The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 12, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SOUTH GEORGIA DEMOCRATS. FEEL THAT THEY AWE ENTITLED TO HECOGMTIOX, They Will Go to tlie Mote Conven tion in Force anil Will l re Iln ron anil Brantley for Oelesateo at La rue to Kansas Cl ty —>leetl n Held In Ornnauli'k at Which Plans W ere Decided I pon-W liat Judge “went Sayo. Brunswick. Ga . June 11.—There was a meeting of the prominent Democrats of the Eleventh district in Glynn county to-day. personally and by proxy repre sentatives from every county being pres ent. The meeting was preeldcd over by Judge Joel L. Sweat, and was for the purpose of organizing and promulgating to the Democrat** of the state, the claims of South Georgia, to recognition In the elec tion of delegates from the state at large, to the National Convention, and proposing that Georgia’s delegation In the House and Senate, be recognised by the naming of Senator A. O. Bacon and Congress man W. G. Brantley. Among those at the meeting to-day. were J. 1.. Sweat. L. A. Wilson, S. IV. Hitch. John C McDonald. John T. Meyers of Ware, F. W. Dart and R A. Hen dricks of Coffee. E. P id N. I Holland of Appling. D. M. Park of Wayne. R. O. Dickerson of Clinch. A. B Estes of Pierce. W M. Orliff of Charlton, end D. P. Rose of Camden. “The object of our meeting." eaid Chair man Sweat, “was to call attention to the fact that, out of all the ntnuf mention' 1 as delegates to the convention from the state at targe, not once has a South Geor gia man been included, except when Chairman dußignon’s name was proposed and he promptly declined. “In other states it ha also been tie rule to name some om> from the state’s representative* in lx>th Houses of Con gress. but not once here has such a name been proposed by Georgians. It was the •erne of the meeting that South Georg! i whould r>e recognized, and that at the s;jme time, the representatives should be rec ognized by the -ippointmentF of Congress man Brantley from the Eleventh district, and Senator Bacon, as two of the four delegates from the state at large, to Kan sas City. In line with such resolutions, a strong delegation will go from South Georgia to participate in the convention s work, and demand recognition for thiis end of the state." GAS PLANT CAIGHT FIRE. Harron Escape From Merlons Blaze at Gainesville, Fla. Gainesville, Fla., June 11.—This city was thrown into a fever of excitement this morning when it was discovered that the building owmed by the Gainesville Gas Company was on fire. The fire department, under Thief McAr thur, promptly responded, and soon had the flames under control, but It took some hard fighting, for when the Are boys reached the scene of the conflagration, the entire roof of the building, which Is a two-story one, was a sea of flame, and tt began to look as though the whole thing would go up in smoko. Soon after water was thrown, however, the flames began to give way and the department came out victorious, though the building was pretty badly damaged. The machinery used for making gas was unharmed and will be in good running order in the course of a few days. The loss to the company will probably reach SBOO, with insurance enough to more than repair it and put it in better condi tion than before the fire. It is a streak of luck for the city that the fire was not a loss to it. for the City Council had been negotiating for the purchase of the plant and the bargain was made, except passing the papers, which most likely would have been done in a day or #o As it Is, Mrs. \V. B. Goodwin, owner of the plant, will have to bear the loss, if any, but it is not likely that she will lose anything, as the insurance will fully reimburse her. TRIED TO KILL ALL THE CHEW. Penman's Bloody Work on the Italian Bark Pletn. Pensacola. Fla., June 11.—As a result of an effort by Seaman Raffael Pisano last night, to exterminate the crew of the Ital ian bark Pieta in port here. First Mate G. Scot to. died at noon to-day in St. An thony's Hospital, from a stab he re ceived from Pisano, and the latter is not expected to live. Capt. Mazzella and a seaman wore also ■wounded. The captain received stab in the chest, and the latter's hands were badly cut. Pisano was shot by Sootto after the latter had been stabbed. After returning from shore leave, Pieano at tacked the first one he met on the Pieta, who happened to be Mate Scot to. TRAIN DISPATC HERS TO MEET. Association Will Hold Annnnl Ses sion In Atlanta. Atlanta, June 11.