The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. '"stEh' KICKiNQ ABOUT PAYING rr ii.t. and see us; we can sell you a home loi about what you are now paying for rent. Youmans & Demmotul. owners of realTes- ! tate to know for quick action and good re- ! suits, place your property for sale with i,-. I’latshek & Cos., real estate dealers, 110 Bryan, east, LADIES WHO ARE DEUCATEIIXD run down from a winter of social duties j to call and try the vapor massage bath; j renewed strength and vigor. Mrs. Smith, lot Harris, east. CAN’ GIVE YOU”NOX-CONTESTABLE accident insurance policy, the finest writ ten. 1* D. Laßoche. ' IF-YOU WANT A PEACE TO DUMP earih, dirt, sand, manure, etc.,, free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Brothers, corner Anderson and East Broad I streets. 10 V ERYEODY TO KNOW THAT ninety-nine and seven-eighths per cent, of the houses we have are rented, and the owners receive , their full returns every month; that is the way we handle prop- > erty. Youmans & Demmond. 'EARTH, SAND, MANURE; PARTIES making excavaMons and others having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by address ing or calling on Brow n Bros., corner An derson and East Broad streets; telephone 1103. MOSEY TO LOAN. negotiated for one, to one hundred thousand dollars, at five per cent, interest, and upward, according to security. Youmans & Dem mond, Provident Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property; one to five years; low rate of interest. J. E. Fulton & Son. MONEY TO LOAN- FIVE PER CENT, interest, and plenty of it. W. C. Fripp & Cos. , MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY IM proved property. I. D. Laßoche. FOR RENT—ROOMS. loiTrent two ilandsomely^ furnished rooms. 23 West Liberty. 211 WEST BOLTON Ut J PEH FLAT Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, 11 Cohgress, west. 'FOR RENT. ONE LARGE SOUTH room, nicely furnished, convenient to bath; also two small rooms, In private family. 109 Liberty, west. FLAT 106 HENRY. EAST; EXCEL lent location and cheap rental. Youmans & Demmond. •FOR RENT FLAT 222 DUFFY street, west: both and kitchen; southern exposure. J. E. Fuf: on & Son. FOR RENT,'DESIRABLE FLAT~II4 Wayne street, west; southern exposure. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT,' MODERN FLAT, 207 Broughton street, east; separate bath and kitchen. J. E. Fulton & Son. "fOR RENT. FLAT 214 BROUGHTON street, east; $13.50 per month. J. E. Ful ton & Son. “LOVELY FOITR-ROOM FLAT’ ALL conveniences; south and east exposure. 20$ West Duffy. 'for KENT, TWO VERY NICELY furnished front rooms, southern exposure. 212 Ogleihorpe avenue, east. “for R F NT. DELIGHTFUL COOL rooms, furnished; bath on same floor. 211 Jones, west. FLAT OF FOUR CONNECTING rooms, with private bath, and connections for gas stove. 132 Lincoln street. "NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN furnished, batn on same floor. 309 Brough ton, east. ‘ .NICE. LARGE ROOM, WITH BOAR© if desired, suitable for couple or two gen tlemen. 113 Gordon, west. 'CONVENIENT' FLAT OF ROOMS rear Extension Park for rent. Apply 117 Waldburg, east. “LARGE NEATLY FURNTSIIED ROOM for light housekeeping; bath same place. 121 East Congress. “RENT, HALL ROOM, SOUTHERN exposure. 221 St. Julian street, east. ""FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT 14 State street, east. ' LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, i’ll MAP: call from 4 p. m. to 8 p. m. 114 Liberty street, west. “FLA T O F NICE CON N ECTING rooms partly furnished or unfurnished, with bath, near Park 442 Drayton. TO ADULTS, SOUTHERN ROOMS, furnished, best residence location, facing park; also south basement rooms for doc tor’s office. 108 Gaston, east. LARGE, " HANDSOMELY~FURNISH ed front room, containing four large win dows, facing east and south; will rent to two or one gentleman; quiet parties only need apply; also south single room, cheap. lt>4 Harris street, east. 'FOR' RENT," SEVERAL DESIRABLE flats, 216 Liberty street, west; possession immediately. Apply A. Wvlly, 12 Bryan, east. 'NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS" IN new house, with or without board; hot and cold baths. 18 Oglethorpe avenue, west. FOR RENT, TWO" NEATLY FUR nished connecting rooms; suitable for light housekeeping, to couple without children. 305 Liberty, east. TO" RENT.'FLAT OF TWO ROOMS; all modern conveniences. 215 Perry street, west. FLAT ""FOR RENT; ALL CO NY Ev idences. 621 Tattnall street. 2 LOVELY FURNISHED” COOL rooms for rent, at 19 York street, east. A FLAT OF ROOMS TO RENT. OR rooms furnished or unfurnished; southern exposure. 415 Jones street, east. ""FOR RENT, PRETTY PARLOR FLAT; possession at once or Oct. 1. Apply 4 7 Whitaker street. "FURNISHED ROOMs" FOR~OF?NTLE roen or light housekeeping. 220 West Broad street. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for couple or two gentlemen; with or without board; hot and cold bath on same floor. 412 Gwinnett, west. ""TOR RENTA CONVENIENT ‘FLAT of rooms. Apply No. 418 Montgomery street. 315 HALL STREETTeAST." FLAT"oF four rooms, privilege of bath, and large yard; good neighborhood. “~A ' fcoUPLE HA VI NG TIIE HAND some house 2U3 Gwinnfett street, west, de sire to rent upper flat of four connecting rooms and bath; southern exposure, and bay window; as permanent tenant, with out children; possession now or in Octo ber. "LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM, NICK- Iy furnished; all conveniences; cheap. 303 President, west. 'furnished ROOM FOR RENT. IN private family, one dollar week. 210 East Broughton street. “FLAT FIVE ROOMS, TWENTY Eaß ris street, west, for rent from July 1, \ery cheap Aj p y sure addiv>s. “FOUR EXCELLENT ROOMS TO rent first do r south of waUr works at Tybee; use of kitchen aid dining iooiW* if desired; call at premises. "~A~NICE PARLOR FLAT FOR REN*- SIO.FO. 214 Wi st Huntingdon stieet PARI.OR FLAT BROUGHTON" AND Habersham,three rooms with use of bath. Apply in Drug Store. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO ONE or two gentlemen; private fomiiv, with or without board. 122 Taylor street, west. • FOR RENT. FLAT 4 OR 6 ROOMS; all conveniences. 806 Drayton street. FUAT OP FoFr BOOMS, $6 PER month. 109 Brady street. FOR HL^T-HOOills. slating of four rooms. 303 East Henry street. “PARLOR * FLAT; NICELY FURNISH ed; bath; all conveniences; gas stove; three exposures. Corner, Bull and Charl ton. FIVE-ROOM -FLAfTCLEA N,~COOL and well ventilated. 102 Harris street, east. A DELIGHTFUL SOUTH ROOM parlor floor, furnished. No. 122 West Jone3 street. FOUR CONNECTING ROOMS, WATER on same floor. 518 Margaret street. FOR RE NT, TW O nTcELY FUR nished rooms at 304 Oglethorpe avenue, west, one suitable for two gentlemen and the other for one; southern exposure. TO RENT, OCT. 1. FLAT OF FOUR rooms. Apply 20 Harris, west. FOR ltb.XT-HOISES. '^OlTluJx'lVrin^^ and premises at Isle of Hope. Apply T. A. Ward, West Broad and Olive streets. NO. 409 JONES STREET, EAST; TEN dollars per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. FOR RENT. IN GUYTON, GA , J. N. Shearouse, r sidence near Baynard Hotel, in thorough order; large grounds; plenty shade; good water; moderate rental. FOR RENT, 412 SECOND “ AVENUE; immediate possession. Apply R. S. Clag horn, 110 Bryan, east. 'FOR RENT. 315 TATTNALL; DlME diate possession. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. FO R REN TANARUS, TIIR EE-S TO RY BRICK tenement, 217 Gordon, west, $25. W. H. Connernt. '314 MO N TGOM ERY; TE N ROOMS, very convenient to Central Railroad; will make excellent boarding location; thirty five dollars. Youmans & Demmond. 1014 PARK AVENT T E. EAST; SEVEN room house; low’ rental to right party. Youmans & Demmond. 6r3 EIGHTH. WEST; SEVEN ROOMS, from June 20 fifteen dollars. Youmans & Demmond. F<)R RENT TW( >-ST< YRY I'AV 'WIN dow house, 418 Gwinnett street, west; sl6 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'FOR RENT, RESIDENCE 127 GORDON street, east. f icing square; moderate rental. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR'RENT, SPLENDID RESIDENCE. 211 Duffy street, east; choice locationr all modern improvements; reduced rental. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE 111 DUFFY street, west; all conveniences; large vard; $22.50 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'FOR RENT. " TWO NEW RESl drnces, corner Abercorn and Second ave nue; all modern improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. for rent, that Desirable res- Hence 120 Henry street, west; large yard. J. E. Fulton Son. Fi >R *RENT," FIV E-ROOM, TWO story house, 230 Price s-treet, near I*iber ty; $9 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE‘2OS JONES street, west; outbuildings and stables; re duced rental. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'THUNDERBOLT, DESIRABLY STTU ated house on river front; also small house. Inquire -214 Bryan street. “F( it RENTi DWELLING NORTH east corner Henry and Lincoln; bath, gas, hot and cod water; reasonable terms. Apply on premises. FOR RENT. NO. 113 EAST DUFFY street, seven-room house, in perfect or der. Apply next door. FOR ’RKNT.NO. 5 BARNARD STREET npaa* Gaston street. Apt’ly to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. r,YSTATE -STREET, east. Apply to Walthour & Rivers. FOR RENT. NO. TOl B\RNARD sire t, corner Hull, will he thoroughly renovated. App'y to Walthour & Rivers. Drayton and St. Julian street. FOR RENT. HOUSE ON ELEVENTH street, near Bull str et. Arp'y V al thour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. LARGE HOUSE NEAR CENTRAL Road for rent; suitable for boarding hotts. Apply A. S. Cohen, River and Lincoln streets; telephone 68. FOR KENT—DESI RAV.T.H I.ITTT.E residence. No. 10 Anderson s’r'eet. east; sß.to per month. W. C. Fripp & Cos. TWO-STORY HOUSE, 526 EAST HAR ris; rent ehoop. Apply 442 Lincoln. FOR RENT, FOUR TWO-STORY houses rn Ore- h '■ - 1 11 ad and Bismarck Streit .'8 to g od t nant. Apply No. 1701 Ogeechee Road. WHITE BLUFF RESIDENCE. Fl'R nlshed. on river; southern* exposure. Ap ply 108 Gaston, cast. NICE SIX-ROOM HOUSE. AN-DER ron, near Lincoln, in good condition. Sa v.u,cah Real Estate Exchange. TO-DAY'S YOUR CHANCE TO TAKE a look at those nice cottages on Twelfth street near Burroughs; rtntlrg for only SC; only a few left. Savannah Real Es tate Exchange, 27 East Bay. “TO — KENT, no HENRY, EAST; FU fi nished. immediate possession. Apply, R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, east. TO RENT. RESIDENCE 709 HABER sham: 8 rooms; hot and cold water; also 44S I’rice; immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swinton, 208 Eighth street, east. FOR RENT, LARGE DWELLING, 515 Ray. east, between Price-and Houston G. H, Remshart. FOR RENT. 528 AND 530 MONTGOM ery, corner Huntingdon. G. H. Rems hart, 10 Bryan, east. _ FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1 NEXT that desirable brick dwelling, No. 211 Charlton street, on a full iot. John Flan nery, Bay street. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE RESl denro; 215 Duffy, east; can be rented in flats if desired. Apply next door. FOR~ RE NT. IMMEDIATE POSSES sion nlcb house for small family, 308 Wald burg street, west. Apply 301 Waldburg. or J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE BRICK hoif-o on Whitaker, near Charlton, fifteen dollars month. Platshelf & Cos., 110 Eryan, east. _ FOR RENT. FROM JULY j. 1014 JEF ferson street, twenty-five dollars. Apply lo 201 Waldburg. west. FOR RENT. TWO VERY NICE MOD ern built residences; every convenl nee; rent reasonable. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT. TWO VERY NICE TVVO story on basement brick residences; choice locations; eighteen dollars. Pthr Rtllly. FOR RENT. A VERY NICE TWO story residence; choice location; rent eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT, TWO-STORY R Evi dence ; seven rooms; large yard; conve nient to Central Depot; twelve-fifty. IV-Ur Reilly. HANDSOME DETACHED. FlVE rcom cottage. Lavinla s'r e\ }S per month Sills M*ndel. 202 Ray, west. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. BISMARCK rear Burroughs street; $7 50 per month. S, .Mmd;l, 202 Bay, wist. FOR “ RENT, MODERN SEVEN room house, nearly new; Eighth and Lin coln. Apply premises or R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan, cast. 613 AND 517 DUFFY, WEST, BlX rron-.s and bath: good nr JIS 1 er month. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, (a st 203 PARK AVENUE, EAST. LARGE roomy houso, with outhouse; rent $.5 to Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. t im 111. YI—OPFII i'A. FOR RENT. VERY DESIRABLE DOC tor's office; southern exposure. 310 Jones, cast. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY", JUNE 10, 1000. rOR HEM-STORES. '"lstoriT'Tnd^T^^ fast corner Houston and Perry; good bus in ss stand; conce-sions made to good en ant. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, eas;. TO'rEIXT, THE STORE, 17 OON gress street, west. Apply in the store. FOlt HEM-MISCELLANEOUS. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, HOUSE AND FOUR lots on Water's road, convenient to Isle of Hope trolley road; each lo* is 40x105. Price S3OO. C. H. Dorse; t. FOR ~ SALE, THREE 'BEAUTIFUL lots, fronting east on Wells Square, eacn lot 31 by 110 feet, with lane in the rear; will sell separately or together. C. 11. Dorsett. FOR SALE, I/OTS ON NINTH STREET near East Br no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett, FOR SALE, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will make grod neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. "for s a le, lots on"ninth, NEAR East Broad, at- S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. ~A SPLENDID LOT ON EIGHTH street, near West Broad, 30x120 feet. C. H. Dorsett. ~DO N'T FC)RGET A UCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o'clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.C0 cash, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent, interest; at 6 o'clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Gardens" lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read advertisermins elsewhere. 1011 “wEST ’ BROAD STREET; STORE and house combined; owner has refused $25 rental for it, but is compelled to leave city, and must sell; only two thousand if sold this week. Youmans & Demmond. "THE'cHOICEST AND MOST VAL uable lots in southern section, are those in the Seiler tract, on Seventh, Abercorn and Lincoln street; if you wanf one, see us at once. Youmans & Demmond. SIXTY-FOOT LOT ON RAY STREET, with large three-story brick building; only four thousand dollars; it will pay you to look into this. Youmans & Demmond. TWO-STORY ' RESIDENCE AND large building in rear, southwest corner West Broad and Duffy, only three thous and to quick buyer; if you see this you will buy it. Youmans & Demmond. LOVELY’ HOME ON EIGHTII street; elegant location; only twenty-four hundred, three hundred cash, balance *n monthly installments to suit desire of purchaser; an excellent opportunity to get a desirable home cheap. Youmans & Demmond. WE HAVE THE CHOICEST OFFER ings in improved and unimproved prop erty; see us lrefore purchasing; we also make a specialty of collecting rents and managing estates; owners will find it to their Interest to place their property in our hands. Youmans & Demmond, Prov ident Building, TWO BE A U TIFUL LOTS _ 1N TH E Meadows, three fifty each, to quick buy er. Youmans & Demmond. EIGHT ~ HOUSES ON~ BRYAN AND Olive streets; pays sixteen per cent, gross. Youmans & Demmond. FOURTEEN NEW HOUSES IN THK best renting section of city; never idle; pays fourteen per cent, gross; if you have money to invest, and will investigate this, you will buy it. Youmans & Dem-' mond. 418 HENRYTI EAST;”THE INTERIOR is a marvel of convenience, and dream of loveliness, too large for owner, conse quently will sell below its value. You mans & Demmond. FIV Fl”ll OT \S ESO N WEST BROAD street, lot 88 by 108, excellent business location, two corners. Youmans & Dem mond. 115 NINTH, EAST;~SEVEN - ROOMS and bath; splendid opportunity for nice home in good location. Youmans & Dem mond. NICE COTTAGE WEST BROAD AND Fifth, for less than you could build house. Youmans & Demmond. 309 HENRY, EAST; EXCELLENT Lo cation; have orders to sell at once; some one will get a bargain. Youmans & Dem mond. TWO LOVELY HOMES ON BULL street, south, at great sacrifice, owing to owner being compelled to leave Savannah. Youmans & Demmond. LOTS ONE MILE AND - HALF”FROM market, on paved road; only one hundred and fifty each; electric ears pass in front of them; will sell ten for twelve hundred and fifty dollars If taken at once. You mans & Demmond. 1211-1213 WHITA KER! 102-104” HENRY, west; gilt edge property, and location will pay ten per cent., gross; do not lose this opportunity, if you want a reliable In vestment; you owe it to yourself to in vestigate this. Youmans & Demmond. 820” DUFFY, EAST; A” BEAUTIFUL home: porcelain bath tub; oak mantels; beautiful tiling interior: pretty and- very convenient; only twenty-six hundred dol lars; can arrange very convenient, and attractive terms. Youmans & Demmond. FIVE HOUSES, CORNER” JEFFER son and Gaston, thirty-eight hundred. Youmans & Demmond. 