The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 14, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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(1* day was the rally In the steel stocks, due to reports of prospects of an enlarging export demand for iron. The market closed Arm. with gains well maintained. The strength in foreign stock markets was attributed to the easier money conditions in London and to (ha expectation that the Bank of England would reduce its official discount rale to morrow. The local money market shows a slight ly firmer undertone, but no quotable changes as e result of the gold exports. The sub-treasury operations show that the process of taking up the second instal ment of government deposits, emoanting to $5,000,000, have not commenced and there are some surmises as tp the effect of the operation on the money market in connection with the renewed export move ment of gold. No deep apprehension ex ists. however, as to the Immediate future of the money market. Sugar and the New York city stocks shared in the strength of the day's market. The bond market was dull and irregular Total sales, par value, $1,100,000. I'nited Stales s's advanced % and the new 4's % in the bid price. The total sales of slocks were 216.60) shares. Including Atchison, 5 556; do pre ferred. 10,410; Baltimore and Ohio, 8.700; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 13,000; Manhattan, 6,500; Missouri Pacific, 7.00; Northern Pacific, 8,100; Reading first pre ferred. 12.320; St. Paul, 8.325; Union Pa , uc, 5,735; Brooklyn Transit, 6,390; Feder al Steel, 8,480; International Paper, 5.U0; North American, 5,540; People's Gas. 30,- Sugar. 20,860; Tennessee Coal, 5,710. New York Stock List. Atchison 26%.Tex. & Pac. .. 15%' do pref 72%'Union Pacific ..51 gal. & Ohio ... 78%| do pref 73% Can. Pacific .. 93% Wabash 7% Can Sou 51 | do pref 19% j Chesa. & Ohio.. 26%|W. & L. E B%i Chicago G. IV.. 10% do 2nd pref ..24 j Chic. B & Q. . .127%; Wig. Cent 14% C I. 1 20 j Third Av 109 do pref 51 j Adams Ex 117 Chic. & E. Illi- | Am. Ex 153 nois, ex. div. . 98 ju. S. Ex 15 Chic. & North- Wells Fargo ..120 wst'n ex. div. 159%,Am. Cotton O. . 33% C. R. I & P...106%i do pref 90 c. C. C. & St. L. oß%|Am. Malting ... 3% Colorado Sou... 6%i do pref 20 do Ist pref. .. 44%1Am. S. R. .. 36% do 2nd pref. .. 18%j do pref 85% Del. & Hud ...111',l|Am Spirits 2% Del. L. * W. .178 | do pref 17 Denver & R. G. 17%;Am. Steel H. . 20% do pref 67 | do pref 70 Erie 11% Am. S. &. IV. .. 34% do Ist pref. .. 35%1 do pref 74% Great North- |Am. Tin Plate. 21% ern pref 155 j do t.tref 73 Hocking Ccal .. 13% Am. Tobacco .. 91% Hock. Valley .35 do .ref 12# Illinois Cent. . .111% Anarcdda Min- Ibwa Ceht 17% ing Cos 10% do pref 45 Ft. R. T 69% K. C. P. & G. . 16% 'olo. F. & i. .. 33% L. E. A W. .. 23%Uont. Tobacco .. 34% do ]ref 95 do pref 80% Lake Shore ...212 Tederal Steel ..33 L & N 78',: do pref 6ts Manhattan L ..10% Jen. Electric ..131$ Met. St. Ry. . ,154%|31Ucose Sugar . 47 Mex. Central . 12% do pref 97 Minn & St. L.. 57% fnter'n! Paper . 24% do pref 92 do i'ref 67 Mo. Pacific .... 52% I-acled.e Gas .. 73 Mobile & Ohio . 38 |Nat. Biscuit ... 29 M K. & T. .. 10%l do pref 80 do pref 32%|Nat. Lead 19% N. J. Central .122 j do pref 96% N. s'. Central ..131 |Nat. Steel 27% Norfolk &. W. . 34%| do pref 57% do pref 76 j.V, Y. Air B. ..126 North'n Pac. .. 57% V. American ...15% do pref 74%|Pac. Coast, f 51% Ont. & West’ . 20%| do Ist pref. .. S3 Oregon Ry. & j)o 2nd pref 60% Nav 42 Pacific Mail 26 do pref 76 People's Gas .. 99% Pennsylvania .129%) Pressed Steial Reading 173%! Gar 45 do Ist pref. .. 58%| do pref 75 do 2nd pref. .. 29%jpullman P. O. .181 Rio G. W 68 i'. R. & Ti 5 do pref 87% Sugar 116% St. 1.. & San | do pref 113 Vran 9% J’enn. C. & I. .. 65% do Ist pref. .. 68 ju. S. Leather . 9'% do 2nd pref... 33%| do pref 69 St L„ Sw 9%;U. S. Rubber .. 25% do pref 24%| do pref 93 St. Paul 114%lWestern Unior* 80 do pref 171 !R. I. & S 11 St. P. & O 118 i do i'ref 56 Son Pacific ... 33%iP. C. C. & St. Southern Ry. . ll%i L 36% do pref 53% j Bonds. U. S. 2s rfg reg.lo3 IN. Y. Cen lsts.lll%| do coupon 103 IN J Cen gen 55.120% do 2’s reg ....ICO (North Pacific 35..67 do 3s reg 109 | do 4s 104% do 3s coup IC9 |N Y, C % S L 45.106 do new 4s reg.l34%!N. A W. con. 4s. 97 do new 4s c0u.134% Ore Nav Ists ...109 do old 4s reg.. 114%! do 4s 1t2% do old 4s coup.lls%| do Short L 6s.LB do 5s reg 113%, do con. 5s 113% do 5s coup ...,113%'Read. Gen. 4s ... 88% TV of C. 3 <Bs* .123 R. G. W. Ists .. 9.9% Atchison iron 45.100%'S L & I M con 55.110% do adj. 4s .... 8t |S L & S F gen G 5.125 Can. South 2d5.106%(5t. Paul consols.l7o% C & O. 4%s .. 93%!5t P. C & P Ists.l2o do 8s 116 I do 5s 119% C A W. con. 7s. 141%15. Pacific 4s .... 86% do S F Deb ss. ll7l%South. Ry 5s ...111% Chicago Ter. 4s. ’> S. R. & T. 6s .. 71 Col. South. 4s .. 87% Tex. & P. 15t5..112% D. A R. G. 15t5.162 I do 2nds 55 do 4s 99% IT. Pacific 4s ....106% ET. V A G Ists. 103%! Wabash Ists ...114% Erie gen. 4s .... 