—The Train Dispatch ers’ Association of America will meet In annual session here to-mot row. Two hun dred delegates are expected. The con vention will be called to order by Presi dent F. N. Schultz of Garrett, Ind. The convention will probably remain in ses sion three days. Many important questions relating to frs'n rules and the movement of trains will come up for discussion. The organization is national in its scope and recruits its membership from every rtate in the Union. Many delegates and the officers of the association arrived here to-day. COCKTAIL KILLED YOUNG BOY. He Drnnk Over Half n Pint and the Effect* Were Fatal. Atlanta. June 11.—Little Herbert Spitz, the 3 year 4 months’ old son of Mrs. K. Spitz, who lives at 167 Ivy street, died to-day from drinking over h half of a pint bottle of cocktail. The little fellow was left alone in Ids mother’s room, and he secured a pint bottle of cocktail from the mashstand and drank nearly all that w is in the bottle Only a very little had been previously used out of the bottle which was a full pint He fell Immediately to • >ep but when lie awoke, went into con vulsions that ended in his death. \ t ounterfeiter Sentenced. Atlanta. June 11.—Because he tried to raise a $1 bill to ten dollars, Joseph C. McEver* will serve three years in the l nlted States penitentiary. The attempt at raising the figure was rather crude, arid McEvers* persistency In trying to pass it on one merchant raised a sus picion, and he was taken in charge by the federal authorities. He was sentenced this afternoon. I’ll*** Cured Without tlc* Knife. Itching:, blind, bleeding or protruding pile*. No cure, no pay. Ail druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to refund the money where It fails to cure any case of piles, no matter of how long standing. Cure* ordinary cases in six days; the worst cases In fourteen days. One application Hrfvefi ease and rest. Relieves itching; in stantly. This is anew discovery, and is the only pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee; no cure, no pay. Price. .Vjc If your druggist don’t keep it j n stock, send us BOc in postage stamps, and we will forward same by mail. Manufac tured by Paris Medicine Company. Bt. Lout a. Mo, manufacturers of laxative Bromo-Quinlne and Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic.—ad. 44 Actions of the Just Smell Sweet/' The fragrance of life is vigor and strength, neither of which can be found in a per son whose blood is impure, and whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purtfies. vitalizes and enriches the blood, gives a good appetite and makes the weak strong. Run Down "My husband -was njn do*wn in health and all fired out. Those eicellenl medicines. Hood's Pills and Sarsa parilla, built him up again. Mrs. H. L. M ■*Wr\ l. Toqutnds. Pa. i Tj ju H<x<4 a Pill* rore liter>* non Irrttattajt >nl im\j *-*1 harttc to Uk* witli Hood a Ssr—panlU COM HI NED MISSION WORK. Itnptist C hnrclies to Concentrate Their Efforts. Atlanta. June 11.—The state secretaries of the Baptist State Mission Board, throughout the Southern states, will be here to-morrow for the annual conference with the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Rev. W. \V. Landrum. D. L>., president of th Home Mission Board, will preside. The members of the home hoard will near and consider the plans of the secre taries. The most interesting subject to be discussed, w v ill be the new century movement. This contemplates a more effective organization of more than ]B,iOo Baptist churches, with the view of in creasing their contributions io missions and education at home and abroad. The point at issue seems to b* that here tofore each state lias managed its own missionary work through its own organ ized channels. The change proposed is that the Committee on Co-operation of the Southern Baptist Convention should elicit, combine and direct ail the contributions of Southern Baptists without regard to state lines. Great importance is attached to set tlement of this question. The state sec retaries of the Home Mission boards of Alabama, Arkansas, District of Colum bia. Florida. Georgia, Indian Territory, Kentucky. Louisiana, Maryland. .Missis sippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Okla homa. South Carolina, Tennessee. Texa-s and Virginia, are expected to l>o present. FIGHT OVER SCHOOL ROOKS. %tollior Question That Will Come Ip In the Convention. Atlanta. June 11.