The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FOUR HUNDRED DELEGATES ARK 1* ATLANTA 4*ll REIDV FOR THE CONVENTION. A* There Are No Contest* Everything Promises to Be Quite Harmoiiona. Only Flflfht Will Be Over Dele- Rntm at l.rr to Knnnn* City, anti That Will Be hood \ntnred—Torn 1 Option Inane tfay Caane Quite a Stir. Atlanta. June 13.—Four hundred dele gate* are here tonight from every county In the state to attend the Democratic State Convention, which will convene in the Hall of Representatives at the capitol to-morrow at 10 o’clock. The convention will formally nominate a full state ticket, choose delegates at Urge from the state to the Kansas City convention, and select presidential elec tor*. There will he no contest for places on the state ticket, as the delegates enter the convention instructed by a Mate pri mary held a month ago, in which there were no contests, and the present incum bents will be named at to-morrow’* con vention. A contest will be waged over the dele gates' places to the National Convention as there are four position? and six an nounced candidates. Charlton E. Hattie of Muscogee county will likely be temporary chairman and Fleming dußt&non of Savannah perma nent chairman of the convention. The platform to be adopted will follow* party lines with an Indorsement of W. J. Bryan and planks affecting local condi tion*. The Local Option Fight. The hotel lobbies were crowded till a late hour to-night with the advance guard of del+jtatee who are here to attend the con vention to-morrow. Senators Bacon and Clay among the number Some old-time wire-pulling is being done for delegates at large to the national con vention. There is still some talk of put ting Senator Bacon on the delegation. The fight promised for to-morrow is on the local option plank, and a stormy ses sion it promises to be. The whisky men •re urging the fight. They want the party committed now irrevocably to local option so that it will fomtall any future efforts ♦6 pass a state prohibition bill. The whis ky men and their allies are here in force, r # and local option is all the talk. Some of the best men In the party are opposing the putting of auch a plank in the plat form. as they think it would be not only unwise, but foolhardy. Senator Flay and Congressman Bartlett are opposing it vig orously. Right at this time it Is difficult to pre dict what will be the outcome. The advo cates of local option are numerous and are talking loud. TOO ALOW FOR ATL %NT A. People Fear Censns Takers Will Not t ftnnl Everybody. Atlanta, June 33—Atlanta is raising a howl because it is feared that the een ns takers will not get through their work by next Friday, the last day, and consequently ome of the people are alarmed because there may not be such a wonderful increase in Atlanta's popu lation as has been bo eagerly desired. The division of the districts was a hungletr mo piece of work. Two m*n have adjoining districts. One has been through his work several days and has betn lamorirg for another district. The adjoining enumerator will probably need a quarter or half more time. There Is a yennral belief that the census will not count after the time expires. Fnele Bam is going io have his census complete if it takes all summer, and At lanta can ret assured that the wi 1 he numbered, including the stranger at the door. WILL SELECT OFFICERS. Name* Suggested by the Train Dis patcher*' Committee. Atlanta, June 13.—At the opening of the •econd day’s session of the thirteenth an nual convention of the Train Dispatch er*' Association of America here to-day, the nominating committee nominated the following officers for the next year: President, J. R. Lusk. New Castle, Pa.; vice presidents. F. 8. James. Cherokee, la.; L. E. McCabe, Fort Worth, Tex., and John P. Mann. Ennis, Tex.; secretary and treasurer, J. F. Mackle. Chicago Only one vice president will be elected. The committee also suggested the follow ing places as suitable for the convention of IBM: Pittsburg. Cleveland, San Francisco, Denver, and Eureka Spring* Ark. To-day‘* session was t*ken up with a dismission of special rules in connection with extra train* running in section under protection of white signals. Ml SIC TEACHERS* MEETING. Comm if teen Were Annonnred for the Etanning dear. Atlanta. June 13.