71%' do 2nds 101% F W & D C Ist. 70%; W. Shore 4s ....114 Gen. Elec. £s . .117%; Wig. Cen. 4s .. 9C% lowa Con. lts ..112 |Ya. Centuries .. 9.% K C. P A G ists. 71%|M. A O. 4s 81 LA N. uni. 4s. .100%|C. of Ga. con. 3s. 91 M. K A T 2nds. 67% do Ist in 42% do 4 95T4! do 2nd in 11% New York, June 13.—Standard Oil, 5440 546. idSCEtiLAyeort markets. Note.—These quotations ore revised Gaily, ond are kept as near as possible in accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Ceaelry ami Northern Prodoce. POULTRY—The market Is steady. Quo tations: Half-grown, 35@50c per pair; three-quarters grown, Ss@*oc per pair; full-grown rowls (hens), 65070 c per pair; mooters, 400 per pair; turkeys, out of sea son; ducks, 606866 c per pair. Eggs—The market Is steady at 12@13c. BUTTER—The tene *f the market Is steady. Quotations: Extra dairies 20c; extra Elgin*. 23%c. CHEESE—Market firm: fancy full cream cheese, 12013 c for 25-pound a ven ae' ONlONS—Egyptian. t 3.0053.35 per sack; crate $1.80; New Orleans, $1.75 sack (79 pound*). BEANS—Navy or peas, $2.2532.50 per bushel. Eartr Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES— New, No. 1, $1.5971 $2.00 per barrel; No. 2. 75c@51.00. SNAP BEANS—Round, 25c crate; flat, 2So: wax. 25c. CUCUMBERS—Per ciatf, 50cA$I.OO. EGG PLANT—HaIf barrel, crate*, $1.50® 2.00. CABBAGE—Per barrel crate. $1.30® $1 75. STRAWBERRIES—LocaI stock, S®10: per quart. Brea6>l>6>, Hay and Grain. FLOUR—-Market higher ond advancing; patent, $4.25; straight, $3.83; fancy, S:J.SJ); family, $3.35. MEALt-Pearl, per barrel. $2.63; per sack, $1.20; city meal, per sack, bolted, $1.12%® 1.15; water ground, $1.17%01.20; city grist, racks, $1.15' pearl grit*. Hudnuts'. pet barrel, $2.75; per sack, $1.25; sundiy brand*. $1.1501.17% sack. CORN—Market firm; white, lob lot* 62c; carload lots. 01c. RICE— Market Steady, demand fair. Prime a Good 4>,i®4% Fair * Common 3% OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload. 36c; Job lots 118 c; white, clipped (37 to 42 pounds) 38c cars; 40c job. BRAN—Job lol*. $1.00; carload lots, *sc. HAT—Market wrong; Western. Job lota. tsc; carload lots. 90c. Bacon, Hams and Lard. BACON—Market firm; smoked clear aide*. B%c; dry ealted clear sides, 8c; bel li**, S%c. "®T Railway. T/alna Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower T‘*l City Time. . „ . - Schedule* in Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. im._, READ DOWN!I TO TH E EAST. it nmannw i'no.MINqTQ „ - _ II (Central Time.) Fj~ 2 2tpm 12 20am||Lv Savannah Arj 6 10am 315 pm ... . „ II (Eastern Time.) ti IB Blockville Lv(f 300 am 107 pm Ar NorfoTiTT7 T.7TT~777777T.f... Lvi \.~ 7'g'Sspm 12 6lam| l 38pm|[Ar Datnvllle Lt]( S 40pm| 4 jjjqT <ooam( 6 25pm| jAr Rich mond Lv||ll <Mpm|U 00pm 2 40amf 3pmj|Ar Lynchburg . Lv Slapm - 2 50am : D Ar Charlottesville Lv 2 06pm U Mam Q fr m s? Ar Washington Lv 1116 am 9 60pm 3sfim 11 3x> p m, Ar Baltimore Lv 6 2*m 8 27pm ' Ar Philadelphia Lv 350 am 6 06pm 2 03pm 6 23ami Ar New York Lv 1 2 10am 3 *>pm Bjopm 3 QOpm; Ar Boston Lv 5 00pm 10 10am Wo. U || TO THE NOnTH AND WEST. || NO. U I (Central Time.) | 12 20amj'Lv Savannah . Ar|| 510 am II (Extern Ttoa.) || o 30am Lv Columbia Lv]| 1 23am 9 50am Ar Spartanburg Lvl| 6 15pm 12 10pm Ar Asheville Lv|| 305 pm 4 02pm Ar Rot Springe Lv 11 46ea *pm !Ar i.. Knoxville Lv Stan § 10emj|Ar Lexington Lv 10 30pra < 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm * 60am jAr Louie ville Lv 7 46pm 8 00pm |Ar 3t L euie Lv 106 am Ail trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. 4 THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vesti buled limited train?, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New’ York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston Pull man Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining cars serve all meals betw-een Savannah and Washingion. TRAi.sS 35 and 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL vestibuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining rots serve ell meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati through Asheville and “The of the Sky.” For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street, Telephones, Bell 850, Geor gia 850. RANDALL CLIFTON, District Passe r?er Agent, No. 141 Bull street. HAMS-Pugar cured, 12%^18Hc. LARD—Market firm; pure, in tlercea. 8c; 50-pound tins, B*4e; compound, in tierces, 6%c; 50-pound *ins. 7c. snsnr and • llce. SUGAR—Board of Traoe quotations: Cut loaf 6.28 Diamond A 5.88 Crushed 5.28 Confectioners’ A.5.68 Powdered 5.95 j White extra C... 5.43 XXXX, powd’ed.s.9B Extra C 5.23 Std. granulated.s.Bß Golcfen C 5.23 Cubes 6.03,Ye110ws 5.13 Mould A 0.13 J COFFEE—Board of Trade quotations: Mocha 36c (Prime, No. 3 Java 26c JGood, No. 4 lOVfec Peaberry 13c 'Fair, No. 5 10c F'ancy, No. 1... .11 Ordinary, No. 6 . 9>4c Choice, No. 2 No. 7.. 