—The effort to inject the local option plank in the slate Demo cratic platform next Thursday Is not go ing to be the only thing to precipitate a hot fight in the convention. It is assert ed equally as positive as in the case of the local option fight that a plank will be offered committing the party to a uni form system of text books throughout the state. This will prove as much a fire brand as the local option idea, so the del egates who come to Atlanta Thursday may look out for lively times. It is urged against the uniform text hook system that it creates a monopoly In the school books, and that it is a Pop ulist plank. The proposition will be fought anyway. Through Joseph Richardson, chairman of the Southeastern Passenger Associa tion, Vice Chairman Brown has secured a rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold June 12 and June 13 and for trains scheduled to arrive in At lanta prior to noon of June 14. The final limit of the tickets will be Saturday night, June 16. LARGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Virginia Bench Property nought by n Stock Company. Norfolk, Va., June 11.—On Saturday a contract was signed in Philadelphia con summating the largest transfer of real estate that has occurred in this section for many years. Practically the entire Virginia Beach property passed from the hands of the Norfolk and Southern Rail road Company into the possession of n stock company composed of capitalists from Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The property comprises 1.300 acres, in cluding the entire holdings of the railway company, the whole tract of land extend ing from the life-saving station to the Chautauqua grounds. Virginia Beach, with the exception of o-ne or two very small plats, and the Princess Anne Hotel, having been the property of the Norfolk and Southern, is, of course, included in the transfer. The price paid was $125*000. The capital stock of the new company is $500,000. XBW COTTON SEED Oil. flbb. An Enterprise With l.srge Capital Started In ClmrlcMton. Charleston. S. C.. June 11.—Contracts have been awarded the Buckeye lion and Brass Company of Dayton. Ohio, for tlie machinery for anew cotton need oil mill, to be erected here. Work on the plant will begin at once, as it is proposed to handle this year’s busi ness. The mill will have a capacity of 120 tons per day. and will be under the general direction of Mr. A. C. Me Pall, a mill man of wide experience. It Is not known Just yet who Is behind the under taking, but those in a |>ositlon to know what they arc talking of say the enter prise is backed by unlimited capital. DI AMOND Ql KEN’S* SBC RET. She mill Her IliiNlinnil Enemies Fif teen 1 en rs. From the Philadelphia Record. New York, June 7.—The case of Lynch vs. Lynch, in the Eighth District civil Court, to-day developed the remarkable fact that for fifteen years Mrs. Theresa Lynch, the "Queen of Diamonds," and her husband. John Lynch, Itvcd in their home, No. 2<>S West Thirty-fourth street and in all that time not a single word passed be t ween them. Mr. Lynch was removed from the house on Friday last to Amityville, L. 1., where lie was placed In a private asylum. Mrs. Lynch, who is reputed to lie worth several millions, has for nearly half : century been prominently identified with the diamond trade in this city. Only her most intimate friends knew of the exist ence of Mr. Lynch. He lived for the most inirt the life of a recluse. Mrs. Lynch’s lawyer explained to-day the cause of the long alienee which ex isted between the woman and her agedd husband. Fp to 1887, Lynch was n partner with Mrs. Lynch In the diamond business on I’nion Square. For several years prior to l&sr, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch disagreed be • nuse of the husband's expensive habits. Finally, when Ills conviviality threatened • o destroy the business the i<o-partnershjp was ended. Mr Lynch was given an allowance and did as lie pleased. The four sons and daughter were friendly with both parents, hut no reconciliation between husband and wife was ever effected THE MORNING NEWS; TUESDAY. JUNE 12. 1900. THE EMORY COMMENCEMENT. Strong. Sermon l> Blho|> Morrison, Sophomore Declamation. Emory College. Oxford, fia.. June 11.— The commencement sermon of Emory College was preached yesterday by JJishop H. C. .Morrison of Louisville, Ky.. ,n th* presence of a large congregation. The chapel-church was filled to its utmost capacity. Quite a crowd ame down from Atlanta for the express purpose of hear ing the serm n. The music rendered by the large choir was excell-, nt and appro priate. Bishop Morrison announced as h's sub ject, essentials to true manhood,” and took his text “Take heed unto thy self.” from Timothy. The sermon was one the greatest ever heard in Oxford and was greatly enjoy ed by the large audience. It was replete with sound wisdom and good advice to the members of the graduating class. In the evening the sermon was pr ach ed by Dr. W. C. Lovett of Atlanta, as sociate edi or of the Wesleyan Christian Advocate. The beard of trustees have elected Gram land Murray as adjunct professor of mathematics. Evening chapel has been abolished and henepforth only one j rayer service a day will be held./ This morning at ten occurred the sophomoe 'amation contest at which time the following spoke: Hunley Ab bott. of Macon; J. Leßoy Duncan, of At lanta; James \V. Hitch, of Waycross; F. K. Jenkins, of Shiloh; H. Warner Mar tin, of Atlanta; G. Arthur Meyers, of At lanta; Norman C. Porr. of West Point; John E. Ooaser, of Washington, Ga.; Bohert H. Timmons, of Atlanta; Theo phllus T. Turnbull, of Monticello, Fla.; Paul R. Turner, of (’edartown; Thomas Henry Wade, of Columbus. Ga. NEGROES BOYCOTTED C ARS. Refused to Hide In Rome—Vice Con sul to SciiKfipore. Rome. Ga.. June 11.