The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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FUNERAL DIRECTORS’ DAY. iaobrtakers WILL Horn THEIR ANM AL CON VEM'IOV. Seventy-live of Them N\ill Meet Thin Morning nt V. M. i. \. Blull. Will lie Welcomed by Mr. Jacob .(iazan-Rev. A. J. Smith Will De liver the Prayer —Dm. Corbin, Graham and Health Officer Brun ner to Address the Convention. Kmbnlntern Fininh Their Work. The annual convention of the Georgia Funeral Directors’ Association will take place to-day at the Y. M. H. A. Hall. President W. Edward Platt will call the directors to order. It is thought that the number will be between sixty and seven ty-five. Many of them are already in the city, and others are expected to arrive this morning, in time for the opening of the convention. The order of business for the day will be as follows: 9:30 a. m.—Meeting called to order by the president. Prayer by Rev. A. J. Smith; address of welcome by Jacob Gazan; reading of min utes. Report of Committee on Credentials. Motions, resolutions, etc. 12:30.—Addresses by Drs. M. X. Corbin and St. J. B. Graham. Essay by Health Officer Dr. W. F. Brunner. Adjournment for dinner. 3:30 p. m.—’Paper rend uy the president on: “Georgia State Uw of Embalming,” and the “Georgia Funeral Directors.” Nomination and election of officers. Nomination of next place of meeting. Adjournment. EM IIAI/MERS AI>JO I R \EI). Examining Hoard Had .Six Candi da ten Re fore It Yesterday. The Georgia State Board of Embalming finished the wotk of its present session yesterday by the examination of six can didates. making a total of thirty-three candidates that have been examined dur ing the two days. Mr. L. H. Burghard. secretory and treasurer of the board, said yesterday that the examinations were very credit able, indeed, and that he was astonished at the knowledge of anatomy displayed by almost every candidate. The time nnd place of the next meeting of the hoard will be determined later. It is quite like ly that Atlanta will be the place, bur the time is indefinite, as the board con venes only when the number of applica tions for examination has reached ten or more. ai lET DAY FOR POLICE. Vexv Arrests nii<l Those for Minor Offenses. The police had rather a quiet day yes terday. The arrests were few and when made proved to be for misd meanors rather than crimes. Lawrence A. Sheftall was taken in by Officer Crosby on a charge of gambling. George Drayton, colored, was sent in by Officer Brown on a charge of curbing and abusing Rebecca Drayton, to which was added the further charge of resi ling and abusing the arresting officer. C. W. Collins, white, was arrest’ and hv Officer God bold on a charge of disorderly conduct. Collins claimed that a coined driver for A. Gordon Cassels had run imo his wagon and that when he had expostu lated with him he had been cursed in tie vilest manner. This was, he ud, more than he would stand for, so he had fol lowed ho team down Bryan street aid endeavored to get the driver to com ,ff the wagon so he could get at him and se cure satisfaction,when he was arrested by the policeman. Th<* remainder of the cases w'ere of lit tle interest. In the Recorder’s Court, Joe O’Brien, while, who had been arrested the night before, on a charge of insanity, was held for the Ordinary’s Court. The Broughton street shopkeeper, who was charged with pulling prospective cus- into his store, was fined $3, which he paid. S. James, colored, charged with steal ing $3.90 from Hattie Spalding, was turn ed over to the City Court. IN POLITICS IN THE NORTHWEST. T. D. Rockwell n Republican I,ok!s -liitlve Candidate in Washington. The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wash., of recent date, contains a report of the Spokane County Republican Con vention, over which Mr. T. D. Rockwell, formerly of Savannah, presided.* Mr Rockwell was also announced as n Repub lican candidate for the Washington Leg islature from Spokane county. Mr. Rockwell seems, like Col. James Ham Lewis, to have taken an active pert In politics in the Northwest, and to be growing up with the country. He was a representative from Chatham county in the Georgia Legislature eight or nine years ago, and was abo at one time a candidate for the solicitor generalship of this circuit. He went West during Cleveland’s administra tion under an appointment as law' c' rk in the land office and was located at Spokane, where he has since lived. CARPENTERS ELECT OFFICERS. I fitted Ifrotherliood Held Its Semi- Annual Meeting, The United Brotherhood of Carpenter and Joiners No. 25(, held its semi-annual meeting and election last night at Labor Hall, and elected the following officers: President—J. W. Hays. Vice President—A. J. Alford. Recording Secretary—J. C. McMahon. Financial Secretary—J. M. Wilbon. Treasurer—A. J. Owens. Conductor— L. L. Chartrand. Warden—E. Banner. Trustees—J. C. McMahon, J. F. Wragge and J. H. Richardson. To-night the semi-annual meeting and election of the Building Trades’ Council will be