629 NINTH, WEST; - A* VERY NICE cottage for small family, only one thous and. Youmans & Demmond. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THE real estate, line, call on us; we cannot advertise all our offerings. Youmans & Demmond. Provident Building. DON'T FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o’clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.00 rash, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent, interest; at 6 o’clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION SALE 'TEYNAC Carders’* lots June 12, 5 o'clock, after rt on. Read advertisemenls elsewhere. FOR SALE—WE HAVE MANY DE slrable homes for sa e. varying in pfic“ from $2,000 up. but you know that f 'lso pride so many persons have—nam ly— they do net care to have their homes ad vertised; yet they expect us to sell them We want you to come up and let us tel! you about some of these—and the chances are that we have what yot wart. S-me Idea applies to building lots, and Invest ment properties. We are always glad to talk with you about those matter- ard will appreciate your visit, w. c. FHpp & Cos. FOR SALE—YOU CAN AFFORD TO own it nice home on the Park Extension we have several for sale there, and two in the vicinity of same, on Gwinnett street, with southern exposute. Now pro crastinate and call on us after w* hoe disposed of same, and tell us ho is rry your are, that you would have been glal to have bought at that price. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALK-THKRK IS A LIMIT TO everything; the present prices of the va rious properties which we ate now offer ing have about reached their limb. If you arc wise buy now. and sell on the boom. What's the good of letting the o'h er fellow play Ibis trick on you? We can't advertise all the real estate we have for sale, or explain the clreums ancon of egeh piece in an advertisement. Came and see u# to-morrow. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOI4 SALE-REAL ESTATE. ~*FOR WHEN YOU have negotiated with us for that desir able home. No. 215 Tenth street, west. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE—YOU WILL BE HAPPY if you purchase from us that desirtbl* little home. No. 413 Park avenu.*, west; the price will make you so. W. O. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE—DON'T WORRY "ABOUT the heat of the city, we have desirable summer homes at Isde of Hope and Whl e Bluff, which we will sell you on easy terms. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE—CHARLESTON CARRIES off the cup, but Savannah real estate will stay with you. See us about that block of lots on Ninth street, in rear of new school; exceptional opportunity. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE" LOST OPPORTUXI ties are like . ba'.d heads—hard to recover. You will rejlize this when you call to purchase and find that we have sold those Price street stores, which are piying 15 j>er cent. What makes you so slow.’ W. C. Fripp & Cos. GREAT AUCTION SALE “TEYNAC Gardens" lets. June 12, o o’clock, after neon. Read advertisements elsewhere. DON’T FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o'clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $26.00 cash. $5.00 per month, 6 per cent, interest; at 6 o’clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. 'FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL * TEYNAC Gardens.” the one bright and glorious spot of the soutturn section of this pro gressive city, owned by the Oglethorpe Real Estate Company, who decided they want to go out of business; therefore 145 pretty building lots on Eighth street, east, from Habersham street to Waters avenue, will feel the cold, heart’ess blows of the auctioneer's hammer, and will be sold to tie highest lona fide bidder at whatever prices they will bring! Nevtr again will you get such a chance; it will be the pro verbial ‘‘once in a lifetime; ’ go out to day, go to-morrow or go the next day, but don’t fail to go out before the day of sale! Select the spot you want to buy. keep your eye on it, tell your family about it, keep it in your dreams, but don't let it slip away from you, f r if prices will sell lots, ‘you are go ng to own it! Do you know "Teynac Gardens” is the greatest spot to make yourself some money? Ixjok at the handsome, happy homes on East Eighth street; look at its wide, finely graded and guarantc and open streets, abundant pipe line, water supply, sewers. 1 gluing faclliiies and projected railway along Price street! ‘‘Teynac Gardens” present and future, is more than doubly assured; why? It is a fact! you cannot afford io buy or build elsewhere or you are a loser! Hold ycur money; wait for this great sal?; it takes place on premises Tuesday, June 12. 5 o'clock afternoon; convinced you will go the limit of your ‘ hank roll;” we make all the easy terms per lot of $25 cash, $25 payable quarterly, Interest al 6 ier cent, per annum or 5 per cent. d : scount allowed for all cash.- Platshek & Cos., auctioneers, 110 Bryan, east. DON'T FORGET AUCTION ISA LES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o'clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25. CO cash, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent, interest; at 6 o’clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION SALE ' TEYNAC Gardens” lots. June 12, 5 o'clock, after noon. Read advertisemcnts elsewhere. "FOR" SALE: CHOICE BODY OF LAND containing 8,000 acres; profusely timber and; adjacent Savannah; intersected by two railroads, and has Savannah river as w-aterway; saw mill owners or speculaf rs you want this! Platshek & Cos., 110 Bryan, east. 