—The Southern Mu*ic Teachers' Convention held several sessions to-day. beside* hearing recitals from prom inent musicians who were present. President Joseph McLean has announced the following committees for the ensuing jear; Constitution. Dr. R !!. Peters. Bpartan burg. P. C.; Ferdinand Dunkley, Asheville, and C. A Thompson. Anniston. Nominarions-B (\ Davis. Atlanta; L. M Hubbard. Atlanta, and F. S. Thomp son. Richmond. Resolutions—(’. C. Washburn. Birming ham; Miss Roberta Seawall, Nashville, and Miss Blanca Noa. Chattanooga. Several intereating papers were read be fore the convention to-day. This afternoon between 5 and 7 o’clock a public* reception was tendered the visit ors at the Governor’s mansion. A Wag nerian concert was rendered to-night. INDICTMENTS WERE FAt'LTY. Foar Doetors, C harged With Illegal Practice, Released. Atlanta. June I.3.—Because of faulty in dictment? four doctors charged wi h prac ticing illegally were released by Judge Calhoun of the City Criminal Court to day. The doctors were W. C. Van Valen, G. K. Woodward, W. R. Price and M C. Hardin. The attorneys for the do tor* claim and the charges in the indictments were rot sufficiently specific. The doctors .vere charged with practicing illegally, but it was not specified how they hod practiced, whether with drugs, surgery or seme olhr r means The lawyers also contended that the indictment ought to contain the nanfc ©f a patient on whom the doc to s had practiced. f.nna for llrumhy'a Grave. At lam a. June 13,-M.ijor Woodward telegraphed to Ihe authorities at the Mare Island navy yard at San Francteco ihH morning to turn over the two Spanish guns captured at Manila, intended to adorn Brumby's grave in Oakland ceme I to Sou, l'em Pacific for ahlpm nt The delay in forwarding the gur.e was exer the quesilon of the payment of the fielghi charges, which they had guaran teed when the guns were presented. For l.nrceny After Trust. Atlanta June i.h I The wholesale gioc ry firm of J. J. end J. E. Maddox, had <nr of their young men arretted on the charge of larceney after true; and the voting tfiin was committed to Jail In default of bond. The firm refuses to give outTany Infor ms non and the young man refuse. , 0 tall* 4 4 Strike t'or Your Attars and Your Fires. " Patriotism is always com mendable, but in every breast there should be not only the desire to be a good citizen, but to be strong, able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood’s Sarsapa rilla is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages. H limor “ When I need a blood puri fier I like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It cured my humor and is excellent as a nerve tonic." Josie Eaton. Stafford Springs. Ct. Food * Pill* cur* liver ill* th* non-Irritating and only' cathartic jo tsks with ffe*4’> 3ar—psrtn* TIFTON SHIPPING PEACHES. Fine Varieties Now Being Sent Com mand Good Prices. Tifton, Ga., June 13.—Peach shipments continue to go forward from Tifton in large quantities. A solid car. containing 578 crates was shipped via the Plant Sys tem last night to New York. Shipments by express have been arriving at their destination In suJh bad condition that our growers aro shipping in refrigerator car? whenever possible. Our growers also have a great advan tage in being connected, via the Tifton and Northeastern, with the Seaboard Air Line, and thus have active competition, both with refrigerator and railway lines. The fruit that is being shipped now i of much finer quality than that shipped two week? ago and for which such fabu lous prices were realized. It is of the Alexander, Early Rivers and the Triumph varieties, and is of superior size nnd flavor. An extra fine, selected lot of Tri umphs. shipped to New York and arriv ing there last Saturday, brought $5 per crate, while the other varieties were sell ing for $1.50 to $1.75. A party of Tlftonlane. consisting of S. M. Clyatt. H. S. Murray. J. R. and Will lard Gaulding. Dr. J. A. McCrea, William Wilson, and others, are down at F’ark on a camp fish, leaving here last Sunday. Reports received so far indicate an excellent catch. During a thunderstorm at Alapaha last Sunday raiher an unusual phenomenon oc curred when the well in (he yard of Mr. Joseph Fletcher was struck by lightning Fortunately, no one was near the well at the time, and no damage was done beyond the splintering of the curbing. TATE NAMED FOR CONGRESS. Ninth District Convention Indorsed Chicago Platform. Gainesville, Ga., June 13.