held. LOCAL PERSONAL. Mr. J. B. Morton q/ M lrose Is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. J. C. Williamson of Florence is the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. E. E. Peters of Beaufort is regis tered at the Do Soto. Mrs. W. C. Wright of Columbia is the guest of the De Soto. The Misses Singleton of Ft. Valley are registered at the Pulaski. Miss I). C. Burbank of Tampa register s'! at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. T. J. Sweeny sailed for New York yesterday on the Chattahoochee. Mr. R. 11. Butler sailed for New York yesterday on the Chattahoochee. Mr. W. K. Steedman of Charleston reg istered at the De Soto ytsierday. Mrs. John A. Calhoun will leave for Philadelphia to-day, via the Plant Sys tem. Mr. ar.d Mrs. S. J. Whitesides left for IMS SALAD DRESSING MAKES I*l,\lN FOOD MICH. Now York yesterday via the Plant Sys tem. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williamson left via the Plant System yesterday fir Mo-tgom ery. Mi.-s M. H. Whigham of Columbia was among yesterday’s arrivals at the Do Soto. Mr. J. J. Gardiner Augusta was in the city yesterday and stay-d at the Pu laski. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mohr and children left via the Plant System yesterday for Sara toga. Mr.'- 1 . A. Mcßemey of Newton was among th ai rivals at the Pulaski ves terday. Mr. \\ . R. Moore of Brunswick was in the city yesterday and stayed at the Pulaski. Mr-\ a. Girardeau and children will leav.- for Asheville to-morrow via the Southern. Mrs. M. Monend y and family of Tam pa were among the guests of the*Pulaski yesterday. M ss if. A. Quarterman was among the passengers of the Southern yesterday for Waynesville. Mis. j. Ronan and MisS Ronan were po - erg ? r rN w York y< s e:day on the Chattahoochee. Miss Kllie Taylor, a charming young lady,of Waycross, is visiting her sister on Habor.shayi street. Mrs. E. E. Reynolds will be among the passengers of the Plant System to-day for Green Cove Springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Offut sailed on the Chattahoochee yesterday for New York. Before returning home they will visit Paris and ocher European cities. The Misses Turner, Cole, Lewis and Lowry of Atlanta, who have been the guests of Mrs. James Farie, Jr., at Ty bee, returned home yesterday, via the Southern. Mrs. L. B. Moses entertained party of friends at Tyboe yesterday afternoon in compliment to her mother, Airs. L. T. Walker, who returns to her home in Columbus this morning, after a. pleasant week spent in Savannah.ln the party were Mrs. Walker of Columbus, Miss Wood ruff of Charleston, Mis.-es Ganahl and An drews of Savannah and Airs. Moses. Mr. Bernice K. Bullard left last even ing to be absent for some time on a visit to the Paris Exposition, and other places abroad. He will join a party of young men in Atlanta, under the guidance end charge cf ITof. Julius Magath of Emory College, and will sail from Philadelphia for Liverpool on the 23rd inst. A brief tour of Scotland, England and the German Empire will he made before reaching Paris. The party expect to return during Septeml>er. which will be late enough o allow them to see a good deal of the ex position. IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. Matter* of Interest in Savannah amt Elsewhere. Ala j. Bradford Dunham, until some months ago general superintendent of the Plant System, is again reported as in a good railroad berth. He has been the subject of many a rumor of late. The Alontgomery Advertiser has the follow ing: “Good news comes to Alontgomery about Ol. Dunham, and his hosts of friends heie hope that the rumor is true. The story is that he is the special agent of the government and big Eastern interests on the Pacific railroads. I< is known that hr has been in San Francisco for some time, and that fact gives color to the -dory. It is said that he will be in Alont gorm ry in a few days.’* CITY BREVITIES. The *3 trade prize offered by W. E. Wimpy for Barbee & Bandy’s- gu,s inr contest at Isle of Hope last night was won by Miss Hunt tn n guess of 160. Next Friday night another Indies’ prize—a doz en photographs by Wilson—will be offered. MeCnrrotl’s Hail AVo-rk. Frank McCarroll, who was so badly biat n In a barroom light on Monday night, did not go into Solomons, as wa nt first reported, but was taken In there for t 1 catmint by th cleiks after the fight In the bar. The language that lv is said to have used while hardly in keeping with Ms condition and with the kindly offices cf the clerks, was imputed by them to his condition. IRISH NATIONALISTS MEET. First Object, Says Hcdinonil Is to Se cure Independence. Dublin, June 19.