9c linrilTTiire and Building Supplies. LIME, CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80s a barrel; spe cial calcined plaster. sl-*Woer barrel; hair, 4@6c. Rosedale cement. 81.20(81.26; car load lots, special: PorHand cement, re tail. 82 25; carload tots. 52.00^2.20. LUMBER. F. O. B. VESSEL* SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes, 513.00& 15.00; car sills, $16.00(^16.50; difficult sizes. 516.60 £25.00; ship stock, $25.50(&3i>.00; sawn tie*, I12.50@13.00: hewn ties, 330236 c. OlLr—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 46<Q5*jt’; West Virginia, black, 9@l2c: lard, 58c; neatsfoot. 60®70c: machinery, 18 @2sc; linseed oil, raw. 70; boiled. 72; ker- prime white, 15c; water white, ire; Pratt’s astral, loc; deordorlzed stove gas oline, drums, Empty oil barrels, de livered. 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin crack /hot. $4.00; half kegs. $2.25; quarter kegs. $1.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs. $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, $11.35; quarter kegs, $£.75; 1-pound canister, $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troisdorf smokeless powder. 1-pound cans, $1.00; 10- pound cans. 90c pound. SHOT—Drop. $1.50; B B and large. $1.75; chilled. $1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 6%. NAILS—Cut. $2.60 base; wire, $2.85 base. BARBED WIRE —$3.50 per 100 pounds. rrnlt* ami Nuts. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers 50c(c(51.25 per career. LEMONS—Market strong and advanc ing, nt $4.50tfj5.00. ORANGEY—California seedlings. $3.75. NUTS —Almonds, Tarragona. 16c; Ivicas, l€c; walnuts. French. 12c: Naples, 12c; pe cans. 12c; Brazils, 7c: filberts. 13c; asaort •d nuts. 50-pound qnd 25-pound boxes, 100. PEANUTS— Ample stock, fair dem.ind: market firm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia, per pound; 4*4c; hand-picked, Vigima. 8^4^40: N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L. $2; imperial cabinets, $2.25: loose. 50-oound boxes, SUS%o pound. Dried and Evaporated Frutta. APPLES —Evaporated, 7%@Bc; sun-dried. f%e. PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17%o; unpealed, 9%@10c. PEARS—Evaporated, 12%-. APRlCOTS—Evairorated, 15c pound; nec tarines. 10%c. salt, Hide* nnd Wool. SALT—Demand Is fair and the market eteady; ce-lnad Sols, 100-pouna burlap sacks, 44c; 100-pound cotton sacks, 45c; 126-pound burlap sacks, 54%c; 125-pound cotton sacks, oo'-c; 200-pound burlap sacks. 15c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint. 14%c; drv salt, 12%c; green salted, B%c. WOOL.—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand, buris and black wool. 21c; hlack, 18c; burry. 10012 c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 40. Deer skins. 20c Cotton nagging and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm; lute, 2%- pound, 9%c large lots. 9%c small lota; 2-pound, 8%0*9c; i%-pound, 8%05%c, sea Island bagging. 12%c. , TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, large lots, 31.40. email lots 31.60. Vila eel ton cons. FlSH—Mackerel, half-harrels. No. 1. $9.50; No. 2 $8.00; No. 3. $6.50; kit3. No. 1, $1.40; No. 2. $1.25: No. 3,85 c. Codfish, 1-pound bricks. 6%c; 2-pound bricks. 6c. Smoked hearing, per l>ox, 20c. Dutch her ring, in kegs, $1.10; new mullee, half-bar rel. $3.50. SYRUP—Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28030 c; selling at 32035 c; sugar house at 10015 c; selling at straight goods, 23030 c; sugar house mo lasses, 15020 c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained. In bar rels, 65060 c gallon. High wine basis, $1.23. OCEAA rttS/TCiHTS. COTTON—Savannah lo Boston, pet bale. $1.25; to New York, per bale, $1.00; to Philadelphia, per bale, $1.00; to Balti more. per bale, $1.00; via New York- Bremen, 60c; Genoa. 60c; Liverpool, 45c; Reval, 70c; direct, Bremen, 43c. LUMBER-By Sail—Freight strong, Sa vannah to Baltimore, per M. $5.75; to Phil adelphia. $6.00; to New York, $675; to Boston and Portland. $7.000 7.75; to Ha vana, $7.00; to St. Jonn. N. 8.. $8.00; cross ties. 44 feet base, to Baltimore, 15c; to Philadelphia. 17c; to New York. 18c. BY STEAM-Lumber—Savannah to Bat-* timore, $6 60; to Philadelphia, $8 00; to New York, $6.00; to dock. $6.75; lightered—to Boston, to dot k. $8.25. NAVAL STORES—The market 1s firm; medium size vessels. Rosin—Coik for or ders, 3s per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gallons gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits. 4s Steam, 11c per 100 poundr on rosin; 21%c on spirits, Savannah to Boston, and 9%e on rosin, and 19c on spa Its to New York. GRAINS, PROVISIONS. ETC. New York, June 13.—Flour firm on choice brands and fairly active In bob bing way; Minnesota patents. $3,854) 1.20. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, $3.0003.20. Corn meal firm; yellow Western, s6c. Rye steady. Barley dull. Barley malt nominal. Wheat—Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 83%<, Op tions opened weak under heavy realizing aaused by rains In the Northwest) bul THE MOKKING NEWS. THUKSDAY, JUNE 14. 