The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 12, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established ISSO. - Incorporated ISSS J. H. ESTILL, President. PROPOSES A PROTECTORATE. EMPEROR KWAVi HSU WANTS TO Kiu: I'\DER POWERS. Wonld Like to Have Dowager Em pre*n Declared n l *irper— Vluoli Would Re Involved in the Con quest nnd Dlomfinhermeut of ( lilna—Fighting I* tiolng on in In Pekin’s Streets and Foreigners Are in Great Danger. Tendon. June 12.—The Shanghai corre spondent of the Daily Express, telegraph ing yesterday, says: "Wen* Tung Ho. Emperor Kwang Hsu’s tutor and confidant, who was dismissed by th£ Dowager Empress after the coup d'etat In 1898, sends with the special sanc tion of the Emperor and his party, in cluding three viceroys, a message to the people of the West. In part, it is as fol lows: "His Majesty convinced, through Amply trustworthy sources, that the loyal support of many scores of millions of the Chinese will be accorded to his proposals for putting to an end, the state of an archy, brought about by the action of the Empress Tsi Tsi. “ ‘The government of China being vir tually non-existent, the Emperor proposes that the foreign Powers whose troops dominate the capital shall remove his im perial person from the palnce in which His Majesty is confined a prisoner, shall declare Empress Tsi Tsi and her present ministers to be usurpers, and shall bring Emperor Kwan Hsu to Nanking, Wu chang or Shanghai.’ whichever the said foreign Powers deem to be most rmif rbl- situation for the new ,'r.ita] of the Chinese empire, under the new condi tions. Wonts' a -loin* Protectorate. ‘ Tt is proposed bv His Majesty and b'~ advisers that the foreign Powers should declare a joint protectorate and under take the task of governing the country through His Majesty ’ The message suggests that the prote?to ate should abolish certain beards in Pekin appoint new- ministers; abolish the exist ing so-called armies; establish genda-- iTKrie under foreign officers; tak® control of the custom?, posts nnd telegraphs and work them through Chinese officials; es tablish a uniform currency; readjust tax ation and insure the freedom or religion. “Weng Tung Ho. who predicts a peace ful acceptance of such a regime, goes on to say: *' ‘China is ripe for the change of tide ■which the reactionaries vainly reek 10 stem. If *t should be so, on the other hand, the the foreign powers ?e ious’y c:n templare the dismemberment of the Chi nese empire, they have before them oe huge task of faring dense millions who, although lacking in training, and who make but contemptible soldiers, possess boundless powers of passive re^istehee,and would be able to wear cut the pcitien e of any European ruler seeking to govern without regard to the prejudices of the oldest civilization.* ” “‘The conquest and division of* China wcull bv ? osibfe with 1*0,00) troops, but to retain the government would require ITKo.hO soldiers and centuries of work. The task* wculd end with the most unhap py results for both conquered and <• n quer >if. His Majesty and his advisers beg America and Japan to pause before re sorting to disrrcmVfvn ent, whi h can b - d-terred at least un‘ 1 the Ernperoi’s ci forts to govern his p ople and fo restore ihe happiness of t is great division of Du human race have p-ove 1 abortive If‘the people ar' a-sur-d that the Powers or guiding and prot c:?cg His M. jeuy ;:n! do not intend to swallow the country vi ee-meal. they and the soldiers will re tu u unquosti ra My to -he allegiance frOai whicii The Empress diverted them.’ ” Acre Anti-Forejftu Actions. rxiiKton. June 12, 3 a. m.—The last mes- Fn " e out of Pekin to reach London, left tnere yesterday .morning at 11 o’clock, going by way of the Russian telegraph through Manchuria, the Tien Tsin line cI,L rt is os follows: Con. Tung, a Mohammedan, extreme ly hostile to foreigners, arrived here this morning, and hod a long audience with Prince Tuan, father of the heir apparent, "ho is seemingly friendly to the Boxers. Prince Tuan has been appofrited chief of the foreign office over Prince Citing, who ls 11 ' 1 ? orc fr lendly toward the foreigners. "! he disputc-h of more marines was in response to a telegram from the minister? to the consuls m Tien Tsin for additional troops, conveyances have left Pekin to meet the troop? coming by the first train. “Tlk* arrival of the Empress Dowager has rendered the city somewhat more quiet titan it had been recently. The Protesi have ere.icd a barricade befor > the building in whi*h they have taken refuge, aur] t hey have a small guard. The Catho lics are concentrated north, of the C.nliv dral, under the protection of u French guaid of twenty-live m* • who will hold to the end. I am convinced that IV kiii, especially the Tartar city, is safe. Tien Tsin the Viceroy finally con sented to furnish transport for a relief force of 400 under an • American com mander. The partial restoration of fho railway is expected tt) be effect*,i by to morrow. More massacres of Christians are reported. Street Fighting In Pekin. Shanghai, under yesterday's date, ea hlos that there ha.