—The negro popula tion of Rome has boycotted the electric street railway cars because of an order Issued to make them occupy the rear seats of the car while white people sat on the front seats. It is said thar the negro preachers, from their pulpits, have advised the negroes not to ride. Sunday is gen erally a great day here for negroes to ride, hut none were seen on the cars. ('apt. A. B. Smosely. who has been an pointed vice consul to Singapore and whose wife owns the Georgia, the official organ of the Federation of Women’s: Clubs, has not yet disposed of the paper. Until the paper is disposed of they will not decide on the time of their departure. Jiklro Candler nt Quitman. Quitman. Ga., June 11.—The adjourned May term of Brooks county Superior Court convened here this morning, with Judge John S. Candler, of the Stone Mountain circuit, presiding. Thrive will not be any great number of criminal cases to be tried. FINER A E INVITATIONS. O’KEEFE—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. James O'Keefe are invited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Joseph, froffi No. 24 Habersham street, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. IIEETIXG&. A.NCIEVr LAKDMAUK LODGE NO. 2*31, F. A A. M. A regular communication will be A held at Masonic TVmp!*' this (Tues XX day) evening at 8:30 o'clock. Tne F. C. degree will be conferred. Members- of sister lodges are invitfd o attend. ROBT. M. HITCH. W. M. JXO. 'S. HAINES. Secretary. DE KALB LODGE KO. 8, I. o. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held this evening at 8.30 o'clock at Met ropolitan Hal). Visiting brethren and member* of sis ter lodges are cordially Invited to attend. C. H. DOP.SETT, N. G. W. W. GRtfSS, Secretary. SAVANNAH LODGE Alt. 183, B. P. O. ELKS. ' 1 A regular meeting of this lodge will be held this (Tuesday) evening at S:3O o'clock at Elks' Hall. Visiting brothers are cor dially Invited to attend. There will be an initiation. J. J KIRBY, E. R. L. J. MAXWELL. Secretary. .NOTICE. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. Savannah, (la,, May 29, I9fjo A meeting of the stockholders of this bank will be held at the Banking House in this city on Wednesday. June 20 proxi mo. a,t 11 o'clock a. m.. to take action in regard to renewal of charter of the Bank which will expire In October, next. By order of the Board. JAMES St’LLIVAN, Cashier. SPECIAL .NOTICE*. The petit jurors of the City Court ted not appear until Wednesday, June 13, ISO. at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thos M. No wood, Judge. WARING RUSSELL. JR., Clerk. DR. ELLIOTT has returned to the city. TAX RETURNS 1800. LAST NOTICE. The tax digest for 1800 will positively be closed on Saturday. 16th Inst., at 2 p. ni., when all persons who fail to make re turn according to law will be entered In default .and double taxed. AH r r l and persona) property must be returned as held on February 1. 1900. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 2 p m. J NO. R. DILLON lb. T. R., C. C., Ga. THE CITI/.F-NS BANK OK SAVANNAH Savannah. Ga., June 8, 1900. The annual election for directors to man age the affairs of The Citizens Bank of Savannah for the ensuing year will he held at the bank on Tuesday. 12th Inst., between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. GEO. C. FRUKMAN. Cashier. COOKING CLAM —at— THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. This morning from 10 to 12 noon MISS JENNIE COHEN. Dcmora'rator. MENU TO-DAY. Corn Fritters. French Fried Potatoes. Lemon Pic. These demonstrations are free and are held every Tuesday and Friday morn ings from 10 to 12, commencing at 10 o'clock, sharp. Menu changed each demonstration. Ladies desiring admission for their cooks will apply for cards at the office of the Exchange. TUB WAN TO CLEAN CARPETS." The only way tc get your carpets prop, erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate or. the coat of the work. Pike* reasonable They also pack, move and •tore furniture and planoe. ' ' C. H MEDLOCK. Bupt. *IXI Mgr. (fAERTEXj) ' c A*MENf 5 * "AERTEX” Cellular Underwear is ideal for summer wear because of its extremely light weight and construction which provides a ready means of escape for perspiration and the vapors arising from the heated body, These properties make “Aertex” Cellular Under wear the most comfortable and healthful. Illustrated catalogue with prices supplied on application. “ AKHTEX ” CELLULAR I'NDER WEAIt wear* mnch better than any other line notv on the market, and the price* are within reneh of al um* t everybody. For sale by B. H. LEVY & BRO. SPECIAL -NOTICES. TABLE D'HOTE. 60c—DINNER-500 Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9. Tuesday, Jure 12 Clare* Wine. Little Neck Clams on the half shell. SOUP. Okra Tomato FISH. Black Fish, Parsley Sauce Potatoes ala Duche-ee Sliced Tomatoes with French Dressing Chow Chow Mixed Pickles Queen Olives ROASTED. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy. Squash, with Dressing ENTREES. Deviled Crabs, d’Orleans Boston Baked Beans VEGETABLES. New Potatoes Mashed Squashes Stewed Tomatoes Rice Candied Yams Sugar Corn PASTRY AND DESSERT. . Vanila Custard Pi* Assorted Cakes Cheese Crackers Fruits Umon Water Ice French Coffee At LEV'AN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. BISCUITS AND CRACKERS. ATTRACTIVE, CRISP AND DAINTY. This is a large and prominent depart ment in our business. We handle a greai variety, all of which can be relfid on as fresh. Try our delightful Snaps at 10c prr pound. A. M. & C. W. WEST. LITY’I DISCOUNT BIOTIC®. YOU WILL save; TEX PFR CENT. By paying yoar bills on or be* foro the 15th Inst. B. H. LEVY A BRO. BUY ONLY THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of that city. These springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. 6ole Southern Agents, Savannah, Ga. M ALT ME % n On draught, ice cold, drawn di.ect from the wood. P. MANNING. ISO >DS EXECL TKD By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (immediately upon appli cation). all bonds in judicial proceeding* in either the state or United State* courtF. and of administrators end guardians. DEARING & HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Buitaing. LARGE WAREHOUSE AIVU OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June l, i offer It for rent from that date H. P SMART. *25,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest BECKETT & BECKETT. 24 President street, east. WOLF'S FLOWERS AT CONIDA'S. I have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at hla Bull street store at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flowers. He will also take orders for Designs or any apecial order for special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. DR. H. H. .MARTIN, 7 Jones Street,, West. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear. nose and throat. Hours—9 to 1. 4 to 6. and by appoint ment, • > -v . . PALMER HARDWARE CO., Bay and Jefferson Streets, Up to Dote Hardware. BALL BEARINGSL. The most complete line of Builders’ Hardware in the South. rnrr demonstration rnrr rHrr ah the week, H-frr I I ILL JUNE 11 tola 3 SILL Beginning Monday morning and concluding Sat urday night, Mrs. Rees will demonstrate the cele brated . : VAN KAMP:. BAKED BHA,'SS, SOUPS (all sorts), VhGETABLCS (all sorts), CANNED MEATS (all sorts), C ANNED GAME (all sorts). The ladies of Savannah, whether our customers or not, are respectfully invited to attend. • MUNSTER’S, Phone 554. Duffy and Drayton streets. WE ARE ABLE & READY TO PLEASE YOU. Savannah Steam Laundry Go,, II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. PTY SMOKERS KEEbIE characteristic of i be smoked freely, illion of them, Mr. J. PINKOSSOII S Cl 206 Bay Street, VV'est. Savannah, Gi BONDI X LEDEREH Makers, New Tork. BUSINESS NOTICES. Coffee Connoisseurs all prefer the justly celebrated FIFTH AVENUE It is an unexcelled Java and Mo cha, selected right, parched right, mixed right and handled right. SPECIAL ATTENTION i* invited to the fact that this Coffee, in tins, is packed and pealed while hot from the roaster, thus preserving the ex quisite flavor. In 2-11 cans 75c. in bulk, per lb., 35c, Or 3-lbs. for SI. The S. W. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. Both Phones 76. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPARKLETS. Just the thing for picnics, maroons, excursions, and summer. A glass of the finest and purest soda water can be made in one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, Congress street and Bull Street Branch Store. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seat3 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-loot 4-horse power, seats 16 per sons—s6s9. These are the “Ideal” gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of Racine, VVis., and used at all the fuus and exhibitions in the Western stales. Starts In a minute. No fire, no smoke, no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LI PPM AN BROTHERS. Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine, Boats. MANTELS, GRATES NAD TILING. We have the largest stock, prettiest de signs, lowest prices. Call and examine our before buying. Beautify your new house with pret'.y mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. PLASTERERS* AND MAHONS* SLP PLIES, Cement, Lime, Plaster. Hair and River Sand. Prompt delivery. Reasonable price. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congiesa. , Phone 519, r' * > BUSINESS NOTICES. A FI VE ECU I PAGE. Such not only attracts admirinjr atten tion. but affords its owner comfort nn.| satisfaction. When you want n carriage, you want it to be easy riding and supplied nith all tue modern appliances for safety, speed and comfort. Such are the Babcock] B roc ft w.i y, Studebaker and Woodhull ve: hicics. Kvr: y one strictly guaranteed. COHEN-K t LiM A X < 'AKRIAGB AND WAGON COMPANY, Broughton and West Bio,id streets. Moigtin & Wiight’s Rubber Tires. You Don't Take it for Granted When you buy at this store. Otr guarantee la hack of every article. And we tell you positively that wo are In a position lo meet competition from any quarter, and beat most of No 1 teller lime to buy diamonds! than the present. Hunter & Van Keuren, Jewelers. 143 Bull street. IfirwfS AT H THUNDERBOLT A HARVARD Beer. Henry Ambos. For Most Reliable Work, 307 Bull Stteet. Telephone 709. OLD NEWSPAPERS, JOO for 2S cema, M Dullness Office Morning New* LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. Kr.T.r* Freeldent. Vice President W. F. M'CAtTLET. Cashier. TH&GHfITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account* of Merchants, Firms, Individuals, Bank, and Corporations, liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection faculties, lnstr • ins prompt returns. Sep irate Savings Department IMEUKST CtAU'l>bAl>Jlii> ulun. tebly on deposits. Safety Deposit Box,* and Vault, fee rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK oAVA.NeSAii, GA. £ ap i lta !* $300,0 U Undivided profits 60,0wi 1 iiii. tank oilers ita services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the pxlncipa! cltlea i* Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits in the Saving Department* Safely Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass’t Cashier. Tiie Ciiizenslaiik OF SAVANNAU, Tr „ CAPITAL, 5500,000. trau...., - . Business. bulfcii. Account, of Individuals, Merchant,, Bunk, and other Corpo. rations. Collections handled with safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded Quarterly nlloned on deposits In onr Savins. Department. • Safety Deposit Boxes and Stora*. Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. President. MILLS B. LANE. Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashier. SOUTHERN BfINK of the State of Georgia. Capital 5600,00) Surplus and undivided profits—...—5358,00 q JJEx'GtiiXOAY OF TiilsJ bTATK O*' GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor transacting a General ±5 an King business. Collections made on all points ’ accessible through nanus and bankers Accounts or liaiiiTei a, >iercni.nta and others solicited. t>afe Deposit Boxes sor rent. Department cf Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London Cl and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULTJVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JO9EPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIfIL EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. ini tel SSI a CAPITAL *350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid Quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. * : JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. No. IMB. Chartered, 1862 THE Mils 111 1 It OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,009. SURPLUS. $100,009. L'.Niihb aI’ATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with eafe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. ToFsaleT Oue lot ."Dillu ou Tenth utrect, near Jeflernon. One oi fiOxl.s on Ninth street* near Jefferson. Prices lower, than anythin? *l** in the nei^bboriiood, and terms very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. non SETT. IT Jam Piste For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x12. It Is In good order. Trice SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for .lt and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Gsu Boiler for Sals, We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks since, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will •ell it for slOl, delivered it any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler Is In good shape, and would not be sold had it not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning Ncwa, SavaDoab, Ga.