1900. fully recovered later on reports that rain fall had been too light to prove of much benefit to wheat. The rally was alo helped by pronounced strength in the Northwest. *’losed steady l e<B l 4C net de cline. Juiy closed TT September. 7s'<c. Corn—Spot, firm; No. 2, 45 l §c. Options opened weak with wheal, but recovered on light country offerings and a big cash demand at the West and seaboard. Closed steady at unchanged prices. July closed at 44 , '2c; September. 46c. Oats—Spot, firm; No. 2. 27c; track mixed Western. 28c. Options dull and steady. Beef dull. Cut meats steady. Lard w'eak; Western steamed. $6.85; re fined weaker; continent. $7.10. Pork easy; family, $13.50^14.25. Tailow weak. Petroleum quiet. Rosin quiet. Turpentine easy, 45 1 Rice steady. Molasses steady. Butter steady; creamery extras. IS l *® 19c; state dairy. Cheese firm; large white, 9 1 2@'9*4e; email colored, B\g9c. Eggs steady; state and Pennsylvania, 14(ai5c; Western. lO^lS l^. Potatoes steady; Chili, $1.25£1.75; South ern prime. $1.5(Kg2.25. Cabbage quiet; Florida, per crate. 1.75. Freights to Liverpool easy; cotton by steam, 22c. Coffee—gpot Rio. weak; No. 7 invoice. B’ac; mild market quiet and easy. Sugar—Raw. firm; refined steady. The market for coffee futures opened steady with prices unchanged to 5 points lower, and during the forenoon ruled tol erably firm on local supiw>rt. light receipts and increased warehouse movement; then broke severely under active selling for both accounts prompted by disappointing 4'ablej*. an increase In American visible and large Clearances from the plague port. News of eight new cases of plague in Rio cut little figure as an influence. Rallied partially in last half hour on covering. The close was steady with prices un changed to 10 points net higher. Total sales, 20,000 bags, including July, 7.40® 7.45 c; August, 7.45®7.50c; September, 7.40® 7.50. New York. June 13.—Cotton seed oil very dull and again entirely nominal as to price In absence of buying interest. Prime crude, barrels, 33c nominal; do summer yellow', off summer yellow. 35c; butter grades nominal; prime wdnter yel low, 39®40c nominal; prime white. 39c nom inal; prime CHICAGO MARKF/rS. Chicago. June 13.—Wheat opened weak on Northwest rain?, but recovered on dam age reports from that section of the coun try, July closing a shade over yesterday, a Corn closed n shads lower and oats un changed. The provision market at the 010.-e was 12 1 2 ®22Hc depressed. The leading future* ranged as follows: Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 2 June 71*4672 72\ 71*4 72*4 July 72Vi®72*4 74 72‘ 2 73 J a ®73% Aug, 73Vi®73\ 74*4 73U 74V4 Corn, No. 2 June 38V<&38l£ 39V4 38 38V July 39U®39* 33 38'4 Aug 38V39 39*4 38 4 39V4®394 Oats. No. 2 June 21*4 22*4 2H4 22 July 21 % 224 217% 22V6 Aug 21*4 224®22*4 21%®21*4 22 Mess Pork, ber barrel— July ....sll 35 sll 42Vi sll 20 sll 25 Sept 11 45 11 52*4 11 35 11 36 Lard, per 100 pounds— July 6 60 6 65 6 52V£ 6 55 Sept. .... 6 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds— July 6 67*4 6 07*4 6 524 6 66 Sept 6 65 6 67*4 6 55 6 57*4 Cash quotations w r ere as follows: Flour firm; No. 3 spring w r heat, 71® 71 Vic; No. 2 red, 7*§76c; No. 2 corn, 38*4®39.V*; No. 2 yellow corn, 39fj 39*4c; No. 2 oats. 23c; No. 2 white, No. 3 white, 25*4®-s\c; No. 2 fye, 57c; good feeding barley. 37®37*4c; fair to choice malting, 4<v?7i3*4c; No. 1 flaxseed. $1.99; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.80; prime timothy $2.35; mess i*>rk. per barrel. $10.15®! 1.30; lard, per 100 pounds. $6.4. r /BA67Vac; short rib sides (loose). $645®6.80; dry salted shoulders (boxed). 6H®6*4c; short clear sides (boxed). s7.lU®7 20; w’hiskv, basis of high wines. $1.23; sugars, Clover, contract grade, $7.75q£8.00. MtniXß INTELLIGENCE. II:ix It Trices of Tonnnae Makes Dnll Business for Local Brokers. Business Is rather dull among the local ship brokers. Prices are ruling high and tonnage is In demand at the Northern ports, due to the heavy exports of grain, and this discourages the local brokers from attempting anything during the dull season. A broker slated yesterday that he had received advices of a steamer char tered In New York to load lumber from the Gulf for the continent, at 122 shillings 6 pence per ton. standard. This, h e said, la a record-breaking price, and demon strates the demand that exists for ton nage at present. Among charters announced In the New York Herald of June 12 are the following: British steamer. 1,755 tori*, general cargo, Gulf to the United Kingdom or Continent, 17s ret from August; British steamer, 1,797 tons, timber, Pensacola to Greenock, 117s fid. June; British steamer, 1,856 tons, phosphate, Fernandlna to Oaddvlken and a second Baltic port. 235, July, chartered abroad; British steamer, 1.391 tons, phos phate. Fernnndina to Gothenburg, private terms. June, chartered abroad; Norwegian steamer, 856 tons, timber, Fernandlna to Liverpool. 