- been street fighting In Pekin since early Sunday afternoon. The Russians are making large purchases of canned provisions at Shanghai, and every - thing points to an outbreak of hostilities. The Shanghai cotrrspondcnt of the Dully Telegraph, in a dispatched 'dated yester day. at 1:40 p. in., says: "Reports from the Vttn N'an F't district say that the French minister has tele graphed that a crisis is imminent, and that he is advising all foreigners to evac uate Tun Nan." All the telegrams Indicate that the sit uation has not In the ' least improved. On the contrary, the disorder has spread from the neighborhood of Pekin to the capital Itself, which Is growing turbu lent in anti-foreign demonstrations. In addition to the burning of Ihe Pekin Club, the secretary of the Belgian legation has Keen roughly handled in the streets. Hos tile crowds continue to demonstrate ■gainst the legations. Two thousand in ternational troops are approaching the elty, and the advance guard is due to ar rive to-day, (Tuesday). A European Demonstration. The United States, according to dis patches from Copenhagen, hove given "hearty adhesipn" to the scheme for an European demonstration. The Russian minister in Pekin, who also acts as the envoy of Denmark. Is credited with hav ing sent a dispatch to the Danish foreign office to the effect that n demonstration had been planned, under the leadership of England and Russia, in which el tie great Powers and several of the smaller will take part. The latter are not called upon to send troops, as there nrc enough on the spot; but they arc to Ire asked to delegate the right to hoist their flags to the great powers in order that a.demon stration may fc; ma le or a b.ilt e fought under the Hugs ol all Europe. Japan uud the l nited States have been informed, and agree to the arrangement. ruiiK Ii A.'linen ibMirgnuised. The Pekin correspondent of the Times,, telegraphing yesterday, says': “< hanges have been made in the Tsung Li Yanien. One has been retired and four Manchus, rigidly conservative, liavo been appointed. Prince Ching, the only member with a knowledge of for eign affairs, has been superseded by Prince Tuan, a powerful supporter of tire Boxer brotherhood." Tne Times, commenting upon tlre reor ganization of tne Tsung r.i Yamen, con siders its signfieance unmistakable, and says: “It means that the .Empress Dowager has finally thrown off the mask and has resolved to stake everything on her anti foreign policy. Prince Tuan is a creature of the Empress, one of the chief patrons of the Boxers and a representative of the most reactionary party in China. “If the Empress is to have her way, the position of no foreign Power in China will bo wortii a month's purchase, and Western civilization will disappear from the country altogether." . KEMPFF MD IT I S SERIOUS. Another Hundred Marinos to Re Sent to 13iin From Maniln. Washington, June 11.—The navy depart ment has received the following cable gram from Admiral Kempff: "Tong Ku, June 11.—Secretary Navy, Washington. In case all communication Pekin cut,not able go alone;if other nations go will# join to relieve Americans, pend ing instructions. Situation serious. Bat talion of marines from Manila has been urgently requested. Answer. Kempff.” Upon receipt of the above, Secretary Long sent the following cablegram to Ad miral Remey at Manila: "Navy Department, June 11.—Remey. Manila. Send by Folace immediately, all dispatch, to Kempff I°9 marines,arranging if practicable that after landing Solace shall continue homewafd voyage as pre viously ordered. Long." The following undated dispatch has been received at the navy department: ‘‘Secretary of ‘the Navy. Forces landed by different nations Opening communi cation to Pekin Americans joined. ‘Kempff.’’ Admiral Ke.r.n’T also reports the arri val of the Mono icy at Taku. Minister Cor.ger was heard fr m again this morning to the effect that the Pno 'ling Fu missicnari s are safe up 10 the present; that the Chinese government has sent troop:*, and .promises ample pro:action to the mis-i n. though it is not thought 1 hat this protection will in sure permanent safety. Minister Conger’? View*. According to Mr. Conger, it is imp s -oihle a; th s moment to .-end any foreign Tore s from Pel* in to Pao Ting Fu. Mr. (’enger’s cUub as to jb re man (f th • ability o protect the mis sions is in line with his previous expres sions of opinion, indicating a belief in his mir.d that he f w Chinese generals who are disposed to protect th® for-igners are to Vo overcome by the ri men. at the Chinese court which Is favorable io the Boxers. The -.ritude of 4he United St?tes gov ernment respecting the Boxrr troubles having been misrepresented in certain quarters, it can be stated authoritative ly that up <0 this point not the first step has been taken toward sending any troops lrorn Gen. MacArthur’s army in the Philippines to China. It was decide! last we* k that none of the troops could be spared, if wanted, nnd that none would be spared, even if they could be, for such .1 purpose in <he present aspect 0? the - Chinese .trouble-- Attitude of United States. Mr. Conger asked for further instruc tions, nnd was directed to proceed with energy in the protection of American in terest and more esp* *. iai-y with the pro tection of ihe American citizens in China. He was warned, however, 1104 10 be a party to any alliance or combination of rroups df Powers, lie was to act inde pendently whenever this was practicable, although he was not forbidden to take concurrent notion \vi!h other diplomatic re on si ntatives if sudden necessity should arise for it. He was to do nothing 10 commit Ihe United States in its future action. The traditional policy of the United States 5n this respect was to be strictly observed. Secretary Long this afternoon slated thru h had sent no direct answer to" Ad miral Kempff. nor \.n* such an answer necessary in view <*f the subsequent cable gram to Admiral Remey at Manila. The reinforcements* in the shape of 100 additional marine: , which will come to him from Manila in the course of a week would indicate the department’s position suffi-k*itlyJi will take tkft S>lace a full week to make the trip, according to the estimate of the nova: officers, for it te about 2,000 mdes from Manila to Taku. It i? evident that tne navy department approves all Admiral Kempff has done up to this point at least, ns is shown by the di-inclination to hamper him by instruc tions. ( \UGIIT INCENDIARY BOXER. Swat lnilct) Over Fnt£ of For eigners Felt in Pekin. Ti?n Tsirt, June 11.