—The Ninih District Congressional convention me* here to-day to nominate a candidate for the Fifty-seventh Congress. All of the Coun ties of the district were represented and the convention was a pleasant and har monious one. Hon. Carter Tate was put in nomination by Hon. Thomas Hutche son of Cherokee and the nomination wis seconded by McKlmaey of White and Mc- Donald of Pickens. The nomination pre vailed unanimously and Congressman Tate was declared the nominee. Resolutions endorsing the Chicago plat form. denouncing trusts and imperialism, and expressing sympathy for the Boers were adopted. Congressman Tate was also commended. John W. Penley of Pickens was elect*-1 chairman of the Executive Committee of the district for two- years. WELL-KNOWN LADY'S DEATH. Demise of Mrs. Elisabeth Kendrick of Anierlciis. Americus, Ga., June 13.—Mrs. Elizabeth Kendrick, one of the most prominent ladies of Americus and widely known, died this morning after a short illness. The de eas ed was reared in Monroe county, but te sided hero for half a century. Her l'fe and wealth were largely devoted to char ity and the entire city mourns her death. She was a sister-in-law of Rev. J. Hyland Kendrick, formerly president of Vaa sa r College, and likewise of Dr. Isabel Kendrick of Rochester, N. Y. f one of the revisers of the translation of the New Testament, besides being prominently connected in Georgia Her funeral from ♦he Baptist Church this afternoon was largely attended. SENTENCED TO TWENTY YEARS. Negro Convicted of Attempted As sault on Little Girl. Americus, Ga., June 13.—Within five day* after incarceration in the Sumter county Jail Elbert Trice, the negro who attempt'd criminal assault upon a little white girl near Americus. has been Indicted by a special grand Jury, tried, convicted and sentenced to twenty years in the peni tentiary. The case was tried this afternoon with closed doors. Judge Littlejohn excluding the public, not even lawyers being permit ted to remain in the court room. The evidence against Trice was quite mrong and the Jury quickly rendered a verdict of guilty, which meets general approval. The intended victim of the negro was only six years old. WERE SECRETLY MARRIED. Allas llrnmhj of Marietta and Air. R. W. Dntton of Atlanta. Gainesville, Ga.. June 13.—1 t became known here to-day that Miss Mariah Brumby of Marietta and Mr. Robert W. Dutlon of Atlanta were secretly married in this city Inst 'Friday afternoon. Miss Brumby i daughter of Mayor Brumby of Marlene and Mr. Duttcn is a promt: ♦ -nt Insurance man of Atlanta. The marriage was to have been kept se cret for nome time, hut the affair gained publicity to-day. Miss Brumby only m'd Mr. Dutton w-eek ago lasi Thursday, on a trip to Dahlonega. Their friend* were much surprised when the marriage be came known. SOLD “WINNING HANDS.** A Aegro “Conjnrer" Gets lllntaclf Into Trouble nt Dublin. Dublin. Ga., June 13.—Yesterday a negro by the name of Bob McAllister was put on the gang by Mayor Hick? for twenty days for working upon the superstitious side of negro women and “doing” them out of $1.30 each McAllister claimed to t>e a con jurer and sold to all who would buy some thing which lie called a “winning hand.” By the use of this, according to M A Uls ter. the women could sway the male popu- I tat ion at will. A "winning hand” consists [of two gun *-aps. some roots. I. penny, hunch of hair odnv up m wad and the whole sewed up in a rack. MUs I. nr reft* |. Hnle Dead. Boston. June 13.—Miss Lucretla Pe*- k tody Hale died yesterday in her 80th year. THF.MOKNJNG NEWS: THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1900. THE NEWS AT DC BLIN. ('lose Contest for Alnyor— A New Factory in flight. Dublin. Ga.. June 13.—0n Monday next a white primary will be held in Dublin for the nomination of a mayor and n board of aldermen. For mayor there are two candidates, J. B. Hicks. Esq., the pres ent incumbent, and T. V. Sanders. Esq. The race is very hot ami it is the opinion of many that there will not be ten votes difference when all of the i>allots are counted Monday. ♦ ’lose elections have been the order In Dublin for several years past. I>ist year Mayer Hicks was nominated by a margin of only Fix votes and the year before he was defeated by Judge Jno. S. Adams by four votes. This year there are 337 vote? registered. In a few - days an application for a char ter fer the manufacture of baseball bald and hoe. axe and broom handles will be applied for in Dublin. The capital stor*k will le* $5,000 with the privilege of Increas ing to $50,000. The machinery has already been purchased and arrived yesterday. From fifteen to twenty hands will be em ployed. The contract for the erection of the necessary buildings for the Dublin Cot ton Mill will b© let probably to-morrow. Some time since bids for the erection o f the buildings we e arh ertisf and for but