115s; schooner, 440 tons, lum ber, Brunswick to Baltimore, private terms. The schooner James G. Beecher, Capt. Dunn, bailed yesterday for Philadelphia Florida Central Ak and Peninsular R. R. x&r Central or 90th Meridian Time. time table effective jine i. 1900. All train* dally. Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. NORTH AND BABT. ’ NORTH AND NORTHWEST. | 41 | 66 | ; | 66 * Lv Savßnnah 12 taplll :,®pl Lv Savannah —ll l Ar Fairfax 2 15p 1 54a| Ar Columbia | 4 86a Ar Denmark 300 p! 2 12a Ar Asheville 1 40p Ar Augusla 9 43p| 6 r>sa| Ar Knoxville 7 30p Ar Columbia 4 3Spl 4 6ai Ar Lexingion 5 0a Ar Asheville | | 1 10p| Ar Cincinnati 7 ‘aa Ar Hamlet 9 05p 9 20a Ar Louisville 7 CO. 1 Ar Raleigh |U (Op ll 55a Ar Chicago . 6 Otp Ar Richmond \ 5 lOai 5 40p Ar Detroit 4 00p Ar Portsmouth | 7 25a! | Ar Indianapolis 11 40a Ar Washington | 8 45aj 9 30p| Ar Columbus % 11 20 1 Ar Baltimore 110 OSaiU 85d Ar Philadelphia 12 30p 2 56a' SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS Ar New York 3 o.’.p 6 i3a r - Bo8t(>n | 9 00p| 3 30p| Lv Ivanna). 5 oSa| 307 p WEST DIVISION AND N. O. A r Darien 12 30p| 6 00p j—ss —j —s=— Ar Everett 6 50a| 5 lOp H. 1 — * _ Ar Brunswick 8 05a 6 25p LaV Savannah 3 07p[ 5 08i Ar Fernandina 1930 | 9 05;i a 7 45p] 9 D.i i Ar Jacksonville j 9 10a| 7 40;* Ar Lake Lity < .-gp 11 ;Ar St. Augustine 110 Wal a ° ak 10 30p 12 18p Ar Waldo 11l 25a 119 4 p Ar Madison 2 30a 1 I9p Ar Gainesville 11. (Tlnl A i t! 11 ? 06 ° 4 4ba 3 2.)p Ar Ceiiur Key J 6 35pl Ar Tallahassee 6 00. 333 p | A r Ocala 1 ;opi 1 16a Ar Quincy 8 25n 4 3*p j Ar Wildwood 2 32p 2 40p Ar River Junction 9 40a 5 25p \r Leesburg 3 10pj 4 ;t)a a *' e^‘® acola 11 Ot-p Ar Orlando 5 OOp 8 20a a 3C: * *Ar Plant City 4 44p 2 a Ar New Orleans 7 40a I Ar Tarn pa 6 80p 4 80ft Trains arrive at Savannah from North and East No. :’7. 6:00 a. m ; No 81 p. m.; from Northwest—No. 27. 5 a. m.; from Florida i>oints, Brunswick and Darien —No. 44, 12:27 p. m.; No. 66, 11:50 p. m. Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New York, dining car between Savannah and Hamlet, serving breakfast and dinner on 31, southbound, and dinner and supper on 44, northbound. Trains 27 and 66 urry through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches to Washington. For full information apply to F. V. PETERSON. T. P. A., I Bull and Bryan streets, oppoolt® Pu- W P. SCRUGGS, P &T. A., | laskl and Screven Hotels. D. C. ALLEN. C. T. A.. Bull and L ber ty streets. cpjoslte Dt' Soto Hotel. W. R. MeINTYRE. D. T. A.. Weal Bro ad and Liberty streets A. O. MACDONELL. G. P. A.. L A 9 HIPMAN. A. G. P A . Jacksonville. ! Trains leave from union depot, corner West Broad and Liberty streets. ~ ' with 628,000 feet of lumber by T. S. Wylly & Cos. Bteamer Colorado. Risk. Brunswick, June 9. with merchandise and passen gers to C. H. 'Mallory & C’o.. June 11, at 4 a. m.. 7 miles E. by N. from Northeast End lightship. In a dense fog. struck (he coastwise schooner Charles P. Notman, from Norfolk, coal laden which sunk in sixteen minutes. All on boanl. consisting of thirteen souls, were saved and brought to Philadelphia. The steamer stove in her stem and has the forepeak full of wa ter. Steamer Bermuda (Br.) from Port An tonio. which passeand up 2 p. m.. June 11. reported sunk schooner Frank H. Hah. from New York for head. N. C\. Winter Quarter the same morning during*fog. Crew was saved by the Bermvida. The schooner was owned by 6. W. Hall of Wilmington. Del., and was not insured. The British topsail schooner Christiana Moore, which sunk in Vineyard Haven during the November gale of 1898. and was subsequently raised, has been repaired and rigged into a fore and aft She has been given an American register and her name changed to the J. Arthur Lloyd. Savannah Almanac. Sun rises at 4:51 a. m. and sets 7:09 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 8:16 a. m. and 8:46 p. m High water at Savannah one hour later. phases of the Moon for .Inne. D. H. M. First quarter 5 0 58 morn. Full moon 12 9 38 eve. Last quarter 19 6 57 eve. ARRIVALS AND DEPART! RES. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Schooner Harry C. -Trescott, Gray. New York;cargo 350.325 feet of lumber by Hunt ing & Cos. Schooner John R. Fell. Ijoveland. New York; cargo 237,608 fee* of lumber, by Hunting & Cos. Vessels Went to Sen. Schooner James G. Beec her. Dunn, Phil adelphia. Schooner Normandy. Adams. Bath, Me. \ essels Due To-night. Steamship City of Augusta. Daggett, New York—Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Itasca. Diggs, Baltimore—J. J. Cardan, agent. Veaaels Hound for Savannah. Bark Record (Nor.), Johannsen, sailed Maderia May 28. Shipping Memoranda. Port Tampa, Fla., June 13.—Arrived, steamer City of Everett. Laverge, New port News. Sailed, schooner C. R. Gongdon. Bails. Irvington cm Hudson. Punta Gorda. Fla.. June 13.—Cleared, steamahip Alicia. Renz. Falmouth and Liverpool. Baltimore, Jun* 13.