'for SALE. il NIN TH STREET, west, large two-story dwelling, comfort able rooms; price only $1,150; great snap! Platshek A CO., 110 Bryan, east. — FOR SAL EV E L EGA NT” LOT, loxlso, northwest corner Sixth and Whitaker, $1,500. Platshek & Cos. for” SALE - FINE BUILDING LOT, 30x133, on east side Barnard, third lot north of Sixth; only $1,200. Platshek & Cos. FOR - SALdITTIioUSES ,ON LARGE, lot, 60x105, a West Broad street corner, near Union depot site, for $5,000; don't lose it! Platshek & Cos. “FOR SALE, THAT MAGNIFICENT lot southeast corner Ninth and Abercorn; has sidewalk already laid; price $800; the greatest bargain of ihe day! Platshek A Cos. ”FOR SALE, LOT 60x90 AND IMPROVE mcnIs, southwest coiner Price and York, only $4,000; what will you bid? Platshek & Cos. FO R”SALE ELIGIBLE BUILDIN G lot, 31x93, on Ninth, near Habersham, right where the boom is redhot; price $330; get on board! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, BEAUTIFUL LOT, 30x125, on Brady street, between Barnard nnil Whitaker, runs back to Fourth street; this week $873. Platshek & Cos. - Ft>R SALK. AN ELEGANT COTTAGE house on Gordon, east, for SI,BOO, upon easy terms. Platshek & Cos. ”FOR”SALE, THAT "BEAUTY" LOT, size- 30x110, on Bull, facing Thomas Park, only $1,500; don't wait! Platshek & Cos. FOR” SA Li:7 LOT 20x120 ON”WH ITA ker, near Tenth street, beautiful high ground, $1,000; a bargain. Platshek A Cos. FOR SALE, THAT FINELY LOCATED home 316 Harris, east, lot 30x100, two-story brick dwelling, and enough ground for an other building; price $2,200; great catch! Platshek & Cos. ~FOR SALE,”TWO LOTB. 25x100“ EACH, with three-room cottage, in best condi tion; has good tenant; pricte $550; get par ticulars. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE THOS E 3 BEAUT IF U L "terrace" lots southwest corner Lincoln and Ninth streets; a home site fit for the "gods,” $1,6C0 for the bunch. Platshek & Cos. FOR BALE. THAT ELEGANT NSW cottage on Eighth street, east, near Price; a cosy nook; go and examine it; $1,600 on these- terms, $250 cash, sls per month, 6 per cent, interest. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE - I.MPROVED PROPERTY on every street of this city at lowest pos sible prices; great many of them; must be sold; that means see us at once. Plat shek & Cos. ' FOR SALK - A COM FORTABLE COT - tage at Estill station, Tybee, has broad piazzas, commodious rooms and large lot; price only $400; nevertheless make us u bid! Platshek & Cos. 10-ACRE FARM ON WHITE BLUFF road front, with good house and mostly cleared, aliout 414 miles from city; prlule $1,050, on easy terms. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, A FINE LOT-ON PARK avenue, east, between Drayton and Aber corn. 30x106; our price $2,000; what do you bid? Platshek & <'** FOR BALE "it rent: 50 ACRES, with g-xsl house, at White Bluff, river front; price $2,500. Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, TWO ACRES;'HAS ROAD front, on loulsvllle rood, 2Va miles from city, for $200; a great bargain. Platshek & Cos. DON'T FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon. June 14, at 6 o’clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.10 cash, $3.09 per p. m.. next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Garders" lot*. June 12. 3 o’tloek aftrr r.oon. Read advertisements elsewhere. FOR SALK, AN IDEAL HOUSE ON second avenue, near Abercorn; easy terms. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOll SALL—HEAL ESTATE. street, near West Broad; rental, $234 per i annum; two thousand dollars; an excel lent investment. J. E. Fulron & Son. FOR SALE, TW()~LARGE ~ RESl denccs, Anderson street, near Barnard; rental, S4BO per annum; four thousand dol lars. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE~ LARGE BRICK Resi dence* Drayton street, facing Forsyth Park. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'for' sale, brick residence, Barnard s<reet, near Gaston; rental, $216 per annum; seventeen hundred and. fifty dollars. J. E. Fulton & Son. DON’T" FORGET AUCTION SaTTeS of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o’clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25. U 0 cash, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent, interest; at 6 o’clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John E. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION SALE “TEYNAC Gar lens’’ I ts, June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read advertisements elsewtn re. SEE US ABOUT THOSE IjOVELY Henry street homes; we are offering them on easy payments. They are near Hull street, and will suit you. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. DO YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN in the way of a home? Then see us about that nice house and large lot. Whltake\ near Sixth. The terms are easy nough for you. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. JUST THINK OF BUYING A HOUSE in the heart of the city for SI,9(K). which rents for SIB.OO per month. Isn’t this suffi cient interest on your money? Savannah Ratal Estate Exchange. HOUSES AND LOTS IN EVERY SEC tlon of the city. See us,‘and tell ue your wants. We can make quick sales l’pr you, and at. satisfactory figures. Savannah’ Real Estate Exchange. * LOTS—LOTS OF THEM; LOTS TO your own liking, an<l lo s at your own figures. Iron one hundred dollars and up are our prices . Come and take your p ! ck, and give us offer. We have the finest site on Bull street. Savannah Real Estate Ex change. 105-ACR E FARM, NEtAR SA V A NNAII. on Salt Water river; splendid two-story house; all for $501), to quick purchaser. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. DON’T'FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o’clo k; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.00 cash, $5.00 pet month, 6 per cent. Interest; at 6 o'clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. “GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Gardens” lots. June 12. 