—An American offi cer wl o las just arrivtd from the front for i revisions reports that the forces are repairing th r ‘ track between 1.0 i'a and Barg Kang. He caught a Boxer last evening who was attempting to set tin to a I.ridge and 1) (!Htv VI :a I corpses, evidently the hod i s of men killed l.y troops of Gen. Ni It. The fifth train loft at :> p. tn. to-day with prov slot s t .rest •anxiety is felt In r - re vp the lute of the foreigners in Pe kin. The troop- cannot tea, h tile capital la fore Tuesday night, and the fear Is that un attack will lie made before then. it Is reliably assorted that the Russians will iand over 1,70(1 men with artillery to night. provide 1 they can got transport over the Taku hay. WHY MORE BRITISH W ENT. I't rm r. ess of I lilted Stntes Consul nntl Cn[it. MeCalln. Tien Tsln.-JJunday. June 10.—It Is learn fd that but fior tho firmness of the United States Consul and Capt. McCa'.la, of the Newark, in charge of the. American land ing party, and the British consul, there would have been further delay In dis patching the International Guards to Pe kin, and the majority of the forces would not have, been British. At a meeting of the consuls and com manders of troops last evening, when the necessity for the immediate dispatch of troops was considered, the representatives of two European power* questioned tie necessity, an I afterwards disparaged the idea that the British force should prepon derate. The Anglo-Americans, however, insist ed and carried their point. The Ameri cans. generally deplore the smallness of tho United States force here. At the same time they are ready to defer to . (Continued on Fifth Page.) SAVANNAH. GA.. TUESDAY. JUNE 12. 1900. POSITION OF GOV. STEPHENS. AY ILL CALL OUT THE MILITIA AS SOON AS IT IS NEEDED. Saya the Action of the Republican Alnyor of St, I.ou in In Enron raging the Sir ikern—Sheriff and Police Commissioner* Have a Large Force at Tlielr Command-Neirn i papern on the Fence—Only Span niodie Outbreak* So Far. Jefferson, City, Mo., June 11.—Gov. Stephens to-day gave out the following statement regarding the St. Louis strike: "Vigorous action has been taken by the slate government and St. Louis police department to enforce respect for law in St. Louis, and protect life and property. The Republican Mayor, however, who is o candidate for renomination, not desiring to offend, positively refuses to co-operate with us, which lends encouragement to the lawless element and impedes our progress towards restoration of normal conditions. "As Governor, I have, conscienciously and fearlessly done my duly as my judg ment directed. I have requested that 2,- £OO emergency policemen be sworn in, and that the sheriff summon a posse of 2,500 additional able-bodied and l&w-abidjng cit izens to serve under the direction of the police commissioners. Military Not Yet Needed. "Up to this hour it has not been deem ed necessary by the Police Commission ers of St. Louis to order out the militia, the commissioners yet believing that they ■ ire equal to the emergency. There have been only .spasmodic outbreaks, which the police and deputy sheriffs have, been able to manage. The stripping of the wo men was done by three girls, between the ages of 14 and 16. A saloonkeeper was plso arrested cn suspicion of being implicated It war. not thought best to order out the militia to shoe* them. The g*:rls have been tried and sentenced to terms in the Industrial Home for Girls. “Most of the newspapers in St. Louis endeavor to stand in with the lawless ele ment, as well as with the better element, and think it popular to withhold sup port from state officers and constantly criticise every act of <he police authori ties. Mi**onri** Force* Ready. “We have four regiments in Missouri, consisting altogether ob about 2.510 men. The First Regiment, with two hours no li* e. will he ready for duty. The three other regiments can be mobilized in St. Louis within ten hours. Camping sites have be n selected in the city and details ail arranged, and as scon as I am in armed by the proper authorities that a tumult, e.ists n L ; t. Louis and that a condition of lawlessness aid disorder pre vail? with which the city authorities are unable to the National Guard will be called but to enforce the law and pre vent further disorder and acts of violence without delay.” MORE QUIET DAY IN ST. LOUIS. Tfnyor Zipcenhelm Issue* Procla mation Against Mob*. ft. Louis. Jure 11 —Sunday s s ones of disorder and bloodshed were followed by comparative quiet throughout the city. Lust night’s riot was the all-absorbing topic. The gen ral opinion was that the deputies had done their full duty, although there was much regret that human