owing to the absence from the city of Mr. William IriV-hett, president of the mill, the bids were not opened. The building will cost about $35,000. Cai t Tt. K. Henry, president of the Dublin Hankirs Cos., and general manager of the Georgia Warehouse and Compress Company, is dangerously ill at his home in this city. ( apt. Henr> was for years president of the Louise Steamboat Com pany, of this city, and is one of the lead ing capitalists in ibis section of Georgia Judge fra S. Chappell ard Miss Cora Mathis of th's city, were married yes terday morning and left immediatelv for an extended bridal tour. Judg> Uhap- I**ll ia city attorney of Dublin, and is ox judge of the Ciy Court, of Laurens County. Messers. A. B. Jones and G. B. Pope, two local capitalists, have formed a co partnership for the purpose of putting a line of steamers upon the Oconee river in opposition to the Louise Steamboat Com pany. In a days work will begin upon the first of boats. Copt. John M. Graham has the contract. TWO PRISONERS ESCAPED. Bnf They Were R eca pftired nml Re turned to Henuforf .fall. Beaufort. S. C\, June 13.—Two negro prisoners. Scipio Robinson ami Sam Wal lace, escaped from the county jail here yesterday. They were temporarily lonfin ed. together with a little boy, in a cell used for female prisoners, end broke through a lath and plaster partition w'hich separated them from a corridor, at the end of which an iron door leading Into the jail yard was open to admit an old man whose duty it was to serve dinner. The boy alarmed the keeper, but the men had scaled the high fence surrounding the promises and effected their escape. Mr. W. C. Bellows. Jr., traced them across the National Cemetery and through a corn field Immediately in its rear. Following the trial it was found that they had gone dc-wn to the river and stolen a boat. As the tide was very low they could not get out into the main river, so went up into a narrow crf%k In the marsh to wait for high tide, and there they were seen by several per sona from the high bluff above the river. The deputy sheriff procured a boat and made towards them, but when he came up to their boat they wore gone, and al though the tide was high nothing was seen of them until almost dark, when they were arrested in an exhausted con dition almost two miles from the joint where they had left their hoU. Sam Wallace had attempted to swim across an arm of Beaufort river, and was drowning when he was captured. Both men hp.d thrown away their clothes and were nude when captured. They were safely return ed to jail at 9 p. m.. and placed in o steel cell, where it is not likely they will effect a second escape. COMMENCEMENT AT ROANOKE. Session of the College AVn* I nn nally Successful. Salem, Ya . June 13.—The exercise* of the forty-seventh commencement of Roa noke College, including the able discourses on Sunday, the baccalaureate by Rev. Charles S. Albert. D. D., of Philadelphia, and the annuel address before the Young Men’s Christian Association by Prof. James A. Quarles, D. D.. LL. D.. of Washington and Lee University; the alumni address by Dr. F. V. N. Painter of the faculty, on Tuesday, end the elo quent oration before the Literary Socle* ies by Gen. Stewart L. Woodford of New York city on yesterday evening, and the alumni dinner this afternoon, have been very successful throughout. They closed to-day with the graduating addressee ar*d conferring of degrees. It wo? announced that the session had been unusually successful from a finan cial standpoint. the gifts for current ex penses having been larger than for many years. Two bequests of $2.0 0 each we re paid during the year. The college has had n successful y nr with students enrolled from ten Southern and seven Northern states; six Porto Rico, two from Cuba and one f’h from Japan. Korea and the Oneida In dians of Wisconsin. Among those present was Tam Eui Ye. noting minister for Korea John Haskell Rooton, of Luray. Ya.. delivered the vale dictory. which for the third time was in verse. President Dreher conferred the de grees. SHORT AND SIMPLE CREED. Prominent Presbyterians Moving for a Clian*te. | New York. June 13.