5 o’elcck. after neon. Read advertisements elsewhere, 2 LARGE LOTS ON ANDERSON, near Price; also 2 large lots on Eleventh street, near Bull street; price cheap; terms easy. 1. D. l>aßoche. BRICK STORE AND RESIDENCE, south west corner Gaston and Price street; fine business location. I. D. Laßoche. I jA RG E BUILDING SOUTH E A ST corner Lumber and Bay streets; pays nine per cent, net on price Roche. 86 ACHES ON LOUISVILLE HOAD; 659 acres on Augusta Hoad; both contain some fine timber; price ten. .dollars per acre. I. D. Laßoche. FOU R HUN DR E D AC RES <> F LA NT > with new dwelling, artetdan well, fruit, oysters, fish, shrimp, etc., in abundance; also an Island near Thunderbolt; large river front, planted with oysters. I. D. Laßoche. DON’T FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o'clock; these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.00 ensh, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent. Interest; at 6 o’clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION ”SALE "TEYNAC Gardens" lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read adver* isements elsewhere. BRICK BlEST denee on basement, on Jones, east of Bull; elegant residence or capable of making fine Investment. Location and condition excellent; terms can be arranged. W. J. Miscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, east. 'GREAT AUCTION SALE “TEVN.M’ Gardens" lots. June 12, 5 o'clock, after noon. Rt a I advirthemenls elsewhere. FOR - SALE OR RENT, O’BRIEN'S stables, corner Pine and West Broad, now used as a stable, 100 feet front on West Broad, 185 feet deep: truss roof; splendid location for wholesale grocery or factory; also second-hand carriage, surrey, phae tons anfi several buggies; nice Jersey cow, on sale this week; six very large mules, some small mules and harness; must be sold. W. I. O'Brien. GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Gardens" lets, June 12. 5 o'clock after noon. Read advertise ments elsewhere. “DON’T FORGET AUCTION SALKS of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o’clock: these lots are between Barnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25.00 cash, $5.00 per month, 6 per cent. Interest; at 6 o'clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. GREAT AUCTION” SALE "TEYNAC Garders" lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after r.oan. Read advcr*ls;menls elsewhere. FOR BALK, THE RESIDENCE/ NO. 606 Drayton street, facing Forsyth Park. Exceptional local! y. Apply on premises. GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Gardens" lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, aftc-r --n on. Read advertisements elsewhere. FOR SALE, ON EABI TERMS. MOD ern ten-rx>m house; all rooms connect and ail separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 418 Henry street, east. Apply at Launey Studio. 21 Rroughton, west. "GREAT AUCTION SALE “TEYNAC Gardens” lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read adverflsements elsewhere. FARM FOR SALE, 10 ACRES, CROP, dwelling, store, wharf, horse and buggy, 50 head ca<tie, hogs, chickens, other things, all for $1,500. Write R. TANARUS., Owen's Ferry, Ga. GREAT AUCTION'saLE “TEYNAC Gardens” lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after n on. R* ad advertisements elsewhere. FOR BALE. DWELLING NO. 425 BULL street; has 12 large rooms facing south; also No. 24 Wayne street, went; terms to suit purchaser. D. R. Thomas. GREAT AUCTION SALE ‘‘TEYNAC Gardens" lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read advertise monts elsewhere. DON’T FORGET AUCTION SALES of lots on Eleventh street next Thurs day afternoon, June 14, at 6 o’clock; these lots are between Rarnard and Whitaker streets, and will be sold on following terms: $25. CO cash, sf#.oo per month, 6 per cent, intenvw; at 6 o'clock p. m., next Thursday, June 14. John L. Archer, auctioneer. “GREAT AUCTION SALE "TEYNAC Gardens” lots. June 12, 5 o’clock, after noon. Read advertisements elsewhere. DON’T FAIL ISO THINK ABOUT those lo(s b9we* n Whitak r and Bar nard on Eleventh str* i. to be sold at auction June 11, $2 cash, $> a month by John L. Archer. GREAT AUCTION SALE “TEYNAC Gardens” lots, June 12. 5 o’clock after noon. Reid advertise men's elsewhere. WELL LOCATED STORE AND HKST dence on West Broad street, not far from Union Depot, an e xcellent stand for bu.-i --ness; only s2,ttw to Ijulck buyer. Youma s 4& Demmond. GREAT AU< TION SALE “TEYNAC Gardens” lots, June 12. 5 o'clock, after toon. R'*ad advertls< ments elsewhere. SEVERAL CHOICE AND WELL LO. CATKD RESIDENCES; owners are com pelled to realize on them at once; they will go cheap. Youmans & Demmond FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. GREAT U < Gardens” lots, June 12, 5 o’clock, after neon. Read advertis*ments elsewhere. “LOTS WHICH YOU CAN IMPROVE and make from fifteen to twenty per cent, on outlay; call for particulars. Youmais <& Demmond. GREAT AITCTI ON SA LE ‘‘TE Y NAC Gardens" lots, June 12. f o'clock, after noon. Read advertisements elsewhere. FOR BALS, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollar*: easy term*, on Nlntb *tret, rear East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Doreelt. FOftl ALk-HiUbLlAM£Ob'l. uoul- LUCK LINIMENT. A YALIJA bie remedy for whooping cough; price 25c. Goodmans Liver Tonic will help your liver, improve your digestion, and Increase your weight; 50c. Persse's Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn, Whltuker and Tay lor. ONE STEAMER AND THREE "h'-hooners for sale. Suitable for carrying on cons ing trade; all in