—The Nationalist Con vention opened to-day under the presi dency of John Redmond, chairman of the mi ted Irish Parliamentary party, and was largely attended. Many Roman Cath olic clergymen were present, but the Healyites were absent. Mr. Redmond said it was the most rep res-native assembly of liishmen since tne union. No attacks, he added, would be permitted on their absent brother Nation alists, but the band of fellowship was held out to every one willing to work on their lines. Resolutions were adopted declaring th re was no longer anything to prevent the Nationalists from r uniting, plelglng Mr. Redmond their unflinching support, and asserting that the first object was to secure independence for Ire'and as a na tion. FIVE BLOCKS WERE BURNED. Fire in Bloomington. 111., Canned a I,os* of *13109.000. Bloomington, 111., June 19. Five blocks of the best business buildings, located In the heart of this city, were destroyed by fire, which started at 12:30 o’clock this morning. The McLean county Court House, val ued at $400,000, was compMeely gutted. The records were saved. Nearly fifty firms were burned out. It is estimated that the losses will foot up between *1,501,600 and *2,000,00). Two leading hotels, the Windsor and Phoenix, were burned, but all the guests escaped. The fire started in *he laundry. Its cause is unknown. Robert l>. S hmidt, 17 years old, died as the result of (he shock occasioned by the destruction of buildings with dynamite. There was .1 strong wind from Ihe north east. tilling the air with brands that were carried all over Ihe city, and Into the country. The fire department was power less from the start, the water pressure was low, and It was Impossible for two or three hour.-' lo throw water from the mains higher thou third stores. It was not until 7 a. m.. that the fire was under control. Assistance from Pe lt ibout 4:30 o’clock, jpsi in time 10 check the fiames as they were alout lo leap into another street. The fire was checked In other directions, only by destroying buildings In Its patii. Many of the business m< n have secuiel timporary locations and o ■ tie I up for business. B'th • f the burned-out banks were doing buslnc-s in n w plans at 9 h. m., as usual. Hundreds of nva *> already clearing the sirrets md the pr e liminaries bav a ready Men eater and upon for several new buildings. The Insurance Is approximately *BOO,OOO I lin Heston Tetiio IVo 11 . Augusta. June 19.—An excursion of 300 accompanied the Charleston Y. M. C. A. baseball team 10 Augusta to-day and cheered them to victory it the ball park. The game was close and exciting, ending with a tie 1n the ninth, and Charleston winning, 8 to 7, In the tenth Inning. Itu Ift n rip f 1 Insurrection. Bucharest, Jun IP. —'The nsurreton In Bu'garla Is snr tiding. Fifty peasants have been killed by the mili ary at Du run-Lekuh. THfC MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20,1900. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful e=JJ c, j, cures made by Dr. j, Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, |i the {meat kidney, liver j lpjVT/7 ! bladder remedy. - l[ JLv It is the great medi - fd cal triumph of the nine ji'jjt teenth century: dis- V- ___ | > covered after years of i’ll If" f ■ w-i ill scientific research by U PDr. Kilmer, the emi -11. -- nent kidney and biad ~ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and fC--,Vp send your address to Dr. Kilmer &. Cos. regular fifty cent and Home of sSimp-ttoot. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Something New In Corsets. One of the gr ales' difficulties that cor set manufacturers have been confronted by is the tendency of corset steels to rust and then break. A great deal of attention has been given this matter, but no practi cal solution of* tie question was. arrived at until Messrs. I. Newman & Sons of New’ York Cjty, embodied th it* patent cork- steel protector in their well known make of P. N. corsets. The cork protec tor prevents rusting and conseqeunt breaking, thus making th*- P. N. corset more *conomi< al than < ther make . In ad dition to this the u-e of the cork s e 1 protector adds greatly to the ease and comfort rf the wearer. It has been tic aim of this lo g-e-tahlish and house to k * p up to date in the manufacture of corests, and it is not 100 much to say that the P. N. corset of to-day possess -s all the merits claimed by makers of other c or s-e's. and in addition has the distinctive f ature of the cork s eel protector. Saratoga** Li r rat \tt ruction*. Everybody likes Saratoga for i*s wealth of natural beauty, the healihfulness of its mineral waters and the multiplicity of if? social pleasures and out-door recreations. A visit to Saratoga and a stay at the Grand Union Hotel are almost as essen tial to one’s social experience as an intro duction to society. From now until Oct. 1 the Grand Union will be the center of Saratoga’s fashionable lift- and social ac tivity. and it will be well worth going a long distance lo see the magnificence and brilliancy of its entertainments and the crowd of notables from all walks of life that assemble there. Patrcns of the Grand Union enjoy the.greatest diversity of at tractions. comprising everything from mu sic to golf nnd polo, which, together with the conveniences and service provided for their comfort, make it the ideal summer resort. An illustrated looklet containing views of Saratoga can be obtained by ad dressing Woo.ley & Gerrans, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Ilniirnlinn Knocked Out. New Y< rk. June 19.