—At the mid-summer meeting of the Presbytery of Nas nu yes terday Rev. Samuel T. Carter, one of the three clergymen who slatted In thl< country the movement a revision of the Confession of Faith, moved an hn far more radical than any heretofore pro posed. The motion, which was car:led unanimously, provides for the sending of th* following letter to every Presbytery in the world: “Dear Breathren: The Presbytery of Nassau ventures to make a fraternal sug gestion to you in the matter of creed chan*©. We have suffered heretofore from a lack of unity and concentration in the recommendation of Piesbyieries. Will you not give serious consideration to the wis dom of unitedly asking from the General Assembly a short ami simple creed to be substituted for our present Confession of Faith?” South Carolina Cotton. Columbia. June 13.—Cotton 1? now doing well. It is undersized for the season, and some is not up, and in the northwestern counties chopping to stands Is not finished, where the crop also needs cultivation. Some sections report the prevalence of lice. The crop now needs sunshine and hot weather It Is fruiting will In the south eastern countk. SPECIAL NOTICES. sTrh?TTATr'No x All bills against the Italian bark “Anlel lino" must be presented at our office before 12 o'clock m . this day or payment thereof will be debarred. STRA(’HAN & CO.. Consignees. Savannah. Go., June 14. 1900. lilt It l\. IIHM |\, BRICK. Augusta brick and others. Good slock on hand. Lowest prices, prompt delivery. Be* our samples and price* before buying. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. ‘tAUMtHI* 1 "AERTEX” Cellular Underwear is ideal for summer wear because of its extremely lijfHt weight and construction which provides a ready means of escape for perspiration and the vapors arising from the heated body. These properties make ‘‘Aertex’’ < CeHuUr Under wear the most comfortable and healthful. Illustrated catalogue with prices supplied on application. “AERTEX" CELI.I LAR UNDER WEAR upur* innch better than any other line sou on the market, and the price* are within reach of al most everybody. For sale by B. H. LEVY Sc BRO. MEETINGS ZLRIBII ABEL LODGE NO. 15, F. Jk A. M. A regular communication of this aa Ijodge will be held this (Thursday) evening, a 8:15 o’clock. * The F. C. Degree will be conferred. Member* of sister lodges and transient brethren are fraternally invited 10 meet with us. By order PLEASANT A STOVALL. W. M. J. A. HER9CHBACH, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. TAN HETI HAS 1000. LAST NOTICE. The tax digest for 1900 will positively he closed on Saturday. 16th inst.. at 2 p. m., when all persons who fail o make re turn according to law will lie entered in default and double taxed. All rral anl personal property must be returned aa held on February l. 1900. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. JNO. R DILLON R. T. R., C. C., Ga. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. A dividend of ($2.50) two dollar* and fifty cents per share on the capital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company will be paid on and after July 3. 1900. to stockhold ers of record on the books of the company at the close of business on June 16, 1300. Dividends payable at the office of the com pany in Macon. Ga., and at the Citizens Bank of Savannah. Savannah, Ga. The books of the company will be dosed from June 17. 1900. to July 5. 1900, both inclusive. By order of the board. JOHN M. WALKER. Secretary and Treasurer. TO THE PI HI,IC. The members of the Builders' Ex change of this city, embracing every branch of the building trades, desire to inform our friends and patrons that w* arc in position to make estimates on all new or repair work, and to execute all contracts awarded us in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Respectfully yours. THE BUILDERS’ EXCHANGE. By JOHN R. EASON. President. HENRY M. W ARD. Secretary. SAVANNAH RIFLE ASSOCIATION. June 14th. 1900. The annual contest for prizes will take place at Avondale Range this afternoon, on arrival of the car leaving Bolton street at 4 o’clock; to be followed by the annual banquet at the Hannon House on arrival of the cars leaving Bolton street at 8 o’clock. W. G. AUSTIN, Secretary. TABLE D’HOTE. 50C-DIN.NEK-50C Dinner 1 fo 3 and 6 to 9, Thursday, June 14. Claret Wine. Little Neck Clams* on the half shell. SOUP. Noodle. FISH. Baked Bass. Wine Sauce. Pottvoes ala Monace. Sliced Tomatoes, French Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed PLkles, Queen Olives. ROASTED. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy. Chicken, with Panama Dressing. ENTREES. Brazed Breast of Lamb, with Green Peas. Green Corn Fritters, Maryland 6tyle. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes. String Beans. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. Sugar Corn. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pineapple. Custard Pies. Assorted Cake. Cheese. Crackers. Fruits. Rice Pudding, Fruits Sauce. Rice Pudding, Fruit Sauce. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, \ 111 Congress street, west. SPECIAL NOTICE. Soft Shell trails to-day and Fri day, Go to CTty Market for natare'a on n food. Everything from forest, farm and stream. H. LOGAN, City Market. FOR SALE. The residence No. tkm Dra.vton street, facing Forsyth Park. Exceptional lo cality. Apply on premises. TO LET, From Oct. 1, that desirabl** s ore on Broughton street at present occupied by Garfunkel & Sens. Apply to HENRY B.'.r.N. WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING. We carry complete assortment of latent style papeis. and employ only best at data 6ee our goods and get our estimate bo fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO„ Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone £l9. THE MAI TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone I, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Pries* reasonable They also pack, move and •tore furniture and pianos. C. 11. MEDLOCK- Supt. and Mgr. 9'.' .1,000. One of our clients has placed in our hands $2£,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT A BECKETT. '>. It President street, east. rnrr demonstration rnrr rnrfc AU the week, H-Irr I I ILL JUNE LI to l(i. ■ Beginning Monday morning and concluding Sat urday night, Mrs. Rees will demonstrate the cele brated .: VAN KAMP:. BAKED BEANS, SOUPS (all sorts), VEGETABLES (all sorts), CANNED MEATS (all sorts),. CANNED GAME (all sorts). The ladies of Savannah, whether our customers or not, are respectfully invited to attend. MUNSTER’S, Phone 554. Duffy and Dravton streets. l&Ri TOM KEEnF HHjP 5c CIGAR | \ will give you the most pleasure for 5c I y of any cigar manufactured. \/%£\ Motto Always Good mZz \ l PINKOSSOHI I {ft, I J J 206 Ba > Street, West. I J Distributors, I- Savannah, Ga. j n J Hi Makers, New York. WE ARE ABLE & READY TO PLEASE YOU. Savannah Steam Laundry Cos., II Congress Street, West, Phone 383. ■FECIAL NOTICES. PRESERVE YOIH SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There Is no guesswork In our methods. We have the latest and most approved scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or jewelers who han dle inferior glasses as a side line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.—Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. BLY ONLY THE BEST GINGER ALE. The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of that city. These springs are the property of 'Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale la the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sole Southern Agent*. Savannah, Ga. SPARKLETS. Just the thing for picnics, maroons, excursions, and summer. A giass of the finest and purest soda water can be made in one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, Congress street and Bull Street Branch Store. LEVY’* DISCOUNT KOTtCR. YOB WILL SAVR TEN PER CENT. By paying yonr hills on or be fore the 15th inst. B. H. LEVY * DUO. KOII SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-hortc power, seats $ per sons— J 330. One 25-foot 4-horse power, seats 16 per sons— J 650. these are the “Ideal'* gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. of 1 tactile, Wis., and used at all the iuila and exhibitions in the Western stales. Starts in a minute. No lire, no smoke, no dirt, and fuil trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to HITMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists, Agents for Racine Boats, LARGE \t Mll ilul *|; , Nll OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and \N agon Cos. As they will give up business In the dly on June j, j offer It for rent from that dale H. P. SMART. DR. 11. 11. MARTIN, 7 Jones Street, West. Practice limited to diseases of eye ear noee and throat. Hours—9 to 1, 4 to S, and by appoint menu BUSINESS NOTICES. A FINE EftLIPAGE. Such not only attracts admiring atten tion, but affords its owner comfort nnd satisfaction. When you want carriage, you want it to be easy riding and supplied with all the modern appliances for safety, speed and comfort. Such are the Babcock, Broekway, Studebaker and Woodhull ve hh-les. Every one strictly guaianteed. COHEN-KULiMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY. Broughton and West Broad streets. Morgan & Wilght’s Rubber Tires. FOB THE BRIDE. ~ Bra ii I j fill .IHWFLS—RSc’Ii (IT <iI,4SS-STKrtLl\(; S||,\ ICR. " A HE, all tin* latest patternM. LAMBS and (il.OllKS—Handnomp BItl('-\-BH.\r, Hundred* 7 !