tirst-class condi tion. F< r further particulars, apply to Stone, Rourk & Cos., Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE, ONE SODA FOUNT; CAN bt* seen at 209 Whitaker. DENSMORK TYPEWRITER IN FIRST class condition for sale cheap; cash or easy tornvs. Apply 8 Jones street, east. REMINGTON NO. 2 TYPEWRITER; thirty-live dollars?. If you want u barga.n addiess P. O. Box 123. FOR SALE. HANDSOME~OIL PAINT ings cheap for cash. Address G., News office. FOR SALE. CHEAP GOOD STEflN way piano, 515 Broughton street, east. FOR SALE, A FINE BAY COI/lO years old. Apply to W. J. Cleary, Mont gomery, south of Twelfth street. LARGE REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE; al o mahogany wardrobes, sewing table, etc. Fox’s, two fourteen Whitaker. TWO OLD COUPLING WAGONS; GOT to go, very cheap, on account of room; one old buggy low down; sacrificing sale in all our various lines; call and be con vinced. M. Nathan, and 226 Congress street, west. I.Ooh BUSHELS OF CLEAN SELECT seed field peas for sale. Write us for prices beforo buying. Linlon Supply Cos., Mon tied 10, Fla. FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE CAR rylng $7,000 stock, and doing upward of $60,000 business per annum, in live town, 6,500 inhabitants; good reanon for selling. Address Grocery Store, care this office. COWS FOR SALE. 1 U YOU WANT A good family milker or springer, call at 471 Went Boundary. Have some nice ones re a son a hie. Come and see them. FOR SALE, ONE YOUNG MULE; work anywhere; price $90.09; one pony horse, 6 years old, gentle and sound; price, $50.00. 226 West Broad street. "SEVERAL FINE, UNREDEEMED svwing machines for sale cheap. Georgia Pawn Shop, 306-308 Broughton street, west. FOR SALE, CHEAP, COMBINATION horse. Apply al 208 Henry street, west. GREEN GROCERY LICENSE AND full set fixtures for sole; very cheap. Ap ply 637 Sims street. FOR SALE, JERSEY MILKEIRS AND springers; will trade for fat cows. Savan nah Sale and Feed Stable, Ogh thorp i avenue atid West Broad. BEX)ROOM FURNITURE, RODS AND reels, and all the remaining content.* of the Habersham residence, will he sold nt auction Monday, June 11, at 11 a. nr., at 206 Harris street, west. FOR SALE, GAS STOVE. 312 WALD burg street. FOR SALfT"THREE NICE MTLK cows cheap. Eighth and Waters Road. J. I*. Brown. FOR SALE, A LADY r B~COLTTMBI A bicycle in splendid order; used only a short time; complete with bell and lantern; also a girl s Crescent wheel, in first -class condition. Can be seen at Bryson’s, 242 Bull street. BUILDING BRICK FOR SALE. E. >f Jclks, manufacturer, Macon, Ga. LAUNCHES FOR SALE. SIZE 16 feet, anil 25 feet, and 30 feet, with prices that will be sure to please you. The ngenolei for these fine launches haa been established with us. Ltppm.m Brothers, Wholesale Druggists, Lippmans Block. Savannah, Ga. FIRE PROOF SAFES FOR SALE AT low price; ail In stock in live hunoiei) five thousand pound*. Apply Llppiaa* Bros. FOR SALE. A N ELEGANT PH A ETON and laree carriage, second-hand; will be • old chesr>: ..n, by Brewster and the other by Sliver.- Dcih the bee, maker* In the Untied Stales. Llppman Eros., whole sale druggists. Savannah. Gir LOST AND POt'MI. “TT^TTiir^rnTAYHIUuKmrTipATL di-rscn stie-t, east, lemon and white pointer puppy, thiee months old, anstveis to the name of Jeff. Reward for return to above address. LOST. I’OC'KKTBOOK. RETURN TO W. A. Blsbee, finder will be rewarded. LOST, ON THURSDAY EVENING, at pavilion of Hotel Tybee, gold hat pin. Reward if returned to 418 President street, west. THE GENTLEMAN WHO WAS SEEN to pick u:> a child’s hat on Bull street, Saturday afternoon, return same to 210 East Ninth street. LOST, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, plain chased gold stud; think on Bull street. 20 Harris street, west. UMBRELLA. SWEET CHERRY straight handle, silk umbrella; taken by mistake from ladles’ dressing room, Yacht Club, Friday aflernoon; another left in plnee. Please eall at No. 103 Taylor street, west, and exchange. ’ "LOST, ABOUT FOUR WEEKS ago, I ackage containing account book and re e tation hoiks. Return to Miss Mamie Bennett, 416 Bryan, east. Reward. - uu.utui.tu. ’TUdTTABGirTEsTRAmjT^ wiih board; reduced rates for summer. 113 Liberty, west. SEVERAL GENTLEMEN CAN SE cure board in private family, $3.00 per week. 524 Montgomery. LA RGE, AIRY R00M.4,”w 1 Til I4OOD table board. No. 212 Suite street, west. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH GOOD table beard for gcntlenu n. Jl2 West Junta street. BOARnERS WANTED; TERMS REA sonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Apply 221 Momgomery sireclt FIRST-CLASS JEWISH BOARD; large rooms; Southerners accommodated. 137 Knst Sixtieth street, New York city. WANTED, GENTLEMEN BOARDERS; also a few table boarders. Apply corner Gordon and Tattnall, 213. CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW boarders at Isle of Hope for the summer. Address X Y, this office. PARTIES' DESIRING GOOD BOARD can obtain large comfortable rooms, or . ntlre fiat in the b st location in Savan nah. References must he furnish- and. Ogle thorpe. caie News. ATTRACTIVE TABLE BOARD AT No. 492 Oglethorpe avenue, we^t. GENTLEMEN CAN FIND" GOOD TA ble iioard, 14 Oglethorpe, west. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL ALEXANDER; ON THE railroad ten miles north of Asheville, N. (’ Famous for variety of good food, ex cellent water, pteasont, well furnished rooms, good hods. Five hundred feet of coo! varandas, and shaded grounds, add to the attractions. Circulars furntsiied; terms moderate. Mrs. It. B. & J. N, Vance. f “NEW YORK 7 46TH .STRKKT. 