—Arrived, Ida Savannah; Warner Mcore, Charleston. Tias Palmas, May 30.—Sailed, steamer Flambro. Pensacola; June 8, sailed, New by. Fernandina. Philadelphia. June 13.—Arrived, schooner Mary L. Crosby. Fetnandina. Norfolk. June 13. Arrived, slearner Kin nesmore (Br.), Pensacola, and cleared for Liverpool. Fernamiina. Fla.. June 13.—Cleared, schooners Gcodwin Stoddard, Andersen, New York; Jennie S. Hall, Watts, Fall River. Jacksonville, Fla., June 13.—Entered, schooners John T. Deering, Locke, New York; Golden Ball, Gibbs, New York. Cleared, schooners Charles D. Hall, Falkenberg. New Haven; Thomas Wins more, Conwell, Philadelphia. Entered and cleared, steamship Algon quin, Platt, New York Charleston, S. ('., Jutfe 13.—Arrived, schooner Bessie Whiting, Dayton, New York. Cleared, schooner Bert ha F. Walker. Moore, Sparrow Point. Md. Sailed, schooners Charles G. Endicott. Bailey, New York; Percy and Lillie, An derson. New Ix>mk>n. Pensacola. Fla.. June 13.—Sailed, steamer I'rsulrt Bright (Hr.), Coode, Tampco. IVotlrt* to Mnrlncrn. Pilot charts and ail hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free, of charge In United Slates hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the* otfl *•. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. Ilninl .On permit lon. From the Cardiff Western Mail. The Czar of Russia is said to be very superstitious, and to have great confidence in relics. He wears a ring in which he be lieves is iml>eddetl a piece of the true cross. It was originally one of the treas ures of the Vatican, and was presented to an ancestor of the Czar for diplomatic reasons. The value which the < znr nets upon the ring, with its Imbedded relic, in shown by the following fact: Some years ago (he Czar was traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow. He suddenly dl*4'Overed that he had forgotten the ring. The train was Mopped immediately an.l n special messenger sent back on an ex* press engine for it. —Dr. A. M. Stein, registrar of the Pun jab University, has obtained the pernrtr slon of the government of India, and also that of the Chinese government, to ex plore Khotan, in Chinese Turkcatan, this summer. Ocean SteamsniD Go. —FOR- New York, Boston -AND- . v THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts'of a modern hotel. Elec<rio lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets includs meals ond berths aboard ship. Passenger Fares From Savannah. TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN, S2O. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. $32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, sl6; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TKiP. S2L STEERAGE. $lO. TO BOSTON-FIRST CABIN. $22; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. $36 IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sl7. INTERMB DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $28.00. 6TEERAGE, $11.76. The express eteamshlp* of this fine r appointed to sail from Savannah, Central (90th) meridian time, a* follows: SAVAMKAH TO SHEW YORK. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. As’tlns, FRIDAY. June 15, at 6 a. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. SAT URDAY. June 16. at 7.00 p. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, MONDAY June 18, at 9 p. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. Lewis, TUES DAY. June 19, af 10 p. nt. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt Burw FRIDAY', June 22, at 12:30 a. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asking. SATUR DAY". June 23, at 2 p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett,MON DAY. June 25, at 3:30 p. ni. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, TUESDAY Jupe 26. at 4:30 p m, KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher. FRIDAY June 29, 6 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Rur. SATI RI)AY, June 30. at 6:00 p. ni. SAVANNAH TO BOSTON—DIRECT. CITY OF MACON, Capt Savage THURSDAY, June 14. at 6 a. m. ,YE\V YORK TO ROSTOV CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savog- FRIDAY", June 22, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY, June 27. 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right to change its sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays and Monday* 6:00 p. m. Ballings Boston for Savannah Wed nesdays (rom Lewis' wharf, 12:00 noon W. G. BREWER. City Ticket end Base enger Agent, 107 Bull street. Savannah, Ga. E. YV. SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah. Oa. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Gi. WALTER HAWKINS, General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay street. Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager, 8- vennah. Ga. P. E. I.E FEVRE, Superintendent. New Pier 35. North River. New York. N. T. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO UALTIYIOHC;. Tickets on sale at company’s office.