lives had ben sacrificed in the affair. The .strikers and their syn.pathUers, Licweveih claimed that the men were shot down in cold blood. The general manager of the Transit Company announced to-day that cars would he operated until midnight to-night oi. the J.aClede avenue. Market street, Olive street, Washington avenue and Park avenue lines. I p to 10 oh lock no r. ports of disorder had born received by the chief of Mayor** Proclamation. In answer to a letter directed by the chief of police this evening- to Mayor Ziegenhelm, the following proclamation was issued by tup latter: “Whereas, during the pendency of the present railway Strike, and the crisis thrcugii which the city is now passing, it is of the utmost public importance that ill excitement be suppressed, and that no acts of any kind be done which may tend ;o produce or create excitement in public places, such as (the assembling of crowds or groups of persons, upon the streets, the clitscusarion of ihe situation, boisterous lan guage or the discharge of firearms or fire works. , * “Therefore. I. the undersigned. Mayor of the city of St. Ix>uis, do hereby pro claim and direct that oil persons in the city of St. Louis, refrain from gathering in numbers on the public streets, or In public places; that all persons, particu larly women and children, remain in doors, as much os possible until the pres - ent situation is relieved, that jeering >r abusive language, or language calculated to prove tee a breach of the peace be not indulged In. “And all persons are especially warned against, the discharge, within the city limits, of firearms of any kind, and against the bring and exploding of bombs, torpedoes, or any species of ilreworks. “All minors are warned to ke£p within doors during the next three days, and par ents are notified that all minors found out of doors between one hour after sun set and one hour before sunrise are sub ject <o arrest and imprisonment under the provisions of the statutes of Missouri.’* Will He Enforced. President Harry It. Hawes of the police board said to-night that ihe Mayor’s proclamation would* be rigidly enforced. Inquests will be held on the victims of Sunday’s riot by the coroner to-morrow morning, Hiatementg made to-day by witnesses weie as conflicting as those of Sunday evening, and difficulty Is antici pated in reaching a verdict which will tlx the exact 1 esponslbility. President Mahon of the Street Railway Union t< Jay s<n* a telegram to President ■ • Labor, requesting co-operation and as sistance, and declaring ihat the fight in St. Louis had gone beyond the limit of any battle ever wnged by organized labor in the history of the country. At a mass meeting of strikers and sym pathizers at the West End Coliseum to night the action of the posse men in shoot ing the strikers in Sunday’s riot was de nounced. A commltttee of ten was appointed to prosecute the men who did the shooting. AM I-Sr.lllTK THOI ULUS. battalion of Infantry Sent to Konltz in Prussia. Graudenz, Weft Prussia, June 11.—A battalion of infantry has been sent to Konitz. about fifty miles northwest of this place, where, owing to the mysteri ous murder of a schoolboy, there have been for several weeks past anti-Semitic disturbances, which culminated yesterday in serious excesses and the destruction of a synagogue* . YOIAG NEGRO WAS LYNCHED. He Hail Planned to \**nnlt Farmer Stringer** Daughter*. Thomasvllle, Ga., June 11.—Rer.ny Jef ferson, a sn>a.ll black negro 22 years old, was lynched near Metcalf) a small village ten miles from Thomasvllle, on the Monti cello branch railroad, this morning about 10 o’clock, by unknown parties. Jefferson, who had grown up in that neighborhood, f had been working for Em ory Stringer, a respectable white farmer, who lived near Metcalf. 'Mr. Wringer is fhe father of two daugh ter.* a tout grown, nnd two son*, and Sat urday night was away from home. The sons alro intended spending the night away from home, but it seemed had changed their minds, and had not gone. The negro, thinking fhe family no longer protected, had secreted himself under the house, and awaited his opportunity. One of the girls, about IS years of one, on passing out of the house for some pun* - l>ose. was encountered by the brute, fhe screamed and fainted. This alarmed the other members of the household, and the negro fled. but. he had been recognized. Sunday morning he was caught and con fined in the. coda boo *e at Metcalf. This morning, afier midnight, he was taken to the outskirts of th© vil lage, hung to a tree and riddled with bul lets. It is said that he confessed hla in tention was to ravish both girls and kill them if they did not keep quiet. The coroner’s jury gave a verdict of death by unknown hands. NATIONALS AYE RE DEFEATED. Reported Engagement With Colom bian Revolutionist*. Washington, June 11.—The following dis patch has been received at the navy de partment : “Colon. June 10.—-Secretary Navy, Washington: It in reported that an en gagement hias taken place, resulting in the defeat of the rational forces vester day. By their exchange of Panama na tional forces retreated, ammunition near !y exhausted; they have reinforce! an 1 ordered to renew attack. Loss in killed and wounded, five officers. Reports are very conflicting. I shall remain here. "Logan.” The cablegram was from Commander Logan of the cruiser Madras, which has been lying on the Gulf side of the Isth mus of Fan a for the. past month watching American interests in that vi cinity. The message w as considerably mangled. It is believed that the Com mander meant to say that it appeared from the reports of the exchanges at Panama that the national forces have been defeated. The latest reports from the eastern i>ort of Colombia, however,rep resents the total defeat of the insurrec tion. CUBANS WANT TO GO SLOW. Better Element Favor* Delaying In dependence a While. Havana, Jure 11.