—Billy TJcnrahan of New York was knocked ut in the seven te nth round o*' his fight wi h Tommy West of Brooklyn before the Seaside Sporting Club of Coney Island to-night. —A story about little Prince Edward of York appears in the British Weekly. Not long ago he was taken over a British man-of-war. and was much interested in a large, heav lv built chest which was shown him. “Whet dots that hold?” he asked the tall officer who accompanied him. “Powder.” was the reply. The little loy look’d sympathetically at the stal wart figure and observed, “Then do you take powders, too? ’ LEGAL NOTICES. IN the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia, June Term, 1900.—Benja min Hill vs. Ella Hill. —Libel for Total Divorce.—To Ella Hill, Defendant: You are hereby required, personally or by your attorney, to be and appear at the next June, 1900, term of the Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia, to be held on the 4th day of June, 1900, then and theTe to answer the plaintiff on the merits of said petition, as in default of such appearance the court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness, the Hon. Robert Falligant. judge of said Superior Court, this 12th day of May, 1900. ALEXANDER & HnqfH, Petitioner's Attorneys. JAMES K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C„ C. C.. Ga. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. 1 GEORGIA, Chatham County—Notice is hereby given to all persons having de mands against Kate Lyons, late of said county, deceased, to present th, m 10 me, properly made out, within the time pre scribed by law, so as to show iheir char acter and amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment io me. Savannah, Ga.. June 12, 1960. ALICE M. MURRAY. Administratrix. Care O'Connor. O'Byrne & Hartridge, At torneys at Law. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COU NT Y Notice Is hereby given to all persons in terested that the estate of Whipple Aid rich. deceased, is unrepresented, and that In terms of the law administration, cum lestnrpento amp xo,will be vested In Jordan F. Brooks, county administrator, on the first Monday in August next, unless ob jenions are fil and thereto. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fer rill. Ordinary foi t nut barn county, this the noth day of June. 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0., C. Cos. W G~ BUTLER, —DEALER IN Faints, Oils and Glass, sash, Doors, Blinds, and Bulidere' Supples, Plain and Decora tive Wall Paper, Forolgn and Domett's Cements. Lime, Plaster and Hair. Sow Agent for Ahestlne Cold Water Paint. 20 Congress street, west, and 19 St. Julian street, west. FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL OR WRITE Donnelly Pharmacy For package of T. and P. INDIGESTION TABLETS. It cures when others fall. J. D. WEED * CO ■AVAN It All, GA. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Bose. Agents for NEW . YORK RUBBER .BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. Ocean Steamship Go. -FOK- New York, Boston —AND THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Eiectrio fights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meals and berths aboard ship. Passenger fares iron] Savannah. TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN, *2O; r IRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. *;:*; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, $lO. INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. J2L STEERAGE, *lO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. JIB. riRbT CABIN ROUND TRIP. $39. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERMM rA,UN ROUND TRIP, *2300. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express sfeairirhlps of this line are appointed to soil from Savannah, Central (90th) meridian time, os follows: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Oapt. Burg FRIDAY. June 22. at 12:30 n. in. TAEEAHASSEE, Copt. Askins, SATITP.- DAY, Juno 23. at 2 p. rn. CPI V (IF AUOrSTA. C.ipi. Dattoett,MON DAY. June J!5, at 3:30 p. m. NACOOCHKE, Oapt. Smith, TUESDAY June 26, at 4:30 p. in, CHATT'AIIOOOHEE, Capt, Lewis, I'RI DAY. June 29. 6 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Oapt Bur. SATURDAY. June 30. at 6:00 p. ra . TAEEAHASSEE. Capt. At-kins. MON DAY, July 2, at 8 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Daggett TUESDAY. July 3. at 9 p. m. NACOOCHKE. Cap!. Smith, FRIDAY July 6, at 11:30 a. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Flulter, SATUR DAY, .1 tilv 7, at 12:30 p. m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Bure MONDAY. July 9. at 2 p .tn. TAEEAHASSEE, Cap!. Asking, TUES DAY, July 10, at 3 p m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett FRIDAY. July 13. ai 5 a. m. ’ NACOOCHKE. Capt. Smith, SATURDAY July 14, at 6 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fls! er, MONDAY July 16. at 8 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. nine TANARUS( ESDAY. July 17, at 8 p. rn. TAEEAHASSEE. Capt. Askln:, FRID AY July 20. at 11:30 a. m. CITA OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett SA 11 RDA A , July 21, at 12 noon. NACOOCHKE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY Jlllv 23. at 2:30 p. m. KANSAS city, Capt. IT h-r TUESDAY July 24. at 3 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt Bure , FRIDAY. July 27 .at 5 a. m. TAEEAHASSEE. Capt. Asking. SATt'R DAY. July 2S, at > p. m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Datrgeit MONDAY. July 30, at 7 p. m NACOOCHKE. Capt. Smilli, TUESDAY July 31. at 8 p. m. NEW YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage FRIDAY, June 22. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY, June 27. 12:00 noon. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Copt. Eewis AION DAY. July 2. 12:00 noon. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. Lewis FRi DAY, July 6. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY. July 11, 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage MONDAY, July 16, 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON. Capl. Savage FRIDAY July 20. 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON Capt. Savage WFDNESDAY. July 25, 12:00 noon ’ CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage MONDAY, July 30, 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right to change its sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally ekeept Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 p. m. ’ * W. G. BREWER. City Ticket end Page eoger Agent, 107 Bull street, Savannah Gft. E. W. SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent, Savannah, Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah Ga WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic D p’t, 224 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vennah, Ga. P. E. I.E FFVRE. Superintendent New Pier 35. North River. New York. N Y. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sale at company's offices to the following points at very low rates: ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE, MD. BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER. TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-clas,a tickets include meals find state room berth, Savannah to Baltimore. Accommodations and cuisine unequak- i. Fri ighi ca.'jci'.y unlimited; careful han dling and quick dispatch. The steamships of this company are ap pointed 10 sail from Savannah to Balti more as follows f'standard time): TEXAS Capt. Foster, THURSDAY, June 21, 11 a. m. D. H. MILLER, Capt. Peters, SATUR DAY, June 23, 2 p. rn. ITASCA, t apt. Diggs, TUESDAY, June 26. 4 p m. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Billups, THURS DAY, June 28, 5 p. m. TEXAS, Capt. Foster, SATURDAY, June 30, 6 i>. m. And from Baltimore Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 4:00 p. m. Ticket Office, 39 Bull qtreet. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W P. TURNER, G. P. A A. D. STEBBINS, A. T. M. J. C. WHITNEY. Ttaffi Manager. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. FRENCH LINE CGMNIi GENERALE TPMLIIMJI DiKKCT LINK TOHAVKK -PARIS (Franco) Sailing evnry Thursday at, 10 a m. From Pier No. 4*2. North River, foot Morton st La ( hampsitrne.. June2l’La Gascogne... July 12 L’Aqultalne,.... June2B La Hrctajrne July 19 La Touraine . . July ft La Champagne July Paris hotel accommodations reserved for company’s passengers upon application General Agency, 32 Broadway. New York. Messrs. Wilder 6l Cos. SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES. SUMMER SCHOOL^ A Summer School. In which boys will be prepared for High Schools, Colleges, or UnlverHithH. will be opened at Woodbury Forest High School on July 12, 1900. Th so w ho desire general instruction in ih*. aca demic branches, or “coachir g” lu special subjects will find (he school adopted to their wants. A completely fitted chemical laboratory will he accessible u> the pupils. The session will continu. uring six ed by the roars* pursued. Addn ss eomi munlcations to (he ibfnelpol, orange, Va P Morphine and Whiskc-yhab |lT|TTTb l| its treated without pair or I I I I I If ffl confinement. Cure guarnn* llr 111 111 l teed or no pay. 1). H. VEAL. L/ * v . h X.WJ. Man’gr Lithia Spring* San- WHI B >£#' ■ID it*rium. Box 3. Austell, Ga. THE GLASS OF THE WORLD. Libbey’s! The ONLY Perfect Cut- Glass, in three New Patterns and Cuttings — ESTRELLA, EMPRESS, WAVERLY. Worth looking at !* this* 441 a**. If I* *o Icl on 1 y here. FLUTING MACHINES. 