-; to the following points at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. BALTIMORE. MD. BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND. O. ERIE. PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-; lass tickets include meals and state room berth, Savannah to Baltimore. Accomnuxlalionif and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful huti dling and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard time). D. H. MILLER, (apt. Peters, THURS DAY. June 14, at 5 p. m. ITASCA, Capt. Diggs, SATURDAY', June 16. 6 p. m. ALLEGHANY, (’apt. Billups, TUESDAY, June 19. 9 a. m. NEW ORLEANS. Capt. EIdrIdge,THURS DAY' June 21, 11 n. m. D. 11. MILLER. Capt. Peler*. SATUR DAY'. June 23, 2 p. m. ITASCA, Capt Diggs, TUESDAY, June 26, 1 p m. ALLEGHANY', Capt. Billups, THURS DAY. June 28, 5 p. m. NEW ORLEANS. Capt. Eldrldge, SAT URDAY, June 3D, 6 p m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 4:00 p. m. Ticket office. 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent, J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER. G. P. A. A. D. BTEBBINB. A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. General office*, Baltimore, Md. . 1 - 1 !! IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* Iron* Morning News, Savannah, Oa, Plant System. of Railways. a^ rs Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Timw READ DOWN. II Effective May 27, 1900. j] : 1 READ UP. -1 1 SJ . 32 f 6 | 78 |i North an I So:uh.”~ : ; ia 35 | tS- TTui jit v> *2^l' '"Da7TToa7Lv .... Sava n tiuTT.T.Ar! 1 50a| 7'ssa| fifoptl 10a It • *® a l ll eO-‘ 4 li> 10 30aj ti .Sa Ar ....Charleston.... Lvjjt lap 5 aOa; 3 10p| 7 41a 8 OOp I * 01a —ll 20p Ar .Washington... Gv ; 4 30a| 3 07p|.' j........ I x “I 1 ' 1 ('•■>■♦ \r Baltimore.... RvJ| 3 56a| 1 46p|., | J ’Oa Ar ...Philadelphia.. Lv 12 lA)p 11 33p| j..,*.,.. I i 1 I,r ’P| | 7 V% Ar —New York. .. Lv | 9 25p 8 55a' I 8 MPI-• •■ i 3 fOp Ar BosU LA 1 'Xjp;l2 ( 78 * 5 00pj 3 2ip soSa 52 a 215 a f.v .'...Savannah.... A" i'SaiTf lOalU lilpUl SgSpClfa 8 Oupj .. t.ip io 60,i 7 I ;.p.i \ r ... Waycros*. . Lv 10 alp 9 55p| 9 66aj 9 BJa| 7 o#w 10 Aipf 7 t0p.,2 "0a 9 2.'.aj 7 ::oa Ar ...Ju. kionville.. Lvi 3 30p| 8 OOpI 8 00u| 7 3)a| 600 J 1 ® 3 CO;. 12 02p 13 02p Ar .Palatkt Lv 2 40p| 5 OOp 4 OSai 4 05a| ... i - Oea a 4<;p| |... Yr Sanford. .. Lv',l2 spl -| I 00a, 1 00a ....... I I | 2 20|C 2 20) Ar . Gainesville .. Lv|[ | 2 40p;..! (~...L I 3 I6|. 3 I6p; Ar .. .Ocala . | jV | 1 40p|...... .1.. I 1 I®“' 1 I®l I K'a Ar . PUnt i Gorda.. Lv]! I. . 4 35p 4p 1 Ar S A . t i... c top (tbp : I s ®®P 2 15a 326 p 5 20a Lv ....Savannah:..: Lv 10 15i|12 10a|....: ] J ii p | * JJ 1 ' 4 501,1 11 40a Ar Jesnp Lv# 3 2IWIM 50p| I*“P 7 loa| 6 2ep! 8 05e Ar Brunswick l.v 6 40n- osp' NORTH. WEST AN D SOUTH W EST. ' la J,,U P- jl |3O 15 J 35 ||Vla M.migomery.jl 16 ] 36~ 0 OOP, 20a Lv Sayan.lull Ar!|id l-.a 12 l.u .Wp Lv SavannatTArnloTSal'll 155 o tap! b 40a | Ar ...Jesup.. Lv., BDa 10 50,) 1 35a 2 15p Ar Tlio'svllle Lv'i 3 25a 1 4Up ~ OO.i, 1 lap Ai . M.icoll Lv l tUa J 30p 8 l()a| 9 20|> Ar M'tgomery ),\ , 7 46n; 8 30a 5 2uh| :i bOp Ar.. Atlanta la 'lO 47>p 12 u',p 7 )0p 0 50a Ar Nashville Lvn 0 00aI 3&• 945 a g top Ar Chamuiga Lv 005 Pi 0 45a 2 30a'13 25p Ar Lou Is villa Lv 1 2 55a| 9 I2p 7 30p| 50a Ar. Louisville l.\ . tail , 4q> 7 05a 4 05p ,Ar Ciiirinnatl Lvj'll OOp 5 top i *, A| uuiclcnatl Lv H 3-si 7 i'i> 7 2oa| 7 Kip Ar St. Louis Lvu 3 ssp 8 J 2S 7 04. r 6 OOp jAr. Si. Louis L\ | 9 15p| 8 OSaj | ji & N.) 7 17.1 5113. Ar.. Chicago .In 8 ;p| 9 OOp 7 32.,| Ar Si.' Louis Lv j S OOp 5 40a 1 16p 1.v., Atlanta ..Ar 10 35p|1l 30a || (M. A O.) || S 05p| 7 15a Ar. Mempiins la\ s !* "| 8 9 Isp Ar.. Chicago Lv|| 7 OCp I ,'4p JL 45a ‘J 0 * 1 Ar Ivans 1-Cltyl.v ti ,:ap 9 i .;> , Ar Mobile .Lv | fflTMpjirai • (and unmarked (mine) daily. 8 :U>i> 7 40a Ar X. Orleans Lv 7 56aj 7 45p t I'lih ex.-ept Sunday. f. 00i 5 20a |Lv Savannah Ar[jToTlSaTlt'tii SMintlays only. , 4 - a V 2 ;>op Ar.. Tlfion ...laV|| 2 15a, 3 300 Through Pullman Sleeping Tar Service i 45n J 10p Ar.. Albany .. Lvjjl2 01a! 346 p to North. Last and West, and to Florida . . Ia 2op Ar t’olumbus Lvj| (10 00a PLANT STEAM SHIP LI Ml. Mon . ThuiMl.iy, Sat . 1100 pm Lv Port Tamia Ai 3 :U> pm. Tuea. thirrs” Tues., Fri., Sun., 1h) pm Ar Key West Lv ill 00 pm. Mon., Wed . Saf Tuea , Fri., Sun., 9 00pm 1 Lv Key West Ar 10 00 pm. Mon., Wed.. Sat. Wed., Sal., Mon., 00 am Ar Havana Lvj **2 30 pm. Mon., Wed.. Sat, **Havana time J. 11. Polhemus T P A. I \ Armand, Cit> Ticket Aft I>e Sato Hotel. Phone S B. W. VYRENX, Passenger Traffic Manager. Savannah, Oa. Georgia and Alabama Railway. Passenger Schedules effective June I, 1900. Trains ojxruted by 90th meridian tl me—one hour slower than City Tima. READ II ’ T READ DOWN [I UF 'No. 19 No. 17 f ’ No. 18 j No. If 6 30p 7 25ajjLv Sava rnah Ar 8 26p 8 40x 7 lCp S OSa’iAr •. Cuy ler lv 7 43p 7 57a 9 lap 9 45a* Ar Siatt*e)oio Lv 5 15p 8 Oift 8 46p 9 45a jj A r Collins Lv 6 09p 636 10 bOp 11 45a,jAr Helena l v 4 06p 4 40% 8 03a 4 lap jAr M icon Lv|fll 3011 J 55nt 6 20a 7 35pj,Ai* Atlanta Lv 7 50a 10 Up 9 45a 100a |Ar Ch.itt antjoga Lv 3 06a • OOp 8 03p Ar ; Fitzgerald Lv 12 65p 1 40p Ar Cordele Lv 2 lOp * 20p Ar Albany Lv 12 0011 11 35a 12 25iit Ar Bn mi nghatn Lv 4 Up 4 12p 3 05a| Ar Mo!