— Of late Gov. Gen. Wcod has had many callers—among them lawyer*, tank rs, merrhan sand even two members of the former cabinet, who hay a taken the position that the United State* gyvcrr.m- nt i geirg ahead tio fast in t ! e and rcc ion of g -anting inde to C ba. Those who take this ground assign it as the reason for their decision not to join in the coming elections. They point out that th<r is not a single candidate in the island wh > is net a professional politician, and they argue that to turn Cuba over to men oi this class would mean her absolute ruin. The? 4 * vtsTsr <Trct statement-'! were re ult of a i into vi w with Gen. Wood publish*d by the Disctisi n. in which he was reported as saying that in all prob ability a constitutional convention would i e called in September next, consisting oi\ al! the mayois ole ted. Business circles were thoroughly alarmed by this an nouncement, although (here is no doubt that a great majority of the people re ceived it with favor. THE GOLD COAST TROUBLES. Carter I>f*loricd flic lleholf\ lint Had liravy Losses. London. June 11.— Col. Wlllcocks, In command of the Ashanti relief expedition, cables from- Phrahsu, under date of June 9, as follows: “Have just received a message from Col. 'Carter, from Kwisa, reporting that he advanced June 6. effecting a junction with Capt. Hall at Bekwai. He found the rebel forces strongly fortified at Dompoassi. The tight continued for a long time, mid the enemy were dislodged, but, on aoccur t of the loss of seven. European officers, wounded, and ninety other casualties, he was unable to advance end returned to Kwisa. “There if. no news from Kumassl. Hall is at Esumeja and Bekwai, which is friendly. “Kokofu and Adanel are in a state of rebellion. The Donglassi are probably joining the rebel forces.’’ PKISOMIRS TRIKO MITIW. Porto It lea n Jailbirds Who Did Not Like T'lielr Fou<l. San Juan. Porto Rico. June 11.—Five hundred Inmates of the penitentiary mu tinied to-day, refusing to take breakfast or to work. They asserted that the food was not fit to eat and the leader struck the warden in the face. The penitentiary is guarded by a detachment of twenty members'of the Porto Rican regiment. The prisoners attempted to rush the troops, who fired three volleys at the wall or in the air. Three of the inmate-* were injured by splinters, though not seriously. The military authorities then railed out a company of regulars, but the native com pany quelled the disturbance before the regulars arrived. ON CHARGES OF CONSPIRACY. Official* of u York Ire TrnM Will Soon lie Tried. New York, June 11.—The officials of the American Ice Company, who were re cently held by Magistrate Zeiler in $5,000 bonds for the grand Jury, probably will be tried on the charge of conspiracy Wed nesday next, before the Court of Special Sessions. District Attorney Gardiner to-day sent the papers in the case to the Court of Special Sessions, and the Arsons held will p>ad before that court unless some mo tion is made to transfer it. An Inspector Sent for. Indianapolis, Ind., Jun* 11.—In response to a telegram from Fourth Assistant Post master Gene ral Bristow, Poatoffice In spector Fletcher will go at once to Ha vana to assist dn Investigating the. mat ter of Neely’s alleged defalcation and the tangled state of affairs the Vo*’office ,at Havana. BOERS GET IN THEIR WORK. LOSS OF THE DERI* YSH IRES WAS A SEVERE III.OW. Fonrtli Tlnttnlinn of That Headmen* Nearly All Killed, \\ on lined or Captured In (lie Iteeent Operation* North of Kroanalnd—Rrlti*li 4 - tlncr Ready to Drive Out the Ma rnuderM—Mnchadoilorp I* Now the Capital of The Trnnavaal. London, June 12. 3:30 a. m.—Fifty thous and British troops are within half a hun dred miles of the marauding Boers north of Kroon?tad. and they are expected, of course, to make short work of them. Nev ertheless, outside of the slender war office telegram?, no one knows what in going on. South of Kroonstad there is a wide gap. The railway is only partially defended nnd, as Gen. Kelly-Kenny has hurried all the available troop* north, the assumption is that there Is n danger of a second 1 raid. The loss of the Derbyshire* is estimated nt from 600 to 700 men. A dispatch from Maseru, dated June 11, says: "Fifteen hundred Boers surrendered to Gen. Brabant to-day in the Ficksburg district." Maehadcdorp has been officially pro claimed the capital of the Transvaal. A Lorenzo Marquez dispatch says that the village has swollen into a email city, the majority of the new inhabitants living in tento. An official Boer telegram asserts that Hie British have been defeated, with con siderable loss, at Donkerspoo-rt. in the southern extremity of the Free State, ten miles from Nervals ponC It was thought that this district had been cleared of Boers and rebels long ago. The Boers still cling Laing’s Nek; bur Gen. Boiler's forces are still work ing fnr around in that direction. Lord Roberts has wired Gape Town that prior to Wednesday, he. liberated 1M offi cers and 3,500 cf the rank and file. The