\(>\ KLTIKS. Ilenntifal (KM KS nnd ORV\MEATS. \*k to *ee the cheat* of TAHLK SILVER. Hunter & Van Keursn, Jewelers, 143 Bull Street. A HARVARD Beer on Ice. PU UNION HOTEL, West Broad St. For Most Reliable Work, 3 ( 7 Hun Street. Telephone 700. m iAL XOTICEft. NATIONAL MATTHIISB AM) UMNO. \ ATING CO. All kinds mattresses made to order. Fine c urled hair nnd moss mattresses a specin ty. Our medicated steam renovating pro cess of hair, leathers, moss, etc.. is en dorsed by our local physicians as being the best germ desticyer In use. Your old mat tresses or feather beds made new at reas onable prices. We carry a full line of tick ings. hoir. feathers and moss. Call and in spect our methods. JAS. R. DOONKH. Prop.. Bell Phone 113 G. 331 Drayton street. HO MIS lOYBOrITF.n By ihe American Boudins and Trust Com pote of Baltimore. Wo are authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in Judicial proceedings in either the state or United tttatea courts, and of administrators and guardians. BEARING A HUM* Agents. Telephone 32*. Brovkknt Bull'.inf. LEOPOLD ADLER. c . 8 ELLI. President. Vie. FreeMenC* W. F. M’CATTDET. Caehler THEGHfITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account, of Merchants. Firms. Individuals. Banka and Corporations. ** Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities. Injua. !ng prompt returns. Separate Savings Department ISTEREST COMPOUNDED HCAa. TERLV on deposit*. Rafety Deposit Boxes and Vaults tm rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BAN? SAVANNAH, GA. Capital __ Undivided profits .1.’”""’!""' ia£ This bank otters its services to corpora! t.ons, merchants and individuals. Haa authority to act as executor, ad. inlnlstrator, guardian, etc. w Issues drafts on the principal cities Great Britain and Ireland and on th! Continent. ' Interest paid or compounded quarteri. on deposits In the Saving Department Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BI.UN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. ** WALTER F, HOGAN. Ass't Cashier. The Citizenslai OF SAVANNAH. Trnt CAPITAL, 5500,00a 1 raiicaw es4Ukiß| Bmincia. Solicits Accounts at Individual*, Merchants, Dunks and othec Corps, rations. Collections handled with safety economy anil dispatch. Interest componuded quarterly allowed on deposits In our Savings Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Store*. Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. President MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashier, SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia Capital 1610.0 M Surplus and undivided profits— -43Sg’oof DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General yanking Business. Collections made on ali points ’ ' accessible through banks and bankers Accounts oi canks, bankers, Merc bants and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxa* for rent. Department of Savings. Interest payabls quarterly. Sells Btearllng Exchange on London a end upward*. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE. Viae President JAMES SULLIVAN Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. SVM W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON Jr, H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. SHIM Ml CAPITAL $330,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid cuarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of ths world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President No. 1040. Chartered, issa" THE HI! MllH It OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. SOOO,OOO. SURPLUS. SIOO,OOA UNTrruD STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIKNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with eafe and conservative banking. m siNKSS NOTICES. TorsaleT One lot ;u>xl2s on Tenth street, near Jeflfemon. One oi fiOtlM on Ninth streets near Jefferson. i Price* lower than nnjthlnor else in the neJfebliorliootl, and terms very easy. noth lots nenr the Eighth Street School. C. H. DOnSBTT. fo Kovner mm. For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet ZxU. It is in good order, Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO. but we have no use for it and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and Dynamo advertised some weeks sitce, but still have the 40-horse power Boiler. Will tell it for S4OO. delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler is In good shape, ai d would not he sold had It not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH. GA. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah. Ga.