>ile Lv IS SOntl 8 7 40aj|Ar New Orleans Lv 7 46p 7 30p 4 05p Ar Cincinnati t .. Lv 8 30% 7 20a 7 lOpj;Ar Si. Lo uls Lv ....... S 66p All trains run daily. " ' Magnificent buffet parlor ears on fra! ns 17 nnd IS. *nr .> CONNECTIONS. f AT CT7YLER with Savannah and* Slat esboro Raiicvay AT COLLINS with Sdllmore Air Line. Also with Collins and Raidivllla ruillroaX AT HELENA with Southern Railway AT COKDKLE with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; *ljm with Albany) and Northern Hallway. AT RICH LAND with Columbus Division. - AT MONTGOMERY with Louisville an and Nashville and Mobile and Ohio Wat| roads. For rales or any other Information, e* II on or address W P. SRT’OGS. C. P. nnd T. A . Hull and Bryan atreeUk F V PEERSON. T. P. A . Bull and Bryan atreets. A. POPE. General Passenger A gent. CECIL OABBET. Vice President an and General Manager. McDonough & ballantyne, sT Iron Founders, Machinists, UlQiL.ini 1,., Ilullrriu.k-i.. mn nuf a r 1111 cr. of Slnllon. r, on.l t'uri.blr l.ugtnr., l.rllril aiu.l lop I'nnnlu, ion. Sugar Mill nml runs, SbafltuK, I'ullr,., tin. TELEPHONE NO. 123. 1 Spells lor iiseil. 480 Oourtland Ave., | Atlanta, Ga., April Ittth, 1900 Columbia Drug Company, Savannah, 1 Ga.: Gentlemen —It givos mo pleasure to heartily recommend “Infant-Frif n1 Powder,” and to ?ive to you a singu lar little coincidence connected with it- During (he Cotton States and Inter national Exposition I was pre*ented with a little box of this |>owder. and was bo pleased with it that T was ex ceedingly anxious to get mote, but on looking at the box I found nothing ibut Savannah, Ga., no other address. 1 have often wished I knew where ♦o get It. This morning's mail brought your circular with < n- losfd sample. I immediately referred (o my lx>x, md found n was the "Infant-Friend Pow der.” It Ib without doubt the best powder I have* ever used. Respect fully, MRS. YYm. KING. For sale by all Druggists. Manufactured by • COLUMBIA DRUG COMPANY, Savannah. Ga. FRENCH LINE. COIPAGM GENERALE IKANSATLAUIIME. DiUKUT LINE TO HAI HE I’AMls (France) bailing every Thursday at 10 a. m. From Pter No. 42, North River, foot Morton at La Champagne.. June 21 ;!.u 1.0rra1n(!.... July 12 I,'Aquitaine • June 28 l.a Bretagne July la l.a Touralne . July fyl.aChampaghe Jily 26 First at: ng (if ’lew twin-Bcrew express •t( arner La Lorraine from New York July 12. 190 C. Genera! Agency. 32 Broadway, New York. Messrs. Wilder & Cos. LEMONS. Black Eye, Pigeon and Cow Peas Potatoes, Onions, Peanuts, and %U fruit* and vegetables In season. Hay. Grain, Flour. Feed. Rice Straw. Magic Poultry and Stork Food. Our Own Cow Feed. etc. 213 and 215 BAY, WEST. W. D. SIMKINS & CO. DUCRO’S E Alimentary LIXSR Id *thly recommended as a remedy for luntf and ua a preventive for v typh old, malarial and all kinds of levers Axenta, K. ruiigtira A New York Jjppt VOEORGIA R Y CO. y Schedules Effective June 10, 1500. Trains arrive at and depart from Central Station, West Broad, Foot of Liberty street. SOlh Meridian Time—One hour slower thaw city time. Ijt;ivb Arrive Savannah: Savannah: IMacon. Atlanta. Coving: •1 <sam |ton. Mllledgevllle and all|*6 OOpo* , Intermediate points. | IMlllen Augusta and lri-( tStSamjte,mediate points. |t oopm |Augusta, Macon, Mont-t laomery, Atlanta. Athens, *9 OOpmjColumbue, Birmingham,!** 00am jAmerlcus, Eufaula and! ITybee Special from Au-| " 56 15pm susta Sunday only. |f 10 25am t 6 Dover Accommodation jt7 48am <2 00pm | Guyton Dinner Train |t| Mpia •Daily. tKx. ept SundayT” (Sunday ptllp. BETWF. F X SAVA NX A H AX D TY ft EH. 7atli meridian or Savannah city time. LFAVF SAVANNAH. ' Week Days—6:2o a. m.. lOtCfc a. m., 336 a. m . 5:25 p. m., 6:50 |). m., SSJS p. m . Sun,lavs 7:15 a. m.. 10:5*5, am,. 12:05 p. p. m., , 25 p. *n., 6:50 p. m.. S 31 l>. tn. LEAVE TYBEE. W eek Days 6:00 a. m.. 8:00 a. m 11 1* m 5:15 p. m.. 7:d* p. m., 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. m , 8:35 a. m.. 11 40 a. m . 1:00 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:40 p. m. 1010 p. m. Connection”, made at terminal points with all trains Northwest. West and Southwest. Sleeping ears on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Ba vannan, Macon on<l Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, rates and connections, apply tea W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Past* enter Agent, 107 Bull atreet. V 7. R. McINTYRE, Depot Ticket ASant J. C. HAILE. General Passenger aSSI E. H HINTON. Traffic Manager THEO. D. KLINE. Gen. Superintendent. Savannah On. ONE MILLION HIDES WANTED DRY FLINTS 150 DRY SALTS iTI GREEN SALTED ; ” R. KIRKLAND, Buyar of Old Rails, Scrap iron and Mat ala 117 to tm St, Julian street, went. 9