'l'he needed machine in every house diiriiiK' I lie mu mm or flint*. \ll li 011 *cli o 111 supplies at low prices. TIIOS. WEST & CO., 11 Broughton St., West. CLASSIFIED ADVERHSEMENTS. PEKftON Al* "HAIR” AND L VE* v V make (ho hair becoming, pretty and youthful; Smile's hail* ionic siojis prema ture baldness and eradicates dandruffs not sticky--not greary; will not discolor the most delicate tint of hair; S(V per io'- tle; no branches, no agents: sold only LA East Broughton street, hair, jewelry and shaving supply house; thi place for Him switches, bangs, toupees, wigs, shatnp ink and ingoing:; tombing* made up iue> any kind of hair work from a switch to a beautiful birthday hair watch chain. OLURKS’ O U TIN <1- Tll U LI!Al 'IT URL naphtha launch Venus for charter; will carry twenty; prices reasonable. Tele phone No. 589 or call on Scaborl Yacht and Launch Company. Thundt_rl>olt. WANTED, PURCHASER!* FOR CRO quel, croklnola, carrom and other game© at Gardener’s Bazaar. IF YOU CAN’T DHINK DOl'FiT <!KT a cup <( Fostum cereal made properly at Hamilton’s S HOrSEKKKPKRS’’ FRIEND DOES wonders; it eats the eggs, kills the bugs; trial botile K.c; large bottle, enough for three beds. 20c. Livingston's Pharma Bull and Congress and 309 Bull street. H\V.M <K *K H. HAM M < >CK Cll HAP; nice oms; fine ones; closing them out cln-.ip this week C. I*. Miller, Agen., 207 Broughton, west. CASH BUY UR.S’ PICNIC EVERY*DAY (hie week; our large stock must be re duced, and wo will exchange jt cheap for • ash. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. ~KING UP 2464 IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as 1 do the work that's given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order, SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT BTS ruit and sterilized milk s-rved in ele gance at Hamilton’s lunch, parlor. Bull tr < t IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT, YOITCAN get them cheaper from McGlllis. BALDWIN DRV AIR RISFRIGHRA tors, still in the lead; also full line of ice )x>xes. from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. MOCKING BIRD FOOD CANARY seed, lish food, cages, fish globes, water gross at Gardener’s Bazaar. TRY A CUP OF DELICIOUS DRTP rQffte at Hamilton’s !un h parlor, 112 Bull MILLER’© AWNINGS GIVE BATI9- faction; you had better get our estimate and let us put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Uroughfon, west. WATER COOLERS, ALL SIZES. FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough ton, west. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. WEDDING PRESENTS. SCHOOL presents, presents of all kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. M’GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS. NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. MOSQUITO NETS, 9S CENTS. AND up; all grades of American imported lace with best fixtures, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. "coleus, chry san t hem itm flowers, palms, floral designs, leave your orders at Gardener's Bazaar, agent for Oelsehig’s Nursery. M’GILLIS' 7/ACE CURTAINS WTLL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE M OILLTS’ SIXTY- Inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE.” Is a specialty with McGULs. M’GTLLIS MOVES, PACKS, SHIPS nnd stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” jobs. MEDICAL. HOW ARE TOUR fSetT feet are troubling you. call on me and L will give you relief; 1 cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; patients treat ed at residences; orders can be left H t Liv ingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 295. Lem Davis, sur geon ehf por>odft ■■■ ■ HELP WAATMD—MALE. SALESMAN WITH ESTABLISHED trade wuntel by a Non hern pharma*- u ti al hou.-e. Liberal offer to the right man. ”23,” N* ws office. WANTED. GOOD JOB COMPOSITOR. The 11. <Sc W. B. i)i'w Cos.. Jacksonville, Fla. WANTED FOR U. S ARMY, ABLE bodled, unmarried men between ages of 2i and 3i), citizens of United States, of good character and (emig rate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 3u3 Bull street, Savannah, or 402 Cherry street, Macon, Ga. HELP \V WTKU-FI M\LK. cook. MUST APPLY with reference. 311 East Jones street. WANTED. AT ONCE, GOOD WHITE woman willing to tare- fur house on I two children through day in suburban town; comfouablc heme, no expenses. Apply at 716 Whitaker stre-1. 11 i-i ROOMS WAX TED. W A NTH I>, A T TY 1 weeks in July, one <>< two furnished r- <oms. Address Elizabeth, Morning News. \ vii;d. A PLAT OB* EIGHT OR ten rooms, centrally located. Address, with full particulars, M., 109 Beaver sitrect, cast, Jacksonville, Flu. NO FAKE! NO SHODDY! We won’t say “worth r $3.98.” It’s cheaper and better to tell the truth. The $2 Oxfords for women ■ that we sell are worth $2, and \ SHOD}] we know ours will outwear the others every time. New Correct styles. AGENTS W \MT:i). sno.oa PER MONTH DURING CAM paign and jiermanent position after; man or lady. Ziegler Company, 217 Locust street, I’hiladclphia. EMPLOVMIiNT WANTKD. irl or chanibcrmaiil. 618 East Broad street. ►ST!! N< (JR APH ER, MALE, WITfT two years’ e\pci it‘n-e. dt-irs a posit'.on. Sn-nographer, cure News. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wishes a posiiion in wholesale or retail store, or on wharf. Address R., News of lice. , ’’WANTED” BY .V" PLANING MILL machine hand a job in or out of town. B. C.. News office. WANTED. POSITION AS SALES AT AN or bookkeeper in grocery, hardware or • urniture lore in city, or country, or manager in mill, or other business, by white man. 43 years old; have had years of experience. Address E. Lee, Stillmoro, i limM.S WANTED. WANTED. BY A ant. • comfortable 9-room bourse to rent or buy on instalments; stale- location and price.' Address ”S.” Morning N ws. WAN Ti: IV— .111SCE LL A N EO (J 9. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or lelephon* Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad eti eets. II*" YOU HAVE ANY WANTS IN THE i al estate lino sec* the Savannah Real Ea tate Exchange, 27 East Bay. EA !ITI \. SA NI >, MAN\ ’R E ; I’A KT IT:S making excavations and oilier having eirth, sand, manure, etc., can find a plaeo to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., oorner Anderson and East Broad streets; telephone DO3. Foil HEIT-HOOAI9. "ToTu TTent! two handsomely furnished rooms. 23 West Liberty. TW() NICE 'FLATS "AT "20 ~HU LI j street, noar Bull. NEWLY FERNISIIED*FRoNT'rUK)\T. I 'Hiihi rn exixisuro, all < <>nv nlences. 308 Barnard street, near Liberty. 211 WEST BOLTON 17PPER FLAT. Aofdy on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, 11 CongrePß, west. FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE flats. 216 Liberty street, west; possossion immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan, east. FOR HKXl—il msi 9. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1, NOS. 406, 107, 409 Park avenue* east; also flats No. 602 Park avenue, east, nnd No. 408 Duffy, east; rents low, and in first-class condi tion. P. A. Waring, Postoffice. FOII KKST—STOKES. room under Guards’ Armory, occupied by Wo man’s Exchange. Apply 126 State street, east. FOR RENT, THE SMALL STORKS, Nos. 11l and 115 State street, west, and No. 114 President street, west, near new Postoffioe. Good location for small re tail stores, or for offices. Apply W. M. & W. Id. Coney. FOR RENT, STORE AND DWEL ling, corner Alice and West Broad, o;>- posito union depot. Apply W. T. Lynch, Lumber and Bay. FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tledeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given Immedi ately. Kst. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad nnd Broughton streets. FOR ItEVI-MISCELLANEOUS. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS, FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been S' Id to first-class parties, who will make grod neighbors; and none other can buy. The h-rms are very easy, and they are cheaper than .my other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorset t. "FOR SALE, LOTS 6nTnINTH STREET near East Lr ad, no city taxes, at S2OO each; tw my-!iv dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. ‘ FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Hr al. at S2OO each; will soon be advanc'd To $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a homo built. C. H. Dorsett. " HOMES. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ON easy monthly payments; why pay rent fill your life? Savannah Real Estate Ex change. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A 67X12*) fool lot in southern j-eetton of city, for two hundred and fifty, and tint on time? Savannah Real Estate Exchange. FOR SALE, THE GREATEST OFFER ever made in realty; just think of buying 40x90 foot I<* for S3OO, right in the city; freo us at once. Savannah Real Estate Exchange. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert JL Tail cm, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. WELL LOCATED STORE AND UESl dence on West Broad street, not far from Union Depot, an excellent stand for busi ness; only $.',000 to quick buyer. Yoummii & Demmond. SEVERAL CHOICE AND WELL LO CATED RESIDENCES; owners are com pelled to realize on them at once; they will go cheap. Youmans & Demmond. LOTS WHICH YOU CAN improve and rnnke from fifteen to twenty per cent, on outlay; call for particulars. Youmana & Demmond. FOR SALS, A LOT FOR two httn dred dollars; easy term*, on Ninth street, rear East Brood; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. U OAHU INC*. seuTTTe good board and rooms at $16.U0 per month. 305 Tattnall street. TWO GENTLEMEN ROOM MATES can secure front room and good board in private family. 424 Barnard itreM, Chat . ham Square. AUCTION 6ALKS) THIS DAY. 7r SALE' < l’\ rn 41, OF kCOItOU H4II.WAT ni'ii'AW. T ANARUS” l i n > S'”' Inst., 10 o'clock, (sharp), ~" M ’ 'on vi-olenco purchasers. X :v n •' '* “I L>l - Kay street, west, between .V" 1 -I< rr. I )ri. ;n dozen Spades ai,d oihu .i,. So .loz.-ii I*l, ks and Handles, . ' '•••‘Sis Dim ! Shoes, Hat., h I.lim-ii -Mid Silk Skills, cm. I;" I", -k Sii. Mot!iny. I'l ure Frames, " 1 1 ‘ ■' ni- i. Hook; Coffee, Vln smov Y I'D'swve . Brooms. ’, , 1 Kod.,. Plug To ,8000, I>eaf 10 (for making oigars). Flour. " M' and, Animal Food. Drugs, Cook Dogvh. id \ssorli and ! ’rookery, A l .' ' " , rf r •- 1-’ Gauge I gmde<l W V: 1 1:1 "•! ■ Uttht or Um For o, ' 1 '■ vv ‘i e Nails, Rim j, i* 1 11 ' ,! " I lames. Barge Pots, 11 1 , M ' ' 1 • Kl ' ■ Bln Water. Glngor I’-oor Cnri-iorw, Half liar- Y, Oil is lor. Dynamo, rn . .. °’ l - 'DHd.