Boers Consequently only took ofF 000. Schreiner Mn.v Beslan. Mr. Schreiner, the Cape Premier, bid eight supporters out of forty at n caucue, cailevi fo consider the ministerial pro gramme. J. X. Merriman, treasurer, and J. W. Soper, commissioner of public works, have resigned from the cablne,; and Mr. Schreiner’s own resignation believed to bo imminent, although h may reconstruct the ministry with the aid of the opposition. The cabinet situation is so interesting that Sir Alfred Milner will postpone his trip north. Food is still scarce at Mafeking, but the railway is nearly repaired. Seventy-two rebele have been Arrested in the Vry burg and Mafeking districts. Sixty-five w ’o marched injo Mafeking by two of their Lit? prisoners at Mostia. All of Gen. Harrington’s force had land ed at Bfira a week 050 The organiza li n to invade .the Transvaal from the north is already far advanced A ti er deserter who arrived at Maseru yesterday assorts that 7,00) Bo*rs parti* - pa ted in the Boerhrantz <ng.\g hat Gen. Oliver was killed jsnd Gen. D Viliiers mortally wounded. The American young women who nursing in the hospital at Ladyhrand have b rn alighted by the Boer worn n who are nursing the Beer rick in the same hospit al. and have been trade <h - Object of un pleasant remt-rks. breams the Americans arc* nursing th? English. LOSS OF THE DERBYSHIRE*. Sloor* Killed, Wounded and Captured tiler* £(M> llrltisli. Ix>ndon, June 11.—Lieut Gen. Sir Fred erick Fon sticr-Walker, in command of the lines of communication in South Af rb a, rc*x>rl9 that in ihe disaster to iln troops Juno 7 at Roodevnl, where the Boers cut Ird Roberts’ line of communications, the fourth battalion of the Derbyshire Regiment we re nil killed, wounded or made prisoners ex.’ept six enlisted men. Two officers ami fifteen men were killed and live officers and seventy-two me-n wounded, many of them severely. The Boers returned the wounded to the British. The officers killed were Li-ut. OcL IJaird-Douglas and Liem. Hawley. The wounded include Col. Wilkinson and Lieut. Blanchard of the Canadian Infan try. Hen. Foresticr-Walker’s dispatch in full is a3 follows: “Cai>e Town, June 10, Sunday. The fol lowing telegram lias been received from Charles Knox: “ 4 Kroons tad—The following casualties, reported from Roodeval, June 7, received from Stonham, commanding the Imperial Yeomanry hospital, dated Rhenost* r Riv er, Juno H. received here by flag of truce June 10: The fourth battalion of Ihe Der byshire regiment (the Sherwood F test ers)— killed. Lieut, (’o'. 'Baird-Doug las and Lieut. How ley and fifteen of the rank ami flic; wounded, Col, Wilkinson, fiji...Bailey, Lien s. Hall. La wrier and Blanchard, and fifty-nine of the rank and file; the Shrop shire Light Infantry, one; Cape Pioneer Railway Regiment, seven; Ammunition Park, Royal .Marines and Imperial Tele graphs. one each; Post office Corps, one. “ ’Stonham reports that many were severely wounded and those remaining of the Fourth Derbyshire* and detail# .f pris oner*. except i:: o; the rack and file, are in his ramp. All the wounded are In his camp, lately occupied by the Fourth Der byshire*. Inquiries are being made as to tne names.’ ’’ It i* Inferred that the Boers captured over TMj m+n, and as late as Juno 10 hold positions cutting off the British forces north of Kroonstad from reinforcements. Methuen Hail a Miff Fifth t. Another dispatch from Gen. Feres tier- Walker rfays Gen. Methuen was lighting within ten miles of Heilbron, June H, as follows: 4 “Cape Town, Sunday. June 10.—Kelly- Kenny reports from Bloemfontein this morning that Methuen, with the greater part of his division, was fighting early in the morning of June k ten mile.s south of Heilbron, where Colville was reported to b* with the Highland Brigade. Me'huen loft Linrilry June with ample supples for himself and Colville, leaving Page to hold Lindley with a sufficient force and supplies. “Kelly-Jvenny has order-ri Knox to press in the enemy’s outpost, believing the enemy’s strength to be exaggerated. “All Is qubt aid there is no anxiety as rognrds the district to the south. Com munications north of Kroonstad have been cut since June (>.“ The news that the shutting off Lord Roberts’ communication with the outer world was accompanied by such a serious loss came like a bolt from a compara tively clear sky. In London, until the news came, it was thought that the destruction of the rail road was accomplished by Free Skaters, who were avoiding rather than annihilat ing the British detachments stationed at the point attacked. Nor are Gen. Forestler-Walker's vague statements regarding Methuen and the situation at Heilbron looked upon os re { assuring. The Boers appear to be In suf- Ilcicnt strength to completely separate all tho British forces north and south of a line stretching some fifty miles between Roodoval and Heilbron. Methuen’s march upon the latter place seems somewhat in the nature of a movement for the relief of Colville. The only British officer left at Roodoval appears to be the doctor in charge of the hospital, which Is full of wounded. no Eli FORCES RETIRED. Roller’* Army Proved More Tlvnti They Could Stand. London, June 11. 10:30 a. m.—The follow ing report from Gen. Roller his been is sued by the war office: "Headquarters in Natal, June 11.