURES. COFFEE mill, tea and coffee canisteis, scales and other necessaries; show cases. Cash. WANTED. YOUR PROPERTY’ TO sell, and your rents to collect; satisfac tion guaranteed. 1. D. Laßoche. LADIES TO CALL FOR M’ANICUR ing, massage and shampooing; complex ions treated for roughness, and wrinkles removed; hair bleached and dyed. Mrs. Smith, 101 Harris street, east. WANTED. TO BUY FOUR YOUNG and sound mules, being thin is no objec tion. A. YY. Harmon, 112 McDonougn street. # WE WANT FARMING LANDS. IF you have any see us at once, ns we can place them for you. Savannah R-'al Es tate Exchange. WANT!'I). A S<UXD BUGGY HOME must have some speed, end price reason able. 209 Will laker. tf ANTED EVERYONE TO KNOW that "Te.vnac Gaidais’’ Is on Eighth street, east, from Habersham to Waters avenue, a brighter or healthier spot doe* not exist in Savannah; 145 beautiful building lots to b** sold for your own price at tuicticn Tuesday, June 12, 6 p. m. Plat : hek K-Co., auctioneers. TO EXCHANGE FOUR YOUNG grey foxes for fox hounds or offers. J B. Mitchell, Hawklnsville, Ga.