-r Kako, Plum vi .Y, o iowls - '-’sins. Marble Slab!*, . Mo I on, .I llam Tub Fixtures, Flo., • 1 . nud ,i larg, lot. mi ollnnoous goods. . J-IV. COMER, IP. A. FOII S.H.E—JIiSCEI-lAAEOl 1 !*. bio lemody for whooping cough; price 250 Goodman . Uver Tonic will help your mer. improve your digestion, and increase your weight: 600. Fersscs Drug StX t T Henry and Abereorn, Whitaker and Tay -1 ini: horse, suitahde fob any kind of work. Apply 2108 Hull street. Kl ’’'lD GIIOfTMIY STORE, WITH attached, doing only a . ash bustnesa !”t in ome *2.300 per year; satisfactory i ".i oris for ••Ming; vtnall stock, which rail po [-ought on easy terms. W. <•. Frtpp .1 ICKSRy COW AND !IEI FER CALF for rale. ITi. o and Si. Ntcholas streets. MAKi; (rFFPiR Full I.AdCs BT , 10, p. ,|o, I order; will give snnje In part payment for horse or anything of service, l'ostoffloo Box 364. 1 1! WE For SAKE THREE GRBE3N 1 II only for cash. R, G. Norton, bar,ton and Jeffcrt'oii str?etn. FOl! HADE. SMALL DRUG STORPT on u good corner, on reasonable terms' Address Clifton, Morning News. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR -ah 160,000 feet of ash suitable for wheel wrt ~bis, carriage makers, ear works and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of ail size We have resumed culling our famous brands of eypresa shingles and will seem have a full -line ~f them for sale Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. LAUNCHES FOR SAKE, SIZE M feet, and 26 feet, and ) feet, with prtoea that will be sure to phase' you Tba agencies for these fine launches has been established with us. Lippmnn Brothers Wholesale Druggists. Lippman’s Black* Savannah. Ga. * FIRE PROOF SAFES FOR SALB A? low price; aij m slock in live nuiioreo 10 five thousand pounds. Apply Olppuuta Bros. FOR SALE. AN EI.EGANT PHAETO* snd Inree carriage, second-hand; will be sold chesii: one Is by Brewster and tbe other T bv Hiiye r . both t ß** best makers la the United bta tee. Llppman Broe wlfole. sale druggists. Savannah. Ga. LOST AND FOUND. DOST. Id A MON 7 !illT \ ’V ." KE V/ATH) if returned to Sumuel Ileyonlds, 10 Aber corn. SUMMER RESORTS. 'TTTTFET aTJdcanderT "w? the railroad ten miles north of Asheville, N. C Famous for variety of good food,’ ex cellent water, pleosnnt, well furnished rooms, good Five hundred feet of cool vurandes, and shaded grounds, add to the attractions. Circulars furnlsued: terms moderate. Mrs. R. B. & J. N. Vance. FRANK DIN SPIi INO HOTEL, ROYB ton, Ga., situated between Toccoa and El berton, Ga, oi>en June 15. Adults, *2O; children and servants, *lO per month. SWANNANOA. WESTERN NORTH Carolina, n, ir Asheville; excellent board and comfortable ro, ms *4 and *5 per week. Address Mont Vale Cottage. LEGAL NOTICES. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern Division Southern District of Georgia. Wheieus, on the ltb day of June. 1900, James T. Stewart & Son tiled 1 lif Ir Ills I in Ihe District Court of the Cnltfd States for the Southern District Of Georgia against the Dalian bark Marla tbl Hoceor.-o, her boats, tackle, apparel a, <1 furniture, in a cauw; of <ontract, civil oral maritime. And, whereas, by virtue of process In duo form of law, to me di rected. returnable on the third day of .liny, 1900, I have si iz< and and taken the said Dalian bark Marla del Spccorso, her boats, • lc., and tmve her In my custody. Notice i * hereby given that a District Court will be held In the United States court room, lu the city of Savannah, Ga., on the third day of July. 1!W, for the trial of aald premises, and the owner.or owners, and 11 persons who may have or claim any In < r si, are hereby lied to be and appear hi the time and place aloresald, to show cause. If any they huve, why a final d cree should not pass as praved. JOHN M. BARNES, U. S, Marshak By CHARLES .! WHITE. Deputy. WILLIAM It. LBAKEN, JOS M. DRYER, Proctors for Libellants. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—No 11,, is hereby given to all persons having demands against Ezra Reeve, lare of said county, deceased, to present them to the undersigned properly mode out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show theli; character end amount; and all per sons Indebted 10 said deceased ure requir ed to milk, Immediate payment to tha Germania. Bank. GERMANIA BANK, Adminlstra tor. Northeast corn, r Drayton and Bryaa Streets, Savannah, Ca. Sava 1 n ih, Go, ,Imie 5, 1900. notice to debtors and credit ors. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY— Not Ice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands ugainst Thomas of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the lima proscribed by law, so as to show their charuc)er and amount; and all persons In debted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment lo me. MRS. ANNIE HALLIOAN, Administratrix, 314 Oglethorpe avenua west, dty. Savannah May 12, I9ooi 3