—The forte concentrated on the Klip river ay its junction with the Gansvalel last night. We anticipated at that defile n force of the enemy about 3.000 strong, who hod. I think, intended to occupy it, and he re tired as soon ns our heavy guns opened, which were very smartly brought Into action by Mnj. May of the Royal Artillery, and ('’-apt. Jones of the Royal Navy. “The South* African light, horse md the Second Cavolry Brigade were smartly engaged while covering our left front. Our casualties are about six killed and seven, wounded." THEY HKFi NK TO SURRENDER. Heavy Fighting With Boers I* Ex pected nt Pirk?harg. London, June 11.—Reports from Mase ru. Basutoland, June 9, say the Boers around Ficksburg refuse to surrender, and severe fighting Is expected, though o dis patch of June S. from Hammonla, which is only a few miles* from Ficksburg, soys the. situation in the southeast corner of the Orange River Colony is unchanged, that Gen. Bundle has received the Boer delegate? sent to negotiate peace terms, and that the remit t \f the negotiations Is not known. KRUGER HAS A ROD) CHARD. Store* Arc Reported Rapidly Relng Moved ft* L^dcnhurg. I London. June 12.—The Lorenzo Marques correspondent of the Times says: “At Macadodorp President Kruger has a body guard of 1,000 burghers. Stores are being moved as quickly as possible from that point to Lydenburg. “The Portuguese authorities sent fur ther body of tioops to the border to-day.” Service* of Cnnunl liny. London. June 12.—The Dally Chronicle, which recognizes the “great extent of Mr. Hay’s services to the British prisoners ar Watervnl,” says: “These servicer will not he readily for gotten. United States Consul Hay has been practically the only menus of com munication between London and 5,000 pris oners; and substantial help of all sorts has been sent through him.” Roer* Snrrctid*. v to Hunter. Yenfersdorp. June 11.—Two hundred and fifty Boers have surrendered to Gen. Hun ter. and the remainder in this district have, promised to give up their arms. niS.SOH TJfIN A WO! Nt ED. Schuyler no Longe r a Partner of the l*alie llrot her*. New York, Juno 11.—The- dissolution of thb Sto.k Exchange firm of Paine, Schuy ler & Cos. was announced from the ros trum of the exchange to-day. Tills was in accordance with the action of the Stock Exchange Governing Com mittee, which recently notified Sidney S. S. huyler, the board member, that he must 77W7T— trir mrrn-f-t ifru wbb J. Over no* f aine and the latter’s brother, Thomas L. Paine. According to unofficial statements it was intimated to Mr. Schuyler that his part mi ship was nol thought to le for 1 he best imercasts and repute of the exchange. The Paines promise •> make a statement to-morrow revealing ihe so-ealle l animus of the Stock Exchange governors. SCATTERING IIAIN* IN INDIA. Hut the Famine Relief Situation Hus Not Altered. London. June 11.—The Viceroy of India has cabled to the Secretary of State for India announcing that a good rain has fallen in Southern India, that there have been scattering showers elsewhere and that th meteorological reporter fort casts a good but late monsecn. The hot weather, however, still pre vails. and the famine relief situation has not altered. There are now about ",SO2- JAu persons receiving relief. Tho Standard's correspondent says the Indian famine mortality estimates are inaccurate, a* unnumbered dead bodies, are polluting the streams and spreading contagion. Will not drop hi to i plwk. Senator Jones Siijh ( liicago Flat for in Will Stand. Chicago, .Tun* 11.—Senator James K., chairman of the Democratic Na tl ral (.Virmltue. arrived in Chicago and be here several days looking over tho preliminary work of the coming cam pa'gn. Wednesday William J.B ryan will meet Senator Jones here for a final con ference before the Kansas City Conven tion. Senator Jones said: “There Is ahuo’utoly no iru'h in the le port that 1 wlil end avor to persuade Mr. Bryan to consent to the dropping of the H to 1 plank from the platform. There will b* no a': ndorm nt of any issue of the Chicago p'afi rm ’ A IIKUIMTION FOR TAILOR. Not Relieved It Will He Honored I>> Gov. Mount of Indiana. Frankfort. Ky., June 11.—Sheriff Suter held a conference with Commonwealth’s Attorney Franklin to-day. and afterward said thus a requisition for the extradi tion of W. 8. Taylor will he asked for, ! but that he will be too busy to go to In- ! dlanapolis with the requisition for several days. . Attorney General Taylor of Indiana, w ho Is here, does not believe Gov. Mount will honor the requisition. Japan Demand* un Audience. Yokohom . June 12.—The Korean gov ernment has proposed to postpone the audience which the Japanese minister has asked of the Emperor, pending a settle ment of the questions growing out of the recent execution of n returned political refugee. The Japanese government is reported to have replied with a demand for an immediate audience. Death of llelle lloyd. Kilbourne, AVIs., June 11.—Belle Boyd, the famous spy of Confederate fame, died suddenly of heaxt disease at Kilbourne to night, where gone to lecture. She was 57 years of age, and known ail over the country. DAILY. $S A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMKS-A-WEEK,SI A YEAR TALK OF BRYAN AND DEWEY OHIO DEMOCRAT* WOULD LIKE TO SEFi THAT TICKET. Plan tn Have Dewey at the Ohio Convention \\n* Abandoned, bnt There I* Much Entliii*inpin Over llie Admiral—AfleLenn Will Not Be In 4 oliinibiiM—Difference of Opinion a* to \A lietlier Ohio Democrats Should ludoree Dewey. Columbus, O , June 11.—The Democratic Sime Convention which begin* hero to morrow follows the re.