18 WEST, near sth avenue; routns wltU bwtrd, 3outh .erner, reference. • ■ It'MUER RESORTS. Dela plane, Fauquier coun.Cy. Virginia, p|pa.uit summer home; fina scenery, airy rooms, good table, pure water, nice shade*; terms moderate; adult* preferred. Thfc Misses Pendleton. SUMMER BOARD IN~MARIETTA". Ga.; mountain air; no malaria; ally pure, cold water; house bas larg* cool rooms; beautifully shaded grounds; overy attention to.comfort. Box 85, Mari etta, Ga. W A NTED" BOARDERS IN THB mountains on Southern road; beautiful view; good water; t**fms sls and $lB per month; special rate* for families} refer ents. Mrs. Walpole, Montreal, Nelsoa county, Virginia. NEW”YOR K'CITY APARTMENT TO rent for summer; 7 rooms and bath; all light, cool, completely furnished; second floor; elevator; low price. Babcock, 104 West Eighty-fourth street, New York. PRIYATE” BOARd7 ~~55 COLLEGE! street, Asheville, N. C.; centrally located, on car line; pleasant and homelike; excel lent table; rates. $1.50 per day; $7 to $lO tier week. Mrs. Minnie C. Greenlee. ""BUUE RIDGE M<)l ’NTAINS, TRYONI N. C.. to rent for summer; furnished cot tage of so veil rooms; cellar and barn; gar den and fruit on place; n nt $25 per month; Address Box 26, Tryon, N. C. SUMMKR BOARD IN THE MOUfK tains of Georgia; sixty miles north of At lonta. on \\ • stern and Atlantic Railway* For terms, address, Miss M. J. Warinff, Cement, Ga. BOARD. AT SALT DA. N. C~FOR THE summer. Mrs. T. J. Young can accommo date a few select j*ople Good fare, good beds and reasonable rates. BOARD IN WESTERN NORTH CAR olina sl6 to S2O per month. No small chil dren liken. Edgar Patton Davidson’s River, N. C. BOARD IN A SOUTHERN FAMILY, located in a delightful residential part of Brooklyn; convenient to all car line* and within twenty-five minutes’ ride of New York city; terms reasonable. Ad dress F., 1354 Pacific street. WHITE PATH BUMMER RESORT'I9 now < pen for boarders. For particular* apply to Mrs. .1. M. Dorn, proprietress, White Path. Ga. SWAXX A NO A SP R 1 NGB. NE AR Asheville; good l>onrd. $3.00 to $5.00 per week. Address It. L. Patton, Swannanoa, N. C. “The Laurels.” Tryon. N. C.; well kept hour-*’; extensive ground; beautiful scen ery, excellent table, moderate terms. Mrs. M. M. Carter. in -INESS CHANCES. thousand bushel groin, 2c; send for our booklet, ‘‘Speculation,” free. J. K. Corn stork & Cos., 23 Traders building, Chicago. "MON EY <’AN BE MADE” IN * urks or grain by my "Safe Speculation Plan.” Make your money earn your aal ory. Tf you have SIOO send for free par ticulars; customer and bunk references. Richard Jones, 42 Exchange Place, Neaf York. WANTED.' OFFICE - MANAGER BY responsible firm; $125 monthly salary and liberal commission; S7OO rash required; po iilon i* rmanent to good man Address Manufacturer, 1332 Cherry street, Philadel phia, Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES' Gold) LACE PINS AND dress pins Spec.ul tale. Koch & Sylvan, 46 Whitaker. FOR MANTELS. TILING AND grates, go to Cornwell Sc. Chlpmnn. SAVANNAH F IR FJWI NO CO.*S CABT rn t beer direct from the wood. Ferris hams. ISO; bacon, 12V4; at Bernier's, Dray ton and Liberty. BOTTLE OF FI NE OLD CROW will be the tiling these cold days; none eo pure as al Wm. Dlers, West Broad and Liberty. WATC'I I ESf" AND DIAMONDS ARB Ptlll golrg at special sal© at Koch & Syl van’s, 41 Whitaker. FOR HARDWARE” AND TOOLS," GO to Cornwell A Chipmnn’s. LET US~C LEAN YOUR CLOTHES~BT Resorcin© antiseptic procesw. New York Steam Dye Works. Whitaker-State streets. MATTRESSES It BKOVAtSd AND worked over thoroughly; be*t moss mat tresses made to order. David Clark, 141 Jefferson. ~R FI ‘A IRIN G W A TCI! ES ffi OUR spec ialty; we do the work well and cheap. J. & C. N. Thomas, 124 Whitaker. HAVE YOU SEEN LA NOW ELL'S $5 00 trunk? Ling well Trunk Works, 210 Whit aker street. * FOR FISHING TACKLI i:fc. t go to Cornwell & Chlpman. KOCH A SYLVAN S. 46 WHITAJCEH street, are agents for King’s famous spec tacles. Attend sale-to-morrow. CELEBRATED VIRGINIA CLUB RYE. Tjewhs’ '66, Hunter Baltimore Rye, Okl Crow, Monopole Rye Whiskey. At Rem ler’e, Drayton and Liberty. STEP INTO MV STORE AND GET A bottle of fine old Lewis ’66; remember it Is '<6, and not some other brand; Old Crow Is great; try it. William Dlers, Went Broad and Liberty. IT DDES NOTHPAY - TO HAVE - THE dirt preyed In, or gasoline smeared over fine clothes; get them thoroughly Cleaned and disinfected by the Resorcine antisep tic process. New York Steam Dye Works, WhMaker-State streets. UPHOLSTERING DONE IN BEST style and in last workman-like manner; price reasonable. David Clark, HI Jeffer son. REPAIRING WATCHES IS OUR specialty; we do tbe work well and cheap. J. & C. N. Thomas, 124 Whitaker. t LANG WELL’S JT..00 TRUNK WOrVh $8 rn comrMr.'il wlih other makes. wcli Trunk Works, 210 Whltaktr street. STOVE AND RANGE WORK OF Ev ery kind promptly .attended to by D. N. Thomuson, agent, the stove expert. I also make a specialty of exchanging; easy terms. See my slock and gel prices be fore buying. I have a fine lot of coal, t is and gasoline stoves to select from. 140 West Broad street. RING UP 2404 IF YOU WANT TO have y-ur furniture moved cr packed for shipment or storagy; I guarantee pricea tli same as I do (he work that's given to m< . A. S. Gridin, 314 Broughton street, west. Mattresses made to order. LADIES AND GENT LI) MEN. UM ready with spring stock of usibrcllas. par asols repaired and recovered; locks and keys. .\f. Domlnitz, Corner Oglethorpe- Barnard. RANGES AND STOVES, QO Cornwell & Chlpman. IM. SALE OF EYE-GLASSES at Koch & Sylvan’s this we He. 40 Whita ker street. GENERAL LINE OF FINE CIGARS; best 10c cigar In town. At Reailer’s, Dray ton and Liberty. Good Positions c^ECImED r B / c frft-Vtc[: iwaljr §&£kll!-Y0UN6llEN imS§^*" J WGIYIEN v/\otiKe or practical (oilrse RICHMOND’, j ** T r ß *a. BUSINESS ! COLLEGES.! | Smi for f'/itajtyu): | 5