>ption to Admiral Dewey of last week. „ It was at one ilme proposed to have Ad miral Dewey here during the convention, or rather, to hold the convention Iftst week while he waa here, but some of the sub scribers to the Dewey celebration fund ob jected and the plan was abandoned. There is much talk about Bryan and L>ewey being nominated at Kansas City on the same ticket. During this agitation for Bryan and Dewey as ihe coming men for ihe national ticket, there is one man wanted here above all others at this time, and that man is John R. McLean, the last Democratic candidate for Governor and the acknowledged leader of the Ohio De mocracy. But til! calls for McLean fail to get e favorable response. He has an nounced that he must sail for Europe with his family next Saturday morning from New Y’ork and that he cannot attend the convention in Columbus this week. Ik* says, furthermore, that he cannot re turn in time to attend the National Con vention in Kansas City three weeks hence. He would bo placed at the head of the Ohio delegation 10 Kansas City If be would give a. single wojd of consent, but he de clines absolutely. As he is a brother-in-law.of Admiral Dewey, hD friends say that he dees not want to appear in the role of urging fa mi v preference, but they insist that if Admiral Demy is nut on the ticket with Bryan without his personal efforts that be will re urn from Europe at once and devote himself exclusively to the cam pdgn In th, interest of Bryan and Dev.ev. All who are agitating Bryan and Dewey as the ticket think (here is no doubt about the admiral accepting. There is a diversity of opinion as to whether th's convention should take the initial step in endorsing Lewey as well as Bryan for tlift national ticket. DKWEY AT GRAND RAPIDS. Greeted by n Great Throng on HTIi Arrival There. Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 11.—A great throng greeted Admiral and Mrs. Dewey, as their special train rolled Into the union depot from Detroit this afternoon. Thay were Immediately driven to the Morton House under the escort of former United States Ambassador Edwin F. Uhl and for mer United States Consul Charles 8. Haz eltine. The Admiral and Mrs. Dewey retired to their room* at ohee, but later went for a drive through the city. This evening Hiey were given a reception in thi City Hall. To-morrow* they will review a monster pageant, which has been arranged in their honor, the principal feature of which will be 4he gaily uniformed divis ions of the Maccabees, who are hold ing their state encampment here. TRIAL OF THE KBXTI'CKY. Will Be Bv.nlr for Her Two Day# BCfl Trig on June 25. Washington, June lk—The raval in spection beard has been notified that tb* l a ileship Kentucky will be r*ady for her official two days sea trial cn the 25th iratant. The will start from off Newport, R. 1., where the board will Join thj slip 'l l ** Kentucky already lies bad her offi cial speed trial and has been accepted in .i preliminary way by the navy de part v civ. The trial yet to take place is simply 10 make suro that the. machin ♦ '.v and .Mill have developed no weakness or defect that should be made good by (Ia coni ractors. Th ship ha* actually been in commis sion for several months, and has been kept near In r home yard so long only bf an so i> w:s and omed expedient to have her within reach of speedy repair in ca some defect should develop. Kontuckp ill l ain* Henry. ' Gap. Henry, Vo., Juno 11.—'The battle ship Kentucky, from Hampton Roads, ifichored In tin* channel at noon. It does not appear likely that she will change her position to-day. IRELAND WHITES MAMfOLLA. ■ ■rotcntH Igalmt a Clin rite Slade In in a (tonic I'a tier. Rome, June 11.—The Osserv aore Ro mano publishes a letter from ArchbUhop Ireland to Cardinal Kampalla, papal sec retary of state, warmly protesting ugainst a recent statement by the Journal de Ge neve, which he characterizes as "rub bish” that he wrote <o the Duke of Nor folk. denouncing the doctrine of the tem poral ixrwer of the Pope and the methods of the congregation and the Romau curia. Mgr. Irelan 1 declares that he speaks and thinks with the Pope on such a se rious matter; and he reserves to himself the right to repeat these declarations by word of mouth to Cardinal Rampolla when next he visits Home In order to avail hlut.-elf of His Grace’s jubilee, and to receive the pupal benediction. ililtllKT IN RIDDICK CASE. rnnlKhiiient Fixed nt Three 4 ears for ilaimlanghter. Richmond, Va., Juno 11.—At Lawrence ville, 40-day the jury in the case of Rev. J. fci. R. Riddick, who killed Dr. W. H. Tempi*, brought in a verdict of man slaughter ami fixed the punishment at three years In the penitentiary. Whil* this verdict was In the nature of a com promise, It has not been determined whether the defense will accept it. Th* public are greatly difpu-tlsfled with it. Plague at Ills Ipnclro. Washington, June 11.—Surgeon General Wyman has received a cablegram from Dr. Havelberg, the representative of th* service in Rio Janeiro, saying that ther* have been I(|6 eases there since May 1 and thirty-one deaths. Dr. Havelberg doru not specify the epidemic to which he refers, but Dr. Wyman says.he has no doubt that it is p'.ague. The Plugnc In Australia. Adelaide, South Australia. June II.—A total of twenty-three deatha from the bubonic plague is officially teported from Rockhampton, Queensland. Two fresh , or* s are reparttd here, one of which has proved fatal. • /